Aspect Oriented Programming is used to separate business logic from cross-cutting functionality.
- Logging & Tracing
- User right check
- Transaction Management
- Security
- Translations
- Exception handling
- Caching
- Tweaking a legacy application
- Performance Monitoring
- Custom Business Rules
- ...
- Regular classes
- AspectJ
- @Before
- @Around
- @After
- @AfterReturning
- @AfterThrowing
- Target object: the object receiving advice by one or more aspects
- Introduction: Introduces additional fields or methods for a given class (additional interfaces)
- AOP Proxy: Object created by the AOP framework, to add aspects in execution
- JDK Dynamic Proxy: Standard mechanism of proxy creation
- CGLib: Code generation library proxy
- Weaving: The operation of program transformation that applies the aspect to the target object
We can find more examples here.
When an interface of the object is present:
Spring AOP will use the JDK Dynamic Proxy mechanism
Both the original class and the proxy will have the interface implemented.
When no interface is present:
Spring AOP will the CGLib mechanism
The proxy class will inherit from the original class. The original class can't be final!