Use this section to read about known issues and for common troubleshooting steps for AWS CloudFormation deployments.
- In a case of stack creation failures, disabling rollback allows you to preview events for each provisioned resource as well as preview cf-init.log; see AWS Docs for more details.
- There are several common reasons for deployment failure:
- Missing pre-request: see the "Prerequisites" section for a particular AWS CloudFormation Template. See example for more details.
- Missing required parameters; see the "Template parameters" section for the complete list of template parameters required for a particular AWS CloudFormation Template; see example for more details.
- Missing required resources/infastruture; existent stack templates require existent infastructure.
- Lack of permissions for IAM user used for CloudFormation deployment.
- Template validation problem; using the validate-template method allows you to validate the template against AWS.
- AWS Docs provide additional details on possible resolutions of common AWS problems AWS Docs Troubleshooing.
- If you recieve a deployment failure during BIG-IP onboarding, the BIG-IP service logs allow you to get insights into the problem:
- /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log - AS3 error log
- /var/log/restjavad.[0-9].log - restjavad logs; this service provides control plane access to the BIG-IP using an http REST API.
- /var/log/cloud/aws/ - this directory includes logs generated by f5-cloud-libs tool intended for onboarding and configuring the BIG-IP device; the f5-cloud-libs page provides details about each module used by f5-cloud-libs