Refer to the example project and automated tests for examples on usage
// Setup a chain with EOS snaphot
// 10 test accounts are automtically created
chain = await Chain.setupChain('EOS');
// access test accounts
const account1 = chain.accounts[1];
const account2 = chain.accounts[2];
// create account
let newAccount = await chain.system.createAccount("newaccount");
The following test accounts are created automatically:
- acc11.test
- acc12.test
- acc13.test
- acc14.test
- acc15.test
- acc21.test
- acc22.test
- acc23.test
- acc24.test
- acc25.test
// deploy contract
let contract = await newAccount.setContract({
abi: "./contracts/build/testcontract.abi",
wasm: "./contracts/build/testcontract.wasm",
// push action
let transaction = await contract.action.testaction(
{ user: },
[{ actor:, permission: "active" }]
Before you can use the Qtest table seeding functions you will need to perform the following to configure the Qtest contract utility.
- download qtest.hpp
- copy qtest.hpp to your contract include file
- add the following line to contract header file
#include "qtest.hpp" ... CONTRACT inittable : public contract { ... public: //Format: ((table_name)(struct_name)(multi_index_typedef)) EOS_LOAD_TABLE_ACTION( ((tablename1)(table1)(table1_t)) ((tablename2)(table2)(table2_t)) ) };
await contract.table.testtable.insert({
scope1: [
user: "name1",
value1: 1122,
value2: "test1",
user: "name2",
value1: 2233,
value2: "test2",
scope2: [
user: "name3",
value1: 999,
value2: "test3",
await contract.table.testtable.modify({
scope2: [
user: "name3",
value1: 999,
value2: "new value",
await inittableContract.table.tablename1.erase({
scope2: [
user: "name3",
value1: 999,
value2: "new value",
The Qtest libraries provides a mechanism to skip forward in time. Moving backward in time is not possible. Block number is not affected by this action.
// skip ahead 2 hours
await chain.time.increase(2 * 60 * 60);
// Create Date 1 month in future
const oneMonthAhead = new Date(
currentBlockTimeMilliSecond + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
// Set chain date
await chain.time.increaseTo(oneMonthAhead.getTime());