diff --git a/extensions/community/Text3D.json b/extensions/community/Text3D.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..adf6ac0a --- /dev/null +++ b/extensions/community/Text3D.json @@ -0,0 +1,10043 @@ +{ + "author": "", + "category": "User interface", + "extensionNamespace": "", + "fullName": "3D text", + "helpPath": "", + "iconUrl": "", + "name": "Text3D", + "previewIconUrl": "https://asset-resources.gdevelop.io/public-resources/Icons/0b4ef00ba832f327e84d09b036d18f3fc8d4805e3020f95b034a23f558e17a6c_format-text.svg", + "shortDescription": "Display texts in 3D scenes.", + "version": "0.1.0", + "description": "Display texts with 3D position and rotation.", + "tags": [ + "3d" + ], + "authorIds": [ + "IWykYNRvhCZBN3vEgKEbBPOR3Oc2" + ], + "dependencies": [], + "eventsFunctions": [ + { + "description": "Define helper classes JavaScript code.", + "fullName": "Define helper classes", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "DefineHelperClasses", + "private": true, + "sentence": "Define helper classes JavaScript code", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "if (gdjs.__text3DExtension) {", + " return;", + "}", + "", + "class Text3DRenderer extends gdjs.CustomRuntimeObject3DRenderer {", + " constructor(", + " object,", + " instanceContainer,", + " parent", + " ) {", + " super(object, instanceContainer, parent);", + " }", + "", + " _updateThreeGroup() {", + " this._object.setScaleX(1);", + " this._object.setScaleY(1);", + " this._object.setScaleZ(1);", + "", + " super._updateThreeGroup();", + " }", + "}", + "", + "", + "// troika-THREE-text 0.49.0", + "// https://github.com/protectwise/troika/tree/main/packages/troika-THREE-text", + "", + " /**", + " * Main content for the worker that handles the loading and execution of", + " * modules within it.", + " */", + " function workerBootstrap() {", + " var modules = Object.create(null);", + "", + " // Handle messages for registering a module", + " function registerModule(ref, callback) {", + " var id = ref.id;", + " var name = ref.name;", + " var dependencies = ref.dependencies; if ( dependencies === void 0 ) dependencies = [];", + " var init = ref.init; if ( init === void 0 ) init = function(){};", + " var getTransferables = ref.getTransferables; if ( getTransferables === void 0 ) getTransferables = null;", + "", + " // Only register once", + " if (modules[id]) { return }", + "", + " try {", + " // If any dependencies are modules, ensure they're registered and grab their value", + " dependencies = dependencies.map(function (dep) {", + " if (dep && dep.isWorkerModule) {", + " registerModule(dep, function (depResult) {", + " if (depResult instanceof Error) { throw depResult }", + " });", + " dep = modules[dep.id].value;", + " }", + " return dep", + " });", + "", + " // Rehydrate functions", + " init = rehydrate((\"<\" + name + \">.init\"), init);", + " if (getTransferables) {", + " getTransferables = rehydrate((\"<\" + name + \">.getTransferables\"), getTransferables);", + " }", + "", + " // Initialize the module and store its value", + " var value = null;", + " if (typeof init === 'function') {", + " value = init.apply(void 0, dependencies);", + " } else {", + " console.error('worker module init function failed to rehydrate');", + " }", + " modules[id] = {", + " id: id,", + " value: value,", + " getTransferables: getTransferables", + " };", + " callback(value);", + " } catch(err) {", + " if (!(err && err.noLog)) {", + " console.error(err);", + " }", + " callback(err);", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Handle messages for calling a registered module's result function", + " function callModule(ref, callback) {", + " var ref$1;", + "", + " var id = ref.id;", + " var args = ref.args;", + " if (!modules[id] || typeof modules[id].value !== 'function') {", + " callback(new Error((\"Worker module \" + id + \": not found or its 'init' did not return a function\")));", + " }", + " try {", + " var result = (ref$1 = modules[id]).value.apply(ref$1, args);", + " if (result && typeof result.then === 'function') {", + " result.then(handleResult, function (rej) { return callback(rej instanceof Error ? rej : new Error('' + rej)); });", + " } else {", + " handleResult(result);", + " }", + " } catch(err) {", + " callback(err);", + " }", + " function handleResult(result) {", + " try {", + " var tx = modules[id].getTransferables && modules[id].getTransferables(result);", + " if (!tx || !Array.isArray(tx) || !tx.length) {", + " tx = undefined; //postMessage is very picky about not passing null or empty transferables", + " }", + " callback(result, tx);", + " } catch(err) {", + " console.error(err);", + " callback(err);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function rehydrate(name, str) {", + " var result = void 0;", + " self.troikaDefine = function (r) { return result = r; };", + " var url = URL.createObjectURL(", + " new Blob(", + " [(\"/** \" + (name.replace(/\\*/g, '')) + \" **/\\n\\ntroikaDefine(\\n\" + str + \"\\n)\")],", + " {type: 'application/javascript'}", + " )", + " );", + " try {", + " importScripts(url);", + " } catch(err) {", + " console.error(err);", + " }", + " URL.revokeObjectURL(url);", + " delete self.troikaDefine;", + " return result", + " }", + "", + " // Handler for all messages within the worker", + " self.addEventListener('message', function (e) {", + " var ref = e.data;", + " var messageId = ref.messageId;", + " var action = ref.action;", + " var data = ref.data;", + " try {", + " // Module registration", + " if (action === 'registerModule') {", + " registerModule(data, function (result) {", + " if (result instanceof Error) {", + " postMessage({", + " messageId: messageId,", + " success: false,", + " error: result.message", + " });", + " } else {", + " postMessage({", + " messageId: messageId,", + " success: true,", + " result: {isCallable: typeof result === 'function'}", + " });", + " }", + " });", + " }", + " // Invocation", + " if (action === 'callModule') {", + " callModule(data, function (result, transferables) {", + " if (result instanceof Error) {", + " postMessage({", + " messageId: messageId,", + " success: false,", + " error: result.message", + " });", + " } else {", + " postMessage({", + " messageId: messageId,", + " success: true,", + " result: result", + " }, transferables || undefined);", + " }", + " });", + " }", + " } catch(err) {", + " postMessage({", + " messageId: messageId,", + " success: false,", + " error: err.stack", + " });", + " }", + " });", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Fallback for `defineWorkerModule` that behaves identically but runs in the main", + " * thread, for when the execution environment doesn't support web workers or they", + " * are disallowed due to e.g. CSP security restrictions.", + " */", + " function defineMainThreadModule(options) {", + " var moduleFunc = function() {", + " var args = [], len = arguments.length;", + " while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];", + "", + " return moduleFunc._getInitResult().then(function (initResult) {", + " if (typeof initResult === 'function') {", + " return initResult.apply(void 0, args)", + " } else {", + " throw new Error('Worker module function was called but `init` did not return a callable function')", + " }", + " })", + " };", + " moduleFunc._getInitResult = function() {", + " // We can ignore getTransferables in main thread. TODO workerId?", + " var dependencies = options.dependencies;", + " var init = options.init;", + "", + " // Resolve dependencies", + " dependencies = Array.isArray(dependencies) ? dependencies.map(function (dep) { return dep && dep._getInitResult ? dep._getInitResult() : dep; }", + " ) : [];", + "", + " // Invoke init with the resolved dependencies", + " var initPromise = Promise.all(dependencies).then(function (deps) {", + " return init.apply(null, deps)", + " });", + "", + " // Cache the resolved promise for subsequent calls", + " moduleFunc._getInitResult = function () { return initPromise; };", + "", + " return initPromise", + " };", + " return moduleFunc", + " }", + "", + " var supportsWorkers = function () {", + " var supported = false;", + "", + " // Only attempt worker initialization in browsers; elsewhere it would just be", + " // noise e.g. loading into a Node environment for SSR.", + " if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.document !== 'undefined') {", + " try {", + " // TODO additional checks for things like importScripts within the worker?", + " // Would need to be an async check.", + " var worker = new Worker(", + " URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([''], { type: 'application/javascript' }))", + " );", + " worker.terminate();", + " supported = true;", + " } catch (err) {", + " if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test') ; else {", + " console.log(", + " (\"Troika createWorkerModule: web workers not allowed; falling back to main thread execution. Cause: [\" + (err.message) + \"]\")", + " );", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Cached result", + " supportsWorkers = function () { return supported; };", + " return supported", + " };", + "", + " var _workerModuleId = 0;", + " var _messageId = 0;", + " var _allowInitAsString = false;", + " var workers = Object.create(null);", + " var registeredModules = Object.create(null); //workerId -> Set", + " var openRequests = Object.create(null);", + "", + "", + " /**", + " * Define a module of code that will be executed with a web worker. This provides a simple", + " * interface for moving chunks of logic off the main thread, and managing their dependencies", + " * among one another.", + " *", + " * @param {object} options", + " * @param {function} options.init", + " * @param {array} [options.dependencies]", + " * @param {function} [options.getTransferables]", + " * @param {string} [options.name]", + " * @param {string} [options.workerId]", + " * @return {function(...[*]): {then}}", + " */", + " function defineWorkerModule(options) {", + " if ((!options || typeof options.init !== 'function') && !_allowInitAsString) {", + " throw new Error('requires `options.init` function')", + " }", + " var dependencies = options.dependencies;", + " var init = options.init;", + " var getTransferables = options.getTransferables;", + " var workerId = options.workerId;", + "", + " if (!supportsWorkers()) {", + " return defineMainThreadModule(options)", + " }", + "", + " if (workerId == null) {", + " workerId = '#default';", + " }", + " var id = \"workerModule\" + (++_workerModuleId);", + " var name = options.name || id;", + " var registrationPromise = null;", + "", + " dependencies = dependencies && dependencies.map(function (dep) {", + " // Wrap raw functions as worker modules with no dependencies", + " if (typeof dep === 'function' && !dep.workerModuleData) {", + " _allowInitAsString = true;", + " dep = defineWorkerModule({", + " workerId: workerId,", + " name: (\"<\" + name + \"> function dependency: \" + (dep.name)),", + " init: (\"function(){return (\\n\" + (stringifyFunction(dep)) + \"\\n)}\")", + " });", + " _allowInitAsString = false;", + " }", + " // Grab postable data for worker modules", + " if (dep && dep.workerModuleData) {", + " dep = dep.workerModuleData;", + " }", + " return dep", + " });", + "", + " function moduleFunc() {", + " var args = [], len = arguments.length;", + " while ( len-- ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len ];", + "", + " // Register this module if needed", + " if (!registrationPromise) {", + " registrationPromise = callWorker(workerId,'registerModule', moduleFunc.workerModuleData);", + " var unregister = function () {", + " registrationPromise = null;", + " registeredModules[workerId].delete(unregister);", + " }", + " ;(registeredModules[workerId] || (registeredModules[workerId] = new Set())).add(unregister);", + " }", + "", + " // Invoke the module, returning a promise", + " return registrationPromise.then(function (ref) {", + " var isCallable = ref.isCallable;", + "", + " if (isCallable) {", + " return callWorker(workerId,'callModule', {id: id, args: args})", + " } else {", + " throw new Error('Worker module function was called but `init` did not return a callable function')", + " }", + " })", + " }", + " moduleFunc.workerModuleData = {", + " isWorkerModule: true,", + " id: id,", + " name: name,", + " dependencies: dependencies,", + " init: stringifyFunction(init),", + " getTransferables: getTransferables && stringifyFunction(getTransferables)", + " };", + " return moduleFunc", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Terminate an active Worker by a workerId that was passed to defineWorkerModule.", + " * This only terminates the Worker itself; the worker module will remain available", + " * and if you call it again its Worker will be respawned.", + " * @param {string} workerId", + " */", + " function terminateWorker(workerId) {", + " // Unregister all modules that were registered in that worker", + " if (registeredModules[workerId]) {", + " registeredModules[workerId].forEach(function (unregister) {", + " unregister();", + " });", + " }", + " // Terminate the Worker object", + " if (workers[workerId]) {", + " workers[workerId].terminate();", + " delete workers[workerId];", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Stringifies a function into a form that can be deserialized in the worker", + " * @param fn", + " */", + " function stringifyFunction(fn) {", + " var str = fn.toString();", + " // If it was defined in object method/property format, it needs to be modified", + " if (!/^function/.test(str) && /^\\w+\\s*\\(/.test(str)) {", + " str = 'function ' + str;", + " }", + " return str", + " }", + "", + "", + " function getWorker(workerId) {", + " var worker = workers[workerId];", + " if (!worker) {", + " // Bootstrap the worker's content", + " var bootstrap = stringifyFunction(workerBootstrap);", + "", + " // Create the worker from the bootstrap function content", + " worker = workers[workerId] = new Worker(", + " URL.createObjectURL(", + " new Blob(", + " [(\"/** Worker Module Bootstrap: \" + (workerId.replace(/\\*/g, '')) + \" **/\\n\\n;(\" + bootstrap + \")()\")],", + " {type: 'application/javascript'}", + " )", + " )", + " );", + "", + " // Single handler for response messages from the worker", + " worker.onmessage = function (e) {", + " var response = e.data;", + " var msgId = response.messageId;", + " var callback = openRequests[msgId];", + " if (!callback) {", + " throw new Error('WorkerModule response with empty or unknown messageId')", + " }", + " delete openRequests[msgId];", + " callback(response);", + " };", + " }", + " return worker", + " }", + "", + " // Issue a call to the worker with a callback to handle the response", + " function callWorker(workerId, action, data) {", + " return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {", + " var messageId = ++_messageId;", + " openRequests[messageId] = function (response) {", + " if (response.success) {", + " resolve(response.result);", + " } else {", + " reject(new Error((\"Error in worker \" + action + \" call: \" + (response.error))));", + " }", + " };", + " getWorker(workerId).postMessage({", + " messageId: messageId,", + " action: action,", + " data: data", + " });", + " })", + " }", + "", + " /*!", + " Custom build of Typr.ts (https://github.com/fredli74/Typr.ts) for use in Troika text rendering.", + " Original MIT license applies: https://github.com/fredli74/Typr.ts/blob/master/LICENSE", + " */", + " function typrFactory(){return \"undefined\"==typeof window&&(self.window=self),function(r){var e={parse:function(r){var t=e._bin,a=new Uint8Array(r);if(\"ttcf\"==t.readASCII(a,0,4)){var n=4;t.readUshort(a,n),n+=2,t.readUshort(a,n),n+=2;var o=t.readUint(a,n);n+=4;for(var s=[],i=0;i>>t&1)&&e++;return e},e._lctf.readClassDef=function(r,t){var a=e._bin,n=[],o=a.readUshort(r,t);if(t+=2,1==o){var s=a.readUshort(r,t);t+=2;var i=a.readUshort(r,t);t+=2;for(var h=0;h0&&(o.featureParams=n+s);var i=a.readUshort(r,t);t+=2,o.tab=[];for(var h=0;h0&&(o.default=e._lctf.readLangSysTable(r,n+s));var i=a.readUshort(r,t);t+=2;for(var h=0;h255?-1:e.CFF.glyphByUnicode(r,e.CFF.tableSE[t])},e.CFF.readEncoding=function(r,t,a){e._bin;var n=[\".notdef\"],o=r[t];if(t++,0!=o)throw \"error: unknown encoding format: \"+o;var s=r[t];t++;for(var i=0;i>4,p=15&v;if(15!=c&&l.push(c),15!=p&&l.push(p),15==p)break}for(var U=\"\",g=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,\".\",\"e\",\"e-\",\"reserved\",\"-\",\"endOfNumber\"],S=0;S=s.xMax||s.yMin>=s.yMax)return null;if(s.noc>0){s.endPts=[];for(var i=0;i=1&&i.fmt<=2){d=o.readUshort(r,a);a+=2;var f=o.readUshort(r,a);a+=2;var u=e._lctf.numOfOnes(d),l=e._lctf.numOfOnes(f);if(1==i.fmt){i.pairsets=[];var v=o.readUshort(r,a);a+=2;for(var c=0;c=1&&i.fmt<=2){if(1==i.fmt)i.delta=o.readShort(r,a),a+=2;else if(2==i.fmt){var d=o.readUshort(r,a);a+=2,i.newg=o.readUshorts(r,a,d),a+=2*i.newg.length;}}else if(2==t&&1==i.fmt){d=o.readUshort(r,a);a+=2,i.seqs=[];for(var f=0;f>>8;if(0!=(u&=15))throw \"unknown kern table format: \"+u;t=e.kern.readFormat0(r,t,h);}return h},e.kern.parseV1=function(r,t,a,n){var o=e._bin;o.readFixed(r,t),t+=4;var s=o.readUint(r,t);t+=4;for(var i={glyph1:[],rval:[]},h=0;h>>8;if(0!=(f&=15))throw \"unknown kern table format: \"+f;t=e.kern.readFormat0(r,t,i);}return i},e.kern.readFormat0=function(r,t,a){var n=e._bin,o=-1,s=n.readUshort(r,t);t+=2,n.readUshort(r,t),t+=2,n.readUshort(r,t),t+=2,n.readUshort(r,t),t+=2;for(var i=0;i=n.map.length?0:n.map[e];if(4==n.format){for(var o=-1,s=0;se)return 0;return 65535&(0!=n.idRangeOffset[o]?n.glyphIdArray[e-n.startCount[o]+(n.idRangeOffset[o]>>1)-(n.idRangeOffset.length-o)]:e+n.idDelta[o])}if(12==n.format){if(e>n.groups[n.groups.length-1][1])return 0;for(s=0;s-1?e.U._simpleGlyph(n,a):e.U._compoGlyph(n,t,a));},e.U._simpleGlyph=function(r,t){for(var a=0;ao)){for(var v=!0,c=0,p=0;po)){for(v=!0,p=0;p>1,s.length=0,h=!0;else if(\"o3\"==P||\"o23\"==P){s.length%2!=0&&!h&&(d=s.shift()+n.nominalWidthX),i+=s.length>>1,s.length=0,h=!0;}else if(\"o4\"==P)s.length>1&&!h&&(d=s.shift()+n.nominalWidthX,h=!0),f&&e.U.P.closePath(o),v+=s.pop(),e.U.P.moveTo(o,l,v),f=!0;else if(\"o5\"==P)for(;s.length>0;)l+=s.shift(),v+=s.shift(),e.U.P.lineTo(o,l,v);else if(\"o6\"==P||\"o7\"==P)for(var x=s.length,I=\"o6\"==P,w=0;wMath.abs(y-v)?l=b+s.shift():v=y+s.shift(),e.U.P.curveTo(o,c,p,U,g,F,C),e.U.P.curveTo(o,S,m,b,y,l,v));else if(\"o14\"==P){if(s.length>0&&!h&&(d=s.shift()+a.nominalWidthX,h=!0),4==s.length){var O=s.shift(),T=s.shift(),D=s.shift(),B=s.shift(),A=e.CFF.glyphBySE(a,D),R=e.CFF.glyphBySE(a,B);e.U._drawCFF(a.CharStrings[A],t,a,n,o),t.x=O,t.y=T,e.U._drawCFF(a.CharStrings[R],t,a,n,o);}f&&(e.U.P.closePath(o),f=!1);}else if(\"o19\"==P||\"o20\"==P){s.length%2!=0&&!h&&(d=s.shift()+n.nominalWidthX),i+=s.length>>1,s.length=0,h=!0,u+=i+7>>3;}else if(\"o21\"==P)s.length>2&&!h&&(d=s.shift()+n.nominalWidthX,h=!0),v+=s.pop(),l+=s.pop(),f&&e.U.P.closePath(o),e.U.P.moveTo(o,l,v),f=!0;else if(\"o22\"==P)s.length>1&&!h&&(d=s.shift()+n.nominalWidthX,h=!0),l+=s.pop(),f&&e.U.P.closePath(o),e.U.P.moveTo(o,l,v),f=!0;else if(\"o25\"==P){for(;s.length>6;)l+=s.shift(),v+=s.shift(),e.U.P.lineTo(o,l,v);c=l+s.shift(),p=v+s.shift(),U=c+s.shift(),g=p+s.shift(),l=U+s.shift(),v=g+s.shift(),e.U.P.curveTo(o,c,p,U,g,l,v);}else if(\"o26\"==P)for(s.length%2&&(l+=s.shift());s.length>0;)c=l,p=v+s.shift(),l=U=c+s.shift(),v=(g=p+s.shift())+s.shift(),e.U.P.curveTo(o,c,p,U,g,l,v);else if(\"o27\"==P)for(s.length%2&&(v+=s.shift());s.length>0;)p=v,U=(c=l+s.shift())+s.shift(),g=p+s.shift(),l=U+s.shift(),v=g,e.U.P.curveTo(o,c,p,U,g,l,v);else if(\"o10\"==P||\"o29\"==P){var L=\"o10\"==P?n:a;if(0==s.length)console.debug(\"error: empty stack\");else {var W=s.pop(),M=L.Subrs[W+L.Bias];t.x=l,t.y=v,t.nStems=i,t.haveWidth=h,t.width=d,t.open=f,e.U._drawCFF(M,t,a,n,o),l=t.x,v=t.y,i=t.nStems,h=t.haveWidth,d=t.width,f=t.open;}}else if(\"o30\"==P||\"o31\"==P){var V=s.length,E=(G=0,\"o31\"==P);for(G+=V-(x=-3&V);G>>1|(21845&g)<<1;h=(61680&(h=(52428&h)>>>2|(13107&h)<<2))>>>4|(3855&h)<<4,c[g]=((65280&h)>>>8|(255&h)<<8)>>>1;}var w=function(r,e,t){for(var a=r.length,i=0,o=new n(e);i>>v]=s;}else for(f=new n(a),i=0;i>>15-r[i]);return f},d=new e(288);for(g=0;g<144;++g)d[g]=8;for(g=144;g<256;++g)d[g]=9;for(g=256;g<280;++g)d[g]=7;for(g=280;g<288;++g)d[g]=8;var m=new e(32);for(g=0;g<32;++g)m[g]=5;var b=w(d,9,1),p=w(m,5,1),y=function(r){for(var e=r[0],n=1;ne&&(e=r[n]);return e},L=function(r,e,n){var t=e/8|0;return (r[t]|r[t+1]<<8)>>(7&e)&n},U=function(r,e){var n=e/8|0;return (r[n]|r[n+1]<<8|r[n+2]<<16)>>(7&e)},k=[\"unexpected EOF\",\"invalid block type\",\"invalid length/literal\",\"invalid distance\",\"stream finished\",\"no stream handler\",,\"no callback\",\"invalid UTF-8 data\",\"extra field too long\",\"date not in range 1980-2099\",\"filename too long\",\"stream finishing\",\"invalid zip data\"],T=function(r,e,n){var t=new Error(e||k[r]);if(t.code=r,Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(t,T),!n)throw t;return t},O=function(r,f,u){var s=r.length;if(!s||u&&!u.l&&s<5)return f||new e(0);var c=!f||u,g=!u||u.i;u||(u={}),f||(f=new e(3*s));var h,d=function(r){var n=f.length;if(r>n){var t=new e(Math.max(2*n,r));t.set(f),f=t;}},m=u.f||0,k=u.p||0,O=u.b||0,A=u.l,x=u.d,E=u.m,D=u.n,M=8*s;do{if(!A){u.f=m=L(r,k,1);var S=L(r,k+1,3);if(k+=3,!S){var V=r[(I=((h=k)/8|0)+(7&h&&1)+4)-4]|r[I-3]<<8,_=I+V;if(_>s){g&&T(0);break}c&&d(O+V),f.set(r.subarray(I,_),O),u.b=O+=V,u.p=k=8*_;continue}if(1==S)A=b,x=p,E=9,D=5;else if(2==S){var j=L(r,k,31)+257,z=L(r,k+10,15)+4,C=j+L(r,k+5,31)+1;k+=14;for(var F=new e(C),P=new e(19),q=0;q>>4)<16)F[q++]=I;else {var K=0,N=0;for(16==I?(N=3+L(r,k,3),k+=2,K=F[q-1]):17==I?(N=3+L(r,k,7),k+=3):18==I&&(N=11+L(r,k,127),k+=7);N--;)F[q++]=K;}}var Q=F.subarray(0,j),R=F.subarray(j);E=y(Q),D=y(R),A=w(Q,E,1),x=w(R,D,1);}else T(1);if(k>M){g&&T(0);break}}c&&d(O+131072);for(var W=(1<>>4;if((k+=15&K)>M){g&&T(0);break}if(K||T(2),Z<256)f[O++]=Z;else {if(256==Z){Y=k,A=null;break}var $=Z-254;if(Z>264){var rr=a[q=Z-257];$=L(r,k,(1<>>4;er||T(3),k+=15&er;R=l[nr];if(nr>3){rr=i[nr];R+=U(r,k)&(1<M){g&&T(0);break}c&&d(O+131072);for(var tr=O+$;Or.length)&&(i=r.length);var o=new(r instanceof n?n:r instanceof t?t:e)(i-a);return o.set(r.subarray(a,i)),o}(f,0,O)},A=new e(0);var x=\"undefined\"!=typeof TextDecoder&&new TextDecoder;try{x.decode(A,{stream:!0}),1;}catch(r){}return r.convert_streams=function(r){var e=new DataView(r),n=0;function t(){var r=e.getUint16(n);return n+=2,r}function a(){var r=e.getUint32(n);return n+=4,r}function i(r){m.setUint16(b,r),b+=2;}function o(r){m.setUint32(b,r),b+=4;}for(var f={signature:a(),flavor:a(),length:a(),numTables:t(),reserved:t(),totalSfntSize:a(),majorVersion:t(),minorVersion:t(),metaOffset:a(),metaLength:a(),metaOrigLength:a(),privOffset:a(),privLength:a()},u=0;Math.pow(2,u)<=f.numTables;)u++;u--;for(var v=16*Math.pow(2,u),s=16*f.numTables-v,l=12,c=[],g=0;g boolean} supportsCodePoint", + " * @property {(text:string, fontSize:number, letterSpacing:number, callback) => number} forEachGlyph", + " * @property {number} lineGap", + " * @property {number} capHeight", + " * @property {number} unitsPerEm", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {(buffer: ArrayBuffer) => ParsedFont} FontParser", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * @returns {FontParser}", + " */", + " function parserFactory(Typr, woff2otf) {", + " const cmdArgLengths = {", + " M: 2,", + " L: 2,", + " Q: 4,", + " C: 6,", + " Z: 0", + " };", + "", + " // {joinType: \"skip+step,...\"}", + " const joiningTypeRawData = {\"C\":\"18g,ca,368,1kz\",\"D\":\"17k,6,2,2+4,5+c,2+6,2+1,10+1,9+f,j+11,2+1,a,2,2+1,15+2,3,j+2,6+3,2+8,2,2,2+1,w+a,4+e,3+3,2,3+2,3+5,23+w,2f+4,3,2+9,2,b,2+3,3,1k+9,6+1,3+1,2+2,2+d,30g,p+y,1,1+1g,f+x,2,sd2+1d,jf3+4,f+3,2+4,2+2,b+3,42,2,4+2,2+1,2,3,t+1,9f+w,2,el+2,2+g,d+2,2l,2+1,5,3+1,2+1,2,3,6,16wm+1v\",\"R\":\"17m+3,2,2,6+3,m,15+2,2+2,h+h,13,3+8,2,2,3+1,2,p+1,x,5+4,5,a,2,2,3,u,c+2,g+1,5,2+1,4+1,5j,6+1,2,b,2+2,f,2+1,1s+2,2,3+1,7,1ez0,2,2+1,4+4,b,4,3,b,42,2+2,4,3,2+1,2,o+3,ae,ep,x,2o+2,3+1,3,5+1,6\",\"L\":\"x9u,jff,a,fd,jv\",\"T\":\"4t,gj+33,7o+4,1+1,7c+18,2,2+1,2+1,2,21+a,2,1b+k,h,2u+6,3+5,3+1,2+3,y,2,v+q,2k+a,1n+8,a,p+3,2+8,2+2,2+4,18+2,3c+e,2+v,1k,2,5+7,5,4+6,b+1,u,1n,5+3,9,l+1,r,3+1,1m,5+1,5+1,3+2,4,v+1,4,c+1,1m,5+4,2+1,5,l+1,n+5,2,1n,3,2+3,9,8+1,c+1,v,1q,d,1f,4,1m+2,6+2,2+3,8+1,c+1,u,1n,3,7,6+1,l+1,t+1,1m+1,5+3,9,l+1,u,21,8+2,2,2j,3+6,d+7,2r,3+8,c+5,23+1,s,2,2,1k+d,2+4,2+1,6+a,2+z,a,2v+3,2+5,2+1,3+1,q+1,5+2,h+3,e,3+1,7,g,jk+2,qb+2,u+2,u+1,v+1,1t+1,2+6,9,3+a,a,1a+2,3c+1,z,3b+2,5+1,a,7+2,64+1,3,1n,2+6,2,2,3+7,7+9,3,1d+d,1,1+1,1s+3,1d,2+4,2,6,15+8,d+1,x+3,3+1,2+2,1l,2+1,4,2+2,1n+7,3+1,49+2,2+c,2+6,5,7,4+1,5j+1l,2+4,ek,3+1,r+4,1e+4,6+5,2p+c,1+3,1,1+2,1+b,2db+2,3y,2p+v,ff+3,30+1,n9x,1+2,2+9,x+1,29+1,7l,4,5,q+1,6,48+1,r+h,e,13+7,q+a,1b+2,1d,3+3,3+1,14,1w+5,3+1,3+1,d,9,1c,1g,2+2,3+1,6+1,2,17+1,9,6n,3,5,fn5,ki+f,h+f,5s,6y+2,ea,6b,46+4,1af+2,2+1,6+3,15+2,5,4m+1,fy+3,as+1,4a+a,4x,1j+e,1l+2,1e+3,3+1,1y+2,11+4,2+7,1r,d+1,1h+8,b+3,3,2o+2,3,2+1,7,4h,4+7,m+1,1m+1,4,12+6,4+4,5g+7,3+2,2,o,2d+5,2,5+1,2+1,6n+3,7+1,2+1,s+1,2e+7,3,2+1,2z,2,3+5,2,2u+2,3+3,2+4,78+8,2+1,75+1,2,5,41+3,3+1,5,x+9,15+5,3+3,9,a+5,3+2,1b+c,2+1,bb+6,2+5,2,2b+l,3+6,2+1,2+1,3f+5,4,2+1,2+6,2,21+1,4,2,9o+1,470+8,at4+4,1o+6,t5,1s+3,2a,f5l+1,2+3,43o+2,a+7,1+7,3+6,v+3,45+2,1j0+1i,5+1d,9,f,n+4,2+e,11t+6,2+g,3+6,2+1,2+4,7a+6,c6+3,15t+6,32+6,1,gzau,v+2n,3l+6n\"};", + "", + " const JT_LEFT = 1, //indicates that a character joins with the subsequent character, but does not join with the preceding character.", + " JT_RIGHT = 2, //indicates that a character joins with the preceding character, but does not join with the subsequent character.", + " JT_DUAL = 4, //indicates that a character joins with the preceding character and joins with the subsequent character.", + " JT_TRANSPARENT = 8, //indicates that the character does not join with adjacent characters and that the character must be skipped over when the shaping engine is evaluating the joining positions in a sequence of characters. When a JT_TRANSPARENT character is encountered in a sequence, the JOINING_TYPE of the preceding character passes through. Diacritical marks are frequently assigned this value.", + " JT_JOIN_CAUSING = 16, //indicates that the character forces the use of joining forms with the preceding and subsequent characters. Kashidas and the Zero Width Joiner (U+200D) are both JOIN_CAUSING characters.", + " JT_NON_JOINING = 32; //indicates that a character does not join with the preceding or with the subsequent character.,", + "", + " let joiningTypeMap;", + " function getCharJoiningType(ch) {", + " if (!joiningTypeMap) {", + " const m = {", + " R: JT_RIGHT,", + " L: JT_LEFT,", + " D: JT_DUAL,", + " C: JT_JOIN_CAUSING,", + " U: JT_NON_JOINING,", + " T: JT_TRANSPARENT", + " };", + " joiningTypeMap = new Map();", + " for (let type in joiningTypeRawData) {", + " let lastCode = 0;", + " joiningTypeRawData[type].split(',').forEach(range => {", + " let [skip, step] = range.split('+');", + " skip = parseInt(skip,36);", + " step = step ? parseInt(step, 36) : 0;", + " joiningTypeMap.set(lastCode += skip, m[type]);", + " for (let i = step; i--;) {", + " joiningTypeMap.set(++lastCode, m[type]);", + " }", + " });", + " }", + " }", + " return joiningTypeMap.get(ch) || JT_NON_JOINING", + " }", + "", + " const ISOL = 1, INIT = 2, FINA = 3, MEDI = 4;", + " const formsToFeatures = [null, 'isol', 'init', 'fina', 'medi'];", + "", + " function detectJoiningForms(str) {", + " // This implements the algorithm described here:", + " // https://github.com/n8willis/opentype-shaping-documents/blob/master/opentype-shaping-arabic-general.md", + " const joiningForms = new Uint8Array(str.length);", + " let prevJoiningType = JT_NON_JOINING;", + " let prevForm = ISOL;", + " let prevIndex = -1;", + " for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {", + " const code = str.codePointAt(i);", + " let joiningType = getCharJoiningType(code) | 0;", + " let form = ISOL;", + " if (joiningType & JT_TRANSPARENT) {", + " continue", + " }", + " if (prevJoiningType & (JT_LEFT | JT_DUAL | JT_JOIN_CAUSING)) {", + " if (joiningType & (JT_RIGHT | JT_DUAL | JT_JOIN_CAUSING)) {", + " form = FINA;", + " // isol->init, fina->medi", + " if (prevForm === ISOL || prevForm === FINA) {", + " joiningForms[prevIndex]++;", + " }", + " }", + " else if (joiningType & (JT_LEFT | JT_NON_JOINING)) {", + " // medi->fina, init->isol", + " if (prevForm === INIT || prevForm === MEDI) {", + " joiningForms[prevIndex]--;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " else if (prevJoiningType & (JT_RIGHT | JT_NON_JOINING)) {", + " // medi->fina, init->isol", + " if (prevForm === INIT || prevForm === MEDI) {", + " joiningForms[prevIndex]--;", + " }", + " }", + " prevForm = joiningForms[i] = form;", + " prevJoiningType = joiningType;", + " prevIndex = i;", + " if (code > 0xffff) i++;", + " }", + " // console.log(str.split('').map(ch => ch.codePointAt(0).toString(16)))", + " // console.log(str.split('').map(ch => getCharJoiningType(ch.codePointAt(0))))", + " // console.log(Array.from(joiningForms).map(f => formsToFeatures[f] || 'none'))", + " return joiningForms", + " }", + "", + " function stringToGlyphs (font, str) {", + " const glyphIds = [];", + " for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {", + " const cc = str.codePointAt(i);", + " if (cc > 0xffff) i++;", + " glyphIds.push(Typr.U.codeToGlyph(font, cc));", + " }", + "", + " const gsub = font['GSUB'];", + " if (gsub) {", + " const {lookupList, featureList} = gsub;", + " let joiningForms;", + " const supportedFeatures = /^(rlig|liga|mset|isol|init|fina|medi|half|pres|blws|ccmp)$/;", + " const usedLookups = [];", + " featureList.forEach(feature => {", + " if (supportedFeatures.test(feature.tag)) {", + " for (let ti = 0; ti < feature.tab.length; ti++) {", + " if (usedLookups[feature.tab[ti]]) continue", + " usedLookups[feature.tab[ti]] = true;", + " const tab = lookupList[feature.tab[ti]];", + " const isJoiningFeature = /^(isol|init|fina|medi)$/.test(feature.tag);", + " if (isJoiningFeature && !joiningForms) { //lazy", + " joiningForms = detectJoiningForms(str);", + " }", + " for (let ci = 0; ci < glyphIds.length; ci++) {", + " if (!joiningForms || !isJoiningFeature || formsToFeatures[joiningForms[ci]] === feature.tag) {", + " Typr.U._applySubs(glyphIds, ci, tab, lookupList);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " });", + " }", + "", + " return glyphIds", + " }", + "", + " // Calculate advances and x/y offsets for each glyph, e.g. kerning and mark", + " // attachments. This is a more complete version of Typr.U.getPairAdjustment", + " // and should become an upstream replacement eventually.", + " function calcGlyphPositions(font, glyphIds) {", + " const positions = new Int16Array(glyphIds.length * 3); // [offsetX, offsetY, advanceX, ...]", + " let glyphIndex = 0;", + " for (; glyphIndex < glyphIds.length; glyphIndex++) {", + " const glyphId = glyphIds[glyphIndex];", + " if (glyphId === -1) continue;", + "", + " positions[glyphIndex * 3 + 2] = font.hmtx.aWidth[glyphId]; // populate advanceX in...advance.", + "", + " const gpos = font.GPOS;", + " if (gpos) {", + " const llist = gpos.lookupList;", + " for (let i = 0; i < llist.length; i++) {", + " const lookup = llist[i];", + " for (let j = 0; j < lookup.tabs.length; j++) {", + " const tab = lookup.tabs[j];", + " // Single char placement", + " if (lookup.ltype === 1) {", + " const ind = Typr._lctf.coverageIndex(tab.coverage, glyphId);", + " if (ind !== -1 && tab.pos) {", + " applyValueRecord(tab.pos, glyphIndex);", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " // Pairs (kerning)", + " else if (lookup.ltype === 2) {", + " let adj = null;", + " let prevGlyphIndex = getPrevGlyphIndex();", + " if (prevGlyphIndex !== -1) {", + " const coverageIndex = Typr._lctf.coverageIndex(tab.coverage, glyphIds[prevGlyphIndex]);", + " if (coverageIndex !== -1) {", + " if (tab.fmt === 1) {", + " const right = tab.pairsets[coverageIndex];", + " for (let k = 0; k < right.length; k++) {", + " if (right[k].gid2 === glyphId) adj = right[k];", + " }", + " } else if (tab.fmt === 2) {", + " const c1 = Typr.U._getGlyphClass(glyphIds[prevGlyphIndex], tab.classDef1);", + " const c2 = Typr.U._getGlyphClass(glyphId, tab.classDef2);", + " adj = tab.matrix[c1][c2];", + " }", + " if (adj) {", + " if (adj.val1) applyValueRecord(adj.val1, prevGlyphIndex);", + " if (adj.val2) applyValueRecord(adj.val2, glyphIndex);", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " // Mark to base", + " else if (lookup.ltype === 4) {", + " const markArrIndex = Typr._lctf.coverageIndex(tab.markCoverage, glyphId);", + " if (markArrIndex !