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Emergency Declarations

This dataset contains emergency declarations and mitigation policies for each US state starting on January 20, 2020. The data are aggregated by the Policy Surveillance Program at the Temple University Center for Public Health Law Research, and are published and maintained at

For more information about each field see the LawAtlas Project dataset page and the corresponding codebook.


This table can be found at the following URL:


Name Type Description Example
date string ISO 8601 date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the datapoint 2020-03-30
key string Unique string identifying the region US_CA
lawatlas_mitigation_policy integer [0-1] Has the state instituted legal action aimed at mitigating the spread of COVID-19? 0
lawatlas_state_emergency integer [0-1] Is there an emergency declaration in effect in the state? 0
lawatlas_emerg_statewide integer [0-1] Does the emergency declaration apply statewide? 0
lawatlas_travel_requirement integer [0-1] Is there a restriction on travelers? 0
lawatlas_traveler_type_all_people_entering_the_state integer [0-1] What types of travelers are restricted? 0
lawatlas_traveler_type_travelers_from_specified_states integer [0-1] What types of travelers are restricted? 0
lawatlas_traveler_type_travelers_from_specified_countries integer [0-1] What types of travelers are restricted? 0
lawatlas_traveler_type_general_international_travelers integer [0-1] What types of travelers are restricted? 0
lawatlas_traveler_type_all_air_travelers integer [0-1] What types of travelers are restricted? 0
lawatlas_requirement_type_traveler_must_self_quarantine integer [0-1] What does the traveler restriction mandate? 0
lawatlas_requirement_type_traveler_must_inform_others_of_travel integer [0-1] What does the traveler restriction mandate? 0
lawatlas_requirement_type_checkpoints_must_be_established integer [0-1] What does the traveler restriction mandate? 0
lawatlas_requirement_type_travel_requirement_must_be_posted integer [0-1] What does the traveler restriction mandate? 0
lawatlas_travel_statewide integer [0-1] Does the restriction apply statewide? 0
lawatlas_home_requirement integer [0-1] Is there a requirement that residents stay home? 0
lawatlas_home_except_engaging_in_essential_business_activities integer [0-1] What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? 0
lawatlas_home_except_obtaining_necessary_supplies integer [0-1] What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? 0
lawatlas_home_except_accessing_emergency_services integer [0-1] What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? 0
lawatlas_home_except_caring_for_a_person_outside_the_home integer [0-1] What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? 0
lawatlas_home_except_caring_for_a_pet_outside_the_home integer [0-1] What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? 0
lawatlas_home_except_engaging_in_outdoor_activities integer [0-1] What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? 0
lawatlas_home_except_attending_religious_services integer [0-1] What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? 0
lawatlas_home_except_engaging_in_essential_health_care_services integer [0-1] What are the exceptions to the stay-at-home requirement? 0
lawatlas_home_statewide integer [0-1] Does the requirement apply statewide? 0
lawatlas_curfew_reg integer [0-1] Is there a required curfew? 0
lawatlas_mask_requirement integer [0-1] Is there a requirement that residents use masks? 0
lawatlas_mask_statewide integer [0-1] Does the requirement apply statewide? 0
lawatlas_business_close integer [0-1] Is there a requirement that businesses close? 0
lawatlas_business_type_all_non_essential_businesses integer [0-1] What types of businesses are required to close? 0
lawatlas_business_type_non_essential_retail_businesses integer [0-1] What types of businesses are required to close? 0
lawatlas_business_type_entertainment_businesses integer [0-1] What types of businesses are required to close? 0
lawatlas_business_type_personal_service_businesses integer [0-1] What types of businesses are required to close? 0
lawatlas_business_type_restaurants integer [0-1] What types of businesses are required to close? 0
lawatlas_business_type_bars integer [0-1] What types of businesses are required to close? 0
lawatlas_business_type_fitness_centers integer [0-1] What types of businesses are required to close? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_appliance_stores integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_convenience_stores integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_gas_stations integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_grocery_stores integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_gun_stores integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_hardware_stores integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_liquor_stores integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_pharmacies integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_marijuana_dispensaries integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_pet_stores integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_type_of_essential_retail_business_is_not_specified integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_essential_def_no_restriction_on_retail_businesses integer [0-1] What is considered an essential retail business? 0
lawatlas_business_statewide integer [0-1] Does the requirement apply statewide? 0
lawatlas_rest_restrict integer [0-1] Is there a restriction on restaurant operations? 0
lawatlas_service_type_takeout integer [0-1] What type of service is allowed? 0
lawatlas_service_type_delivery integer [0-1] What type of service is allowed? 0
