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minimalistic election portal for universities

Status: Stable release on master


Setup a virtual environment, then run pip install -r requirements.txt. If you face issues related to pg_config executable not found, follow this SO link. If you face issues related to python-ldap, follow this SO link.

To setup the postgres database, you'll need to setup a postgres user following the instructions here ( [scroll to bottom for psql exclusive instructions]. Note that creating a password less user is easier to test with. If you want to use a password-enabled user, follow the URI as given here. The name of the user and database is given in the docker-compose yaml file.

Then we create the .env file. First, do cp .env.template .env, then edit .env with correct values.


Command to create the docker volume: docker volume create -o device=/root/election-portal/app/static -o type=bind -o o=bind election_static. If you're debugging locally (not on root server), you should use device=$PWD/data.

Create a file docker-compose.override.yaml with these contents. The SECRET_KEY is used to create authentication tokens, so it is important to override it in production. In debug mode, the REDIRECT_HOST ensures that CAS will redirect you to localhost instead of

            SECRET_KEY: top_secret_key

Polling booth setup

For a polling booth setup, you would intend to restrict the "cast vote" endpoint to a select group of devices. The devices are uniquely identifier using their IP address and their client browser fingerprints. You can specify these values in a comma-separated list as in the docker compose override yaml file:

            RESTRICTED_FINGERPINTS: <fingerprintvalues>

Note: The browser fingerprints are not always unique fingerprints across different client devices. It is advisable to have a unique configuration of browser, window size, resolution, etc. that is different from stock default values.

Backups and Restore

Backups are taken and rotated regularly. All backups are mounted at /var/opt/pgbackups (mounted in docker-compose.yaml) in the host machine. The setup for backups is given in the linked docker hub image frontpage. The chown command should be run in the host machine.

Restore locally

You first need to drop existing tables. Steps are:

  • docker exec -it <container> bash to land into the postgres container.
  • You'll land in the container as root. Switch to postgres user via su postgres.
  • Then launch psql using correcct username and dbname, for example, psql --user=sqluser --dbname=election
  • drop all tables in the existing database, for that, refer to this SO answer

Once this is done run the command given on that docker hub frontpage. Note that:

  • You'll probably find the file to zcat in /var/opt/pgbackups/daily
  • docker exec needs to be done into the postgres container and not the pgbackups container

Once this is done the database should successfully restore.

User management

If you want to create a new user with read only roles,

  • Run createuser --interactive in the postgres shell (su postgres)
  • Enter the psql shell with the superuser user (su postgres and then psql --user=sqluser --dbname=election).
  • alter user <username> with password 'password'; is the next command
  • grant connect on database election to <username>; and grant select on all tables in schema public to <username>; will set the correct permissions