== -1) {", + " const baseGlyphIndex = getPrevGlyphIndex(isBaseGlyph);", + " const baseArrIndex = baseGlyphIndex === -1 ? -1 : Typr._lctf.coverageIndex(tab.baseCoverage, glyphIds[baseGlyphIndex]);", + " if (baseArrIndex !== -1) {", + " const markRecord = tab.markArray[markArrIndex];", + " const baseAnchor = tab.baseArray[baseArrIndex][markRecord.markClass];", + " positions[glyphIndex * 3] = baseAnchor.x - markRecord.x + positions[baseGlyphIndex * 3] - positions[baseGlyphIndex * 3 + 2];", + " positions[glyphIndex * 3 + 1] = baseAnchor.y - markRecord.y + positions[baseGlyphIndex * 3 + 1];", + " break;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " // Mark to mark", + " else if (lookup.ltype === 6) {", + " const mark1ArrIndex = Typr._lctf.coverageIndex(tab.mark1Coverage, glyphId);", + " if (mark1ArrIndex !== -1) {", + " const prevGlyphIndex = getPrevGlyphIndex();", + " if (prevGlyphIndex !== -1) {", + " const prevGlyphId = glyphIds[prevGlyphIndex];", + " if (getGlyphClass(font, prevGlyphId) === 3) { // only check mark glyphs", + " const mark2ArrIndex = Typr._lctf.coverageIndex(tab.mark2Coverage, prevGlyphId);", + " if (mark2ArrIndex !== -1) {", + " const mark1Record = tab.mark1Array[mark1ArrIndex];", + " const mark2Anchor = tab.mark2Array[mark2ArrIndex][mark1Record.markClass];", + " positions[glyphIndex * 3] = mark2Anchor.x - mark1Record.x + positions[prevGlyphIndex * 3] - positions[prevGlyphIndex * 3 + 2];", + " positions[glyphIndex * 3 + 1] = mark2Anchor.y - mark1Record.y + positions[prevGlyphIndex * 3 + 1];", + " break;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " // Check kern table if no GPOS", + " else if (font.kern && !font.cff) {", + " const prevGlyphIndex = getPrevGlyphIndex();", + " if (prevGlyphIndex !== -1) {", + " const ind1 = font.kern.glyph1.indexOf(glyphIds[prevGlyphIndex]);", + " if (ind1 !== -1) {", + " const ind2 = font.kern.rval[ind1].glyph2.indexOf(glyphId);", + " if (ind2 !== -1) {", + " positions[prevGlyphIndex * 3 + 2] += font.kern.rval[ind1].vals[ind2];", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " return positions;", + "", + " function getPrevGlyphIndex(filter) {", + " for (let i = glyphIndex - 1; i >=0; i--) {", + " if (glyphIds[i] !== -1 && (!filter || filter(glyphIds[i]))) {", + " return i", + " }", + " }", + " return -1;", + " }", + "", + " function isBaseGlyph(glyphId) {", + " return getGlyphClass(font, glyphId) === 1;", + " }", + "", + " function applyValueRecord(source, gi) {", + " for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {", + " positions[gi * 3 + i] += source[i] || 0;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function getGlyphClass(font, glyphId) {", + " const classDef = font.GDEF && font.GDEF.glyphClassDef;", + " return classDef ? Typr.U._getGlyphClass(glyphId, classDef) : 0;", + " }", + "", + " function firstNum(...args) {", + " for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {", + " if (typeof args[i] === 'number') {", + " return args[i]", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @returns ParsedFont", + " */", + " function wrapFontObj(typrFont) {", + " const glyphMap = Object.create(null);", + "", + " const os2 = typrFont['OS/2'];", + " const hhea = typrFont.hhea;", + " const unitsPerEm = typrFont.head.unitsPerEm;", + " const ascender = firstNum(os2 && os2.sTypoAscender, hhea && hhea.ascender, unitsPerEm);", + "", + " /** @type ParsedFont */", + " const fontObj = {", + " unitsPerEm,", + " ascender,", + " descender: firstNum(os2 && os2.sTypoDescender, hhea && hhea.descender, 0),", + " capHeight: firstNum(os2 && os2.sCapHeight, ascender),", + " xHeight: firstNum(os2 && os2.sxHeight, ascender),", + " lineGap: firstNum(os2 && os2.sTypoLineGap, hhea && hhea.lineGap),", + " supportsCodePoint(code) {", + " return Typr.U.codeToGlyph(typrFont, code) > 0", + " },", + " forEachGlyph(text, fontSize, letterSpacing, callback) {", + " let penX = 0;", + " const fontScale = 1 / fontObj.unitsPerEm * fontSize;", + "", + " const glyphIds = stringToGlyphs(typrFont, text);", + " let charIndex = 0;", + " const positions = calcGlyphPositions(typrFont, glyphIds);", + "", + " glyphIds.forEach((glyphId, i) => {", + " // Typr returns a glyph index per string codepoint, with -1s in place of those that", + " // were omitted due to ligature substitution. So we can track original index in the", + " // string via simple increment, and skip everything else when seeing a -1.", + " if (glyphId !== -1) {", + " let glyphObj = glyphMap[glyphId];", + " if (!glyphObj) {", + " const {cmds, crds} = Typr.U.glyphToPath(typrFont, glyphId);", + "", + " // Build path string", + " let path = '';", + " let crdsIdx = 0;", + " for (let i = 0, len = cmds.length; i < len; i++) {", + " const numArgs = cmdArgLengths[cmds[i]];", + " path += cmds[i];", + " for (let j = 1; j <= numArgs; j++) {", + " path += (j > 1 ? ',' : '') + crds[crdsIdx++];", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Find extents - Glyf gives this in metadata but not CFF, and Typr doesn't", + " // normalize the two, so it's simplest just to iterate ourselves.", + " let xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax;", + " if (crds.length) {", + " xMin = yMin = Infinity;", + " xMax = yMax = -Infinity;", + " for (let i = 0, len = crds.length; i < len; i += 2) {", + " let x = crds[i];", + " let y = crds[i + 1];", + " if (x < xMin) xMin = x;", + " if (y < yMin) yMin = y;", + " if (x > xMax) xMax = x;", + " if (y > yMax) yMax = y;", + " }", + " } else {", + " xMin = xMax = yMin = yMax = 0;", + " }", + "", + " glyphObj = glyphMap[glyphId] = {", + " index: glyphId,", + " advanceWidth: typrFont.hmtx.aWidth[glyphId],", + " xMin,", + " yMin,", + " xMax,", + " yMax,", + " path,", + " };", + " }", + "", + " callback.call(", + " null,", + " glyphObj,", + " penX + positions[i * 3] * fontScale,", + " positions[i * 3 + 1] * fontScale,", + " charIndex", + " );", + "", + " penX += positions[i * 3 + 2] * fontScale;", + " if (letterSpacing) {", + " penX += letterSpacing * fontSize;", + " }", + " }", + " charIndex += (text.codePointAt(charIndex) > 0xffff ? 2 : 1);", + " });", + "", + " return penX", + " }", + " };", + "", + " return fontObj", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @type FontParser", + " */", + " return function parse(buffer) {", + " // Look to see if we have a WOFF file and convert it if so:", + " const peek = new Uint8Array(buffer, 0, 4);", + " const tag = Typr._bin.readASCII(peek, 0, 4);", + " if (tag === 'wOFF') {", + " buffer = woff2otf(buffer);", + " } else if (tag === 'wOF2') {", + " throw new Error('woff2 fonts not supported')", + " }", + " return wrapFontObj(Typr.parse(buffer)[0])", + " }", + " }", + "", + "", + " const workerModule = /*#__PURE__*/defineWorkerModule({", + " name: 'Typr Font Parser',", + " dependencies: [typrFactory, woff2otfFactory, parserFactory],", + " init(typrFactory, woff2otfFactory, parserFactory) {", + " const Typr = typrFactory();", + " const woff2otf = woff2otfFactory();", + " return parserFactory(Typr, woff2otf)", + " }", + " });", + "", + " /*!", + " Custom bundle of @unicode-font-resolver/client v1.0.2 (https://github.com/lojjic/unicode-font-resolver)", + " for use in Troika text rendering. ", + " Original MIT license applies", + " */", + " function unicodeFontResolverClientFactory(){return function(t){var n=function(){this.buckets=new Map;};n.prototype.add=function(t){var n=t>>5;this.buckets.set(n,(this.buckets.get(n)||0)|1<<(31&t));},n.prototype.has=function(t){var n=this.buckets.get(t>>5);return void 0!==n&&0!=(n&1<<(31&t))},n.prototype.serialize=function(){var t=[];return this.buckets.forEach((function(n,r){t.push((+r).toString(36)+\":\"+n.toString(36));})),t.join(\",\")},n.prototype.deserialize=function(t){var n=this;this.buckets.clear(),t.split(\",\").forEach((function(t){var r=t.split(\":\");n.buckets.set(parseInt(r[0],36),parseInt(r[1],36));}));};var r=Math.pow(2,8),e=r-1,o=~e;function a(t){var n=function(t){return t&o}(t).toString(16),e=function(t){return (t&o)+r-1}(t).toString(16);return \"codepoint-index/plane\"+(t>>16)+\"/\"+n+\"-\"+e+\".json\"}function i(t,n){var r=t&e,o=n.codePointAt(r/6|0);return 0!=((o=(o||48)-48)&1<65535&&(n++,E=n);},E=0;E65535&&(n++,r=n);},r=0;r65535&&(e++,y[e]=y[e-1]);}return {fontUrls:Array.from(h.keys()),chars:y}}))},Object.defineProperty(t,\"__esModule\",{value:!0}),t}({})}", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {string | {src:string, label?:string, unicodeRange?:string, lang?:string}} UserFont", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {ClientOptions} FontResolverOptions", + " * @property {Array|UserFont} [fonts]", + " * @property {'normal'|'italic'} [style]", + " * @property {'normal'|'bold'|number} [style]", + " * @property {string} [unicodeFontsURL]", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {Object} FontResolverResult", + " * @property {Uint8Array} chars", + " * @property {Array} fonts", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {function} FontResolver", + " * @param {string} text", + " * @param {(FontResolverResult) => void} callback", + " * @param {FontResolverOptions} [options]", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * Factory for the FontResolver function.", + " * @param {FontParser} fontParser", + " * @param {{getFontsForString: function, CodePointSet: function}} unicodeFontResolverClient", + " * @return {FontResolver}", + " */", + " function createFontResolver(fontParser, unicodeFontResolverClient) {", + " /**", + " * @type {Record}", + " */", + " const parsedFonts = Object.create(null);", + "", + " /**", + " * @type {Record void>>}", + " */", + " const loadingFonts = Object.create(null);", + "", + " /**", + " * Load a given font url", + " */", + " function doLoadFont(url, callback) {", + " const onError = err => {", + " console.error(`Failure loading font ${url}`, err);", + " };", + " try {", + " const request = new XMLHttpRequest();", + " request.open('get', url, true);", + " request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';", + " request.onload = function () {", + " if (request.status >= 400) {", + " onError(new Error(request.statusText));", + " }", + " else if (request.status > 0) {", + " try {", + " const fontObj = fontParser(request.response);", + " fontObj.src = url;", + " callback(fontObj);", + " } catch (e) {", + " onError(e);", + " }", + " }", + " };", + " request.onerror = onError;", + " request.send();", + " } catch(err) {", + " onError(err);", + " }", + " }", + "", + "", + " /**", + " * Load a given font url if needed, invoking a callback when it's loaded. If already", + " * loaded, the callback will be called synchronously.", + " * @param {string} fontUrl", + " * @param {(font: ParsedFont) => void} callback", + " */", + " function loadFont(fontUrl, callback) {", + " let font = parsedFonts[fontUrl];", + " if (font) {", + " callback(font);", + " } else if (loadingFonts[fontUrl]) {", + " loadingFonts[fontUrl].push(callback);", + " } else {", + " loadingFonts[fontUrl] = [callback];", + " doLoadFont(fontUrl, fontObj => {", + " fontObj.src = fontUrl;", + " parsedFonts[fontUrl] = fontObj;", + " loadingFonts[fontUrl].forEach(cb => cb(fontObj));", + " delete loadingFonts[fontUrl];", + " });", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * For a given string of text, determine which fonts are required to fully render it and", + " * ensure those fonts are loaded.", + " */", + " return function (text, callback, {", + " lang,", + " fonts: userFonts = [],", + " style = 'normal',", + " weight = 'normal',", + " unicodeFontsURL", + " } = {}) {", + " const charResolutions = new Uint8Array(text.length);", + " const fontResolutions = [];", + " if (!text.length) {", + " allDone();", + " }", + "", + " const fontIndices = new Map();", + " const fallbackRanges = []; // [[start, end], ...]", + "", + " if (style !== 'italic') style = 'normal';", + " if (typeof weight !== 'number') {", + " weight = weight === 'bold' ? 700 : 400;", + " }", + "", + " if (userFonts && !Array.isArray(userFonts)) {", + " userFonts = [userFonts];", + " }", + " userFonts = userFonts.slice()", + " // filter by language", + " .filter(def => !def.lang || def.lang.test(lang))", + " // switch order for easier iteration", + " .reverse();", + " if (userFonts.length) {", + " const UNKNOWN = 0;", + " const RESOLVED = 1;", + " const NEEDS_FALLBACK = 2;", + " let prevCharResult = UNKNOWN", + "", + " ;(function resolveUserFonts (startIndex = 0) {", + " for (let i = startIndex, iLen = text.length; i < iLen; i++) {", + " const codePoint = text.codePointAt(i);", + " // Carry previous character's result forward if:", + " // - it resolved to a font that also covers this character", + " // - this character is whitespace", + " if (", + " (prevCharResult === RESOLVED && fontResolutions[charResolutions[i - 1]].supportsCodePoint(codePoint)) ||", + " /\\s/.test(text[i])", + " ) {", + " charResolutions[i] = charResolutions[i - 1];", + " if (prevCharResult === NEEDS_FALLBACK) {", + " fallbackRanges[fallbackRanges.length - 1][1] = i;", + " }", + " } else {", + " for (let j = charResolutions[i], jLen = userFonts.length; j <= jLen; j++) {", + " if (j === jLen) {", + " // none of the user fonts matched; needs fallback", + " const range = prevCharResult === NEEDS_FALLBACK ?", + " fallbackRanges[fallbackRanges.length - 1] :", + " (fallbackRanges[fallbackRanges.length] = [i, i]);", + " range[1] = i;", + " prevCharResult = NEEDS_FALLBACK;", + " } else {", + " charResolutions[i] = j;", + " const { src, unicodeRange } = userFonts[j];", + " // filter by optional explicit unicode ranges", + " if (!unicodeRange || isCodeInRanges(codePoint, unicodeRange)) {", + " const fontObj = parsedFonts[src];", + " // font not yet loaded, load it and resume", + " if (!fontObj) {", + " loadFont(src, () => {", + " resolveUserFonts(i);", + " });", + " return;", + " }", + " // if the font actually contains a glyph for this char, lock it in", + " if (fontObj.supportsCodePoint(codePoint)) {", + " let fontIndex = fontIndices.get(fontObj);", + " if (typeof fontIndex !== 'number') {", + " fontIndex = fontResolutions.length;", + " fontResolutions.push(fontObj);", + " fontIndices.set(fontObj, fontIndex);", + " }", + " charResolutions[i] = fontIndex;", + " prevCharResult = RESOLVED;", + " break;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " if (codePoint > 0xffff && i + 1 < iLen) {", + " charResolutions[i + 1] = charResolutions[i];", + " i++;", + " if (prevCharResult === NEEDS_FALLBACK) {", + " fallbackRanges[fallbackRanges.length - 1][1] = i;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " resolveFallbacks();", + " })();", + " } else {", + " fallbackRanges.push([0, text.length - 1]);", + " resolveFallbacks();", + " }", + "", + " function resolveFallbacks() {", + " if (fallbackRanges.length) {", + " // Combine all fallback substrings into a single string for querying", + " const fallbackString = fallbackRanges.map(range => text.substring(range[0], range[1] + 1)).join('\\n');", + " unicodeFontResolverClient.getFontsForString(fallbackString, {", + " lang: lang || undefined,", + " style,", + " weight,", + " dataUrl: unicodeFontsURL", + " }).then(({fontUrls, chars}) => {", + " // Extract results and put them back in the main array", + " const fontIndexOffset = fontResolutions.length;", + " let charIdx = 0;", + " fallbackRanges.forEach(range => {", + " for (let i = 0, endIdx = range[1] - range[0]; i <= endIdx; i++) {", + " charResolutions[range[0] + i] = chars[charIdx++] + fontIndexOffset;", + " }", + " charIdx++; //skip segment separator", + " });", + "", + " // Load and parse the fallback fonts - avoiding Promise here to prevent polyfills in the worker", + " let loadedCount = 0;", + " fontUrls.forEach((url, i) => {", + " loadFont(url, fontObj => {", + " fontResolutions[i + fontIndexOffset] = fontObj;", + " if (++loadedCount === fontUrls.length) {", + " allDone();", + " }", + " });", + " });", + " });", + " } else {", + " allDone();", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function allDone() {", + " callback({", + " chars: charResolutions,", + " fonts: fontResolutions", + " });", + " }", + "", + " function isCodeInRanges(code, ranges) {", + " // todo optimize search - CodePointSet from unicode-font-resolver?", + " for (let k = 0; k < ranges.length; k++) {", + " const [start, end = start] = ranges[k];", + " if (start <= code && code <= end) {", + " return true", + " }", + " }", + " return false", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " const fontResolverWorkerModule = /*#__PURE__*/defineWorkerModule({", + " name: 'FontResolver',", + " dependencies: [", + " createFontResolver,", + " workerModule,", + " unicodeFontResolverClientFactory,", + " ],", + " init(createFontResolver, fontParser, unicodeFontResolverClientFactory) {", + " return createFontResolver(fontParser, unicodeFontResolverClientFactory());", + " }", + " });", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {number|'left'|'center'|'right'} AnchorXValue", + " */", + " /**", + " * @typedef {number|'top'|'top-baseline'|'top-cap'|'top-ex'|'middle'|'bottom-baseline'|'bottom'} AnchorYValue", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {object} TypesetParams", + " * @property {string} text", + " * @property {UserFont|UserFont[]} [font]", + " * @property {string} [lang]", + " * @property {number} [sdfGlyphSize=64]", + " * @property {number} [fontSize=1]", + " * @property {number|'normal'|'bold'} [fontWeight='normal']", + " * @property {'normal'|'italic'} [fontStyle='normal']", + " * @property {number} [letterSpacing=0]", + " * @property {'normal'|number} [lineHeight='normal']", + " * @property {number} [maxWidth]", + " * @property {'ltr'|'rtl'} [direction='ltr']", + " * @property {string} [textAlign='left']", + " * @property {number} [textIndent=0]", + " * @property {'normal'|'nowrap'} [whiteSpace='normal']", + " * @property {'normal'|'break-word'} [overflowWrap='normal']", + " * @property {AnchorXValue} [anchorX=0]", + " * @property {AnchorYValue} [anchorY=0]", + " * @property {boolean} [metricsOnly=false]", + " * @property {string} [unicodeFontsURL]", + " * @property {FontResolverResult} [preResolvedFonts]", + " * @property {boolean} [includeCaretPositions=false]", + " * @property {number} [chunkedBoundsSize=8192]", + " * @property {{[rangeStartIndex]: number}} [colorRanges]", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {object} TypesetResult", + " * @property {Uint16Array} glyphIds id for each glyph, specific to that glyph's font", + " * @property {Uint8Array} glyphFontIndices index into fontData for each glyph", + " * @property {Float32Array} glyphPositions x,y of each glyph's origin in layout", + " * @property {{[font]: {[glyphId]: {path: string, pathBounds: number[]}}}} glyphData data about each glyph appearing in the text", + " * @property {TypesetFontData[]} fontData data about each font used in the text", + " * @property {Float32Array} [caretPositions] startX,endX,bottomY caret positions for each char", + " * @property {Uint8Array} [glyphColors] color for each glyph, if color ranges supplied", + " * chunkedBounds, //total rects per (n=chunkedBoundsSize) consecutive glyphs", + " * fontSize, //calculated em height", + " * topBaseline: anchorYOffset + lines[0].baseline, //y coordinate of the top line's baseline", + " * blockBounds: [ //bounds for the whole block of text, including vertical padding for lineHeight", + " * anchorXOffset,", + " * anchorYOffset - totalHeight,", + " * anchorXOffset + maxLineWidth,", + " * anchorYOffset", + " * ],", + " * visibleBounds, //total bounds of visible text paths, may be larger or smaller than blockBounds", + " * timings", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {object} TypesetFontData", + " * @property src", + " * @property unitsPerEm", + " * @property ascender", + " * @property descender", + " * @property lineHeight", + " * @property capHeight", + " * @property xHeight", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {function} TypesetterTypesetFunction - compute fonts and layout for some text.", + " * @param {TypesetParams} params", + " * @param {(TypesetResult) => void} callback - function called when typesetting is complete.", + " * If the params included `preResolvedFonts`, this will be called synchronously.", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {function} TypesetterMeasureFunction - compute width/height for some text.", + " * @param {TypesetParams} params", + " * @param {(width:number, height:number) => void} callback - function called when measurement is complete.", + " * If the params included `preResolvedFonts`, this will be called synchronously.", + " */", + "", + "", + " /**", + " * Factory function that creates a self-contained environment for processing text typesetting requests.", + " *", + " * It is important that this function has no closure dependencies, so that it can be easily injected", + " * into the source for a Worker without requiring a build step or complex dependency loading. All its", + " * dependencies must be passed in at initialization.", + " *", + " * @param {FontResolver} resolveFonts - function to resolve a string to parsed fonts", + " * @param {object} bidi - the bidi.js implementation object", + " * @return {{typeset: TypesetterTypesetFunction, measure: TypesetterMeasureFunction}}", + " */", + " function createTypesetter(resolveFonts, bidi) {", + " const INF = Infinity;", + "", + " // Set of Unicode Default_Ignorable_Code_Point characters, these will not produce visible glyphs", + " // eslint-disable-next-line no-misleading-character-class", + " const DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_CHARS = /[\\u00AD\\u034F\\u061C\\u115F-\\u1160\\u17B4-\\u17B5\\u180B-\\u180E\\u200B-\\u200F\\u202A-\\u202E\\u2060-\\u206F\\u3164\\uFE00-\\uFE0F\\uFEFF\\uFFA0\\uFFF0-\\uFFF8]/;", + "", + " // This regex (instead of /\\s/) allows us to select all whitespace EXCEPT for non-breaking white spaces", + " const lineBreakingWhiteSpace = `[^\\\\S\\\\u00A0]`;", + "", + " // Incomplete set of characters that allow line breaking after them", + " // In the future we may consider a full Unicode line breaking algorithm impl: https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14", + " const BREAK_AFTER_CHARS = new RegExp(`${lineBreakingWhiteSpace}|[\\\\-\\\\u007C\\\\u00AD\\\\u2010\\\\u2012-\\\\u2014\\\\u2027\\\\u2056\\\\u2E17\\\\u2E40]`);", + "", + " /**", + " * Load and parse all the necessary fonts to render a given string of text, then group", + " * them into consecutive runs of characters sharing a font.", + " */", + " function calculateFontRuns({text, lang, fonts, style, weight, preResolvedFonts, unicodeFontsURL}, onDone) {", + " const onResolved = ({chars, fonts: parsedFonts}) => {", + " let curRun, prevVal;", + " const runs = [];", + " for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {", + " if (chars[i] !== prevVal) {", + " prevVal = chars[i];", + " runs.push(curRun = { start: i, end: i, fontObj: parsedFonts[chars[i]]});", + " } else {", + " curRun.end = i;", + " }", + " }", + " onDone(runs);", + " };", + " if (preResolvedFonts) {", + " onResolved(preResolvedFonts);", + " } else {", + " resolveFonts(", + " text,", + " onResolved,", + " { lang, fonts, style, weight, unicodeFontsURL }", + " );", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Main entry point.", + " * Process a text string with given font and formatting parameters, and return all info", + " * necessary to render all its glyphs.", + " * @type TypesetterTypesetFunction", + " */", + " function typeset(", + " {", + " text='',", + " font,", + " lang,", + " sdfGlyphSize=64,", + " fontSize=400,", + " fontWeight=1,", + " fontStyle='normal',", + " letterSpacing=0,", + " lineHeight='normal',", + " maxWidth=INF,", + " direction,", + " textAlign='left',", + " textIndent=0,", + " whiteSpace='normal',", + " overflowWrap='normal',", + " anchorX = 0,", + " anchorY = 0,", + " metricsOnly=false,", + " unicodeFontsURL,", + " preResolvedFonts=null,", + " includeCaretPositions=false,", + " chunkedBoundsSize=8192,", + " colorRanges=null", + " },", + " callback", + " ) {", + " const mainStart = now();", + " const timings = {fontLoad: 0, typesetting: 0};", + "", + " // Ensure newlines are normalized", + " if (text.indexOf('\\r') > -1) {", + " console.info('Typesetter: got text with \\\\r chars; normalizing to \\\\n');", + " text = text.replace(/\\r\\n/g, '\\n').replace(/\\r/g, '\\n');", + " }", + "", + " // Ensure we've got numbers not strings", + " fontSize = +fontSize;", + " letterSpacing = +letterSpacing;", + " maxWidth = +maxWidth;", + " lineHeight = lineHeight || 'normal';", + " textIndent = +textIndent;", + "", + " calculateFontRuns({", + " text,", + " lang,", + " style: fontStyle,", + " weight: fontWeight,", + " fonts: typeof font === 'string' ? [{src: font}] : font,", + " unicodeFontsURL,", + " preResolvedFonts", + " }, runs => {", + " timings.fontLoad = now() - mainStart;", + " const hasMaxWidth = isFinite(maxWidth);", + " let glyphIds = null;", + " let glyphFontIndices = null;", + " let glyphPositions = null;", + " let glyphData = null;", + " let glyphColors = null;", + " let caretPositions = null;", + " let visibleBounds = null;", + " let chunkedBounds = null;", + " let maxLineWidth = 0;", + " let renderableGlyphCount = 0;", + " let canWrap = whiteSpace !== 'nowrap';", + " const metricsByFont = new Map(); // fontObj -> metrics", + " const typesetStart = now();", + "", + " // Distribute glyphs into lines based on wrapping", + " let lineXOffset = textIndent;", + " let prevRunEndX = 0;", + " let currentLine = new TextLine();", + " const lines = [currentLine];", + " runs.forEach(run => {", + " const { fontObj } = run;", + " const { ascender, descender, unitsPerEm, lineGap, capHeight, xHeight } = fontObj;", + "", + " // Calculate metrics for each font used", + " let fontData = metricsByFont.get(fontObj);", + " if (!fontData) {", + " // Find conversion between native font units and fontSize units", + " const fontSizeMult = fontSize / unitsPerEm;", + "", + " // Determine appropriate value for 'normal' line height based on the font's actual metrics", + " // This does not guarantee individual glyphs won't exceed the line height, e.g. Roboto; should we use yMin/Max instead?", + " const calcLineHeight = lineHeight === 'normal' ?", + " (ascender - descender + lineGap) * fontSizeMult : lineHeight * fontSize;", + "", + " // Determine line height and leading adjustments", + " const halfLeading = (calcLineHeight - (ascender - descender) * fontSizeMult) / 2;", + " const caretHeight = Math.min(calcLineHeight, (ascender - descender) * fontSizeMult);", + " const caretTop = (ascender + descender) / 2 * fontSizeMult + caretHeight / 2;", + " fontData = {", + " index: metricsByFont.size,", + " src: fontObj.src,", + " fontObj,", + " fontSizeMult,", + " unitsPerEm,", + " ascender: ascender * fontSizeMult,", + " descender: descender * fontSizeMult,", + " capHeight: capHeight * fontSizeMult,", + " xHeight: xHeight * fontSizeMult,", + " lineHeight: calcLineHeight,", + " baseline: -halfLeading - ascender * fontSizeMult, // baseline offset from top of line height", + " // cap: -halfLeading - capHeight * fontSizeMult, // cap from top of line height", + " // ex: -halfLeading - xHeight * fontSizeMult, // ex from top of line height", + " caretTop: (ascender + descender) / 2 * fontSizeMult + caretHeight / 2,", + " caretBottom: caretTop - caretHeight", + " };", + " metricsByFont.set(fontObj, fontData);", + " }", + " const { fontSizeMult } = fontData;", + "", + " const runText = text.slice(run.start, run.end + 1);", + " let prevGlyphX, prevGlyphObj;", + " fontObj.forEachGlyph(runText, fontSize, letterSpacing, (glyphObj, glyphX, glyphY, charIndex) => {", + " glyphX += prevRunEndX;", + " charIndex += run.start;", + " prevGlyphX = glyphX;", + " prevGlyphObj = glyphObj;", + " const char = text.charAt(charIndex);", + " const glyphWidth = glyphObj.advanceWidth * fontSizeMult;", + " const curLineCount = currentLine.count;", + " let nextLine;", + "", + " // Calc isWhitespace and isEmpty once per glyphObj", + " if (!('isEmpty' in glyphObj)) {", + " glyphObj.isWhitespace = !!char && new RegExp(lineBreakingWhiteSpace).test(char);", + " glyphObj.canBreakAfter = !!char && BREAK_AFTER_CHARS.test(char);", + " glyphObj.isEmpty = glyphObj.xMin === glyphObj.xMax || glyphObj.yMin === glyphObj.yMax || DEFAULT_IGNORABLE_CHARS.test(char);", + " }", + " if (!glyphObj.isWhitespace && !glyphObj.isEmpty) {", + " renderableGlyphCount++;", + " }", + "", + " // If a non-whitespace character overflows the max width, we need to soft-wrap", + " if (canWrap && hasMaxWidth && !glyphObj.isWhitespace && glyphX + glyphWidth + lineXOffset > maxWidth && curLineCount) {", + " // If it's the first char after a whitespace, start a new line", + " if (currentLine.glyphAt(curLineCount - 1).glyphObj.canBreakAfter) {", + " nextLine = new TextLine();", + " lineXOffset = -glyphX;", + " } else {", + " // Back up looking for a whitespace character to wrap at", + " for (let i = curLineCount; i--;) {", + " // If we got the start of the line there's no soft break point; make hard break if overflowWrap='break-word'", + " if (i === 0 && overflowWrap === 'break-word') {", + " nextLine = new TextLine();", + " lineXOffset = -glyphX;", + " break", + " }", + " // Found a soft break point; move all chars since it to a new line", + " else if (currentLine.glyphAt(i).glyphObj.canBreakAfter) {", + " nextLine = currentLine.splitAt(i + 1);", + " const adjustX = nextLine.glyphAt(0).x;", + " lineXOffset -= adjustX;", + " for (let j = nextLine.count; j--;) {", + " nextLine.glyphAt(j).x -= adjustX;", + " }", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " if (nextLine) {", + " currentLine.isSoftWrapped = true;", + " currentLine = nextLine;", + " lines.push(currentLine);", + " maxLineWidth = maxWidth; //after soft wrapping use maxWidth as calculated width", + " }", + " }", + "", + " let fly = currentLine.glyphAt(currentLine.count);", + " fly.glyphObj = glyphObj;", + " fly.x = glyphX + lineXOffset;", + " fly.y = glyphY;", + " fly.width = glyphWidth;", + " fly.charIndex = charIndex;", + " fly.fontData = fontData;", + "", + " // Handle hard line breaks", + " if (char === '\\n') {", + " currentLine = new TextLine();", + " lines.push(currentLine);", + " lineXOffset = -(glyphX + glyphWidth + (letterSpacing * fontSize)) + textIndent;", + " }", + " });", + " // At the end of a run we must capture the x position as the starting point for the next run", + " prevRunEndX = prevGlyphX + prevGlyphObj.advanceWidth * fontSizeMult + letterSpacing * fontSize;", + " });", + "", + " // Calculate width/height/baseline of each line (excluding trailing whitespace) and maximum block width", + " let totalHeight = 0;", + " lines.forEach(line => {", + " let isTrailingWhitespace = true;", + " for (let i = line.count; i--;) {", + " const glyphInfo = line.glyphAt(i);", + " // omit trailing whitespace from width calculation", + " if (isTrailingWhitespace && !glyphInfo.glyphObj.isWhitespace) {", + " line.width = glyphInfo.x + glyphInfo.width;", + " if (line.width > maxLineWidth) {", + " maxLineWidth = line.width;", + " }", + " isTrailingWhitespace = false;", + " }", + " // use the tallest line height, lowest baseline, and highest cap/ex", + " let {lineHeight, capHeight, xHeight, baseline} = glyphInfo.fontData;", + " if (lineHeight > line.lineHeight) line.lineHeight = lineHeight;", + " const baselineDiff = baseline - line.baseline;", + " if (baselineDiff < 0) { //shift all metrics down", + " line.baseline += baselineDiff;", + " line.cap += baselineDiff;", + " line.ex += baselineDiff;", + " }", + " // compare cap/ex based on new lowest baseline", + " line.cap = Math.max(line.cap, line.baseline + capHeight);", + " line.ex = Math.max(line.ex, line.baseline + xHeight);", + " }", + " line.baseline -= totalHeight;", + " line.cap -= totalHeight;", + " line.ex -= totalHeight;", + " totalHeight += line.lineHeight;", + " });", + "", + " // Find overall position adjustments for anchoring", + " let anchorXOffset = 0;", + " let anchorYOffset = 0;", + " if (anchorX) {", + " if (typeof anchorX === 'number') {", + " anchorXOffset = -anchorX;", + " }", + " else if (typeof anchorX === 'string') {", + " anchorXOffset = -maxLineWidth * (", + " anchorX === 'left' ? 0 :", + " anchorX === 'center' ? 0.5 :", + " anchorX === 'right' ? 1 :", + " parsePercent(anchorX)", + " );", + " }", + " }", + " if (anchorY) {", + " if (typeof anchorY === 'number') {", + " anchorYOffset = -anchorY;", + " }", + " else if (typeof anchorY === 'string') {", + " anchorYOffset = anchorY === 'top' ? 