Get all sentences for a given language, de-duplicate and then create an index over all sorted sentences.
- De-duplicated lists of sorted sentences are available from the OPUS storage
- Sentence and word counts are in the files ending on
install pre-requisites (on puhti):
module load perl
cpanm MCDB_File
Create index database for a specific language, for example German:
make LANGUAGE=de all
This takes all monolingual corpus files from OPUS (need to be in the local OPUSNLPL path) in the selected language (de in the example above), de-duplicates and merges all of them and puts them into a database file (de.sent2id.db
in the example above). This database provides a lookup table for all sentences as key and a unique ID as value.
To run this on puhti as a SLURM job:
make LANGUAGE=de job-puhti
There is also a script to create DB files for looking up sentences in a selected language (e.g. German) by their index. You can create them by running
make de.id2sent.db
Testing the lookup function is possible by running the
./ de.id2sent.db 10000 5
This will print 5 sentences starting with index 10000. The index arguments are optional and default is starting at index 100 and printing 10 sentences.
Ready-made index files and de-duplicated data sets are available from allas. Download links are listed in index.txt.
The plain text files with de-duplicated sentences can also directly be used by the Berkeley RECNO database. For testing this, you need to unpack the *.dedup.gz
of your choice and run
in the same way as the other test script.
gunzip de.dedup.gz
./ de.id2sent.db 10000 5
- based on
- Perl interface:
- python interface for mcdb:
alternative: cdb (but there is a 4gb file limit - so, doesn't work for big corpora)