- Users did not write the API
- Answer questions
- Know what is available and how to use
- Helps your API get used
- Identify changes when updated
Unmaintained documentation is worse than no documentation at all.
Swagger is generated from source code and thus always up to date:
- Less errors
- Quick an Easy
Open API Specification is a standard for RESTful APIs.
Json description of the API
Displays API information in a human readable format. It also provides a rest client to use and test the API.
We can find more tools for API design, testing and deployment here.
- Generates Swagger from Spring Project
- Uses Spring and Swagger annotations
- Good default values for documentation
public class ApplicationSwaggerConfig {
public Docket employeeApi() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
- Description
- Required
- Value
- Notes
JSR-303 Annotations Support shows required for @NotNull annotations etc...