0 :", + " anchorY === 'top-baseline' ? -lines[0].baseline :", + " anchorY === 'top-cap' ? -lines[0].cap :", + " anchorY === 'top-ex' ? -lines[0].ex :", + " anchorY === 'middle' ? totalHeight / 2 :", + " anchorY === 'bottom' ? totalHeight :", + " anchorY === 'bottom-baseline' ? lines[lines.length - 1].baseline :", + " parsePercent(anchorY) * totalHeight;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " if (!metricsOnly) {", + " // Resolve bidi levels", + " const bidiLevelsResult = bidi.getEmbeddingLevels(text, direction);", + "", + " // Process each line, applying alignment offsets, adding each glyph to the atlas, and", + " // collecting all renderable glyphs into a single collection.", + " glyphIds = new Uint16Array(renderableGlyphCount);", + " glyphFontIndices = new Uint8Array(renderableGlyphCount);", + " glyphPositions = new Float32Array(renderableGlyphCount * 2);", + " glyphData = {};", + " visibleBounds = [INF, INF, -INF, -INF];", + " chunkedBounds = [];", + " if (includeCaretPositions) {", + " caretPositions = new Float32Array(text.length * 4);", + " }", + " if (colorRanges) {", + " glyphColors = new Uint8Array(renderableGlyphCount * 3);", + " }", + " let renderableGlyphIndex = 0;", + " let prevCharIndex = -1;", + " let colorCharIndex = -1;", + " let chunk;", + " let currentColor;", + " lines.forEach((line, lineIndex) => {", + " let {count:lineGlyphCount, width:lineWidth} = line;", + "", + " // Ignore empty lines", + " if (lineGlyphCount > 0) {", + " // Count trailing whitespaces, we want to ignore these for certain things", + " let trailingWhitespaceCount = 0;", + " for (let i = lineGlyphCount; i-- && line.glyphAt(i).glyphObj.isWhitespace;) {", + " trailingWhitespaceCount++;", + " }", + "", + " // Apply horizontal alignment adjustments", + " let lineXOffset = 0;", + " let justifyAdjust = 0;", + " if (textAlign === 'center') {", + " lineXOffset = (maxLineWidth - lineWidth) / 2;", + " } else if (textAlign === 'right') {", + " lineXOffset = maxLineWidth - lineWidth;", + " } else if (textAlign === 'justify' && line.isSoftWrapped) {", + " // count non-trailing whitespace characters, and we'll adjust the offsets per character in the next loop", + " let whitespaceCount = 0;", + " for (let i = lineGlyphCount - trailingWhitespaceCount; i--;) {", + " if (line.glyphAt(i).glyphObj.isWhitespace) {", + " whitespaceCount++;", + " }", + " }", + " justifyAdjust = (maxLineWidth - lineWidth) / whitespaceCount;", + " }", + " if (justifyAdjust || lineXOffset) {", + " let justifyOffset = 0;", + " for (let i = 0; i < lineGlyphCount; i++) {", + " let glyphInfo = line.glyphAt(i);", + " const glyphObj = glyphInfo.glyphObj;", + " glyphInfo.x += lineXOffset + justifyOffset;", + " // Expand non-trailing whitespaces for justify alignment", + " if (justifyAdjust !== 0 && glyphObj.isWhitespace && i < lineGlyphCount - trailingWhitespaceCount) {", + " justifyOffset += justifyAdjust;", + " glyphInfo.width += justifyAdjust;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Perform bidi range flipping", + " const flips = bidi.getReorderSegments(", + " text, bidiLevelsResult, line.glyphAt(0).charIndex, line.glyphAt(line.count - 1).charIndex", + " );", + " for (let fi = 0; fi < flips.length; fi++) {", + " const [start, end] = flips[fi];", + " // Map start/end string indices to indices in the line", + " let left = Infinity, right = -Infinity;", + " for (let i = 0; i < lineGlyphCount; i++) {", + " if (line.glyphAt(i).charIndex >= start) { // gte to handle removed characters", + " let startInLine = i, endInLine = i;", + " for (; endInLine < lineGlyphCount; endInLine++) {", + " let info = line.glyphAt(endInLine);", + " if (info.charIndex > end) {", + " break", + " }", + " if (endInLine < lineGlyphCount - trailingWhitespaceCount) { //don't include trailing ws in flip width", + " left = Math.min(left, info.x);", + " right = Math.max(right, info.x + info.width);", + " }", + " }", + " for (let j = startInLine; j < endInLine; j++) {", + " const glyphInfo = line.glyphAt(j);", + " glyphInfo.x = right - (glyphInfo.x + glyphInfo.width - left);", + " }", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Assemble final data arrays", + " let glyphObj;", + " const setGlyphObj = g => glyphObj = g;", + " for (let i = 0; i < lineGlyphCount; i++) {", + " const glyphInfo = line.glyphAt(i);", + " glyphObj = glyphInfo.glyphObj;", + " const glyphId = glyphObj.index;", + "", + " // Replace mirrored characters in rtl", + " const rtl = bidiLevelsResult.levels[glyphInfo.charIndex] & 1; //odd level means rtl", + " if (rtl) {", + " const mirrored = bidi.getMirroredCharacter(text[glyphInfo.charIndex]);", + " if (mirrored) {", + " glyphInfo.fontData.fontObj.forEachGlyph(mirrored, 0, 0, setGlyphObj);", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Add caret positions", + " if (includeCaretPositions) {", + " const {charIndex, fontData} = glyphInfo;", + " const caretLeft = glyphInfo.x + anchorXOffset;", + " const caretRight = glyphInfo.x + glyphInfo.width + anchorXOffset;", + " caretPositions[charIndex * 4] = rtl ? caretRight : caretLeft; //start edge x", + " caretPositions[charIndex * 4 + 1] = rtl ? caretLeft : caretRight; //end edge x", + " caretPositions[charIndex * 4 + 2] = line.baseline + fontData.caretBottom + anchorYOffset; //common bottom y", + " caretPositions[charIndex * 4 + 3] = line.baseline + fontData.caretTop + anchorYOffset; //common top y", + "", + " // If we skipped any chars from the previous glyph (due to ligature subs), fill in caret", + " // positions for those missing char indices; currently this uses a best-guess by dividing", + " // the ligature's width evenly. In the future we may try to use the font's LigatureCaretList", + " // table to get better interior caret positions.", + " const ligCount = charIndex - prevCharIndex;", + " if (ligCount > 1) {", + " fillLigatureCaretPositions(caretPositions, prevCharIndex, ligCount);", + " }", + " prevCharIndex = charIndex;", + " }", + "", + " // Track current color range", + " if (colorRanges) {", + " const {charIndex} = glyphInfo;", + " while(charIndex > colorCharIndex) {", + " colorCharIndex++;", + " if (colorRanges.hasOwnProperty(colorCharIndex)) {", + " currentColor = colorRanges[colorCharIndex];", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Get atlas data for renderable glyphs", + " if (!glyphObj.isWhitespace && !glyphObj.isEmpty) {", + " const idx = renderableGlyphIndex++;", + " const {fontSizeMult, src: fontSrc, index: fontIndex} = glyphInfo.fontData;", + "", + " // Add this glyph's path data", + " const fontGlyphData = glyphData[fontSrc] || (glyphData[fontSrc] = {});", + " if (!fontGlyphData[glyphId]) {", + " fontGlyphData[glyphId] = {", + " path: glyphObj.path,", + " pathBounds: [glyphObj.xMin, glyphObj.yMin, glyphObj.xMax, glyphObj.yMax]", + " };", + " }", + "", + " // Determine final glyph position and add to glyphPositions array", + " const glyphX = glyphInfo.x + anchorXOffset;", + " const glyphY = glyphInfo.y + line.baseline + anchorYOffset;", + " glyphPositions[idx * 2] = glyphX;", + " glyphPositions[idx * 2 + 1] = glyphY;", + "", + " // Track total visible bounds", + " const visX0 = glyphX + glyphObj.xMin * fontSizeMult;", + " const visY0 = glyphY + glyphObj.yMin * fontSizeMult;", + " const visX1 = glyphX + glyphObj.xMax * fontSizeMult;", + " const visY1 = glyphY + glyphObj.yMax * fontSizeMult;", + " if (visX0 < visibleBounds[0]) visibleBounds[0] = visX0;", + " if (visY0 < visibleBounds[1]) visibleBounds[1] = visY0;", + " if (visX1 > visibleBounds[2]) visibleBounds[2] = visX1;", + " if (visY1 > visibleBounds[3]) visibleBounds[3] = visY1;", + "", + " // Track bounding rects for each chunk of N glyphs", + " if (idx % chunkedBoundsSize === 0) {", + " chunk = {start: idx, end: idx, rect: [INF, INF, -INF, -INF]};", + " chunkedBounds.push(chunk);", + " }", + " chunk.end++;", + " const chunkRect = chunk.rect;", + " if (visX0 < chunkRect[0]) chunkRect[0] = visX0;", + " if (visY0 < chunkRect[1]) chunkRect[1] = visY0;", + " if (visX1 > chunkRect[2]) chunkRect[2] = visX1;", + " if (visY1 > chunkRect[3]) chunkRect[3] = visY1;", + "", + " // Add to glyph ids and font indices arrays", + " glyphIds[idx] = glyphId;", + " glyphFontIndices[idx] = fontIndex;", + "", + " // Add colors", + " if (colorRanges) {", + " const start = idx * 3;", + " glyphColors[start] = currentColor >> 16 & 255;", + " glyphColors[start + 1] = currentColor >> 8 & 255;", + " glyphColors[start + 2] = currentColor & 255;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " });", + "", + " // Fill in remaining caret positions in case the final character was a ligature", + " if (caretPositions) {", + " const ligCount = text.length - prevCharIndex;", + " if (ligCount > 1) {", + " fillLigatureCaretPositions(caretPositions, prevCharIndex, ligCount);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Assemble final data about each font used", + " const fontData = [];", + " metricsByFont.forEach(({index, src, unitsPerEm, ascender, descender, lineHeight, capHeight, xHeight}) => {", + " fontData[index] = {src, unitsPerEm, ascender, descender, lineHeight, capHeight, xHeight};", + " });", + "", + " // Timing stats", + " timings.typesetting = now() - typesetStart;", + "", + " callback({", + " glyphIds, //id for each glyph, specific to that glyph's font", + " glyphFontIndices, //index into fontData for each glyph", + " glyphPositions, //x,y of each glyph's origin in layout", + " glyphData, //dict holding data about each glyph appearing in the text", + " fontData, //data about each font used in the text", + " caretPositions, //startX,endX,bottomY caret positions for each char", + " // caretHeight, //height of cursor from bottom to top - todo per glyph?", + " glyphColors, //color for each glyph, if color ranges supplied", + " chunkedBounds, //total rects per (n=chunkedBoundsSize) consecutive glyphs", + " fontSize, //calculated em height", + " topBaseline: anchorYOffset + lines[0].baseline, //y coordinate of the top line's baseline", + " blockBounds: [ //bounds for the whole block of text, including vertical padding for lineHeight", + " anchorXOffset,", + " anchorYOffset - totalHeight,", + " anchorXOffset + maxLineWidth,", + " anchorYOffset", + " ],", + " visibleBounds, //total bounds of visible text paths, may be larger or smaller than blockBounds", + " timings", + " });", + " });", + " }", + "", + "", + " /**", + " * For a given text string and font parameters, determine the resulting block dimensions", + " * after wrapping for the given maxWidth.", + " * @param args", + " * @param callback", + " */", + " function measure(args, callback) {", + " typeset({...args, metricsOnly: true}, (result) => {", + " const [x0, y0, x1, y1] = result.blockBounds;", + " callback({", + " width: x1 - x0,", + " height: y1 - y0", + " });", + " });", + " }", + "", + " function parsePercent(str) {", + " let match = str.match(/^([\\d.]+)%$/);", + " let pct = match ? parseFloat(match[1]) : NaN;", + " return isNaN(pct) ? 0 : pct / 100", + " }", + "", + " function fillLigatureCaretPositions(caretPositions, ligStartIndex, ligCount) {", + " const ligStartX = caretPositions[ligStartIndex * 4];", + " const ligEndX = caretPositions[ligStartIndex * 4 + 1];", + " const ligBottom = caretPositions[ligStartIndex * 4 + 2];", + " const ligTop = caretPositions[ligStartIndex * 4 + 3];", + " const guessedAdvanceX = (ligEndX - ligStartX) / ligCount;", + " for (let i = 0; i < ligCount; i++) {", + " const startIndex = (ligStartIndex + i) * 4;", + " caretPositions[startIndex] = ligStartX + guessedAdvanceX * i;", + " caretPositions[startIndex + 1] = ligStartX + guessedAdvanceX * (i + 1);", + " caretPositions[startIndex + 2] = ligBottom;", + " caretPositions[startIndex + 3] = ligTop;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function now() {", + " return (self.performance || Date).now()", + " }", + "", + " // Array-backed structure for a single line's glyphs data", + " function TextLine() {", + " this.data = [];", + " }", + " const textLineProps = ['glyphObj', 'x', 'y', 'width', 'charIndex', 'fontData'];", + " TextLine.prototype = {", + " width: 0,", + " lineHeight: 0,", + " baseline: 0,", + " cap: 0,", + " ex: 0,", + " isSoftWrapped: false,", + " get count() {", + " return Math.ceil(this.data.length / textLineProps.length)", + " },", + " glyphAt(i) {", + " let fly = TextLine.flyweight;", + " fly.data = this.data;", + " fly.index = i;", + " return fly", + " },", + " splitAt(i) {", + " let newLine = new TextLine();", + " newLine.data = this.data.splice(i * textLineProps.length);", + " return newLine", + " }", + " };", + " TextLine.flyweight = textLineProps.reduce((obj, prop, i, all) => {", + " Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {", + " get() {", + " return this.data[this.index * textLineProps.length + i]", + " },", + " set(val) {", + " this.data[this.index * textLineProps.length + i] = val;", + " }", + " });", + " return obj", + " }, {data: null, index: 0});", + "", + "", + " return {", + " typeset,", + " measure,", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function SDFGenerator() {", + " var exports = (function (exports) {", + "", + " /**", + " * Find the point on a quadratic bezier curve at t where t is in the range [0, 1]", + " */", + " function pointOnQuadraticBezier (x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, t, pointOut) {", + " var t2 = 1 - t;", + " pointOut.x = t2 * t2 * x0 + 2 * t2 * t * x1 + t * t * x2;", + " pointOut.y = t2 * t2 * y0 + 2 * t2 * t * y1 + t * t * y2;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Find the point on a cubic bezier curve at t where t is in the range [0, 1]", + " */", + " function pointOnCubicBezier (x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, t, pointOut) {", + " var t2 = 1 - t;", + " pointOut.x = t2 * t2 * t2 * x0 + 3 * t2 * t2 * t * x1 + 3 * t2 * t * t * x2 + t * t * t * x3;", + " pointOut.y = t2 * t2 * t2 * y0 + 3 * t2 * t2 * t * y1 + 3 * t2 * t * t * y2 + t * t * t * y3;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Parse a path string into its constituent line/curve commands, invoking a callback for each.", + " * @param {string} pathString - An SVG-like path string to parse; should only contain commands: M/L/Q/C/Z", + " * @param {function(", + " * command: 'L'|'Q'|'C',", + " * startX: number,", + " * startY: number,", + " * endX: number,", + " * endY: number,", + " * ctrl1X?: number,", + " * ctrl1Y?: number,", + " * ctrl2X?: number,", + " * ctrl2Y?: number", + " * )} commandCallback - A callback function that will be called once for each parsed path command, passing the", + " * command identifier (only L/Q/C commands) and its numeric arguments.", + " */", + " function forEachPathCommand(pathString, commandCallback) {", + " var segmentRE = /([MLQCZ])([^MLQCZ]*)/g;", + " var match, firstX, firstY, prevX, prevY;", + " while ((match = segmentRE.exec(pathString))) {", + " var args = match[2]", + " .replace(/^\\s*|\\s*$/g, '')", + " .split(/[,\\s]+/)", + " .map(function (v) { return parseFloat(v); });", + " switch (match[1]) {", + " case 'M':", + " prevX = firstX = args[0];", + " prevY = firstY = args[1];", + " break", + " case 'L':", + " if (args[0] !== prevX || args[1] !== prevY) { // yup, some fonts have zero-length line commands", + " commandCallback('L', prevX, prevY, (prevX = args[0]), (prevY = args[1]));", + " }", + " break", + " case 'Q': {", + " commandCallback('Q', prevX, prevY, (prevX = args[2]), (prevY = args[3]), args[0], args[1]);", + " break", + " }", + " case 'C': {", + " commandCallback('C', prevX, prevY, (prevX = args[4]), (prevY = args[5]), args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);", + " break", + " }", + " case 'Z':", + " if (prevX !== firstX || prevY !== firstY) {", + " commandCallback('L', prevX, prevY, firstX, firstY);", + " }", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Convert a path string to a series of straight line segments", + " * @param {string} pathString - An SVG-like path string to parse; should only contain commands: M/L/Q/C/Z", + " * @param {function(x1:number, y1:number, x2:number, y2:number)} segmentCallback - A callback", + " * function that will be called once for every line segment", + " * @param {number} [curvePoints] - How many straight line segments to use when approximating a", + " * bezier curve in the path. Defaults to 16.", + " */", + " function pathToLineSegments (pathString, segmentCallback, curvePoints) {", + " if ( curvePoints === void 0 ) curvePoints = 16;", + "", + " var tempPoint = { x: 0, y: 0 };", + " forEachPathCommand(pathString, function (command, startX, startY, endX, endY, ctrl1X, ctrl1Y, ctrl2X, ctrl2Y) {", + " switch (command) {", + " case 'L':", + " segmentCallback(startX, startY, endX, endY);", + " break", + " case 'Q': {", + " var prevCurveX = startX;", + " var prevCurveY = startY;", + " for (var i = 1; i < curvePoints; i++) {", + " pointOnQuadraticBezier(", + " startX, startY,", + " ctrl1X, ctrl1Y,", + " endX, endY,", + " i / (curvePoints - 1),", + " tempPoint", + " );", + " segmentCallback(prevCurveX, prevCurveY, tempPoint.x, tempPoint.y);", + " prevCurveX = tempPoint.x;", + " prevCurveY = tempPoint.y;", + " }", + " break", + " }", + " case 'C': {", + " var prevCurveX$1 = startX;", + " var prevCurveY$1 = startY;", + " for (var i$1 = 1; i$1 < curvePoints; i$1++) {", + " pointOnCubicBezier(", + " startX, startY,", + " ctrl1X, ctrl1Y,", + " ctrl2X, ctrl2Y,", + " endX, endY,", + " i$1 / (curvePoints - 1),", + " tempPoint", + " );", + " segmentCallback(prevCurveX$1, prevCurveY$1, tempPoint.x, tempPoint.y);", + " prevCurveX$1 = tempPoint.x;", + " prevCurveY$1 = tempPoint.y;", + " }", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " });", + " }", + "", + " var viewportQuadVertex = \"precision highp float;attribute vec2 aUV;varying vec2 vUV;void main(){vUV=aUV;gl_Position=vec4(mix(vec2(-1.0),vec2(1.0),aUV),0.0,1.0);}\";", + "", + " var copyTexFragment = \"precision highp float;uniform sampler2D tex;varying vec2 vUV;void main(){gl_FragColor=texture2D(tex,vUV);}\";", + "", + " var cache = new WeakMap();", + "", + " var glContextParams = {", + " premultipliedAlpha: false,", + " preserveDrawingBuffer: true,", + " antialias: false,", + " depth: false,", + " };", + "", + " /**", + " * This is a little helper library for WebGL. It assists with state management for a GL context.", + " * It's pretty tightly wrapped to the needs of this package, not very general-purpose.", + " *", + " * @param { WebGLRenderingContext | HTMLCanvasElement | OffscreenCanvas } glOrCanvas - the GL context to wrap", + " * @param { ({gl, getExtension, withProgram, withTexture, withTextureFramebuffer, handleContextLoss}) => void } callback", + " */", + " function withWebGLContext (glOrCanvas, callback) {", + " var gl = glOrCanvas.getContext ? glOrCanvas.getContext('webgl', glContextParams) : glOrCanvas;", + " var wrapper = cache.get(gl);", + " if (!wrapper) {", + " var isWebGL2 = typeof WebGL2RenderingContext !== 'undefined' && gl instanceof WebGL2RenderingContext;", + " var extensions = {};", + " var programs = {};", + " var textures = {};", + " var textureUnit = -1;", + " var framebufferStack = [];", + "", + " gl.canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', function (e) {", + " handleContextLoss();", + " e.preventDefault();", + " }, false);", + "", + " function getExtension (name) {", + " var ext = extensions[name];", + " if (!ext) {", + " ext = extensions[name] = gl.getExtension(name);", + " if (!ext) {", + " throw new Error((name + \" not supported\"))", + " }", + " }", + " return ext", + " }", + "", + " function compileShader (src, type) {", + " var shader = gl.createShader(type);", + " gl.shaderSource(shader, src);", + " gl.compileShader(shader);", + " // const status = gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)", + " // if (!status && !gl.isContextLost()) {", + " // throw new Error(gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader).trim())", + " // }", + " return shader", + " }", + "", + " function withProgram (name, vert, frag, func) {", + " if (!programs[name]) {", + " var attributes = {};", + " var uniforms = {};", + " var program = gl.createProgram();", + " gl.attachShader(program, compileShader(vert, gl.VERTEX_SHADER));", + " gl.attachShader(program, compileShader(frag, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER));", + " gl.linkProgram(program);", + "", + " programs[name] = {", + " program: program,", + " transaction: function transaction (func) {", + " gl.useProgram(program);", + " func({", + " setUniform: function setUniform (type, name) {", + " var values = [], len = arguments.length - 2;", + " while ( len-- > 0 ) values[ len ] = arguments[ len + 2 ];", + "", + " var uniformLoc = uniforms[name] || (uniforms[name] = gl.getUniformLocation(program, name));", + " gl[(\"uniform\" + type)].apply(gl, [ uniformLoc ].concat( values ));", + " },", + "", + " setAttribute: function setAttribute (name, size, usage, instancingDivisor, data) {", + " var attr = attributes[name];", + " if (!attr) {", + " attr = attributes[name] = {", + " buf: gl.createBuffer(), // TODO should we destroy our buffers?", + " loc: gl.getAttribLocation(program, name),", + " data: null", + " };", + " }", + " gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, attr.buf);", + " gl.vertexAttribPointer(attr.loc, size, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);", + " gl.enableVertexAttribArray(attr.loc);", + " if (isWebGL2) {", + " gl.vertexAttribDivisor(attr.loc, instancingDivisor);", + " } else {", + " getExtension('ANGLE_instanced_arrays').vertexAttribDivisorANGLE(attr.loc, instancingDivisor);", + " }", + " if (data !== attr.data) {", + " gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, data, usage);", + " attr.data = data;", + " }", + " }", + " });", + " }", + " };", + " }", + "", + " programs[name].transaction(func);", + " }", + "", + " function withTexture (name, func) {", + " textureUnit++;", + " try {", + " gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + textureUnit);", + " var texture = textures[name];", + " if (!texture) {", + " texture = textures[name] = gl.createTexture();", + " gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);", + " gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);", + " gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);", + " }", + " gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);", + " func(texture, textureUnit);", + " } finally {", + " textureUnit--;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function withTextureFramebuffer (texture, textureUnit, func) {", + " var framebuffer = gl.createFramebuffer();", + " framebufferStack.push(framebuffer);", + " gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer);", + " gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + textureUnit);", + " gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);", + " gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0);", + " try {", + " func(framebuffer);", + " } finally {", + " gl.deleteFramebuffer(framebuffer);", + " gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebufferStack[--framebufferStack.length - 1] || null);", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function handleContextLoss () {", + " extensions = {};", + " programs = {};", + " textures = {};", + " textureUnit = -1;", + " framebufferStack.length = 0;", + " }", + "", + " cache.set(gl, wrapper = {", + " gl: gl,", + " isWebGL2: isWebGL2,", + " getExtension: getExtension,", + " withProgram: withProgram,", + " withTexture: withTexture,", + " withTextureFramebuffer: withTextureFramebuffer,", + " handleContextLoss: handleContextLoss,", + " });", + " }", + " callback(wrapper);", + " }", + "", + "", + " function renderImageData(glOrCanvas, imageData, x, y, width, height, channels, framebuffer) {", + " if ( channels === void 0 ) channels = 15;", + " if ( framebuffer === void 0 ) framebuffer = null;", + "", + " withWebGLContext(glOrCanvas, function (ref) {", + " var gl = ref.gl;", + " var withProgram = ref.withProgram;", + " var withTexture = ref.withTexture;", + "", + " withTexture('copy', function (tex, texUnit) {", + " gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, width, height, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, imageData);", + " withProgram('copy', viewportQuadVertex, copyTexFragment, function (ref) {", + " var setUniform = ref.setUniform;", + " var setAttribute = ref.setAttribute;", + "", + " setAttribute('aUV', 2, gl.STATIC_DRAW, 0, new Float32Array([0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2]));", + " setUniform('1i', 'image', texUnit);", + " gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer || null);", + " gl.disable(gl.BLEND);", + " gl.colorMask(channels & 8, channels & 4, channels & 2, channels & 1);", + " gl.viewport(x, y, width, height);", + " gl.scissor(x, y, width, height);", + " gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 3);", + " });", + " });", + " });", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Resizing a canvas clears its contents; this utility copies the previous contents over.", + " * @param canvas", + " * @param newWidth", + " * @param newHeight", + " */", + " function resizeWebGLCanvasWithoutClearing(canvas, newWidth, newHeight) {", + " var width = canvas.width;", + " var height = canvas.height;", + " withWebGLContext(canvas, function (ref) {", + " var gl = ref.gl;", + "", + " var data = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);", + " gl.readPixels(0, 0, width, height, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);", + " canvas.width = newWidth;", + " canvas.height = newHeight;", + " renderImageData(gl, data, 0, 0, width, height);", + " });", + " }", + "", + " var webglUtils = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({", + " __proto__: null,", + " withWebGLContext: withWebGLContext,", + " renderImageData: renderImageData,", + " resizeWebGLCanvasWithoutClearing: resizeWebGLCanvasWithoutClearing", + " });", + "", + " function generate$2 (sdfWidth, sdfHeight, path, viewBox, maxDistance, sdfExponent) {", + " if ( sdfExponent === void 0 ) sdfExponent = 1;", + "", + " var textureData = new Uint8Array(sdfWidth * sdfHeight);", + "", + " var viewBoxWidth = viewBox[2] - viewBox[0];", + " var viewBoxHeight = viewBox[3] - viewBox[1];", + "", + " // Decompose all paths into straight line segments and add them to an index", + " var segments = [];", + " pathToLineSegments(path, function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {", + " segments.push({", + " x1: x1, y1: y1, x2: x2, y2: y2,", + " minX: Math.min(x1, x2),", + " minY: Math.min(y1, y2),", + " maxX: Math.max(x1, x2),", + " maxY: Math.max(y1, y2)", + " });", + " });", + "", + " // Sort segments by maxX, this will let us short-circuit some loops below", + " segments.sort(function (a, b) { return a.maxX - b.maxX; });", + "", + " // For each target SDF texel, find the distance from its center to its nearest line segment,", + " // map that distance to an alpha value, and write that alpha to the texel", + " for (var sdfX = 0; sdfX < sdfWidth; sdfX++) {", + " for (var sdfY = 0; sdfY < sdfHeight; sdfY++) {", + " var signedDist = findNearestSignedDistance(", + " viewBox[0] + viewBoxWidth * (sdfX + 0.5) / sdfWidth,", + " viewBox[1] + viewBoxHeight * (sdfY + 0.5) / sdfHeight", + " );", + "", + " // Use an exponential scale to ensure the texels very near the glyph path have adequate", + " // precision, while allowing the distance field to cover the entire texture, given that", + " // there are only 8 bits available. Formula visualized: https://www.desmos.com/calculator/uiaq5aqiam", + " var alpha = Math.pow((1 - Math.abs(signedDist) / maxDistance), sdfExponent) / 2;", + " if (signedDist < 0) {", + " alpha = 1 - alpha;", + " }", + "", + " alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(alpha * 255))); //clamp", + " textureData[sdfY * sdfWidth + sdfX] = alpha;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " return textureData", + "", + " /**", + " * For a given x/y, search the index for the closest line segment and return", + " * its signed distance. Negative = inside, positive = outside, zero = on edge", + " * @param x", + " * @param y", + " * @returns {number}", + " */", + " function findNearestSignedDistance (x, y) {", + " var closestDistSq = Infinity;", + " var closestDist = Infinity;", + "", + " for (var i = segments.length; i--;) {", + " var seg = segments[i];", + " if (seg.maxX + closestDist <= x) { break } //sorting by maxX means no more can be closer, so we can short-circuit", + " if (x + closestDist > seg.minX && y - closestDist < seg.maxY && y + closestDist > seg.minY) {", + " var distSq = absSquareDistanceToLineSegment(x, y, seg.x1, seg.y1, seg.x2, seg.y2);", + " if (distSq < closestDistSq) {", + " closestDistSq = distSq;", + " closestDist = Math.sqrt(closestDistSq);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Flip to negative distance if inside the poly", + " if (isPointInPoly(x, y)) {", + " closestDist = -closestDist;", + " }", + " return closestDist", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Determine whether the given point lies inside or outside the glyph. Uses a simple", + " * winding-number ray casting algorithm using a ray pointing east from the point.", + " */", + " function isPointInPoly (x, y) {", + " var winding = 0;", + " for (var i = segments.length; i--;) {", + " var seg = segments[i];", + " if (seg.maxX <= x) { break } //sorting by maxX means no more can cross, so we can short-circuit", + " var intersects = ((seg.y1 > y) !== (seg.y2 > y)) && (x < (seg.x2 - seg.x1) * (y - seg.y1) / (seg.y2 - seg.y1) + seg.x1);", + " if (intersects) {", + " winding += seg.y1 < seg.y2 ? 1 : -1;", + " }", + " }", + " return winding !== 0", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function generateIntoCanvas$2(sdfWidth, sdfHeight, path, viewBox, maxDistance, sdfExponent, canvas, x, y, channel) {", + " if ( sdfExponent === void 0 ) sdfExponent = 1;", + " if ( x === void 0 ) x = 0;", + " if ( y === void 0 ) y = 0;", + " if ( channel === void 0 ) channel = 0;", + "", + " generateIntoFramebuffer$1(sdfWidth, sdfHeight, path, viewBox, maxDistance, sdfExponent, canvas, null, x, y, channel);", + " }", + "", + " function generateIntoFramebuffer$1 (sdfWidth, sdfHeight, path, viewBox, maxDistance, sdfExponent, glOrCanvas, framebuffer, x, y, channel) {", + " if ( sdfExponent === void 0 ) sdfExponent = 1;", + " if ( x === void 0 ) x = 0;", + " if ( y === void 0 ) y = 0;", + " if ( channel === void 0 ) channel = 0;", + "", + " var data = generate$2(sdfWidth, sdfHeight, path, viewBox, maxDistance, sdfExponent);", + " // Expand single-channel data to rbga", + " var rgbaData = new Uint8Array(data.length * 4);", + " for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {", + " rgbaData[i * 4 + channel] = data[i];", + " }", + " renderImageData(glOrCanvas, rgbaData, x, y, sdfWidth, sdfHeight, 1 << (3 - channel), framebuffer);", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Find the absolute distance from a point to a line segment at closest approach", + " */", + " function absSquareDistanceToLineSegment (x, y, lineX0, lineY0, lineX1, lineY1) {", + " var ldx = lineX1 - lineX0;", + " var ldy = lineY1 - lineY0;", + " var lengthSq = ldx * ldx + ldy * ldy;", + " var t = lengthSq ? Math.max(0, Math.min(1, ((x - lineX0) * ldx + (y - lineY0) * ldy) / lengthSq)) : 0;", + " var dx = x - (lineX0 + t * ldx);", + " var dy = y - (lineY0 + t * ldy);", + " return dx * dx + dy * dy", + " }", + "", + " var javascript = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({", + " __proto__: null,", + " generate: generate$2,", + " generateIntoCanvas: generateIntoCanvas$2,", + " generateIntoFramebuffer: generateIntoFramebuffer$1", + " });", + "", + " var mainVertex = \"precision highp float;uniform vec4 uGlyphBounds;attribute vec2 aUV;attribute vec4 aLineSegment;varying vec4 vLineSegment;varying vec2 vGlyphXY;void main(){vLineSegment=aLineSegment;vGlyphXY=mix(uGlyphBounds.xy,uGlyphBounds.zw,aUV);gl_Position=vec4(mix(vec2(-1.0),vec2(1.0),aUV),0.0,1.0);}\";", + "", + " var mainFragment = \"precision highp float;uniform vec4 uGlyphBounds;uniform float uMaxDistance;uniform float uExponent;varying vec4 vLineSegment;varying vec2 vGlyphXY;float absDistToSegment(vec2 point,vec2 lineA,vec2 lineB){vec2 lineDir=lineB-lineA;float lenSq=dot(lineDir,lineDir);float t=lenSq==0.0 ? 0.0 : clamp(dot(point-lineA,lineDir)/lenSq,0.0,1.0);vec2 linePt=lineA+t*lineDir;return distance(point,linePt);}void main(){vec4 seg=vLineSegment;vec2 p=vGlyphXY;float dist=absDistToSegment(p,seg.xy,seg.zw);float val=pow(1.0-clamp(dist/uMaxDistance,0.0,1.0),uExponent)*0.5;bool crossing=(seg.y>p.y!