-import time,math,os,scipy,lal,lalburst
-from plots import *
-from pycbc import psd,types,filter
-from glue.ligolw import lsctables
-from gwpy.spectrum import Spectrum
-from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
-from scipy.signal import fftconvolve
-from utils import *
-from glue import git_version
-from glue.lal import LIGOTimeGPS
-from glue.ligolw import ligolw,utils
-from glue.ligolw.utils.search_summary import append_search_summary
-from glue.ligolw.utils.process import register_to_xmldoc
-from glue.segments import segment
-[docs]def excess_power(ts_data,psd_segment_length,psd_segment_stride,psd_estimation,window_fraction,tile_fap,station,nchans=None,band=None,fmin=0,fmax=None,max_duration=None):
Perform excess-power search analysis on magnetic field data.
This method will produce a bunch of time-frequency plots for every
tile duration and bandwidth analysed as well as a XML file identifying
all the triggers found in the selected data within the user-defined
time range.
ts_data : TimeSeries
Time Series from magnetic field data
psd_segment_length : float
Length of each segment in seconds
psd_segment_stride : float
Separation between 2 consecutive segments in seconds
psd_estimation : string
Average method
window_fraction : float
Withening window fraction
tile_fap : float
Tile false alarm probability threshold in Gaussian noise.
nchans : int
Total number of channels
band : float
Tile bandwidth
fmin : float
Lowest frequency of the filter bank.
fmax : float
Highest frequency of the filter bank
#print strain.insert_strain_option_group.__dict__
#print psd.insert_psd_option_group.__dict__
sample_rate = ts_data.sample_rate
nchans,band,flow = check_filtering_settings(sample_rate,nchans,band,fmin,fmax)
seg_len,fd_psd,lal_psd = calculate_psd(ts_data,sample_rate,psd_segment_length,psd_segment_stride,psd_estimation)
window, spec_corr = calculate_spectral_correlation(seg_len,'tukey',window_fraction=window_fraction)
filter_bank, fdb = create_filter_bank(fd_psd.delta_f,flow+band/2,band,nchans,fd_psd,spec_corr,fmin,fmax)
# This is necessary to compute the mu^2 normalizations
#white_filter_ip = compute_filter_ips_self(filter_bank, spec_corr, None)
#unwhite_filter_ip = compute_filter_ips_self(filter_bank, spec_corr, lal_psd)
# These two are needed for the unwhitened mean square sum (hrss)
#white_ss_ip = compute_filter_ips_adjacent(filter_bank, spec_corr, None)
#unwhite_ss_ip = compute_filter_ips_adjacent(filter_bank, spec_corr, lal_psd)
tdb = convert_to_time_domain(fdb,sample_rate)
mu_sq_dict = compute_channel_renormalization(filter_bank, spec_corr, nchans)
event_list = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglBurstTable,
t_idx_min, t_idx_max = 0, seg_len
os.system('mkdir -p segments/time-frequency')
os.system('mkdir -p segments/time-series')
while t_idx_max <= len(ts_data):
start_time, end_time, tmp_ts_data, fs_data = identify_block(ts_data,fd_psd,window,t_idx_min,t_idx_max)
tf_map = create_tf_plane(fd_psd,nchans,seg_len,filter_bank,band,fs_data)
for nc_sum in range(0, int(math.log(nchans, 2)))[::-1]: # nc_sum additional channel adds
nc_sum = 2**nc_sum - 1
mu_sq = mu_sq_dict[nc_sum]
max_dof, tiles, us_rate, dt, df = construct_tiles(nc_sum,mu_sq,band,ts_data,tf_map,psd_segment_length,window_fraction,max_duration)
t3 = time.time()
for j in [2**l for l in xrange(0, int(math.log(max_dof, 2)))]:
duration = j / 2.0 / df
dof_tiles = create_tile_duration(j,df,duration,tiles)
threshold = scipy.stats.chi2.isf(tile_fap, j)
print "|------ Threshold for this level: %f" % threshold
