diff --git a/package-dist/Button.d.ts b/package-dist/Button.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index dc2e8b5..0000000 --- a/package-dist/Button.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -import * as React from 'react'; -export interface ButtonProps { - /** - * Is this the principal call to action on the page? - */ - primary?: boolean; - /** - * What background color to use - */ - backgroundColor?: string; - /** - * How large should the button be? - */ - size?: 'small' | 'medium' | 'large'; - /** - * Button contents - */ - label: string; - /** - * Optional click handler - */ - onClick?: () => void; -} -/** - * Primary UI component for user interaction - */ -export declare const Button: React.FC; diff --git a/package-dist/ChatInput.d.ts b/package-dist/ChatInput.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 0b72a73..0000000 --- a/package-dist/ChatInput.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -import { InputRef } from 'antd'; -import { LegacyRef } from 'react'; -import * as React from "react"; -export interface ChatInputProps { - inputRef?: LegacyRef | null; - placeholder?: string; - userQuery: string; - setUserQuery: React.Dispatch>; - handleSendMessage: () => void; - isFollowupDisabled?: boolean; -} -export declare const ChatInput: React.FC; diff --git a/package-dist/Header.d.ts b/package-dist/Header.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 52717c3..0000000 --- a/package-dist/Header.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -import { default as React } from 'react'; - -type User = { - name: string; -}; -export interface HeaderProps { - user?: User; - onLogin?: () => void; - onLogout?: () => void; - onCreateAccount?: () => void; -} -export declare const Header: React.FC; -export {}; diff --git a/package-dist/Page.d.ts b/package-dist/Page.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 5d2b785..0000000 --- a/package-dist/Page.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -import { default as React } from 'react'; - -export declare const Page: React.FC; diff --git a/package-dist/TextInput.d.ts b/package-dist/TextInput.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 9a46aa3..0000000 --- a/package-dist/TextInput.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -import { ChangeEvent } from 'react'; - -export interface TextInputProps { - size?: number; - value: string; - placeholder: string; - onChange?: (e: ChangeEvent) => void; -} -/** - * Primary UI component for user interaction - */ -export declare const TextInput: ({ placeholder, value, onChange, ...props }: TextInputProps) => import("react/jsx-runtime").JSX.Element; diff --git a/package-dist/index.css b/package-dist/index.css deleted file mode 100644 index 8513357..0000000 --- a/package-dist/index.css +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -.storybook-button{font-family:Nunito Sans,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:700;border:0;border-radius:3em;cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;line-height:1}.storybook-button--primary{color:#fff;background-color:#1ea7fd}.storybook-button--secondary{color:#333;background-color:transparent;box-shadow:#00000026 0 0 0 1px inset}.storybook-button--small{font-size:12px;padding:10px 16px}.storybook-button--medium{font-size:14px;padding:11px 20px}.storybook-button--large{font-size:16px;padding:12px 24px} diff --git a/package-dist/index.d.ts b/package-dist/index.d.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 8e6d478..0000000 --- a/package-dist/index.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -export { Button } from './Button'; -export { ChatInput } from './ChatInput'; -export type { ChatInputProps } from './ChatInput'; diff --git a/package-dist/ui-gallery.es.js b/package-dist/ui-gallery.es.js deleted file mode 100644 index ee517a6..0000000 --- a/package-dist/ui-gallery.es.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,18898 +0,0 @@ -import * as u from "react"; -import q, { createContext as kn, forwardRef as Vr, useContext as Ht, version as yv, isValidElement as Sv, useRef as Be, useLayoutEffect as Cv, useEffect as yt, useMemo as Yr, useState as bt, Children as Ev, createRef as xv, useCallback as Gr, useImperativeHandle as No, cloneElement as wv } from "react"; -import * as $v from "react-dom"; -import vl, { createPortal as Ov, unstable_batchedUpdates as Rv, flushSync as Pv } from "react-dom"; -function vu(e) { - return e && e.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, "default") ? e.default : e; -} -var Ii = { exports: {} }, ta = {}; -/** - * @license React - * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var gl; -function _v() { - if (gl) return ta; - gl = 1; - var e = q, t = Symbol.for("react.element"), r = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), n = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, a = e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner, o = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 }; - function i(s, l, c) { - var d, f = {}, v = null, m = null; - c !== void 0 && (v = "" + c), l.key !== void 0 && (v = "" + l.key), l.ref !== void 0 && (m = l.ref); - for (d in l) n.call(l, d) && !o.hasOwnProperty(d) && (f[d] = l[d]); - if (s && s.defaultProps) for (d in l = s.defaultProps, l) f[d] === void 0 && (f[d] = l[d]); - return { $$typeof: t, type: s, key: v, ref: m, props: f, _owner: a.current }; - } - return ta.Fragment = r, ta.jsx = i, ta.jsxs = i, ta; -} -var ra = {}; -/** - * @license React - * react-jsx-runtime.development.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var ml; -function Tv() { - return ml || (ml = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() { - var e = q, t = Symbol.for("react.element"), r = Symbol.for("react.portal"), n = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), a = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), o = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), i = Symbol.for("react.provider"), s = Symbol.for("react.context"), l = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), c = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), d = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), f = Symbol.for("react.memo"), v = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), m = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"), b = Symbol.iterator, p = "@@iterator"; - function g(P) { - if (P === null || typeof P != "object") - return null; - var H = b && P[b] || P[p]; - return typeof H == "function" ? H : null; - } - var S = e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; - function h(P) { - { - for (var H = arguments.length, U = new Array(H > 1 ? H - 1 : 0), oe = 1; oe < H; oe++) - U[oe - 1] = arguments[oe]; - y("error", P, U); - } - } - function y(P, H, U) { - { - var oe = S.ReactDebugCurrentFrame, Ne = oe.getStackAddendum(); - Ne !== "" && (H += "%s", U = U.concat([Ne])); - var Oe = U.map(function(Ie) { - return String(Ie); - }); - Oe.unshift("Warning: " + H), Function.prototype.apply.call(console[P], console, Oe); - } - } - var E = !1, C = !1, O = !1, R = !1, w = !1, $; - $ = Symbol.for("react.module.reference"); - function A(P) { - return !!(typeof P == "string" || typeof P == "function" || P === n || P === o || w || P === a || P === c || P === d || R || P === m || E || C || O || typeof P == "object" && P !== null && (P.$$typeof === v || P.$$typeof === f || P.$$typeof === i || P.$$typeof === s || P.$$typeof === l || // This needs to include all possible module reference object - // types supported by any Flight configuration anywhere since - // we don't know which Flight build this will end up being used - // with. - P.$$typeof === $ || P.getModuleId !== void 0)); - } - function F(P, H, U) { - var oe = P.displayName; - if (oe) - return oe; - var Ne = H.displayName || H.name || ""; - return Ne !== "" ? U + "(" + Ne + ")" : U; - } - function M(P) { - return P.displayName || "Context"; - } - function I(P) { - if (P == null) - return null; - if (typeof P.tag == "number" && h("Received an unexpected object in getComponentNameFromType(). This is likely a bug in React. Please file an issue."), typeof P == "function") - return P.displayName || P.name || null; - if (typeof P == "string") - return P; - switch (P) { - case n: - return "Fragment"; - case r: - return "Portal"; - case o: - return "Profiler"; - case a: - return "StrictMode"; - case c: - return "Suspense"; - case d: - return "SuspenseList"; - } - if (typeof P == "object") - switch (P.$$typeof) { - case s: - var H = P; - return M(H) + ".Consumer"; - case i: - var U = P; - return M(U._context) + ".Provider"; - case l: - return F(P, P.render, "ForwardRef"); - case f: - var oe = P.displayName || null; - return oe !== null ? oe : I(P.type) || "Memo"; - case v: { - var Ne = P, Oe = Ne._payload, Ie = Ne._init; - try { - return I(Ie(Oe)); - } catch { - return null; - } - } - } - return null; - } - var T = Object.assign, k = 0, N, x, _, z, L, B, X; - function W() { - } - W.__reactDisabledLog = !0; - function G() { - { - if (k === 0) { - N = console.log, x = console.info, _ = console.warn, z = console.error, L = console.group, B = console.groupCollapsed, X = console.groupEnd; - var P = { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - value: W, - writable: !0 - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - info: P, - log: P, - warn: P, - error: P, - group: P, - groupCollapsed: P, - groupEnd: P - }); - } - k++; - } - } - function Q() { - { - if (k--, k === 0) { - var P = { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - writable: !0 - }; - Object.defineProperties(console, { - log: T({}, P, { - value: N - }), - info: T({}, P, { - value: x - }), - warn: T({}, P, { - value: _ - }), - error: T({}, P, { - value: z - }), - group: T({}, P, { - value: L - }), - groupCollapsed: T({}, P, { - value: B - }), - groupEnd: T({}, P, { - value: X - }) - }); - } - k < 0 && h("disabledDepth fell below zero. This is a bug in React. Please file an issue."); - } - } - var Y = S.ReactCurrentDispatcher, J; - function ne(P, H, U) { - { - if (J === void 0) - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (Ne) { - var oe = Ne.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); - J = oe && oe[1] || ""; - } - return ` -` + J + P; - } - } - var se = !1, xe; - { - var de = typeof WeakMap == "function" ? WeakMap : Map; - xe = new de(); - } - function ue(P, H) { - if (!P || se) - return ""; - { - var U = xe.get(P); - if (U !== void 0) - return U; - } - var oe; - se = !0; - var Ne = Error.prepareStackTrace; - Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0; - var Oe; - Oe = Y.current, Y.current = null, G(); - try { - if (H) { - var Ie = function() { - throw Error(); - }; - if (Object.defineProperty(Ie.prototype, "props", { - set: function() { - throw Error(); - } - }), typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect.construct) { - try { - Reflect.construct(Ie, []); - } catch (ut) { - oe = ut; - } - Reflect.construct(P, [], Ie); - } else { - try { - Ie.call(); - } catch (ut) { - oe = ut; - } - P.call(Ie.prototype); - } - } else { - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (ut) { - oe = ut; - } - P(); - } - } catch (ut) { - if (ut && oe && typeof ut.stack == "string") { - for (var Me = ut.stack.split(` -`), ct = oe.stack.split(` -`), Ze = Me.length - 1, Ve = ct.length - 1; Ze >= 1 && Ve >= 0 && Me[Ze] !== ct[Ve]; ) - Ve--; - for (; Ze >= 1 && Ve >= 0; Ze--, Ve--) - if (Me[Ze] !== ct[Ve]) { - if (Ze !== 1 || Ve !== 1) - do - if (Ze--, Ve--, Ve < 0 || Me[Ze] !== ct[Ve]) { - var $t = ` -` + Me[Ze].replace(" at new ", " at "); - return P.displayName && $t.includes("") && ($t = $t.replace("", P.displayName)), typeof P == "function" && xe.set(P, $t), $t; - } - while (Ze >= 1 && Ve >= 0); - break; - } - } - } finally { - se = !1, Y.current = Oe, Q(), Error.prepareStackTrace = Ne; - } - var Kt = P ? P.displayName || P.name : "", Vt = Kt ? ne(Kt) : ""; - return typeof P == "function" && xe.set(P, Vt), Vt; - } - function Ce(P, H, U) { - return ue(P, !1); - } - function V(P) { - var H = P.prototype; - return !!(H && H.isReactComponent); - } - function le(P, H, U) { - if (P == null) - return ""; - if (typeof P == "function") - return ue(P, V(P)); - if (typeof P == "string") - return ne(P); - switch (P) { - case c: - return ne("Suspense"); - case d: - return ne("SuspenseList"); - } - if (typeof P == "object") - switch (P.$$typeof) { - case l: - return Ce(P.render); - case f: - return le(P.type, H, U); - case v: { - var oe = P, Ne = oe._payload, Oe = oe._init; - try { - return le(Oe(Ne), H, U); - } catch { - } - } - } - return ""; - } - var fe = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, Re = {}, me = S.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - function ae(P) { - if (P) { - var H = P._owner, U = le(P.type, P._source, H ? H.type : null); - me.setExtraStackFrame(U); - } else - me.setExtraStackFrame(null); - } - function te(P, H, U, oe, Ne) { - { - var Oe = Function.call.bind(fe); - for (var Ie in P) - if (Oe(P, Ie)) { - var Me = void 0; - try { - if (typeof P[Ie] != "function") { - var ct = Error((oe || "React class") + ": " + U + " type `" + Ie + "` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `" + typeof P[Ie] + "`.This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`."); - throw ct.name = "Invariant Violation", ct; - } - Me = P[Ie](H, Ie, oe, U, null, "SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED"); - } catch (Ze) { - Me = Ze; - } - Me && !(Me instanceof Error) && (ae(Ne), h("%s: type specification of %s `%s` is invalid; the type checker function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument).", oe || "React class", U, Ie, typeof Me), ae(null)), Me instanceof Error && !(Me.message in Re) && (Re[Me.message] = !0, ae(Ne), h("Failed %s type: %s", U, Me.message), ae(null)); - } - } - } - var re = Array.isArray; - function be(P) { - return re(P); - } - function ye(P) { - { - var H = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.toStringTag, U = H && P[Symbol.toStringTag] || P.constructor.name || "Object"; - return U; - } - } - function ge(P) { - try { - return Pe(P), !1; - } catch { - return !0; - } - } - function Pe(P) { - return "" + P; - } - function ve(P) { - if (ge(P)) - return h("The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.", ye(P)), Pe(P); - } - var vt = S.ReactCurrentOwner, it = { - key: !0, - ref: !0, - __self: !0, - __source: !0 - }, $e, we, je; - je = {}; - function ze(P) { - if (fe.call(P, "ref")) { - var H = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(P, "ref").get; - if (H && H.isReactWarning) - return !1; - } - return P.ref !== void 0; - } - function gt(P) { - if (fe.call(P, "key")) { - var H = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(P, "key").get; - if (H && H.isReactWarning) - return !1; - } - return P.key !== void 0; - } - function mt(P, H) { - if (typeof P.ref == "string" && vt.current && H && vt.current.stateNode !== H) { - var U = I(vt.current.type); - je[U] || (h('Component "%s" contains the string ref "%s". Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. Learn more about using refs safely here: https://reactjs.org/link/strict-mode-string-ref', I(vt.current.type), P.ref), je[U] = !0); - } - } - function wt(P, H) { - { - var U = function() { - $e || ($e = !0, h("%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)", H)); - }; - U.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(P, "key", { - get: U, - configurable: !0 - }); - } - } - function et(P, H) { - { - var U = function() { - we || (we = !0, h("%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)", H)); - }; - U.isReactWarning = !0, Object.defineProperty(P, "ref", { - get: U, - configurable: !0 - }); - } - } - var Le = function(P, H, U, oe, Ne, Oe, Ie) { - var Me = { - // This tag allows us to uniquely identify this as a React Element - $$typeof: t, - // Built-in properties that belong on the element - type: P, - key: H, - ref: U, - props: Ie, - // Record the component responsible for creating this element. - _owner: Oe - }; - return Me._store = {}, Object.defineProperty(Me._store, "validated", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !0, - value: !1 - }), Object.defineProperty(Me, "_self", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !1, - value: oe - }), Object.defineProperty(Me, "_source", { - configurable: !1, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !1, - value: Ne - }), Object.freeze && (Object.freeze(Me.props), Object.freeze(Me)), Me; - }; - function ie(P, H, U, oe, Ne) { - { - var Oe, Ie = {}, Me = null, ct = null; - U !== void 0 && (ve(U), Me = "" + U), gt(H) && (ve(H.key), Me = "" + H.key), ze(H) && (ct = H.ref, mt(H, Ne)); - for (Oe in H) - fe.call(H, Oe) && !it.hasOwnProperty(Oe) && (Ie[Oe] = H[Oe]); - if (P && P.defaultProps) { - var Ze = P.defaultProps; - for (Oe in Ze) - Ie[Oe] === void 0 && (Ie[Oe] = Ze[Oe]); - } - if (Me || ct) { - var Ve = typeof P == "function" ? P.displayName || P.name || "Unknown" : P; - Me && wt(Ie, Ve), ct && et(Ie, Ve); - } - return Le(P, Me, ct, Ne, oe, vt.current, Ie); - } - } - var Ee = S.ReactCurrentOwner, qe = S.ReactDebugCurrentFrame; - function Qe(P) { - if (P) { - var H = P._owner, U = le(P.type, P._source, H ? H.type : null); - qe.setExtraStackFrame(U); - } else - qe.setExtraStackFrame(null); - } - var St; - St = !1; - function ot(P) { - return typeof P == "object" && P !== null && P.$$typeof === t; - } - function He() { - { - if (Ee.current) { - var P = I(Ee.current.type); - if (P) - return ` - -Check the render method of \`` + P + "`."; - } - return ""; - } - } - function ke(P) { - return ""; - } - var De = {}; - function Te(P) { - { - var H = He(); - if (!H) { - var U = typeof P == "string" ? P : P.displayName || P.name; - U && (H = ` - -Check the top-level render call using <` + U + ">."); - } - return H; - } - } - function pe(P, H) { - { - if (!P._store || P._store.validated || P.key != null) - return; - P._store.validated = !0; - var U = Te(H); - if (De[U]) - return; - De[U] = !0; - var oe = ""; - P && P._owner && P._owner !== Ee.current && (oe = " It was passed a child from " + I(P._owner.type) + "."), Qe(P), h('Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See https://reactjs.org/link/warning-keys for more information.', U, oe), Qe(null); - } - } - function Ge(P, H) { - { - if (typeof P != "object") - return; - if (be(P)) - for (var U = 0; U < P.length; U++) { - var oe = P[U]; - ot(oe) && pe(oe, H); - } - else if (ot(P)) - P._store && (P._store.validated = !0); - else if (P) { - var Ne = g(P); - if (typeof Ne == "function" && Ne !== P.entries) - for (var Oe = Ne.call(P), Ie; !(Ie = Oe.next()).done; ) - ot(Ie.value) && pe(Ie.value, H); - } - } - } - function pt(P) { - { - var H = P.type; - if (H == null || typeof H == "string") - return; - var U; - if (typeof H == "function") - U = H.propTypes; - else if (typeof H == "object" && (H.$$typeof === l || // Note: Memo only checks outer props here. - // Inner props are checked in the reconciler. - H.$$typeof === f)) - U = H.propTypes; - else - return; - if (U) { - var oe = I(H); - te(U, P.props, "prop", oe, P); - } else if (H.PropTypes !== void 0 && !St) { - St = !0; - var Ne = I(H); - h("Component %s declared `PropTypes` instead of `propTypes`. Did you misspell the property assignment?", Ne || "Unknown"); - } - typeof H.getDefaultProps == "function" && !H.getDefaultProps.isReactClassApproved && h("getDefaultProps is only used on classic React.createClass definitions. Use a static property named `defaultProps` instead."); - } - } - function We(P) { - { - for (var H = Object.keys(P.props), U = 0; U < H.length; U++) { - var oe = H[U]; - if (oe !== "children" && oe !== "key") { - Qe(P), h("Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `React.Fragment`. React.Fragment can only have `key` and `children` props.", oe), Qe(null); - break; - } - } - P.ref !== null && (Qe(P), h("Invalid attribute `ref` supplied to `React.Fragment`."), Qe(null)); - } - } - var Ke = {}; - function rt(P, H, U, oe, Ne, Oe) { - { - var Ie = A(P); - if (!Ie) { - var Me = ""; - (P === void 0 || typeof P == "object" && P !== null && Object.keys(P).length === 0) && (Me += " You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports."); - var ct = ke(); - ct ? Me += ct : Me += He(); - var Ze; - P === null ? Ze = "null" : be(P) ? Ze = "array" : P !== void 0 && P.$$typeof === t ? (Ze = "<" + (I(P.type) || "Unknown") + " />", Me = " Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?") : Ze = typeof P, h("React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s", Ze, Me); - } - var Ve = ie(P, H, U, Ne, Oe); - if (Ve == null) - return Ve; - if (Ie) { - var $t = H.children; - if ($t !== void 0) - if (oe) - if (be($t)) { - for (var Kt = 0; Kt < $t.length; Kt++) - Ge($t[Kt], P); - Object.freeze && Object.freeze($t); - } else - h("React.jsx: Static children should always be an array. You are likely explicitly calling React.jsxs or React.jsxDEV. Use the Babel transform instead."); - else - Ge($t, P); - } - if (fe.call(H, "key")) { - var Vt = I(P), ut = Object.keys(H).filter(function(Ut) { - return Ut !== "key"; - }), Er = ut.length > 0 ? "{key: someKey, " + ut.join(": ..., ") + ": ...}" : "{key: someKey}"; - if (!Ke[Vt + Er]) { - var Br = ut.length > 0 ? "{" + ut.join(": ..., ") + ": ...}" : "{}"; - h(`A props object containing a "key" prop is being spread into JSX: - let props = %s; - <%s {...props} /> -React keys must be passed directly to JSX without using spread: - let props = %s; - <%s key={someKey} {...props} />`, Er, Vt, Br, Vt), Ke[Vt + Er] = !0; - } - } - return P === n ? We(Ve) : pt(Ve), Ve; - } - } - function ht(P, H, U) { - return rt(P, H, U, !0); - } - function _t(P, H, U) { - return rt(P, H, U, !1); - } - var zt = _t, Wt = ht; - ra.Fragment = n, ra.jsx = zt, ra.jsxs = Wt; - }()), ra; -} -process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? Ii.exports = _v() : Ii.exports = Tv(); -var lr = Ii.exports; -const ZE = ({ - primary: e = !1, - size: t = "medium", - backgroundColor: r, - label: n, - ...a -}) => { - const o = e ? "storybook-button--primary" : "storybook-button--secondary"; - return /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsx( - "button", - { - type: "button", - className: ["storybook-button", `storybook-button--${t}`, o].join(" "), - style: { backgroundColor: r }, - ...a, - children: n - } - ); -}, Nv = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ - [ - "bold", - /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(q.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("path", { d: "M230.14,25.86a20,20,0,0,0-19.57-5.11l-.22.07L18.44,79a20,20,0,0,0-3.06,37.25L99,157l40.71,83.65a19.81,19.81,0,0,0,18,11.38c.57,0,1.15,0,1.73-.07A19.82,19.82,0,0,0,177,237.56L235.18,45.65a1.42,1.42,0,0,0,.07-.22A20,20,0,0,0,230.14,25.86ZM156.91,221.07l-34.37-70.64,46-45.95a12,12,0,0,0-17-17l-46,46L34.93,99.09,210,46Z" })) - ], - [ - "duotone", - /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(q.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement( - "path", - { - d: "M223.69,42.18l-58.22,192a8,8,0,0,1-14.92,1.25L108,148,20.58,105.45a8,8,0,0,1,1.25-14.92l192-58.22A8,8,0,0,1,223.69,42.18Z", - opacity: "0.2" - } - ), /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("path", { d: "M227.32,28.68a16,16,0,0,0-15.66-4.08l-.15,0L19.57,82.84a16,16,0,0,0-2.49,29.8L102,154l41.3,84.87A15.86,15.86,0,0,0,157.74,248q.69,0,1.38-.06a15.88,15.88,0,0,0,14-11.51l58.2-191.94c0-.05,0-.1,0-.15A16,16,0,0,0,227.32,28.68ZM157.83,231.85l-.05.14,0-.07-40.06-82.3,48-48a8,8,0,0,0-11.31-11.31l-48,48L24.08,98.25l-.07,0,.14,0L216,40Z" })) - ], - [ - "fill", - /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(q.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("path", { d: "M231.4,44.34s0,.1,0,.15l-58.2,191.94a15.88,15.88,0,0,1-14,11.51q-.69.06-1.38.06a15.86,15.86,0,0,1-14.42-9.15L107,164.15a4,4,0,0,1,.77-4.58l57.92-57.92a8,8,0,0,0-11.31-11.31L96.43,148.26a4,4,0,0,1-4.58.77L17.08,112.64a16,16,0,0,1,2.49-29.8l191.94-58.2.15,0A16,16,0,0,1,231.4,44.34Z" })) - ], - [ - "light", - /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(q.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("path", { d: "M225.88,30.12a13.83,13.83,0,0,0-13.7-3.58l-.11,0L20.14,84.77A14,14,0,0,0,18,110.85l85.56,41.64L145.12,238a13.87,13.87,0,0,0,12.61,8c.4,0,.81,0,1.21-.05a13.9,13.9,0,0,0,12.29-10.09l58.2-191.93,0-.11A13.83,13.83,0,0,0,225.88,30.12Zm-8,10.4L159.73,232.43l0,.11a2,2,0,0,1-3.76.26l-40.68-83.58,49-49a6,6,0,1,0-8.49-8.49l-49,49L23.15,100a2,2,0,0,1,.31-3.74l.11,0L215.48,38.08a1.94,1.94,0,0,1,1.92.52A2,2,0,0,1,217.92,40.52Z" })) - ], - [ - "regular", - /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(q.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("path", { d: "M227.32,28.68a16,16,0,0,0-15.66-4.08l-.15,0L19.57,82.84a16,16,0,0,0-2.49,29.8L102,154l41.3,84.87A15.86,15.86,0,0,0,157.74,248q.69,0,1.38-.06a15.88,15.88,0,0,0,14-11.51l58.2-191.94c0-.05,0-.1,0-.15A16,16,0,0,0,227.32,28.68ZM157.83,231.85l-.05.14,0-.07-40.06-82.3,48-48a8,8,0,0,0-11.31-11.31l-48,48L24.08,98.25l-.07,0,.14,0L216,40Z" })) - ], - [ - "thin", - /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(q.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("path", { d: "M224.47,31.52a11.87,11.87,0,0,0-11.82-3L20.74,86.67a12,12,0,0,0-1.91,22.38L105,151l41.92,86.15A11.88,11.88,0,0,0,157.74,244c.34,0,.69,0,1,0a11.89,11.89,0,0,0,10.52-8.63l58.21-192,0-.08A11.85,11.85,0,0,0,224.47,31.52Zm-4.62,9.54-58.23,192a4,4,0,0,1-7.48.59l-41.3-84.86,50-50a4,4,0,1,0-5.66-5.66l-50,50-84.9-41.31a3.88,3.88,0,0,1-2.27-4,3.93,3.93,0,0,1,3-3.54L214.9,36.16A3.93,3.93,0,0,1,216,36a4,4,0,0,1,2.79,1.19A3.93,3.93,0,0,1,219.85,41.06Z" })) - ] -]), Iv = kn({ - color: "currentColor", - size: "1em", - weight: "regular", - mirrored: !1 -}); -var Mv = Object.defineProperty, yo = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, gu = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, mu = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, pl = (e, t, r) => t in e ? Mv(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: r }) : e[t] = r, hl = (e, t) => { - for (var r in t || (t = {})) - gu.call(t, r) && pl(e, r, t[r]); - if (yo) - for (var r of yo(t)) - mu.call(t, r) && pl(e, r, t[r]); - return e; -}, bl = (e, t) => { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) - gu.