Demon tower is a 2 dimensional computer game where the player character is a adventure who runs away from demon and avoid trap, collect the key with treasure and escape from tower. The main character can move up, down left, and right, treasure can give player a bonus point, and Key can help player go to next level. Player have to leave the level in certain times. There is some medkit on the map, which can heal Player by 1, if Player touch any enemy or trap, they will lose one Hp. Once player pass the who level, player will win.
How to build the game:
- Clone project from the master branch
- Open project demontower in the IDE with maven structure.
- Open terminal of the IDE
- Type: "mvn compile" to run the game
- Game has been build.
How to run the game:
- Clone project from the master branch
- Open project demontower in the IDE with maven structure.
- Open terminal of the IDE
- Type: "mvn run" to run the game
- enjoy the game
How to run the test:
- Clone project from the master branch
- Open project demontower in the IDE with maven structure.
- Open terminal of the IDE
- Type: "mvn test" to run the game
- See the test result on terminal
How to create a JAR file of our game:
- Clone project from the master branch
- Open project demontower in the IDE with maven structure.
- Open terminal of the IDE
- Type: "mvn install" to create JAR file
- Check for JAR file in the "target" folder
How to create Javadocs:
- Clone project from the master branch
- Open project demontower in the IDE with maven structure.
- Open terminal of the IDE
- Type: "mvn site" to create Javadocs
- Find "project-reports" in the working directory + "target/site/" folder
- Run "project-reports.html" on any browser of your choice to see the Java documentation