spant, spanf = dof_tiles.shape[1] * dt, dof_tiles.shape[0] * df
print "|------ Processing %.2fx%.2f time-frequency map." % (spant, spanf)
# Since we clip the data, the start time needs to be adjusted accordingly
window_offset_epoch = fs_data.epoch + psd_segment_length * window_fraction / 2
trigger_list_from_map(dof_tiles, event_list, threshold, window_offset_epoch, filter_bank[0].f0 + band/2, duration, df, df, dt, None)
for event in event_list[::-1]:
if event.amplitude != None:
etime_min_idx = float(event.get_start()) - float(fs_data.epoch)
etime_min_idx = int(etime_min_idx / tmp_ts_data.delta_t)
etime_max_idx = float(event.get_start()) - float(fs_data.epoch) + event.duration
etime_max_idx = int(etime_max_idx / tmp_ts_data.delta_t)
# (band / 2) to account for sin^2 wings from finest filters
flow_idx = int((event.central_freq - event.bandwidth / 2 - (band / 2) - flow) / band)
fhigh_idx = int((event.central_freq + event.bandwidth / 2 + (band / 2) - flow) / band)
# TODO: Check that the undersampling rate is always commensurate
# with the indexing: that is to say that
# mod(etime_min_idx, us_rate) == 0 always
z_j_b = tf_map[flow_idx:fhigh_idx,etime_min_idx:etime_max_idx:us_rate]
event.amplitude = 0
print "|------ Total number of events: %d" % len(event_list)
t_idx_min += int(seg_len * (1 - window_fraction))
t_idx_max += int(seg_len * (1 - window_fraction))
-[docs]def check_filtering_settings(sample_rate,channels,tile_bandwidth,fmin,fmax):
Check filtering settings and define the total number of channels
and bandwidth to use for filter bank.
sample_rate : float
Sampling rate in Hz of the data retrieved from the metadata
min_frequency : float
Lowest frequency of the filter bank
max_frequency : float
Highest frequency of the filter bank
channels : int
Number of frequency channels to use
tile_bandwidth : float
Bandwidth of the finest filters
nchans, band, flow : int, float, float
Number of channels, filter bandwidth, initial frequency offset
# Check if tile maximum frequency is not defined
if fmax is None or fmax>sample_rate/2.:
# Set the tile maximum frequency equal to the Nyquist frequency (i.e. half the sampling rate)
fmax = sample_rate / 2.0
# Check whether or not tile bandwidth and channel are defined
if tile_bandwidth is None and channels is None:
# Exit program with error message
exit("Either --tile-bandwidth or --channels must be specified to set up time-frequency plane")
# Define as assert statement that tile maximum frequency larger than its minimum frequency
assert fmax >= fmin
# Define spectral band of data
data_band = fmax - fmin
# Check if tile bandwidth or channel is defined
if tile_bandwidth is not None:
# Define number of possible filter bands
band = tile_bandwidth
nchans = channels = int(data_band / tile_bandwidth) - 1
elif channels is not None:
# Define filter bandwidth
band = tile_bandwidth = data_band / channels
nchans = channels - 1
assert channels > 1
# Lowest frequency of the filter bank
flow = fmin
return nchans,band,flow
-[docs]def calculate_psd(ts_data,sample_rate,psd_segment_length,psd_segment_stride,psd_estimation):
Estimate Power Spectral Density (PSD)
ts_data : TimeSeries
Time series of magnetic field data
sample_rate : float
Sampling rate of data
psd_segment_length : float
Length of data segment in seconds
psd_segment_stride : float
Separation between consecutive segments in seconds
psd_estimation : string
Average method to measure PSD from the data
seg_len, fd_psd, lal_psd : Segment length in sample unit, PSD results
in 2 different formats.