=seg.w>p.y)&&(p.x<(seg.z-seg.x)*(p.y-seg.y)/(seg.w-seg.y)+seg.x);bool crossingUp=crossing&&vLineSegment.y bool", + "", + " function validateSupport (glOrCanvas) {", + " if (!isTestingSupport && !isSupported(glOrCanvas)) {", + " throw new Error('WebGL generation not supported')", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function generate$1 (sdfWidth, sdfHeight, path, viewBox, maxDistance, sdfExponent, glOrCanvas) {", + " if ( sdfExponent === void 0 ) sdfExponent = 1;", + " if ( glOrCanvas === void 0 ) glOrCanvas = null;", + "", + " if (!glOrCanvas) {", + " glOrCanvas = implicitContext;", + " if (!glOrCanvas) {", + " var canvas = typeof OffscreenCanvas === 'function'", + " ? new OffscreenCanvas(1, 1)", + " : typeof document !== 'undefined'", + " ? document.createElement('canvas')", + " : null;", + " if (!canvas) {", + " throw new Error('OffscreenCanvas or DOM canvas not supported')", + " }", + " glOrCanvas = implicitContext = canvas.getContext('webgl', { depth: false });", + " }", + " }", + "", + " validateSupport(glOrCanvas);", + "", + " var rgbaData = new Uint8Array(sdfWidth * sdfHeight * 4); //not Uint8ClampedArray, cuz Safari", + "", + " // Render into a background texture framebuffer", + " withWebGLContext(glOrCanvas, function (ref) {", + " var gl = ref.gl;", + " var withTexture = ref.withTexture;", + " var withTextureFramebuffer = ref.withTextureFramebuffer;", + "", + " withTexture('readable', function (texture, textureUnit) {", + " gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, sdfWidth, sdfHeight, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);", + "", + " withTextureFramebuffer(texture, textureUnit, function (framebuffer) {", + " generateIntoFramebuffer(", + " sdfWidth,", + " sdfHeight,", + " path,", + " viewBox,", + " maxDistance,", + " sdfExponent,", + " gl,", + " framebuffer,", + " 0,", + " 0,", + " 0 // red channel", + " );", + " gl.readPixels(0, 0, sdfWidth, sdfHeight, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, rgbaData);", + " });", + " });", + " });", + "", + " // Throw away all but the red channel", + " var data = new Uint8Array(sdfWidth * sdfHeight);", + " for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < rgbaData.length; i += 4) {", + " data[j++] = rgbaData[i];", + " }", + "", + " return data", + " }", + "", + " function generateIntoCanvas$1(sdfWidth, sdfHeight, path, viewBox, maxDistance, sdfExponent, canvas, x, y, channel) {", + " if ( sdfExponent === void 0 ) sdfExponent = 1;", + " if ( x === void 0 ) x = 0;", + " if ( y === void 0 ) y = 0;", + " if ( channel === void 0 ) channel = 0;", + "", + " generateIntoFramebuffer(sdfWidth, sdfHeight, path, viewBox, maxDistance, sdfExponent, canvas, null, x, y, channel);", + " }", + "", + " function generateIntoFramebuffer (sdfWidth, sdfHeight, path, viewBox, maxDistance, sdfExponent, glOrCanvas, framebuffer, x, y, channel) {", + " if ( sdfExponent === void 0 ) sdfExponent = 1;", + " if ( x === void 0 ) x = 0;", + " if ( y === void 0 ) y = 0;", + " if ( channel === void 0 ) channel = 0;", + "", + " // Verify support", + " validateSupport(glOrCanvas);", + "", + " // Compute path segments", + " var lineSegmentCoords = [];", + " pathToLineSegments(path, function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {", + " lineSegmentCoords.push(x1, y1, x2, y2);", + " });", + " lineSegmentCoords = new Float32Array(lineSegmentCoords);", + "", + " withWebGLContext(glOrCanvas, function (ref) {", + " var gl = ref.gl;", + " var isWebGL2 = ref.isWebGL2;", + " var getExtension = ref.getExtension;", + " var withProgram = ref.withProgram;", + " var withTexture = ref.withTexture;", + " var withTextureFramebuffer = ref.withTextureFramebuffer;", + " var handleContextLoss = ref.handleContextLoss;", + "", + " withTexture('rawDistances', function (intermediateTexture, intermediateTextureUnit) {", + " if (sdfWidth !== intermediateTexture._lastWidth || sdfHeight !== intermediateTexture._lastHeight) {", + " gl.texImage2D(", + " gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA,", + " intermediateTexture._lastWidth = sdfWidth,", + " intermediateTexture._lastHeight = sdfHeight,", + " 0, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null", + " );", + " }", + "", + " // Unsigned distance pass", + " withProgram('main', mainVertex, mainFragment, function (ref) {", + " var setAttribute = ref.setAttribute;", + " var setUniform = ref.setUniform;", + "", + " // Init extensions", + " var instancingExtension = !isWebGL2 && getExtension('ANGLE_instanced_arrays');", + " var blendMinMaxExtension = !isWebGL2 && getExtension('EXT_blend_minmax');", + "", + " // Init/update attributes", + " setAttribute('aUV', 2, gl.STATIC_DRAW, 0, viewportUVs);", + " setAttribute('aLineSegment', 4, gl.DYNAMIC_DRAW, 1, lineSegmentCoords);", + "", + " // Init/update uniforms", + " setUniform.apply(void 0, [ '4f', 'uGlyphBounds' ].concat( viewBox ));", + " setUniform('1f', 'uMaxDistance', maxDistance);", + " setUniform('1f', 'uExponent', sdfExponent);", + "", + " // Render initial unsigned distance / winding number info to a texture", + " withTextureFramebuffer(intermediateTexture, intermediateTextureUnit, function (framebuffer) {", + " gl.enable(gl.BLEND);", + " gl.colorMask(true, true, true, true);", + " gl.viewport(0, 0, sdfWidth, sdfHeight);", + " gl.scissor(0, 0, sdfWidth, sdfHeight);", + " gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE);", + " // Red+Green channels are incremented (FUNC_ADD) for segment-ray crossings to give a \"winding number\".", + " // Alpha holds the closest (MAX) unsigned distance.", + " gl.blendEquationSeparate(gl.FUNC_ADD, isWebGL2 ? gl.MAX : blendMinMaxExtension.MAX_EXT);", + " gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);", + " if (isWebGL2) {", + " gl.drawArraysInstanced(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 3, lineSegmentCoords.length / 4);", + " } else {", + " instancingExtension.drawArraysInstancedANGLE(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 3, lineSegmentCoords.length / 4);", + " }", + " // Debug", + " // const debug = new Uint8Array(sdfWidth * sdfHeight * 4)", + " // gl.readPixels(0, 0, sdfWidth, sdfHeight, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, debug)", + " // console.log('intermediate texture data: ', debug)", + " });", + " });", + "", + " // Use the data stored in the texture to apply inside/outside and write to the output framebuffer rect+channel.", + " withProgram('post', viewportQuadVertex, postFragment, function (program) {", + " program.setAttribute('aUV', 2, gl.STATIC_DRAW, 0, viewportUVs);", + " program.setUniform('1i', 'tex', intermediateTextureUnit);", + " gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, framebuffer);", + " gl.disable(gl.BLEND);", + " gl.colorMask(channel === 0, channel === 1, channel === 2, channel === 3);", + " gl.viewport(x, y, sdfWidth, sdfHeight);", + " gl.scissor(x, y, sdfWidth, sdfHeight);", + " gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 3);", + " });", + " });", + "", + " // Handle context loss occurring during any of the above calls", + " if (gl.isContextLost()) {", + " handleContextLoss();", + " throw new Error('webgl context lost')", + " }", + " });", + " }", + "", + " function isSupported (glOrCanvas) {", + " var key = (!glOrCanvas || glOrCanvas === implicitContext) ? NULL_OBJECT : (glOrCanvas.canvas || glOrCanvas);", + " var supported = supportByCanvas.get(key);", + " if (supported === undefined) {", + " isTestingSupport = true;", + " var failReason = null;", + " try {", + " // Since we can't detect all failure modes up front, let's just do a trial run of a", + " // simple path and compare what we get back to the correct expected result. This will", + " // also serve to prime the shader compilation.", + " var expectedResult = [", + " 97, 106, 97, 61,", + " 99, 137, 118, 80,", + " 80, 118, 137, 99,", + " 61, 97, 106, 97", + " ];", + " var testResult = generate$1(", + " 4,", + " 4,", + " 'M8,8L16,8L24,24L16,24Z',", + " [0, 0, 32, 32],", + " 24,", + " 1,", + " glOrCanvas", + " );", + " supported = testResult && expectedResult.length === testResult.length &&", + " testResult.every(function (val, i) { return val === expectedResult[i]; });", + " if (!supported) {", + " failReason = 'bad trial run results';", + " console.info(expectedResult, testResult);", + " }", + " } catch (err) {", + " // TODO if it threw due to webgl context loss, should we maybe leave isSupported as null and try again later?", + " supported = false;", + " failReason = err.message;", + " }", + " if (failReason) {", + " console.warn('WebGL SDF generation not supported:', failReason);", + " }", + " isTestingSupport = false;", + " supportByCanvas.set(key, supported);", + " }", + " return supported", + " }", + "", + " var webgl = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({", + " __proto__: null,", + " generate: generate$1,", + " generateIntoCanvas: generateIntoCanvas$1,", + " generateIntoFramebuffer: generateIntoFramebuffer,", + " isSupported: isSupported", + " });", + "", + " /**", + " * Generate an SDF texture image for a 2D path.", + " *", + " * @param {number} sdfWidth - width of the SDF output image in pixels.", + " * @param {number} sdfHeight - height of the SDF output image in pixels.", + " * @param {string} path - an SVG-like path string describing the glyph; should only contain commands: M/L/Q/C/Z.", + " * @param {number[]} viewBox - [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] in font units aligning with the texture's edges.", + " * @param {number} maxDistance - the maximum distance from the glyph path in font units that will be encoded; defaults", + " * to half the maximum viewBox dimension.", + " * @param {number} [sdfExponent] - specifies an exponent for encoding the SDF's distance values; higher exponents", + " * will give greater precision nearer the glyph's path.", + " * @return {Uint8Array}", + " */", + " function generate(", + " sdfWidth,", + " sdfHeight,", + " path,", + " viewBox,", + " maxDistance,", + " sdfExponent", + " ) {", + " if ( maxDistance === void 0 ) maxDistance = Math.max(viewBox[2] - viewBox[0], viewBox[3] - viewBox[1]) / 2;", + " if ( sdfExponent === void 0 ) sdfExponent = 1;", + "", + " try {", + " return generate$1.apply(webgl, arguments)", + " } catch(e) {", + " console.info('WebGL SDF generation failed, falling back to JS', e);", + " return generate$2.apply(javascript, arguments)", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Generate an SDF texture image for a 2D path, inserting the result into a WebGL `canvas` at a given x/y position", + " * and color channel. This is generally much faster than calling `generate` because it does not require reading pixels", + " * back from the GPU->CPU -- the `canvas` can be used directly as a WebGL texture image, so it all stays on the GPU.", + " *", + " * @param {number} sdfWidth - width of the SDF output image in pixels.", + " * @param {number} sdfHeight - height of the SDF output image in pixels.", + " * @param {string} path - an SVG-like path string describing the glyph; should only contain commands: M/L/Q/C/Z.", + " * @param {number[]} viewBox - [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] in font units aligning with the texture's edges.", + " * @param {number} maxDistance - the maximum distance from the glyph path in font units that will be encoded; defaults", + " * to half the maximum viewBox dimension.", + " * @param {number} [sdfExponent] - specifies an exponent for encoding the SDF's distance values; higher exponents", + " * will give greater precision nearer the glyph's path.", + " * @param {HTMLCanvasElement|OffscreenCanvas} canvas - a WebGL-enabled canvas into which the SDF will be rendered.", + " * Only the relevant rect/channel will be modified, the rest will be preserved. To avoid unpredictable results", + " * due to shared GL context state, this canvas should be dedicated to use by this library alone.", + " * @param {number} x - the x position at which to render the SDF.", + " * @param {number} y - the y position at which to render the SDF.", + " * @param {number} channel - the color channel index (0-4) into which the SDF will be rendered.", + " * @return {Uint8Array}", + " */", + " function generateIntoCanvas(", + " sdfWidth,", + " sdfHeight,", + " path,", + " viewBox,", + " maxDistance,", + " sdfExponent,", + " canvas,", + " x,", + " y,", + " channel", + " ) {", + " if ( maxDistance === void 0 ) maxDistance = Math.max(viewBox[2] - viewBox[0], viewBox[3] - viewBox[1]) / 2;", + " if ( sdfExponent === void 0 ) sdfExponent = 1;", + " if ( x === void 0 ) x = 0;", + " if ( y === void 0 ) y = 0;", + " if ( channel === void 0 ) channel = 0;", + "", + " try {", + " return generateIntoCanvas$1.apply(webgl, arguments)", + " } catch(e) {", + " console.info('WebGL SDF generation failed, falling back to JS', e);", + " return generateIntoCanvas$2.apply(javascript, arguments)", + " }", + " }", + "", + " exports.forEachPathCommand = forEachPathCommand;", + " exports.generate = generate;", + " exports.generateIntoCanvas = generateIntoCanvas;", + " exports.javascript = javascript;", + " exports.pathToLineSegments = pathToLineSegments;", + " exports.webgl = webgl;", + " exports.webglUtils = webglUtils;", + "", + " Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });", + "", + " return exports;", + "", + " }({}));", + " return exports", + " }", + "", + " const now = () => (self.performance || Date).now();", + "", + " const mainThreadGenerator = /*#__PURE__*/ SDFGenerator();", + "", + " let warned;", + "", + " /**", + " * Generate an SDF texture image for a single glyph path, placing the result into a webgl canvas at a", + " * given location and channel. Utilizes the webgl-sdf-generator external package for GPU-accelerated SDF", + " * generation when supported.", + " */", + " function generateSDF(width, height, path, viewBox, distance, exponent, canvas, x, y, channel, useWebGL = true) {", + " // Allow opt-out", + " if (!useWebGL) {", + " return generateSDF_JS_Worker(width, height, path, viewBox, distance, exponent, canvas, x, y, channel)", + " }", + "", + " // Attempt GPU-accelerated generation first", + " return generateSDF_GL(width, height, path, viewBox, distance, exponent, canvas, x, y, channel).then(", + " null,", + " err => {", + " // WebGL failed either due to a hard error or unexpected results; fall back to JS in workers", + " if (!warned) {", + " console.warn(`WebGL SDF generation failed, falling back to JS`, err);", + " warned = true;", + " }", + " return generateSDF_JS_Worker(width, height, path, viewBox, distance, exponent, canvas, x, y, channel)", + " }", + " )", + " }", + "", + " const queue = [];", + " const chunkTimeBudget = 5; // ms", + " let timer = 0;", + "", + " function nextChunk() {", + " const start = now();", + " while (queue.length && now() - start < chunkTimeBudget) {", + " queue.shift()();", + " }", + " timer = queue.length ? setTimeout(nextChunk, 0) : 0;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * WebGL-based implementation executed on the main thread. Requests are executed in time-bounded", + " * macrotask chunks to allow render frames to execute in between.", + " */", + " const generateSDF_GL = (...args) => {", + " return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {", + " queue.push(() => {", + " const start = now();", + " try {", + " mainThreadGenerator.webgl.generateIntoCanvas(...args);", + " resolve({ timing: now() - start });", + " } catch (err) {", + " reject(err);", + " }", + " });", + " if (!timer) {", + " timer = setTimeout(nextChunk, 0);", + " }", + " })", + " };", + "", + " const threadCount = 4; // how many workers to spawn", + " const idleTimeout = 2000; // workers will be terminated after being idle this many milliseconds", + " const threads = {};", + " let callNum = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * Fallback JS-based implementation, fanned out to a number of worker threads for parallelism", + " */", + " function generateSDF_JS_Worker(width, height, path, viewBox, distance, exponent, canvas, x, y, channel) {", + " const workerId = 'TroikaTextSDFGenerator_JS_' + ((callNum++) % threadCount);", + " let thread = threads[workerId];", + " if (!thread) {", + " thread = threads[workerId] = {", + " workerModule: defineWorkerModule({", + " name: workerId,", + " workerId,", + " dependencies: [", + " SDFGenerator,", + " now", + " ],", + " init(_createSDFGenerator, now) {", + " const generate = _createSDFGenerator().javascript.generate;", + " return function (...args) {", + " const start = now();", + " const textureData = generate(...args);", + " return {", + " textureData,", + " timing: now() - start", + " }", + " }", + " },", + " getTransferables(result) {", + " return [result.textureData.buffer]", + " }", + " }),", + " requests: 0,", + " idleTimer: null", + " };", + " }", + "", + " thread.requests++;", + " clearTimeout(thread.idleTimer);", + " return thread.workerModule(width, height, path, viewBox, distance, exponent)", + " .then(({ textureData, timing }) => {", + " // copy result data into the canvas", + " const start = now();", + " // expand single-channel data into rgba", + " const imageData = new Uint8Array(textureData.length * 4);", + " for (let i = 0; i < textureData.length; i++) {", + " imageData[i * 4 + channel] = textureData[i];", + " }", + " mainThreadGenerator.webglUtils.renderImageData(canvas, imageData, x, y, width, height, 1 << (3 - channel));", + " timing += now() - start;", + "", + " // clean up workers after a while", + " if (--thread.requests === 0) {", + " thread.idleTimer = setTimeout(() => { terminateWorker(workerId); }, idleTimeout);", + " }", + " return { timing }", + " })", + " }", + "", + " function warmUpSDFCanvas(canvas) {", + " if (!canvas._warm) {", + " mainThreadGenerator.webgl.isSupported(canvas);", + " canvas._warm = true;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " const resizeWebGLCanvasWithoutClearing = mainThreadGenerator.webglUtils.resizeWebGLCanvasWithoutClearing;", + "", + " function bidiFactory() {", + " var bidi = (function (exports) {", + "", + " // Bidi character types data, auto generated", + " var DATA = {", + " \"R\": \"13k,1a,2,3,3,2+1j,ch+16,a+1,5+2,2+n,5,a,4,6+16,4+3,h+1b,4mo,179q,2+9,2+11,2i9+7y,2+68,4,3+4,5+13,4+3,2+4k,3+29,8+cf,1t+7z,w+17,3+3m,1t+3z,16o1+5r,8+30,8+mc,29+1r,29+4v,75+73\",", + " \"EN\": \"1c+9,3d+1,6,187+9,513,4+5,7+9,sf+j,175h+9,qw+q,161f+1d,4xt+a,25i+9\",", + " \"ES\": \"17,2,6dp+1,f+1,av,16vr,mx+1,4o,2\",", + " \"ET\": \"z+2,3h+3,b+1,ym,3e+1,2o,p4+1,8,6u,7c,g6,1wc,1n9+4,30+1b,2n,6d,qhx+1,h0m,a+1,49+2,63+1,4+1,6bb+3,12jj\",", + " \"AN\": \"16o+5,2j+9,2+1,35,ed,1ff2+9,87+u\",", + " \"CS\": \"18,2+1,b,2u,12k,55v,l,17v0,2,3,53,2+1,b\",", + " \"B\": \"a,3,f+2,2v,690\",", + " \"S\": \"9,2,k\",", + " \"WS\": \"c,k,4f4,1vk+a,u,1j,335\",", + " \"ON\": \"x+1,4+4,h+5,r+5,r+3,z,5+3,2+1,2+1,5,2+2,3+4,o,w,ci+1,8+d,3+d,6+8,2+g,39+1,9,6+1,2,33,b8,3+1,3c+1,7+1,5r,b,7h+3,sa+5,2,3i+6,jg+3,ur+9,2v,ij+1,9g+9,7+a,8m,4+1,49+x,14u,2+2,c+2,e+2,e+2,e+1,i+n,e+e,2+p,u+2,e+2,36+1,2+3,2+1,b,2+2,6+5,2,2,2,h+1,5+4,6+3,3+f,16+2,5+3l,3+81,1y+p,2+40,q+a,m+13,2r+ch,2+9e,75+hf,3+v,2+2w,6e+5,f+6,75+2a,1a+p,2+2g,d+5x,r+b,6+3,4+o,g,6+1,6+2,2k+1,4,2j,5h+z,1m+1,1e+f,t+2,1f+e,d+3,4o+3,2s+1,w,535+1r,h3l+1i,93+2,2s,b+1,3l+x,2v,4g+3,21+3,kz+1,g5v+1,5a,j+9,n+v,2,3,2+8,2+1,3+2,2,3,46+1,4+4,h+5,r+5,r+a,3h+2,4+6,b+4,78,1r+24,4+c,4,1hb,ey+6,103+j,16j+c,1ux+7,5+g,fsh,jdq+1t,4,57+2e,p1,1m,1m,1m,1m,4kt+1,7j+17,5+2r,d+e,3+e,2+e,2+10,m+4,w,1n+5,1q,4z+5,4b+rb,9+c,4+c,4+37,d+2g,8+b,l+b,5+1j,9+9,7+13,9+t,3+1,27+3c,2+29,2+3q,d+d,3+4,4+2,6+6,a+o,8+6,a+2,e+6,16+42,2+1i\",", + " \"BN\": \"0+8,6+d,2s+5,2+p,e,4m9,1kt+2,2b+5,5+5,17q9+v,7k,6p+8,6+1,119d+3,440+7,96s+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+75,6p+2rz,1ben+1,1ekf+1,1ekf+1\",", + " \"NSM\": \"lc+33,7o+6,7c+18,2,2+1,2+1,2,21+a,1d+k,h,2u+6,3+5,3+1,2+3,10,v+q,2k+a,1n+8,a,p+3,2+8,2+2,2+4,18+2,3c+e,2+v,1k,2,5+7,5,4+6,b+1,u,1n,5+3,9,l+1,r,3+1,1m,5+1,5+1,3+2,4,v+1,4,c+1,1m,5+4,2+1,5,l+1,n+5,2,1n,3,2+3,9,8+1,c+1,v,1q,d,1f,4,1m+2,6+2,2+3,8+1,c+1,u,1n,g+1,l+1,t+1,1m+1,5+3,9,l+1,u,21,8+2,2,2j,3+6,d+7,2r,3+8,c+5,23+1,s,2,2,1k+d,2+4,2+1,6+a,2+z,a,2v+3,2+5,2+1,3+1,q+1,5+2,h+3,e,3+1,7,g,jk+2,qb+2,u+2,u+1,v+1,1t+1,2+6,9,3+a,a,1a+2,3c+1,z,3b+2,5+1,a,7+2,64+1,3,1n,2+6,2,2,3+7,7+9,3,1d+g,1s+3,1d,2+4,2,6,15+8,d+1,x+3,3+1,2+2,1l,2+1,4,2+2,1n+7,3+1,49+2,2+c,2+6,5,7,4+1,5j+1l,2+4,k1+w,2db+2,3y,2p+v,ff+3,30+1,n9x+3,2+9,x+1,29+1,7l,4,5,q+1,6,48+1,r+h,e,13+7,q+a,1b+2,1d,3+3,3+1,14,1w+5,3+1,3+1,d,9,1c,1g,2+2,3+1,6+1,2,17+1,9,6n,3,5,fn5,ki+f,h+f,r2,6b,46+4,1af+2,2+1,6+3,15+2,5,4m+1,fy+3,as+1,4a+a,4x,1j+e,1l+2,1e+3,3+1,1y+2,11+4,2+7,1r,d+1,1h+8,b+3,3,2o+2,3,2+1,7,4h,4+7,m+1,1m+1,4,12+6,4+4,5g+7,3+2,2,o,2d+5,2,5+1,2+1,6n+3,7+1,2+1,s+1,2e+7,3,2+1,2z,2,3+5,2,2u+2,3+3,2+4,78+8,2+1,75+1,2,5,41+3,3+1,5,x+5,3+1,15+5,3+3,9,a+5,3+2,1b+c,2+1,bb+6,2+5,2d+l,3+6,2+1,2+1,3f+5,4,2+1,2+6,2,21+1,4,2,9o+1,f0c+4,1o+6,t5,1s+3,2a,f5l+1,43t+2,i+7,3+6,v+3,45+2,1j0+1i,5+1d,9,f,n+4,2+e,11t+6,2+g,3+6,2+1,2+4,7a+6,c6+3,15t+6,32+6,gzhy+6n\",", + " \"AL\": \"16w,3,2,e+1b,z+2,2+2s,g+1,8+1,b+m,2+t,s+2i,c+e,4h+f,1d+1e,1bwe+dp,3+3z,x+c,2+1,35+3y,2rm+z,5+7,b+5,dt+l,c+u,17nl+27,1t+27,4x+6n,3+d\",", + " \"LRO\": \"6ct\",", + " \"RLO\": \"6cu\",", + " \"LRE\": \"6cq\",", + " \"RLE\": \"6cr\",", + " \"PDF\": \"6cs\",", + " \"LRI\": \"6ee\",", + " \"RLI\": \"6ef\",", + " \"FSI\": \"6eg\",", + " \"PDI\": \"6eh\"", + " };", + "", + " var TYPES = {};", + " var TYPES_TO_NAMES = {};", + " TYPES.L = 1; //L is the default", + " TYPES_TO_NAMES[1] = 'L';", + " Object.keys(DATA).forEach(function (type, i) {", + " TYPES[type] = 1 << (i + 1);", + " TYPES_TO_NAMES[TYPES[type]] = type;", + " });", + " Object.freeze(TYPES);", + "", + " var ISOLATE_INIT_TYPES = TYPES.LRI | TYPES.RLI | TYPES.FSI;", + " var STRONG_TYPES = TYPES.L | TYPES.R | TYPES.AL;", + " var NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES = TYPES.B | TYPES.S | TYPES.WS | TYPES.ON | TYPES.FSI | TYPES.LRI | TYPES.RLI | TYPES.PDI;", + " var BN_LIKE_TYPES = TYPES.BN | TYPES.RLE | TYPES.LRE | TYPES.RLO | TYPES.LRO | TYPES.PDF;", + " var TRAILING_TYPES = TYPES.S | TYPES.WS | TYPES.B | ISOLATE_INIT_TYPES | TYPES.PDI | BN_LIKE_TYPES;", + "", + " var map = null;", + "", + " function parseData () {", + " if (!map) {", + " //const start = performance.now()", + " map = new Map();", + " var loop = function ( type ) {", + " if (DATA.hasOwnProperty(type)) {", + " var lastCode = 0;", + " DATA[type].split(',').forEach(function (range) {", + " var ref = range.split('+');", + " var skip = ref[0];", + " var step = ref[1];", + " skip = parseInt(skip, 36);", + " step = step ? parseInt(step, 36) : 0;", + " map.set(lastCode += skip, TYPES[type]);", + " for (var i = 0; i < step; i++) {", + " map.set(++lastCode, TYPES[type]);", + " }", + " });", + " }", + " };", + "", + " for (var type in DATA) loop( type );", + " //console.log(`char types parsed in ${performance.now() - start}ms`)", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param {string} char", + " * @return {number}", + " */", + " function getBidiCharType (char) {", + " parseData();", + " return map.get(char.codePointAt(0)) || TYPES.L", + " }", + "", + " function getBidiCharTypeName(char) {", + " return TYPES_TO_NAMES[getBidiCharType(char)]", + " }", + "", + " // Bidi bracket pairs data, auto generated", + " var data$1 = {", + " \"pairs\": \"14>1,1e>2,u>2,2wt>1,1>1,1ge>1,1wp>1,1j>1,f>1,hm>1,1>1,u>1,u6>1,1>1,+5,28>1,w>1,1>1,+3,b8>1,1>1,+3,1>3,-1>-1,3>1,1>1,+2,1s>1,1>1,x>1,th>1,1>1,+2,db>1,1>1,+3,3>1,1>1,+2,14qm>1,1>1,+1,4q>1,1e>2,u>2,2>1,+1\",", + " \"canonical\": \"6f1>-6dx,6dy>-6dx,6ec>-6ed,6ee>-6ed,6ww>2jj,-2ji>2jj,14r4>-1e7l,1e7m>-1e7l,1e7m>-1e5c,1e5d>-1e5b,1e5c>-14qx,14qy>-14qx,14vn>-1ecg,1ech>-1ecg,1edu>-1ecg,1eci>-1ecg,1eda>-1ecg,1eci>-1ecg,1eci>-168q,168r>-168q,168s>-14ye,14yf>-14ye\"", + " };", + "", + " /**", + " * Parses an string that holds encoded codepoint mappings, e.g. for bracket pairs or", + " * mirroring characters, as encoded by scripts/generateBidiData.js. Returns an object", + " * holding the `map`, and optionally a `reverseMap` if `includeReverse:true`.", + " * @param {string} encodedString", + " * @param {boolean} includeReverse - true if you want reverseMap in the output", + " * @return {{map: Map, reverseMap?: Map}}", + " */", + " function parseCharacterMap (encodedString, includeReverse) {", + " var radix = 36;", + " var lastCode = 0;", + " var map = new Map();", + " var reverseMap = includeReverse && new Map();", + " var prevPair;", + " encodedString.split(',').forEach(function visit(entry) {", + " if (entry.indexOf('+') !== -1) {", + " for (var i = +entry; i--;) {", + " visit(prevPair);", + " }", + " } else {", + " prevPair = entry;", + " var ref = entry.split('>');", + " var a = ref[0];", + " var b = ref[1];", + " a = String.fromCodePoint(lastCode += parseInt(a, radix));", + " b = String.fromCodePoint(lastCode += parseInt(b, radix));", + " map.set(a, b);", + " includeReverse && reverseMap.set(b, a);", + " }", + " });", + " return { map: map, reverseMap: reverseMap }", + " }", + "", + " var openToClose, closeToOpen, canonical;", + "", + " function parse$1 () {", + " if (!openToClose) {", + " //const start = performance.now()", + " var ref = parseCharacterMap(data$1.pairs, true);", + " var map = ref.map;", + " var reverseMap = ref.reverseMap;", + " openToClose = map;", + " closeToOpen = reverseMap;", + " canonical = parseCharacterMap(data$1.canonical, false).map;", + " //console.log(`brackets parsed in ${performance.now() - start}ms`)", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function openingToClosingBracket (char) {", + " parse$1();", + " return openToClose.get(char) || null", + " }", + "", + " function closingToOpeningBracket (char) {", + " parse$1();", + " return closeToOpen.get(char) || null", + " }", + "", + " function getCanonicalBracket (char) {", + " parse$1();", + " return canonical.get(char) || null", + " }", + "", + " // Local type aliases", + " var TYPE_L = TYPES.L;", + " var TYPE_R = TYPES.R;", + " var TYPE_EN = TYPES.EN;", + " var TYPE_ES = TYPES.ES;", + " var TYPE_ET = TYPES.ET;", + " var TYPE_AN = TYPES.AN;", + " var TYPE_CS = TYPES.CS;", + " var TYPE_B = TYPES.B;", + " var TYPE_S = TYPES.S;", + " var TYPE_ON = TYPES.ON;", + " var TYPE_BN = TYPES.BN;", + " var TYPE_NSM = TYPES.NSM;", + " var TYPE_AL = TYPES.AL;", + " var TYPE_LRO = TYPES.LRO;", + " var TYPE_RLO = TYPES.RLO;", + " var TYPE_LRE = TYPES.LRE;", + " var TYPE_RLE = TYPES.RLE;", + " var TYPE_PDF = TYPES.PDF;", + " var TYPE_LRI = TYPES.LRI;", + " var TYPE_RLI = TYPES.RLI;", + " var TYPE_FSI = TYPES.FSI;", + " var TYPE_PDI = TYPES.PDI;", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {object} GetEmbeddingLevelsResult", + " * @property {{start, end, level}[]} paragraphs", + " * @property {Uint8Array} levels", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * This function applies the Bidirectional Algorithm to a string, returning the resolved embedding levels", + " * in a single Uint8Array plus a list of objects holding each paragraph's start and end indices and resolved", + " * base embedding level.", + " *", + " * @param {string} string - The input string", + " * @param {\"ltr\"|\"rtl\"|\"auto\"} [baseDirection] - Use \"ltr\" or \"rtl\" to force a base paragraph direction,", + " * otherwise a direction will be chosen automatically from each paragraph's contents.", + " * @return {GetEmbeddingLevelsResult}", + " */", + " function getEmbeddingLevels (string, baseDirection) {", + " var MAX_DEPTH = 125;", + "", + " // Start by mapping all characters to their unicode type, as a bitmask integer", + " var charTypes = new Uint32Array(string.length);", + " for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {", + " charTypes[i] = getBidiCharType(string[i]);", + " }", + "", + " var charTypeCounts = new Map(); //will be cleared at start of each paragraph", + " function changeCharType(i, type) {", + " var oldType = charTypes[i];", + " charTypes[i] = type;", + " charTypeCounts.set(oldType, charTypeCounts.get(oldType) - 1);", + " if (oldType & NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES) {", + " charTypeCounts.set(NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES, charTypeCounts.get(NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES) - 1);", + " }", + " charTypeCounts.set(type, (charTypeCounts.get(type) || 0) + 1);", + " if (type & NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES) {", + " charTypeCounts.set(NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES, (charTypeCounts.get(NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES) || 0) + 1);", + " }", + " }", + "", + " var embedLevels = new Uint8Array(string.length);", + " var isolationPairs = new Map(); //init->pdi and pdi->init", + "", + " // === 3.3.1 The Paragraph Level ===", + " // 3.3.1 P1: Split the text into paragraphs", + " var paragraphs = []; // [{start, end, level}, ...]", + " var paragraph = null;", + " for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < string.length; i$1++) {", + " if (!paragraph) {", + " paragraphs.push(paragraph = {", + " start: i$1,", + " end: string.length - 1,", + " // 3.3.1 P2-P3: Determine the paragraph level", + " level: baseDirection === 'rtl' ? 1 : baseDirection === 'ltr' ? 0 : determineAutoEmbedLevel(i$1, false)", + " });", + " }", + " if (charTypes[i$1] & TYPE_B) {", + " paragraph.end = i$1;", + " paragraph = null;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " var FORMATTING_TYPES = TYPE_RLE | TYPE_LRE | TYPE_RLO | TYPE_LRO | ISOLATE_INIT_TYPES | TYPE_PDI | TYPE_PDF | TYPE_B;", + " var nextEven = function (n) { return n + ((n & 1) ? 1 : 2); };", + " var nextOdd = function (n) { return n + ((n & 1) ? 2 : 1); };", + "", + " // Everything from here on will operate per paragraph.", + " for (var paraIdx = 0; paraIdx < paragraphs.length; paraIdx++) {", + " paragraph = paragraphs[paraIdx];", + " var statusStack = [{", + " _level: paragraph.level,", + " _override: 0, //0=neutral, 1=L, 2=R", + " _isolate: 0 //bool", + " }];", + " var stackTop = (void 0);", + " var overflowIsolateCount = 0;", + " var overflowEmbeddingCount = 0;", + " var validIsolateCount = 0;", + " charTypeCounts.clear();", + "", + " // === 3.3.2 Explicit Levels and Directions ===", + " for (var i$2 = paragraph.start; i$2 <= paragraph.end; i$2++) {", + " var charType = charTypes[i$2];", + " stackTop = statusStack[statusStack.length - 1];", + "", + " // Set initial counts", + " charTypeCounts.set(charType, (charTypeCounts.get(charType) || 0) + 1);", + " if (charType & NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES) {", + " charTypeCounts.set(NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES, (charTypeCounts.get(NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES) || 0) + 1);", + " }", + "", + " // Explicit Embeddings: 3.3.2 X2 - X3", + " if (charType & FORMATTING_TYPES) { //prefilter all formatters", + " if (charType & (TYPE_RLE | TYPE_LRE)) {", + " embedLevels[i$2] = stackTop._level; // 5.2", + " var level = (charType === TYPE_RLE ? nextOdd : nextEven)(stackTop._level);", + " if (level <= MAX_DEPTH && !overflowIsolateCount && !overflowEmbeddingCount) {", + " statusStack.push({", + " _level: level,", + " _override: 0,", + " _isolate: 0", + " });", + " } else if (!overflowIsolateCount) {", + " overflowEmbeddingCount++;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Explicit Overrides: 3.3.2 X4 - X5", + " else if (charType & (TYPE_RLO | TYPE_LRO)) {", + " embedLevels[i$2] = stackTop._level; // 5.2", + " var level$1 = (charType === TYPE_RLO ? nextOdd : nextEven)(stackTop._level);", + " if (level$1 <= MAX_DEPTH && !overflowIsolateCount && !overflowEmbeddingCount) {", + " statusStack.push({", + " _level: level$1,", + " _override: (charType & TYPE_RLO) ? TYPE_R : TYPE_L,", + " _isolate: 0", + " });", + " } else if (!overflowIsolateCount) {", + " overflowEmbeddingCount++;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Isolates: 3.3.2 X5a - X5c", + " else if (charType & ISOLATE_INIT_TYPES) {", + " // X5c - FSI becomes either RLI or LRI", + " if (charType & TYPE_FSI) {", + " charType = determineAutoEmbedLevel(i$2 + 1, true) === 1 ? TYPE_RLI : TYPE_LRI;", + " }", + "", + " embedLevels[i$2] = stackTop._level;", + " if (stackTop._override) {", + " changeCharType(i$2, stackTop._override);", + " }", + " var level$2 = (charType === TYPE_RLI ? nextOdd : nextEven)(stackTop._level);", + " if (level$2 <= MAX_DEPTH && overflowIsolateCount === 0 && overflowEmbeddingCount === 0) {", + " validIsolateCount++;", + " statusStack.push({", + " _level: level$2,", + " _override: 0,", + " _isolate: 1,", + " _isolInitIndex: i$2", + " });", + " } else {", + " overflowIsolateCount++;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Terminating Isolates: 3.3.2 X6a", + " else if (charType & TYPE_PDI) {", + " if (overflowIsolateCount > 0) {", + " overflowIsolateCount--;", + " } else if (validIsolateCount > 0) {", + " overflowEmbeddingCount = 0;", + " while (!statusStack[statusStack.length - 1]._isolate) {", + " statusStack.pop();", + " }", + " // Add to isolation pairs bidirectional mapping:", + " var isolInitIndex = statusStack[statusStack.length - 1]._isolInitIndex;", + " if (isolInitIndex != null) {", + " isolationPairs.set(isolInitIndex, i$2);", + " isolationPairs.set(i$2, isolInitIndex);", + " }", + " statusStack.pop();", + " validIsolateCount--;", + " }", + " stackTop = statusStack[statusStack.length - 1];", + " embedLevels[i$2] = stackTop._level;", + " if (stackTop._override) {", + " changeCharType(i$2, stackTop._override);", + " }", + " }", + "", + "", + " // Terminating Embeddings and Overrides: 3.3.2 X7", + " else if (charType & TYPE_PDF) {", + " if (overflowIsolateCount === 0) {", + " if (overflowEmbeddingCount > 0) {", + " overflowEmbeddingCount--;", + " } else if (!stackTop._isolate && statusStack.length > 1) {", + " statusStack.pop();", + " stackTop = statusStack[statusStack.length - 1];", + " }", + " }", + " embedLevels[i$2] = stackTop._level; // 5.2", + " }", + "", + " // End of Paragraph: 3.3.2 X8", + " else if (charType & TYPE_B) {", + " embedLevels[i$2] = paragraph.level;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Non-formatting characters: 3.3.2 X6", + " else {", + " embedLevels[i$2] = stackTop._level;", + " // NOTE: This exclusion of BN seems to go against what section 5.2 says, but is required for test passage", + " if (stackTop._override && charType !