Lead DSRs need to keep their cameras on and be ready to take over host privileges in Zoom
Take attendance (*If the student is not in class, reach out to PL or the student directly)
Remember to RECORD lectures & upload it to the spreadsheet after class OR the following day
Check to make sure previous class recording has been uploaded to the cohort spreadsheet. Instructions on linking the recording in Cohort Spreadheet Calendar
Open LEARN modules, assessments, and assignments for the day
Check and update cohort solutions repo
Check to see if an assessment grading is needed - grade and message the PL when the HUB spreadsheet has been updated
Check to see if your office hours are correct for the following 2 weeks
**Send a slack message out at the end of class on assignments (including async), assessments, and Capstone proposal due dates coming up the following week (include dates)
- bold async assignment(s)
- italicize paired assignment(s)
*Check "non-lecture day" links below for additional instructions
Saturdays and Career Services Days
- Assign pair programming groups and assign a “scheduler” 2 weeks out
- Open the needed LEARN modules for the upcoming week
- Check next week’s schedule (spreadsheet & google calendar) following items for accuracy:
- (spreadsheet calendar should be most up to date)
- Check lecture, retro, assessment, case-study, capstones, break dates
- Check that all recordings have been uploaded to spreadsheet (update if they have not been uploaded)
To make it is easier on the instructor to know who is most active and ready to own "host" duties, DSRs will decide on 1 person to be "Lead DSR" for the class. Once you decide who will be lead, label yourself as
and keep your camera on for the lecture. (If you are the only DSR present, make sure your camera is on for more engagement.)
All the sticky notes & alarms in the world aren't as effective as multiple people checking that the lectures is being recorded. Let the cohort know you appreciate their help.
Open at the beginning of class, not prior to lecture
- Settings
- Manage Access
- Enter and Confirm your password
- Invite teams or people (READ Access)
- *For RPP2, add GalvanizeDataScience/21-02-ds-rpp
- *For RPP2, Confirm: Add GalvanizeDataScience/21-02-ds-rpp
Galvanize Main Solutions Repo
^All the solution directories are here^
git clone https://github.com/GalvanizeDataScience/solutions-rpp2.git
cd solutions-rpp2/ # Navigate to the directory you cloned to on your machine
git remote add solutions https://github.com/GalvanizeDataScience/solutions.git
git fetch solutions main
cd solutions-rpp2/ # Navigate to the directory you cloned to on your machine
git pull
git fetch solutions main
# > (using perceptrons as an example)
git checkout solutions/main perceptrons
git add .
git commit -m 'add perceptrons solutions'
git push
Instructions for Listing Lecture recordings:
- Locate recording in Zoom (Zoom login available in HUB: Important Docs tab)
- Rename lecture recording
- edit "RPT DSI staff's Personal Meeting Room" to reflect cohort number and lecture title (e.g. RPP3 Graph Searching Lecture)
- edit "Recording 1" to same title (e.g. RPP3 Graph Searching Lecture)
- If there are 2 recordings for the day, label the recordings separately
- Link lecture recording in Cohort Spreadsheet Calendar at the end of the day or the following day
TWO eyeballs to click!
- Content tab
- Assessments block
- DSI Assessment # click first eyeball
- click dropdown arrow to left of DSI Assessment #
- click second eyeball
- 60 minute strict time limit
- Count down announcements at: 30, 15, 5 minutes left
- **Go to Cohort LEARN page
- DSI Assesment_# block
- Results table
- Status column
cd Desktop/Galvanize/RPP2/solutions-rpp2 # navigate into solutions repo
git pull
git fetch solutions main
git checkout solutions/main assessments/assessment-0 # using 0 as an example
git add .
git commit -m 'add assessment-0 solutions'
git push
* add assessment solutions to cohort's solutions repo how-to video
- You can find the cohort LEARN links at the top of this Repo or in the cohort hub
- Split the grading amongst the two dedicated DSRs for the cohort
- Try to complete the Assessment grading and post scores in LEARN within 48 hours
- You can find the cohort HUB links at the top of this Repo
- Then go to "Assessments" Tab
- In the top left corner you will find a link to the Assessment Full Grading Tracking Doc
- Update the Full Grading Tracking Doc first and then in the assessments tab
Assessment statistics will populate after inputs are complete, which can be used to add statistics to Learn:
RPP2 Learn Assessment Solution Block
* editing learn to add assessment statistics & solutions link how-to video
Simple code for random list of RPP2 students, which can be used to choose pairs, groups of size k < n, and order of presentations:
import numpy as np
RPP2_students = ['Becky_MDT', 'Bahar_PST', 'Andrew_EST', 'Mekdi_PST', 'Tony_PST', 'Robert_CT', 'Sean_PST', 'Nick_PST', 'Reza_CT', 'Bobby_AZ', 'Di_PST', 'Gary_EST', 'Matthew_EST', 'Shaheer_AZ', 'Marwah_PST']
RPP3_students = ['Amy_Williams_ET', 'Aronica_Yang_ET', 'Artur_Musin_ET', 'Mike_Bernardo_ET', 'Gary_Simmons_CT', 'Jay_Kwon_PT', 'Jennifer_Kaufman_MT', 'Jordan_Hicks_ET', 'Kevin_Ruggles_PT', 'Matthew_Edrich_MT', 'Rohan_Bareja_ET', 'Sophia_Six_MT', 'Tri_Le_PT']
def shuffle(students):
return students
# shuffle(RPP3_students)
- MVP plan
- use MVP+, MVP++, future work to handle overly optimistic plans
- plan should include hypothetic audience
- Github repo
forked by student A
cloned from student A by other team members
- suggest VSCode Live Share for README.md
- Slide deck/presentation tool started
- Well defined MVP
- Cohesive, narrow Story
- GitHub repo + README + Slide Deck started
- Elevator Pitch (30 second engaging overview)
- Follow-up on meeting goals from last stand-up
- Goals for today
- ABC always be committing
This is an appropriate time for DSRs to turn off camera and complete other tasks
edit recording name to include: instructor, topic(s), date
check that no passcode is required
cd dsi-learn-welcome-template git pull git checkout RPP2 git pull code .
learn preview -o . git add . git commit -m 'added CSM video' git push origin RPP2
- SET UP tab
- Repos tab
- <block_name> block will have a green 'updates' oval
- click sync arrows OR 3 vertical dots to right (choose update branch) of <block_name>
- Double check that the changes are working in the student facing Learn block.