Need to contact Chris Pankow for more information on the 2 formats.
print "|- Estimating PSD from segments of time %.2f s in length, with %.2f s stride..." % (psd_segment_length, psd_segment_stride)
# Convert time series as array of float
data = ts_data.astype(numpy.float64)
# Average method to measure PSD from the data
avg_method = psd_estimation
# The segment length for PSD estimation in samples
seg_len = int(psd_segment_length * sample_rate)
# The separation between consecutive segments in samples
seg_stride = int(psd_segment_stride * sample_rate)
# Lifted from the psd.from_cli module
fd_psd = psd.welch(data,avg_method=avg_method,seg_len=seg_len,seg_stride=seg_stride)
# Plot the power spectral density
# We need this for the SWIG functions
lal_psd = fd_psd.lal()
return seg_len,fd_psd,lal_psd
-[docs]def calculate_spectral_correlation(fft_window_len,wtype='hann',window_fraction=None):
Calculate the two point spectral correlation introduced by windowing
the data before transforming to the frequency domain -- valid choices
are 'hann' and 'tukey'. The window_fraction parameter only has meaning
for wtype='tukey'.
print "|- Whitening window and spectral correlation..."
if wtype == 'hann':
window = lal.CreateHannREAL8Window(fft_window_len)
elif wtype == 'tukey':
window = lal.CreateTukeyREAL8Window(fft_window_len, window_fraction)
raise ValueError("Can't handle window type %s" % wtype)
fft_plan = lal.CreateForwardREAL8FFTPlan(len(window.data.data), 1)
window = window.data.data
window_sigma_sq = numpy.mean(window**2)
# Pre scale the window by its root mean squared -- see eqn 11 of EP document
#window /= numpy.sqrt(window_sigma_sq)
return window, lal.REAL8WindowTwoPointSpectralCorrelation(window, fft_plan)
-[docs]def create_filter_bank(delta_f,flow,band,nchan,psd,spec_corr,fmin=0,fmax=None):
Create filter bank
delta_f : float
Bandwidth of each filter
flow : float
Lowest frequency of the filter bank
band :
print "|- Create filter..."
lal_psd = psd.lal()
lal_filters, np_filters = [], []
for i in range(nchan):
lal_filter = lalburst.CreateExcessPowerFilter(flow + i*band, band, lal_psd, spec_corr)
return lal_filters, np_filters
-def convert_to_time_domain(fdb,sample_rate):
- """
- Convert filter bank from frequency to time domain
- Parameters
- ----------
- fdb : list
- List of filters from the filter bank in frequency domain
- sample_rate : float
- Sampling rate of magnetic field data
- Return
- ------
- tdb : list
- List of filters from the filter bank in time domain
- """
- print "|- Convert all the frequency domain to the time domain..."
- tdb = []
- for fdt in fdb:
- zero_padded = numpy.zeros(int((fdt.f0 / fdt.df).value) + len(fdt))
- st = int((fdt.f0 / fdt.df).value)
- zero_padded[st:st+len(fdt)] = numpy.real_if_close(fdt.value)
- n_freq = int(sample_rate / 2 / fdt.df.value) * 2
- tdt = numpy.fft.irfft(zero_padded, n_freq) * math.sqrt(sample_rate)
- tdt = numpy.roll(tdt, len(tdt)/2)
- tdt = TimeSeries(tdt, name="", epoch=fdt.epoch, sample_rate=sample_rate)
- tdb.append(tdt)
- return tdb
-def identify_block(ts_data,fd_psd,window,t_idx_min,t_idx_max):
- """
- Get frequency series of the current block
- Parameters
- ----------
- ts_data : TimeSeries
- Time series of magnetic field data
- fd_psd :
- Power Spectrum Density
- window :
- t_idx_min : float
- Index in time series of first data point
- t_idx_max : float
- Index in time series of last data point
- Return
- ------
- start_time : float
- Starting time of the block
