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Power flow excersise with pandapower

First, we describe the required setup for the exercise. Next, we introduce basic pandapower functions.

Finally, we present the excersise using the RTS-GMLC benchmark power system. We compare the results of the power flow calculation in pandapower to the results of the calculation in MATPOWER. Furthermore, we present performance metrics for the calculation and file I/O in pandapower.


The official website of pandapower is The project is maintained by the University of Kassel and the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE). The repository of pandapower on GitHub is e2nIEE/pandapower.

Setting up

You should have Python 3.6 or higher installed. In the following, we describe how to set up pandapower.

Using pip (installs master branch)

pip install pandapower

Using git (develop branch)

  • Run the following in a terminal:
 git clone
 cd pandapower
 git checkout develop
 pip install -e .

Getting started

To load a pandapower grid model, use the pandapower function net = pandapower.from_json(filepath).

In order to load a grid model from MATPOWER format, use the pandapower converter function net = pandapower.converter.from_mpc(filepath). Note that filepath must point to a ".mpc" file (".m" is not supported).

In order to create an element, use one of the pandapower create functions, for example create_bus, create_ext_grid, create_gen:

 import pandapower as pp
 net = pp.create_empty_network()
 bus0 = pp.create_bus(net, vn_kv=110., name="bus0")
 bus1 = pp.create_bus(net, vn_kv=20., name="bus1")
 bus2 = pp.create_bus(net, vn_kv=20., name="bus2")
 ext_grid = pp.create_ext_grid(net, bus=bus0, vm_pu=1.02, va_degree=0.)
 gen = pp.create_gen(net, bus=bus2, p_mw=10., vm_pu=1.02, name="gen1")
 load = pp.create_load(net, bus=bus2, p_mw=0.5, q_mvar=0.2, name="load1")
 trafo = pp.create_transformer(net, hv_bus=bus0, lv_bus=bus1, std_type="25 MVA 110/20 kV", name="trafo1")
 line = pp.create_line(net, from_bus=bus1, to_bus=bus2, length_km=0.5, std_type="243-AL1/39-ST1A 20.0")

To run a power flow calculation, use the pandapower function pp.runpp(net). The results are stored in the net.res_bus, net.res_line, net.res_trafo, etc. attributes.

To save the pandapower net, use the pandapower function pp.to_json(net, filepath)

For further introduction to pandapower, see the pandapower documentation. Examples of specific use-cases with pandapower can be found in the pandapower tutorials, either on GitHub or in your local installation of pandapower. In order to open tutorials in juypter notebooks locally on your machine, you can execude the following code in the console:

cd <folder with pandapower>/pandapower/tutorials
jupyter notebooks

The tutorials will be opened in a browser window.

Example using the RTS-GMLC benchmark power system

Performance of File I/O

Timing of the file I/O operations is shown in the following table.

Format Read Write
1000 runs JSON 212.765 s 32.147 s
per run JSON 212.765 ms 32.147 ms
100 runs mpc 243 s 0.63 s
per run mpc 2.43 s 6.31 ms

Performance of load flow calculations

Timing for 1000 calculations: 16.505 seconds (16.505 ms per calculation)

Comparing results of power flow calculation to MATPOWER

The differences in bus voltage magnitide and angle are shown in the table below.

diff_vm_pu diff_va_degree
count 7.300000e+01 73.000000
mean -6.624892e-06 -0.000005
std 2.569213e-04 0.000271
min -4.757001e-04 -0.000482
25% -2.000000e-04 -0.000216
50% 2.220446e-16 -0.000021
75% 2.000000e-04 0.000190
max 4.693300e-04 0.000482