- Interface: Repository
- Interface: CrudRepository
- Interface: PagingAndSortingRepository
- Interface: MongoRepository
- Interface: MyCustomRepository (Our own abstraction using IoC)
@Query("{'aircraft.nbSeats' : {$gte: ?0}}")
List<FlightInformation> findByMinAircraftNbSeats(int i);
In mongo, denormalized data in a single document is optimal. We should always try to minimize relationships between documents.
Relating documents:
- Manual: Saving the '_id' of a document in another document
- DBRefs: Link documents together by using the '_id' field, collection name and database name
- Can link documents across collections or different databases
- To resolve DBRefs, the application must perform additional queries
- Cascading is not supported
DBRef formats:
- $ref
- $id
- $db
"_id": ObjectId("37291b08-9591-4db7-912a-c7ed37cc7ed3"),
"name": "SomeName",
"cap": 666,
"engine": {
"$ref": "engines",
"$id": ObjectId("73535742-5097-4a14-ac93-c4a623c5d395"),
"$db": "atm" // Optional
The order of the formats matters!!! DBRefs are not 'smart'.
public class Aircraft {
private String id;
private String name;
private Integer cap;
private Engine engine;