Mongo BSON (= Binary JSON):
- Database
- Collections (<> Tables)
- Documents (<> Rows)
- Fields (<> Columns)
- Id (<> Primary Key)
- @Document
- @Id
- @Field
- @Transient - Not persisted
- @Indexed - To speed up lookups
- @TextIndexed
- @CompoundIndex
- @DbRef - To join tables
- Mongo server IP
- Mongo server port
- Database name
- Credentials
- Without indexes
- Collection scan, each document is evaluated
- Slow searches
- Fast inserts & updates
- With indexes
- Does not scan every document in collection
- Fast searches
- Slow inserts & updates
- is / ne (is, not equals)
- lt / lte (less than, less tha, equals)
- gt / gte (greater than, greater than equals)
- in (value in list)
- exists (has value)
- regex (fits pattern)
Persisting a Document
- Create collection if it doesn't exist
- Generate ID if not present
- Save single document atomically
Single Document transactions:
An operation on a single document is atomic. Because relationships are embedded in a single document, this mostly eliminates the need for multi-document transactions.
Multi-Document transactions:
For situations that require atomicity to multiple documents (in single or multiple collections), Mongo 4+ supports multi document transactions. However, we should avoid this where possible.
- Insert has batch operation support. (e.g.: insertAll(List<>))
Save can also insert, but we should use it only to update.
- Save completely overwrites the original document if the id already exists, never just one field.
- Save does not have batch operation support.
- Update only affects the fields defined in the update definition, not the whole document.
- Update has batch operation support.
Deleting documents:
- Single
- Multi
- All
Is a feature used for mapping all Java types to/from DBObjects when storing or retrieving these objects.
Custom converter:
- Create write converter
- Create read converter
- Register converters as a Spring bean