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Direct Upload Server

Running the server

Download and build Direct-Upload server

To run Direct-Upload server container, first clone the Direct-Upload repository and build docker image:

git clone
cd direct-upload
docker build -t direct-upload .

Before running actual Direct-Upload server container run following command to get basic usage help:

docker run --rm --name direct-upload direct-upload -h

Output will show available Direct-Upload commands and flags:

  direct-upload [command]

Available Commands:
  auth        Manage user authentication.
  help        Help about any command
  server      Start Tella Direct Upload Server

  -h, --help         help for direct-upload
  -r, --rpc string   address for rpc server to bind to (default "")
  -v, --verbose      make logging more talkative

Use "direct-upload [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Command server starts the server, with following options:

Start Tella Direct Upload Server

  direct-upload server [flags]

  -a, --address string    address for server to bind to (default ":8080")
  -c, --cert string       certificate file, ie. ./fullcert.pem
  -d, --database string   direct-upload database file (default "./direct-upload.db")
  -f, --files string      path where direct-upload server stores uploaded files
  -h, --help              help for server
  -k, --key string        private key file, ie. ./key.pem

Global Flags:
  -r, --rpc string   address for rpc server to bind to (default "")
  -v, --verbose      make logging more talkative

To run container with started Direct-Upload server daemon inside with default parameters and with SSL enabled, run the following command:

docker run -d -v /opt/data/:/data -p 443:8080 --name direct-upload \
  direct-upload server -c /data/fullchain.pem -k /data/privkey.pem

File docker-config.yml that is copied to the container during Docker build step contains a server's default options. Flags -c and -k for enabling HTTPS are optional but are highly recommended as protocol uses HTTP Basic authentication for user authentication. Direct-Upload server inside container is using /data mount volume and that is where all data should reside.

To check server logs, run following command:

docker logs -f --tail=100 direct-upload

After successful server start, users using the service needs to be provided using auth command in the running container. To get help on the auth command run following command while direct-upload container is running:

docker exec -it direct-upload direct-upload auth --help

Command will print usage help:

Manage user authentication.

  direct-upload auth [command]

Available Commands:
  add         Add user authentication if doesn't already exists. Will prompt for password.
  backup      Backup auth database.
  del         Delete user authentication.
  list        List usernames.
  passwd      Change user authentication. Will prompt for password.

  -h, --help   help for auth

Global Flags:
  -r, --rpc string   address for rpc server to bind to (default "")
  -v, --verbose      make logging more talkative

Use "direct-upload auth [command] --help" for more information about a command.

To start using server, lets create user:

docker exec -it direct-upload direct-upload auth add <username>

To list available usernames:

docker exec -it direct-upload direct-upload auth list

Server allows for changing user password, removing user and backing up user database.


For any request sent to the server, the client is required to authenticate using HTTP Basic auth. For any request server will reply with 401 status on bad credentials or with status 400 if username is not valid. Valid username start with letter, number or underscore character and can contain letters, numbers and _-.@ characters.

Getting file information

At any time client can issue HTTP HEAD request and get current file information from the server.

HEAD /<file> HTTP/1.1
authorization: Basic <base64_auth>

Server will reply with current file size in content-length header. If file is unknown to the server, it will reply with zero length.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: <file size>

Uploading file data

At any time client can append data to the files on Direct-Upload server using HTTP PUT requests.

PUT /<file> HTTP/1.1
authorization: Basic <base64_auth>
content-length: <upload_length>
content-type: <uplod_media_type>


Upload requests can be repeated and the client needs to check the current size on the server using HEAD request. For any error reported by Direct-Upload server, the client needs to repeat HEAD request to get accurate offset to start upload from.

Closing file

After upload of data is complete without errors the client must close the file on Direct-Upload server. The server will deny any further PUT appending on closed files with 409 status.

POST /<file> HTTP/1.1
authorization: Basic <base64_auth>
content-length: 0