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Subtyping and Variance

Subtyping is a powerful concept that feels very intuitive but has weird consequences. These consequences are often referred to by the complicated terms "covariance" and "contravariance". I will explain what this means bellow.

Introduction: OCaml notations

I will use notations from the OCaml langage. You may skip this section if you are familiar with it.

  • val v : t means that there is value v that has type t.
  • a -> b is the type of functions that take an argument of type a and return a value of type b.
  • f a is the application of the function f to the value a.
  • A type 'a t has a parameter 'a. You can put any type in it, for instance int t or string t are both valid types.


"A is a subtype of B" is written A < B and means that where we need a value of type B, providing a value of type A instead is fine.

In OOP vocabulary, we would say that A inherits B, but there are other kinds of subtyping than OOP-style inheritance: in OCaml, subtyping shows up with classes but also polymorphic variants.

If A < B, then a value of type A can be considered to be a value of type B.

Let us consider the example of the types square and rectangle. Naturally, we have square < rectangle. If you have:

val f : rectangle -> int

val v : square

then f v is well-typed. Depending on the language, some kind of explicit instruction to consider that v is of type Rectangle may be needed.


Lets imagine that we have the following values:

val high1 : (int -> square) -> square

val high2 : (int -> rectangle) -> square

val f : int -> square

val g : int -> rectangle

If you are unfamiliar with this notation : high1 takes a function as argument, this function has to have type int -> square.

It is very clear that high1 f is well typed, and same is true for high2 g. The question is whether high1 g or high2 f are well typed.

Let's not try to resolve typing2 at first, and just study what will happen if we actually run the code.

If we run high1 g, what will happen is that high1 will be allowed to call g, and consider its result as a square. However the result of g is not necesseraly a square, it may be any rectangle. Therefore high1 g is ill-typed.

If we run high2 f, what will happen is that high2 will be allowed to call f, and consider its result as a rectangle. Since the results of f are square and square < rectangle, this is well-typed.

This means that if square < rectangle, then (int -> square) < (int -> rectangle).

We call this situation covariance.

More precisely, the function type a -> b is covariant with a, because it "varies" in the same direction as a.

Here, variation means "accepting a sub- or super-type", and the direction is whether we are talking a sub-type or a super-type.


Lets imagine that we have the following values:

val high1 : (square -> int) -> int

val high2 : (rectangle -> int) -> int

val f : square -> int

val g : rectangle -> int

Once again, it is very clear that high1 f is well typed, and same is true for high2 g. The question is whether high1 g or high2 f are well typed.

When we run high2 f, what will happen is that high2 will be allowed to call g : square -> int with an argument of type rectangle. This is an error.

When we runhigh1 g, what will happen is that high1 will be allowed to call g : rectangle -> int with an argument of type square. This is fine.

This means that if square < rectangle, then (rectangle -> int) < (square -> int), because a function with an argument of type (square -> int) can be called value of type (rectangle -> int).

We call this situation contravariance.

More precisely, the function type a -> b is contravariant with b, because it "varies" in the opposite direction as b.


This time, we will ask the question of the type ref.

In OCaml, t ref designated a mutable variable of type t.

In essence, a mutable value is a pair of a setter function and a getter function. We can write this the following way:

type 'a ref = {get: unit -> 'a; set: 'a -> unit}

What we want to know is, assuming square < rectangle, can we assert square ref < rectangle ref or rectangle ref < square ref?

By applying the results of the two above paragraphs, we can already conclude that the answer is no. Both assertions are false. Lets show it in a more convincing by example.

Lets assume the following environment:

val new_rectangle : unit -> rectangle
val new_square : unit -> square

val print_rectangle : rectangle -> unit
val print_square : square -> unit

We will now write the following function :

let set_to_new r =
  r.set (new_rectangle ())

let print_rectangle_ref r =
  print_rectangle (r.get ())

let print_square_ref r =
  print_square (r.get ())

These functions have the following types :

val set_to_new : rectangle ref -> unit

val print_rectangle_ref : rectangle ref -> unit
val print_square_ref : square ref -> unit

If we assume that rectangle ref < square ref, then we may pass an argument of type rectangle ref to print_square_ref. This will obviously fail, the printer for squares cannot print a rectangle. Therefore we do not have rectangle ref < square ref.