- end_time : float
- Ending time of the block
- tmp_ts_data : TimeSeries
- Time series magnetic data of the block
- fs_data : FrequencySeries
- Frequency series magnetic data of the block
- """
- # Define starting and ending time of the segment in seconds
- start_time = ts_data.start_time + t_idx_min/float(ts_data.sample_rate)
- end_time = ts_data.start_time + t_idx_max/float(ts_data.sample_rate)
- print "|-- Analyzing block %i to %i (%.2f percent)"%(start_time,end_time,100*float(t_idx_max)/len(ts_data))
- # Model a withen time series for the block
- tmp_ts_data = types.TimeSeries(ts_data[t_idx_min:t_idx_max]*window,delta_t=1./ts_data.sample_rate,epoch=start_time)
- # Save time series in relevant repository
- segfolder = 'segments/%i-%i'%(start_time,end_time)
- os.system('mkdir -p '+segfolder)
- plot_ts(tmp_ts_data,fname='segments/time-series/%i-%i.png'%(start_time,end_time))
- # Convert times series to frequency series
- fs_data = tmp_ts_data.to_frequencyseries()
- print "|-- Frequency series data has variance: %s" % fs_data.data.std()**2
- # Whitening (FIXME: Whiten the filters, not the data)
- fs_data.data /= numpy.sqrt(fd_psd) / numpy.sqrt(2 * fd_psd.delta_f)
- print "|-- Whitened frequency series data has variance: %s" % fs_data.data.std()**2
- return start_time, end_time, tmp_ts_data, fs_data
-def create_tf_plane(fd_psd,nchans,seg_len,filter_bank,band,fs_data):
- """
- Create time-frequency map
- Parameters
- ----------
- fd_psd : array
- Power Spectrum Density
- """
- print "|-- Create time-frequency plane for current block"
- # Return the complex snr, along with its associated normalization of the template,
- # matched filtered against the data
- #filter.matched_filter_core(types.FrequencySeries(tmp_filter_bank,delta_f=fd_psd.delta_f),fs_data,h_norm=1,psd=fd_psd,low_frequency_cutoff=filter_bank[0].f0,high_frequency_cutoff=filter_bank[0].f0+2*band)
- print "|-- Filtering all %d channels..." % nchans
- # Initialise 2D zero array
- tmp_filter_bank = numpy.zeros(len(fd_psd), dtype=numpy.complex128)
- # Initialise 2D zero array for time-frequency map
- tf_map = numpy.zeros((nchans, seg_len), dtype=numpy.complex128)
- # Loop over all the channels
- for i in range(nchans):
- # Reset filter bank series
- tmp_filter_bank *= 0.0
- # Index of starting frequency
- f1 = int(filter_bank[i].f0/fd_psd.delta_f)
- # Index of ending frequency
- f2 = int((filter_bank[i].f0 + 2*band)/fd_psd.delta_f)+1
- # (FIXME: Why is there a factor of 2 here?)
- tmp_filter_bank[f1:f2] = filter_bank[i].data.data * 2
- # Define the template to filter the frequency series with
- template = types.FrequencySeries(tmp_filter_bank, delta_f=fd_psd.delta_f, copy=False)
- # Create filtered series
- filtered_series = filter.matched_filter_core(template,fs_data,h_norm=None,psd=None,low_frequency_cutoff=filter_bank[i].f0,high_frequency_cutoff=filter_bank[i].f0+2*band)
- # Include filtered series in the map
- tf_map[i,:] = filtered_series[0].numpy()
- return tf_map
-def compute_filter_ips_self(lal_filters, spec_corr, psd=None):
- """
- Compute a set of inner products of input filters with themselves. If psd
- argument is given, the unwhitened filter inner products will be returned.
- """
- return numpy.array([lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(f, f, spec_corr, psd) for f in lal_filters])
-def compute_filter_ips_adjacent(lal_filters, spec_corr, psd=None):
- """
- Compute a set of filter inner products between input adjacent filters.