lawatlas_service_type_limited_on_site_service integer [0-1] What type of service is allowed? 0
lawatlas_rest_statewide integer [0-1] Does the requirement apply statewide? 0
lawatlas_schools_requirement integer [0-1] Is there a requirement that schools close? 0
lawatlas_schools_type_private_elementary_schools integer [0-1] What type of schools are required to close? 0
lawatlas_schools_type_private_secondary_schools integer [0-1] What type of schools are required to close? 0
lawatlas_schools_type_public_elementary_schools integer [0-1] What type of schools are required to close? 0
lawatlas_schools_type_public_secondary_schools integer [0-1] What type of schools are required to close? 0
lawatlas_schools_type_colleges_and_universities integer [0-1] What type of schools are required to close? 0
lawatlas_schools_type_technical_schools integer [0-1] What type of schools are required to close? 0
lawatlas_schools_type_type_of_school_not_specified integer [0-1] What type of schools are required to close? 0
lawatlas_schools_statewide integer [0-1] Does the requirement apply statewide? 0
lawatlas_gathering_ban integer [0-1] Is there a ban on gatherings? 0
lawatlas_gathering_type integer [0-17] What size gatherings are banned? See codebook for more information. 0
lawatlas_gathering_statewide integer [0-1] Does the requirement apply statewide? 0
lawatlas_med_restrict integer [0-1] Is there a restriction on medical procedures? 0
lawatlas_med_except_delay_would_threaten_patients_health integer [0-1] What procedures are allowed under the restriction? 0
lawatlas_med_except_delay_would_threaten_patients_life integer [0-1] What procedures are allowed under the restriction? 0
lawatlas_med_except_procedure_needed_to_treat_emergency integer [0-1] What procedures are allowed under the restriction? 0
lawatlas_med_except_procedure_does_not_deplete_hospital_capacity integer [0-1] What procedures are allowed under the restriction? 0
lawatlas_med_except_procedure_does_not_deplete_personal_protective_equipment integer [0-1] What procedures are allowed under the restriction? 0
lawatlas_med_except_family_planning_services integer [0-1] What procedures are allowed under the restriction? 0
lawatlas_med_except_no_exception_specified integer [0-1] What procedures are allowed under the restriction? 0
lawatlas_abortion_essential_new integer [0-1] Are abortion services permitted under the restriction? 0
lawatlas_med_statewide integer [0-1] Does the requirement apply statewide? 0
lawatlas_correct_requirement integer [0-1] Is there a requirement regarding the operations of correctional facilities? 0
lawatlas_correct_facility_all_state_facilities integer [0-1] To what type of facility does the requirement apply? 0
lawatlas_correct_facility_all_department_of_corrections_facilities integer [0-1] To what type of facility does the requirement apply? 0
lawatlas_correct_facility_all_county_jails integer [0-1] To what type of facility does the requirement apply? 0
lawatlas_correct_facility_juvenile_detention_centers integer [0-1] To what type of facility does the requirement apply? 0
lawatlas_correct_type_intakes_suspended integer [0-1] What type of requirement exists? 0
lawatlas_correct_type_duty_to_receive_prisoners_suspended integer [0-1] What type of requirement exists? 0
lawatlas_correct_type_transfers_to_custody_suspended integer [0-1] What type of requirement exists? 0
lawatlas_correct_type_release_of_inmates integer [0-1] What type of requirement exists? 0
lawatlas_correct_type_rules_regarding_inmate_release_suspended integer [0-1] What type of requirement exists? 0
lawatlas_correct_type_release_notice_suspended integer [0-1] What type of requirement exists? 0
lawatlas_correct_type_cease_in_person_parole_hearings integer [0-1] What type of requirement exists? 0
lawatlas_correct_type_develop_process_for_virtual_parole_hearings integer [0-1] What type of requirement exists? 0
lawatlas_correct_type_visitation_suspended integer [0-1] What type of requirement exists? 0
lawatlas_correct_statewide integer [0-1] Does the requirement apply statewide? 0
lawatlas_state_preempt integer [0-1] Does the state explicitly preempt local regulation of social distancing? 0
lawatlas_action_preempt_imposing_additional_social_distancing_limitations_on_essential_business integer [0-1] What local measures are preempted by state action? 0
lawatlas_action_preempt_imposing_additional_restrictions_on_public_spaces integer [0-1] What local measures are preempted by state action? 0
lawatlas_action_preempt_restricting_scope_of_services_of_an_essential_business integer [0-1] What local measures are preempted by state action? 0
lawatlas_action_preempt_expanding_the_definition_of_non-essential_business integer [0-1] What local measures are preempted by state action? 0
lawatlas_action_preempt_restricting_the_hours_of_operation_of_an_essential_business integer [0-1] What local measures are preempted by state action? 0
lawatlas_action_preempt_imposing_restrictions_that_conflict_with_state_order integer [0-1] What local measures are preempted by state action? 0
lawatlas_action_preempt_restricting_the_performance_of_an_essential_function integer [0-1] What local measures are preempted by state action? 0
lawatlas_action_preempt_restricting_people_from_leaving_home integer [0-1] What local measures are preempted by state action? 0
lawatlas_action_preempt_restricting_the_operations_of_schools integer [0-1] What local measures are preempted by state action? 0
lawatlas_action_preempt_imposing_gathering_bans integer [0-1] What local measures are preempted by state action? 0
lawatlas_local_allow integer [0-1] Does the state explicitly allow local authorities to impose additional requirements? 0

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Emergency declarations and mitigation policies LawAtlas CC BY