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && yo) - for (var n of yo(e)) - t.indexOf(n) < 0 && mu.call(e, n) && (r[n] = e[n]); - return r; -}; -const pu = Vr((e, t) => { - const r = e, { - alt: n, - color: a, - size: o, - weight: i, - mirrored: s, - children: l, - weights: c - } = r, d = bl(r, [ - "alt", - "color", - "size", - "weight", - "mirrored", - "children", - "weights" - ]), f = Ht(Iv), { - color: v = "currentColor", - size: m, - weight: b = "regular", - mirrored: p = !1 - } = f, g = bl(f, [ - "color", - "size", - "weight", - "mirrored" - ]); - return /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement( - "svg", - hl(hl({ - ref: t, - xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", - width: o ?? m, - height: o ?? m, - fill: a ?? v, - viewBox: "0 0 256 256", - transform: s || p ? "scale(-1, 1)" : void 0 - }, g), d), - !!n && /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("title", null, n), - l, - c.get(i ?? b) - ); -}); -pu.displayName = "IconBase"; -const Av = pu; -var jv = Object.defineProperty, Fv = Object.defineProperties, Lv = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors, yl = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, Dv = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, zv = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, Sl = (e, t, r) => t in e ? jv(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: r }) : e[t] = r, Vv = (e, t) => { - for (var r in t || (t = {})) - Dv.call(t, r) && Sl(e, r, t[r]); - if (yl) - for (var r of yl(t)) - zv.call(t, r) && Sl(e, r, t[r]); - return e; -}, Bv = (e, t) => Fv(e, Lv(t)); -const hu = Vr((e, t) => /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(Av, Bv(Vv({ ref: t }, e), { weights: Nv }))); -hu.displayName = "PaperPlaneTilt"; -var bu = { exports: {} }; -/*! - Copyright (c) 2018 Jed Watson. - Licensed under the MIT License (MIT), see - http://jedwatson.github.io/classnames -*/ -(function(e) { - (function() { - var t = {}.hasOwnProperty; - function r() { - for (var o = "", i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { - var s = arguments[i]; - s && (o = a(o, n(s))); - } - return o; - } - function n(o) { - if (typeof o == "string" || typeof o == "number") - return o; - if (typeof o != "object") - return ""; - if (Array.isArray(o)) - return r.apply(null, o); - if (o.toString !== Object.prototype.toString && !o.toString.toString().includes("[native code]")) - return o.toString(); - var i = ""; - for (var s in o) - t.call(o, s) && o[s] && (i = a(i, s)); - return i; - } - function a(o, i) { - return i ? o ? o + " " + i : o + i : o; - } - e.exports ? (r.default = r, e.exports = r) : window.classNames = r; - })(); -})(bu); -var kv = bu.exports; -const Z = /* @__PURE__ */ vu(kv); -function _e() { - return _e = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { - for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { - var r = arguments[t]; - for (var n in r) ({}).hasOwnProperty.call(r, n) && (e[n] = r[n]); - } - return e; - }, _e.apply(null, arguments); -} -var Mi = { exports: {} }, nt = {}; -/** - * @license React - * react-is.production.min.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var Cl; -function Hv() { - if (Cl) return nt; - Cl = 1; - var e = Symbol.for("react.element"), t = Symbol.for("react.portal"), r = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), n = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), a = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), o = Symbol.for("react.provider"), i = Symbol.for("react.context"), s = Symbol.for("react.server_context"), l = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), c = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), d = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), f = Symbol.for("react.memo"), v = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), m = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"), b; - b = Symbol.for("react.module.reference"); - function p(g) { - if (typeof g == "object" && g !== null) { - var S = g.$$typeof; - switch (S) { - case e: - switch (g = g.type, g) { - case r: - case a: - case n: - case c: - case d: - return g; - default: - switch (g = g && g.$$typeof, g) { - case s: - case i: - case l: - case v: - case f: - case o: - return g; - default: - return S; - } - } - case t: - return S; - } - } - } - return nt.ContextConsumer = i, nt.ContextProvider = o, nt.Element = e, nt.ForwardRef = l, nt.Fragment = r, nt.Lazy = v, nt.Memo = f, nt.Portal = t, nt.Profiler = a, nt.StrictMode = n, nt.Suspense = c, nt.SuspenseList = d, nt.isAsyncMode = function() { - return !1; - }, nt.isConcurrentMode = function() { - return !1; - }, nt.isContextConsumer = function(g) { - return p(g) === i; - }, nt.isContextProvider = function(g) { - return p(g) === o; - }, nt.isElement = function(g) { - return typeof g == "object" && g !== null && g.$$typeof === e; - }, nt.isForwardRef = function(g) { - return p(g) === l; - }, nt.isFragment = function(g) { - return p(g) === r; - }, nt.isLazy = function(g) { - return p(g) === v; - }, nt.isMemo = function(g) { - return p(g) === f; - }, nt.isPortal = function(g) { - return p(g) === t; - }, nt.isProfiler = function(g) { - return p(g) === a; - }, nt.isStrictMode = function(g) { - return p(g) === n; - }, nt.isSuspense = function(g) { - return p(g) === c; - }, nt.isSuspenseList = function(g) { - return p(g) === d; - }, nt.isValidElementType = function(g) { - return typeof g == "string" || typeof g == "function" || g === r || g === a || g === n || g === c || g === d || g === m || typeof g == "object" && g !== null && (g.$$typeof === v || g.$$typeof === f || g.$$typeof === o || g.$$typeof === i || g.$$typeof === l || g.$$typeof === b || g.getModuleId !== void 0); - }, nt.typeOf = p, nt; -} -var at = {}; -/** - * @license React - * react-is.development.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */ -var El; -function Wv() { - return El || (El = 1, process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && function() { - var e = Symbol.for("react.element"), t = Symbol.for("react.portal"), r = Symbol.for("react.fragment"), n = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"), a = Symbol.for("react.profiler"), o = Symbol.for("react.provider"), i = Symbol.for("react.context"), s = Symbol.for("react.server_context"), l = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"), c = Symbol.for("react.suspense"), d = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"), f = Symbol.for("react.memo"), v = Symbol.for("react.lazy"), m = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"), b = !1, p = !1, g = !1, S = !1, h = !1, y; - y = Symbol.for("react.module.reference"); - function E(V) { - return !!(typeof V == "string" || typeof V == "function" || V === r || V === a || h || V === n || V === c || V === d || S || V === m || b || p || g || typeof V == "object" && V !== null && (V.$$typeof === v || V.$$typeof === f || V.$$typeof === o || V.$$typeof === i || V.$$typeof === l || // This needs to include all possible module reference object - // types supported by any Flight configuration anywhere since - // we don't know which Flight build this will end up being used - // with. - V.$$typeof === y || V.getModuleId !== void 0)); - } - function C(V) { - if (typeof V == "object" && V !== null) { - var le = V.$$typeof; - switch (le) { - case e: - var fe = V.type; - switch (fe) { - case r: - case a: - case n: - case c: - case d: - return fe; - default: - var Re = fe && fe.$$typeof; - switch (Re) { - case s: - case i: - case l: - case v: - case f: - case o: - return Re; - default: - return le; - } - } - case t: - return le; - } - } - } - var O = i, R = o, w = e, $ = l, A = r, F = v, M = f, I = t, T = a, k = n, N = c, x = d, _ = !1, z = !1; - function L(V) { - return _ || (_ = !0, console.warn("The ReactIs.isAsyncMode() alias has been deprecated, and will be removed in React 18+.")), !1; - } - function B(V) { - return z || (z = !0, console.warn("The ReactIs.isConcurrentMode() alias has been deprecated, and will be removed in React 18+.")), !1; - } - function X(V) { - return C(V) === i; - } - function W(V) { - return C(V) === o; - } - function G(V) { - return typeof V == "object" && V !== null && V.$$typeof === e; - } - function Q(V) { - return C(V) === l; - } - function Y(V) { - return C(V) === r; - } - function J(V) { - return C(V) === v; - } - function ne(V) { - return C(V) === f; - } - function se(V) { - return C(V) === t; - } - function xe(V) { - return C(V) === a; - } - function de(V) { - return C(V) === n; - } - function ue(V) { - return C(V) === c; - } - function Ce(V) { - return C(V) === d; - } - at.ContextConsumer = O, at.ContextProvider = R, at.Element = w, at.ForwardRef = $, at.Fragment = A, at.Lazy = F, at.Memo = M, at.Portal = I, at.Profiler = T, at.StrictMode = k, at.Suspense = N, at.SuspenseList = x, at.isAsyncMode = L, at.isConcurrentMode = B, at.isContextConsumer = X, at.isContextProvider = W, at.isElement = G, at.isForwardRef = Q, at.isFragment = Y, at.isLazy = J, at.isMemo = ne, at.isPortal = se, at.isProfiler = xe, at.isStrictMode = de, at.isSuspense = ue, at.isSuspenseList = Ce, at.isValidElementType = E, at.typeOf = C; - }()), at; -} -process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? Mi.exports = Hv() : Mi.exports = Wv(); -var da = Mi.exports; -function Zr(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, r = []; - return q.Children.forEach(e, function(n) { - n == null && !t.keepEmpty || (Array.isArray(n) ? r = r.concat(Zr(n)) : da.isFragment(n) && n.props ? r = r.concat(Zr(n.props.children, t)) : r.push(n)); - }), r; -} -var Ai = {}, Ns = [], Kv = function(t) { - Ns.push(t); -}; -function Mn(e, t) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !e && console !== void 0) { - var r = Ns.reduce(function(n, a) { - return a(n ?? "", "warning"); - }, t); - r && console.error("Warning: ".concat(r)); - } -} -function Uv(e, t) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !e && console !== void 0) { - var r = Ns.reduce(function(n, a) { - return a(n ?? "", "note"); - }, t); - r && console.warn("Note: ".concat(r)); - } -} -function yu() { - Ai = {}; -} -function Su(e, t, r) { - !t && !Ai[r] && (e(!1, r), Ai[r] = !0); -} -function tt(e, t) { - Su(Mn, e, t); -} -function Gv(e, t) { - Su(Uv, e, t); -} -tt.preMessage = Kv; -tt.resetWarned = yu; -tt.noteOnce = Gv; -function Ae(e) { - "@babel/helpers - typeof"; - return Ae = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(t) { - return typeof t; - } : function(t) { - return t && typeof Symbol == "function" && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t; - }, Ae(e); -} -function qv(e, t) { - if (Ae(e) != "object" || !e) return e; - var r = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; - if (r !== void 0) { - var n = r.call(e, t || "default"); - if (Ae(n) != "object") return n; - throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); - } - return (t === "string" ? String : Number)(e); -} -function Cu(e) { - var t = qv(e, "string"); - return Ae(t) == "symbol" ? t : t + ""; -} -function j(e, t, r) { - return (t = Cu(t)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { - value: r, - enumerable: !0, - configurable: !0, - writable: !0 - }) : e[t] = r, e; -} -function xl(e, t) { - var r = Object.keys(e); - if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { - var n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); - t && (n = n.filter(function(a) { - return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, a).enumerable; - })), r.push.apply(r, n); - } - return r; -} -function D(e) { - for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { - var r = arguments[t] != null ? arguments[t] : {}; - t % 2 ? xl(Object(r), !0).forEach(function(n) { - j(e, n, r[n]); - }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r)) : xl(Object(r)).forEach(function(n) { - Object.defineProperty(e, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, n)); - }); - } - return e; -} -function pa(e) { - return e instanceof HTMLElement || e instanceof SVGElement; -} -function Xv(e) { - return e && Ae(e) === "object" && pa(e.nativeElement) ? e.nativeElement : pa(e) ? e : null; -} -function so(e) { - var t = Xv(e); - if (t) - return t; - if (e instanceof q.Component) { - var r; - return (r = vl.findDOMNode) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.call(vl, e); - } - return null; -} -function Io(e, t, r) { - var n = u.useRef({}); - return (!("value" in n.current) || r(n.current.condition, t)) && (n.current.value = e(), n.current.condition = t), n.current.value; -} -var Is = function(t, r) { - typeof t == "function" ? t(r) : Ae(t) === "object" && t && "current" in t && (t.current = r); -}, Pr = function() { - for (var t = arguments.length, r = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++) - r[n] = arguments[n]; - var a = r.filter(Boolean); - return a.length <= 1 ? a[0] : function(o) { - r.forEach(function(i) { - Is(i, o); - }); - }; -}, Na = function() { - for (var t = arguments.length, r = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++) - r[n] = arguments[n]; - return Io(function() { - return Pr.apply(void 0, r); - }, r, function(a, o) { - return a.length !== o.length || a.every(function(i, s) { - return i !== o[s]; - }); - }); -}, dn = function(t) { - var r, n, a = da.isMemo(t) ? t.type.type : t.type; - return !(typeof a == "function" && !((r = a.prototype) !== null && r !== void 0 && r.render) && a.$$typeof !== da.ForwardRef || typeof t == "function" && !((n = t.prototype) !== null && n !== void 0 && n.render) && t.$$typeof !== da.ForwardRef); -}; -function wl(e) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ Sv(e) && !da.isFragment(e); -} -Number(yv.split(".")[0]) >= 19; -var ji = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(null); -function Yv(e) { - var t = e.children, r = e.onBatchResize, n = u.useRef(0), a = u.useRef([]), o = u.useContext(ji), i = u.useCallback(function(s, l, c) { - n.current += 1; - var d = n.current; - a.current.push({ - size: s, - element: l, - data: c - }), Promise.resolve().then(function() { - d === n.current && (r == null || r(a.current), a.current = []); - }), o == null || o(s, l, c); - }, [r, o]); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ji.Provider, { - value: i - }, t); -} -var Eu = function() { - if (typeof Map < "u") - return Map; - function e(t, r) { - var n = -1; - return t.some(function(a, o) { - return a[0] === r ? (n = o, !0) : !1; - }), n; - } - return ( - /** @class */ - function() { - function t() { - this.__entries__ = []; - } - return Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "size", { - /** - * @returns {boolean} - */ - get: function() { - return this.__entries__.length; - }, - enumerable: !0, - configurable: !0 - }), t.prototype.get = function(r) { - var n = e(this.__entries__, r), a = this.__entries__[n]; - return a && a[1]; - }, t.prototype.set = function(r, n) { - var a = e(this.__entries__, r); - ~a ? this.__entries__[a][1] = n : this.__entries__.push([r, n]); - }, t.prototype.delete = function(r) { - var n = this.__entries__, a = e(n, r); - ~a && n.splice(a, 1); - }, t.prototype.has = function(r) { - return !!~e(this.__entries__, r); - }, t.prototype.clear = function() { - this.__entries__.splice(0); - }, t.prototype.forEach = function(r, n) { - n === void 0 && (n = null); - for (var a = 0, o = this.__entries__; a < o.length; a++) { - var i = o[a]; - r.call(n, i[1], i[0]); - } - }, t; - }() - ); -}(), Fi = typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u" && window.document === document, So = function() { - return typeof global < "u" && global.Math === Math ? global : typeof self < "u" && self.Math === Math ? self : typeof window < "u" && window.Math === Math ? window : Function("return this")(); -}(), Zv = function() { - return typeof requestAnimationFrame == "function" ? requestAnimationFrame.bind(So) : function(e) { - return setTimeout(function() { - return e(Date.now()); - }, 1e3 / 60); - }; -}(), Qv = 2; -function Jv(e, t) { - var r = !1, n = !1, a = 0; - function o() { - r && (r = !1, e()), n && s(); - } - function i() { - Zv(o); - } - function s() { - var l = Date.now(); - if (r) { - if (l - a < Qv) - return; - n = !0; - } else - r = !0, n = !1, setTimeout(i, t); - a = l; - } - return s; -} -var eg = 20, tg = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left", "width", "height", "size", "weight"], rg = typeof MutationObserver < "u", ng = ( - /** @class */ - function() { - function e() { - this.connected_ = !1, this.mutationEventsAdded_ = !1, this.mutationsObserver_ = null, this.observers_ = [], this.onTransitionEnd_ = this.onTransitionEnd_.bind(this), this.refresh = Jv(this.refresh.bind(this), eg); - } - return e.prototype.addObserver = function(t) { - ~this.observers_.indexOf(t) || this.observers_.push(t), this.connected_ || this.connect_(); - }, e.prototype.removeObserver = function(t) { - var r = this.observers_, n = r.indexOf(t); - ~n && r.splice(n, 1), !r.length && this.connected_ && this.disconnect_(); - }, e.prototype.refresh = function() { - var t = this.updateObservers_(); - t && this.refresh(); - }, e.prototype.updateObservers_ = function() { - var t = this.observers_.filter(function(r) { - return r.gatherActive(), r.hasActive(); - }); - return t.forEach(function(r) { - return r.broadcastActive(); - }), t.length > 0; - }, e.prototype.connect_ = function() { - !Fi || this.connected_ || (document.addEventListener("transitionend", this.onTransitionEnd_), window.addEventListener("resize", this.refresh), rg ? (this.mutationsObserver_ = new MutationObserver(this.refresh), this.mutationsObserver_.observe(document, { - attributes: !0, - childList: !0, - characterData: !0, - subtree: !0 - })) : (document.addEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", this.refresh), this.mutationEventsAdded_ = !0), this.connected_ = !0); - }, e.prototype.disconnect_ = function() { - !Fi || !this.connected_ || (document.removeEventListener("transitionend", this.onTransitionEnd_), window.removeEventListener("resize", this.refresh), this.mutationsObserver_ && this.mutationsObserver_.disconnect(), this.mutationEventsAdded_ && document.removeEventListener("DOMSubtreeModified", this.refresh), this.mutationsObserver_ = null, this.mutationEventsAdded_ = !1, this.connected_ = !1); - }, e.prototype.onTransitionEnd_ = function(t) { - var r = t.propertyName, n = r === void 0 ? "" : r, a = tg.some(function(o) { - return !!~n.indexOf(o); - }); - a && this.refresh(); - }, e.getInstance = function() { - return this.instance_ || (this.instance_ = new e()), this.instance_; - }, e.instance_ = null, e; - }() -), xu = function(e, t) { - for (var r = 0, n = Object.keys(t); r < n.length; r++) { - var a = n[r]; - Object.defineProperty(e, a, { - value: t[a], - enumerable: !1, - writable: !1, - configurable: !0 - }); - } - return e; -}, An = function(e) { - var t = e && e.ownerDocument && e.ownerDocument.defaultView; - return t || So; -}, wu = Mo(0, 0, 0, 0); -function Co(e) { - return parseFloat(e) || 0; -} -function $l(e) { - for (var t = [], r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) - t[r - 1] = arguments[r]; - return t.reduce(function(n, a) { - var o = e["border-" + a + "-width"]; - return n + Co(o); - }, 0); -} -function ag(e) { - for (var t = ["top", "right", "bottom", "left"], r = {}, n = 0, a = t; n < a.length; n++) { - var o = a[n], i = e["padding-" + o]; - r[o] = Co(i); - } - return r; -} -function og(e) { - var t = e.getBBox(); - return Mo(0, 0, t.width, t.height); -} -function ig(e) { - var t = e.clientWidth, r = e.clientHeight; - if (!t && !r) - return wu; - var n = An(e).getComputedStyle(e), a = ag(n), o = a.left + a.right, i = a.top + a.bottom, s = Co(n.width), l = Co(n.height); - if (n.boxSizing === "border-box" && (Math.round(s + o) !== t && (s -= $l(n, "left", "right") + o), Math.round(l + i) !== r && (l -= $l(n, "top", "bottom") + i)), !lg(e)) { - var c = Math.round(s + o) - t, d = Math.round(l + i) - r; - Math.abs(c) !== 1 && (s -= c), Math.abs(d) !== 1 && (l -= d); - } - return Mo(a.left, a.top, s, l); -} -var sg = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - return typeof SVGGraphicsElement < "u" ? function(e) { - return e instanceof An(e).SVGGraphicsElement; - } : function(e) { - return e instanceof An(e).SVGElement && typeof e.getBBox == "function"; - }; -}(); -function lg(e) { - return e === An(e).document.documentElement; -} -function cg(e) { - return Fi ? sg(e) ? og(e) : ig(e) : wu; -} -function ug(e) { - var t = e.x, r = e.y, n = e.width, a = e.height, o = typeof DOMRectReadOnly < "u" ? DOMRectReadOnly : Object, i = Object.create(o.prototype); - return xu(i, { - x: t, - y: r, - width: n, - height: a, - top: r, - right: t + n, - bottom: a + r, - left: t - }), i; -} -function Mo(e, t, r, n) { - return { x: e, y: t, width: r, height: n }; -} -var dg = ( - /** @class */ - function() { - function e(t) { - this.broadcastWidth = 0, this.broadcastHeight = 0, this.contentRect_ = Mo(0, 0, 0, 0), this.target = t; - } - return e.prototype.isActive = function() { - var t = cg(this.target); - return this.contentRect_ = t, t.width !== this.broadcastWidth || t.height !== this.broadcastHeight; - }, e.prototype.broadcastRect = function() { - var t = this.contentRect_; - return this.broadcastWidth = t.width, this.broadcastHeight = t.height, t; - }, e; - }() -), fg = ( - /** @class */ - /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - function e(t, r) { - var n = ug(r); - xu(this, { target: t, contentRect: n }); - } - return e; - }() -), vg = ( - /** @class */ - function() { - function e(t, r, n) { - if (this.activeObservations_ = [], this.observations_ = new Eu(), typeof t != "function") - throw new TypeError("The callback provided as parameter 1 is not a function."); - this.callback_ = t, this.controller_ = r, this.callbackCtx_ = n; - } - return e.prototype.observe = function(t) { - if (!arguments.length) - throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present."); - if (!(typeof Element > "u" || !(Element instanceof Object))) { - if (!(t instanceof An(t).Element)) - throw new TypeError('parameter 1 is not of type "Element".'); - var r = this.observations_; - r.has(t) || (r.set(t, new dg(t)), this.controller_.addObserver(this), this.controller_.refresh()); - } - }, e.prototype.unobserve = function(t) { - if (!arguments.length) - throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present."); - if (!(typeof Element > "u" || !(Element instanceof Object))) { - if (!(t instanceof An(t).Element)) - throw new TypeError('parameter 1 is not of type "Element".'); - var r = this.observations_; - r.has(t) && (r.delete(t), r.size || this.controller_.removeObserver(this)); - } - }, e.prototype.disconnect = function() { - this.clearActive(), this.observations_.clear(), this.controller_.removeObserver(this); - }, e.prototype.gatherActive = function() { - var t = this; - this.clearActive(), this.observations_.forEach(function(r) { - r.isActive() && t.activeObservations_.push(r); - }); - }, e.prototype.broadcastActive = function() { - if (this.hasActive()) { - var t = this.callbackCtx_, r = this.activeObservations_.map(function(n) { - return new fg(n.target, n.broadcastRect()); - }); - this.callback_.call(t, r, t), this.clearActive(); - } - }, e.prototype.clearActive = function() { - this.activeObservations_.splice(0); - }, e.prototype.hasActive = function() { - return this.activeObservations_.length > 0; - }, e; - }() -), $u = typeof WeakMap < "u" ? /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap() : new Eu(), Ou = ( - /** @class */ - /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - function e(t) { - if (!(this instanceof e)) - throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function."); - if (!arguments.length) - throw new TypeError("1 argument required, but only 0 present."); - var r = ng.getInstance(), n = new vg(t, r, this); - $u.set(this, n); - } - return e; - }() -); -[ - "observe", - "unobserve", - "disconnect" -].forEach(function(e) { - Ou.prototype[e] = function() { - var t; - return (t = $u.get(this))[e].apply(t, arguments); - }; -}); -var gg = function() { - return typeof So.ResizeObserver < "u" ? So.ResizeObserver : Ou; -}(), Fr = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); -function Ru(e) { - e.forEach(function(t) { - var r, n = t.target; - (r = Fr.get(n)) === null || r === void 0 || r.forEach(function(a) { - return a(n); - }); - }); -} -var Pu = new gg(Ru); -process.env.NODE_ENV; -process.env.NODE_ENV; -function mg(e, t) { - Fr.has(e) || (Fr.set(e, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), Pu.observe(e)), Fr.get(e).add(t); -} -function pg(e, t) { - Fr.has(e) && (Fr.get(e).delete(t), Fr.get(e).size || (Pu.unobserve(e), Fr.delete(e))); -} -function Lt(e, t) { - if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); -} -function Ol(e, t) { - for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { - var n = t[r]; - n.enumerable = n.enumerable || !1, n.configurable = !0, "value" in n && (n.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, Cu(n.key), n); - } -} -function Dt(e, t, r) { - return t && Ol(e.prototype, t), r && Ol(e, r), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { - writable: !1 - }), e; -} -function ha(e, t) { - return ha = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(r, n) { - return r.__proto__ = n, r; - }, ha(e, t); -} -function Qr(e, t) { - if (typeof t != "function" && t !== null) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); - e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { - constructor: { - value: e, - writable: !0, - configurable: !0 - } - }), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { - writable: !1 - }), t && ha(e, t); -} -function ba(e) { - return ba = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(t) { - return t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t); - }, ba(e); -} -function Ms() { - try { - var e = !Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], function() { - })); - } catch { - } - return (Ms = function() { - return !!e; - })(); -} -function Ue(e) { - if (e === void 0) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); - return e; -} -function hg(e, t) { - if (t && (Ae(t) == "object" || typeof t == "function")) return t; - if (t !== void 0) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); - return Ue(e); -} -function Jr(e) { - var t = Ms(); - return function() { - var r, n = ba(e); - if (t) { - var a = ba(this).constructor; - r = Reflect.construct(n, arguments, a); - } else r = n.apply(this, arguments); - return hg(this, r); - }; -} -var bg = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) { - Qr(r, e); - var t = Jr(r); - function r() { - return Lt(this, r), t.apply(this, arguments); - } - return Dt(r, [{ - key: "render", - value: function() { - return this.props.children; - } - }]), r; -}(u.Component); -function yg(e, t) { - var r = e.children, n = e.disabled, a = u.useRef(null), o = u.useRef(null), i = u.useContext(ji), s = typeof r == "function", l = s ? r(a) : r, c = u.useRef({ - width: -1, - height: -1, - offsetWidth: -1, - offsetHeight: -1 - }), d = !s && /* @__PURE__ */ u.isValidElement(l) && dn(l), f = d ? l.ref : null, v = Na(f, a), m = function() { - var S; - return so(a.current) || // Support `nativeElement` format - (a.current && Ae(a.current) === "object" ? so((S = a.current) === null || S === void 0 ? void 0 : S.nativeElement) : null) || so(o.current); - }; - u.useImperativeHandle(t, function() { - return m(); - }); - var b = u.useRef(e); - b.current = e; - var p = u.useCallback(function(g) { - var S = b.current, h = S.onResize, y = S.data, E = g.getBoundingClientRect(), C = E.width, O = E.height, R = g.offsetWidth, w = g.offsetHeight, $ = Math.floor(C), A = Math.floor(O); - if (c.current.width !== $ || c.current.height !== A || c.current.offsetWidth !== R || c.current.offsetHeight !== w) { - var F = { - width: $, - height: A, - offsetWidth: R, - offsetHeight: w - }; - c.current = F; - var M = R === Math.round(C) ? C : R, I = w === Math.round(O) ? O : w, T = D(D({}, F), {}, { - offsetWidth: M, - offsetHeight: I - }); - i == null || i(T, g, y), h && Promise.resolve().then(function() { - h(T, g); - }); - } - }, []); - return u.useEffect(function() { - var g = m(); - return g && !n && mg(g, p), function() { - return pg(g, p); - }; - }, [a.current, n]), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(bg, { - ref: o - }, d ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.cloneElement(l, { - ref: v - }) : l); -} -var _u = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(yg); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (_u.displayName = "SingleObserver"); -var Sg = "rc-observer-key"; -function Cg(e, t) { - var r = e.children, n = typeof r == "function" ? [r] : Zr(r); - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (n.length > 1 ? Mn(!1, "Find more than one child node with `children` in ResizeObserver. Please use ResizeObserver.Collection instead.") : n.length === 0 && Mn(!1, "`children` of ResizeObserver is empty. Nothing is in observe.")), n.map(function(a, o) { - var i = (a == null ? void 0 : a.key) || "".concat(Sg, "-").concat(o); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(_u, _e({}, e, { - key: i, - ref: o === 0 ? t : void 0 - }), a); - }); -} -var hr = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(Cg); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (hr.displayName = "ResizeObserver"); -hr.Collection = Yv; -function Cr(e, t) { - var r = Object.assign({}, e); - return Array.isArray(t) && t.forEach(function(n) { - delete r[n]; - }), r; -} -function Li(e, t) { - (t == null || t > e.length) && (t = e.length); - for (var r = 0, n = Array(t); r < t; r++) n[r] = e[r]; - return n; -} -function Eg(e) { - if (Array.isArray(e)) return Li(e); -} -function Tu(e) { - if (typeof Symbol < "u" && e[Symbol.iterator] != null || e["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(e); -} -function As(e, t) { - if (e) { - if (typeof e == "string") return Li(e, t); - var r = {}.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); - return r === "Object" && e.constructor && (r = e.constructor.name), r === "Map" || r === "Set" ? Array.from(e) : r === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r) ? Li(e, t) : void 0; - } -} -function xg() { - throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance. -In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`); -} -function he(e) { - return Eg(e) || Tu(e) || As(e) || xg(); -} -var Nu = function(t) { - return +setTimeout(t, 16); -}, Iu = function(t) { - return clearTimeout(t); -}; -typeof window < "u" && "requestAnimationFrame" in window && (Nu = function(t) { - return window.requestAnimationFrame(t); -}, Iu = function(t) { - return window.cancelAnimationFrame(t); -}); -var Rl = 0, Ao = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); -function Mu(e) { - Ao.delete(e); -} -var Nt = function(t) { - var r = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 1; - Rl += 1; - var n = Rl; - function a(o) { - if (o === 0) - Mu(n), t(); - else { - var i = Nu(function() { - a(o - 1); - }); - Ao.set(n, i); - } - } - return a(r), n; -}; -Nt.cancel = function(e) { - var t = Ao.get(e); - return Mu(e), Iu(t); -}; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Nt.ids = function() { - return Ao; -}); -function Au(e) { - if (Array.isArray(e)) return e; -} -function wg(e, t) { - var r = e == null ? null : typeof Symbol < "u" && e[Symbol.iterator] || e["@@iterator"]; - if (r != null) { - var n, a, o, i, s = [], l = !0, c = !1; - try { - if (o = (r = r.call(e)).next, t === 0) { - if (Object(r) !== r) return; - l = !1; - } else for (; !(l = (n = o.call(r)).done) && (s.push(n.value), s.length !== t); l = !0) ; - } catch (d) { - c = !0, a = d; - } finally { - try { - if (!l && r.return != null && (i = r.return(), Object(i) !== i)) return; - } finally { - if (c) throw a; - } - } - return s; - } -} -function ju() { - throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance. -In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`); -} -function K(e, t) { - return Au(e) || wg(e, t) || As(e, t) || ju(); -} -function ya(e) { - for (var t = 0, r, n = 0, a = e.length; a >= 4; ++n, a -= 4) - r = e.charCodeAt(n) & 255 | (e.charCodeAt(++n) & 255) << 8 | (e.charCodeAt(++n) & 255) << 16 | (e.charCodeAt(++n) & 255) << 24, r = /* Math.imul(k, m): */ - (r & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((r >>> 16) * 59797 << 16), r ^= /* k >>> r: */ - r >>> 24, t = /* Math.imul(k, m): */ - (r & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((r >>> 16) * 59797 << 16) ^ /* Math.imul(h, m): */ - (t & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((t >>> 16) * 59797 << 16); - switch (a) { - case 3: - t ^= (e.charCodeAt(n + 2) & 255) << 16; - case 2: - t ^= (e.charCodeAt(n + 1) & 255) << 8; - case 1: - t ^= e.charCodeAt(n) & 255, t = /* Math.imul(h, m): */ - (t & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((t >>> 16) * 59797 << 16); - } - return t ^= t >>> 13, t = /* Math.imul(h, m): */ - (t & 65535) * 1540483477 + ((t >>> 16) * 59797 << 16), ((t ^ t >>> 15) >>> 0).toString(36); -} -function Xt() { - return !!(typeof window < "u" && window.document && window.document.createElement); -} -function $g(e, t) { - if (!e) - return !1; - if (e.contains) - return e.contains(t); - for (var r = t; r; ) { - if (r === e) - return !0; - r = r.parentNode; - } - return !1; -} -var Pl = "data-rc-order", _l = "data-rc-priority", Og = "rc-util-key", Di = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); -function Fu() { - var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}, t = e.mark; - return t ? t.startsWith("data-") ? t : "data-".concat(t) : Og; -} -function jo(e) { - if (e.attachTo) - return e.attachTo; - var t = document.querySelector("head"); - return t || document.body; -} -function Rg(e) { - return e === "queue" ? "prependQueue" : e ? "prepend" : "append"; -} -function js(e) { - return Array.from((Di.get(e) || e).children).filter(function(t) { - return t.tagName === "STYLE"; - }); -} -function Lu(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}; - if (!Xt()) - return null; - var r = t.csp, n = t.prepend, a = t.priority, o = a === void 0 ? 0 : a, i = Rg(n), s = i === "prependQueue", l = document.createElement("style"); - l.setAttribute(Pl, i), s && o && l.setAttribute(_l, "".concat(o)), r != null && r.nonce && (l.nonce = r == null ? void 0 : r.nonce), l.innerHTML = e; - var c = jo(t), d = c.firstChild; - if (n) { - if (s) { - var f = (t.styles || js(c)).filter(function(v) { - if (!["prepend", "prependQueue"].includes(v.getAttribute(Pl))) - return !1; - var m = Number(v.getAttribute(_l) || 0); - return o >= m; - }); - if (f.length) - return c.insertBefore(l, f[f.length - 1].nextSibling), l; - } - c.insertBefore(l, d); - } else - c.appendChild(l); - return l; -} -function Du(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, r = jo(t); - return (t.styles || js(r)).find(function(n) { - return n.getAttribute(Fu(t)) === e; - }); -} -function Sa(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, r = Du(e, t); - if (r) { - var n = jo(t); - n.removeChild(r); - } -} -function Pg(e, t) { - var r = Di.get(e); - if (!r || !$g(document, r)) { - var n = Lu("", t), a = n.parentNode; - Di.set(e, a), e.removeChild(n); - } -} -function Lr(e, t) { - var r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {}, n = jo(r), a = js(n), o = D(D({}, r), {}, { - styles: a - }); - Pg(n, o); - var i = Du(t, o); - if (i) { - var s, l; - if ((s = o.csp) !== null && s !== void 0 && s.nonce && i.nonce !== ((l = o.csp) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.nonce)) { - var c; - i.nonce = (c = o.csp) === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.nonce; - } - return i.innerHTML !== e && (i.innerHTML = e), i; - } - var d = Lu(e, o); - return d.setAttribute(Fu(o), t), d; -} -function _g(e, t) { - if (e == null) return {}; - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n)) { - if (t.indexOf(n) >= 0) continue; - r[n] = e[n]; - } - return r; -} -function Ye(e, t) { - if (e == null) return {}; - var r, n, a = _g(e, t); - if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { - var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); - for (n = 0; n < o.length; n++) r = o[n], t.indexOf(r) >= 0 || {}.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, r) && (a[r] = e[r]); - } - return a; -} -function Ca(e, t) { - var r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : !1, n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - function a(o, i) { - var s = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : 1, l = n.has(o); - if (tt(!l, "Warning: There may be circular references"), l) - return !1; - if (o === i) - return !0; - if (r && s > 1) - return !1; - n.add(o); - var c = s + 1; - if (Array.isArray(o)) { - if (!Array.isArray(i) || o.length !== i.length) - return !1; - for (var d = 0; d < o.length; d++) - if (!a(o[d], i[d], c)) - return !1; - return !0; - } - if (o && i && Ae(o) === "object" && Ae(i) === "object") { - var f = Object.keys(o); - return f.length !== Object.keys(i).length ? !1 : f.every(function(v) { - return a(o[v], i[v], c); - }); - } - return !1; - } - return a(e, t); -} -var Tg = "%"; -function zi(e) { - return e.join(Tg); -} -var Ng = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - function e(t) { - Lt(this, e), j(this, "instanceId", void 0), j(this, "cache", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), this.instanceId = t; - } - return Dt(e, [{ - key: "get", - value: function(r) { - return this.opGet(zi(r)); - } - /** A fast get cache with `get` concat. */ - }, { - key: "opGet", - value: function(r) { - return this.cache.get(r) || null; - } - }, { - key: "update", - value: function(r, n) { - return this.opUpdate(zi(r), n); - } - /** A fast get cache with `get` concat. */ - }, { - key: "opUpdate", - value: function(r, n) { - var a = this.cache.get(r), o = n(a); - o === null ? this.cache.delete(r) : this.cache.set(r, o); - } - }]), e; -}(), jn = "data-token-hash", br = "data-css-hash", Ig = "data-cache-path", qr = "__cssinjs_instance__"; -function Mg() { - var e = Math.random().toString(12).slice(2); - if (typeof document < "u" && document.head && document.body) { - var t = document.body.querySelectorAll("style[".concat(br, "]")) || [], r = document.head.firstChild; - Array.from(t).forEach(function(a) { - a[qr] = a[qr] || e, a[qr] === e && document.head.insertBefore(a, r); - }); - var n = {}; - Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("style[".concat(br, "]"))).forEach(function(a) { - var o = a.getAttribute(br); - if (n[o]) { - if (a[qr] === e) { - var i; - (i = a.parentNode) === null || i === void 0 || i.removeChild(a); - } - } else - n[o] = !0; - }); - } - return new Ng(e); -} -var Fo = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext({ - hashPriority: "low", - cache: Mg(), - defaultCache: !0 -}), zu = /* @__PURE__ */ Dt(function e() { - Lt(this, e); -}), Vu = "CALC_UNIT", Ag = new RegExp(Vu, "g"); -function ri(e) { - return typeof e == "number" ? "".concat(e).concat(Vu) : e; -} -var jg = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) { - Qr(r, e); - var t = Jr(r); - function r(n, a) { - var o; - Lt(this, r), o = t.call(this), j(Ue(o), "result", ""), j(Ue(o), "unitlessCssVar", void 0), j(Ue(o), "lowPriority", void 0); - var i = Ae(n); - return o.unitlessCssVar = a, n instanceof r ? o.result = "(".concat(n.result, ")") : i === "number" ? o.result = ri(n) : i === "string" && (o.result = n), o; - } - return Dt(r, [{ - key: "add", - value: function(a) { - return a instanceof r ? this.result = "".concat(this.result, " + ").concat(a.getResult()) : (typeof a == "number" || typeof a == "string") && (this.result = "".concat(this.result, " + ").concat(ri(a))), this.lowPriority = !0, this; - } - }, { - key: "sub", - value: function(a) { - return a instanceof r ? this.result = "".concat(this.result, " - ").concat(a.getResult()) : (typeof a == "number" || typeof a == "string") && (this.result = "".concat(this.result, " - ").concat(ri(a))), this.lowPriority = !0, this; - } - }, { - key: "mul", - value: function(a) { - return this.lowPriority && (this.result = "(".concat(this.result, ")")), a instanceof r ? this.result = "".concat(this.result, " * ").concat(a.getResult(!0)) : (typeof a == "number" || typeof a == "string") && (this.result = "".concat(this.result, " * ").concat(a)), this.lowPriority = !1, this; - } - }, { - key: "div", - value: function(a) { - return this.lowPriority && (this.result = "(".concat(this.result, ")")), a instanceof r ? this.result = "".concat(this.result, " / ").concat(a.getResult(!0)) : (typeof a == "number" || typeof a == "string") && (this.result = "".concat(this.result, " / ").concat(a)), this.lowPriority = !1, this; - } - }, { - key: "getResult", - value: function(a) { - return this.lowPriority || a ? "(".concat(this.result, ")") : this.result; - } - }, { - key: "equal", - value: function(a) { - var o = this, i = a || {}, s = i.unit, l = !0; - return typeof s == "boolean" ? l = s : Array.from(this.unitlessCssVar).some(function(c) { - return o.result.includes(c); - }) && (l = !1), this.result = this.result.replace(Ag, l ? "px" : ""), typeof this.lowPriority < "u" ? "calc(".concat(this.result, ")") : this.result; - } - }]), r; -}(zu), Fg = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) { - Qr(r, e); - var t = Jr(r); - function r(n) { - var a; - return Lt(this, r), a = t.call(this), j(Ue(a), "result", 0), n instanceof r ? a.result = n.result : typeof n == "number" && (a.result = n), a; - } - return Dt(r, [{ - key: "add", - value: function(a) { - return a instanceof r ? this.result += a.result : typeof a == "number" && (this.result += a), this; - } - }, { - key: "sub", - value: function(a) { - return a instanceof r ? this.result -= a.result : typeof a == "number" && (this.result -= a), this; - } - }, { - key: "mul", - value: function(a) { - return a instanceof r ? this.result *= a.result : typeof a == "number" && (this.result *= a), this; - } - }, { - key: "div", - value: function(a) { - return a instanceof r ? this.result /= a.result : typeof a == "number" && (this.result /= a), this; - } - }, { - key: "equal", - value: function() { - return this.result; - } - }]), r; -}(zu), Lg = function(t, r) { - var n = t === "css" ? jg : Fg; - return function(a) { - return new n(a, r); - }; -}; -function Dg(e, t) { - if (e.length !== t.length) - return !1; - for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) - if (e[r] !== t[r]) - return !1; - return !0; -} -var Fs = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - function e() { - Lt(this, e), j(this, "cache", void 0), j(this, "keys", void 0), j(this, "cacheCallTimes", void 0), this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.keys = [], this.cacheCallTimes = 0; - } - return Dt(e, [{ - key: "size", - value: function() { - return this.keys.length; - } - }, { - key: "internalGet", - value: function(r) { - var n, a, o = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !1, i = { - map: this.cache - }; - return r.forEach(function(s) { - if (!i) - i = void 0; - else { - var l; - i = (l = i) === null || l === void 0 || (l = l.map) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.get(s); - } - }), (n = i) !== null && n !== void 0 && n.value && o && (i.value[1] = this.cacheCallTimes++), (a = i) === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.value; - } - }, { - key: "get", - value: function(r) { - var n; - return (n = this.internalGet(r, !0)) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n[0]; - } - }, { - key: "has", - value: function(r) { - return !!this.internalGet(r); - } - }, { - key: "set", - value: function(r, n) { - var a = this; - if (!this.has(r)) { - if (this.size() + 1 > e.MAX_CACHE_SIZE + e.MAX_CACHE_OFFSET) { - var o = this.keys.reduce(function(c, d) { - var f = K(c, 2), v = f[1]; - return a.internalGet(d)[1] < v ? [d, a.internalGet(d)[1]] : c; - }, [this.keys[0], this.cacheCallTimes]), i = K(o, 1), s = i[0]; - this.delete(s); - } - this.keys.push(r); - } - var l = this.cache; - r.forEach(function(c, d) { - if (d === r.length - 1) - l.set(c, { - value: [n, a.cacheCallTimes++] - }); - else { - var f = l.get(c); - f ? f.map || (f.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()) : l.set(c, { - map: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() - }), l = l.get(c).map; - } - }); - } - }, { - key: "deleteByPath", - value: function(r, n) { - var a = r.get(n[0]); - if (n.length === 1) { - var o; - return a.map ? r.set(n[0], { - map: a.map - }) : r.delete(n[0]), (o = a.value) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o[0]; - } - var i = this.deleteByPath(a.map, n.slice(1)); - return (!a.map || a.map.size === 0) && !a.value && r.delete(n[0]), i; - } - }, { - key: "delete", - value: function(r) { - if (this.has(r)) - return this.keys = this.keys.filter(function(n) { - return !Dg(n, r); - }), this.deleteByPath(this.cache, r); - } - }]), e; -}(); -j(Fs, "MAX_CACHE_SIZE", 20); -j(Fs, "MAX_CACHE_OFFSET", 5); -var Tl = 0, Bu = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - function e(t) { - Lt(this, e), j(this, "derivatives", void 0), j(this, "id", void 0), this.derivatives = Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t], this.id = Tl, t.length === 0 && Mn(t.length > 0, "[Ant Design CSS-in-JS] Theme should have at least one derivative function."), Tl += 1; - } - return Dt(e, [{ - key: "getDerivativeToken", - value: function(r) { - return this.derivatives.reduce(function(n, a) { - return a(r, n); - }, void 0); - } - }]), e; -}(), ni = new Fs(); -function Vi(e) { - var t = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]; - return ni.has(t) || ni.set(t, new Bu(t)), ni.get(t); -} -var zg = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), ai = {}; -function Vg(e, t) { - for (var r = zg, n = 0; n < t.length; n += 1) { - var a = t[n]; - r.has(a) || r.set(a, /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()), r = r.get(a); - } - return r.has(ai) || r.set(ai, e()), r.get(ai); -} -var Nl = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); -function fa(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !1, r = Nl.get(e) || ""; - return r || (Object.keys(e).forEach(function(n) { - var a = e[n]; - r += n, a instanceof Bu ? r += a.id : a && Ae(a) === "object" ? r += fa(a, t) : r += a; - }), t && (r = ya(r)), Nl.set(e, r)), r; -} -function Il(e, t) { - return ya("".concat(t, "_").concat(fa(e, !0))); -} -var Bi = Xt(); -function ee(e) { - return typeof e == "number" ? "".concat(e, "px") : e; -} -function Eo(e, t, r) { - var n = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {}, a = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== void 0 ? arguments[4] : !1; - if (a) - return e; - var o = D(D({}, n), {}, j(j({}, jn, t), br, r)), i = Object.keys(o).map(function(s) { - var l = o[s]; - return l ? "".concat(s, '="').concat(l, '"') : null; - }).filter(function(s) { - return s; - }).join(" "); - return ""); -} -var lo = function(t) { - var r = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : ""; - return "--".concat(r ? "".concat(r, "-") : "").concat(t).replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)/g, "$1-$2").replace(/([a-z])([A-Z0-9])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase(); -}, Bg = function(t, r, n) { - return Object.keys(t).length ? ".".concat(r).concat(n != null && n.scope ? ".".concat(n.scope) : "", "{").concat(Object.entries(t).map(function(a) { - var o = K(a, 2), i = o[0], s = o[1]; - return "".concat(i, ":").concat(s, ";"); - }).join(""), "}") : ""; -}, ku = function(t, r, n) { - var a = {}, o = {}; - return Object.entries(t).forEach(function(i) { - var s, l, c = K(i, 2), d = c[0], f = c[1]; - if (n != null && (s = n.preserve) !== null && s !== void 0 && s[d]) - o[d] = f; - else if ((typeof f == "string" || typeof f == "number") && !(n != null && (l = n.ignore) !== null && l !== void 0 && l[d])) { - var v, m = lo(d, n == null ? void 0 : n.prefix); - a[m] = typeof f == "number" && !(n != null && (v = n.unitless) !== null && v !== void 0 && v[d]) ? "".concat(f, "px") : String(f), o[d] = "var(".concat(m, ")"); - } - }), [o, Bg(a, r, { - scope: n == null ? void 0 : n.scope - })]; -}, Ml = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "test" && Xt() ? u.useLayoutEffect : u.useEffect, Ct = function(t, r) { - var n = u.useRef(!0); - Ml(function() { - return t(n.current); - }, r), Ml(function() { - return n.current = !1, function() { - n.current = !0; - }; - }, []); -}, ki = function(t, r) { - Ct(function(n) { - if (!n) - return t(); - }, r); -}, kg = D({}, u), Al = kg.useInsertionEffect, Hg = function(t, r, n) { - u.useMemo(t, n), Ct(function() { - return r(!0); - }, n); -}, Wg = Al ? function(e, t, r) { - return Al(function() { - return e(), t(); - }, r); -} : Hg, Kg = D({}, u), Ug = Kg.useInsertionEffect, Gg = function(t) { - var r = [], n = !1; - function a(o) { - if (n) { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && Mn(!1, "[Ant Design CSS-in-JS] You are registering a cleanup function after unmount, which will not have any effect."); - return; - } - r.push(o); - } - return u.useEffect(function() { - return n = !1, function() { - n = !0, r.length && r.forEach(function(o) { - return o(); - }); - }; - }, t), a; -}, qg = function() { - return function(t) { - t(); - }; -}, Xg = typeof Ug < "u" ? Gg : qg; -function Yg() { - return !1; -} -var Hi = !1; -function Zg() { - return Hi; -} -const Qg = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? Yg : Zg; -if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && typeof module < "u" && module && module.hot && typeof window < "u") { - var oi = window; - if (typeof oi.webpackHotUpdate == "function") { - var Jg = oi.webpackHotUpdate; - oi.webpackHotUpdate = function() { - return Hi = !0, setTimeout(function() { - Hi = !1; - }, 0), Jg.apply(void 0, arguments); - }; - } -} -function Ls(e, t, r, n, a) { - var o = u.useContext(Fo), i = o.cache, s = [e].concat(he(t)), l = zi(s), c = Xg([l]), d = Qg(), f = function(p) { - i.opUpdate(l, function(g) { - var S = g || [void 0, void 0], h = K(S, 2), y = h[0], E = y === void 0 ? 0 : y, C = h[1], O = C; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && C && d && (n == null || n(O, d), O = null); - var R = O || r(), w = [E, R]; - return p ? p(w) : w; - }); - }; - u.useMemo( - function() { - f(); - }, - /* eslint-disable react-hooks/exhaustive-deps */ - [l] - /* eslint-enable */ - ); - var v = i.opGet(l); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !v && (f(), v = i.opGet(l)); - var m = v[1]; - return Wg(function() { - a == null || a(m); - }, function(b) { - return f(function(p) { - var g = K(p, 2), S = g[0], h = g[1]; - return b && S === 0 && (a == null || a(m)), [S + 1, h]; - }), function() { - i.opUpdate(l, function(p) { - var g = p || [], S = K(g, 2), h = S[0], y = h === void 0 ? 