- If psd argument is given, the unwhitened filter inner products will be
- returned. The returned array index is the inner product between the
- lal_filter of the same index, and its (array) adjacent filter --- assumed
- to be the frequency adjacent filter.
- """
- return numpy.array([lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(f1, f2, spec_corr, psd) for f1, f2 in zip(lal_filters[:-1], lal_filters[1:])])
-[docs]def compute_channel_renormalization(filter_bank, spec_corr, nchans):
Compute the renormalization for the base filters up to a given bandwidth.
mu_sq_dict = {}
for nc_sum in range(0, int(math.log(nchans, 2))):
min_band = (len(filter_bank[0].data.data)-1) * filter_bank[0].deltaF / 2
print "|- Calculation for %d %dHz channels" % (nc_sum+1, min_band)
nc_sum = 2**nc_sum - 1
mu_sq = (nc_sum+1)*numpy.array([lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(f, f, spec_corr, None) for f in filter_bank])
# Uncomment to get all possible frequency renormalizations
#for n in xrange(nc_sum, nchans): # channel position index
for n in xrange(nc_sum, nchans, nc_sum+1): # channel position index
for k in xrange(0, nc_sum): # channel sum index
# FIXME: We've precomputed this, so use it instead
mu_sq[n] += 2*lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(filter_bank[n-k], filter_bank[n-1-k], spec_corr, None)
#print mu_sq[nc_sum::nc_sum+1]
mu_sq_dict[nc_sum] = mu_sq
return mu_sq_dict
-def measure_hrss(z_j_b, uw_ss_ii, uw_ss_ij, w_ss_ij, delta_f, delta_t, filter_len, dof):
- """
- Approximation of unwhitened sum of squares signal energy in a given EP tile.
- See T1200125 for equation number reference.
- Parameters
- ----------
- z_j_b : time frequency map block which the constructed tile covers
- uw_ss_ii : unwhitened filter inner products
- uw_ss_ij : unwhitened adjacent filter inner products
- w_ss_ij : whitened adjacent filter inner products
- delta_f : frequency binning of EP filters
- delta_t : native time resolution of the time frequency map
- filter_len : number of samples in a fitler
- dof : degrees of freedom in the tile (twice the time-frequency area)
- """
- s_j_b_avg = uw_ss_ii * delta_f / 2
- # unwhitened sum of squares of wide virtual filter
- s_j_nb_avg = uw_ss_ii.sum() / 2 + uw_ss_ij.sum()
- s_j_nb_avg *= delta_f
- s_j_nb_denom = s_j_b_avg.sum() + 2 * 2 / filter_len * \
- numpy.sum(numpy.sqrt(s_j_b_avg[:-1] * s_j_b_avg[1:]) * w_ss_ij)
- # eqn. 62
- uw_ups_ratio = s_j_nb_avg / s_j_nb_denom
- # eqn. 63 -- approximation of unwhitened signal energy time series
- # FIXME: The sum in this equation is over nothing, but indexed by frequency
- # I'll make that assumption here too.
- s_j_nb = numpy.sum(z_j_b.T * numpy.sqrt(s_j_b_avg), axis=0)
- s_j_nb *= numpy.sqrt(uw_ups_ratio / filter_len * 2)
- # eqn. 64 -- approximate unwhitened signal energy minus noise contribution
- # FIXME: correct axis of summation?
- return math.sqrt(numpy.sum(numpy.absolute(s_j_nb)**2) * delta_t - s_j_nb_avg * dof * delta_t)
-def uw_sum_sq(filter1, filter2, spec_corr, psd):
- # < s^2_j(f_1, b) > = 1 / 2 / N * \delta_t EPIP{\Theta, \Theta; P}
- return lalburst.ExcessPowerFilterInnerProduct(filter1, filter2, spec_corr, psd)
-def measure_hrss_slowly(z_j_b, lal_filters, spec_corr, psd, delta_t, dof):
- """
- Approximation of unwhitened sum of squares signal energy in a given EP tile.