== TYPE_BN) {", + " changeCharType(i$2, stackTop._override);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // === 3.3.3 Preparations for Implicit Processing ===", + "", + " // Remove all RLE, LRE, RLO, LRO, PDF, and BN characters: 3.3.3 X9", + " // Note: Due to section 5.2, we won't remove them, but we'll use the BN_LIKE_TYPES bitset to", + " // easily ignore them all from here on out.", + "", + " // 3.3.3 X10", + " // Compute the set of isolating run sequences as specified by BD13", + " var levelRuns = [];", + " var currentRun = null;", + " for (var i$3 = paragraph.start; i$3 <= paragraph.end; i$3++) {", + " var charType$1 = charTypes[i$3];", + " if (!(charType$1 & BN_LIKE_TYPES)) {", + " var lvl = embedLevels[i$3];", + " var isIsolInit = charType$1 & ISOLATE_INIT_TYPES;", + " var isPDI = charType$1 === TYPE_PDI;", + " if (currentRun && lvl === currentRun._level) {", + " currentRun._end = i$3;", + " currentRun._endsWithIsolInit = isIsolInit;", + " } else {", + " levelRuns.push(currentRun = {", + " _start: i$3,", + " _end: i$3,", + " _level: lvl,", + " _startsWithPDI: isPDI,", + " _endsWithIsolInit: isIsolInit", + " });", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " var isolatingRunSeqs = []; // [{seqIndices: [], sosType: L|R, eosType: L|R}]", + " for (var runIdx = 0; runIdx < levelRuns.length; runIdx++) {", + " var run = levelRuns[runIdx];", + " if (!run._startsWithPDI || (run._startsWithPDI && !isolationPairs.has(run._start))) {", + " var seqRuns = [currentRun = run];", + " for (var pdiIndex = (void 0); currentRun && currentRun._endsWithIsolInit && (pdiIndex = isolationPairs.get(currentRun._end)) != null;) {", + " for (var i$4 = runIdx + 1; i$4 < levelRuns.length; i$4++) {", + " if (levelRuns[i$4]._start === pdiIndex) {", + " seqRuns.push(currentRun = levelRuns[i$4]);", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " // build flat list of indices across all runs:", + " var seqIndices = [];", + " for (var i$5 = 0; i$5 < seqRuns.length; i$5++) {", + " var run$1 = seqRuns[i$5];", + " for (var j = run$1._start; j <= run$1._end; j++) {", + " seqIndices.push(j);", + " }", + " }", + " // determine the sos/eos types:", + " var firstLevel = embedLevels[seqIndices[0]];", + " var prevLevel = paragraph.level;", + " for (var i$6 = seqIndices[0] - 1; i$6 >= 0; i$6--) {", + " if (!(charTypes[i$6] & BN_LIKE_TYPES)) { //5.2", + " prevLevel = embedLevels[i$6];", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " var lastIndex = seqIndices[seqIndices.length - 1];", + " var lastLevel = embedLevels[lastIndex];", + " var nextLevel = paragraph.level;", + " if (!(charTypes[lastIndex] & ISOLATE_INIT_TYPES)) {", + " for (var i$7 = lastIndex + 1; i$7 <= paragraph.end; i$7++) {", + " if (!(charTypes[i$7] & BN_LIKE_TYPES)) { //5.2", + " nextLevel = embedLevels[i$7];", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " isolatingRunSeqs.push({", + " _seqIndices: seqIndices,", + " _sosType: Math.max(prevLevel, firstLevel) % 2 ? TYPE_R : TYPE_L,", + " _eosType: Math.max(nextLevel, lastLevel) % 2 ? TYPE_R : TYPE_L", + " });", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // The next steps are done per isolating run sequence", + " for (var seqIdx = 0; seqIdx < isolatingRunSeqs.length; seqIdx++) {", + " var ref = isolatingRunSeqs[seqIdx];", + " var seqIndices$1 = ref._seqIndices;", + " var sosType = ref._sosType;", + " var eosType = ref._eosType;", + " /**", + " * All the level runs in an isolating run sequence have the same embedding level.", + " * ", + " * DO NOT change any `embedLevels[i]` within the current scope.", + " */", + " var embedDirection = ((embedLevels[seqIndices$1[0]]) & 1) ? TYPE_R : TYPE_L;", + "", + " // === 3.3.4 Resolving Weak Types ===", + "", + " // W1 + 5.2. Search backward from each NSM to the first character in the isolating run sequence whose", + " // bidirectional type is not BN, and set the NSM to ON if it is an isolate initiator or PDI, and to its", + " // type otherwise. If the NSM is the first non-BN character, change the NSM to the type of sos.", + " if (charTypeCounts.get(TYPE_NSM)) {", + " for (var si = 0; si < seqIndices$1.length; si++) {", + " var i$8 = seqIndices$1[si];", + " if (charTypes[i$8] & TYPE_NSM) {", + " var prevType = sosType;", + " for (var sj = si - 1; sj >= 0; sj--) {", + " if (!(charTypes[seqIndices$1[sj]] & BN_LIKE_TYPES)) { //5.2 scan back to first non-BN", + " prevType = charTypes[seqIndices$1[sj]];", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " changeCharType(i$8, (prevType & (ISOLATE_INIT_TYPES | TYPE_PDI)) ? TYPE_ON : prevType);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // W2. Search backward from each instance of a European number until the first strong type (R, L, AL, or sos)", + " // is found. If an AL is found, change the type of the European number to Arabic number.", + " if (charTypeCounts.get(TYPE_EN)) {", + " for (var si$1 = 0; si$1 < seqIndices$1.length; si$1++) {", + " var i$9 = seqIndices$1[si$1];", + " if (charTypes[i$9] & TYPE_EN) {", + " for (var sj$1 = si$1 - 1; sj$1 >= -1; sj$1--) {", + " var prevCharType = sj$1 === -1 ? sosType : charTypes[seqIndices$1[sj$1]];", + " if (prevCharType & STRONG_TYPES) {", + " if (prevCharType === TYPE_AL) {", + " changeCharType(i$9, TYPE_AN);", + " }", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // W3. Change all ALs to R", + " if (charTypeCounts.get(TYPE_AL)) {", + " for (var si$2 = 0; si$2 < seqIndices$1.length; si$2++) {", + " var i$10 = seqIndices$1[si$2];", + " if (charTypes[i$10] & TYPE_AL) {", + " changeCharType(i$10, TYPE_R);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // W4. A single European separator between two European numbers changes to a European number. A single common", + " // separator between two numbers of the same type changes to that type.", + " if (charTypeCounts.get(TYPE_ES) || charTypeCounts.get(TYPE_CS)) {", + " for (var si$3 = 1; si$3 < seqIndices$1.length - 1; si$3++) {", + " var i$11 = seqIndices$1[si$3];", + " if (charTypes[i$11] & (TYPE_ES | TYPE_CS)) {", + " var prevType$1 = 0, nextType = 0;", + " for (var sj$2 = si$3 - 1; sj$2 >= 0; sj$2--) {", + " prevType$1 = charTypes[seqIndices$1[sj$2]];", + " if (!(prevType$1 & BN_LIKE_TYPES)) { //5.2", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " for (var sj$3 = si$3 + 1; sj$3 < seqIndices$1.length; sj$3++) {", + " nextType = charTypes[seqIndices$1[sj$3]];", + " if (!(nextType & BN_LIKE_TYPES)) { //5.2", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " if (prevType$1 === nextType && (charTypes[i$11] === TYPE_ES ? prevType$1 === TYPE_EN : (prevType$1 & (TYPE_EN | TYPE_AN)))) {", + " changeCharType(i$11, prevType$1);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // W5. A sequence of European terminators adjacent to European numbers changes to all European numbers.", + " if (charTypeCounts.get(TYPE_EN)) {", + " for (var si$4 = 0; si$4 < seqIndices$1.length; si$4++) {", + " var i$12 = seqIndices$1[si$4];", + " if (charTypes[i$12] & TYPE_EN) {", + " for (var sj$4 = si$4 - 1; sj$4 >= 0 && (charTypes[seqIndices$1[sj$4]] & (TYPE_ET | BN_LIKE_TYPES)); sj$4--) {", + " changeCharType(seqIndices$1[sj$4], TYPE_EN);", + " }", + " for (si$4++; si$4 < seqIndices$1.length && (charTypes[seqIndices$1[si$4]] & (TYPE_ET | BN_LIKE_TYPES | TYPE_EN)); si$4++) {", + " if (charTypes[seqIndices$1[si$4]] !== TYPE_EN) {", + " changeCharType(seqIndices$1[si$4], TYPE_EN);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // W6. Otherwise, separators and terminators change to Other Neutral.", + " if (charTypeCounts.get(TYPE_ET) || charTypeCounts.get(TYPE_ES) || charTypeCounts.get(TYPE_CS)) {", + " for (var si$5 = 0; si$5 < seqIndices$1.length; si$5++) {", + " var i$13 = seqIndices$1[si$5];", + " if (charTypes[i$13] & (TYPE_ET | TYPE_ES | TYPE_CS)) {", + " changeCharType(i$13, TYPE_ON);", + " // 5.2 transform adjacent BNs too:", + " for (var sj$5 = si$5 - 1; sj$5 >= 0 && (charTypes[seqIndices$1[sj$5]] & BN_LIKE_TYPES); sj$5--) {", + " changeCharType(seqIndices$1[sj$5], TYPE_ON);", + " }", + " for (var sj$6 = si$5 + 1; sj$6 < seqIndices$1.length && (charTypes[seqIndices$1[sj$6]] & BN_LIKE_TYPES); sj$6++) {", + " changeCharType(seqIndices$1[sj$6], TYPE_ON);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // W7. Search backward from each instance of a European number until the first strong type (R, L, or sos)", + " // is found. If an L is found, then change the type of the European number to L.", + " // NOTE: implemented in single forward pass for efficiency", + " if (charTypeCounts.get(TYPE_EN)) {", + " for (var si$6 = 0, prevStrongType = sosType; si$6 < seqIndices$1.length; si$6++) {", + " var i$14 = seqIndices$1[si$6];", + " var type = charTypes[i$14];", + " if (type & TYPE_EN) {", + " if (prevStrongType === TYPE_L) {", + " changeCharType(i$14, TYPE_L);", + " }", + " } else if (type & STRONG_TYPES) {", + " prevStrongType = type;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // === 3.3.5 Resolving Neutral and Isolate Formatting Types ===", + "", + " if (charTypeCounts.get(NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES)) {", + " // N0. Process bracket pairs in an isolating run sequence sequentially in the logical order of the text", + " // positions of the opening paired brackets using the logic given below. Within this scope, bidirectional", + " // types EN and AN are treated as R.", + " var R_TYPES_FOR_N_STEPS = (TYPE_R | TYPE_EN | TYPE_AN);", + " var STRONG_TYPES_FOR_N_STEPS = R_TYPES_FOR_N_STEPS | TYPE_L;", + "", + " // * Identify the bracket pairs in the current isolating run sequence according to BD16.", + " var bracketPairs = [];", + " {", + " var openerStack = [];", + " for (var si$7 = 0; si$7 < seqIndices$1.length; si$7++) {", + " // NOTE: for any potential bracket character we also test that it still carries a NI", + " // type, as that may have been changed earlier. This doesn't seem to be explicitly", + " // called out in the spec, but is required for passage of certain tests.", + " if (charTypes[seqIndices$1[si$7]] & NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES) {", + " var char = string[seqIndices$1[si$7]];", + " var oppositeBracket = (void 0);", + " // Opening bracket", + " if (openingToClosingBracket(char) !== null) {", + " if (openerStack.length < 63) {", + " openerStack.push({ char: char, seqIndex: si$7 });", + " } else {", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " // Closing bracket", + " else if ((oppositeBracket = closingToOpeningBracket(char)) !== null) {", + " for (var stackIdx = openerStack.length - 1; stackIdx >= 0; stackIdx--) {", + " var stackChar = openerStack[stackIdx].char;", + " if (stackChar === oppositeBracket ||", + " stackChar === closingToOpeningBracket(getCanonicalBracket(char)) ||", + " openingToClosingBracket(getCanonicalBracket(stackChar)) === char", + " ) {", + " bracketPairs.push([openerStack[stackIdx].seqIndex, si$7]);", + " openerStack.length = stackIdx; //pop the matching bracket and all following", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " bracketPairs.sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] - b[0]; });", + " }", + " // * For each bracket-pair element in the list of pairs of text positions", + " for (var pairIdx = 0; pairIdx < bracketPairs.length; pairIdx++) {", + " var ref$1 = bracketPairs[pairIdx];", + " var openSeqIdx = ref$1[0];", + " var closeSeqIdx = ref$1[1];", + " // a. Inspect the bidirectional types of the characters enclosed within the bracket pair.", + " // b. If any strong type (either L or R) matching the embedding direction is found, set the type for both", + " // brackets in the pair to match the embedding direction.", + " var foundStrongType = false;", + " var useStrongType = 0;", + " for (var si$8 = openSeqIdx + 1; si$8 < closeSeqIdx; si$8++) {", + " var i$15 = seqIndices$1[si$8];", + " if (charTypes[i$15] & STRONG_TYPES_FOR_N_STEPS) {", + " foundStrongType = true;", + " var lr = (charTypes[i$15] & R_TYPES_FOR_N_STEPS) ? TYPE_R : TYPE_L;", + " if (lr === embedDirection) {", + " useStrongType = lr;", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " // c. Otherwise, if there is a strong type it must be opposite the embedding direction. Therefore, test", + " // for an established context with a preceding strong type by checking backwards before the opening paired", + " // bracket until the first strong type (L, R, or sos) is found.", + " // 1. If the preceding strong type is also opposite the embedding direction, context is established, so", + " // set the type for both brackets in the pair to that direction.", + " // 2. Otherwise set the type for both brackets in the pair to the embedding direction.", + " if (foundStrongType && !useStrongType) {", + " useStrongType = sosType;", + " for (var si$9 = openSeqIdx - 1; si$9 >= 0; si$9--) {", + " var i$16 = seqIndices$1[si$9];", + " if (charTypes[i$16] & STRONG_TYPES_FOR_N_STEPS) {", + " var lr$1 = (charTypes[i$16] & R_TYPES_FOR_N_STEPS) ? TYPE_R : TYPE_L;", + " if (lr$1 !== embedDirection) {", + " useStrongType = lr$1;", + " } else {", + " useStrongType = embedDirection;", + " }", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " if (useStrongType) {", + " charTypes[seqIndices$1[openSeqIdx]] = charTypes[seqIndices$1[closeSeqIdx]] = useStrongType;", + " // * Any number of characters that had original bidirectional character type NSM prior to the application", + " // of W1 that immediately follow a paired bracket which changed to L or R under N0 should change to match", + " // the type of their preceding bracket.", + " if (useStrongType !== embedDirection) {", + " for (var si$10 = openSeqIdx + 1; si$10 < seqIndices$1.length; si$10++) {", + " if (!(charTypes[seqIndices$1[si$10]] & BN_LIKE_TYPES)) {", + " if (getBidiCharType(string[seqIndices$1[si$10]]) & TYPE_NSM) {", + " charTypes[seqIndices$1[si$10]] = useStrongType;", + " }", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " if (useStrongType !== embedDirection) {", + " for (var si$11 = closeSeqIdx + 1; si$11 < seqIndices$1.length; si$11++) {", + " if (!(charTypes[seqIndices$1[si$11]] & BN_LIKE_TYPES)) {", + " if (getBidiCharType(string[seqIndices$1[si$11]]) & TYPE_NSM) {", + " charTypes[seqIndices$1[si$11]] = useStrongType;", + " }", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // N1. A sequence of NIs takes the direction of the surrounding strong text if the text on both sides has the", + " // same direction.", + " // N2. Any remaining NIs take the embedding direction.", + " for (var si$12 = 0; si$12 < seqIndices$1.length; si$12++) {", + " if (charTypes[seqIndices$1[si$12]] & NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES) {", + " var niRunStart = si$12, niRunEnd = si$12;", + " var prevType$2 = sosType; //si === 0 ? sosType : (charTypes[seqIndices[si - 1]] & R_TYPES_FOR_N_STEPS) ? TYPE_R : TYPE_L", + " for (var si2 = si$12 - 1; si2 >= 0; si2--) {", + " if (charTypes[seqIndices$1[si2]] & BN_LIKE_TYPES) {", + " niRunStart = si2; //5.2 treat BNs adjacent to NIs as NIs", + " } else {", + " prevType$2 = (charTypes[seqIndices$1[si2]] & R_TYPES_FOR_N_STEPS) ? TYPE_R : TYPE_L;", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " var nextType$1 = eosType;", + " for (var si2$1 = si$12 + 1; si2$1 < seqIndices$1.length; si2$1++) {", + " if (charTypes[seqIndices$1[si2$1]] & (NEUTRAL_ISOLATE_TYPES | BN_LIKE_TYPES)) {", + " niRunEnd = si2$1;", + " } else {", + " nextType$1 = (charTypes[seqIndices$1[si2$1]] & R_TYPES_FOR_N_STEPS) ? TYPE_R : TYPE_L;", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " for (var sj$7 = niRunStart; sj$7 <= niRunEnd; sj$7++) {", + " charTypes[seqIndices$1[sj$7]] = prevType$2 === nextType$1 ? prevType$2 : embedDirection;", + " }", + " si$12 = niRunEnd;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // === 3.3.6 Resolving Implicit Levels ===", + "", + " for (var i$17 = paragraph.start; i$17 <= paragraph.end; i$17++) {", + " var level$3 = embedLevels[i$17];", + " var type$1 = charTypes[i$17];", + " // I2. For all characters with an odd (right-to-left) embedding level, those of type L, EN or AN go up one level.", + " if (level$3 & 1) {", + " if (type$1 & (TYPE_L | TYPE_EN | TYPE_AN)) {", + " embedLevels[i$17]++;", + " }", + " }", + " // I1. For all characters with an even (left-to-right) embedding level, those of type R go up one level", + " // and those of type AN or EN go up two levels.", + " else {", + " if (type$1 & TYPE_R) {", + " embedLevels[i$17]++;", + " } else if (type$1 & (TYPE_AN | TYPE_EN)) {", + " embedLevels[i$17] += 2;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // 5.2: Resolve any LRE, RLE, LRO, RLO, PDF, or BN to the level of the preceding character if there is one,", + " // and otherwise to the base level.", + " if (type$1 & BN_LIKE_TYPES) {", + " embedLevels[i$17] = i$17 === 0 ? paragraph.level : embedLevels[i$17 - 1];", + " }", + "", + " // 3.4 L1.1-4: Reset the embedding level of segment/paragraph separators, and any sequence of whitespace or", + " // isolate formatting characters preceding them or the end of the paragraph, to the paragraph level.", + " // NOTE: this will also need to be applied to each individual line ending after line wrapping occurs.", + " if (i$17 === paragraph.end || getBidiCharType(string[i$17]) & (TYPE_S | TYPE_B)) {", + " for (var j$1 = i$17; j$1 >= 0 && (getBidiCharType(string[j$1]) & TRAILING_TYPES); j$1--) {", + " embedLevels[j$1] = paragraph.level;", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // DONE! The resolved levels can then be used, after line wrapping, to flip runs of characters", + " // according to section 3.4 Reordering Resolved Levels", + " return {", + " levels: embedLevels,", + " paragraphs: paragraphs", + " }", + "", + " function determineAutoEmbedLevel (start, isFSI) {", + " // 3.3.1 P2 - P3", + " for (var i = start; i < string.length; i++) {", + " var charType = charTypes[i];", + " if (charType & (TYPE_R | TYPE_AL)) {", + " return 1", + " }", + " if ((charType & (TYPE_B | TYPE_L)) || (isFSI && charType === TYPE_PDI)) {", + " return 0", + " }", + " if (charType & ISOLATE_INIT_TYPES) {", + " var pdi = indexOfMatchingPDI(i);", + " i = pdi === -1 ? string.length : pdi;", + " }", + " }", + " return 0", + " }", + "", + " function indexOfMatchingPDI (isolateStart) {", + " // 3.1.2 BD9", + " var isolationLevel = 1;", + " for (var i = isolateStart + 1; i < string.length; i++) {", + " var charType = charTypes[i];", + " if (charType & TYPE_B) {", + " break", + " }", + " if (charType & TYPE_PDI) {", + " if (--isolationLevel === 0) {", + " return i", + " }", + " } else if (charType & ISOLATE_INIT_TYPES) {", + " isolationLevel++;", + " }", + " }", + " return -1", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Bidi mirrored chars data, auto generated", + " var data = \"14>1,j>2,t>2,u>2,1a>g,2v3>1,1>1,1ge>1,1wd>1,b>1,1j>1,f>1,ai>3,-2>3,+1,8>1k0,-1jq>1y7,-1y6>1hf,-1he>1h6,-1h5>1ha,-1h8>1qi,-1pu>1,6>3u,-3s>7,6>1,1>1,f>1,1>1,+2,3>1,1>1,+13,4>1,1>1,6>1eo,-1ee>1,3>1mg,-1me>1mk,-1mj>1mi,-1mg>1mi,-1md>1,1>1,+2,1>10k,-103>1,1>1,4>1,5>1,1>1,+10,3>1,1>8,-7>8,+1,-6>7,+1,a>1,1>1,u>1,u6>1,1>1,+5,26>1,1>1,2>1,2>2,8>1,7>1,4>1,1>1,+5,b8>1,1>1,+3,1>3,-2>1,2>1,1>1,+2,c>1,3>1,1>1,+2,h>1,3>1,a>1,1>1,2>1,3>1,1>1,d>1,f>1,3>1,1a>1,1>1,6>1,7>1,13>1,k>1,1>1,+19,4>1,1>1,+2,2>1,1>1,+18,m>1,a>1,1>1,lk>1,1>1,4>1,2>1,f>1,3>1,1>1,+3,db>1,1>1,+3,3>1,1>1,+2,14qm>1,1>1,+1,6>1,4j>1,j>2,t>2,u>2,2>1,+1\";", + "", + " var mirrorMap;", + "", + " function parse () {", + " if (!mirrorMap) {", + " //const start = performance.now()", + " var ref = parseCharacterMap(data, true);", + " var map = ref.map;", + " var reverseMap = ref.reverseMap;", + " // Combine both maps into one", + " reverseMap.forEach(function (value, key) {", + " map.set(key, value);", + " });", + " mirrorMap = map;", + " //console.log(`mirrored chars parsed in ${performance.now() - start}ms`)", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function getMirroredCharacter (char) {", + " parse();", + " return mirrorMap.get(char) || null", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Given a string and its resolved embedding levels, build a map of indices to replacement chars", + " * for any characters in right-to-left segments that have defined mirrored characters.", + " * @param string", + " * @param embeddingLevels", + " * @param [start]", + " * @param [end]", + " * @return {Map}", + " */", + " function getMirroredCharactersMap(string, embeddingLevels, start, end) {", + " var strLen = string.length;", + " start = Math.max(0, start == null ? 0 : +start);", + " end = Math.min(strLen - 1, end == null ? strLen - 1 : +end);", + "", + " var map = new Map();", + " for (var i = start; i <= end; i++) {", + " if (embeddingLevels[i] & 1) { //only odd (rtl) levels", + " var mirror = getMirroredCharacter(string[i]);", + " if (mirror !== null) {", + " map.set(i, mirror);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " return map", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Given a start and end denoting a single line within a string, and a set of precalculated", + " * bidi embedding levels, produce a list of segments whose ordering should be flipped, in sequence.", + " * @param {string} string - the full input string", + " * @param {GetEmbeddingLevelsResult} embeddingLevelsResult - the result object from getEmbeddingLevels", + " * @param {number} [start] - first character in a subset of the full string", + " * @param {number} [end] - last character in a subset of the full string", + " * @return {number[][]} - the list of start/end segments that should be flipped, in order.", + " */", + " function getReorderSegments(string, embeddingLevelsResult, start, end) {", + " var strLen = string.length;", + " start = Math.max(0, start == null ? 0 : +start);", + " end = Math.min(strLen - 1, end == null ? strLen - 1 : +end);", + "", + " var segments = [];", + " embeddingLevelsResult.paragraphs.forEach(function (paragraph) {", + " var lineStart = Math.max(start, paragraph.start);", + " var lineEnd = Math.min(end, paragraph.end);", + " if (lineStart < lineEnd) {", + " // Local slice for mutation", + " var lineLevels = embeddingLevelsResult.levels.slice(lineStart, lineEnd + 1);", + "", + " // 3.4 L1.4: Reset any sequence of whitespace characters and/or isolate formatting characters at the", + " // end of the line to the paragraph level.", + " for (var i = lineEnd; i >= lineStart && (getBidiCharType(string[i]) & TRAILING_TYPES); i--) {", + " lineLevels[i] = paragraph.level;", + " }", + "", + " // L2. From the highest level found in the text to the lowest odd level on each line, including intermediate levels", + " // not actually present in the text, reverse any contiguous sequence of characters that are at that level or higher.", + " var maxLevel = paragraph.level;", + " var minOddLevel = Infinity;", + " for (var i$1 = 0; i$1 < lineLevels.length; i$1++) {", + " var level = lineLevels[i$1];", + " if (level > maxLevel) { maxLevel = level; }", + " if (level < minOddLevel) { minOddLevel = level | 1; }", + " }", + " for (var lvl = maxLevel; lvl >= minOddLevel; lvl--) {", + " for (var i$2 = 0; i$2 < lineLevels.length; i$2++) {", + " if (lineLevels[i$2] >= lvl) {", + " var segStart = i$2;", + " while (i$2 + 1 < lineLevels.length && lineLevels[i$2 + 1] >= lvl) {", + " i$2++;", + " }", + " if (i$2 > segStart) {", + " segments.push([segStart + lineStart, i$2 + lineStart]);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " });", + " return segments", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param {string} string", + " * @param {GetEmbeddingLevelsResult} embedLevelsResult", + " * @param {number} [start]", + " * @param {number} [end]", + " * @return {string} the new string with bidi segments reordered", + " */", + " function getReorderedString(string, embedLevelsResult, start, end) {", + " var indices = getReorderedIndices(string, embedLevelsResult, start, end);", + " var chars = [].concat( string );", + " indices.forEach(function (charIndex, i) {", + " chars[i] = (", + " (embedLevelsResult.levels[charIndex] & 1) ? getMirroredCharacter(string[charIndex]) : null", + " ) || string[charIndex];", + " });", + " return chars.join('')", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @param {string} string", + " * @param {GetEmbeddingLevelsResult} embedLevelsResult", + " * @param {number} [start]", + " * @param {number} [end]", + " * @return {number[]} an array with character indices in their new bidi order", + " */", + " function getReorderedIndices(string, embedLevelsResult, start, end) {", + " var segments = getReorderSegments(string, embedLevelsResult, start, end);", + " // Fill an array with indices", + " var indices = [];", + " for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {", + " indices[i] = i;", + " }", + " // Reverse each segment in order", + " segments.forEach(function (ref) {", + " var start = ref[0];", + " var end = ref[1];", + "", + " var slice = indices.slice(start, end + 1);", + " for (var i = slice.length; i--;) {", + " indices[end - i] = slice[i];", + " }", + " });", + " return indices", + " }", + "", + " exports.closingToOpeningBracket = closingToOpeningBracket;", + " exports.getBidiCharType = getBidiCharType;", + " exports.getBidiCharTypeName = getBidiCharTypeName;", + " exports.getCanonicalBracket = getCanonicalBracket;", + " exports.getEmbeddingLevels = getEmbeddingLevels;", + " exports.getMirroredCharacter = getMirroredCharacter;", + " exports.getMirroredCharactersMap = getMirroredCharactersMap;", + " exports.getReorderSegments = getReorderSegments;", + " exports.getReorderedIndices = getReorderedIndices;", + " exports.getReorderedString = getReorderedString;", + " exports.openingToClosingBracket = openingToClosingBracket;", + "", + " Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });", + "", + " return exports;", + "", + " }({}));", + " return bidi}", + "", + " const CONFIG = {", + " defaultFontURL: null,", + " unicodeFontsURL: null,", + " sdfGlyphSize: 64,", + " sdfMargin: 1 / 16,", + " sdfExponent: 9,", + " textureWidth: 2048,", + " };", + " const tempColor = /*#__PURE__*/new THREE.Color();", + " let hasRequested = false;", + "", + " function now$1() {", + " return (self.performance || Date).now()", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Customizes the text builder configuration. This must be called prior to the first font processing", + " * request, and applies to all fonts.", + " *", + " * @param {String} config.defaultFontURL - The URL of the default font to use for text processing", + " * requests, in case none is specified or the specifiede font fails to load or parse.", + " * Defaults to \"Roboto Regular\" from Google Fonts.", + " * @param {String} config.unicodeFontsURL - A custom location for the fallback unicode-font-resolver", + " * data and font files, if you don't want to use the default CDN. See", + " * https://github.com/lojjic/unicode-font-resolver for details. It can also be", + " * configured per text instance, but this lets you do it once globally.", + " * @param {Number} config.sdfGlyphSize - The default size of each glyph's SDF (signed distance field)", + " * texture used for rendering. Must be a power-of-two number, and applies to all fonts,", + " * but note that this can also be overridden per call to `getTextRenderInfo()`.", + " * Larger sizes can improve the quality of glyph rendering by increasing the sharpness", + " * of corners and preventing loss of very thin lines, at the expense of memory. Defaults", + " * to 64 which is generally a good balance of size and quality.", + " * @param {Number} config.sdfExponent - The exponent used when encoding the SDF values. A higher exponent", + " * shifts the encoded 8-bit values to achieve higher precision/accuracy at texels nearer", + " * the glyph's path, with lower precision further away. Defaults to 9.", + " * @param {Number} config.sdfMargin - How much space to reserve in the SDF as margin outside the glyph's", + " * path, as a percentage of the SDF width. A larger margin increases the quality of", + " * extruded glyph outlines, but decreases the precision available for the glyph itself.", + " * Defaults to 1/16th of the glyph size.", + " * @param {Number} config.textureWidth - The width of the SDF texture; must be a power of 2. Defaults to", + " * 2048 which is a safe maximum texture dimension according to the stats at", + " * https://webglstats.com/webgl/parameter/MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE and should allow for a", + " * reasonably large number of glyphs (default glyph size of 64^2 and safe texture size of", + " * 2048^2, times 4 channels, allows for 4096 glyphs.) This can be increased if you need to", + " * increase the glyph size and/or have an extraordinary number of glyphs.", + " */", + " function configureTextBuilder(config) {", + " if (hasRequested) {", + " console.warn('configureTextBuilder called after first font request; will be ignored.');", + " } else {", + " assign(CONFIG, config);", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Repository for all font SDF atlas textures and their glyph mappings. There is a separate atlas for", + " * each sdfGlyphSize. Each atlas has a single Texture that holds all glyphs for all fonts.", + " *", + " * {", + " * [sdfGlyphSize]: {", + " * glyphCount: number,", + " * sdfGlyphSize: number,", + " * sdfTexture: Texture,", + " * sdfCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement,", + " * contextLost: boolean,", + " * glyphsByFont: Map>", + " * }", + " * }", + " */", + " const atlases = Object.create(null);", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {object} TroikaTextRenderInfo - Format of the result from `getTextRenderInfo`.", + " * @property {TypesetParams} parameters - The normalized input arguments to the render call.", + " * @property {Texture} sdfTexture - The SDF atlas texture.", + " * @property {number} sdfGlyphSize - The size of each glyph's SDF; see `configureTextBuilder`.", + " * @property {number} sdfExponent - The exponent used in encoding the SDF's values; see `configureTextBuilder`.", + " * @property {Float32Array} glyphBounds - List of [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] quad bounds for each glyph.", + " * @property {Float32Array} glyphAtlasIndices - List holding each glyph's index in the SDF atlas.", + " * @property {Uint8Array} [glyphColors] - List holding each glyph's [r, g, b] color, if `colorRanges` was supplied.", + " * @property {Float32Array} [caretPositions] - A list of caret positions for all characters in the string; each is", + " * four elements: the starting X, the ending X, the bottom Y, and the top Y for the caret.", + " * @property {number} [caretHeight] - An appropriate height for all selection carets.", + " * @property {number} ascender - The font's ascender metric.", + " * @property {number} descender - The font's descender metric.", + " * @property {number} capHeight - The font's cap height metric, based on the height of Latin capital letters.", + " * @property {number} xHeight - The font's x height metric, based on the height of Latin lowercase letters.", + " * @property {number} lineHeight - The final computed lineHeight measurement.", + " * @property {number} topBaseline - The y position of the top line's baseline.", + " * @property {Array} blockBounds - The total [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] rect of the whole text block;", + " * this can include extra vertical space beyond the visible glyphs due to lineHeight, and is", + " * equivalent to the dimensions of a block-level text element in CSS.", + " * @property {Array} visibleBounds - The total [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] rect of the whole text block;", + " * unlike `blockBounds` this is tightly wrapped to the visible glyph paths.", + " * @property {Array} chunkedBounds - List of bounding rects for each consecutive set of N glyphs,", + " * in the format `{start:N, end:N, rect:[minX, minY, maxX, maxY]}`.", + " * @property {object} timings - Timing info for various parts of the rendering logic including SDF", + " * generation, typesetting, etc.", + " * @frozen", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * @callback getTextRenderInfo~callback", + " * @param {TroikaTextRenderInfo} textRenderInfo", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * Main entry point for requesting the data needed to render a text string with given font parameters.", + " * This is an asynchronous call, performing most of the logic in a web worker thread.", + " * @param {TypesetParams} args", + " * @param {getTextRenderInfo~callback} callback", + " */", + " function getTextRenderInfo(args, callback) {", + " hasRequested = true;", + " args = assign({}, args);", + " const totalStart = now$1();", + "", + " // Convert relative URL to absolute so it can be resolved in the worker, and add fallbacks.", + " // In the future we'll allow args.font to be a list with unicode ranges too.", + " const { defaultFontURL } = CONFIG;", + " const fonts = [];", + " if (defaultFontURL) {", + " fonts.push({label: 'default', src: toAbsoluteURL(defaultFontURL)});", + " }", + " if (args.font) {", + " fonts.push({label: 'user', src: toAbsoluteURL(args.font)});", + " }", + " args.font = fonts;", + "", + " // Normalize text to a string", + " args.text = '' + args.text;", + "", + " args.sdfGlyphSize = args.sdfGlyphSize || CONFIG.sdfGlyphSize;", + " args.unicodeFontsURL = args.unicodeFontsURL || CONFIG.unicodeFontsURL;", + "", + " // Normalize colors", + " if (args.colorRanges != null) {", + " let colors = {};", + " for (let key in args.colorRanges) {", + " if (args.colorRanges.hasOwnProperty(key)) {", + " let val = args.colorRanges[key];", + " if (typeof val !