0 : h, E = S[1], C = y - 1; - return C === 0 ? (c(function() { - (b || !i.opGet(l)) && (n == null || n(E, !1)); - }), null) : [y - 1, E]; - }); - }; - }, [l]), m; -} -var em = {}, tm = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? "css-dev-only-do-not-override" : "css", on = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); -function rm(e) { - on.set(e, (on.get(e) || 0) + 1); -} -function nm(e, t) { - if (typeof document < "u") { - var r = document.querySelectorAll("style[".concat(jn, '="').concat(e, '"]')); - r.forEach(function(n) { - if (n[qr] === t) { - var a; - (a = n.parentNode) === null || a === void 0 || a.removeChild(n); - } - }); - } -} -var am = 0; -function om(e, t) { - on.set(e, (on.get(e) || 0) - 1); - var r = Array.from(on.keys()), n = r.filter(function(a) { - var o = on.get(a) || 0; - return o <= 0; - }); - r.length - n.length > am && n.forEach(function(a) { - nm(a, t), on.delete(a); - }); -} -var im = function(t, r, n, a) { - var o = n.getDerivativeToken(t), i = D(D({}, o), r); - return a && (i = a(i)), i; -}, Hu = "token"; -function sm(e, t) { - var r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : {}, n = Ht(Fo), a = n.cache.instanceId, o = n.container, i = r.salt, s = i === void 0 ? "" : i, l = r.override, c = l === void 0 ? em : l, d = r.formatToken, f = r.getComputedToken, v = r.cssVar, m = Vg(function() { - return Object.assign.apply(Object, [{}].concat(he(t))); - }, t), b = fa(m), p = fa(c), g = v ? fa(v) : "", S = Ls(Hu, [s, e.id, b, p, g], function() { - var h, y = f ? f(m, c, e) : im(m, c, e, d), E = D({}, y), C = ""; - if (v) { - var O = ku(y, v.key, { - prefix: v.prefix, - ignore: v.ignore, - unitless: v.unitless, - preserve: v.preserve - }), R = K(O, 2); - y = R[0], C = R[1]; - } - var w = Il(y, s); - y._tokenKey = w, E._tokenKey = Il(E, s); - var $ = (h = v == null ? void 0 : v.key) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : w; - y._themeKey = $, rm($); - var A = "".concat(tm, "-").concat(ya(w)); - return y._hashId = A, [y, A, E, C, (v == null ? void 0 : v.key) || ""]; - }, function(h) { - om(h[0]._themeKey, a); - }, function(h) { - var y = K(h, 4), E = y[0], C = y[3]; - if (v && C) { - var O = Lr(C, ya("css-variables-".concat(E._themeKey)), { - mark: br, - prepend: "queue", - attachTo: o, - priority: -999 - }); - O[qr] = a, O.setAttribute(jn, E._themeKey); - } - }); - return S; -} -var lm = function(t, r, n) { - var a = K(t, 5), o = a[2], i = a[3], s = a[4], l = n || {}, c = l.plain; - if (!i) - return null; - var d = o._tokenKey, f = -999, v = { - "data-rc-order": "prependQueue", - "data-rc-priority": "".concat(f) - }, m = Eo(i, s, d, v, c); - return [f, d, m]; -}, cm = { - animationIterationCount: 1, - borderImageOutset: 1, - borderImageSlice: 1, - borderImageWidth: 1, - boxFlex: 1, - boxFlexGroup: 1, - boxOrdinalGroup: 1, - columnCount: 1, - columns: 1, - flex: 1, - flexGrow: 1, - flexPositive: 1, - flexShrink: 1, - flexNegative: 1, - flexOrder: 1, - gridRow: 1, - gridRowEnd: 1, - gridRowSpan: 1, - gridRowStart: 1, - gridColumn: 1, - gridColumnEnd: 1, - gridColumnSpan: 1, - gridColumnStart: 1, - msGridRow: 1, - msGridRowSpan: 1, - msGridColumn: 1, - msGridColumnSpan: 1, - fontWeight: 1, - lineHeight: 1, - opacity: 1, - order: 1, - orphans: 1, - tabSize: 1, - widows: 1, - zIndex: 1, - zoom: 1, - WebkitLineClamp: 1, - // SVG-related properties - fillOpacity: 1, - floodOpacity: 1, - stopOpacity: 1, - strokeDasharray: 1, - strokeDashoffset: 1, - strokeMiterlimit: 1, - strokeOpacity: 1, - strokeWidth: 1 -}, Wu = "comm", Ku = "rule", Uu = "decl", um = "@import", dm = "@keyframes", fm = "@layer", Gu = Math.abs, Ds = String.fromCharCode; -function qu(e) { - return e.trim(); -} -function co(e, t, r) { - return e.replace(t, r); -} -function vm(e, t, r) { - return e.indexOf(t, r); -} -function Ea(e, t) { - return e.charCodeAt(t) | 0; -} -function xa(e, t, r) { - return e.slice(t, r); -} -function jr(e) { - return e.length; -} -function gm(e) { - return e.length; -} -function Wa(e, t) { - return t.push(e), e; -} -var Lo = 1, Fn = 1, Xu = 0, ur = 0, Pt = 0, Hn = ""; -function zs(e, t, r, n, a, o, i, s) { - return { value: e, root: t, parent: r, type: n, props: a, children: o, line: Lo, column: Fn, length: i, return: "", siblings: s }; -} -function mm() { - return Pt; -} -function pm() { - return Pt = ur > 0 ? Ea(Hn, --ur) : 0, Fn--, Pt === 10 && (Fn = 1, Lo--), Pt; -} -function yr() { - return Pt = ur < Xu ? Ea(Hn, ur++) : 0, Fn++, Pt === 10 && (Fn = 1, Lo++), Pt; -} -function cn() { - return Ea(Hn, ur); -} -function uo() { - return ur; -} -function Do(e, t) { - return xa(Hn, e, t); -} -function Wi(e) { - switch (e) { - case 0: - case 9: - case 10: - case 13: - case 32: - return 5; - case 33: - case 43: - case 44: - case 47: - case 62: - case 64: - case 126: - case 59: - case 123: - case 125: - return 4; - case 58: - return 3; - case 34: - case 39: - case 40: - case 91: - return 2; - case 41: - case 93: - return 1; - } - return 0; -} -function hm(e) { - return Lo = Fn = 1, Xu = jr(Hn = e), ur = 0, []; -} -function bm(e) { - return Hn = "", e; -} -function ii(e) { - return qu(Do(ur - 1, Ki(e === 91 ? e + 2 : e === 40 ? e + 1 : e))); -} -function ym(e) { - for (; (Pt = cn()) && Pt < 33; ) - yr(); - return Wi(e) > 2 || Wi(Pt) > 3 ? "" : " "; -} -function Sm(e, t) { - for (; --t && yr() && !(Pt < 48 || Pt > 102 || Pt > 57 && Pt < 65 || Pt > 70 && Pt < 97); ) - ; - return Do(e, uo() + (t < 6 && cn() == 32 && yr() == 32)); -} -function Ki(e) { - for (; yr(); ) - switch (Pt) { - case e: - return ur; - case 34: - case 39: - e !== 34 && e !== 39 && Ki(Pt); - break; - case 40: - e === 41 && Ki(e); - break; - case 92: - yr(); - break; - } - return ur; -} -function Cm(e, t) { - for (; yr() && e + Pt !== 57; ) - if (e + Pt === 84 && cn() === 47) - break; - return "/*" + Do(t, ur - 1) + "*" + Ds(e === 47 ? e : yr()); -} -function Em(e) { - for (; !Wi(cn()); ) - yr(); - return Do(e, ur); -} -function xm(e) { - return bm(fo("", null, null, null, [""], e = hm(e), 0, [0], e)); -} -function fo(e, t, r, n, a, o, i, s, l) { - for (var c = 0, d = 0, f = i, v = 0, m = 0, b = 0, p = 1, g = 1, S = 1, h = 0, y = "", E = a, C = o, O = n, R = y; g; ) - switch (b = h, h = yr()) { - case 40: - if (b != 108 && Ea(R, f - 1) == 58) { - vm(R += co(ii(h), "&", "&\f"), "&\f", Gu(c ? s[c - 1] : 0)) != -1 && (S = -1); - break; - } - case 34: - case 39: - case 91: - R += ii(h); - break; - case 9: - case 10: - case 13: - case 32: - R += ym(b); - break; - case 92: - R += Sm(uo() - 1, 7); - continue; - case 47: - switch (cn()) { - case 42: - case 47: - Wa(wm(Cm(yr(), uo()), t, r, l), l); - break; - default: - R += "/"; - } - break; - case 123 * p: - s[c++] = jr(R) * S; - case 125 * p: - case 59: - case 0: - switch (h) { - case 0: - case 125: - g = 0; - case 59 + d: - S == -1 && (R = co(R, /\f/g, "")), m > 0 && jr(R) - f && Wa(m > 32 ? Fl(R + ";", n, r, f - 1, l) : Fl(co(R, " ", "") + ";", n, r, f - 2, l), l); - break; - case 59: - R += ";"; - default: - if (Wa(O = jl(R, t, r, c, d, a, s, y, E = [], C = [], f, o), o), h === 123) - if (d === 0) - fo(R, t, O, O, E, o, f, s, C); - else - switch (v === 99 && Ea(R, 3) === 110 ? 100 : v) { - case 100: - case 108: - case 109: - case 115: - fo(e, O, O, n && Wa(jl(e, O, O, 0, 0, a, s, y, a, E = [], f, C), C), a, C, f, s, n ? E : C); - break; - default: - fo(R, O, O, O, [""], C, 0, s, C); - } - } - c = d = m = 0, p = S = 1, y = R = "", f = i; - break; - case 58: - f = 1 + jr(R), m = b; - default: - if (p < 1) { - if (h == 123) - --p; - else if (h == 125 && p++ == 0 && pm() == 125) - continue; - } - switch (R += Ds(h), h * p) { - case 38: - S = d > 0 ? 1 : (R += "\f", -1); - break; - case 44: - s[c++] = (jr(R) - 1) * S, S = 1; - break; - case 64: - cn() === 45 && (R += ii(yr())), v = cn(), d = f = jr(y = R += Em(uo())), h++; - break; - case 45: - b === 45 && jr(R) == 2 && (p = 0); - } - } - return o; -} -function jl(e, t, r, n, a, o, i, s, l, c, d, f) { - for (var v = a - 1, m = a === 0 ? o : [""], b = gm(m), p = 0, g = 0, S = 0; p < n; ++p) - for (var h = 0, y = xa(e, v + 1, v = Gu(g = i[p])), E = e; h < b; ++h) - (E = qu(g > 0 ? m[h] + " " + y : co(y, /&\f/g, m[h]))) && (l[S++] = E); - return zs(e, t, r, a === 0 ? Ku : s, l, c, d, f); -} -function wm(e, t, r, n) { - return zs(e, t, r, Wu, Ds(mm()), xa(e, 2, -2), 0, n); -} -function Fl(e, t, r, n, a) { - return zs(e, t, r, Uu, xa(e, 0, n), xa(e, n + 1, -1), n, a); -} -function Ui(e, t) { - for (var r = "", n = 0; n < e.length; n++) - r += t(e[n], n, e, t) || ""; - return r; -} -function $m(e, t, r, n) { - switch (e.type) { - case fm: - if (e.children.length) break; - case um: - case Uu: - return e.return = e.return || e.value; - case Wu: - return ""; - case dm: - return e.return = e.value + "{" + Ui(e.children, n) + "}"; - case Ku: - if (!jr(e.value = e.props.join(","))) return ""; - } - return jr(r = Ui(e.children, n)) ? e.return = e.value + "{" + r + "}" : ""; -} -function Yu(e, t) { - var r = t.path, n = t.parentSelectors; - tt(!1, "[Ant Design CSS-in-JS] ".concat(r ? "Error in ".concat(r, ": ") : "").concat(e).concat(n.length ? " Selector: ".concat(n.join(" | ")) : "")); -} -var Om = function(t, r, n) { - if (t === "content") { - var a = /(attr|counters?|url|(((repeating-)?(linear|radial))|conic)-gradient)\(|(no-)?(open|close)-quote/, o = ["normal", "none", "initial", "inherit", "unset"]; - (typeof r != "string" || o.indexOf(r) === -1 && !a.test(r) && (r.charAt(0) !== r.charAt(r.length - 1) || r.charAt(0) !== '"' && r.charAt(0) !== "'")) && Yu("You seem to be using a value for 'content' without quotes, try replacing it with `content: '\"".concat(r, "\"'`."), n); - } -}, Rm = function(t, r, n) { - t === "animation" && n.hashId && r !== "none" && Yu("You seem to be using hashed animation '".concat(r, "', in which case 'animationName' with Keyframe as value is recommended."), n); -}, Ll = "data-ant-cssinjs-cache-path", Zu = "_FILE_STYLE__", un, Qu = !0; -function Pm() { - if (!un && (un = {}, Xt())) { - var e = document.createElement("div"); - e.className = Ll, e.style.position = "fixed", e.style.visibility = "hidden", e.style.top = "-9999px", document.body.appendChild(e); - var t = getComputedStyle(e).content || ""; - t = t.replace(/^"/, "").replace(/"$/, ""), t.split(";").forEach(function(a) { - var o = a.split(":"), i = K(o, 2), s = i[0], l = i[1]; - un[s] = l; - }); - var r = document.querySelector("style[".concat(Ll, "]")); - if (r) { - var n; - Qu = !1, (n = r.parentNode) === null || n === void 0 || n.removeChild(r); - } - document.body.removeChild(e); - } -} -function _m(e) { - return Pm(), !!un[e]; -} -function Tm(e) { - var t = un[e], r = null; - if (t && Xt()) - if (Qu) - r = Zu; - else { - var n = document.querySelector("style[".concat(br, '="').concat(un[e], '"]')); - n ? r = n.innerHTML : delete un[e]; - } - return [r, t]; -} -var Ju = "_skip_check_", ed = "_multi_value_"; -function vo(e) { - var t = Ui(xm(e), $m); - return t.replace(/\{%%%\:[^;];}/g, ";"); -} -function Nm(e) { - return Ae(e) === "object" && e && (Ju in e || ed in e); -} -function Im(e, t, r) { - if (!t) - return e; - var n = ".".concat(t), a = r === "low" ? ":where(".concat(n, ")") : n, o = e.split(",").map(function(i) { - var s, l = i.trim().split(/\s+/), c = l[0] || "", d = ((s = c.match(/^\w+/)) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s[0]) || ""; - return c = "".concat(d).concat(a).concat(c.slice(d.length)), [c].concat(he(l.slice(1))).join(" "); - }); - return o.join(","); -} -var Mm = function e(t) { - var r = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : { - root: !0, - parentSelectors: [] - }, a = n.root, o = n.injectHash, i = n.parentSelectors, s = r.hashId, l = r.layer, c = r.path, d = r.hashPriority, f = r.transformers, v = f === void 0 ? [] : f, m = r.linters, b = m === void 0 ? [] : m, p = "", g = {}; - function S(E) { - var C = E.getName(s); - if (!g[C]) { - var O = e(E.style, r, { - root: !1, - parentSelectors: i - }), R = K(O, 1), w = R[0]; - g[C] = "@keyframes ".concat(E.getName(s)).concat(w); - } - } - function h(E) { - var C = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : []; - return E.forEach(function(O) { - Array.isArray(O) ? h(O, C) : O && C.push(O); - }), C; - } - var y = h(Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t]); - return y.forEach(function(E) { - var C = typeof E == "string" && !a ? {} : E; - if (typeof C == "string") - p += "".concat(C, ` -`); - else if (C._keyframe) - S(C); - else { - var O = v.reduce(function(R, w) { - var $; - return (w == null || ($ = w.visit) === null || $ === void 0 ? void 0 : $.call(w, R)) || R; - }, C); - Object.keys(O).forEach(function(R) { - var w = O[R]; - if (Ae(w) === "object" && w && (R !== "animationName" || !w._keyframe) && !Nm(w)) { - var $ = !1, A = R.trim(), F = !1; - (a || o) && s ? A.startsWith("@") ? $ = !0 : A = Im(R, s, d) : a && !s && (A === "&" || A === "") && (A = "", F = !0); - var M = e(w, r, { - root: F, - injectHash: $, - parentSelectors: [].concat(he(i), [A]) - }), I = K(M, 2), T = I[0], k = I[1]; - g = D(D({}, g), k), p += "".concat(A).concat(T); - } else { - let _ = function(z, L) { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Ae(w) !== "object" || !(w != null && w[Ju])) && [Om, Rm].concat(he(b)).forEach(function(W) { - return W(z, L, { - path: c, - hashId: s, - parentSelectors: i - }); - }); - var B = z.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(W) { - return "-".concat(W.toLowerCase()); - }), X = L; - !cm[z] && typeof X == "number" && X !== 0 && (X = "".concat(X, "px")), z === "animationName" && L !== null && L !== void 0 && L._keyframe && (S(L), X = L.getName(s)), p += "".concat(B, ":").concat(X, ";"); - }; - var N, x = (N = w == null ? void 0 : w.value) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : w; - Ae(w) === "object" && w !== null && w !== void 0 && w[ed] && Array.isArray(x) ? x.forEach(function(z) { - _(R, z); - }) : _(R, x); - } - }); - } - }), a ? l && (p = "@layer ".concat(l.name, " {").concat(p, "}"), l.dependencies && (g["@layer ".concat(l.name)] = l.dependencies.map(function(E) { - return "@layer ".concat(E, ", ").concat(l.name, ";"); - }).join(` -`))) : p = "{".concat(p, "}"), [p, g]; -}; -function td(e, t) { - return ya("".concat(e.join("%")).concat(t)); -} -function Am() { - return null; -} -var rd = "style"; -function Gi(e, t) { - var r = e.token, n = e.path, a = e.hashId, o = e.layer, i = e.nonce, s = e.clientOnly, l = e.order, c = l === void 0 ? 0 : l, d = u.useContext(Fo), f = d.autoClear, v = d.mock, m = d.defaultCache, b = d.hashPriority, p = d.container, g = d.ssrInline, S = d.transformers, h = d.linters, y = d.cache, E = d.layer, C = r._tokenKey, O = [C]; - E && O.push("layer"), O.push.apply(O, he(n)); - var R = Bi; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && v !== void 0 && (R = v === "client"); - var w = Ls( - rd, - O, - // Create cache if needed - function() { - var I = O.join("|"); - if (_m(I)) { - var T = Tm(I), k = K(T, 2), N = k[0], x = k[1]; - if (N) - return [N, C, x, {}, s, c]; - } - var _ = t(), z = Mm(_, { - hashId: a, - hashPriority: b, - layer: E ? o : void 0, - path: n.join("-"), - transformers: S, - linters: h - }), L = K(z, 2), B = L[0], X = L[1], W = vo(B), G = td(O, W); - return [W, C, G, X, s, c]; - }, - // Remove cache if no need - function(I, T) { - var k = K(I, 3), N = k[2]; - (T || f) && Bi && Sa(N, { - mark: br - }); - }, - // Effect: Inject style here - function(I) { - var T = K(I, 4), k = T[0]; - T[1]; - var N = T[2], x = T[3]; - if (R && k !== Zu) { - var _ = { - mark: br, - prepend: E ? !1 : "queue", - attachTo: p, - priority: c - }, z = typeof i == "function" ? i() : i; - z && (_.csp = { - nonce: z - }); - var L = [], B = []; - Object.keys(x).forEach(function(W) { - W.startsWith("@layer") ? L.push(W) : B.push(W); - }), L.forEach(function(W) { - Lr(vo(x[W]), "_layer-".concat(W), D(D({}, _), {}, { - prepend: !0 - })); - }); - var X = Lr(k, N, _); - X[qr] = y.instanceId, X.setAttribute(jn, C), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && X.setAttribute(Ig, O.join("|")), B.forEach(function(W) { - Lr(vo(x[W]), "_effect-".concat(W), _); - }); - } - } - ), $ = K(w, 3), A = $[0], F = $[1], M = $[2]; - return function(I) { - var T; - return !g || R || !m ? T = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Am, null) : T = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("style", _e({}, j(j({}, jn, F), br, M), { - dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { - __html: A - } - })), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(u.Fragment, null, T, I); - }; -} -var jm = function(t, r, n) { - var a = K(t, 6), o = a[0], i = a[1], s = a[2], l = a[3], c = a[4], d = a[5], f = n || {}, v = f.plain; - if (c) - return null; - var m = o, b = { - "data-rc-order": "prependQueue", - "data-rc-priority": "".concat(d) - }; - return m = Eo(o, i, s, b, v), l && Object.keys(l).forEach(function(p) { - if (!r[p]) { - r[p] = !0; - var g = vo(l[p]), S = Eo(g, i, "_effect-".concat(p), b, v); - p.startsWith("@layer") ? m = S + m : m += S; - } - }), [d, s, m]; -}, nd = "cssVar", Fm = function(t, r) { - var n = t.key, a = t.prefix, o = t.unitless, i = t.ignore, s = t.token, l = t.scope, c = l === void 0 ? "" : l, d = Ht(Fo), f = d.cache.instanceId, v = d.container, m = s._tokenKey, b = [].concat(he(t.path), [n, c, m]), p = Ls(nd, b, function() { - var g = r(), S = ku(g, n, { - prefix: a, - unitless: o, - ignore: i, - scope: c - }), h = K(S, 2), y = h[0], E = h[1], C = td(b, E); - return [y, E, C, n]; - }, function(g) { - var S = K(g, 3), h = S[2]; - Bi && Sa(h, { - mark: br - }); - }, function(g) { - var S = K(g, 3), h = S[1], y = S[2]; - if (h) { - var E = Lr(h, y, { - mark: br, - prepend: "queue", - attachTo: v, - priority: -999 - }); - E[qr] = f, E.setAttribute(jn, n); - } - }); - return p; -}, Lm = function(t, r, n) { - var a = K(t, 4), o = a[1], i = a[2], s = a[3], l = n || {}, c = l.plain; - if (!o) - return null; - var d = -999, f = { - "data-rc-order": "prependQueue", - "data-rc-priority": "".concat(d) - }, v = Eo(o, s, i, f, c); - return [d, i, v]; -}; -j(j(j({}, rd, jm), Hu, lm), nd, Lm); -var Rt = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - function e(t, r) { - Lt(this, e), j(this, "name", void 0), j(this, "style", void 0), j(this, "_keyframe", !0), this.name = t, this.style = r; - } - return Dt(e, [{ - key: "getName", - value: function() { - var r = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : ""; - return r ? "".concat(r, "-").concat(this.name) : this.name; - } - }]), e; -}(); -function hn(e) { - return e.notSplit = !0, e; -} -hn(["borderTop", "borderBottom"]), hn(["borderTop"]), hn(["borderBottom"]), hn(["borderLeft", "borderRight"]), hn(["borderLeft"]), hn(["borderRight"]); -var Vs = /* @__PURE__ */ kn({}); -function Dm(e) { - return Au(e) || Tu(e) || As(e) || ju(); -} -function Or(e, t) { - for (var r = e, n = 0; n < t.length; n += 1) { - if (r == null) - return; - r = r[t[n]]; - } - return r; -} -function ad(e, t, r, n) { - if (!t.length) - return r; - var a = Dm(t), o = a[0], i = a.slice(1), s; - return !e && typeof o == "number" ? s = [] : Array.isArray(e) ? s = he(e) : s = D({}, e), n && r === void 0 && i.length === 1 ? delete s[o][i[0]] : s[o] = ad(s[o], i, r, n), s; -} -function mr(e, t, r) { - var n = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : !1; - return t.length && n && r === void 0 && !Or(e, t.slice(0, -1)) ? e : ad(e, t, r, n); -} -function zm(e) { - return Ae(e) === "object" && e !== null && Object.getPrototypeOf(e) === Object.prototype; -} -function Dl(e) { - return Array.isArray(e) ? [] : {}; -} -var Vm = typeof Reflect > "u" ? Object.keys : Reflect.ownKeys; -function Pn() { - for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) - t[r] = arguments[r]; - var n = Dl(t[0]); - return t.forEach(function(a) { - function o(i, s) { - var l = new Set(s), c = Or(a, i), d = Array.isArray(c); - if (d || zm(c)) { - if (!l.has(c)) { - l.add(c); - var f = Or(n, i); - d ? n = mr(n, i, []) : (!f || Ae(f) !== "object") && (n = mr(n, i, Dl(c))), Vm(c).forEach(function(v) { - o([].concat(he(i), [v]), l); - }); - } - } else - n = mr(n, i, c); - } - o([]); - }), n; -} -function od() { -} -let Ar = null; -function Bm() { - Ar = null, yu(); -} -let Bs = od; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Bs = (e, t, r) => { - tt(e, `[antd: ${t}] ${r}`), process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" && Bm(); -}); -const id = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext({}), Ft = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? (e) => { - const { - strict: t - } = u.useContext(id), r = (n, a, o) => { - if (!n) - if (t === !1 && a === "deprecated") { - const i = Ar; - Ar || (Ar = {}), Ar[e] = Ar[e] || [], Ar[e].includes(o || "") || Ar[e].push(o || ""), i || console.warn("[antd] There exists deprecated usage in your code:", Ar); - } else - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && Bs(n, e, o); - }; - return r.deprecated = (n, a, o, i) => { - r(n, "deprecated", `\`${a}\` is deprecated. Please use \`${o}\` instead.${i ? ` ${i}` : ""}`); - }, r; -} : () => { - const e = () => { - }; - return e.deprecated = od, e; -}, zo = Bs, km = /* @__PURE__ */ kn(void 0); -var Hm = { - // Options - items_per_page: "/ page", - jump_to: "Go to", - jump_to_confirm: "confirm", - page: "Page", - // Pagination - prev_page: "Previous Page", - next_page: "Next Page", - prev_5: "Previous 5 Pages", - next_5: "Next 5 Pages", - prev_3: "Previous 3 Pages", - next_3: "Next 3 Pages", - page_size: "Page Size" -}, Wm = { - locale: "en_US", - today: "Today", - now: "Now", - backToToday: "Back to today", - ok: "OK", - clear: "Clear", - month: "Month", - year: "Year", - timeSelect: "select time", - dateSelect: "select date", - weekSelect: "Choose a week", - monthSelect: "Choose a month", - yearSelect: "Choose a year", - decadeSelect: "Choose a decade", - yearFormat: "YYYY", - dateFormat: "M/D/YYYY", - dayFormat: "D", - dateTimeFormat: "M/D/YYYY HH:mm:ss", - monthBeforeYear: !0, - previousMonth: "Previous month (PageUp)", - nextMonth: "Next month (PageDown)", - previousYear: "Last year (Control + left)", - nextYear: "Next year (Control + right)", - previousDecade: "Last decade", - nextDecade: "Next decade", - previousCentury: "Last century", - nextCentury: "Next century" -}; -const sd = { - placeholder: "Select time", - rangePlaceholder: ["Start time", "End time"] -}, zl = { - lang: Object.assign({ - placeholder: "Select date", - yearPlaceholder: "Select year", - quarterPlaceholder: "Select quarter", - monthPlaceholder: "Select month", - weekPlaceholder: "Select week", - rangePlaceholder: ["Start date", "End date"], - rangeYearPlaceholder: ["Start year", "End year"], - rangeQuarterPlaceholder: ["Start quarter", "End quarter"], - rangeMonthPlaceholder: ["Start month", "End month"], - rangeWeekPlaceholder: ["Start week", "End week"] - }, Wm), - timePickerLocale: Object.assign({}, sd) -}, Qt = "${label} is not a valid ${type}", Ln = { - locale: "en", - Pagination: Hm, - DatePicker: zl, - TimePicker: sd, - Calendar: zl, - global: { - placeholder: "Please select" - }, - Table: { - filterTitle: "Filter menu", - filterConfirm: "OK", - filterReset: "Reset", - filterEmptyText: "No filters", - filterCheckall: "Select all items", - filterSearchPlaceholder: "Search in filters", - emptyText: "No data", - selectAll: "Select current page", - selectInvert: "Invert current page", - selectNone: "Clear all data", - selectionAll: "Select all data", - sortTitle: "Sort", - expand: "Expand row", - collapse: "Collapse row", - triggerDesc: "Click to sort descending", - triggerAsc: "Click to sort ascending", - cancelSort: "Click to cancel sorting" - }, - Tour: { - Next: "Next", - Previous: "Previous", - Finish: "Finish" - }, - Modal: { - okText: "OK", - cancelText: "Cancel", - justOkText: "OK" - }, - Popconfirm: { - okText: "OK", - cancelText: "Cancel" - }, - Transfer: { - titles: ["", ""], - searchPlaceholder: "Search here", - itemUnit: "item", - itemsUnit: "items", - remove: "Remove", - selectCurrent: "Select current page", - removeCurrent: "Remove current page", - selectAll: "Select all data", - deselectAll: "Deselect all data", - removeAll: "Remove all data", - selectInvert: "Invert current page" - }, - Upload: { - uploading: "Uploading...", - removeFile: "Remove file", - uploadError: "Upload error", - previewFile: "Preview file", - downloadFile: "Download file" - }, - Empty: { - description: "No data" - }, - Icon: { - icon: "icon" - }, - Text: { - edit: "Edit", - copy: "Copy", - copied: "Copied", - expand: "Expand", - collapse: "Collapse" - }, - Form: { - optional: "(optional)", - defaultValidateMessages: { - default: "Field validation error for ${label}", - required: "Please enter ${label}", - enum: "${label} must be one of [${enum}]", - whitespace: "${label} cannot be a blank character", - date: { - format: "${label} date format is invalid", - parse: "${label} cannot be converted to a date", - invalid: "${label} is an invalid date" - }, - types: { - string: Qt, - method: Qt, - array: Qt, - object: Qt, - number: Qt, - date: Qt, - boolean: Qt, - integer: Qt, - float: Qt, - regexp: Qt, - email: Qt, - url: Qt, - hex: Qt - }, - string: { - len: "${label} must be ${len} characters", - min: "${label} must be at least ${min} characters", - max: "${label} must be up to ${max} characters", - range: "${label} must be between ${min}-${max} characters" - }, - number: { - len: "${label} must be equal to ${len}", - min: "${label} must be minimum ${min}", - max: "${label} must be maximum ${max}", - range: "${label} must be between ${min}-${max}" - }, - array: { - len: "Must be ${len} ${label}", - min: "At least ${min} ${label}", - max: "At most ${max} ${label}", - range: "The amount of ${label} must be between ${min}-${max}" - }, - pattern: { - mismatch: "${label} does not match the pattern ${pattern}" - } - } - }, - Image: { - preview: "Preview" - }, - QRCode: { - expired: "QR code expired", - refresh: "Refresh", - scanned: "Scanned" - }, - ColorPicker: { - presetEmpty: "Empty" - } -}; -Object.assign({}, Ln.Modal); -let go = []; -const Vl = () => go.reduce((e, t) => Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e), t), Ln.Modal); -function Km(e) { - if (e) { - const t = Object.assign({}, e); - return go.push(t), Vl(), () => { - go = go.filter((r) => r !