- See T1200125 for equation number reference. NOTE: This function is deprecated
- in favor of measure_hrss, since it requires recomputation of many inner products,
- making it particularly slow.
- """
- # FIXME: Make sure you sum in time correctly
- # Number of finest bands in given tile
- nb = len(z_j_b)
- # eqn. 56 -- unwhitened mean square of filter with itself
- uw_ss_ii = numpy.array([uw_sum_sq(lal_filters[i], lal_filters[i], spec_corr, psd) for i in range(nb)])
- s_j_b_avg = uw_ss_ii * lal_filters[0].deltaF / 2
- # eqn. 57 -- unwhitened mean square of filter with adjacent filter
- uw_ss_ij = numpy.array([uw_sum_sq(lal_filters[i], lal_filters[i+1], spec_corr, psd) for i in range(nb-1)])
- # unwhitened sum of squares of wide virtual filter
- s_j_nb_avg = uw_ss_ii.sum() / 2 + uw_ss_ij.sum()
- s_j_nb_avg *= lal_filters[0].deltaF
- # eqn. 61
- w_ss_ij = numpy.array([uw_sum_sq(lal_filters[i], lal_filters[i+1], spec_corr, None) for i in range(nb-1)])
- s_j_nb_denom = s_j_b_avg.sum() + 2 * 2 / len(lal_filters[0].data.data) * \
- (numpy.sqrt(s_j_b_avg[:-1] * s_j_b_avg[1:]) * w_ss_ij).sum()
- # eqn. 62
- uw_ups_ratio = s_j_nb_avg / s_j_nb_denom
- # eqn. 63 -- approximation of unwhitened signal energy time series
- # FIXME: The sum in this equation is over nothing, but indexed by frequency
- # I'll make that assumption here too.
- s_j_nb = numpy.sum(z_j_b.T * numpy.sqrt(s_j_b_avg), axis=0)
- s_j_nb *= numpy.sqrt(uw_ups_ratio / len(lal_filters[0].data.data) * 2)
- # eqn. 64 -- approximate unwhitened signal energy minus noise contribution
- # FIXME: correct axis of summation?
- return math.sqrt((numpy.absolute(s_j_nb)**2).sum() * delta_t - s_j_nb_avg * dof * delta_t)
-def measure_hrss_poorly(tile_energy, sub_psd):
- return math.sqrt(tile_energy / numpy.average(1.0 / sub_psd) / 2)
-def trigger_list_from_map(tfmap, event_list, threshold, start_time, start_freq, duration, band, df, dt, psd=None):
- # FIXME: If we don't convert this the calculation takes forever ---
- # but we should convert it once and handle deltaF better later
- if psd is not None:
- npy_psd = psd.numpy()
- start_time = LIGOTimeGPS(float(start_time))
- ndof = 2 * duration * band
- for i, j in zip(*numpy.where(tfmap > threshold)):
- event = event_list.RowType()
- # The points are summed forward in time and thus a `summed point' is the
- # sum of the previous N points. If this point is above threshold, it
- # corresponds to a tile which spans the previous N points. However, the
- # 0th point (due to the convolution specifier 'valid') is actually
- # already a duration from the start time. All of this means, the +
- # duration and the - duration cancels, and the tile 'start' is, by
- # definition, the start of the time frequency map if j = 0
- # FIXME: I think this needs a + dt/2 to center the tile properly
- event.set_start(start_time + float(j * dt))
- event.set_stop(start_time + float(j * dt) + duration)
- event.set_peak(event.get_start() + duration / 2)
- event.central_freq = start_freq + i * df + 0.5 * band
- event.duration = duration
- event.bandwidth = band
- event.chisq_dof = ndof
- event.snr = math.sqrt(tfmap[i,j] / event.chisq_dof - 1)
- # FIXME: Magic number 0.62 should be determine empircally
- event.confidence = -lal.LogChisqCCDF(event.snr * 0.62, event.chisq_dof * 0.62)
- if psd is not None:
- # NOTE: I think the pycbc PSDs always start at 0 Hz --- check