== 'number') {", + " val = tempColor.set(val).getHex();", + " }", + " colors[key] = val;", + " }", + " }", + " args.colorRanges = colors;", + " }", + "", + " Object.freeze(args);", + "", + " // Init the atlas if needed", + " const {textureWidth, sdfExponent} = CONFIG;", + " const {sdfGlyphSize} = args;", + " const glyphsPerRow = (textureWidth / sdfGlyphSize * 4);", + " let atlas = atlases[sdfGlyphSize];", + " if (!atlas) {", + " const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');", + " canvas.width = textureWidth;", + " canvas.height = sdfGlyphSize * 256 / glyphsPerRow; // start tall enough to fit 256 glyphs", + " atlas = atlases[sdfGlyphSize] = {", + " glyphCount: 0,", + " sdfGlyphSize,", + " sdfCanvas: canvas,", + " sdfTexture: new THREE.Texture(", + " canvas,", + " undefined,", + " undefined,", + " undefined,", + " THREE.LinearFilter,", + " THREE.LinearFilter", + " ),", + " contextLost: false,", + " glyphsByFont: new Map()", + " };", + " atlas.sdfTexture.generateMipmaps = false;", + " initContextLossHandling(atlas);", + " }", + "", + " const {sdfTexture, sdfCanvas} = atlas;", + "", + " // Issue request to the typesetting engine in the worker", + " typesetInWorker(args).then(result => {", + " const {glyphIds, glyphFontIndices, fontData, glyphPositions, fontSize, timings} = result;", + " const neededSDFs = [];", + " const glyphBounds = new Float32Array(glyphIds.length * 4);", + " let boundsIdx = 0;", + " let positionsIdx = 0;", + " const quadsStart = now$1();", + "", + " const fontGlyphMaps = fontData.map(font => {", + " let map = atlas.glyphsByFont.get(font.src);", + " if (!map) {", + " atlas.glyphsByFont.set(font.src, map = new Map());", + " }", + " return map", + " });", + "", + " glyphIds.forEach((glyphId, i) => {", + " const fontIndex = glyphFontIndices[i];", + " const {src: fontSrc, unitsPerEm} = fontData[fontIndex];", + " let glyphInfo = fontGlyphMaps[fontIndex].get(glyphId);", + "", + " // If this is a glyphId not seen before, add it to the atlas", + " if (!glyphInfo) {", + " const {path, pathBounds} = result.glyphData[fontSrc][glyphId];", + "", + " // Margin around path edges in SDF, based on a percentage of the glyph's max dimension.", + " // Note we add an extra 0.5 px over the configured value because the outer 0.5 doesn't contain", + " // useful interpolated values and will be ignored anyway.", + " const fontUnitsMargin = Math.max(pathBounds[2] - pathBounds[0], pathBounds[3] - pathBounds[1])", + " / sdfGlyphSize * (CONFIG.sdfMargin * sdfGlyphSize + 0.5);", + "", + " const atlasIndex = atlas.glyphCount++;", + " const sdfViewBox = [", + " pathBounds[0] - fontUnitsMargin,", + " pathBounds[1] - fontUnitsMargin,", + " pathBounds[2] + fontUnitsMargin,", + " pathBounds[3] + fontUnitsMargin,", + " ];", + " fontGlyphMaps[fontIndex].set(glyphId, (glyphInfo = { path, atlasIndex, sdfViewBox }));", + "", + " // Collect those that need SDF generation", + " neededSDFs.push(glyphInfo);", + " }", + "", + " // Calculate bounds for renderable quads", + " // TODO can we get this back off the main thread?", + " const {sdfViewBox} = glyphInfo;", + " const posX = glyphPositions[positionsIdx++];", + " const posY = glyphPositions[positionsIdx++];", + " const fontSizeMult = fontSize / unitsPerEm;", + " glyphBounds[boundsIdx++] = posX + sdfViewBox[0] * fontSizeMult;", + " glyphBounds[boundsIdx++] = posY + sdfViewBox[1] * fontSizeMult;", + " glyphBounds[boundsIdx++] = posX + sdfViewBox[2] * fontSizeMult;", + " glyphBounds[boundsIdx++] = posY + sdfViewBox[3] * fontSizeMult;", + "", + " // Convert glyphId to SDF index for the shader", + " glyphIds[i] = glyphInfo.atlasIndex;", + " });", + " timings.quads = (timings.quads || 0) + (now$1() - quadsStart);", + "", + " const sdfStart = now$1();", + " timings.sdf = {};", + "", + " // Grow the texture height by power of 2 if needed", + " const currentHeight = sdfCanvas.height;", + " const neededRows = Math.ceil(atlas.glyphCount / glyphsPerRow);", + " const neededHeight = Math.pow(2, Math.ceil(Math.log2(neededRows * sdfGlyphSize)));", + " if (neededHeight > currentHeight) {", + " // Since resizing the canvas clears its render buffer, it needs special handling to copy the old contents over", + " console.info(`Increasing SDF texture size ${currentHeight}->${neededHeight}`);", + " resizeWebGLCanvasWithoutClearing(sdfCanvas, textureWidth, neededHeight);", + " // As of Three r136 textures cannot be resized once they're allocated on the GPU, we must dispose to reallocate it", + " sdfTexture.dispose();", + " }", + "", + " Promise.all(neededSDFs.map(glyphInfo =>", + " generateGlyphSDF(glyphInfo, atlas, args.gpuAccelerateSDF).then(({timing}) => {", + " timings.sdf[glyphInfo.atlasIndex] = timing;", + " })", + " )).then(() => {", + " if (neededSDFs.length && !atlas.contextLost) {", + " safariPre15Workaround(atlas);", + " sdfTexture.needsUpdate = true;", + " }", + " timings.sdfTotal = now$1() - sdfStart;", + " timings.total = now$1() - totalStart;", + " // console.log(`SDF - ${timings.sdfTotal}, Total - ${timings.total - timings.fontLoad}`)", + "", + " // Invoke callback with the text layout arrays and updated texture", + " callback(Object.freeze({", + " parameters: args,", + " sdfTexture,", + " sdfGlyphSize,", + " sdfExponent,", + " glyphBounds,", + " glyphAtlasIndices: glyphIds,", + " glyphColors: result.glyphColors,", + " caretPositions: result.caretPositions,", + " chunkedBounds: result.chunkedBounds,", + " ascender: result.ascender,", + " descender: result.descender,", + " lineHeight: result.lineHeight,", + " capHeight: result.capHeight,", + " xHeight: result.xHeight,", + " topBaseline: result.topBaseline,", + " blockBounds: result.blockBounds,", + " visibleBounds: result.visibleBounds,", + " timings: result.timings,", + " }));", + " });", + " });", + "", + " // While the typesetting request is being handled, go ahead and make sure the atlas canvas context is", + " // \"warmed up\"; the first request will be the longest due to shader program compilation so this gets", + " // a head start on that process before SDFs actually start getting processed.", + " Promise.resolve().then(() => {", + " if (!atlas.contextLost) {", + " warmUpSDFCanvas(sdfCanvas);", + " }", + " });", + " }", + "", + " function generateGlyphSDF({path, atlasIndex, sdfViewBox}, {sdfGlyphSize, sdfCanvas, contextLost}, useGPU) {", + " if (contextLost) {", + " // If the context is lost there's nothing we can do, just quit silently and let it", + " // get regenerated when the context is restored", + " return Promise.resolve({timing: -1})", + " }", + " const {textureWidth, sdfExponent} = CONFIG;", + " const maxDist = Math.max(sdfViewBox[2] - sdfViewBox[0], sdfViewBox[3] - sdfViewBox[1]);", + " const squareIndex = Math.floor(atlasIndex / 4);", + " const x = squareIndex % (textureWidth / sdfGlyphSize) * sdfGlyphSize;", + " const y = Math.floor(squareIndex / (textureWidth / sdfGlyphSize)) * sdfGlyphSize;", + " const channel = atlasIndex % 4;", + " return generateSDF(sdfGlyphSize, sdfGlyphSize, path, sdfViewBox, maxDist, sdfExponent, sdfCanvas, x, y, channel, useGPU)", + " }", + "", + " function initContextLossHandling(atlas) {", + " const canvas = atlas.sdfCanvas;", + "", + " /*", + " // Begin context loss simulation", + " if (!window.WebGLDebugUtils) {", + " let script = document.getElementById('WebGLDebugUtilsScript')", + " if (!script) {", + " script = document.createElement('script')", + " script.id = 'WebGLDebugUtils'", + " document.head.appendChild(script)", + " script.src = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/KhronosGroup/WebGLDeveloperTools@b42e702/src/debug/webgl-debug.js'", + " }", + " script.addEventListener('load', () => {", + " initContextLossHandling(atlas)", + " })", + " return", + " }", + " window.WebGLDebugUtils.makeLostContextSimulatingCanvas(canvas)", + " canvas.loseContextInNCalls(500)", + " canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', (event) => {", + " canvas.loseContextInNCalls(5000)", + " })", + " // End context loss simulation", + " */", + "", + " canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', (event) => {", + " console.log('Context Lost', event);", + " event.preventDefault();", + " atlas.contextLost = true;", + " });", + " canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', (event) => {", + " console.log('Context Restored', event);", + " atlas.contextLost = false;", + " // Regenerate all glyphs into the restored canvas:", + " const promises = [];", + " atlas.glyphsByFont.forEach(glyphMap => {", + " glyphMap.forEach(glyph => {", + " promises.push(generateGlyphSDF(glyph, atlas, true));", + " });", + " });", + " Promise.all(promises).then(() => {", + " safariPre15Workaround(atlas);", + " atlas.sdfTexture.needsUpdate = true;", + " });", + " });", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Preload a given font and optionally pre-generate glyph SDFs for one or more character sequences.", + " * This can be useful to avoid long pauses when first showing text in a scene, by preloading the", + " * needed fonts and glyphs up front along with other assets.", + " *", + " * @param {object} options", + " * @param {string} options.font - URL of the font file to preload. If not given, the default font will", + " * be loaded.", + " * @param {string|string[]} options.characters - One or more character sequences for which to pre-", + " * generate glyph SDFs. Note that this will honor ligature substitution, so you may need", + " * to specify ligature sequences in addition to their individual characters to get all", + " * possible glyphs, e.g. `[\"t\", \"h\", \"th\"]` to get the \"t\" and \"h\" glyphs plus the \"th\" ligature.", + " * @param {number} options.sdfGlyphSize - The size at which to prerender the SDF textures for the", + " * specified `characters`.", + " * @param {function} callback - A function that will be called when the preloading is complete.", + " */", + " function preloadFont({font, characters, sdfGlyphSize}, callback) {", + " let text = Array.isArray(characters) ? characters.join('\\n') : '' + characters;", + " getTextRenderInfo({ font, sdfGlyphSize, text }, callback);", + " }", + "", + "", + " // Local assign impl so we don't have to import troika-core", + " function assign(toObj, fromObj) {", + " for (let key in fromObj) {", + " if (fromObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {", + " toObj[key] = fromObj[key];", + " }", + " }", + " return toObj", + " }", + "", + " // Utility for making URLs absolute", + " let linkEl;", + " function toAbsoluteURL(path) {", + " if (!linkEl) {", + " linkEl = typeof document === 'undefined' ? {} : document.createElement('a');", + " }", + " linkEl.href = path;", + " return linkEl.href", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Safari < v15 seems unable to use the SDF webgl canvas as a texture. This applies a workaround", + " * where it reads the pixels out of that canvas and uploads them as a data texture instead, at", + " * a slight performance cost.", + " */", + " function safariPre15Workaround(atlas) {", + " // Use createImageBitmap support as a proxy for Safari<15, all other mainstream browsers", + " // have supported it for a long while so any false positives should be minimal.", + " if (typeof createImageBitmap !== 'function') {", + " console.info('Safari<15: applying SDF canvas workaround');", + " const {sdfCanvas, sdfTexture} = atlas;", + " const {width, height} = sdfCanvas;", + " const gl = atlas.sdfCanvas.getContext('webgl');", + " let pixels = sdfTexture.image.data;", + " if (!pixels || pixels.length !== width * height * 4) {", + " pixels = new Uint8Array(width * height * 4);", + " sdfTexture.image = {width, height, data: pixels};", + " sdfTexture.flipY = false;", + " sdfTexture.isDataTexture = true;", + " }", + " gl.readPixels(0, 0, width, height, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);", + " }", + " }", + "", + " const typesetterWorkerModule = /*#__PURE__*/defineWorkerModule({", + " name: 'Typesetter',", + " dependencies: [", + " createTypesetter,", + " fontResolverWorkerModule,", + " bidiFactory,", + " ],", + " init(createTypesetter, fontResolver, bidiFactory) {", + " return createTypesetter(fontResolver, bidiFactory())", + " }", + " });", + "", + " const typesetInWorker = /*#__PURE__*/defineWorkerModule({", + " name: 'Typesetter',", + " dependencies: [", + " typesetterWorkerModule,", + " ],", + " init(typesetter) {", + " return function(args) {", + " return new Promise(resolve => {", + " typesetter.typeset(args, resolve);", + " })", + " }", + " },", + " getTransferables(result) {", + " // Mark array buffers as transferable to avoid cloning during postMessage", + " const transferables = [];", + " for (let p in result) {", + " if (result[p] && result[p].buffer) {", + " transferables.push(result[p].buffer);", + " }", + " }", + " return transferables", + " }", + " });", + "", + " function dumpSDFTextures() {", + " Object.keys(atlases).forEach(size => {", + " const canvas = atlases[size].sdfCanvas;", + " const {width, height} = canvas;", + " console.log(\"%c.\", `", + " background: url(${canvas.toDataURL()});", + " background-size: ${width}px ${height}px;", + " color: transparent;", + " font-size: 0;", + " line-height: ${height}px;", + " padding-left: ${width}px;", + " `);", + " });", + " }", + "", + " const templateGeometries = {};", + "", + " function getTemplateGeometry(detail) {", + " let geom = templateGeometries[detail];", + " if (!geom) {", + " // Geometry is two planes back-to-back, which will always be rendered FrontSide only but", + " // appear as DoubleSide by default. FrontSide/BackSide are emulated using drawRange.", + " // We do it this way to avoid the performance hit of two draw calls for DoubleSide materials", + " // introduced by Three.js in r130 - see https://github.com/mrdoob/THREE.js/pull/21967", + " const front = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1, 1, detail, detail);", + " const back = front.clone();", + " const frontAttrs = front.attributes;", + " const backAttrs = back.attributes;", + " const combined = new THREE.BufferGeometry();", + " const vertCount = frontAttrs.uv.count;", + " for (let i = 0; i < vertCount; i++) {", + " backAttrs.position.array[i * 3] *= -1; // flip position x", + " backAttrs.normal.array[i * 3 + 2] *= -1; // flip normal z", + " }", + " ['position', 'normal', 'uv'].forEach(name => {", + " combined.setAttribute(name, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute(", + " [...frontAttrs[name].array, ...backAttrs[name].array],", + " frontAttrs[name].itemSize)", + " );", + " });", + " combined.setIndex([...front.index.array, ...back.index.array.map(n => n + vertCount)]);", + " combined.translate(0.5, 0.5, 0);", + " geom = templateGeometries[detail] = combined;", + " }", + " return geom", + " }", + "", + " const glyphBoundsAttrName = 'aTroikaGlyphBounds';", + " const glyphIndexAttrName = 'aTroikaGlyphIndex';", + " const glyphColorAttrName = 'aTroikaGlyphColor';", + "", + " /**", + " @class GlyphsGeometry", + "", + " A specialized Geometry for rendering a set of text glyphs. Uses InstancedBufferGeometry to", + " render the glyphs using GPU instancing of a single quad, rather than constructing a whole", + " geometry with vertices, for much smaller attribute arraybuffers according to this math:", + "", + " Where N = number of glyphs...", + "", + " Instanced:", + " - position: 4 * 3", + " - index: 2 * 3", + " - normal: 4 * 3", + " - uv: 4 * 2", + " - glyph x/y bounds: N * 4", + " - glyph indices: N * 1", + " = 5N + 38", + "", + " Non-instanced:", + " - position: N * 4 * 3", + " - index: N * 2 * 3", + " - normal: N * 4 * 3", + " - uv: N * 4 * 2", + " - glyph indices: N * 1", + " = 39N", + "", + " A downside of this is the rare-but-possible lack of the instanced arrays extension,", + " which we could potentially work around with a fallback non-instanced implementation.", + "", + " */", + " class GlyphsGeometry extends THREE.InstancedBufferGeometry {", + " constructor() {", + " super();", + "", + " this.detail = 1;", + " this.curveRadius = 0;", + "", + " // Define groups for rendering text outline as a separate pass; these will only", + " // be used when the `material` getter returns an array, i.e. outlineWidth > 0.", + " this.groups = [", + " {start: 0, count: Infinity, materialIndex: 0},", + " {start: 0, count: Infinity, materialIndex: 1}", + " ];", + "", + " // Preallocate empty bounding objects", + " this.boundingSphere = new THREE.Sphere();", + " this.boundingBox = new THREE.Box3();", + " }", + "", + " computeBoundingSphere () {", + " // No-op; we'll sync the boundingSphere proactively when needed.", + " }", + "", + " computeBoundingBox() {", + " // No-op; we'll sync the boundingBox proactively when needed.", + " }", + "", + " // Since our base geometry contains triangles for both front and back sides, we can emulate", + " // the \"side\" by restricting the draw range.", + " setSide(side) {", + " const verts = this.getIndex().count;", + " this.setDrawRange(side === THREE.BackSide ? verts / 2 : 0, side === THREE.DoubleSide ? verts : verts / 2);", + " }", + "", + " set detail(detail) {", + " if (detail !== this._detail) {", + " this._detail = detail;", + " if (typeof detail !== 'number' || detail < 1) {", + " detail = 1;", + " }", + " let tpl = getTemplateGeometry(detail)", + " ;['position', 'normal', 'uv'].forEach(attr => {", + " this.attributes[attr] = tpl.attributes[attr].clone();", + " });", + " this.setIndex(tpl.getIndex().clone());", + " }", + " }", + " get detail() {", + " return this._detail", + " }", + "", + " set curveRadius(r) {", + " if (r !== this._curveRadius) {", + " this._curveRadius = r;", + " this._updateBounds();", + " }", + " }", + " get curveRadius() {", + " return this._curveRadius", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Update the geometry for a new set of glyphs.", + " * @param {Float32Array} glyphBounds - An array holding the planar bounds for all glyphs", + " * to be rendered, 4 entries for each glyph: x1,x2,y1,y1", + " * @param {Float32Array} glyphAtlasIndices - An array holding the index of each glyph within", + " * the SDF atlas texture.", + " * @param {Array} blockBounds - An array holding the [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] across all glyphs", + " * @param {Array} [chunkedBounds] - An array of objects describing bounds for each chunk of N", + " * consecutive glyphs: `{start:N, end:N, rect:[minX, minY, maxX, maxY]}`. This can be", + " * used with `applyClipRect` to choose an optimized `instanceCount`.", + " * @param {Uint8Array} [glyphColors] - An array holding r,g,b values for each glyph.", + " */", + " updateGlyphs(glyphBounds, glyphAtlasIndices, blockBounds, chunkedBounds, glyphColors) {", + " // Update the instance attributes", + " updateBufferAttr(this, glyphBoundsAttrName, glyphBounds, 4);", + " updateBufferAttr(this, glyphIndexAttrName, glyphAtlasIndices, 1);", + " updateBufferAttr(this, glyphColorAttrName, glyphColors, 3);", + " this._blockBounds = blockBounds;", + " this._chunkedBounds = chunkedBounds;", + " this.instanceCount = glyphAtlasIndices.length;", + " this._updateBounds();", + " }", + "", + " _updateBounds() {", + " const bounds = this._blockBounds;", + " if (bounds) {", + " const { curveRadius, boundingBox: bbox } = this;", + " if (curveRadius) {", + " const { PI, floor, min, max, sin, cos } = Math;", + " const halfPi = PI / 2;", + " const twoPi = PI * 2;", + " const absR = Math.abs(curveRadius);", + " const leftAngle = bounds[0] / absR;", + " const rightAngle = bounds[2] / absR;", + " const minX = floor((leftAngle + halfPi) / twoPi) !== floor((rightAngle + halfPi) / twoPi)", + " ? -absR : min(sin(leftAngle) * absR, sin(rightAngle) * absR);", + " const maxX = floor((leftAngle - halfPi) / twoPi) !== floor((rightAngle - halfPi) / twoPi)", + " ? absR : max(sin(leftAngle) * absR, sin(rightAngle) * absR);", + " const maxZ = floor((leftAngle + PI) / twoPi) !== floor((rightAngle + PI) / twoPi)", + " ? absR * 2 : max(absR - cos(leftAngle) * absR, absR - cos(rightAngle) * absR);", + " bbox.min.set(minX, bounds[1], curveRadius < 0 ? -maxZ : 0);", + " bbox.max.set(maxX, bounds[3], curveRadius < 0 ? 0 : maxZ);", + " } else {", + " bbox.min.set(bounds[0], bounds[1], 0);", + " bbox.max.set(bounds[2], bounds[3], 0);", + " }", + " bbox.getBoundingSphere(this.boundingSphere);", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Given a clipping rect, and the chunkedBounds from the last updateGlyphs call, choose the lowest", + " * `instanceCount` that will show all glyphs within the clipped view. This is an optimization", + " * for long blocks of text that are clipped, to skip vertex shader evaluation for glyphs that would", + " * be clipped anyway.", + " *", + " * Note that since `drawElementsInstanced[ANGLE]` only accepts an instance count and not a starting", + " * offset, this optimization becomes less effective as the clipRect moves closer to the end of the", + " * text block. We could fix that by switching from instancing to a full geometry with a drawRange,", + " * but at the expense of much larger attribute buffers (see classdoc above.)", + " *", + " * @param {Vector4} clipRect", + " */", + " applyClipRect(clipRect) {", + " let count = this.getAttribute(glyphIndexAttrName).count;", + " let chunks = this._chunkedBounds;", + " if (chunks) {", + " for (let i = chunks.length; i--;) {", + " count = chunks[i].end;", + " let rect = chunks[i].rect;", + " // note: both rects are l-b-r-t", + " if (rect[1] < clipRect.w && rect[3] > clipRect.y && rect[0] < clipRect.z && rect[2] > clipRect.x) {", + " break", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " this.instanceCount = count;", + " }", + " }", + "", + "", + " function updateBufferAttr(geom, attrName, newArray, itemSize) {", + " const attr = geom.getAttribute(attrName);", + " if (newArray) {", + " // If length isn't changing, just update the attribute's array data", + " if (attr && attr.array.length === newArray.length) {", + " attr.array.set(newArray);", + " attr.needsUpdate = true;", + " } else {", + " geom.setAttribute(attrName, new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute(newArray, itemSize));", + " // If the new attribute has a different size, we also have to (as of r117) manually clear the", + " // internal cached max instance count. See https://github.com/mrdoob/THREE.js/issues/19706", + " // It's unclear if this is a threejs bug or a truly unsupported scenario; discussion in", + " // that ticket is ambiguous as to whether replacing a BufferAttribute with one of a", + " // different size is supported, but https://github.com/mrdoob/THREE.js/pull/17418 strongly", + " // implies it should be supported. It's possible we need to", + " delete geom._maxInstanceCount; //for r117+, could be fragile", + " geom.dispose(); //for r118+, more robust feeling, but more heavy-handed than I'd like", + " }", + " } else if (attr) {", + " geom.deleteAttribute(attrName);", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Regular expression for matching the `void main() {` opener line in GLSL.", + " * @type {RegExp}", + " */", + " const voidMainRegExp = /\\bvoid\\s+main\\s*\\(\\s*\\)\\s*{/g;", + "", + " /**", + " * Recursively expands all `#include ` statements within string of shader code.", + " * Copied from THREE's WebGLProgram#parseIncludes for external use.", + " *", + " * @param {string} source - The GLSL source code to evaluate", + " * @return {string} The GLSL code with all includes expanded", + " */", + " function expandShaderIncludes( source ) {", + " const pattern = /^[ \\t]*#include +<([\\w\\d./]+)>/gm;", + " function replace(match, include) {", + " let chunk = THREE.ShaderChunk[include];", + " return chunk ? expandShaderIncludes(chunk) : match", + " }", + " return source.replace( pattern, replace )", + " }", + "", + " /*", + " * This is a direct copy of MathUtils.generateUUID from Three.js, to preserve compatibility with THREE", + " * versions before 0.113.0 as it was changed from Math to MathUtils in that version.", + " * https://github.com/mrdoob/THREE.js/blob/dd8b5aa3b270c17096b90945cd2d6d1b13aaec53/src/math/MathUtils.js#L16", + " */", + "", + " const _lut = [];", + "", + " for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {", + " _lut[i] = (i < 16 ? '0' : '') + (i).toString(16);", + " }", + "", + " function generateUUID() {", + "", + " // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/105034/how-to-create-a-guid-uuid-in-javascript/21963136#21963136", + "", + " const d0 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;", + " const d1 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;", + " const d2 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;", + " const d3 = Math.random() * 0xffffffff | 0;", + " const uuid = _lut[d0 & 0xff] + _lut[d0 >> 8 & 0xff] + _lut[d0 >> 16 & 0xff] + _lut[d0 >> 24 & 0xff] + '-' +", + " _lut[d1 & 0xff] + _lut[d1 >> 8 & 0xff] + '-' + _lut[d1 >> 16 & 0x0f | 0x40] + _lut[d1 >> 24 & 0xff] + '-' +", + " _lut[d2 & 0x3f | 0x80] + _lut[d2 >> 8 & 0xff] + '-' + _lut[d2 >> 16 & 0xff] + _lut[d2 >> 24 & 0xff] +", + " _lut[d3 & 0xff] + _lut[d3 >> 8 & 0xff] + _lut[d3 >> 16 & 0xff] + _lut[d3 >> 24 & 0xff];", + "", + " // .toUpperCase() here flattens concatenated strings to save heap memory space.", + " return uuid.toUpperCase()", + "", + " }", + "", + " // Local assign polyfill to avoid importing troika-core", + " const assign$1 = Object.assign || function(/*target, ...sources*/) {", + " let target = arguments[0];", + " for (let i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {", + " let source = arguments[i];", + " if (source) {", + " for (let prop in source) {", + " if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, prop)) {", + " target[prop] = source[prop];", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " }", + " return target", + " };", + "", + "", + " const epoch = Date.now();", + " const CONSTRUCTOR_CACHE = new WeakMap();", + " const SHADER_UPGRADE_CACHE = new Map();", + "", + " // Material ids must be integers, but we can't access the increment from Three's `Material` module,", + " // so let's choose a sufficiently large starting value that should theoretically never collide.", + " let materialInstanceId = 1e10;", + "", + " /**", + " * A utility for creating a custom shader material derived from another material's", + " * shaders. This allows you to inject custom shader logic and transforms into the", + " * builtin ThreeJS materials without having to recreate them from scratch.", + " *", + " * @param {THREE.Material} baseMaterial - the original material to derive from", + " *", + " * @param {Object} options - How the base material should be modified.", + " * @param {Object} options.defines - Custom `defines` for the material", + " * @param {Object} options.extensions - Custom `extensions` for the material, e.g. `{derivatives: true}`", + " * @param {Object} options.uniforms - Custom `uniforms` for use in the modified shader. These can", + " * be accessed and manipulated via the resulting material's `uniforms` property, just like", + " * in a ShaderMaterial. You do not need to repeat the base material's own uniforms here.", + " * @param {String} options.timeUniform - If specified, a uniform of this name will be injected into", + " * both shaders, and it will automatically be updated on each render frame with a number of", + " * elapsed milliseconds. The \"zero\" epoch time is not significant so don't rely on this as a", + " * true calendar time.", + " * @param {String} options.vertexDefs - Custom GLSL code to inject into the vertex shader's top-level", + " * definitions, above the `void main()` function.", + " * @param {String} options.vertexMainIntro - Custom GLSL code to inject at the top of the vertex", + " * shader's `void main` function.", + " * @param {String} options.vertexMainOutro - Custom GLSL code to inject at the end of the vertex", + " * shader's `void main` function.", + " * @param {String} options.vertexTransform - Custom GLSL code to manipulate the `position`, `normal`,", + " * and/or `uv` vertex attributes. This code will be wrapped within a standalone function with", + " * those attributes exposed by their normal names as read/write values.", + " * @param {String} options.fragmentDefs - Custom GLSL code to inject into the fragment shader's top-level", + " * definitions, above the `void main()` function.", + " * @param {String} options.fragmentMainIntro - Custom GLSL code to inject at the top of the fragment", + " * shader's `void main` function.", + " * @param {String} options.fragmentMainOutro - Custom GLSL code to inject at the end of the fragment", + " * shader's `void main` function. You can manipulate `gl_FragColor` here but keep in mind it goes", + " * after any of ThreeJS's color postprocessing shader chunks (tonemapping, fog, etc.), so if you", + " * want those to apply to your changes use `fragmentColorTransform` instead.", + " * @param {String} options.fragmentColorTransform - Custom GLSL code to manipulate the `gl_FragColor`", + " * output value. Will be injected near the end of the `void main` function, but before any", + " * of ThreeJS's color postprocessing shader chunks (tonemapping, fog, etc.), and before the", + " * `fragmentMainOutro`.", + " * @param {function<{vertexShader,fragmentShader}>:{vertexShader,fragmentShader}} options.customRewriter - A function", + " * for performing custom rewrites of the full shader code. Useful if you need to do something", + " * special that's not covered by the other builtin options. This function will be executed before", + " * any other transforms are applied.", + " * @param {boolean} options.chained - Set to `true` to prototype-chain the derived material to the base", + " * material, rather than the default behavior of copying it. This allows the derived material to", + " * automatically pick up changes made to the base material and its properties. This can be useful", + " * where the derived material is hidden from the user as an implementation detail, allowing them", + " * to work with the original material like normal. But it can result in unexpected behavior if not", + " * handled carefully.", + " *", + " * @return {THREE.Material}", + " *", + " * The returned material will also have two new methods, `getDepthMaterial()` and `getDistanceMaterial()`,", + " * which can be called to get a variant of the derived material for use in shadow casting. If the", + " * target mesh is expected to cast shadows, then you can assign these to the mesh's `customDepthMaterial`", + " * (for directional and spot