== t), Vl(); - }; - } - Object.assign({}, Ln.Modal); -} -const ks = /* @__PURE__ */ kn(void 0), Um = (e, t) => { - const r = u.useContext(ks), n = u.useMemo(() => { - var o; - const i = Ln[e], s = (o = r == null ? void 0 : r[e]) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : {}; - return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, typeof i == "function" ? i() : i), s || {}); - }, [e, t, r]), a = u.useMemo(() => { - const o = r == null ? void 0 : r.locale; - return r != null && r.exist && !o ? Ln.locale : o; - }, [r]); - return [n, a]; -}, ld = "internalMark", cd = (e) => { - const { - locale: t = {}, - children: r, - _ANT_MARK__: n - } = e; - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const o = Ft("LocaleProvider"); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && o(n === ld, "deprecated", "`LocaleProvider` is deprecated. Please use `locale` with `ConfigProvider` instead: http://u.ant.design/locale"); - } - u.useEffect(() => Km(t == null ? void 0 : t.Modal), [t]); - const a = u.useMemo(() => Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { - exist: !0 - }), [t]); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ks.Provider, { - value: a - }, r); -}; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (cd.displayName = "LocaleProvider"); -function jt(e, t) { - Gm(e) && (e = "100%"); - var r = qm(e); - return e = t === 360 ? e : Math.min(t, Math.max(0, parseFloat(e))), r && (e = parseInt(String(e * t), 10) / 100), Math.abs(e - t) < 1e-6 ? 1 : (t === 360 ? e = (e < 0 ? e % t + t : e % t) / parseFloat(String(t)) : e = e % t / parseFloat(String(t)), e); -} -function Ka(e) { - return Math.min(1, Math.max(0, e)); -} -function Gm(e) { - return typeof e == "string" && e.indexOf(".") !== -1 && parseFloat(e) === 1; -} -function qm(e) { - return typeof e == "string" && e.indexOf("%") !== -1; -} -function ud(e) { - return e = parseFloat(e), (isNaN(e) || e < 0 || e > 1) && (e = 1), e; -} -function Ua(e) { - return e <= 1 ? "".concat(Number(e) * 100, "%") : e; -} -function sn(e) { - return e.length === 1 ? "0" + e : String(e); -} -function Xm(e, t, r) { - return { - r: jt(e, 255) * 255, - g: jt(t, 255) * 255, - b: jt(r, 255) * 255 - }; -} -function Bl(e, t, r) { - e = jt(e, 255), t = jt(t, 255), r = jt(r, 255); - var n = Math.max(e, t, r), a = Math.min(e, t, r), o = 0, i = 0, s = (n + a) / 2; - if (n === a) - i = 0, o = 0; - else { - var l = n - a; - switch (i = s > 0.5 ? l / (2 - n - a) : l / (n + a), n) { - case e: - o = (t - r) / l + (t < r ? 6 : 0); - break; - case t: - o = (r - e) / l + 2; - break; - case r: - o = (e - t) / l + 4; - break; - } - o /= 6; - } - return { h: o, s: i, l: s }; -} -function si(e, t, r) { - return r < 0 && (r += 1), r > 1 && (r -= 1), r < 1 / 6 ? e + (t - e) * (6 * r) : r < 1 / 2 ? t : r < 2 / 3 ? e + (t - e) * (2 / 3 - r) * 6 : e; -} -function Ym(e, t, r) { - var n, a, o; - if (e = jt(e, 360), t = jt(t, 100), r = jt(r, 100), t === 0) - a = r, o = r, n = r; - else { - var i = r < 0.5 ? r * (1 + t) : r + t - r * t, s = 2 * r - i; - n = si(s, i, e + 1 / 3), a = si(s, i, e), o = si(s, i, e - 1 / 3); - } - return { r: n * 255, g: a * 255, b: o * 255 }; -} -function qi(e, t, r) { - e = jt(e, 255), t = jt(t, 255), r = jt(r, 255); - var n = Math.max(e, t, r), a = Math.min(e, t, r), o = 0, i = n, s = n - a, l = n === 0 ? 0 : s / n; - if (n === a) - o = 0; - else { - switch (n) { - case e: - o = (t - r) / s + (t < r ? 6 : 0); - break; - case t: - o = (r - e) / s + 2; - break; - case r: - o = (e - t) / s + 4; - break; - } - o /= 6; - } - return { h: o, s: l, v: i }; -} -function Zm(e, t, r) { - e = jt(e, 360) * 6, t = jt(t, 100), r = jt(r, 100); - var n = Math.floor(e), a = e - n, o = r * (1 - t), i = r * (1 - a * t), s = r * (1 - (1 - a) * t), l = n % 6, c = [r, i, o, o, s, r][l], d = [s, r, r, i, o, o][l], f = [o, o, s, r, r, i][l]; - return { r: c * 255, g: d * 255, b: f * 255 }; -} -function Xi(e, t, r, n) { - var a = [ - sn(Math.round(e).toString(16)), - sn(Math.round(t).toString(16)), - sn(Math.round(r).toString(16)) - ]; - return n && a[0].startsWith(a[0].charAt(1)) && a[1].startsWith(a[1].charAt(1)) && a[2].startsWith(a[2].charAt(1)) ? a[0].charAt(0) + a[1].charAt(0) + a[2].charAt(0) : a.join(""); -} -function Qm(e, t, r, n, a) { - var o = [ - sn(Math.round(e).toString(16)), - sn(Math.round(t).toString(16)), - sn(Math.round(r).toString(16)), - sn(Jm(n)) - ]; - return a && o[0].startsWith(o[0].charAt(1)) && o[1].startsWith(o[1].charAt(1)) && o[2].startsWith(o[2].charAt(1)) && o[3].startsWith(o[3].charAt(1)) ? o[0].charAt(0) + o[1].charAt(0) + o[2].charAt(0) + o[3].charAt(0) : o.join(""); -} -function Jm(e) { - return Math.round(parseFloat(e) * 255).toString(16); -} -function kl(e) { - return er(e) / 255; -} -function er(e) { - return parseInt(e, 16); -} -function ep(e) { - return { - r: e >> 16, - g: (e & 65280) >> 8, - b: e & 255 - }; -} -var Yi = { - aliceblue: "#f0f8ff", - antiquewhite: "#faebd7", - aqua: "#00ffff", - aquamarine: "#7fffd4", - azure: "#f0ffff", - beige: "#f5f5dc", - bisque: "#ffe4c4", - black: "#000000", - blanchedalmond: "#ffebcd", - blue: "#0000ff", - blueviolet: "#8a2be2", - brown: "#a52a2a", - burlywood: "#deb887", - cadetblue: "#5f9ea0", - chartreuse: "#7fff00", - chocolate: "#d2691e", - coral: "#ff7f50", - cornflowerblue: "#6495ed", - cornsilk: "#fff8dc", - crimson: "#dc143c", - cyan: "#00ffff", - darkblue: "#00008b", - darkcyan: "#008b8b", - darkgoldenrod: "#b8860b", - darkgray: "#a9a9a9", - darkgreen: "#006400", - darkgrey: "#a9a9a9", - darkkhaki: "#bdb76b", - darkmagenta: "#8b008b", - darkolivegreen: "#556b2f", - darkorange: "#ff8c00", - darkorchid: "#9932cc", - darkred: "#8b0000", - darksalmon: "#e9967a", - darkseagreen: "#8fbc8f", - darkslateblue: "#483d8b", - darkslategray: "#2f4f4f", - darkslategrey: "#2f4f4f", - darkturquoise: "#00ced1", - darkviolet: "#9400d3", - deeppink: "#ff1493", - deepskyblue: "#00bfff", - dimgray: "#696969", - dimgrey: "#696969", - dodgerblue: "#1e90ff", - firebrick: "#b22222", - floralwhite: "#fffaf0", - forestgreen: "#228b22", - fuchsia: "#ff00ff", - gainsboro: "#dcdcdc", - ghostwhite: "#f8f8ff", - goldenrod: "#daa520", - gold: "#ffd700", - gray: "#808080", - green: "#008000", - greenyellow: "#adff2f", - grey: "#808080", - honeydew: "#f0fff0", - hotpink: "#ff69b4", - indianred: "#cd5c5c", - indigo: "#4b0082", - ivory: "#fffff0", - khaki: "#f0e68c", - lavenderblush: "#fff0f5", - lavender: "#e6e6fa", - lawngreen: "#7cfc00", - lemonchiffon: "#fffacd", - lightblue: "#add8e6", - lightcoral: "#f08080", - lightcyan: "#e0ffff", - lightgoldenrodyellow: "#fafad2", - lightgray: "#d3d3d3", - lightgreen: "#90ee90", - lightgrey: "#d3d3d3", - lightpink: "#ffb6c1", - lightsalmon: "#ffa07a", - lightseagreen: "#20b2aa", - lightskyblue: "#87cefa", - lightslategray: "#778899", - lightslategrey: "#778899", - lightsteelblue: "#b0c4de", - lightyellow: "#ffffe0", - lime: "#00ff00", - limegreen: "#32cd32", - linen: "#faf0e6", - magenta: "#ff00ff", - maroon: "#800000", - mediumaquamarine: "#66cdaa", - mediumblue: "#0000cd", - mediumorchid: "#ba55d3", - mediumpurple: "#9370db", - mediumseagreen: "#3cb371", - mediumslateblue: "#7b68ee", - mediumspringgreen: "#00fa9a", - mediumturquoise: "#48d1cc", - mediumvioletred: "#c71585", - midnightblue: "#191970", - mintcream: "#f5fffa", - mistyrose: "#ffe4e1", - moccasin: "#ffe4b5", - navajowhite: "#ffdead", - navy: "#000080", - oldlace: "#fdf5e6", - olive: "#808000", - olivedrab: "#6b8e23", - orange: "#ffa500", - orangered: "#ff4500", - orchid: "#da70d6", - palegoldenrod: "#eee8aa", - palegreen: "#98fb98", - paleturquoise: "#afeeee", - palevioletred: "#db7093", - papayawhip: "#ffefd5", - peachpuff: "#ffdab9", - peru: "#cd853f", - pink: "#ffc0cb", - plum: "#dda0dd", - powderblue: "#b0e0e6", - purple: "#800080", - rebeccapurple: "#663399", - red: "#ff0000", - rosybrown: "#bc8f8f", - royalblue: "#4169e1", - saddlebrown: "#8b4513", - salmon: "#fa8072", - sandybrown: "#f4a460", - seagreen: "#2e8b57", - seashell: "#fff5ee", - sienna: "#a0522d", - silver: "#c0c0c0", - skyblue: "#87ceeb", - slateblue: "#6a5acd", - slategray: "#708090", - slategrey: "#708090", - snow: "#fffafa", - springgreen: "#00ff7f", - steelblue: "#4682b4", - tan: "#d2b48c", - teal: "#008080", - thistle: "#d8bfd8", - tomato: "#ff6347", - turquoise: "#40e0d0", - violet: "#ee82ee", - wheat: "#f5deb3", - white: "#ffffff", - whitesmoke: "#f5f5f5", - yellow: "#ffff00", - yellowgreen: "#9acd32" -}; -function Rn(e) { - var t = { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, r = 1, n = null, a = null, o = null, i = !1, s = !1; - return typeof e == "string" && (e = np(e)), typeof e == "object" && (Ir(e.r) && Ir(e.g) && Ir(e.b) ? (t = Xm(e.r, e.g, e.b), i = !0, s = String(e.r).substr(-1) === "%" ? "prgb" : "rgb") : Ir(e.h) && Ir(e.s) && Ir(e.v) ? (n = Ua(e.s), a = Ua(e.v), t = Zm(e.h, n, a), i = !0, s = "hsv") : Ir(e.h) && Ir(e.s) && Ir(e.l) && (n = Ua(e.s), o = Ua(e.l), t = Ym(e.h, n, o), i = !0, s = "hsl"), Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, "a") && (r = e.a)), r = ud(r), { - ok: i, - format: e.format || s, - r: Math.min(255, Math.max(t.r, 0)), - g: Math.min(255, Math.max(t.g, 0)), - b: Math.min(255, Math.max(t.b, 0)), - a: r - }; -} -var tp = "[-\\+]?\\d+%?", rp = "[-\\+]?\\d*\\.\\d+%?", Xr = "(?:".concat(rp, ")|(?:").concat(tp, ")"), li = "[\\s|\\(]+(".concat(Xr, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(Xr, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(Xr, ")\\s*\\)?"), ci = "[\\s|\\(]+(".concat(Xr, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(Xr, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(Xr, ")[,|\\s]+(").concat(Xr, ")\\s*\\)?"), gr = { - CSS_UNIT: new RegExp(Xr), - rgb: new RegExp("rgb" + li), - rgba: new RegExp("rgba" + ci), - hsl: new RegExp("hsl" + li), - hsla: new RegExp("hsla" + ci), - hsv: new RegExp("hsv" + li), - hsva: new RegExp("hsva" + ci), - hex3: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/, - hex6: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/, - hex4: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})([0-9a-fA-F]{1})$/, - hex8: /^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/ -}; -function np(e) { - if (e = e.trim().toLowerCase(), e.length === 0) - return !1; - var t = !1; - if (Yi[e]) - e = Yi[e], t = !0; - else if (e === "transparent") - return { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0, format: "name" }; - var r = gr.rgb.exec(e); - return r ? { r: r[1], g: r[2], b: r[3] } : (r = gr.rgba.exec(e), r ? { r: r[1], g: r[2], b: r[3], a: r[4] } : (r = gr.hsl.exec(e), r ? { h: r[1], s: r[2], l: r[3] } : (r = gr.hsla.exec(e), r ? { h: r[1], s: r[2], l: r[3], a: r[4] } : (r = gr.hsv.exec(e), r ? { h: r[1], s: r[2], v: r[3] } : (r = gr.hsva.exec(e), r ? { h: r[1], s: r[2], v: r[3], a: r[4] } : (r = gr.hex8.exec(e), r ? { - r: er(r[1]), - g: er(r[2]), - b: er(r[3]), - a: kl(r[4]), - format: t ? "name" : "hex8" - } : (r = gr.hex6.exec(e), r ? { - r: er(r[1]), - g: er(r[2]), - b: er(r[3]), - format: t ? "name" : "hex" - } : (r = gr.hex4.exec(e), r ? { - r: er(r[1] + r[1]), - g: er(r[2] + r[2]), - b: er(r[3] + r[3]), - a: kl(r[4] + r[4]), - format: t ? "name" : "hex8" - } : (r = gr.hex3.exec(e), r ? { - r: er(r[1] + r[1]), - g: er(r[2] + r[2]), - b: er(r[3] + r[3]), - format: t ? "name" : "hex" - } : !1))))))))); -} -function Ir(e) { - return !!gr.CSS_UNIT.exec(String(e)); -} -var tr = ( - /** @class */ - function() { - function e(t, r) { - t === void 0 && (t = ""), r === void 0 && (r = {}); - var n; - if (t instanceof e) - return t; - typeof t == "number" && (t = ep(t)), this.originalInput = t; - var a = Rn(t); - this.originalInput = t, this.r = a.r, this.g = a.g, this.b = a.b, this.a = a.a, this.roundA = Math.round(100 * this.a) / 100, this.format = (n = r.format) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : a.format, this.gradientType = r.gradientType, this.r < 1 && (this.r = Math.round(this.r)), this.g < 1 && (this.g = Math.round(this.g)), this.b < 1 && (this.b = Math.round(this.b)), this.isValid = a.ok; - } - return e.prototype.isDark = function() { - return this.getBrightness() < 128; - }, e.prototype.isLight = function() { - return !this.isDark(); - }, e.prototype.getBrightness = function() { - var t = this.toRgb(); - return (t.r * 299 + t.g * 587 + t.b * 114) / 1e3; - }, e.prototype.getLuminance = function() { - var t = this.toRgb(), r, n, a, o = t.r / 255, i = t.g / 255, s = t.b / 255; - return o <= 0.03928 ? r = o / 12.92 : r = Math.pow((o + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), i <= 0.03928 ? n = i / 12.92 : n = Math.pow((i + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), s <= 0.03928 ? a = s / 12.92 : a = Math.pow((s + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4), 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * n + 0.0722 * a; - }, e.prototype.getAlpha = function() { - return this.a; - }, e.prototype.setAlpha = function(t) { - return this.a = ud(t), this.roundA = Math.round(100 * this.a) / 100, this; - }, e.prototype.isMonochrome = function() { - var t = this.toHsl().s; - return t === 0; - }, e.prototype.toHsv = function() { - var t = qi(this.r, this.g, this.b); - return { h: t.h * 360, s: t.s, v: t.v, a: this.a }; - }, e.prototype.toHsvString = function() { - var t = qi(this.r, this.g, this.b), r = Math.round(t.h * 360), n = Math.round(t.s * 100), a = Math.round(t.v * 100); - return this.a === 1 ? "hsv(".concat(r, ", ").concat(n, "%, ").concat(a, "%)") : "hsva(".concat(r, ", ").concat(n, "%, ").concat(a, "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")"); - }, e.prototype.toHsl = function() { - var t = Bl(this.r, this.g, this.b); - return { h: t.h * 360, s: t.s, l: t.l, a: this.a }; - }, e.prototype.toHslString = function() { - var t = Bl(this.r, this.g, this.b), r = Math.round(t.h * 360), n = Math.round(t.s * 100), a = Math.round(t.l * 100); - return this.a === 1 ? "hsl(".concat(r, ", ").concat(n, "%, ").concat(a, "%)") : "hsla(".concat(r, ", ").concat(n, "%, ").concat(a, "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")"); - }, e.prototype.toHex = function(t) { - return t === void 0 && (t = !1), Xi(this.r, this.g, this.b, t); - }, e.prototype.toHexString = function(t) { - return t === void 0 && (t = !1), "#" + this.toHex(t); - }, e.prototype.toHex8 = function(t) { - return t === void 0 && (t = !1), Qm(this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a, t); - }, e.prototype.toHex8String = function(t) { - return t === void 0 && (t = !1), "#" + this.toHex8(t); - }, e.prototype.toHexShortString = function(t) { - return t === void 0 && (t = !1), this.a === 1 ? this.toHexString(t) : this.toHex8String(t); - }, e.prototype.toRgb = function() { - return { - r: Math.round(this.r), - g: Math.round(this.g), - b: Math.round(this.b), - a: this.a - }; - }, e.prototype.toRgbString = function() { - var t = Math.round(this.r), r = Math.round(this.g), n = Math.round(this.b); - return this.a === 1 ? "rgb(".concat(t, ", ").concat(r, ", ").concat(n, ")") : "rgba(".concat(t, ", ").concat(r, ", ").concat(n, ", ").concat(this.roundA, ")"); - }, e.prototype.toPercentageRgb = function() { - var t = function(r) { - return "".concat(Math.round(jt(r, 255) * 100), "%"); - }; - return { - r: t(this.r), - g: t(this.g), - b: t(this.b), - a: this.a - }; - }, e.prototype.toPercentageRgbString = function() { - var t = function(r) { - return Math.round(jt(r, 255) * 100); - }; - return this.a === 1 ? "rgb(".concat(t(this.r), "%, ").concat(t(this.g), "%, ").concat(t(this.b), "%)") : "rgba(".concat(t(this.r), "%, ").concat(t(this.g), "%, ").concat(t(this.b), "%, ").concat(this.roundA, ")"); - }, e.prototype.toName = function() { - if (this.a === 0) - return "transparent"; - if (this.a < 1) - return !1; - for (var t = "#" + Xi(this.r, this.g, this.b, !1), r = 0, n = Object.entries(Yi); r < n.length; r++) { - var a = n[r], o = a[0], i = a[1]; - if (t === i) - return o; - } - return !1; - }, e.prototype.toString = function(t) { - var r = !!t; - t = t ?? this.format; - var n = !1, a = this.a < 1 && this.a >= 0, o = !r && a && (t.startsWith("hex") || t === "name"); - return o ? t === "name" && this.a === 0 ? this.toName() : this.toRgbString() : (t === "rgb" && (n = this.toRgbString()), t === "prgb" && (n = this.toPercentageRgbString()), (t === "hex" || t === "hex6") && (n = this.toHexString()), t === "hex3" && (n = this.toHexString(!0)), t === "hex4" && (n = this.toHex8String(!0)), t === "hex8" && (n = this.toHex8String()), t === "name" && (n = this.toName()), t === "hsl" && (n = this.toHslString()), t === "hsv" && (n = this.toHsvString()), n || this.toHexString()); - }, e.prototype.toNumber = function() { - return (Math.round(this.r) << 16) + (Math.round(this.g) << 8) + Math.round(this.b); - }, e.prototype.clone = function() { - return new e(this.toString()); - }, e.prototype.lighten = function(t) { - t === void 0 && (t = 10); - var r = this.toHsl(); - return r.l += t / 100, r.l = Ka(r.l), new e(r); - }, e.prototype.brighten = function(t) { - t === void 0 && (t = 10); - var r = this.toRgb(); - return r.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, r.r - Math.round(255 * -(t / 100)))), r.g = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, r.g - Math.round(255 * -(t / 100)))), r.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, r.b - Math.round(255 * -(t / 100)))), new e(r); - }, e.prototype.darken = function(t) { - t === void 0 && (t = 10); - var r = this.toHsl(); - return r.l -= t / 100, r.l = Ka(r.l), new e(r); - }, e.prototype.tint = function(t) { - return t === void 0 && (t = 10), this.mix("white", t); - }, e.prototype.shade = function(t) { - return t === void 0 && (t = 10), this.mix("black", t); - }, e.prototype.desaturate = function(t) { - t === void 0 && (t = 10); - var r = this.toHsl(); - return r.s -= t / 100, r.s = Ka(r.s), new e(r); - }, e.prototype.saturate = function(t) { - t === void 0 && (t = 10); - var r = this.toHsl(); - return r.s += t / 100, r.s = Ka(r.s), new e(r); - }, e.prototype.greyscale = function() { - return this.desaturate(100); - }, e.prototype.spin = function(t) { - var r = this.toHsl(), n = (r.h + t) % 360; - return r.h = n < 0 ? 360 + n : n, new e(r); - }, e.prototype.mix = function(t, r) { - r === void 0 && (r = 50); - var n = this.toRgb(), a = new e(t).toRgb(), o = r / 100, i = { - r: (a.r - n.r) * o + n.r, - g: (a.g - n.g) * o + n.g, - b: (a.b - n.b) * o + n.b, - a: (a.a - n.a) * o + n.a - }; - return new e(i); - }, e.prototype.analogous = function(t, r) { - t === void 0 && (t = 6), r === void 0 && (r = 30); - var n = this.toHsl(), a = 360 / r, o = [this]; - for (n.h = (n.h - (a * t >> 1) + 720) % 360; --t; ) - n.h = (n.h + a) % 360, o.push(new e(n)); - return o; - }, e.prototype.complement = function() { - var t = this.toHsl(); - return t.h = (t.h + 180) % 360, new e(t); - }, e.prototype.monochromatic = function(t) { - t === void 0 && (t = 6); - for (var r = this.toHsv(), n = r.h, a = r.s, o = r.v, i = [], s = 1 / t; t--; ) - i.push(new e({ h: n, s: a, v: o })), o = (o + s) % 1; - return i; - }, e.prototype.splitcomplement = function() { - var t = this.toHsl(), r = t.h; - return [ - this, - new e({ h: (r + 72) % 360, s: t.s, l: t.l }), - new e({ h: (r + 216) % 360, s: t.s, l: t.l }) - ]; - }, e.prototype.onBackground = function(t) { - var r = this.toRgb(), n = new e(t).toRgb(), a = r.a + n.a * (1 - r.a); - return new e({ - r: (r.r * r.a + n.r * n.a * (1 - r.a)) / a, - g: (r.g * r.a + n.g * n.a * (1 - r.a)) / a, - b: (r.b * r.a + n.b * n.a * (1 - r.a)) / a, - a - }); - }, e.prototype.triad = function() { - return this.polyad(3); - }, e.prototype.tetrad = function() { - return this.polyad(4); - }, e.prototype.polyad = function(t) { - for (var r = this.toHsl(), n = r.h, a = [this], o = 360 / t, i = 1; i < t; i++) - a.push(new e({ h: (n + i * o) % 360, s: r.s, l: r.l })); - return a; - }, e.prototype.equals = function(t) { - return this.toRgbString() === new e(t).toRgbString(); - }, e; - }() -), Ga = 2, Hl = 0.16, ap = 0.05, op = 0.05, ip = 0.15, dd = 5, fd = 4, sp = [{ - index: 7, - opacity: 0.15 -}, { - index: 6, - opacity: 0.25 -}, { - index: 5, - opacity: 0.3 -}, { - index: 5, - opacity: 0.45 -}, { - index: 5, - opacity: 0.65 -}, { - index: 5, - opacity: 0.85 -}, { - index: 4, - opacity: 0.9 -}, { - index: 3, - opacity: 0.95 -}, { - index: 2, - opacity: 0.97 -}, { - index: 1, - opacity: 0.98 -}]; -function Wl(e) { - var t = e.r, r = e.g, n = e.b, a = qi(t, r, n); - return { - h: a.h * 360, - s: a.s, - v: a.v - }; -} -function qa(e) { - var t = e.r, r = e.g, n = e.b; - return "#".concat(Xi(t, r, n, !1)); -} -function lp(e, t, r) { - var n = r / 100, a = { - r: (t.r - e.r) * n + e.r, - g: (t.g - e.g) * n + e.g, - b: (t.b - e.b) * n + e.b - }; - return a; -} -function Kl(e, t, r) { - var n; - return Math.round(e.h) >= 60 && Math.round(e.h) <= 240 ? n = r ? Math.round(e.h) - Ga * t : Math.round(e.h) + Ga * t : n = r ? Math.round(e.h) + Ga * t : Math.round(e.h) - Ga * t, n < 0 ? n += 360 : n >= 360 && (n -= 360), n; -} -function Ul(e, t, r) { - if (e.h === 0 && e.s === 0) - return e.s; - var n; - return r ? n = e.s - Hl * t : t === fd ? n = e.s + Hl : n = e.s + ap * t, n > 1 && (n = 1), r && t === dd && n > 0.1 && (n = 0.1), n < 0.06 && (n = 0.06), Number(n.toFixed(2)); -} -function Gl(e, t, r) { - var n; - return r ? n = e.v + op * t : n = e.v - ip * t, n > 1 && (n = 1), Number(n.toFixed(2)); -} -function wa(e) { - for (var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, r = [], n = Rn(e), a = dd; a > 0; a -= 1) { - var o = Wl(n), i = qa(Rn({ - h: Kl(o, a, !0), - s: Ul(o, a, !0), - v: Gl(o, a, !0) - })); - r.push(i); - } - r.push(qa(n)); - for (var s = 1; s <= fd; s += 1) { - var l = Wl(n), c = qa(Rn({ - h: Kl(l, s), - s: Ul(l, s), - v: Gl(l, s) - })); - r.push(c); - } - return t.theme === "dark" ? sp.map(function(d) { - var f = d.index, v = d.opacity, m = qa(lp(Rn(t.backgroundColor || "#141414"), Rn(r[f]), v * 100)); - return m; - }) : r; -} -var Zi = ["#fffbe6", "#fff1b8", "#ffe58f", "#ffd666", "#ffc53d", "#faad14", "#d48806", "#ad6800", "#874d00", "#613400"]; -Zi.primary = Zi[5]; -var Qi = ["#e6f4ff", "#bae0ff", "#91caff", "#69b1ff", "#4096ff", "#1677ff", "#0958d9", "#003eb3", "#002c8c", "#001d66"]; -Qi.primary = Qi[5]; -const vd = { - blue: "#1677ff", - purple: "#722ED1", - cyan: "#13C2C2", - green: "#52C41A", - magenta: "#EB2F96", - pink: "#eb2f96", - red: "#F5222D", - orange: "#FA8C16", - yellow: "#FADB14", - volcano: "#FA541C", - geekblue: "#2F54EB", - gold: "#FAAD14", - lime: "#A0D911" -}, $a = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, vd), { - // Color - colorPrimary: "#1677ff", - colorSuccess: "#52c41a", - colorWarning: "#faad14", - colorError: "#ff4d4f", - colorInfo: "#1677ff", - colorLink: "", - colorTextBase: "", - colorBgBase: "", - // Font - fontFamily: `-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, -'Noto Sans', sans-serif, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', -'Noto Color Emoji'`, - fontFamilyCode: "'SFMono-Regular', Consolas, 'Liberation Mono', Menlo, Courier, monospace", - fontSize: 14, - // Line - lineWidth: 1, - lineType: "solid", - // Motion - motionUnit: 0.1, - motionBase: 0, - motionEaseOutCirc: "cubic-bezier(0.08, 0.82, 0.17, 1)", - motionEaseInOutCirc: "cubic-bezier(0.78, 0.14, 0.15, 0.86)", - motionEaseOut: "cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1)", - motionEaseInOut: "cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1)", - motionEaseOutBack: "cubic-bezier(0.12, 0.4, 0.29, 1.46)", - motionEaseInBack: "cubic-bezier(0.71, -0.46, 0.88, 0.6)", - motionEaseInQuint: "cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06)", - motionEaseOutQuint: "cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1)", - // Radius - borderRadius: 6, - // Size - sizeUnit: 4, - sizeStep: 4, - sizePopupArrow: 16, - // Control Base - controlHeight: 32, - // zIndex - zIndexBase: 0, - zIndexPopupBase: 1e3, - // Image - opacityImage: 1, - // Wireframe - wireframe: !1, - // Motion - motion: !0 -}); -function cp(e, t) { - let { - generateColorPalettes: r, - generateNeutralColorPalettes: n - } = t; - const { - colorSuccess: a, - colorWarning: o, - colorError: i, - colorInfo: s, - colorPrimary: l, - colorBgBase: c, - colorTextBase: d - } = e, f = r(l), v = r(a), m = r(o), b = r(i), p = r(s), g = n(c, d), S = e.colorLink || e.colorInfo, h = r(S); - return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, g), { - colorPrimaryBg: f[1], - colorPrimaryBgHover: f[2], - colorPrimaryBorder: f[3], - colorPrimaryBorderHover: f[4], - colorPrimaryHover: f[5], - colorPrimary: f[6], - colorPrimaryActive: f[7], - colorPrimaryTextHover: f[8], - colorPrimaryText: f[9], - colorPrimaryTextActive: f[10], - colorSuccessBg: v[1], - colorSuccessBgHover: v[2], - colorSuccessBorder: v[3], - colorSuccessBorderHover: v[4], - colorSuccessHover: v[4], - colorSuccess: v[6], - colorSuccessActive: v[7], - colorSuccessTextHover: v[8], - colorSuccessText: v[9], - colorSuccessTextActive: v[10], - colorErrorBg: b[1], - colorErrorBgHover: b[2], - colorErrorBgActive: b[3], - colorErrorBorder: b[3], - colorErrorBorderHover: b[4], - colorErrorHover: b[5], - colorError: b[6], - colorErrorActive: b[7], - colorErrorTextHover: b[8], - colorErrorText: b[9], - colorErrorTextActive: b[10], - colorWarningBg: m[1], - colorWarningBgHover: m[2], - colorWarningBorder: m[3], - colorWarningBorderHover: m[4], - colorWarningHover: m[4], - colorWarning: m[6], - colorWarningActive: m[7], - colorWarningTextHover: m[8], - colorWarningText: m[9], - colorWarningTextActive: m[10], - colorInfoBg: p[1], - colorInfoBgHover: p[2], - colorInfoBorder: p[3], - colorInfoBorderHover: p[4], - colorInfoHover: p[4], - colorInfo: p[6], - colorInfoActive: p[7], - colorInfoTextHover: p[8], - colorInfoText: p[9], - colorInfoTextActive: p[10], - colorLinkHover: h[4], - colorLink: h[6], - colorLinkActive: h[7], - colorBgMask: new tr("#000").setAlpha(0.45).toRgbString(), - colorWhite: "#fff" - }); -} -const up = (e) => { - let t = e, r = e, n = e, a = e; - return e < 6 && e >= 5 ? t = e + 1 : e < 16 && e >= 6 ? t = e + 2 : e >= 16 && (t = 16), e < 7 && e >= 5 ? r = 4 : e < 8 && e >= 7 ? r = 5 : e < 14 && e >= 8 ? r = 6 : e < 16 && e >= 14 ? r = 7 : e >= 16 && (r = 8), e < 6 && e >= 2 ? n = 1 : e >= 6 && (n = 2), e > 4 && e < 8 ? a = 4 : e >= 8 && (a = 6), { - borderRadius: e, - borderRadiusXS: n, - borderRadiusSM: r, - borderRadiusLG: t, - borderRadiusOuter: a - }; -}; -function dp(e) { - const { - motionUnit: t, - motionBase: r, - borderRadius: n, - lineWidth: a - } = e; - return Object.assign({ - // motion - motionDurationFast: `${(r + t).toFixed(1)}s`, - motionDurationMid: `${(r + t * 2).toFixed(1)}s`, - motionDurationSlow: `${(r + t * 3).toFixed(1)}s`, - // line - lineWidthBold: a + 1 - }, up(n)); -} -const fp = (e) => { - const { - controlHeight: t - } = e; - return { - controlHeightSM: t * 0.75, - controlHeightXS: t * 0.5, - controlHeightLG: t * 1.25 - }; -}; -function mo(e) { - return (e + 8) / e; -} -function vp(e) { - const t = new Array(10).fill(null).map((r, n) => { - const a = n - 1, o = e * Math.pow(Math.E, a / 5), i = n > 1 ? Math.floor(o) : Math.ceil(o); - return Math.floor(i / 2) * 2; - }); - return t[1] = e, t.map((r) => ({ - size: r, - lineHeight: mo(r) - })); -} -const gp = (e) => { - const t = vp(e), r = t.map((d) => d.size), n = t.map((d) => d.lineHeight), a = r[1], o = r[0], i = r[2], s = n[1], l = n[0], c = n[2]; - return { - fontSizeSM: o, - fontSize: a, - fontSizeLG: i, - fontSizeXL: r[3], - fontSizeHeading1: r[6], - fontSizeHeading2: r[5], - fontSizeHeading3: r[4], - fontSizeHeading4: r[3], - fontSizeHeading5: r[2], - lineHeight: s, - lineHeightLG: c, - lineHeightSM: l, - fontHeight: Math.round(s * a), - fontHeightLG: Math.round(c * i), - fontHeightSM: Math.round(l * o), - lineHeightHeading1: n[6], - lineHeightHeading2: n[5], - lineHeightHeading3: n[4], - lineHeightHeading4: n[3], - lineHeightHeading5: n[2] - }; -}; -function mp(e) { - const { - sizeUnit: t, - sizeStep: r - } = e; - return { - sizeXXL: t * (r + 8), - // 48 - sizeXL: t * (r + 4), - // 32 - sizeLG: t * (r + 2), - // 24 - sizeMD: t * (r + 1), - // 20 - sizeMS: t * r, - // 16 - size: t * r, - // 16 - sizeSM: t * (r - 1), - // 12 - sizeXS: t * (r - 2), - // 8 - sizeXXS: t * (r - 3) - // 4 - }; -} -const Mr = (e, t) => new tr(e).setAlpha(t).toRgbString(), na = (e, t) => new tr(e).darken(t).toHexString(), pp = (e) => { - const t = wa(e); - return { - 1: t[0], - 2: t[1], - 3: t[2], - 4: t[3], - 5: t[4], - 6: t[5], - 7: t[6], - 8: t[4], - 9: t[5], - 10: t[6] - // 8: colors[7], - // 9: colors[8], - // 10: colors[9], - }; -}, hp = (e, t) => { - const r = e || "#fff", n = t || "#000"; - return { - colorBgBase: r, - colorTextBase: n, - colorText: Mr(n, 0.88), - colorTextSecondary: Mr(n, 0.65), - colorTextTertiary: Mr(n, 0.45), - colorTextQuaternary: Mr(n, 0.25), - colorFill: Mr(n, 0.15), - colorFillSecondary: Mr(n, 0.06), - colorFillTertiary: Mr(n, 0.04), - colorFillQuaternary: Mr(n, 0.02), - colorBgLayout: na(r, 4), - colorBgContainer: na(r, 0), - colorBgElevated: na(r, 0), - colorBgSpotlight: Mr(n, 0.85), - colorBgBlur: "transparent", - colorBorder: na(r, 15), - colorBorderSecondary: na(r, 6) - }; -}; -function bp(e) { - const t = Object.keys(vd).map((r) => { - const n = wa(e[r]); - return new Array(10).fill(1).reduce((a, o, i) => (a[`${r}-${i + 1}`] = n[i], a[`${r}${i + 1}`] = n[i], a), {}); - }).reduce((r, n) => (r = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r), n), r), {}); - return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e), t), cp(e, { - generateColorPalettes: pp, - generateNeutralColorPalettes: hp - })), gp(e.fontSize)), mp(e)), fp(e)), dp(e)); -} -const gd = Vi(bp), Ji = { - token: $a, - override: { - override: $a - }, - hashed: !0 -}, md = /* @__PURE__ */ q.createContext(Ji), pd = "anticon", yp = ["outlined", "borderless", "filled"], Sp = (e, t) => t || (e ? `ant-${e}` : "ant"), ft = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext({ - // We provide a default function for Context without provider - getPrefixCls: Sp, - iconPrefixCls: pd -}), Cp = `-ant-${Date.now()}-${Math.random()}`; -function Ep(e, t) { - const r = {}, n = (i, s) => { - let l = i.clone(); - return l = (s == null ? void 0 : s(l)) || l, l.toRgbString(); - }, a = (i, s) => { - const l = new tr(i), c = wa(l.toRgbString()); - r[`${s}-color`] = n(l), r[`${s}-color-disabled`] = c[1], r[`${s}-color-hover`] = c[4], r[`${s}-color-active`] = c[6], r[`${s}-color-outline`] = l.clone().setAlpha(0.2).toRgbString(), r[`${s}-color-deprecated-bg`] = c[0], r[`${s}-color-deprecated-border`] = c[2]; - }; - if (t.primaryColor) { - a(t.primaryColor, "primary"); - const i = new tr(t.primaryColor), s = wa(i.toRgbString()); - s.forEach((c, d) => { - r[`primary-${d + 1}`] = c; - }), r["primary-color-deprecated-l-35"] = n(i, (c) => c.lighten(35)), r["primary-color-deprecated-l-20"] = n(i, (c) => c.lighten(20)), r["primary-color-deprecated-t-20"] = n(i, (c) => c.tint(20)), r["primary-color-deprecated-t-50"] = n(i, (c) => c.tint(50)), r["primary-color-deprecated-f-12"] = n(i, (c) => c.setAlpha(c.getAlpha() * 0.12)); - const l = new tr(s[0]); - r["primary-color-active-deprecated-f-30"] = n(l, (c) => c.setAlpha(c.getAlpha() * 0.3)), r["primary-color-active-deprecated-d-02"] = n(l, (c) => c.darken(2)); - } - return t.successColor && a(t.successColor, "success"), t.warningColor && a(t.warningColor, "warning"), t.errorColor && a(t.errorColor, "error"), t.infoColor && a(t.infoColor, "info"), ` - :root { - ${Object.keys(r).map((i) => `--${e}-${i}: ${r[i]};`).join(` -`)} - } - `.trim(); -} -function xp(e, t) { - const r = Ep(e, t); - Xt() ? Lr(r, `${Cp}-dynamic-theme`) : process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && zo(!1, "ConfigProvider", "SSR do not support dynamic theme with css variables."); -} -const Dn = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(!1), wp = (e) => { - let { - children: t, - disabled: r - } = e; - const n = u.useContext(Dn); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Dn.Provider, { - value: r ?? n - }, t); -}, zn = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(void 0), $p = (e) => { - let { - children: t, - size: r - } = e; - const n = u.useContext(zn); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(zn.Provider, { - value: r || n - }, t); -}; -function Op() { - const e = Ht(Dn), t = Ht(zn); - return { - componentDisabled: e, - componentSize: t - }; -} -const xo = ["blue", "purple", "cyan", "green", "magenta", "pink", "red", "orange", "yellow", "volcano", "geekblue", "lime", "gold"], Rp = "5.19.0"; -function ui(e) { - return e >= 0 && e <= 255; -} -function Xa(e, t) { - const { - r, - g: n, - b: a, - a: o - } = new tr(e).toRgb(); - if (o < 1) - return e; - const { - r: i, - g: s, - b: l - } = new tr(t).toRgb(); - for (let c = 0.01; c <= 1; c += 0.01) { - const d = Math.round((r - i * (1 - c)) / c), f = Math.round((n - s * (1 - c)) / c), v = Math.round((a - l * (1 - c)) / c); - if (ui(d) && ui(f) && ui(v)) - return new tr({ - r: d, - g: f, - b: v, - a: Math.round(c * 100) / 100 - }).toRgbString(); - } - return new tr({ - r, - g: n, - b: a, - a: 1 - }).toRgbString(); -} -var Pp = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -function hd(e) { - const { - override: t - } = e, r = Pp(e, ["override"]), n = Object.assign({}, t); - Object.keys($a).forEach((v) => { - delete n[v]; - }); - const a = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r), n), o = 480, i = 576, s = 768, l = 992, c = 1200, d = 1600; - if (a.motion === !1) { - const v = "0s"; - a.motionDurationFast = v, a.motionDurationMid = v, a.motionDurationSlow = v; - } - return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, a), { - // ============== Background ============== // - colorFillContent: a.colorFillSecondary, - colorFillContentHover: a.colorFill, - colorFillAlter: a.colorFillQuaternary, - colorBgContainerDisabled: a.colorFillTertiary, - // ============== Split ============== // - colorBorderBg: a.colorBgContainer, - colorSplit: Xa(a.colorBorderSecondary, a.colorBgContainer), - // ============== Text ============== // - colorTextPlaceholder: a.colorTextQuaternary, - colorTextDisabled: a.colorTextQuaternary, - colorTextHeading: a.colorText, - colorTextLabel: a.colorTextSecondary, - colorTextDescription: a.colorTextTertiary, - colorTextLightSolid: a.colorWhite, - colorHighlight: a.colorError, - colorBgTextHover: a.colorFillSecondary, - colorBgTextActive: a.colorFill, - colorIcon: a.colorTextTertiary, - colorIconHover: a.colorText, - colorErrorOutline: Xa(a.colorErrorBg, a.colorBgContainer), - colorWarningOutline: Xa(a.colorWarningBg, a.colorBgContainer), - // Font - fontSizeIcon: a.fontSizeSM, - // Line - lineWidthFocus: a.lineWidth * 4, - // Control - lineWidth: a.lineWidth, - controlOutlineWidth: a.lineWidth * 2, - // Checkbox size and expand icon size - controlInteractiveSize: a.controlHeight / 2, - controlItemBgHover: a.colorFillTertiary, - controlItemBgActive: a.colorPrimaryBg, - controlItemBgActiveHover: a.colorPrimaryBgHover, - controlItemBgActiveDisabled: a.colorFill, - controlTmpOutline: a.colorFillQuaternary, - controlOutline: Xa(a.colorPrimaryBg, a.colorBgContainer), - lineType: a.lineType, - borderRadius: a.borderRadius, - borderRadiusXS: a.borderRadiusXS, - borderRadiusSM: a.borderRadiusSM, - borderRadiusLG: a.borderRadiusLG, - fontWeightStrong: 600, - opacityLoading: 0.65, - linkDecoration: "none", - linkHoverDecoration: "none", - linkFocusDecoration: "none", - controlPaddingHorizontal: 12, - controlPaddingHorizontalSM: 8, - paddingXXS: a.sizeXXS, - paddingXS: a.sizeXS, - paddingSM: a.sizeSM, - padding: a.size, - paddingMD: a.sizeMD, - paddingLG: a.sizeLG, - paddingXL: a.sizeXL, - paddingContentHorizontalLG: a.sizeLG, - paddingContentVerticalLG: a.sizeMS, - paddingContentHorizontal: a.sizeMS, - paddingContentVertical: a.sizeSM, - paddingContentHorizontalSM: a.size, - paddingContentVerticalSM: a.sizeXS, - marginXXS: a.sizeXXS, - marginXS: a.sizeXS, - marginSM: a.sizeSM, - margin: a.size, - marginMD: a.sizeMD, - marginLG: a.sizeLG, - marginXL: a.sizeXL, - marginXXL: a.sizeXXL, - boxShadow: ` - 0 6px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), - 0 3px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), - 0 9px 28px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) - `, - boxShadowSecondary: ` - 0 6px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), - 0 3px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), - 0 9px 28px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) - `, - boxShadowTertiary: ` - 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03), - 0 1px 6px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02), - 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02) - `, - screenXS: o, - screenXSMin: o, - screenXSMax: i - 1, - screenSM: i, - screenSMMin: i, - screenSMMax: s - 1, - screenMD: s, - screenMDMin: s, - screenMDMax: l - 1, - screenLG: l, - screenLGMin: l, - screenLGMax: c - 1, - screenXL: c, - screenXLMin: c, - screenXLMax: d - 1, - screenXXL: d, - screenXXLMin: d, - boxShadowPopoverArrow: "2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)", - boxShadowCard: ` - 0 1px 2px -2px ${new tr("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16)").toRgbString()}, - 0 3px 6px 0 ${new tr("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)").toRgbString()}, - 0 5px 12px 4px ${new tr("rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09)").toRgbString()} - `, - boxShadowDrawerRight: ` - -6px 0 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), - -3px 0 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), - -9px 0 28px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) - `, - boxShadowDrawerLeft: ` - 6px 0 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), - 3px 0 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), - 9px 0 28px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) - `, - boxShadowDrawerUp: ` - 0 6px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), - 0 3px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), - 0 9px 28px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) - `, - boxShadowDrawerDown: ` - 0 -6px 16px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), - 0 -3px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), - 0 -9px 28px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) - `, - boxShadowTabsOverflowLeft: "inset 10px 0 8px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)", - boxShadowTabsOverflowRight: "inset -10px 0 8px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)", - boxShadowTabsOverflowTop: "inset 0 10px 8px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)", - boxShadowTabsOverflowBottom: "inset 0 -10px 8px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)" - }), n); -} -var ql = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const bd = { - lineHeight: !0, - lineHeightSM: !0, - lineHeightLG: !0, - lineHeightHeading1: !0, - lineHeightHeading2: !0, - lineHeightHeading3: !0, - lineHeightHeading4: !0, - lineHeightHeading5: !0, - opacityLoading: !0, - fontWeightStrong: !0, - zIndexPopupBase: !0, - zIndexBase: !0 -}, yd = { - size: !0, - sizeSM: !0, - sizeLG: !0, - sizeMD: !0, - sizeXS: !0, - sizeXXS: !0, - sizeMS: !0, - sizeXL: !0, - sizeXXL: !0, - sizeUnit: !0, - sizeStep: !0, - motionBase: !0, - motionUnit: !0 -}, _p = { - screenXS: !0, - screenXSMin: !0, - screenXSMax: !0, - screenSM: !0, - screenSMMin: !0, - screenSMMax: !0, - screenMD: !0, - screenMDMin: !0, - screenMDMax: !0, - screenLG: !0, - screenLGMin: !0, - screenLGMax: !0, - screenXL: !0, - screenXLMin: !0, - screenXLMax: !0, - screenXXL: !0, - screenXXLMin: !0 -}, Sd = (e, t, r) => { - const n = r.getDerivativeToken(e), { - override: a - } = t, o = ql(t, ["override"]); - let i = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, n), { - override: a - }); - return i = hd(i), o && Object.entries(o).forEach((s) => { - let [l, c] = s; - const { - theme: d - } = c, f = ql(c, ["theme"]); - let v = f; - d && (v = Sd(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, i), f), { - override: f - }, d)), i[l] = v; - }), i; -}; -function Rr() { - const { - token: e, - hashed: t, - theme: r, - override: n, - cssVar: a - } = q.useContext(md), o = `${Rp}-${t || ""}`, i = r || gd, [s, l, c] = sm(i, [$a, e], { - salt: o, - override: n, - getComputedToken: Sd, - // formatToken will not be consumed after 1.15.0 with getComputedToken. - // But token will break if @ant-design/cssinjs is under 1.15.0 without it - formatToken: hd, - cssVar: a && { - prefix: a.prefix, - key: a.key, - unitless: bd, - ignore: yd, - preserve: _p - } - }); - return [i, c, t ? l : "", s, a]; -} -function kt(e) { - var t = u.useRef(); - t.current = e; - var r = u.useCallback(function() { - for (var n, a = arguments.length, o = new Array(a), i = 0; i < a; i++) - o[i] = arguments[i]; - return (n = t.current) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.call.apply(n, [t].concat(o)); - }, []); - return r; -} -function Oa(e) { - var t = u.useRef(!1), r = u.useState(e), n = K(r, 2), a = n[0], o = n[1]; - u.useEffect(function() { - return t.current = !1, function() { - t.current = !0; - }; - }, []); - function i(s, l) { - l && t.current || o(s); - } - return [a, i]; -} -function di(e) { - return e !== void 0; -} -function cr(e, t) { - var r = t || {}, n = r.defaultValue, a = r.value, o = r.onChange, i = r.postState, s = Oa(function() { - return di(a) ? a : di(n) ? typeof n == "function" ? n() : n : typeof e == "function" ? e() : e; - }), l = K(s, 2), c = l[0], d = l[1], f = a !== void 0 ? a : c, v = i ? i(f) : f, m = kt(o), b = Oa([f]), p = K(b, 2), g = p[0], S = p[1]; - ki(function() { - var y = g[0]; - c !== y && m(c, y); - }, [g]), ki(function() { - di(a) || d(a); - }, [a]); - var h = kt(function(y, E) { - d(y, E), S([f], E); - }); - return [v, h]; -} -const Tp = 1e3 * 60 * 10; -let Np = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - function e() { - Lt(this, e), this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.objectIDMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), this.nextID = 0, this.lastAccessBeat = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.accessBeat = 0; - } - return Dt(e, [{ - key: "set", - value: function(r, n) { - this.clear(); - const a = this.getCompositeKey(r); - this.map.set(a, n), this.lastAccessBeat.set(a, Date.now()); - } - }, { - key: "get", - value: function(r) { - const n = this.getCompositeKey(r), a = this.map.get(n); - return this.lastAccessBeat.set(n, Date.now()), this.accessBeat += 1, a; - } - }, { - key: "getCompositeKey", - value: function(r) { - return r.map((a) => a && typeof a == "object" ? `obj_${this.getObjectID(a)}` : `${typeof a}_${a}`).join("|"); - } - }, { - key: "getObjectID", - value: function(r) { - if (this.objectIDMap.has(r)) - return this.objectIDMap.get(r); - const n = this.nextID; - return this.objectIDMap.set(r, n), this.nextID += 1, n; - } - }, { - key: "clear", - value: function() { - if (this.accessBeat > 1e4) { - const r = Date.now(); - this.lastAccessBeat.forEach((n, a) => { - r - n > Tp && (this.map.delete(a), this.lastAccessBeat.delete(a)); - }), this.accessBeat = 0; - } - } - }]); -}(); -const Xl = new Np(); -function Ip(e, t) { - return q.useMemo(() => { - const r = Xl.get(t); - if (r) - return r; - const n = e(); - return Xl.set(t, n), n; - }, t); -} -const Cd = (e) => ({ - // FIXME: This use link but is a operation unit. Seems should be a colorPrimary. - // And Typography use this to generate link style which should not do this. - color: e.colorLink, - textDecoration: "none", - outline: "none", - cursor: "pointer", - transition: `color ${e.motionDurationSlow}`, - "&:focus, &:hover": { - color: e.colorLinkHover - }, - "&:active": { - color: e.colorLinkActive - } -}), Hs = { - overflow: "hidden", - whiteSpace: "nowrap", - textOverflow: "ellipsis" -}, Wn = function(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !1; - return { - boxSizing: "border-box", - margin: 0, - padding: 0, - color: e.colorText, - fontSize: e.fontSize, - // font-variant: @font-variant-base; - lineHeight: e.lineHeight, - listStyle: "none", - // font-feature-settings: @font-feature-settings-base; - fontFamily: t ? "inherit" : e.fontFamily - }; -}, Mp = () => ({ - display: "inline-flex", - alignItems: "center", - color: "inherit", - fontStyle: "normal", - lineHeight: 0, - textAlign: "center", - textTransform: "none", - // for SVG icon, see https://blog.prototypr.io/align-svg-icons-to-text-and-say-goodbye-to-font-icons-d44b3d7b26b4 - verticalAlign: "-0.125em", - textRendering: "optimizeLegibility", - "-webkit-font-smoothing": "antialiased", - "-moz-osx-font-smoothing": "grayscale", - "> *": { - lineHeight: 1 - }, - svg: { - display: "inline-block" - } -}), Ia = () => ({ - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/21301#issuecomment-583955229 - "&::before": { - display: "table", - content: '""' - }, - "&::after": { - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/21864 - display: "table", - clear: "both", - content: '""' - } -}), Ap = (e) => ({ - a: { - color: e.colorLink, - textDecoration: e.linkDecoration, - backgroundColor: "transparent", - // remove the gray background on active links in IE 10. - outline: "none", - cursor: "pointer", - transition: `color ${e.motionDurationSlow}`, - "-webkit-text-decoration-skip": "objects", - // remove gaps in links underline in iOS 8+ and Safari 8+. - "&:hover": { - color: e.colorLinkHover - }, - "&:active": { - color: e.colorLinkActive - }, - "&:active, &:hover": { - textDecoration: e.linkHoverDecoration, - outline: 0 - }, - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/22503 - "&:focus": { - textDecoration: e.linkFocusDecoration, - outline: 0 - }, - "&[disabled]": { - color: e.colorTextDisabled, - cursor: "not-allowed" - } - } -}), jp = (e, t, r, n) => { - const a = `[class^="${t}"], [class*=" ${t}"]`, o = r ? `.${r}` : a, i = { - boxSizing: "border-box", - "&::before, &::after": { - boxSizing: "border-box" - } - }; - let s = {}; - return n !== !1 && (s = { - fontFamily: e.fontFamily, - fontSize: e.fontSize - }), { - [o]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, s), i), { - [a]: i - }) - }; -}, Fp = (e) => ({ - outline: `${ee(e.lineWidthFocus)} solid ${e.colorPrimaryBorder}`, - outlineOffset: 1, - transition: "outline-offset 0s, outline 0s" -}), Ws = (e) => ({ - "&:focus-visible": Object.assign({}, Fp(e)) -}); -function Lp(e) { - return e === "js" ? { - max: Math.max, - min: Math.min - } : { - max: function() { - for (var t = arguments.length, r = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++) - r[n] = arguments[n]; - return `max(${r.map((a) => ee(a)).join(",")})`; - }, - min: function() { - for (var t = arguments.length, r = new Array(t), n = 0; n < t; n++) - r[n] = arguments[n]; - return `min(${r.map((a) => ee(a)).join(",")})`; - } - }; -} -const Ed = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" || typeof CSSINJS_STATISTIC < "u"; -let es = !0; -function Zt() { - for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) - t[r] = arguments[r]; - if (!Ed) - return Object.assign.apply(Object, [{}].concat(t)); - es = !1; - const n = {}; - return t.forEach((a) => { - Object.keys(a).forEach((i) => { - Object.defineProperty(n, i, { - configurable: !0, - enumerable: !0, - get: () => a[i] - }); - }); - }), es = !0, n; -} -const Yl = {}; -function Dp() { -} -const zp = (e) => { - let t, r = e, n = Dp; - return Ed && typeof Proxy < "u" && (t = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), r = new Proxy(e, { - get(a, o) { - return es && t.add(o), a[o]; - } - }), n = (a, o) => { - var i; - Yl[a] = { - global: Array.from(t), - component: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (i = Yl[a]) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.component), o) - }; - }), { - token: r, - keys: t, - flush: n - }; -}, xd = (e, t) => { - const [r, n] = Rr(); - return Gi({ - theme: r, - token: n, - hashId: "", - path: ["ant-design-icons", e], - nonce: () => t == null ? void 0 : t.nonce, - layer: { - name: "antd" - } - }, () => [{ - [`.${e}`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Mp()), { - [`.${e} .${e}-icon`]: { - display: "block" - } - }) - }]); -}, wd = (e, t, r) => { - var n; - return typeof r == "function" ? r(Zt(t, (n = t[e]) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : {})) : r ?? {}; -}, $d = (e, t, r, n) => { - const a = Object.assign({}, t[e]); - if (n != null && n.deprecatedTokens) { - const { - deprecatedTokens: i - } = n; - i.forEach((s) => { - let [l, c] = s; - var d; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && tt(!(a != null && a[l]), `Component Token \`${String(l)}\` of ${e} is deprecated. Please use \`${String(c)}\` instead.`), (a != null && a[l] || a != null && a[c]) && ((d = a[c]) !== null && d !== void 0 || (a[c] = a == null ? void 0 : a[l])); - }); - } - const o = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r), a); - return Object.keys(o).forEach((i) => { - o[i] === t[i] && delete o[i]; - }), o; -}, Zl = (e, t) => `${[t, e.replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z]+)/g, "$1-$2").replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2")].filter(Boolean).join("-")}`; -function Ks(e, t, r) { - let n = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : {}; - const a = Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e, e], [o] = a, i = a.join("-"); - return function(s) { - let l = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : s; - const [c, d, f, v, m] = Rr(), { - getPrefixCls: b, - iconPrefixCls: p, - csp: g - } = Ht(ft), S = b(), h = m ? "css" : "js", y = Ip(() => { - const w = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - return m && Object.keys(n.unitless || {}).forEach(($) => { - w.add(lo($, m.prefix)), w.add(lo($, Zl(o, m.prefix))); - }), Lg(h, w); - }, [h, o, m == null ? void 0 : m.prefix]), { - max: E, - min: C - } = Lp(h), O = { - theme: c, - token: v, - hashId: f, - nonce: () => g == null ? void 0 : g.nonce, - clientOnly: n.clientOnly, - layer: { - name: "antd" - }, - // antd is always at top of styles - order: n.order || -999 - }; - return Gi(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, O), { - clientOnly: !1, - path: ["Shared", S] - }), () => [{ - // Link - "&": Ap(v) - }]), xd(p, g), [Gi(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, O), { - path: [i, s, p] - }), () => { - if (n.injectStyle === !1) - return []; - const { - token: w, - flush: $ - } = zp(v), A = wd(o, d, r), F = `.${s}`, M = $d(o, d, A, { - deprecatedTokens: n.deprecatedTokens - }); - m && Object.keys(A).forEach((k) => { - A[k] = `var(${lo(k, Zl(o, m.prefix))})`; - }); - const I = Zt(w, { - componentCls: F, - prefixCls: s, - iconCls: `.${p}`, - antCls: `.${S}`, - calc: y, - // @ts-ignore - max: E, - // @ts-ignore - min: C - }, m ? A : M), T = t(I, { - hashId: f, - prefixCls: s, - rootPrefixCls: S, - iconPrefixCls: p - }); - return $(o, M), [n.resetStyle === !1 ? null : jp(I, s, l, n.resetFont), T]; - }), f]; - }; -} -const Vp = (e, t, r, n) => { - const a = Ks(e, t, r, Object.assign({ - resetStyle: !1, - // Sub Style should default after root one - order: -998 - }, n)), o = (i) => { - let { - prefixCls: s, - rootCls: l = s - } = i; - return a(s, l), null; - }; - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (o.displayName = `SubStyle_${Array.isArray(e) ? e.join(".") : e}`), o; -}, Bp = (e, t, r) => { - const { - unitless: n, - injectStyle: a = !0, - prefixToken: o - } = r, i = (l) => { - let { - rootCls: c, - cssVar: d - } = l; - const [, f] = Rr(); - return Fm({ - path: [e], - prefix: d.prefix, - key: d == null ? void 0 : d.key, - unitless: n, - ignore: yd, - token: f, - scope: c - }, () => { - const v = wd(e, f, t), m = $d(e, f, v, { - deprecatedTokens: r == null ? void 0 : r.deprecatedTokens - }); - return Object.keys(v).forEach((b) => { - m[o(b)] = m[b], delete m[b]; - }), m; - }), null; - }; - return (l) => { - const [, , , , c] = Rr(); - return [(d) => a && c ? /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(q.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(i, { - rootCls: l, - cssVar: c, - component: e - }), d) : d, c == null ? void 0 : c.key]; - }; -}, en = (e, t, r, n) => { - const a = Array.isArray(e) ? e[0] : e; - function o(f) { - return `${a}${f.