We hold troubleshooting sessions once a week on Thursdays, at 2:30 pm Eastern. These sessions are a way to connect in person with project maintainers and get help with any problems you might be encountering while using Emissary-ingress.
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83032365622
The Emissary-ingress Contributors Meeting is held on the first Wednesday of every month at 3:30pm Eastern. The focus of this meeting is discussion of technical issues related to development of Emissary-ingress.
New contributors are always welcome! Check out our contributor's guide to learn how you can help make Emissary-ingress better.
Zoom Meeting Link: https://ambassadorlabs.zoom.us/j/86139262248?pwd=bzZlcU96WjAxN2E1RFZFZXJXZ1FwQT09
- Meeting ID: 861 3926 2248
- Passcode: 113675