lights) and/or `customDistanceMaterial` (for point lights) properties to", + " * allow the cast shadow to honor your derived shader's vertex transforms and discarded fragments. These", + " * will also set a custom `#define IS_DEPTH_MATERIAL` or `#define IS_DISTANCE_MATERIAL` that you can look", + " * for in your derived shaders with `#ifdef` to customize their behavior for the depth or distance", + " * scenarios, e.g. skipping antialiasing or expensive shader logic.", + " */", + " function createDerivedMaterial(baseMaterial, options) {", + " // Generate a key that is unique to the content of these `options`. We'll use this", + " // throughout for caching and for generating the upgraded shader code. This increases", + " // the likelihood that the resulting shaders will line up across multiple calls so", + " // their GL programs can be shared and cached.", + " const optionsKey = getKeyForOptions(options);", + "", + " // First check to see if we've already derived from this baseMaterial using this", + " // unique set of options, and if so reuse the constructor to avoid some allocations.", + " let ctorsByDerivation = CONSTRUCTOR_CACHE.get(baseMaterial);", + " if (!ctorsByDerivation) {", + " CONSTRUCTOR_CACHE.set(baseMaterial, (ctorsByDerivation = Object.create(null)));", + " }", + " if (ctorsByDerivation[optionsKey]) {", + " return new ctorsByDerivation[optionsKey]()", + " }", + "", + " const privateBeforeCompileProp = `_onBeforeCompile${optionsKey}`;", + "", + " // Private onBeforeCompile handler that injects the modified shaders and uniforms when", + " // the renderer switches to this material's program", + " const onBeforeCompile = function (shaderInfo, renderer) {", + " baseMaterial.onBeforeCompile.call(this, shaderInfo, renderer);", + "", + " // Upgrade the shaders, caching the result by incoming source code", + " const cacheKey = this.customProgramCacheKey() + '|' + shaderInfo.vertexShader + '|' + shaderInfo.fragmentShader;", + " let upgradedShaders = SHADER_UPGRADE_CACHE[cacheKey];", + " if (!upgradedShaders) {", + " const upgraded = upgradeShaders(this, shaderInfo, options, optionsKey);", + " upgradedShaders = SHADER_UPGRADE_CACHE[cacheKey] = upgraded;", + " }", + "", + " // Inject upgraded shaders and uniforms into the program", + " shaderInfo.vertexShader = upgradedShaders.vertexShader;", + " shaderInfo.fragmentShader = upgradedShaders.fragmentShader;", + " assign$1(shaderInfo.uniforms, this.uniforms);", + "", + " // Inject auto-updating time uniform if requested", + " if (options.timeUniform) {", + " shaderInfo.uniforms[options.timeUniform] = {", + " get value() {return Date.now() - epoch}", + " };", + " }", + "", + " // Users can still add their own handlers on top of ours", + " if (this[privateBeforeCompileProp]) {", + " this[privateBeforeCompileProp](shaderInfo);", + " }", + " };", + "", + " const DerivedMaterial = function DerivedMaterial() {", + " return derive(options.chained ? baseMaterial : baseMaterial.clone())", + " };", + "", + " const derive = function(base) {", + " // Prototype chain to the base material", + " const derived = Object.create(base, descriptor);", + "", + " // Store the baseMaterial for reference; this is always the original even when cloning", + " Object.defineProperty(derived, 'baseMaterial', { value: baseMaterial });", + "", + " // Needs its own ids", + " Object.defineProperty(derived, 'id', { value: materialInstanceId++ });", + " derived.uuid = generateUUID();", + "", + " // Merge uniforms, defines, and extensions", + " derived.uniforms = assign$1({}, base.uniforms, options.uniforms);", + " derived.defines = assign$1({}, base.defines, options.defines);", + " derived.defines[`TROIKA_DERIVED_MATERIAL_${optionsKey}`] = ''; //force a program change from the base material", + " derived.extensions = assign$1({}, base.extensions, options.extensions);", + "", + " // Don't inherit EventDispatcher listeners", + " derived._listeners = undefined;", + "", + " return derived", + " };", + "", + " const descriptor = {", + " constructor: {value: DerivedMaterial},", + " isDerivedMaterial: {value: true},", + "", + " customProgramCacheKey: {", + " writable: true,", + " configurable: true,", + " value: function () {", + " return baseMaterial.customProgramCacheKey() + '|' + optionsKey", + " }", + " },", + "", + " onBeforeCompile: {", + " get() {", + " return onBeforeCompile", + " },", + " set(fn) {", + " this[privateBeforeCompileProp] = fn;", + " }", + " },", + "", + " copy: {", + " writable: true,", + " configurable: true,", + " value: function (source) {", + " baseMaterial.copy.call(this, source);", + " if (!baseMaterial.isShaderMaterial && !baseMaterial.isDerivedMaterial) {", + " assign$1(this.extensions, source.extensions);", + " assign$1(this.defines, source.defines);", + " assign$1(this.uniforms, THREE.UniformsUtils.clone(source.uniforms));", + " }", + " return this", + " }", + " },", + "", + " clone: {", + " writable: true,", + " configurable: true,", + " value: function () {", + " const newBase = new baseMaterial.constructor();", + " return derive(newBase).copy(this)", + " }", + " },", + "", + " /**", + " * Utility to get a MeshDepthMaterial that will honor this derived material's vertex", + " * transformations and discarded fragments.", + " */", + " getDepthMaterial: {", + " writable: true,", + " configurable: true,", + " value: function() {", + " let depthMaterial = this._depthMaterial;", + " if (!depthMaterial) {", + " depthMaterial = this._depthMaterial = createDerivedMaterial(", + " baseMaterial.isDerivedMaterial", + " ? baseMaterial.getDepthMaterial()", + " : new THREE.MeshDepthMaterial({ depthPacking: THREE.RGBADepthPacking }),", + " options", + " );", + " depthMaterial.defines.IS_DEPTH_MATERIAL = '';", + " depthMaterial.uniforms = this.uniforms; //automatically recieve same uniform values", + " }", + " return depthMaterial", + " }", + " },", + "", + " /**", + " * Utility to get a MeshDistanceMaterial that will honor this derived material's vertex", + " * transformations and discarded fragments.", + " */", + " getDistanceMaterial: {", + " writable: true,", + " configurable: true,", + " value: function() {", + " let distanceMaterial = this._distanceMaterial;", + " if (!distanceMaterial) {", + " distanceMaterial = this._distanceMaterial = createDerivedMaterial(", + " baseMaterial.isDerivedMaterial", + " ? baseMaterial.getDistanceMaterial()", + " : new THREE.MeshDistanceMaterial(),", + " options", + " );", + " distanceMaterial.defines.IS_DISTANCE_MATERIAL = '';", + " distanceMaterial.uniforms = this.uniforms; //automatically recieve same uniform values", + " }", + " return distanceMaterial", + " }", + " },", + "", + " dispose: {", + " writable: true,", + " configurable: true,", + " value() {", + " const {_depthMaterial, _distanceMaterial} = this;", + " if (_depthMaterial) _depthMaterial.dispose();", + " if (_distanceMaterial) _distanceMaterial.dispose();", + " baseMaterial.dispose.call(this);", + " }", + " }", + " };", + "", + " ctorsByDerivation[optionsKey] = DerivedMaterial;", + " return new DerivedMaterial()", + " }", + "", + "", + " function upgradeShaders(material, {vertexShader, fragmentShader}, options, key) {", + " let {", + " vertexDefs,", + " vertexMainIntro,", + " vertexMainOutro,", + " vertexTransform,", + " fragmentDefs,", + " fragmentMainIntro,", + " fragmentMainOutro,", + " fragmentColorTransform,", + " customRewriter,", + " timeUniform", + " } = options;", + "", + " vertexDefs = vertexDefs || '';", + " vertexMainIntro = vertexMainIntro || '';", + " vertexMainOutro = vertexMainOutro || '';", + " fragmentDefs = fragmentDefs || '';", + " fragmentMainIntro = fragmentMainIntro || '';", + " fragmentMainOutro = fragmentMainOutro || '';", + "", + " // Expand includes if needed", + " if (vertexTransform || customRewriter) {", + " vertexShader = expandShaderIncludes(vertexShader);", + " }", + " if (fragmentColorTransform || customRewriter) {", + " // We need to be able to find postprocessing chunks after include expansion in order to", + " // put them after the fragmentColorTransform, so mark them with comments first. Even if", + " // this particular derivation doesn't have a fragmentColorTransform, other derivations may,", + " // so we still mark them.", + " fragmentShader = fragmentShader.replace(", + " /^[ \\t]*#include <((?:tonemapping|encodings|fog|premultiplied_alpha|dithering)_fragment)>/gm,", + " '\\n//!BEGIN_POST_CHUNK $1\\n$&\\n//!END_POST_CHUNK\\n'", + " );", + " fragmentShader = expandShaderIncludes(fragmentShader);", + " }", + "", + " // Apply custom rewriter function", + " if (customRewriter) {", + " let res = customRewriter({vertexShader, fragmentShader});", + " vertexShader = res.vertexShader;", + " fragmentShader = res.fragmentShader;", + " }", + "", + " // The fragmentColorTransform needs to go before any postprocessing chunks, so extract", + " // those and re-insert them into the outro in the correct place:", + " if (fragmentColorTransform) {", + " let postChunks = [];", + " fragmentShader = fragmentShader.replace(", + " /^\\/\\/!BEGIN_POST_CHUNK[^]+?^\\/\\/!END_POST_CHUNK/gm, // [^]+? = non-greedy match of any chars including newlines", + " match => {", + " postChunks.push(match);", + " return ''", + " }", + " );", + " fragmentMainOutro = `${fragmentColorTransform}\\n${postChunks.join('\\n')}\\n${fragmentMainOutro}`;", + " }", + "", + " // Inject auto-updating time uniform if requested", + " if (timeUniform) {", + " const code = `\\nuniform float ${timeUniform};\\n`;", + " vertexDefs = code + vertexDefs;", + " fragmentDefs = code + fragmentDefs;", + " }", + "", + " // Inject a function for the vertexTransform and rename all usages of position/normal/uv", + " if (vertexTransform) {", + " // Hoist these defs to the very top so they work in other function defs", + " vertexShader = `vec3 troika_position_${key};", + "vec3 troika_normal_${key};", + "vec2 troika_uv_${key};", + "${vertexShader}", + "`;", + " vertexDefs = `${vertexDefs}", + "void troikaVertexTransform${key}(inout vec3 position, inout vec3 normal, inout vec2 uv) {", + " ${vertexTransform}", + "}", + "`;", + " vertexMainIntro = `", + "troika_position_${key} = vec3(position);", + "troika_normal_${key} = vec3(normal);", + "troika_uv_${key} = vec2(uv);", + "troikaVertexTransform${key}(troika_position_${key}, troika_normal_${key}, troika_uv_${key});", + "${vertexMainIntro}", + "`;", + " vertexShader = vertexShader.replace(/\\b(position|normal|uv)\\b/g, (match, match1, index, fullStr) => {", + " return /\\battribute\\s+vec[23]\\s+$/.test(fullStr.substr(0, index)) ? match1 : `troika_${match1}_${key}`", + " });", + "", + " // Three r152 introduced the MAP_UV token, replace it too if it's pointing to the main 'uv'", + " // Perhaps the other textures too going forward?", + " if (!(material.map && material.map.channel > 0)) {", + " vertexShader = vertexShader.replace(/\\bMAP_UV\\b/g, `troika_uv_${key}`);", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // Inject defs and intro/outro snippets", + " vertexShader = injectIntoShaderCode(vertexShader, key, vertexDefs, vertexMainIntro, vertexMainOutro);", + " fragmentShader = injectIntoShaderCode(fragmentShader, key, fragmentDefs, fragmentMainIntro, fragmentMainOutro);", + "", + " return {", + " vertexShader,", + " fragmentShader", + " }", + " }", + "", + " function injectIntoShaderCode(shaderCode, id, defs, intro, outro) {", + " if (intro || outro || defs) {", + " shaderCode = shaderCode.replace(voidMainRegExp, `", + "${defs}", + "void troikaOrigMain${id}() {`", + " );", + " shaderCode += `", + "void main() {", + " ${intro}", + " troikaOrigMain${id}();", + " ${outro}", + "}`;", + " }", + " return shaderCode", + " }", + "", + "", + " function optionsJsonReplacer(key, value) {", + " return key === 'uniforms' ? undefined : typeof value === 'function' ? value.toString() : value", + " }", + "", + " let _idCtr = 0;", + " const optionsHashesToIds = new Map();", + " function getKeyForOptions(options) {", + " const optionsHash = JSON.stringify(options, optionsJsonReplacer);", + " let id = optionsHashesToIds.get(optionsHash);", + " if (id == null) {", + " optionsHashesToIds.set(optionsHash, (id = ++_idCtr));", + " }", + " return id", + " }", + "", + " // language=GLSL", + " const VERTEX_DEFS = `", + "uniform vec2 uTroikaSDFTextureSize;", + "uniform float uTroikaSDFGlyphSize;", + "uniform vec4 uTroikaTotalBounds;", + "uniform vec4 uTroikaClipRect;", + "uniform mat3 uTroikaOrient;", + "uniform bool uTroikaUseGlyphColors;", + "uniform float uTroikaDistanceOffset;", + "uniform float uTroikaBlurRadius;", + "uniform vec2 uTroikaPositionOffset;", + "uniform float uTroikaCurveRadius;", + "attribute vec4 aTroikaGlyphBounds;", + "attribute float aTroikaGlyphIndex;", + "attribute vec3 aTroikaGlyphColor;", + "varying vec2 vTroikaGlyphUV;", + "varying vec4 vTroikaTextureUVBounds;", + "varying float vTroikaTextureChannel;", + "varying vec3 vTroikaGlyphColor;", + "varying vec2 vTroikaGlyphDimensions;", + "`;", + "", + " // language=GLSL prefix=\"void main() {\" suffix=\"}\"", + " const VERTEX_TRANSFORM = `", + "vec4 bounds = aTroikaGlyphBounds;", + "bounds.xz += uTroikaPositionOffset.x;", + "bounds.yw -= uTroikaPositionOffset.y;", + "", + "vec4 outlineBounds = vec4(", + " bounds.xy - uTroikaDistanceOffset - uTroikaBlurRadius,", + " bounds.zw + uTroikaDistanceOffset + uTroikaBlurRadius", + ");", + "vec4 clippedBounds = vec4(", + " clamp(outlineBounds.xy, uTroikaClipRect.xy, uTroikaClipRect.zw),", + " clamp(outlineBounds.zw, uTroikaClipRect.xy, uTroikaClipRect.zw)", + ");", + "", + "vec2 clippedXY = (mix(clippedBounds.xy, clippedBounds.zw, position.xy) - bounds.xy) / (bounds.zw - bounds.xy);", + "", + "position.xy = mix(bounds.xy, bounds.zw, clippedXY);", + "", + "uv = (position.xy - uTroikaTotalBounds.xy) / (uTroikaTotalBounds.zw - uTroikaTotalBounds.xy);", + "", + "float rad = uTroikaCurveRadius;", + "if (rad != 0.0) {", + " float angle = position.x / rad;", + " position.xz = vec2(sin(angle) * rad, rad - cos(angle) * rad);", + " normal.xz = vec2(sin(angle), cos(angle));", + "}", + " ", + "position = uTroikaOrient * position;", + "normal = uTroikaOrient * normal;", + "", + "vTroikaGlyphUV = clippedXY.xy;", + "vTroikaGlyphDimensions = vec2(bounds[2] - bounds[0], bounds[3] - bounds[1]);", + "", + "${''/* NOTE: it seems important to calculate the glyph's bounding texture UVs here in the", + " vertex shader, rather than in the fragment shader, as the latter gives strange artifacts", + " on some glyphs (those in the leftmost texture column) on some systems. The exact reason", + " isn't understood but doing this here, then mix()-ing in the fragment shader, seems to work. */}", + "float txCols = uTroikaSDFTextureSize.x / uTroikaSDFGlyphSize;", + "vec2 txUvPerSquare = uTroikaSDFGlyphSize / uTroikaSDFTextureSize;", + "vec2 txStartUV = txUvPerSquare * vec2(", + " mod(floor(aTroikaGlyphIndex / 4.0), txCols),", + " floor(floor(aTroikaGlyphIndex / 4.0) / txCols)", + ");", + "vTroikaTextureUVBounds = vec4(txStartUV, vec2(txStartUV) + txUvPerSquare);", + "vTroikaTextureChannel = mod(aTroikaGlyphIndex, 4.0);", + "`;", + "", + " // language=GLSL", + " const FRAGMENT_DEFS = `", + "uniform sampler2D uTroikaSDFTexture;", + "uniform vec2 uTroikaSDFTextureSize;", + "uniform float uTroikaSDFGlyphSize;", + "uniform float uTroikaSDFExponent;", + "uniform float uTroikaDistanceOffset;", + "uniform float uTroikaFillOpacity;", + "uniform float uTroikaOutlineOpacity;", + "uniform float uTroikaBlurRadius;", + "uniform vec3 uTroikaStrokeColor;", + "uniform float uTroikaStrokeWidth;", + "uniform float uTroikaStrokeOpacity;", + "uniform bool uTroikaSDFDebug;", + "varying vec2 vTroikaGlyphUV;", + "varying vec4 vTroikaTextureUVBounds;", + "varying float vTroikaTextureChannel;", + "varying vec2 vTroikaGlyphDimensions;", + "", + "float troikaSdfValueToSignedDistance(float alpha) {", + " // Inverse of exponential encoding in webgl-sdf-generator", + " ${''/* TODO - there's some slight inaccuracy here when dealing with interpolated alpha values; those", + " are linearly interpolated where the encoding is exponential. Look into improving this by rounding", + " to nearest 2 whole texels, decoding those exponential values, and linearly interpolating the result.", + " */}", + " float maxDimension = max(vTroikaGlyphDimensions.x, vTroikaGlyphDimensions.y);", + " float absDist = (1.0 - pow(2.0 * (alpha > 0.5 ? 1.0 - alpha : alpha), 1.0 / uTroikaSDFExponent)) * maxDimension;", + " float signedDist = absDist * (alpha > 0.5 ? -1.0 : 1.0);", + " return signedDist;", + "}", + "", + "float troikaGlyphUvToSdfValue(vec2 glyphUV) {", + " vec2 textureUV = mix(vTroikaTextureUVBounds.xy, vTroikaTextureUVBounds.zw, glyphUV);", + " vec4 rgba = texture2D(uTroikaSDFTexture, textureUV);", + " float ch = floor(vTroikaTextureChannel + 0.5); //NOTE: can't use round() in WebGL1", + " return ch == 0.0 ? rgba.r : ch == 1.0 ? rgba.g : ch == 2.0 ? rgba.b : rgba.a;", + "}", + "", + "float troikaGlyphUvToDistance(vec2 uv) {", + " return troikaSdfValueToSignedDistance(troikaGlyphUvToSdfValue(uv));", + "}", + "", + "float troikaGetAADist() {", + " ${''/*", + " When the standard derivatives extension is available, we choose an antialiasing alpha threshold based", + " on the potential change in the SDF's alpha from this fragment to its neighbor. This strategy maximizes ", + " readability and edge crispness at all sizes and screen resolutions.", + " */}", + " #if defined(GL_OES_standard_derivatives) || __VERSION__ >= 300", + " return length(fwidth(vTroikaGlyphUV * vTroikaGlyphDimensions)) * 0.5;", + " #else", + " return vTroikaGlyphDimensions.x / 64.0;", + " #endif", + "}", + "", + "float troikaGetFragDistValue() {", + " vec2 clampedGlyphUV = clamp(vTroikaGlyphUV, 0.5 / uTroikaSDFGlyphSize, 1.0 - 0.5 / uTroikaSDFGlyphSize);", + " float distance = troikaGlyphUvToDistance(clampedGlyphUV);", + " ", + " // Extrapolate distance when outside bounds:", + " distance += clampedGlyphUV == vTroikaGlyphUV ? 0.0 : ", + " length((vTroikaGlyphUV - clampedGlyphUV) * vTroikaGlyphDimensions);", + "", + " ${''/* ", + " // TODO more refined extrapolated distance by adjusting for angle of gradient at edge...", + " // This has potential but currently gives very jagged extensions, maybe due to precision issues?", + " float uvStep = 1.0 / uTroikaSDFGlyphSize;", + " vec2 neighbor1UV = clampedGlyphUV + (", + " vTroikaGlyphUV.x != clampedGlyphUV.x ? vec2(0.0, uvStep * sign(0.5 - vTroikaGlyphUV.y)) :", + " vTroikaGlyphUV.y != clampedGlyphUV.y ? vec2(uvStep * sign(0.5 - vTroikaGlyphUV.x), 0.0) :", + " vec2(0.0)", + " );", + " vec2 neighbor2UV = clampedGlyphUV + (", + " vTroikaGlyphUV.x != clampedGlyphUV.x ? vec2(0.0, uvStep * -sign(0.5 - vTroikaGlyphUV.y)) :", + " vTroikaGlyphUV.y != clampedGlyphUV.y ? vec2(uvStep * -sign(0.5 - vTroikaGlyphUV.x), 0.0) :", + " vec2(0.0)", + " );", + " float neighbor1Distance = troikaGlyphUvToDistance(neighbor1UV);", + " float neighbor2Distance = troikaGlyphUvToDistance(neighbor2UV);", + " float distToUnclamped = length((vTroikaGlyphUV - clampedGlyphUV) * vTroikaGlyphDimensions);", + " float distToNeighbor = length((clampedGlyphUV - neighbor1UV) * vTroikaGlyphDimensions);", + " float gradientAngle1 = min(asin(abs(neighbor1Distance - distance) / distToNeighbor), PI / 2.0);", + " float gradientAngle2 = min(asin(abs(neighbor2Distance - distance) / distToNeighbor), PI / 2.0);", + " distance += (cos(gradientAngle1) + cos(gradientAngle2)) / 2.0 * distToUnclamped;", + " */}", + "", + " return distance;", + "}", + "", + "float troikaGetEdgeAlpha(float distance, float distanceOffset, float aaDist) {", + " #if defined(IS_DEPTH_MATERIAL) || defined(IS_DISTANCE_MATERIAL)", + " float alpha = step(-distanceOffset, -distance);", + " #else", + "", + " float alpha = smoothstep(", + " distanceOffset + aaDist,", + " distanceOffset - aaDist,", + " distance", + " );", + " #endif", + "", + " return alpha;", + "}", + "`;", + "", + " // language=GLSL prefix=\"void main() {\" suffix=\"}\"", + " const FRAGMENT_TRANSFORM = `", + "float aaDist = troikaGetAADist();", + "float fragDistance = troikaGetFragDistValue();", + "float edgeAlpha = uTroikaSDFDebug ?", + " troikaGlyphUvToSdfValue(vTroikaGlyphUV) :", + " troikaGetEdgeAlpha(fragDistance, uTroikaDistanceOffset, max(aaDist, uTroikaBlurRadius));", + "", + "#if !defined(IS_DEPTH_MATERIAL) && !defined(IS_DISTANCE_MATERIAL)", + "vec4 fillRGBA = gl_FragColor;", + "fillRGBA.a *= uTroikaFillOpacity;", + "vec4 strokeRGBA = uTroikaStrokeWidth == 0.0 ? fillRGBA : vec4(uTroikaStrokeColor, uTroikaStrokeOpacity);", + "if (fillRGBA.a == 0.0) fillRGBA.rgb = strokeRGBA.rgb;", + "gl_FragColor = mix(fillRGBA, strokeRGBA, smoothstep(", + " -uTroikaStrokeWidth - aaDist,", + " -uTroikaStrokeWidth + aaDist,", + " fragDistance", + "));", + "gl_FragColor.a *= edgeAlpha;", + "#endif", + "", + "if (edgeAlpha == 0.0) {", + " discard;", + "}", + "`;", + "", + "", + " /**", + " * Create a material for rendering text, derived from a baseMaterial", + " */", + " function createTextDerivedMaterial(baseMaterial) {", + " const textMaterial = createDerivedMaterial(baseMaterial, {", + " chained: true,", + " extensions: {", + " derivatives: true", + " },", + " uniforms: {", + " uTroikaSDFTexture: {value: null},", + " uTroikaSDFTextureSize: {value: new THREE.Vector2()},", + " uTroikaSDFGlyphSize: {value: 0},", + " uTroikaSDFExponent: {value: 0},", + " uTroikaTotalBounds: {value: new THREE.Vector4(0,0,0,0)},", + " uTroikaClipRect: {value: new THREE.Vector4(0,0,0,0)},", + " uTroikaDistanceOffset: {value: 0},", + " uTroikaOutlineOpacity: {value: 0},", + " uTroikaFillOpacity: {value: 1},", + " uTroikaPositionOffset: {value: new THREE.Vector2()},", + " uTroikaCurveRadius: {value: 0},", + " uTroikaBlurRadius: {value: 0},", + " uTroikaStrokeWidth: {value: 0},", + " uTroikaStrokeColor: {value: new THREE.Color()},", + " uTroikaStrokeOpacity: {value: 1},", + " uTroikaOrient: {value: new THREE.Matrix3()},", + " uTroikaUseGlyphColors: {value: true},", + " uTroikaSDFDebug: {value: false}", + " },", + " vertexDefs: VERTEX_DEFS,", + " vertexTransform: VERTEX_TRANSFORM,", + " fragmentDefs: FRAGMENT_DEFS,", + " fragmentColorTransform: FRAGMENT_TRANSFORM,", + " customRewriter({vertexShader, fragmentShader}) {", + " let uDiffuseRE = /\\buniform\\s+vec3\\s+diffuse\\b/;", + " if (uDiffuseRE.test(fragmentShader)) {", + " // Replace all instances of `diffuse` with our varying", + " fragmentShader = fragmentShader", + " .replace(uDiffuseRE, 'varying vec3 vTroikaGlyphColor')", + " .replace(/\\bdiffuse\\b/g, 'vTroikaGlyphColor');", + " // Make sure the vertex shader declares the uniform so we can grab it as a fallback", + " if (!uDiffuseRE.test(vertexShader)) {", + " vertexShader = vertexShader.replace(", + " voidMainRegExp,", + " 'uniform vec3 diffuse;\\n$&\\nvTroikaGlyphColor = uTroikaUseGlyphColors ? aTroikaGlyphColor / 255.0 : diffuse;\\n'", + " );", + " }", + " }", + " return { vertexShader, fragmentShader }", + " }", + " });", + "", + " // Force transparency - TODO is this reasonable?", + " textMaterial.transparent = true;", + "", + " Object.defineProperties(textMaterial, {", + " isTroikaTextMaterial: {value: true},", + "", + " // WebGLShadowMap reverses the side of the shadow material by default, which fails", + " // for planes, so here we force the `shadowSide` to always match the main side.", + " shadowSide: {", + " get() {", + " return this.side", + " },", + " set() {", + " //no-op", + " }", + " }", + " });", + "", + " return textMaterial", + " }", + "", + " const defaultMaterial = /*#__PURE__*/ new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({", + " color: 0xffffff,", + " side: THREE.DoubleSide,", + " transparent: true", + " });", + " const defaultStrokeColor = 0x808080;", + "", + " const tempMat4 = /*#__PURE__*/ new THREE.Matrix4();", + " const tempVec3a = /*#__PURE__*/ new THREE.Vector3();", + " const tempVec3b = /*#__PURE__*/ new THREE.Vector3();", + " const tempArray = [];", + " const origin = /*#__PURE__*/ new THREE.Vector3();", + " const defaultOrient = '+x+y';", + "", + " function first(o) {", + " return Array.isArray(o) ? o[0] : o", + " }", + "", + " let getFlatRaycastMesh = () => {", + " const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(", + " new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1, 1),", + " defaultMaterial", + " );", + " getFlatRaycastMesh = () => mesh;", + " return mesh", + " };", + " let getCurvedRaycastMesh = () => {", + " const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(", + " new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1, 1, 32, 1),", + " defaultMaterial", + " );", + " getCurvedRaycastMesh = () => mesh;", + " return mesh", + " };", + "", + " const syncStartEvent = { type: 'syncstart' };", + " const syncCompleteEvent = { type: 'synccomplete' };", + "", + " const SYNCABLE_PROPS = [", + " 'font',", + " 'fontSize',", + " 'fontStyle',", + " 'fontWeight',", + " 'lang',", + " 'letterSpacing',", + " 'lineHeight',", + " 'maxWidth',", + " 'overflowWrap',", + " 'text',", + " 'direction',", + " 'textAlign',", + " 'textIndent',", + " 'whiteSpace',", + " 'anchorX',", + " 'anchorY',", + " 'colorRanges',", + " 'sdfGlyphSize'", + " ];", + "", + " const COPYABLE_PROPS = SYNCABLE_PROPS.concat(", + " 'material',", + " 'color',", + " 'depthOffset',", + " 'clipRect',", + " 'curveRadius',", + " 'orientation',", + " 'glyphGeometryDetail'", + " );", + "", + " /**", + " * @class Text", + " *", + " * A ThreeJS Mesh that renders a string of text on a plane in 3D space using signed distance", + " * fields (SDF).", + " */", + " class Text extends THREE.Mesh {", + " constructor() {", + " const geometry = new GlyphsGeometry();", + " super(geometry, null);", + "", + " // === Text layout properties: === //", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {string} text", + " * The string of text to be rendered.", + " */", + " this.text = '';", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number|string} anchorX", + " * Defines the horizontal position in the text block that should line up with the local origin.", + " * Can be specified as a numeric x position in local units, a string percentage of the total", + " * text block width e.g. `'25%'`, or one of the following keyword strings: 'left', 'center',", + " * or 'right'.", + " */", + " this.anchorX = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number|string} anchorY", + " * Defines the vertical position in the text block that should line up with the local origin.", + " * Can be specified as a numeric y position in local units (note: down is negative y), a string", + " * percentage of the total text block height e.g. `'25%'`, or one of the following keyword strings:", + " * 'top', 'top-baseline', 'top-cap', 'top-ex', 'middle', 'bottom-baseline', or 'bottom'.", + " */", + " this.anchorY = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number} curveRadius", + " * Defines a cylindrical radius along which the text's plane will be curved. Positive numbers put", + " * the cylinder's centerline (oriented vertically) that distance in front of the text, for a concave", + " * curvature, while negative numbers put it behind the text for a convex curvature. The centerline", + " * will be aligned with the text's local origin; you can use `anchorX` to offset it.", + " *", + " * Since each glyph is by default rendered with a simple quad, each glyph remains a flat plane", + " * internally. You can use `glyphGeometryDetail` to add more vertices for curvature inside glyphs.", + " */", + " this.curveRadius = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {string} direction", + " * Sets the base direction for the text. The default value of \"auto\" will choose a direction based", + " * on the text's content according to the bidi spec. A value of \"ltr\" or \"rtl\" will force the direction.", + " */", + " this.direction = 'auto';", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {string|null} font", + " * URL of a custom font to be used. Font files can be in .ttf, .otf, or .woff (not .woff2) formats.", + " * Defaults to Noto Sans.", + " */", + " this.font = null; //will use default from TextBuilder", + "", + " this.unicodeFontsURL = null; //defaults to CDN", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number} fontSize", + " * The size at which to render the font in local units; corresponds to the em-box height", + " * of the chosen `font`.", + " */", + " this.fontSize = 0.1;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number|'normal'|'bold'}", + " * The weight of the font. Currently only used for fallback Noto fonts.", + " */", + " this.fontWeight = 'normal';", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {'normal'|'italic'}", + " * The style of the font. Currently only used for fallback Noto fonts.", + " */", + " this.fontStyle = 'normal';", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {string|null} lang", + " * The language code of this text; can be used for explicitly selecting certain CJK fonts.", + " */", + " this.lang = null;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number} letterSpacing", + " * Sets a uniform adjustment to spacing between letters after kerning is applied. Positive", + " * numbers increase spacing and negative numbers decrease it.", + " */", + " this.letterSpacing = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number|string} lineHeight", + " * Sets the height of each line of text, as a multiple of the `fontSize`. Defaults to 'normal'", + " * which chooses a reasonable height based on the chosen font's ascender/descender metrics.", + " */", + " this.lineHeight = 'normal';", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number} maxWidth", + " * The maximum width of the text block, above which text may start wrapping according to the", + " * `whiteSpace` and `overflowWrap` properties.", + " */", + " this.maxWidth = Infinity;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {string} overflowWrap", + " * Defines how text wraps if the `whiteSpace` property is `normal`. Can be either `'normal'`", + " * to break at whitespace characters, or `'break-word'` to allow breaking within words.", + " * Defaults to `'normal'`.", + " */", + " this.overflowWrap = 'normal';", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {string} textAlign", + " * The horizontal alignment of each line of text within the overall text bounding box.", + " */", + " this.textAlign = 'left';", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number} textIndent", + " * Indentation for the first character of a line; see CSS `text-indent`.", + " */", + " this.textIndent = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {string} whiteSpace", + " * Defines whether text should wrap when a line reaches the `maxWidth`. Can", + " * be either `'normal'` (the default), to allow wrapping according to the `overflowWrap` property,", + " * or `'nowrap'` to prevent wrapping. Note that `'normal'` here honors newline characters to", + " * manually break lines, making it behave more like `'pre-wrap'` does in CSS.", + " */", + " this.whiteSpace = 'normal';", + "", + "", + " // === Presentation properties: === //", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {THREE.Material} material", + " * Defines a _base_ material to be used when rendering the text. This material will be", + " * automatically replaced with a material derived from it, that adds shader code to", + " * decrease the alpha for each fragment (pixel) outside the text glyphs, with antialiasing.", + " * By default it will derive from a simple white MeshBasicMaterial, but you can use any", + " * of the other mesh materials to gain other features like lighting, texture maps, etc.", + " *", + " * Also see the `color` shortcut property.", + " */", + " this.material = null;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {string|number|THREE.Color} color", + " * This is a shortcut for setting the `color` of the text's material. You can use this", + " * if you don't want to specify a whole custom `material`. Also, if you do use a custom", + " * `material`, this color will only be used for this particuar Text instance, even if", + " * that same material instance is shared across multiple Text objects.", + " */", + " this.color = null;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {object|null} colorRanges", + " * WARNING: This API is experimental and may change.", + " * This allows more fine-grained control of colors for individual or ranges of characters,", + " * taking precedence over the material's `color`. Its format is an Object whose keys each", + " * define a starting character index for a range, and whose values are the color for each", + " * range. The color value can be a numeric hex color value, a `THREE.Color` object, or", + " * any of