From e3fad996037c7c12611efa491ffe92dcfa6f042d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: D8H Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2024 21:42:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Revert "[Community][Coordinate Exchange] Exchange coordinate position between layers This reverts commit 1e3253ac8a8a8d435dd975434c6adfd98ea7e9f1. --- extensions/community/CoordinateExchange.json | 131 ------------------- 1 file changed, 131 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 extensions/community/CoordinateExchange.json diff --git a/extensions/community/CoordinateExchange.json b/extensions/community/CoordinateExchange.json deleted file mode 100644 index 5c126902..00000000 --- a/extensions/community/CoordinateExchange.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,131 +0,0 @@ -{ - "author": "", - "category": "General", - "extensionNamespace": "", - "fullName": "Exchange coordinates to another layer", - "helpPath": "", - "iconUrl": "", - "name": "CoordinateExchange", - "previewIconUrl": " Hero Pack/Master/SVG/Files and Folders/74b697fdb2d38d4341d1c9f2699d083c42f34ef4bdca8235f7d6d039c614fc22_Files and Folders_folder_exchange.svg", - "shortDescription": "Exchange coordinates from layer to another.", - "version": "1.0.0", - "description": [ - "# Uses", - "Useful if the user wants to sync positions from different layers.", - "", - "# Features", - "- Extension expression.", - "- Takes into account camera X, Y position.", - "- Takes into account camera zoom level.", - "- Takes into account scene width and height.", - "", - "# Example", - "Object A (on Base layer).", - "Object B (on UI layer).", - "", - "You can change Object A position set to Object B position, using the extension expression.", - "", - "**Event**", - "Condition: -", - "", - "Action: ", - "Change ObjectA Xposition set to **CoordinateExchange::ExchangeXPosition(ObjectB.X(), \"Base layer\")**", - "", - "Change ObjectA Yposition set to **CoordinateExchange::ExchangeYPosition(ObjectB.Y(), \"Base layer\")**", - "", - "and now, ObjectA, UI layer, will always be on top of ObjectB, Base layer X, Y position.", - "" - ], - "tags": [ - "exchange", - "coordinates", - "position", - "change" - ], - "authorIds": [ - "IRIhkkTTl2UHhfjrLTTH5GYwkYu1" - ], - "dependencies": [], - "eventsFunctions": [ - { - "description": "Return the X position on the selected layer.", - "fullName": "Exchange X position", - "functionType": "Expression", - "name": "ExchangeXPosition", - "sentence": "", - "events": [ - { - "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", - "conditions": [], - "actions": [ - { - "type": { - "value": "SetReturnNumber" - }, - "parameters": [ - "((Xposition-CameraCenterX(Layer))*CameraZoom(Layer))+(SceneWindowWidth()/2)" - ] - } - ] - } - ], - "expressionType": { - "type": "expression" - }, - "parameters": [ - { - "description": "Exchange this X position", - "name": "Xposition", - "type": "expression" - }, - { - "description": "Object layer", - "name": "Layer", - "type": "layer" - } - ], - "objectGroups": [] - }, - { - "description": "Return the Y position on the selected layer.", - "fullName": "Exchange Y position", - "functionType": "Expression", - "name": "ExchangeYPosition", - "sentence": "", - "events": [ - { - "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", - "conditions": [], - "actions": [ - { - "type": { - "value": "SetReturnNumber" - }, - "parameters": [ - "((Yposition-CameraCenterY(Layer))*CameraZoom(Layer))+(SceneWindowHeight()/2)" - ] - } - ] - } - ], - "expressionType": { - "type": "expression" - }, - "parameters": [ - { - "description": "Exchange this Y position", - "name": "Yposition", - "type": "expression" - }, - { - "description": "Object layer", - "name": "Layer", - "type": "layer" - } - ], - "objectGroups": [] - } - ], - "eventsBasedBehaviors": [], - "eventsBasedObjects": [] -} \ No newline at end of file