What we need to finish:
Finish code for lead screw -- Maybe -- no
Finish vision code -- comms, analyze image, see things, GRIP
Rewrite Auto to be time based
Create a dashboard
Keep it alive -- Its gone -- ggrip
Sleep -- getting there
Check that all wires are secured -- remove breaker from shooter adjustment Victor
Update all firmwares
Cover all ununsed RIO ports (duct tape or electrical?)
Update driver station
look at lighter switch (http://www.amazon.com/D-Link-5-Port-Unmanaged-Gigabit-Switch/dp/B008PC1FYK/ref=sr_1_10?ie=UTF8&qid=1459980789&sr=8-10)
Win Innovation in Controls Award ✔
Reinstall GRIP all the time because kappa :{
Go to district championship ✔
What to do for DC:
Continute work on lineUp algorithm
Make a selectable auto (select defense, select turn, select line up and shoot)
Clean up code a little?
Fix dashboard
Remeber to tell the judges that we have a GitHub page with all our code (and some resources)
Get retroflective tape for a proper pre-match GRIP test
Ask Mr. D for compressed air cans
See if logging actually works
What to do for Final Release:
Clean up code