- psd_idx_min = int((event.central_freq - event.bandwidth / 2) / psd.delta_f)
- psd_idx_max = int((event.central_freq + event.bandwidth / 2) / psd.delta_f)
- # FIXME: heuristically this works better with E - D -- it's all
- # going away with the better h_rss calculation soon anyway
- event.amplitude = measure_hrss_poorly(tfmap[i,j] - event.chisq_dof, npy_psd[psd_idx_min:psd_idx_max])
- else:
- event.amplitude = None
- event.process_id = None
- event.event_id = event_list.get_next_id()
- event_list.append(event)
-def make_tiles(tf_map, nc_sum, mu_sq):
- tiles = numpy.zeros(tf_map.shape)
- sum_filter = numpy.ones(nc_sum+1)
- # Here's the deal: we're going to keep only the valid output and
- # it's *always* going to exist in the lowest available indices
- for t in xrange(tf_map.shape[1]):
- # Sum and drop correlate tiles
- # FIXME: don't drop correlated tiles
- output = numpy.convolve(tf_map[:,t], sum_filter, 'valid')[::nc_sum+1]
- #output = fftconvolve(tf_map[:,t], sum_filter, 'valid')[::nc_sum+1]
- tiles[:len(output),t] = numpy.absolute(output) / math.sqrt(2)
- return tiles[:len(output)]**2 / mu_sq[nc_sum::nc_sum+1].reshape(-1, 1)
-def make_indp_tiles(tf_map, nc_sum, mu_sq):
- """
- Create a time frequency map with resolution of tf_map binning
- divided by nc_sum + 1. All tiles will be independent up to
- overlap from the original tiling. The mu_sq is applied to the
- resulting addition to normalize the outputs to be zero-mean
- unit-variance Gaussian variables (if the input is Gaussian).
- Notes
- -----
- Optimization plan: If we keep the summed complex TF plane in known
- indices, we can save ourselves individual sums at wider frequency
- resolutions.
- Caveats:
- 1. We have to keep track of where we're storing things
- 2. We have to do it from the finest resolution (for *all* t0s)
- and work our way up
- In the end, I think this is a Haar wavelet transform. Look into it.
- """
- tiles = tf_map.copy()
- # Here's the deal: we're going to keep only the valid output and
- # it's *always* going to exist in the lowest available indices
- stride = nc_sum + 1
- for i in xrange(tiles.shape[0]/stride):
- numpy.absolute(tiles[stride*i:stride*(i+1)].sum(axis=0), tiles[stride*(i+1)-1])
- return tiles[nc_sum::nc_sum+1].real**2 / mu_sq[nc_sum::nc_sum+1].reshape(-1, 1)
-def make_filename(ifo, seg, tag="excesspower", ext="xml.gz"):
- if isinstance(ifo, str):
- ifostr = ifo
- else:
- ifostr = "".join(ifo)
- st_rnd, end_rnd = int(math.floor(seg[0])), int(math.ceil(seg[1]))
- dur = end_rnd - st_rnd
- #return "%s-%s-%d-%d.%s" % (ifostr, tag, st_rnd, dur, ext)
- return "%s.%s" % (tag, ext)
-def construct_tiles(nc_sum,mu_sq,band,ts_data,tf_map,psd_segment_length,window_fraction,max_duration):
- """
- Constructing tile and calculate their energy
- """
- # Clip the boundaries to remove window corruption
- clip_samples = int(psd_segment_length * window_fraction * ts_data.sample_rate / 2)
- print "|--- Constructing tile with %d summed channels..." % (nc_sum+1)
- # Current bandwidth of the time-frequency map tiles
- df = band * (nc_sum + 1)
- # How much each "step" is in the time domain -- under sampling rate
- dt = 1.0 / (2 * df)
- us_rate = int(round(dt / ts_data.delta_t))
- print "|--- Undersampling rate for this level: %f" % (ts_data.sample_rate/us_rate)
- print "|--- Calculating tiles..."
