diff --git a/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/SOP/Jobs/Dignitary/BlueshieldOfficerSOP.xml b/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/SOP/Jobs/Dignitary/BlueshieldOfficerSOP.xml
index 88982c9456..cc23b54e83 100644
--- a/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/SOP/Jobs/Dignitary/BlueshieldOfficerSOP.xml
+++ b/Resources/ServerInfo/Guidebook/SOP/Jobs/Dignitary/BlueshieldOfficerSOP.xml
@@ -10,6 +10,14 @@ This is the list of procedures, responsibilities, and duties of the [color=#1b67
The [bold][color=#fcd12a]most important[/color][/bold] rule of the Blueshield Officer is to protect and maintain the lives of Command personnel on the station.
Command personnel are personnel hired by Nanotrasen (confirmed personnel in command) and any Central Command officials (including BSO).
+The Blueshield should only take possession of the disk when the disk is unsecured and there is not another suitable member to take it. It should be relinquished to the next suitable command member when they are found.
+[bold][color=#1b67a5][head=2]Blueshield Priorities[/head][/color][/bold]
+Nuclear Authentication Disk
+Nanotrasen Representative & Captain
+Heads of Staff
1. The Blueshield Officer must listen to and follow orders of the NTR unless it would directly conflict with ensuring the safety of Command personnel or Central Command orders.