the strings accepted by `THREE.Color`.", + " */", + " this.colorRanges = null;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number|string} outlineWidth", + " * WARNING: This API is experimental and may change.", + " * The width of an outline/halo to be drawn around each text glyph using the `outlineColor` and `outlineOpacity`.", + " * Can be specified as either an absolute number in local units, or as a percentage string e.g.", + " * `\"12%\"` which is treated as a percentage of the `fontSize`. Defaults to `0`, which means", + " * no outline will be drawn unless an `outlineOffsetX/Y` or `outlineBlur` is set.", + " */", + " this.outlineWidth = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {string|number|THREE.Color} outlineColor", + " * WARNING: This API is experimental and may change.", + " * The color of the text outline, if `outlineWidth`/`outlineBlur`/`outlineOffsetX/Y` are set.", + " * Defaults to black.", + " */", + " this.outlineColor = 0x000000;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number} outlineOpacity", + " * WARNING: This API is experimental and may change.", + " * The opacity of the outline, if `outlineWidth`/`outlineBlur`/`outlineOffsetX/Y` are set.", + " * Defaults to `1`.", + " */", + " this.outlineOpacity = 1;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number|string} outlineBlur", + " * WARNING: This API is experimental and may change.", + " * A blur radius applied to the outer edge of the text's outline. If the `outlineWidth` is", + " * zero, the blur will be applied at the glyph edge, like CSS's `text-shadow` blur radius.", + " * Can be specified as either an absolute number in local units, or as a percentage string e.g.", + " * `\"12%\"` which is treated as a percentage of the `fontSize`. Defaults to `0`.", + " */", + " this.outlineBlur = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number|string} outlineOffsetX", + " * WARNING: This API is experimental and may change.", + " * A horizontal offset for the text outline.", + " * Can be specified as either an absolute number in local units, or as a percentage string e.g. `\"12%\"`", + " * which is treated as a percentage of the `fontSize`. Defaults to `0`.", + " */", + " this.outlineOffsetX = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number|string} outlineOffsetY", + " * WARNING: This API is experimental and may change.", + " * A vertical offset for the text outline.", + " * Can be specified as either an absolute number in local units, or as a percentage string e.g. `\"12%\"`", + " * which is treated as a percentage of the `fontSize`. Defaults to `0`.", + " */", + " this.outlineOffsetY = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number|string} strokeWidth", + " * WARNING: This API is experimental and may change.", + " * The width of an inner stroke drawn inside each text glyph using the `strokeColor` and `strokeOpacity`.", + " * Can be specified as either an absolute number in local units, or as a percentage string e.g. `\"12%\"`", + " * which is treated as a percentage of the `fontSize`. Defaults to `0`.", + " */", + " this.strokeWidth = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {string|number|THREE.Color} strokeColor", + " * WARNING: This API is experimental and may change.", + " * The color of the text stroke, if `strokeWidth` is greater than zero. Defaults to gray.", + " */", + " this.strokeColor = defaultStrokeColor;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number} strokeOpacity", + " * WARNING: This API is experimental and may change.", + " * The opacity of the stroke, if `strokeWidth` is greater than zero. Defaults to `1`.", + " */", + " this.strokeOpacity = 1;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number} fillOpacity", + " * WARNING: This API is experimental and may change.", + " * The opacity of the glyph's fill from 0 to 1. This behaves like the material's `opacity` but allows", + " * giving the fill a different opacity than the `strokeOpacity`. A fillOpacity of `0` makes the", + " * interior of the glyph invisible, leaving just the `strokeWidth`. Defaults to `1`.", + " */", + " this.fillOpacity = 1;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number} depthOffset", + " * This is a shortcut for setting the material's `polygonOffset` and related properties,", + " * which can be useful in preventing z-fighting when this text is laid on top of another", + " * plane in the scene. Positive numbers are further from the camera, negatives closer.", + " */", + " this.depthOffset = 0;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {Array} clipRect", + " * If specified, defines a `[minX, minY, maxX, maxY]` of a rectangle outside of which all", + " * pixels will be discarded. This can be used for example to clip overflowing text when", + " * `whiteSpace='nowrap'`.", + " */", + " this.clipRect = null;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {string} orientation", + " * Defines the axis plane on which the text should be laid out when the mesh has no extra", + " * rotation transform. It is specified as a string with two axes: the horizontal axis with", + " * positive pointing right, and the vertical axis with positive pointing up. By default this", + " * is '+x+y', meaning the text sits on the xy plane with the text's top toward positive y", + " * and facing positive z. A value of '+x-z' would place it on the xz plane with the text's", + " * top toward negative z and facing positive y.", + " */", + " this.orientation = defaultOrient;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number} glyphGeometryDetail", + " * Controls number of vertical/horizontal segments that make up each glyph's rectangular", + " * plane. Defaults to 1. This can be increased to provide more geometrical detail for custom", + " * vertex shader effects, for example.", + " */", + " this.glyphGeometryDetail = 1;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {number|null} sdfGlyphSize", + " * The size of each glyph's SDF (signed distance field) used for rendering. This must be a", + " * power-of-two number. Defaults to 64 which is generally a good balance of size and quality", + " * for most fonts. Larger sizes can improve the quality of glyph rendering by increasing", + " * the sharpness of corners and preventing loss of very thin lines, at the expense of", + " * increased memory footprint and longer SDF generation time.", + " */", + " this.sdfGlyphSize = null;", + "", + " /**", + " * @member {boolean} gpuAccelerateSDF", + " * When `true`, the SDF generation process will be GPU-accelerated with WebGL when possible,", + " * making it much faster especially for complex glyphs, and falling back to a JavaScript version", + " * executed in web workers when support isn't available. It should automatically detect support,", + " * but it's still somewhat experimental, so you can set it to `false` to force it to use the JS", + " * version if you encounter issues with it.", + " */", + " this.gpuAccelerateSDF = true;", + "", + " this.debugSDF = false;", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Updates the text rendering according to the current text-related configuration properties.", + " * This is an async process, so you can pass in a callback function to be executed when it", + " * finishes.", + " * @param {function} [callback]", + " */", + " sync(callback) {", + " if (this._needsSync) {", + " this._needsSync = false;", + "", + " // If there's another sync still in progress, queue", + " if (this._isSyncing) {", + " (this._queuedSyncs || (this._queuedSyncs = [])).push(callback);", + " } else {", + " this._isSyncing = true;", + " this.dispatchEvent(syncStartEvent);", + "", + " getTextRenderInfo({", + " text: this.text,", + " font: this.font,", + " lang: this.lang,", + " fontSize: this.fontSize || 0.1,", + " fontWeight: this.fontWeight || 'normal',", + " fontStyle: this.fontStyle || 'normal',", + " letterSpacing: this.letterSpacing || 0,", + " lineHeight: this.lineHeight || 'normal',", + " maxWidth: this.maxWidth,", + " direction: this.direction || 'auto',", + " textAlign: this.textAlign,", + " textIndent: this.textIndent,", + " whiteSpace: this.whiteSpace,", + " overflowWrap: this.overflowWrap,", + " anchorX: this.anchorX,", + " anchorY: this.anchorY,", + " colorRanges: this.colorRanges,", + " includeCaretPositions: true, //TODO parameterize", + " sdfGlyphSize: this.sdfGlyphSize,", + " gpuAccelerateSDF: this.gpuAccelerateSDF,", + " unicodeFontsURL: this.unicodeFontsURL,", + " }, textRenderInfo => {", + " this._isSyncing = false;", + "", + " // Save result for later use in onBeforeRender", + " this._textRenderInfo = textRenderInfo;", + "", + " // Update the geometry attributes", + " this.geometry.updateGlyphs(", + " textRenderInfo.glyphBounds,", + " textRenderInfo.glyphAtlasIndices,", + " textRenderInfo.blockBounds,", + " textRenderInfo.chunkedBounds,", + " textRenderInfo.glyphColors", + " );", + "", + " // If we had extra sync requests queued up, kick it off", + " const queued = this._queuedSyncs;", + " if (queued) {", + " this._queuedSyncs = null;", + " this._needsSync = true;", + " this.sync(() => {", + " queued.forEach(fn => fn && fn());", + " });", + " }", + "", + " this.dispatchEvent(syncCompleteEvent);", + " if (callback) {", + " callback();", + " }", + " });", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Initiate a sync if needed - note it won't complete until next frame at the", + " * earliest so if possible it's a good idea to call sync() manually as soon as", + " * all the properties have been set.", + " * @override", + " */", + " onBeforeRender(renderer, scene, camera, geometry, material, group) {", + " this.sync();", + "", + " // This may not always be a text material, e.g. if there's a scene.overrideMaterial present", + " if (material.isTroikaTextMaterial) {", + " this._prepareForRender(material);", + " }", + "", + " // We need to force the material to FrontSide to avoid the double-draw-call performance hit", + " // introduced in Three.js r130: https://github.com/mrdoob/THREE.js/pull/21967 - The sidedness", + " // is instead applied via drawRange in the GlyphsGeometry.", + " material._hadOwnSide = material.hasOwnProperty('side');", + " this.geometry.setSide(material._actualSide = material.side);", + " material.side = THREE.FrontSide;", + " }", + "", + " onAfterRender(renderer, scene, camera, geometry, material, group) {", + " // Restore original material side", + " if (material._hadOwnSide) {", + " material.side = material._actualSide;", + " } else {", + " delete material.side; // back to inheriting from base material", + " }", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Shortcut to dispose the geometry specific to this instance.", + " * Note: we don't also dispose the derived material here because if anything else is", + " * sharing the same base material it will result in a pause next frame as the program", + " * is recompiled. Instead users can dispose the base material manually, like normal,", + " * and we'll also dispose the derived material at that time.", + " */", + " dispose() {", + " this.geometry.dispose();", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @property {TroikaTextRenderInfo|null} textRenderInfo", + " * @readonly", + " * The current processed rendering data for this TextMesh, returned by the TextBuilder after", + " * a `sync()` call. This will be `null` initially, and may be stale for a short period until", + " * the asynchrous `sync()` process completes.", + " */", + " get textRenderInfo() {", + " return this._textRenderInfo || null", + " }", + "", + " // Handler for automatically wrapping the base material with our upgrades. We do the wrapping", + " // lazily on _read_ rather than write to avoid unnecessary wrapping on transient values.", + " get material() {", + " let derivedMaterial = this._derivedMaterial;", + " const baseMaterial = this._baseMaterial || this._defaultMaterial || (this._defaultMaterial = defaultMaterial.clone());", + " if (!derivedMaterial || derivedMaterial.baseMaterial !== baseMaterial) {", + " derivedMaterial = this._derivedMaterial = createTextDerivedMaterial(baseMaterial);", + " // dispose the derived material when its base material is disposed:", + " baseMaterial.addEventListener('dispose', function onDispose() {", + " baseMaterial.removeEventListener('dispose', onDispose);", + " derivedMaterial.dispose();", + " });", + " }", + " // If text outline is configured, render it as a preliminary draw using Three's multi-material", + " // feature (see GlyphsGeometry which sets up `groups` for this purpose) Doing it with multi", + " // materials ensures the layers are always rendered consecutively in a consistent order.", + " // Each layer will trigger onBeforeRender with the appropriate material.", + " if (this.outlineWidth || this.outlineBlur || this.outlineOffsetX || this.outlineOffsetY) {", + " let outlineMaterial = derivedMaterial._outlineMtl;", + " if (!outlineMaterial) {", + " outlineMaterial = derivedMaterial._outlineMtl = Object.create(derivedMaterial, {", + " id: {value: derivedMaterial.id + 0.1}", + " });", + " outlineMaterial.isTextOutlineMaterial = true;", + " outlineMaterial.depthWrite = false;", + " outlineMaterial.map = null; //???", + " derivedMaterial.addEventListener('dispose', function onDispose() {", + " derivedMaterial.removeEventListener('dispose', onDispose);", + " outlineMaterial.dispose();", + " });", + " }", + " return [", + " outlineMaterial,", + " derivedMaterial", + " ]", + " } else {", + " return derivedMaterial", + " }", + " }", + " set material(baseMaterial) {", + " if (baseMaterial && baseMaterial.isTroikaTextMaterial) { //prevent double-derivation", + " this._derivedMaterial = baseMaterial;", + " this._baseMaterial = baseMaterial.baseMaterial;", + " } else {", + " this._baseMaterial = baseMaterial;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " get glyphGeometryDetail() {", + " return this.geometry.detail", + " }", + " set glyphGeometryDetail(detail) {", + " this.geometry.detail = detail;", + " }", + "", + " get curveRadius() {", + " return this.geometry.curveRadius", + " }", + " set curveRadius(r) {", + " this.geometry.curveRadius = r;", + " }", + "", + " // Create and update material for shadows upon request:", + " get customDepthMaterial() {", + " return first(this.material).getDepthMaterial()", + " }", + " get customDistanceMaterial() {", + " return first(this.material).getDistanceMaterial()", + " }", + "", + " _prepareForRender(material) {", + " const isOutline = material.isTextOutlineMaterial;", + " const uniforms = material.uniforms;", + " const textInfo = this.textRenderInfo;", + " if (textInfo) {", + " const {sdfTexture, blockBounds} = textInfo;", + " uniforms.uTroikaSDFTexture.value = sdfTexture;", + " uniforms.uTroikaSDFTextureSize.value.set(sdfTexture.image.width, sdfTexture.image.height);", + " uniforms.uTroikaSDFGlyphSize.value = textInfo.sdfGlyphSize;", + " uniforms.uTroikaSDFExponent.value = textInfo.sdfExponent;", + " uniforms.uTroikaTotalBounds.value.fromArray(blockBounds);", + " uniforms.uTroikaUseGlyphColors.value = !isOutline && !!textInfo.glyphColors;", + "", + " let distanceOffset = 0;", + " let blurRadius = 0;", + " let strokeWidth = 0;", + " let fillOpacity;", + " let strokeOpacity;", + " let strokeColor;", + " let offsetX = 0;", + " let offsetY = 0;", + "", + " if (isOutline) {", + " let {outlineWidth, outlineOffsetX, outlineOffsetY, outlineBlur, outlineOpacity} = this;", + " distanceOffset = this._parsePercent(outlineWidth) || 0;", + " blurRadius = Math.max(0, this._parsePercent(outlineBlur) || 0);", + " fillOpacity = outlineOpacity;", + " offsetX = this._parsePercent(outlineOffsetX) || 0;", + " offsetY = this._parsePercent(outlineOffsetY) || 0;", + " } else {", + " strokeWidth = Math.max(0, this._parsePercent(this.strokeWidth) || 0);", + " if (strokeWidth) {", + " strokeColor = this.strokeColor;", + " uniforms.uTroikaStrokeColor.value.set(strokeColor == null ? defaultStrokeColor : strokeColor);", + " strokeOpacity = this.strokeOpacity;", + " if (strokeOpacity == null) strokeOpacity = 1;", + " }", + " fillOpacity = this.fillOpacity;", + " }", + "", + " uniforms.uTroikaDistanceOffset.value = distanceOffset;", + " uniforms.uTroikaPositionOffset.value.set(offsetX, offsetY);", + " uniforms.uTroikaBlurRadius.value = blurRadius;", + " uniforms.uTroikaStrokeWidth.value = strokeWidth;", + " uniforms.uTroikaStrokeOpacity.value = strokeOpacity;", + " uniforms.uTroikaFillOpacity.value = fillOpacity == null ? 1 : fillOpacity;", + " uniforms.uTroikaCurveRadius.value = this.curveRadius || 0;", + "", + " let clipRect = this.clipRect;", + " if (clipRect && Array.isArray(clipRect) && clipRect.length === 4) {", + " uniforms.uTroikaClipRect.value.fromArray(clipRect);", + " } else {", + " // no clipping - choose a finite rect that shouldn't ever be reached by overflowing glyphs or outlines", + " const pad = (this.fontSize || 0.1) * 100;", + " uniforms.uTroikaClipRect.value.set(", + " blockBounds[0] - pad,", + " blockBounds[1] - pad,", + " blockBounds[2] + pad,", + " blockBounds[3] + pad", + " );", + " }", + " this.geometry.applyClipRect(uniforms.uTroikaClipRect.value);", + " }", + " uniforms.uTroikaSDFDebug.value = !!this.debugSDF;", + " material.polygonOffset = !!this.depthOffset;", + " material.polygonOffsetFactor = material.polygonOffsetUnits = this.depthOffset || 0;", + "", + " // Shortcut for setting material color via `color` prop on the mesh; this is", + " // applied only to the derived material to avoid mutating a shared base material.", + " const color = isOutline ? (this.outlineColor || 0) : this.color;", + "", + " if (color == null) {", + " delete material.color; //inherit from base", + " } else {", + " const colorObj = material.hasOwnProperty('color') ? material.color : (material.color = new THREE.Color());", + " if (color !== colorObj._input || typeof color === 'object') {", + " colorObj.set(colorObj._input = color);", + " }", + " }", + "", + " // base orientation", + " let orient = this.orientation || defaultOrient;", + " if (orient !== material._orientation) {", + " let rotMat = uniforms.uTroikaOrient.value;", + " orient = orient.replace(/[^-+xyz]/g, '');", + " let match = orient !== defaultOrient && orient.match(/^([-+])([xyz])([-+])([xyz])$/);", + " if (match) {", + " let [, hSign, hAxis, vSign, vAxis] = match;", + " tempVec3a.set(0, 0, 0)[hAxis] = hSign === '-' ? 1 : -1;", + " tempVec3b.set(0, 0, 0)[vAxis] = vSign === '-' ? -1 : 1;", + " tempMat4.lookAt(origin, tempVec3a.cross(tempVec3b), tempVec3b);", + " rotMat.setFromMatrix4(tempMat4);", + " } else {", + " rotMat.identity();", + " }", + " material._orientation = orient;", + " }", + " }", + "", + " _parsePercent(value) {", + " if (typeof value === 'string') {", + " let match = value.match(/^(-?[\\d.]+)%$/);", + " let pct = match ? parseFloat(match[1]) : NaN;", + " value = (isNaN(pct) ? 0 : pct / 100) * this.fontSize;", + " }", + " return value", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Translate a point in local space to an x/y in the text plane.", + " */", + " localPositionToTextCoords(position, target = new THREE.Vector2()) {", + " target.copy(position); //simple non-curved case is 1:1", + " const r = this.curveRadius;", + " if (r) { //flatten the curve", + " target.x = Math.atan2(position.x, Math.abs(r) - Math.abs(position.z)) * Math.abs(r);", + " }", + " return target", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * Translate a point in world space to an x/y in the text plane.", + " */", + " worldPositionToTextCoords(position, target = new THREE.Vector2()) {", + " tempVec3a.copy(position);", + " return this.localPositionToTextCoords(this.worldToLocal(tempVec3a), target)", + " }", + "", + " /**", + " * @override Custom raycasting to test against the whole text block's max rectangular bounds", + " * TODO is there any reason to make this more granular, like within individual line or glyph rects?", + " */", + " raycast(raycaster, intersects) {", + " const {textRenderInfo, curveRadius} = this;", + " if (textRenderInfo) {", + " const bounds = textRenderInfo.blockBounds;", + " const raycastMesh = curveRadius ? getCurvedRaycastMesh() : getFlatRaycastMesh();", + " const geom = raycastMesh.geometry;", + " const {position, uv} = geom.attributes;", + " for (let i = 0; i < uv.count; i++) {", + " let x = bounds[0] + (uv.getX(i) * (bounds[2] - bounds[0]));", + " const y = bounds[1] + (uv.getY(i) * (bounds[3] - bounds[1]));", + " let z = 0;", + " if (curveRadius) {", + " z = curveRadius - Math.cos(x / curveRadius) * curveRadius;", + " x = Math.sin(x / curveRadius) * curveRadius;", + " }", + " position.setXYZ(i, x, y, z);", + " }", + " geom.boundingSphere = this.geometry.boundingSphere;", + " geom.boundingBox = this.geometry.boundingBox;", + " raycastMesh.matrixWorld = this.matrixWorld;", + " raycastMesh.material.side = this.material.side;", + " tempArray.length = 0;", + " raycastMesh.raycast(raycaster, tempArray);", + " for (let i = 0; i < tempArray.length; i++) {", + " tempArray[i].object = this;", + " intersects.push(tempArray[i]);", + " }", + " }", + " }", + "", + " copy(source) {", + " // Prevent copying the geometry reference so we don't end up sharing attributes between instances", + " const geom = this.geometry;", + " super.copy(source);", + " this.geometry = geom;", + "", + " COPYABLE_PROPS.forEach(prop => {", + " this[prop] = source[prop];", + " });", + " return this", + " }", + "", + " clone() {", + " return new this.constructor().copy(this)", + " }", + " }", + "", + "", + " // Create setters for properties that affect text layout:", + " SYNCABLE_PROPS.forEach(prop => {", + " const privateKey = '_private_' + prop;", + " Object.defineProperty(Text.prototype, prop, {", + " get() {", + " return this[privateKey]", + " },", + " set(value) {", + " if (value !== this[privateKey]) {", + " this[privateKey] = value;", + " this._needsSync = true;", + " }", + " }", + " });", + " });", + "", + " //=== Utility functions for dealing with carets and selection ranges ===//", + "", + " /**", + " * @typedef {object} TextCaret", + " * @property {number} x - x position of the caret", + " * @property {number} y - y position of the caret's bottom", + " * @property {number} height - height of the caret", + " * @property {number} charIndex - the index in the original input string of this caret's target", + " * character; the caret will be for the position _before_ that character.", + " */", + "", + " /**", + " * Given a local x/y coordinate in the text block plane, find the nearest caret position.", + " * @param {TroikaTextRenderInfo} textRenderInfo - a result object from TextBuilder#getTextRenderInfo", + " * @param {number} x", + " * @param {number} y", + " * @return {TextCaret | null}", + " */", + " function getCaretAtPoint(textRenderInfo, x, y) {", + " let closestCaret = null;", + " const rows = groupCaretsByRow(textRenderInfo);", + "", + " // Find nearest row by y first", + " let closestRow = null;", + " rows.forEach(row => {", + " if (!closestRow || Math.abs(y - (row.top + row.bottom) / 2) < Math.abs(y - (closestRow.top + closestRow.bottom) / 2)) {", + " closestRow = row;", + " }", + " });", + "", + " // Then find closest caret by x within that row", + " closestRow.carets.forEach(caret => {", + " if (!closestCaret || Math.abs(x - caret.x) < Math.abs(x - closestCaret.x)) {", + " closestCaret = caret;", + " }", + " });", + " return closestCaret", + " }", + "", + "", + " const _rectsCache = new WeakMap();", + "", + " /**", + " * Given start and end character indexes, return a list of rectangles covering all the", + " * characters within that selection.", + " * @param {TroikaTextRenderInfo} textRenderInfo", + " * @param {number} start - index of the first char in the selection", + " * @param {number} end - index of the first char after the selection", + " * @return {Array<{left, top, right, bottom}> | null}", + " */", + " function getSelectionRects(textRenderInfo, start, end) {", + " let rects;", + " if (textRenderInfo) {", + " // Check cache - textRenderInfo is frozen so it's safe to cache based on it", + " let prevResult = _rectsCache.get(textRenderInfo);", + " if (prevResult && prevResult.start === start && prevResult.end === end) {", + " return prevResult.rects", + " }", + "", + " const {caretPositions} = textRenderInfo;", + "", + " // Normalize", + " if (end < start) {", + " const s = start;", + " start = end;", + " end = s;", + " }", + " start = Math.max(start, 0);", + " end = Math.min(end, caretPositions.length + 1);", + "", + " // Build list of rects, expanding the current rect for all characters in a run and starting", + " // a new rect whenever reaching a new line or a new bidi direction", + " rects = [];", + " let currentRect = null;", + " for (let i = start; i < end; i++) {", + " const x1 = caretPositions[i * 4];", + " const x2 = caretPositions[i * 4 + 1];", + " const left = Math.min(x1, x2);", + " const right = Math.max(x1, x2);", + " const bottom = caretPositions[i * 4 + 2];", + " const top = caretPositions[i * 4 + 3];", + " if (!currentRect || bottom !== currentRect.bottom || top !== currentRect.top || left > currentRect.right || right < currentRect.left) {", + " currentRect = {", + " left: Infinity,", + " right: -Infinity,", + " bottom,", + " top,", + " };", + " rects.push(currentRect);", + " }", + " currentRect.left = Math.min(left, currentRect.left);", + " currentRect.right = Math.max(right, currentRect.right);", + " }", + "", + " // Merge any overlapping rects, e.g. those formed by adjacent bidi runs", + " rects.sort((a, b) => b.bottom - a.bottom || a.left - b.left);", + " for (let i = rects.length - 1; i-- > 0;) {", + " const rectA = rects[i];", + " const rectB = rects[i + 1];", + " if (rectA.bottom === rectB.bottom && rectA.top === rectB.top && rectA.left <= rectB.right && rectA.right >= rectB.left) {", + " rectB.left = Math.min(rectB.left, rectA.left);", + " rectB.right = Math.max(rectB.right, rectA.right);", + " rects.splice(i, 1);", + " }", + " }", + "", + " _rectsCache.set(textRenderInfo, {start, end, rects});", + " }", + " return rects", + " }", + "", + " const _caretsByRowCache = new WeakMap();", + "", + " /**", + " * Group a set of carets by row of text, caching the result. A single row of text may contain carets of", + " * differing positions/heights if it has multiple fonts, and they may overlap slightly across rows, so this", + " * uses an assumption of \"at least overlapping by half\" to put them in the same row.", + " * @return Array<{bottom: number, top: number, carets: TextCaret[]}>", + " */", + " function groupCaretsByRow(textRenderInfo) {", + " // textRenderInfo is frozen so it's safe to cache based on it", + " let rows = _caretsByRowCache.get(textRenderInfo);", + " if (!rows) {", + " rows = [];", + " const {caretPositions} = textRenderInfo;", + " let curRow;", + "", + " const visitCaret = (x, bottom, top, charIndex) => {", + " // new row if not overlapping by at least half", + " if (!curRow || (top < (curRow.top + curRow.bottom) / 2)) {", + " rows.push(curRow = {bottom, top, carets: []});", + " }", + " // expand vertical limits if necessary", + " if (top > curRow.top) curRow.top = top;", + " if (bottom < curRow.bottom) curRow.bottom = bottom;", + " curRow.carets.push({", + " x,", + " y: bottom,", + " height: top - bottom,", + " charIndex,", + " });", + " };", + "", + " let i = 0;", + " for (; i < caretPositions.length; i += 4) {", + " visitCaret(caretPositions[i], caretPositions[i + 2], caretPositions[i + 3], i / 4);", + " }", + " // Add one more caret after the final char", + " visitCaret(caretPositions[i - 3], caretPositions[i - 2], caretPositions[i - 1], i / 4);", + " }", + " _caretsByRowCache.set(textRenderInfo, rows);", + " return rows", + " }", + "", + "gdjs.__text3DExtension = {", + " Text3DRenderer,", + " Text", + "};", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": true + } + ], + "parameters": [], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "The text color.", + "fullName": "Text color", + "functionType": "StringExpression", + "name": "TextColor", + "private": true, + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "/** @type {gdjs.TextRuntimeObject} */\r", + "const object = objects[0];\r", + "\r", + "eventsFunctionContext.returnValue = object._color.join(\";\");\r", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": false + } + ], + "expressionType": { + "type": "string" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "TextObject::Text", + "type": "objectList" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "The text font.", + "fullName": "Font", + "functionType": "StringExpression", + "name": "Font", + "private": true, + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "/** @type {gdjs.TextRuntimeObject} */\r", + "const object = objects[0];\r", + "\r", + "eventsFunctionContext.returnValue = object._fontName;\r", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": false + } + ], + "expressionType": { + "type": "string" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "TextObject::Text", + "type": "objectList" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "Change the text font.", + "fullName": "Font", + "functionType": "Action", + "name": "SetFont", + "private": true, + "sentence": "Change the font of _PARAM1_", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "/** @type {gdjs.TextRuntimeObject} */\r", + "const object = objects[0];\r", + "const value = eventsFunctionContext.getArgument(\"Value\");\r", + "\r", + "object.setFontName(value);\r", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": false + } + ], + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "TextObject::Text", + "type": "objectList" + }, + { + "description": "Font name", + "name": "Value", + "type": "string" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "description": "The text color.", + "fullName": "Outline color", + "functionType": "StringExpression", + "name": "OutlineColor", + "private": true, + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "/** @type {gdjs.TextRuntimeObject} */\r", + "const object = objects[0];\r", + "\r", + "eventsFunctionContext.returnValue = object._outlineColor.join(\";\");\r", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": false + } + ], + "expressionType": { + "type": "string" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "TextObject::Text", + "type": "objectList" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "fullName": "Outline thickness", + "functionType": "Expression", + "name": "OutlineThickness", + "private": true, + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "/** @type {gdjs.TextRuntimeObject} */\r", + "const object = objects[0];\r", + "\r", + "eventsFunctionContext.returnValue = object.getOutlineThickness();\r", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": false + } + ], + "expressionType": { + "type": "expression" + }, + "parameters": [ + { + "description": "Object", + "name": "Object", + "supplementaryInformation": "TextObject::Text", + "type": "objectList" + } + ], + "objectGroups": [] + }, + { + "fullName": "Shadow distance", + "functionType": "Expression", + "name": "ShadowDistance", + "private": true, + "sentence": "", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::JsCode", + "inlineCode": [ + "/** @type {gdjs.TextRuntimeObject} */\r", + "const object = objects[0];\r", + "\r", + "eventsFunctionContext.returnValue = object.getShadowDistance();\r", + "" + ], + "parameterObjects": "Object", + "useStrict": true, + "eventsSheetExpanded": false + } + ], + "expressionType": { + "type": "expression" + }, + "parameters": [ + 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Note that word wrapping is a graphical option, you can't get the number of lines displayed.", + "fullName": "Wrapping", + "functionType": "Action", + "group": "Style", + "name": "SetWrapping", + "sentence": "Activate wrapping style of _PARAM0_: _PARAM1_", + "events": [ + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "inverted": true, + "value": "GetArgumentAsBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "\"Value\"" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "TextObject::SetWrapping" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Text", + "no" + ] + }, + { + "type": { + "value": "Text3D::Text3D::UpdateWrappingWidth" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Object", + "0", + "" + ] + } + ] + }, + { + "type": "BuiltinCommonInstructions::Standard", + "conditions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "GetArgumentAsBoolean" + }, + "parameters": [ + "\"Value\"" + ] + } + ], + "actions": [ + { + "type": { + "value": "TextObject::SetWrapping" + }, + "parameters": [ + "Text", + "yes" + ] + }, + { 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