If we assume that square ref < rectangle ref, then we may pass an argument of type square ref to set_to_new. This break the typing, because then the square ref will contain a rectangle obtained from new_rectangle that is not necessary a square. Therefore we do not have square ref < rectangle ref.

We have neither rectangle ref < square ref nor square ref < rectangle ref. We say that the type a ref type is invariant with a, because if a "varies" (that is accepts a super- or sub-type), then a ref does not.

Notice that any type 'a t that contains a mutable field of type 'a is going to be invariant for the same reason. This is especially important for the type array.


In this section, I will start rambling about how aweful Java is.

Java consider its array type to be covariant. We saw earlier that it is in fact invariant. This means that some typing errors will manifest themselves at runtime.

For instance, if you have an array of squares, you may pass it to a function expecting an array of rectangle. If the function tries to write a rectangle to the array, an exception will be triggered. This is in my opinion a very bad situation. Whether a function will write to an array or not is not necessarely apparent from its interface, and it must happens quite often that unexpected exception are raised, when a more powerful type system would have eliminated them.

I do understand that in a language such as Java, where subtyping is really pervasive (that is a mistake by itself in my opinion, but beyond the scope of this discussion), you need to be able to use subtyping with arrays. Arrays being invariant makes them "incompatible" with subtyping, and this is a definitely an issue that needs to be solved. There is however a quite easy way to solve it, that does not involve making the type system incomplete.

Remember that the 'a ref was defined as such earlier:

type 'a ref = {get: unit -> 'a; set: 'a -> unit}

Using the same idea we can define the array type as such:

type 'a array = {get: int -> 'a; set: 'a -> int -> unit; length: int}

We need to pass integers for the indexes. Out of bounds errors will be handled by an exception.

With this definition, we once agan see why 'a array is invariant in 'a.

However, we can also notice that the type of get is covariant in 'a, and the type of set is contravariant. An array type deprived of its set function will therefore be covariant, and an array type deprived of its get function will be contravariant.

We can write:

type 'a read_only_array = {get: int -> 'a; length: int}
type 'a write_only_array = {set: 'a -> int -> unit; length: int}

let make_read_only (arr : 'a array) : 'a read_only_array =
  {get=arr.get; length=arr.length}

let make_write_only (arr : 'a array) : 'a write_only_array =
  {set=arr.set; length=arr.length}

And then we can convert arrays to either write only or read only, and use them as covariant or contravariant types.

Lets look at at example.

val squares : square array
val rectangles : rectangle array

let print_rect_array (arr: rectangle read_only_array) : unit =
  for i=0 to arr.length - 1 do
    print_rect (arr.get (i))

let reset_square_array (arr: square write_only_array) : unit =
  for i=0 to arr.length - 1 do
    arr.set (new_square ()) i

Here you can use both functions on both squares and rectangles:

let main () =
  (* directly well-typed *)
  print_rect_array (read_only_array rectangles) ;
  (* well-typed by covariance *)
  print_rect_array (read_only_array square) ;

  (* directly well-typed *)
  reset_square_array (write_only_array squares) ;
  (* well-typed by contravariance *)
  reset_square_array (write_only_array rectangle)

A more powerful type system would make the calls to write_only_array and read_only_array implicit (they would be language construction instead of regular functions). This would be very comfortable to use, and I believe this is what Java should have done.

This type system would allow to following syntax:

val squares : square array
val rectangles : rectangle array

let print_rect_array (read_only arr: rectangle array) : unit =
  for i=0 to arr.length - 1 do
    print_rect (arr.get (i))

let reset_square_array (write_only arr: square array) : unit =
  for i=0 to arr.length - 1 do
    arr.set (new_square ()) i

let main () =
  (* directly well-typed *)
  print_rect_array rectangles ;
  (* well-typed by covariance *)
  print_rect_array square ;

  (* directly well-typed *)
  reset_square_array squares ;
  (* well-typed by contravariance *)
  reset_square_array rectangle

I am not sure how exactly such a type system would be implemented, but it is still funny to notice that there are probably subtyping relationships between 'a array, 'a read_only_array and 'a write_only_array. This of course depends on the variance of 'a.