[前人的工作是用DNN结合 TF masking(用mask把噪声干扰先过滤掉)通过某位置是否存在说话人的极大似然估计过滤来进行声源定位。而且都是仅仅训练mask,然后用得到的 IBM / IRM 和 GCC-PHAT 相乘再去计算 TDOA,作者认为应该训练 DNN 来估计 TDOA 的值,而不是只得到 TF mask。]
现有的方法都是每句话说完才预测出 TF mask,而作者的方法是实时性,可以逐帧估计TDOA 和 TF mask。作者对 TDOA 的估计是用回归而不是分类,所以会产生连续值而不是离散值。
作者提出的DNN结构的第一部分用于学习产生 TF mask,第二部分将预测得到的 TF mask 应用到 GCC-PHAT 来消除噪声的干扰并估计(和说话人位置相关的)TDOA 的值。该模型可以检验不同学习策略对 TF masking based TDOA 估计的影响。
麦克风 i 和 i' 之间的 TDOA 表示为
在 t 时刻估计到的 TDOA 就是公式4的结果
Input Features
该方法用(GCC-PHAT的值)空域信息和幅度谱作为 DNN 的输入特征来估计说话人的 TDOA。实际使用为了减少内存消耗使用频带而不是DFT。
梅尔滤波器组乘上对第 k 个 frequency bin 的 GCC-PHAT 的结果
这里的 · 表示矩阵相乘
再用 mask
把这个空域特征(后称为 masked GCC-PHAT),输入到 TDOA 估计的子网络中预测得到最终的 TDOA 值。
DNN Achitecture for TDOA Estimation Using Masking
用 LSTM cell 的原因是前一个 TDOA 的输出能用到下一个值的预测,避免杂散噪声和干扰产生的峰值带来的影响,这样预测得到的说话人 TDOA 更平滑。
DNN Training Approaches
The below approaches (A)-(D) to train the proposed DNN architecture were experimented with and compared to direct approach (E).
(A) Implicit mask training: Train using only the TDOA output. Output: TDOA.
(B) Joint training: Train mask prediction and the TDOA prediction simultaneously. Output: TF mask and TDOA.
(C)Explicit mask training: First train the TF mask prediction layers and then freeze their weights while training the TDOA estimation layers. 50% of the training data is used by mask prediction and TDOA prediction respectively. Output: TF mask and TDOA.
(D) No masking: Omit the masking process and train to predict the TDOA from GCC-PHAT values integrated over the frequency range. Output: TDOA.
(E) Direct approach: The masking stage is omitted, while the model inputs are kept the same. See Fig. 1b. Output: TDOA.
选择 MAE 作为 loss func ,同样是为了减轻 TDOA 异常值的影响而没有选择 MSE
TF Mask for Training
mask = 信号分量与带噪音混响的观察值之比 $$ \eta_{i}(t, k)=\frac{\left|x_{\mathrm{i}, \mathrm{dp}}(t, k)\right|}{\left|x_{i}(t, k)\right|} \cos \left(\theta_{i}\right) $$
Simulated signals: TIMIT convolved with synthetic RIRs(Room Impulse Response) in a cuboid shaped room[7, 6.8, 3] m
This paper proposed a DNN architecture that used magnitude spectrum information to derive a TF mask that was then applied to the spatial features (GCC-PHAT). The masked GCC-PHAT was then integrated over the frequency range and used to predict the TDoA value of the microphone pair.
main contributions:
A DNN architecture and training variant that learned to only predict the TDoA using implicit TF masking outperformed other variants that additionally learned to predict the oracle mask. Also outperformed a direct DNN for TDoA estimation without the TF masking stage and frequency integration, with 30 times less parameters.
现有的方法都是每句话说话才预测出 TF mask,而作者的方法是实时性,可以逐帧估计TDOA 和 TF mask。作者对 TDOA 的估计是用回归而不是分类,所以会产生连续值而不是离散值。