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase()}${f.slice(1)}`; - } - const i = (n == null ? void 0 : n.unitless) || {}, s = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, bd), { - [o("zIndexPopup")]: !0 - }); - Object.keys(i).forEach((f) => { - s[o(f)] = i[f]; - }); - const l = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, n), { - unitless: s, - prefixToken: o - }), c = Ks(e, t, r, l), d = Bp(a, r, l); - return function(f) { - let v = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : f; - const [, m] = c(f, v), [b, p] = d(v); - return [b, m, p]; - }; -}; -function kp(e, t) { - return xo.reduce((r, n) => { - const a = e[`${n}1`], o = e[`${n}3`], i = e[`${n}6`], s = e[`${n}7`]; - return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r), t(n, { - lightColor: a, - lightBorderColor: o, - darkColor: i, - textColor: s - })); - }, {}); -} -const Hp = Object.assign({}, u), { - useId: Ql -} = Hp, Wp = () => "", Kp = typeof Ql > "u" ? Wp : Ql; -function Up(e, t, r) { - var n, a; - const o = Ft("ConfigProvider"), i = e || {}, s = i.inherit === !1 || !t ? Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Ji), { - hashed: (n = t == null ? void 0 : t.hashed) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : Ji.hashed, - cssVar: t == null ? void 0 : t.cssVar - }) : t, l = Kp(); - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const c = i.cssVar || s.cssVar, d = !!(typeof i.cssVar == "object" && (!((a = i.cssVar) === null || a === void 0) && a.key) || l); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && o(!c || d, "breaking", "Missing key in `cssVar` config. Please upgrade to React 18 or set `cssVar.key` manually in each ConfigProvider inside `cssVar` enabled ConfigProvider."); - } - return Io(() => { - var c, d; - if (!e) - return t; - const f = Object.assign({}, s.components); - Object.keys(e.components || {}).forEach((b) => { - f[b] = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, f[b]), e.components[b]); - }); - const v = `css-var-${l.replace(/:/g, "")}`, m = ((c = i.cssVar) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : s.cssVar) && Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ - prefix: r == null ? void 0 : r.prefixCls - }, typeof s.cssVar == "object" ? s.cssVar : {}), typeof i.cssVar == "object" ? i.cssVar : {}), { - key: typeof i.cssVar == "object" && ((d = i.cssVar) === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.key) || v - }); - return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, s), i), { - token: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, s.token), i.token), - components: f, - cssVar: m - }); - }, [i, s], (c, d) => c.some((f, v) => { - const m = d[v]; - return !Ca(f, m, !0); - })); -} -var Gp = ["children"], Od = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext({}); -function qp(e) { - var t = e.children, r = Ye(e, Gp); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Od.Provider, { - value: r - }, t); -} -var Xp = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) { - Qr(r, e); - var t = Jr(r); - function r() { - return Lt(this, r), t.apply(this, arguments); - } - return Dt(r, [{ - key: "render", - value: function() { - return this.props.children; - } - }]), r; -}(u.Component); -function Yp(e) { - var t = u.useReducer(function(s) { - return s + 1; - }, 0), r = K(t, 2), n = r[1], a = u.useRef(e), o = kt(function() { - return a.current; - }), i = kt(function(s) { - a.current = typeof s == "function" ? s(a.current) : s, n(); - }); - return [o, i]; -} -var Ur = "none", Ya = "appear", Za = "enter", Qa = "leave", Jl = "none", pr = "prepare", _n = "start", Tn = "active", Us = "end", Rd = "prepared"; -function ec(e, t) { - var r = {}; - return r[e.toLowerCase()] = t.toLowerCase(), r["Webkit".concat(e)] = "webkit".concat(t), r["Moz".concat(e)] = "moz".concat(t), r["ms".concat(e)] = "MS".concat(t), r["O".concat(e)] = "o".concat(t.toLowerCase()), r; -} -function Zp(e, t) { - var r = { - animationend: ec("Animation", "AnimationEnd"), - transitionend: ec("Transition", "TransitionEnd") - }; - return e && ("AnimationEvent" in t || delete r.animationend.animation, "TransitionEvent" in t || delete r.transitionend.transition), r; -} -var Qp = Zp(Xt(), typeof window < "u" ? window : {}), Pd = {}; -if (Xt()) { - var Jp = document.createElement("div"); - Pd = Jp.style; -} -var Ja = {}; -function _d(e) { - if (Ja[e]) - return Ja[e]; - var t = Qp[e]; - if (t) - for (var r = Object.keys(t), n = r.length, a = 0; a < n; a += 1) { - var o = r[a]; - if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, o) && o in Pd) - return Ja[e] = t[o], Ja[e]; - } - return ""; -} -var Td = _d("animationend"), Nd = _d("transitionend"), Id = !!(Td && Nd), tc = Td || "animationend", rc = Nd || "transitionend"; -function nc(e, t) { - if (!e) return null; - if (Ae(e) === "object") { - var r = t.replace(/-\w/g, function(n) { - return n[1].toUpperCase(); - }); - return e[r]; - } - return "".concat(e, "-").concat(t); -} -const eh = function(e) { - var t = Be(); - function r(a) { - a && (a.removeEventListener(rc, e), a.removeEventListener(tc, e)); - } - function n(a) { - t.current && t.current !== a && r(t.current), a && a !== t.current && (a.addEventListener(rc, e), a.addEventListener(tc, e), t.current = a); - } - return u.useEffect(function() { - return function() { - r(t.current); - }; - }, []), [n, r]; -}; -var Md = Xt() ? Cv : yt; -const th = function() { - var e = u.useRef(null); - function t() { - Nt.cancel(e.current); - } - function r(n) { - var a = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 2; - t(); - var o = Nt(function() { - a <= 1 ? n({ - isCanceled: function() { - return o !== e.current; - } - }) : r(n, a - 1); - }); - e.current = o; - } - return u.useEffect(function() { - return function() { - t(); - }; - }, []), [r, t]; -}; -var rh = [pr, _n, Tn, Us], nh = [pr, Rd], Ad = !1, ah = !0; -function jd(e) { - return e === Tn || e === Us; -} -const oh = function(e, t, r) { - var n = Oa(Jl), a = K(n, 2), o = a[0], i = a[1], s = th(), l = K(s, 2), c = l[0], d = l[1]; - function f() { - i(pr, !0); - } - var v = t ? nh : rh; - return Md(function() { - if (o !== Jl && o !== Us) { - var m = v.indexOf(o), b = v[m + 1], p = r(o); - p === Ad ? i(b, !0) : b && c(function(g) { - function S() { - g.isCanceled() || i(b, !0); - } - p === !0 ? S() : Promise.resolve(p).then(S); - }); - } - }, [e, o]), u.useEffect(function() { - return function() { - d(); - }; - }, []), [f, o]; -}; -function ih(e, t, r, n) { - var a = n.motionEnter, o = a === void 0 ? !0 : a, i = n.motionAppear, s = i === void 0 ? !0 : i, l = n.motionLeave, c = l === void 0 ? !0 : l, d = n.motionDeadline, f = n.motionLeaveImmediately, v = n.onAppearPrepare, m = n.onEnterPrepare, b = n.onLeavePrepare, p = n.onAppearStart, g = n.onEnterStart, S = n.onLeaveStart, h = n.onAppearActive, y = n.onEnterActive, E = n.onLeaveActive, C = n.onAppearEnd, O = n.onEnterEnd, R = n.onLeaveEnd, w = n.onVisibleChanged, $ = Oa(), A = K($, 2), F = A[0], M = A[1], I = Yp(Ur), T = K(I, 2), k = T[0], N = T[1], x = Oa(null), _ = K(x, 2), z = _[0], L = _[1], B = k(), X = Be(!1), W = Be(null); - function G() { - return r(); - } - var Q = Be(!1); - function Y() { - N(Ur), L(null, !0); - } - var J = kt(function(te) { - var re = k(); - if (re !== Ur) { - var be = G(); - if (!(te && !te.deadline && te.target !== be)) { - var ye = Q.current, ge; - re === Ya && ye ? ge = C == null ? void 0 : C(be, te) : re === Za && ye ? ge = O == null ? void 0 : O(be, te) : re === Qa && ye && (ge = R == null ? void 0 : R(be, te)), ye && ge !== !1 && Y(); - } - } - }), ne = eh(J), se = K(ne, 1), xe = se[0], de = function(re) { - switch (re) { - case Ya: - return j(j(j({}, pr, v), _n, p), Tn, h); - case Za: - return j(j(j({}, pr, m), _n, g), Tn, y); - case Qa: - return j(j(j({}, pr, b), _n, S), Tn, E); - default: - return {}; - } - }, ue = u.useMemo(function() { - return de(B); - }, [B]), Ce = oh(B, !e, function(te) { - if (te === pr) { - var re = ue[pr]; - return re ? re(G()) : Ad; - } - if (fe in ue) { - var be; - L(((be = ue[fe]) === null || be === void 0 ? void 0 : be.call(ue, G(), null)) || null); - } - return fe === Tn && B !== Ur && (xe(G()), d > 0 && (clearTimeout(W.current), W.current = setTimeout(function() { - J({ - deadline: !0 - }); - }, d))), fe === Rd && Y(), ah; - }), V = K(Ce, 2), le = V[0], fe = V[1], Re = jd(fe); - Q.current = Re, Md(function() { - M(t); - var te = X.current; - X.current = !0; - var re; - !te && t && s && (re = Ya), te && t && o && (re = Za), (te && !t && c || !te && f && !t && c) && (re = Qa); - var be = de(re); - re && (e || be[pr]) ? (N(re), le()) : N(Ur); - }, [t]), yt(function() { - // Cancel appear - (B === Ya && !s || // Cancel enter - B === Za && !o || // Cancel leave - B === Qa && !c) && N(Ur); - }, [s, o, c]), yt(function() { - return function() { - X.current = !1, clearTimeout(W.current); - }; - }, []); - var me = u.useRef(!1); - yt(function() { - F && (me.current = !0), F !== void 0 && B === Ur && ((me.current || F) && (w == null || w(F)), me.current = !0); - }, [F, B]); - var ae = z; - return ue[pr] && fe === _n && (ae = D({ - transition: "none" - }, ae)), [B, fe, ae, F ?? t]; -} -function sh(e) { - var t = e; - Ae(e) === "object" && (t = e.transitionSupport); - function r(a, o) { - return !!(a.motionName && t && o !== !1); - } - var n = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(a, o) { - var i = a.visible, s = i === void 0 ? !0 : i, l = a.removeOnLeave, c = l === void 0 ? !0 : l, d = a.forceRender, f = a.children, v = a.motionName, m = a.leavedClassName, b = a.eventProps, p = u.useContext(Od), g = p.motion, S = r(a, g), h = Be(), y = Be(); - function E() { - try { - return h.current instanceof HTMLElement ? h.current : so(y.current); - } catch { - return null; - } - } - var C = ih(S, s, E, a), O = K(C, 4), R = O[0], w = O[1], $ = O[2], A = O[3], F = u.useRef(A); - A && (F.current = !0); - var M = u.useCallback(function(z) { - h.current = z, Is(o, z); - }, [o]), I, T = D(D({}, b), {}, { - visible: s - }); - if (!f) - I = null; - else if (R === Ur) - A ? I = f(D({}, T), M) : !c && F.current && m ? I = f(D(D({}, T), {}, { - className: m - }), M) : d || !c && !m ? I = f(D(D({}, T), {}, { - style: { - display: "none" - } - }), M) : I = null; - else { - var k; - w === pr ? k = "prepare" : jd(w) ? k = "active" : w === _n && (k = "start"); - var N = nc(v, "".concat(R, "-").concat(k)); - I = f(D(D({}, T), {}, { - className: Z(nc(v, R), j(j({}, N, N && k), v, typeof v == "string")), - style: $ - }), M); - } - if (/* @__PURE__ */ u.isValidElement(I) && dn(I)) { - var x = I, _ = x.ref; - _ || (I = /* @__PURE__ */ u.cloneElement(I, { - ref: M - })); - } - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Xp, { - ref: y - }, I); - }); - return n.displayName = "CSSMotion", n; -} -const fn = sh(Id); -var ts = "add", rs = "keep", ns = "remove", fi = "removed"; -function lh(e) { - var t; - return e && Ae(e) === "object" && "key" in e ? t = e : t = { - key: e - }, D(D({}, t), {}, { - key: String(t.key) - }); -} -function as() { - var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : []; - return e.map(lh); -} -function ch() { - var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : [], t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : [], r = [], n = 0, a = t.length, o = as(e), i = as(t); - o.forEach(function(c) { - for (var d = !1, f = n; f < a; f += 1) { - var v = i[f]; - if (v.key === c.key) { - n < f && (r = r.concat(i.slice(n, f).map(function(m) { - return D(D({}, m), {}, { - status: ts - }); - })), n = f), r.push(D(D({}, v), {}, { - status: rs - })), n += 1, d = !0; - break; - } - } - d || r.push(D(D({}, c), {}, { - status: ns - })); - }), n < a && (r = r.concat(i.slice(n).map(function(c) { - return D(D({}, c), {}, { - status: ts - }); - }))); - var s = {}; - r.forEach(function(c) { - var d = c.key; - s[d] = (s[d] || 0) + 1; - }); - var l = Object.keys(s).filter(function(c) { - return s[c] > 1; - }); - return l.forEach(function(c) { - r = r.filter(function(d) { - var f = d.key, v = d.status; - return f !== c || v !== ns; - }), r.forEach(function(d) { - d.key === c && (d.status = rs); - }); - }), r; -} -var uh = ["component", "children", "onVisibleChanged", "onAllRemoved"], dh = ["status"], fh = ["eventProps", "visible", "children", "motionName", "motionAppear", "motionEnter", "motionLeave", "motionLeaveImmediately", "motionDeadline", "removeOnLeave", "leavedClassName", "onAppearPrepare", "onAppearStart", "onAppearActive", "onAppearEnd", "onEnterStart", "onEnterActive", "onEnterEnd", "onLeaveStart", "onLeaveActive", "onLeaveEnd"]; -function vh(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : fn, r = /* @__PURE__ */ function(n) { - Qr(o, n); - var a = Jr(o); - function o() { - var i; - Lt(this, o); - for (var s = arguments.length, l = new Array(s), c = 0; c < s; c++) - l[c] = arguments[c]; - return i = a.call.apply(a, [this].concat(l)), j(Ue(i), "state", { - keyEntities: [] - }), j(Ue(i), "removeKey", function(d) { - var f = i.state.keyEntities, v = f.map(function(m) { - return m.key !== d ? m : D(D({}, m), {}, { - status: fi - }); - }); - return i.setState({ - keyEntities: v - }), v.filter(function(m) { - var b = m.status; - return b !== fi; - }).length; - }), i; - } - return Dt(o, [{ - key: "render", - value: function() { - var s = this, l = this.state.keyEntities, c = this.props, d = c.component, f = c.children, v = c.onVisibleChanged, m = c.onAllRemoved, b = Ye(c, uh), p = d || u.Fragment, g = {}; - return fh.forEach(function(S) { - g[S] = b[S], delete b[S]; - }), delete b.keys, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(p, b, l.map(function(S, h) { - var y = S.status, E = Ye(S, dh), C = y === ts || y === rs; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(t, _e({}, g, { - key: E.key, - visible: C, - eventProps: E, - onVisibleChanged: function(R) { - if (v == null || v(R, { - key: E.key - }), !R) { - var w = s.removeKey(E.key); - w === 0 && m && m(); - } - } - }), function(O, R) { - return f(D(D({}, O), {}, { - index: h - }), R); - }); - })); - } - }], [{ - key: "getDerivedStateFromProps", - value: function(s, l) { - var c = s.keys, d = l.keyEntities, f = as(c), v = ch(d, f); - return { - keyEntities: v.filter(function(m) { - var b = d.find(function(p) { - var g = p.key; - return m.key === g; - }); - return !(b && b.status === fi && m.status === ns); - }) - }; - } - }]), o; - }(u.Component); - return j(r, "defaultProps", { - component: "div" - }), r; -} -vh(Id); -function gh(e) { - const { - children: t - } = e, [, r] = Rr(), { - motion: n - } = r, a = u.useRef(!1); - return a.current = a.current || n === !1, a.current ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(qp, { - motion: n - }, t) : t; -} -const Fd = /* @__PURE__ */ u.memo((e) => { - let { - dropdownMatchSelectWidth: t - } = e; - return Ft("ConfigProvider").deprecated(t === void 0, "dropdownMatchSelectWidth", "popupMatchSelectWidth"), null; -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Fd.displayName = "PropWarning"); -const mh = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? Fd : () => null; -var ph = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -let os = !1; -process.env.NODE_ENV; -const hh = ["getTargetContainer", "getPopupContainer", "renderEmpty", "input", "pagination", "form", "select", "button"], Ld = "ant"; -let Dd; -function bh() { - return Dd || Ld; -} -function yh(e) { - return Object.keys(e).some((t) => t.endsWith("Color")); -} -const Sh = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - iconPrefixCls: r, - theme: n, - holderRender: a - } = e; - t !== void 0 && (Dd = t), n && yh(n) && (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && zo(!1, "ConfigProvider", "`config` of css variable theme is not work in v5. Please use new `theme` config instead."), xp(bh(), n)); -}, Ch = (e) => { - const { - children: t, - csp: r, - autoInsertSpaceInButton: n, - alert: a, - anchor: o, - form: i, - locale: s, - componentSize: l, - direction: c, - space: d, - virtual: f, - dropdownMatchSelectWidth: v, - popupMatchSelectWidth: m, - popupOverflow: b, - legacyLocale: p, - parentContext: g, - iconPrefixCls: S, - theme: h, - componentDisabled: y, - segmented: E, - statistic: C, - spin: O, - calendar: R, - carousel: w, - cascader: $, - collapse: A, - typography: F, - checkbox: M, - descriptions: I, - divider: T, - drawer: k, - skeleton: N, - steps: x, - image: _, - layout: z, - list: L, - mentions: B, - modal: X, - progress: W, - result: G, - slider: Q, - breadcrumb: Y, - menu: J, - pagination: ne, - input: se, - textArea: xe, - empty: de, - badge: ue, - radio: Ce, - rate: V, - switch: le, - transfer: fe, - avatar: Re, - message: me, - tag: ae, - table: te, - card: re, - tabs: be, - timeline: ye, - timePicker: ge, - upload: Pe, - notification: ve, - tree: vt, - colorPicker: it, - datePicker: $e, - rangePicker: we, - flex: je, - wave: ze, - dropdown: gt, - warning: mt, - tour: wt, - floatButtonGroup: et, - variant: Le, - inputNumber: ie, - treeSelect: Ee - } = e, qe = u.useCallback((We, Ke) => { - const { - prefixCls: rt - } = e; - if (Ke) - return Ke; - const ht = rt || g.getPrefixCls(""); - return We ? `${ht}-${We}` : ht; - }, [g.getPrefixCls, e.prefixCls]), Qe = S || g.iconPrefixCls || pd, St = r || g.csp; - xd(Qe, St); - const ot = Up(h, g.theme, { - prefixCls: qe("") - }); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (os = os || !!ot); - const He = { - csp: St, - autoInsertSpaceInButton: n, - alert: a, - anchor: o, - locale: s || p, - direction: c, - space: d, - virtual: f, - popupMatchSelectWidth: m ?? v, - popupOverflow: b, - getPrefixCls: qe, - iconPrefixCls: Qe, - theme: ot, - segmented: E, - statistic: C, - spin: O, - calendar: R, - carousel: w, - cascader: $, - collapse: A, - typography: F, - checkbox: M, - descriptions: I, - divider: T, - drawer: k, - skeleton: N, - steps: x, - image: _, - input: se, - textArea: xe, - layout: z, - list: L, - mentions: B, - modal: X, - progress: W, - result: G, - slider: Q, - breadcrumb: Y, - menu: J, - pagination: ne, - empty: de, - badge: ue, - radio: Ce, - rate: V, - switch: le, - transfer: fe, - avatar: Re, - message: me, - tag: ae, - table: te, - card: re, - tabs: be, - timeline: ye, - timePicker: ge, - upload: Pe, - notification: ve, - tree: vt, - colorPicker: it, - datePicker: $e, - rangePicker: we, - flex: je, - wave: ze, - dropdown: gt, - warning: mt, - tour: wt, - floatButtonGroup: et, - variant: Le, - inputNumber: ie, - treeSelect: Ee - }; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && Ft("ConfigProvider")(!("autoInsertSpaceInButton" in e), "deprecated", "`autoInsertSpaceInButton` is deprecated. Please use `{ button: { autoInsertSpace: boolean }}` instead."); - const ke = Object.assign({}, g); - Object.keys(He).forEach((We) => { - He[We] !== void 0 && (ke[We] = He[We]); - }), hh.forEach((We) => { - const Ke = e[We]; - Ke && (ke[We] = Ke); - }), typeof n < "u" && (ke.button = Object.assign({ - autoInsertSpace: n - }, ke.button)); - const De = Io(() => ke, ke, (We, Ke) => { - const rt = Object.keys(We), ht = Object.keys(Ke); - return rt.length !== ht.length || rt.some((_t) => We[_t] !== Ke[_t]); - }), Te = u.useMemo(() => ({ - prefixCls: Qe, - csp: St - }), [Qe, St]); - let pe = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(u.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(mh, { - dropdownMatchSelectWidth: v - }), t); - const Ge = u.useMemo(() => { - var We, Ke, rt, ht; - return Pn(((We = Ln.Form) === null || We === void 0 ? void 0 : We.defaultValidateMessages) || {}, ((rt = (Ke = De.locale) === null || Ke === void 0 ? void 0 : Ke.Form) === null || rt === void 0 ? void 0 : rt.defaultValidateMessages) || {}, ((ht = De.form) === null || ht === void 0 ? void 0 : ht.validateMessages) || {}, (i == null ? void 0 : i.validateMessages) || {}); - }, [De, i == null ? void 0 : i.validateMessages]); - Object.keys(Ge).length > 0 && (pe = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(km.Provider, { - value: Ge - }, pe)), s && (pe = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(cd, { - locale: s, - _ANT_MARK__: ld - }, pe)), (Qe || St) && (pe = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Vs.Provider, { - value: Te - }, pe)), l && (pe = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement($p, { - size: l - }, pe)), pe = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(gh, null, pe); - const pt = u.useMemo(() => { - const We = ot || {}, { - algorithm: Ke, - token: rt, - components: ht, - cssVar: _t - } = We, zt = ph(We, ["algorithm", "token", "components", "cssVar"]), Wt = Ke && (!Array.isArray(Ke) || Ke.length > 0) ? Vi(Ke) : gd, P = {}; - Object.entries(ht || {}).forEach((U) => { - let [oe, Ne] = U; - const Oe = Object.assign({}, Ne); - "algorithm" in Oe && (Oe.algorithm === !0 ? Oe.theme = Wt : (Array.isArray(Oe.algorithm) || typeof Oe.algorithm == "function") && (Oe.theme = Vi(Oe.algorithm)), delete Oe.algorithm), P[oe] = Oe; - }); - const H = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, $a), rt); - return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, zt), { - theme: Wt, - token: H, - components: P, - override: Object.assign({ - override: H - }, P), - cssVar: _t - }); - }, [ot]); - return h && (pe = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(md.Provider, { - value: pt - }, pe)), De.warning && (pe = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(id.Provider, { - value: De.warning - }, pe)), y !== void 0 && (pe = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(wp, { - disabled: y - }, pe)), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ft.Provider, { - value: De - }, pe); -}, Kn = (e) => { - const t = u.useContext(ft), r = u.useContext(ks); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ch, Object.assign({ - parentContext: t, - legacyLocale: r - }, e)); -}; -Kn.ConfigContext = ft; -Kn.SizeContext = zn; -Kn.config = Sh; -Kn.useConfig = Op; -Object.defineProperty(Kn, "SizeContext", { - get: () => (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && zo(!1, "ConfigProvider", "ConfigProvider.SizeContext is deprecated. Please use `ConfigProvider.useConfig().componentSize` instead."), zn) -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Kn.displayName = "ConfigProvider"); -function zd(e) { - var t; - return e == null || (t = e.getRootNode) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.call(e); -} -function Eh(e) { - return zd(e) instanceof ShadowRoot; -} -function wo(e) { - return Eh(e) ? zd(e) : null; -} -function xh(e) { - return e.replace(/-(.)/g, function(t, r) { - return r.toUpperCase(); - }); -} -function wh(e, t) { - tt(e, "[@ant-design/icons] ".concat(t)); -} -function ac(e) { - return Ae(e) === "object" && typeof e.name == "string" && typeof e.theme == "string" && (Ae(e.icon) === "object" || typeof e.icon == "function"); -} -function oc() { - var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}; - return Object.keys(e).reduce(function(t, r) { - var n = e[r]; - switch (r) { - case "class": - t.className = n, delete t.class; - break; - default: - delete t[r], t[xh(r)] = n; - } - return t; - }, {}); -} -function is(e, t, r) { - return r ? /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(e.tag, D(D({ - key: t - }, oc(e.attrs)), r), (e.children || []).map(function(n, a) { - return is(n, "".concat(t, "-").concat(e.tag, "-").concat(a)); - })) : /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(e.tag, D({ - key: t - }, oc(e.attrs)), (e.children || []).map(function(n, a) { - return is(n, "".concat(t, "-").concat(e.tag, "-").concat(a)); - })); -} -function Vd(e) { - return wa(e)[0]; -} -function Bd(e) { - return e ? Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e] : []; -} -var $h = ` -.anticon { - display: inline-flex; - align-items: center; - color: inherit; - font-style: normal; - line-height: 0; - text-align: center; - text-transform: none; - vertical-align: -0.125em; - text-rendering: optimizeLegibility; - -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; - -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; -} - -.anticon > * { - line-height: 1; -} - -.anticon svg { - display: inline-block; -} - -.anticon::before { - display: none; -} - -.anticon .anticon-icon { - display: block; -} - -.anticon[tabindex] { - cursor: pointer; -} - -.anticon-spin::before, -.anticon-spin { - display: inline-block; - -webkit-animation: loadingCircle 1s infinite linear; - animation: loadingCircle 1s infinite linear; -} - -@-webkit-keyframes loadingCircle { - 100% { - -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); - transform: rotate(360deg); - } -} - -@keyframes loadingCircle { - 100% { - -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); - transform: rotate(360deg); - } -} -`, Oh = function(t) { - var r = Ht(Vs), n = r.csp, a = r.prefixCls, o = $h; - a && (o = o.replace(/anticon/g, a)), yt(function() { - var i = t.current, s = wo(i); - Lr(o, "@ant-design-icons", { - prepend: !0, - csp: n, - attachTo: s - }); - }, []); -}, Rh = ["icon", "className", "onClick", "style", "primaryColor", "secondaryColor"], va = { - primaryColor: "#333", - secondaryColor: "#E6E6E6", - calculated: !1 -}; -function Ph(e) { - var t = e.primaryColor, r = e.secondaryColor; - va.primaryColor = t, va.secondaryColor = r || Vd(t), va.calculated = !!r; -} -function _h() { - return D({}, va); -} -var Un = function(t) { - var r = t.icon, n = t.className, a = t.onClick, o = t.style, i = t.primaryColor, s = t.secondaryColor, l = Ye(t, Rh), c = u.useRef(), d = va; - if (i && (d = { - primaryColor: i, - secondaryColor: s || Vd(i) - }), Oh(c), wh(ac(r), "icon should be icon definiton, but got ".concat(r)), !ac(r)) - return null; - var f = r; - return f && typeof f.icon == "function" && (f = D(D({}, f), {}, { - icon: f.icon(d.primaryColor, d.secondaryColor) - })), is(f.icon, "svg-".concat(f.name), D(D({ - className: n, - onClick: a, - style: o, - "data-icon": f.name, - width: "1em", - height: "1em", - fill: "currentColor", - "aria-hidden": "true" - }, l), {}, { - ref: c - })); -}; -Un.displayName = "IconReact"; -Un.getTwoToneColors = _h; -Un.setTwoToneColors = Ph; -function kd(e) { - var t = Bd(e), r = K(t, 2), n = r[0], a = r[1]; - return Un.setTwoToneColors({ - primaryColor: n, - secondaryColor: a - }); -} -function Th() { - var e = Un.getTwoToneColors(); - return e.calculated ? [e.primaryColor, e.secondaryColor] : e.primaryColor; -} -var Nh = ["className", "icon", "spin", "rotate", "tabIndex", "onClick", "twoToneColor"]; -kd(Qi.primary); -var nr = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.className, n = e.icon, a = e.spin, o = e.rotate, i = e.tabIndex, s = e.onClick, l = e.twoToneColor, c = Ye(e, Nh), d = u.useContext(Vs), f = d.prefixCls, v = f === void 0 ? "anticon" : f, m = d.rootClassName, b = Z(m, v, j(j({}, "".concat(v, "-").concat(n.name), !!n.name), "".concat(v, "-spin"), !!a || n.name === "loading"), r), p = i; - p === void 0 && s && (p = -1); - var g = o ? { - msTransform: "rotate(".concat(o, "deg)"), - transform: "rotate(".concat(o, "deg)") - } : void 0, S = Bd(l), h = K(S, 2), y = h[0], E = h[1]; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", _e({ - role: "img", - "aria-label": n.name - }, c, { - ref: t, - tabIndex: p, - onClick: s, - className: b - }), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Un, { - icon: n, - primaryColor: y, - secondaryColor: E, - style: g - })); -}); -nr.displayName = "AntdIcon"; -nr.getTwoToneColor = Th; -nr.setTwoToneColor = kd; -var Ih = { icon: { tag: "svg", attrs: { "fill-rule": "evenodd", viewBox: "64 64 896 896", focusable: "false" }, children: [{ tag: "path", attrs: { d: "M512 64c247.4 0 448 200.6 448 448S759.4 960 512 960 64 759.4 64 512 264.6 64 512 64zm127.98 274.82h-.04l-.08.06L512 466.75 384.14 338.88c-.04-.05-.06-.06-.08-.06a.12.12 0 00-.07 0c-.03 0-.05.01-.09.05l-45.02 45.02a.2.2 0 00-. 