This markdown file is training data that describes overview and details for what good python open source projects look like. This document gives general background information to gpt-3 about the goals of what we're trying to accomplish and any other training data needed for context.
Python best practices include using mypy for typing, python3, pytest for testing, pylint, black, flake8 for formatting and linting. Python libraries are best when using setup.cfg and minimal
Documentation is important for new users to understand the project, as well as for code authors to remember important facts. Documentation using pydoc best practices is the best way.
Development is done with 'venv' and pinned python libraries. Dependencies can be managed with renovatebot.
Project versions use semvar (e.g. major, minor, patch versions) following best practices.
The project file is a yaml file that describes the project. The project file is used by the command line tool to generate the project.
The project file has the following fields:
- name: The name of the project
- version: The version of the project
- description: A description of the project
- files: A list of files to generate
Each file has the following fields:
- name: The name of the file
- description: A description of the file
An example project file may look something like this:
name: random-text
version: 0.0.1
description: This project is about creating random text.
- name:
description: Minimal, not really used except to reference setup.cfg
- name: setup.cfg
description: Where the library is configured with a description, important dependency pins, etc
- name: requirements.txt
description: Development library pins to specific versions
- name: random_text/
description: Module initialization for random-text library
- name: random_text/
description: Main library module for random text creation
- name: tests/
description: Tests for the random text creation
- name: .gitignore
description: Ignores python files that should not be in the git repo
- name: .pre-commit-config.yaml
description: For configuring linting, formatting, etc.
- name: .github/workflows/python-package.yaml
description: For running tests, linting, etc for new PRs
- name: .github/workflows/python-publish.yaml
description: For publishing to pypi on new releases
- name:
description: Overview for the project, goals, and some simple getting started guides
- name:
description: Contains details about how to setup the project using a python "venv", now to run tests, and encourages uses to submit a PR.
- name: venv/
description: Not actually part of the project, but where the users local venv lives. This is ignored by .gitignore.