- if clip_samples > 0: # because [0:-0] does not give the full array
- tiles = make_indp_tiles(tf_map[:,clip_samples:-clip_samples:us_rate], nc_sum, mu_sq)
- else:
- tiles = make_indp_tiles(tf_map[:,::us_rate], nc_sum, mu_sq)
- print "|--- TF-plane is %dx%s samples" % tiles.shape
- print "|--- Tile energy mean %f, var %f" % (numpy.mean(tiles), numpy.var(tiles))
- if max_duration is not None:
- max_dof = 2 * max_duration * (band * (nc_sum+1))
- else:
- max_dof = 32
- assert max_dof >= 2
- return max_dof, tiles, us_rate, dt, df
-def create_tile_duration(j,df,duration,tiles):
- # Duration is fixed by the NDOF and bandwidth
- duration = j / 2.0 / df
- print "|----- Explore signal duration of %f s..." % duration
- print "|----- Summing DOF = %d ..." % (2*j)
- tlen = tiles.shape[1] - 2*j + 1 + 1
- dof_tiles = numpy.zeros((tiles.shape[0], tlen))
- sum_filter = numpy.array([1,0] * (j-1) + [1])
- for f in range(tiles.shape[0]):
- # Sum and drop correlate tiles
- dof_tiles[f] = fftconvolve(tiles[f], sum_filter, 'valid')
- print "|----- Summed tile energy mean: %f, var %f" % (numpy.mean(dof_tiles), numpy.var(dof_tiles))
- return dof_tiles
-def create_xml(ts_data,psd_segment_length,window_fraction,event_list,station,setname="MagneticFields"):
- __program__ = 'pyburst_excesspower'
- start_time = LIGOTimeGPS(int(ts_data.start_time))
- end_time = LIGOTimeGPS(int(ts_data.end_time))
- inseg = segment(start_time,end_time)
- xmldoc = ligolw.Document()
- xmldoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW())
- ifo = 'H1'#channel_name.split(":")[0]
- straindict = psd.insert_psd_option_group.__dict__
- proc_row = register_to_xmldoc(xmldoc, __program__,straindict, ifos=[ifo],version=git_version.id, cvs_repository=git_version.branch, cvs_entry_time=git_version.date)
- outseg = determine_output_segment(inseg, psd_segment_length, ts_data.sample_rate, window_fraction)
- ss = append_search_summary(xmldoc, proc_row, ifos=(station,), inseg=inseg, outseg=outseg)
- for sb in event_list:
- sb.process_id = proc_row.process_id
- sb.search = proc_row.program
- sb.ifo, sb.channel = station, setname
- xmldoc.childNodes[0].appendChild(event_list)
- fname = make_filename(station, inseg)
- utils.write_filename(xmldoc, fname, gz=fname.endswith("gz"))
-def determine_output_segment(inseg, dt_stride, sample_rate, window_fraction=0.0):
- """
- Given an input data stretch segment inseg, a data block stride dt_stride, the data sample rate, and an optional window_fraction, return the amount of data that can be processed without corruption effects from the window.
- If window_fration is set to 0 (default), assume no windowing.
- """
- # Amount to overlap successive blocks so as not to lose data
- window_overlap_samples = window_fraction * sample_rate
- outseg = inseg.contract(window_fraction * dt_stride / 2)
- # With a given dt_stride, we cannot process the remainder of this data
- remainder = math.fmod(abs(outseg), dt_stride * (1 - window_fraction))
- # ...so make an accounting of it
- outseg = segment(outseg[0], outseg[1] - remainder)
- return outseg