This is the commercial version of the above project(NOTE!! this part has bugs and issues). we have mannaged to add the circuit onto a PCB bord with the required interface. The code was trasfered from Arduino to ATMEGA328P.
- This is the PCB of the commercial version of the project.
- Reset button:- This button resets the program cycle of atmega.
- Data set button :- when this button is pressed the data values in the sensors are stored and later used for live comparison.
- Sensor interface:- these are the pins where the ultrasonic sensors are connected with the PCB board.
- Atmega 382p: this is the microcontroller that is being used to run our program.This is the brain of the system. This is where all the computation and working takes place.
- Vin and GND:- The input voltage needed for the functioning of atmega is provided between these points.
- Lm7805 :- This is a voltage controller IC. It is used in the circuit to make sure that only a voltage of 5V is passed through to the Atmega. This helps in protecting the system from voltage fluctuations.
- Oscillator :- This is a 16mhz crystal oscillator which provides the required clock signal for the working of atmega.
- Data set led :- This LEDblinks when data is being set.
- Alert buzzer:- this buzzer goes out when the presence of an elephant is detected.
- Alert Led:- this LEd blinks when the presence of an elephant is detected.
- Alert pin:- these pins are connected to external devices to send alert message(premium version).
- Audio jack:- Used to send output voice signals to external speakers.
- Sd card interface:- this the interface between microSD adaptor and the PCB.
- Sd status led:- This led blinks when the Sd adaptor is connected and active.
- Extra pins are mounted for any ad-on devices.