0 000 .07v.02a.27.27 0 00.06.06L466.75 512 338.88 639.86c-.05.04-.06.06-.06.08a.12.12 0 000 .07c0 . 45.02a.2.2 0 0 00.07 0c.02 0 .04-.01.08-.05L512 557.25l127.86 127.87c. 0 00.07 0c.03 0 .05-.01.09-.05l45.02-45.02a.2.2 0 00.05-.09.12.12 0 000-.07v-.02a.27.27 0 00-.05-.06L557.25 512l127.87-127.86c.04-.04.05-.06.05-.08a.12.12 0 000-.07c0-.03-.01-.05-.05-.09l-45.02-45.02a.2.2 0 00-.09-.05.12.12 0 00-.07 0z" } }] }, name: "close-circle", theme: "filled" }, Mh = function(t, r) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nr, _e({}, t, { - ref: r, - icon: Ih - })); -}, Hd = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(Mh); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Hd.displayName = "CloseCircleFilled"); -var Ah = { icon: { tag: "svg", attrs: { "fill-rule": "evenodd", viewBox: "64 64 896 896", focusable: "false" }, children: [{ tag: "path", attrs: { d: "M799.86 166.31c.02 0 . 57.7c. 0 010 .06c0 .03-.02.05-.06.09L569.93 512l287.7 287.7c. 0 010 .07c0 .02-.02.04-.06.08l-57.7 57.69c-.03.04-.05.05-.07.06a.12.12 0 01-.07 0c-.03 0-.05-.02-.09-.06L512 569.93l-287.7 287.7c-.04.04-.06.05-.09.06a.12.12 0 01-.07 0c-.02 0-.04-.02-.08-.06l-57.69-57.7c-.04-.03-.05-.05-.06-.07a.12.12 0 010-.07c0-.03.02-.05.06-.09L454.07 512l-287.7-287.7c-.04-.04-.05-.06-.06-.09a.12.12 0 010-.07c0-.02.02-.04.06-.08l57.7-57.69c.03-.04.05-.05.07-.06a.12.12 0 01.07 0c.03 0 . 454.07l287.7-287.7c.04-.04.06-.05.09-.06a.12.12 0 01.07 0z" } }] }, name: "close", theme: "outlined" }, jh = function(t, r) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nr, _e({}, t, { - ref: r, - icon: Ah - })); -}, Wd = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(jh); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Wd.displayName = "CloseOutlined"); -function Kd(e) { - return e && /* @__PURE__ */ q.isValidElement(e) && e.type === q.Fragment; -} -const Fh = (e, t, r) => /* @__PURE__ */ q.isValidElement(e) ? /* @__PURE__ */ q.cloneElement(e, typeof r == "function" ? r(e.props || {}) : r) : t; -function Vo(e, t) { - return Fh(e, e, t); -} -const Gs = (e) => { - const [, , , , t] = Rr(); - return t ? `${e}-css-var` : ""; -}; -var ce = { - /** - * MAC_ENTER - */ - MAC_ENTER: 3, - /** - * BACKSPACE - */ - BACKSPACE: 8, - /** - * TAB - */ - TAB: 9, - /** - * NUMLOCK on FF/Safari Mac - */ - NUM_CENTER: 12, - // NUMLOCK on FF/Safari Mac - /** - * ENTER - */ - ENTER: 13, - /** - * SHIFT - */ - SHIFT: 16, - /** - * CTRL - */ - CTRL: 17, - /** - * ALT - */ - ALT: 18, - /** - * PAUSE - */ - PAUSE: 19, - /** - * CAPS_LOCK - */ - CAPS_LOCK: 20, - /** - * ESC - */ - ESC: 27, - /** - * SPACE - */ - SPACE: 32, - /** - * PAGE_UP - */ - PAGE_UP: 33, - // also NUM_NORTH_EAST - /** - * PAGE_DOWN - */ - PAGE_DOWN: 34, - // also NUM_SOUTH_EAST - /** - * END - */ - END: 35, - // also NUM_SOUTH_WEST - /** - * HOME - */ - HOME: 36, - // also NUM_NORTH_WEST - /** - * LEFT - */ - LEFT: 37, - // also NUM_WEST - /** - * UP - */ - UP: 38, - // also NUM_NORTH - /** - * RIGHT - */ - RIGHT: 39, - // also NUM_EAST - /** - * DOWN - */ - DOWN: 40, - // also NUM_SOUTH - /** - * PRINT_SCREEN - */ - PRINT_SCREEN: 44, - /** - * INSERT - */ - INSERT: 45, - // also NUM_INSERT - /** - * DELETE - */ - DELETE: 46, - // also NUM_DELETE - /** - * ZERO - */ - ZERO: 48, - /** - * ONE - */ - ONE: 49, - /** - * TWO - */ - TWO: 50, - /** - * THREE - */ - THREE: 51, - /** - * FOUR - */ - FOUR: 52, - /** - * FIVE - */ - FIVE: 53, - /** - * SIX - */ - SIX: 54, - /** - * SEVEN - */ - SEVEN: 55, - /** - * EIGHT - */ - EIGHT: 56, - /** - * NINE - */ - NINE: 57, - /** - * QUESTION_MARK - */ - QUESTION_MARK: 63, - // needs localization - /** - * A - */ - A: 65, - /** - * B - */ - B: 66, - /** - * C - */ - C: 67, - /** - * D - */ - D: 68, - /** - * E - */ - E: 69, - /** - * F - */ - F: 70, - /** - * G - */ - G: 71, - /** - * H - */ - H: 72, - /** - * I - */ - I: 73, - /** - * J - */ - J: 74, - /** - * K - */ - K: 75, - /** - * L - */ - L: 76, - /** - * M - */ - M: 77, - /** - * N - */ - N: 78, - /** - * O - */ - O: 79, - /** - * P - */ - P: 80, - /** - * Q - */ - Q: 81, - /** - * R - */ - R: 82, - /** - * S - */ - S: 83, - /** - * T - */ - T: 84, - /** - * U - */ - U: 85, - /** - * V - */ - V: 86, - /** - * W - */ - W: 87, - /** - * X - */ - X: 88, - /** - * Y - */ - Y: 89, - /** - * Z - */ - Z: 90, - /** - * META - */ - META: 91, - // WIN_KEY_LEFT - /** - * WIN_KEY_RIGHT - */ - WIN_KEY_RIGHT: 92, - /** - * CONTEXT_MENU - */ - CONTEXT_MENU: 93, - /** - * NUM_ZERO - */ - NUM_ZERO: 96, - /** - * NUM_ONE - */ - NUM_ONE: 97, - /** - * NUM_TWO - */ - NUM_TWO: 98, - /** - * NUM_THREE - */ - NUM_THREE: 99, - /** - * NUM_FOUR - */ - NUM_FOUR: 100, - /** - * NUM_FIVE - */ - NUM_FIVE: 101, - /** - * NUM_SIX - */ - NUM_SIX: 102, - /** - * NUM_SEVEN - */ - NUM_SEVEN: 103, - /** - * NUM_EIGHT - */ - NUM_EIGHT: 104, - /** - * NUM_NINE - */ - NUM_NINE: 105, - /** - * NUM_MULTIPLY - */ - NUM_MULTIPLY: 106, - /** - * NUM_PLUS - */ - NUM_PLUS: 107, - /** - * NUM_MINUS - */ - NUM_MINUS: 109, - /** - * NUM_PERIOD - */ - NUM_PERIOD: 110, - /** - * NUM_DIVISION - */ - NUM_DIVISION: 111, - /** - * F1 - */ - F1: 112, - /** - * F2 - */ - F2: 113, - /** - * F3 - */ - F3: 114, - /** - * F4 - */ - F4: 115, - /** - * F5 - */ - F5: 116, - /** - * F6 - */ - F6: 117, - /** - * F7 - */ - F7: 118, - /** - * F8 - */ - F8: 119, - /** - * F9 - */ - F9: 120, - /** - * F10 - */ - F10: 121, - /** - * F11 - */ - F11: 122, - /** - * F12 - */ - F12: 123, - /** - * NUMLOCK - */ - NUMLOCK: 144, - /** - * SEMICOLON - */ - SEMICOLON: 186, - // needs localization - /** - * DASH - */ - DASH: 189, - // needs localization - /** - * EQUALS - */ - EQUALS: 187, - // needs localization - /** - * COMMA - */ - COMMA: 188, - // needs localization - /** - * PERIOD - */ - PERIOD: 190, - // needs localization - /** - * SLASH - */ - SLASH: 191, - // needs localization - /** - * APOSTROPHE - */ - APOSTROPHE: 192, - // needs localization - /** - * SINGLE_QUOTE - */ - SINGLE_QUOTE: 222, - // needs localization - /** - * OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET - */ - OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET: 219, - // needs localization - /** - * BACKSLASH - */ - BACKSLASH: 220, - // needs localization - /** - * CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET - */ - CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET: 221, - // needs localization - /** - * WIN_KEY - */ - WIN_KEY: 224, - /** - * MAC_FF_META - */ - MAC_FF_META: 224, - // Firefox (Gecko) fires this for the meta key instead of 91 - /** - * WIN_IME - */ - WIN_IME: 229, - // ======================== Function ======================== - /** - * whether text and modified key is entered at the same time. - */ - isTextModifyingKeyEvent: function(t) { - var r = t.keyCode; - if (t.altKey && !t.ctrlKey || t.metaKey || // Function keys don't generate text - r >= ce.F1 && r <= ce.F12) - return !1; - switch (r) { - case ce.ALT: - case ce.CAPS_LOCK: - case ce.CONTEXT_MENU: - case ce.CTRL: - case ce.DOWN: - case ce.END: - case ce.ESC: - case ce.HOME: - case ce.INSERT: - case ce.LEFT: - case ce.MAC_FF_META: - case ce.META: - case ce.NUMLOCK: - case ce.NUM_CENTER: - case ce.PAGE_DOWN: - case ce.PAGE_UP: - case ce.PAUSE: - case ce.PRINT_SCREEN: - case ce.RIGHT: - case ce.SHIFT: - case ce.UP: - case ce.WIN_KEY: - case ce.WIN_KEY_RIGHT: - return !1; - default: - return !0; - } - }, - /** - * whether character is entered. - */ - isCharacterKey: function(t) { - if (t >= ce.ZERO && t <= ce.NINE || t >= ce.NUM_ZERO && t <= ce.NUM_MULTIPLY || t >= ce.A && t <= ce.Z || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebKit") !== -1 && t === 0) - return !0; - switch (t) { - case ce.SPACE: - case ce.QUESTION_MARK: - case ce.NUM_PLUS: - case ce.NUM_MINUS: - case ce.NUM_PERIOD: - case ce.NUM_DIVISION: - case ce.SEMICOLON: - case ce.DASH: - case ce.EQUALS: - case ce.COMMA: - case ce.PERIOD: - case ce.SLASH: - case ce.APOSTROPHE: - case ce.SINGLE_QUOTE: - case ce.OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET: - case ce.BACKSLASH: - case ce.CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET: - return !0; - default: - return !1; - } - } -}, Lh = { icon: { tag: "svg", attrs: { viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024", focusable: "false" }, children: [{ tag: "path", attrs: { d: "M988 548c-19.9 0-36-16.1-36-36 0-59.4-11.6-117-34.6-171.3a440.45 440.45 0 00-94.3-139.9 437.71 437.71 0 00-139.9-94.3C629 83.6 571.4 72 512 72c-19.9 0-36-16.1-36-36s16.1-36 36-36c69.1 0 136.2 13.5 199.3 40.3C772.3 66 827 103 874 150c47 47 83.9 101.8 109.7 162.7 26.7 63.1 40.2 130.2 40.2 199.3.1 19.9-16 36-35.9 36z" } }] }, name: "loading", theme: "outlined" }, Dh = function(t, r) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nr, _e({}, t, { - ref: r, - icon: Lh - })); -}, qs = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(Dh); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (qs.displayName = "LoadingOutlined"); -const Xs = /* @__PURE__ */ q.createContext(void 0); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Xs.displayName = "zIndexContext"); -const an = 100, zh = 10, Vh = an * zh, Ud = { - Modal: an, - Drawer: an, - Popover: an, - Popconfirm: an, - Tooltip: an, - Tour: an -}, Bh = { - SelectLike: 50, - Dropdown: 50, - DatePicker: 50, - Menu: 50, - ImagePreview: 1 -}; -function kh(e) { - return e in Ud; -} -function Hh(e, t) { - const [, r] = Rr(), n = q.useContext(Xs), a = kh(e); - if (t !== void 0) - return [t, t]; - let o = n ?? 0; - return a ? (o += // Use preset token zIndex by default but not stack when has parent container - (n ? 0 : r.zIndexPopupBase) + // Container offset - Ud[e], o = Math.min(o, r.zIndexPopupBase + Vh)) : o += Bh[e], [n === void 0 ? t : o, o]; -} -function Yt() { - Yt = function() { - return t; - }; - var e, t = {}, r = Object.prototype, n = r.hasOwnProperty, a = Object.defineProperty || function(N, x, _) { - N[x] = _.value; - }, o = typeof Symbol == "function" ? Symbol : {}, i = o.iterator || "@@iterator", s = o.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator", l = o.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag"; - function c(N, x, _) { - return Object.defineProperty(N, x, { - value: _, - enumerable: !0, - configurable: !0, - writable: !0 - }), N[x]; - } - try { - c({}, ""); - } catch { - c = function(_, z, L) { - return _[z] = L; - }; - } - function d(N, x, _, z) { - var L = x && x.prototype instanceof S ? x : S, B = Object.create(L.prototype), X = new T(z || []); - return a(B, "_invoke", { - value: A(N, _, X) - }), B; - } - function f(N, x, _) { - try { - return { - type: "normal", - arg: N.call(x, _) - }; - } catch (z) { - return { - type: "throw", - arg: z - }; - } - } - t.wrap = d; - var v = "suspendedStart", m = "suspendedYield", b = "executing", p = "completed", g = {}; - function S() { - } - function h() { - } - function y() { - } - var E = {}; - c(E, i, function() { - return this; - }); - var C = Object.getPrototypeOf, O = C && C(C(k([]))); - O && O !== r && n.call(O, i) && (E = O); - var R = y.prototype = S.prototype = Object.create(E); - function w(N) { - ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function(x) { - c(N, x, function(_) { - return this._invoke(x, _); - }); - }); - } - function $(N, x) { - function _(L, B, X, W) { - var G = f(N[L], N, B); - if (G.type !== "throw") { - var Q = G.arg, Y = Q.value; - return Y && Ae(Y) == "object" && n.call(Y, "__await") ? x.resolve(Y.__await).then(function(J) { - _("next", J, X, W); - }, function(J) { - _("throw", J, X, W); - }) : x.resolve(Y).then(function(J) { - Q.value = J, X(Q); - }, function(J) { - return _("throw", J, X, W); - }); - } - W(G.arg); - } - var z; - a(this, "_invoke", { - value: function(B, X) { - function W() { - return new x(function(G, Q) { - _(B, X, G, Q); - }); - } - return z = z ? z.then(W, W) : W(); - } - }); - } - function A(N, x, _) { - var z = v; - return function(L, B) { - if (z === b) throw Error("Generator is already running"); - if (z === p) { - if (L === "throw") throw B; - return { - value: e, - done: !0 - }; - } - for (_.method = L, _.arg = B; ; ) { - var X = _.delegate; - if (X) { - var W = F(X, _); - if (W) { - if (W === g) continue; - return W; - } - } - if (_.method === "next") _.sent = _._sent = _.arg; - else if (_.method === "throw") { - if (z === v) throw z = p, _.arg; - _.dispatchException(_.arg); - } else _.method === "return" && _.abrupt("return", _.arg); - z = b; - var G = f(N, x, _); - if (G.type === "normal") { - if (z = _.done ? p : m, G.arg === g) continue; - return { - value: G.arg, - done: _.done - }; - } - G.type === "throw" && (z = p, _.method = "throw", _.arg = G.arg); - } - }; - } - function F(N, x) { - var _ = x.method, z = N.iterator[_]; - if (z === e) return x.delegate = null, _ === "throw" && N.iterator.return && (x.method = "return", x.arg = e, F(N, x), x.method === "throw") || _ !== "return" && (x.method = "throw", x.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + _ + "' method")), g; - var L = f(z, N.iterator, x.arg); - if (L.type === "throw") return x.method = "throw", x.arg = L.arg, x.delegate = null, g; - var B = L.arg; - return B ? B.done ? (x[N.resultName] = B.value, x.next = N.nextLoc, x.method !== "return" && (x.method = "next", x.arg = e), x.delegate = null, g) : B : (x.method = "throw", x.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), x.delegate = null, g); - } - function M(N) { - var x = { - tryLoc: N[0] - }; - 1 in N && (x.catchLoc = N[1]), 2 in N && (x.finallyLoc = N[2], x.afterLoc = N[3]), this.tryEntries.push(x); - } - function I(N) { - var x = N.completion || {}; - x.type = "normal", delete x.arg, N.completion = x; - } - function T(N) { - this.tryEntries = [{ - tryLoc: "root" - }], N.forEach(M, this), this.reset(!0); - } - function k(N) { - if (N || N === "") { - var x = N[i]; - if (x) return x.call(N); - if (typeof N.next == "function") return N; - if (!isNaN(N.length)) { - var _ = -1, z = function L() { - for (; ++_ < N.length; ) if (n.call(N, _)) return L.value = N[_], L.done = !1, L; - return L.value = e, L.done = !0, L; - }; - return z.next = z; - } - } - throw new TypeError(Ae(N) + " is not iterable"); - } - return h.prototype = y, a(R, "constructor", { - value: y, - configurable: !0 - }), a(y, "constructor", { - value: h, - configurable: !0 - }), h.displayName = c(y, l, "GeneratorFunction"), t.isGeneratorFunction = function(N) { - var x = typeof N == "function" && N.constructor; - return !!x && (x === h || (x.displayName || x.name) === "GeneratorFunction"); - }, t.mark = function(N) { - return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(N, y) : (N.__proto__ = y, c(N, l, "GeneratorFunction")), N.prototype = Object.create(R), N; - }, t.awrap = function(N) { - return { - __await: N - }; - }, w($.prototype), c($.prototype, s, function() { - return this; - }), t.AsyncIterator = $, t.async = function(N, x, _, z, L) { - L === void 0 && (L = Promise); - var B = new $(d(N, x, _, z), L); - return t.isGeneratorFunction(x) ? B : B.next().then(function(X) { - return X.done ? X.value : B.next(); - }); - }, w(R), c(R, l, "Generator"), c(R, i, function() { - return this; - }), c(R, "toString", function() { - return "[object Generator]"; - }), t.keys = function(N) { - var x = Object(N), _ = []; - for (var z in x) _.push(z); - return _.reverse(), function L() { - for (; _.length; ) { - var B = _.pop(); - if (B in x) return L.value = B, L.done = !1, L; - } - return L.done = !0, L; - }; - }, t.values = k, T.prototype = { - constructor: T, - reset: function(x) { - if (this.prev = 0, this.next = 0, this.sent = this._sent = e, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = e, this.tryEntries.forEach(I), !x) for (var _ in this) _.charAt(0) === "t" && n.call(this, _) && !isNaN(+_.slice(1)) && (this[_] = e); - }, - stop: function() { - this.done = !0; - var x = this.tryEntries[0].completion; - if (x.type === "throw") throw x.arg; - return this.rval; - }, - dispatchException: function(x) { - if (this.done) throw x; - var _ = this; - function z(Q, Y) { - return X.type = "throw", X.arg = x, _.next = Q, Y && (_.method = "next", _.arg = e), !!Y; - } - for (var L = this.tryEntries.length - 1; L >= 0; --L) { - var B = this.tryEntries[L], X = B.completion; - if (B.tryLoc === "root") return z("end"); - if (B.tryLoc <= this.prev) { - var W = n.call(B, "catchLoc"), G = n.call(B, "finallyLoc"); - if (W && G) { - if (this.prev < B.catchLoc) return z(B.catchLoc, !0); - if (this.prev < B.finallyLoc) return z(B.finallyLoc); - } else if (W) { - if (this.prev < B.catchLoc) return z(B.catchLoc, !0); - } else { - if (!G) throw Error("try statement without catch or finally"); - if (this.prev < B.finallyLoc) return z(B.finallyLoc); - } - } - } - }, - abrupt: function(x, _) { - for (var z = this.tryEntries.length - 1; z >= 0; --z) { - var L = this.tryEntries[z]; - if (L.tryLoc <= this.prev && n.call(L, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < L.finallyLoc) { - var B = L; - break; - } - } - B && (x === "break" || x === "continue") && B.tryLoc <= _ && _ <= B.finallyLoc && (B = null); - var X = B ? B.completion : {}; - return X.type = x, X.arg = _, B ? (this.method = "next", this.next = B.finallyLoc, g) : this.complete(X); - }, - complete: function(x, _) { - if (x.type === "throw") throw x.arg; - return x.type === "break" || x.type === "continue" ? this.next = x.arg : x.type === "return" ? (this.rval = this.arg = x.arg, this.method = "return", this.next = "end") : x.type === "normal" && _ && (this.next = _), g; - }, - finish: function(x) { - for (var _ = this.tryEntries.length - 1; _ >= 0; --_) { - var z = this.tryEntries[_]; - if (z.finallyLoc === x) return this.complete(z.completion, z.afterLoc), I(z), g; - } - }, - catch: function(x) { - for (var _ = this.tryEntries.length - 1; _ >= 0; --_) { - var z = this.tryEntries[_]; - if (z.tryLoc === x) { - var L = z.completion; - if (L.type === "throw") { - var B = L.arg; - I(z); - } - return B; - } - } - throw Error("illegal catch attempt"); - }, - delegateYield: function(x, _, z) { - return this.delegate = { - iterator: k(x), - resultName: _, - nextLoc: z - }, this.method === "next" && (this.arg = e), g; - } - }, t; -} -function ic(e, t, r, n, a, o, i) { - try { - var s = e[o](i), l = s.value; - } catch (c) { - return void r(c); - } - s.done ? t(l) : Promise.resolve(l).then(n, a); -} -function vn(e) { - return function() { - var t = this, r = arguments; - return new Promise(function(n, a) { - var o = e.apply(t, r); - function i(l) { - ic(o, n, a, i, s, "next", l); - } - function s(l) { - ic(o, n, a, i, s, "throw", l); - } - i(void 0); - }); - }; -} -var Ma = D({}, $v), Wh = Ma.version, Kh = Ma.render, Uh = Ma.unmountComponentAtNode, Bo; -try { - var Gh = Number((Wh || "").split(".")[0]); - Gh >= 18 && (Bo = Ma.createRoot); -} catch { -} -function sc(e) { - var t = Ma.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; - t && Ae(t) === "object" && (t.usingClientEntryPoint = e); -} -var $o = "__rc_react_root__"; -function qh(e, t) { - sc(!0); - var r = t[$o] || Bo(t); - sc(!1), r.render(e), t[$o] = r; -} -function Xh(e, t) { - Kh(e, t); -} -function Yh(e, t) { - if (Bo) { - qh(e, t); - return; - } - Xh(e, t); -} -function Zh(e) { - return ss.apply(this, arguments); -} -function ss() { - return ss = vn(/* @__PURE__ */ Yt().mark(function e(t) { - return Yt().wrap(function(n) { - for (; ; ) switch (n.prev = n.next) { - case 0: - return n.abrupt("return", Promise.resolve().then(function() { - var a; - (a = t[$o]) === null || a === void 0 || a.unmount(), delete t[$o]; - })); - case 1: - case "end": - return n.stop(); - } - }, e); - })), ss.apply(this, arguments); -} -function Qh(e) { - Uh(e); -} -function Jh(e) { - return ls.apply(this, arguments); -} -function ls() { - return ls = vn(/* @__PURE__ */ Yt().mark(function e(t) { - return Yt().wrap(function(n) { - for (; ; ) switch (n.prev = n.next) { - case 0: - if (Bo === void 0) { - n.next = 2; - break; - } - return n.abrupt("return", Zh(t)); - case 2: - Qh(t); - case 3: - case "end": - return n.stop(); - } - }, e); - })), ls.apply(this, arguments); -} -const Gd = (e, t, r) => r !== void 0 ? r : `${e}-${t}`, Ys = function(e) { - if (!e) - return !1; - if (e instanceof Element) { - if (e.offsetParent) - return !0; - if (e.getBBox) { - var t = e.getBBox(), r = t.width, n = t.height; - if (r || n) - return !0; - } - if (e.getBoundingClientRect) { - var a = e.getBoundingClientRect(), o = a.width, i = a.height; - if (o || i) - return !0; - } - } - return !1; -}, e0 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - colorPrimary: r - } = e; - return { - [t]: { - position: "absolute", - background: "transparent", - pointerEvents: "none", - boxSizing: "border-box", - color: `var(--wave-color, ${r})`, - boxShadow: "0 0 0 0 currentcolor", - opacity: 0.2, - // =================== Motion =================== - "&.wave-motion-appear": { - transition: [`box-shadow 0.4s ${e.motionEaseOutCirc}`, `opacity 2s ${e.motionEaseOutCirc}`].join(","), - "&-active": { - boxShadow: "0 0 0 6px currentcolor", - opacity: 0 - }, - "&.wave-quick": { - transition: [`box-shadow ${e.motionDurationSlow} ${e.motionEaseInOut}`, `opacity ${e.motionDurationSlow} ${e.motionEaseInOut}`].join(",") - } - } - } - }; -}, t0 = Ks("Wave", (e) => [e0(e)]), qd = `${Ld}-wave-target`; -function r0(e) { - const t = (e || "").match(/rgba?\((\d*), (\d*), (\d*)(, [\d.]*)?\)/); - return t && t[1] && t[2] && t[3] ? !(t[1] === t[2] && t[2] === t[3]) : !0; -} -function vi(e) { - return e && e !== "#fff" && e !== "#ffffff" && e !== "rgb(255, 255, 255)" && e !== "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)" && r0(e) && !/rgba\((?:\d*, ){3}0\)/.test(e) && // any transparent rgba color - e !== "transparent"; -} -function n0(e) { - const { - borderTopColor: t, - borderColor: r, - backgroundColor: n - } = getComputedStyle(e); - return vi(t) ? t : vi(r) ? r : vi(n) ? n : null; -} -function gi(e) { - return Number.isNaN(e) ? 0 : e; -} -const a0 = (e) => { - const { - className: t, - target: r, - component: n - } = e, a = u.useRef(null), [o, i] = u.useState(null), [s, l] = u.useState([]), [c, d] = u.useState(0), [f, v] = u.useState(0), [m, b] = u.useState(0), [p, g] = u.useState(0), [S, h] = u.useState(!1), y = { - left: c, - top: f, - width: m, - height: p, - borderRadius: s.map((O) => `${O}px`).join(" ") - }; - o && (y["--wave-color"] = o); - function E() { - const O = getComputedStyle(r); - i(n0(r)); - const R = O.position === "static", { - borderLeftWidth: w, - borderTopWidth: $ - } = O; - d(R ? r.offsetLeft : gi(-parseFloat(w))), v(R ? r.offsetTop : gi(-parseFloat($))), b(r.offsetWidth), g(r.offsetHeight); - const { - borderTopLeftRadius: A, - borderTopRightRadius: F, - borderBottomLeftRadius: M, - borderBottomRightRadius: I - } = O; - l([A, F, I, M].map((T) => gi(parseFloat(T)))); - } - if (u.useEffect(() => { - if (r) { - const O = Nt(() => { - E(), h(!0); - }); - let R; - return typeof ResizeObserver < "u" && (R = new ResizeObserver(E), R.observe(r)), () => { - Nt.cancel(O), R == null || R.disconnect(); - }; - } - }, []), !S) - return null; - const C = (n === "Checkbox" || n === "Radio") && (r == null ? void 0 : r.classList.contains(qd)); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(fn, { - visible: !0, - motionAppear: !0, - motionName: "wave-motion", - motionDeadline: 5e3, - onAppearEnd: (O, R) => { - var w; - if (R.deadline || R.propertyName === "opacity") { - const $ = (w = a.current) === null || w === void 0 ? void 0 : w.parentElement; - Jh($).then(() => { - $ == null || $.remove(); - }); - } - return !1; - } - }, (O, R) => { - let { - className: w - } = O; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - ref: Pr(a, R), - className: Z(t, w, { - "wave-quick": C - }), - style: y - }); - }); -}, o0 = (e, t) => { - var r; - const { - component: n - } = t; - if (n === "Checkbox" && !(!((r = e.querySelector("input")) === null || r === void 0) && r.checked)) - return; - const a = document.createElement("div"); - a.style.position = "absolute", a.style.left = "0px", a.style.top = "0px", e == null || e.insertBefore(a, e == null ? void 0 : e.firstChild), Yh(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(a0, Object.assign({}, t, { - target: e - })), a); -}, i0 = (e, t, r) => { - const { - wave: n - } = u.useContext(ft), [, a, o] = Rr(), i = kt((c) => { - const d = e.current; - if (n != null && n.disabled || !d) - return; - const f = d.querySelector(`.${qd}`) || d, { - showEffect: v - } = n || {}; - (v || o0)(f, { - className: t, - token: a, - component: r, - event: c, - hashId: o - }); - }), s = u.useRef(); - return (c) => { - Nt.cancel(s.current), s.current = Nt(() => { - i(c); - }); - }; -}, Xd = (e) => { - const { - children: t, - disabled: r, - component: n - } = e, { - getPrefixCls: a - } = Ht(ft), o = Be(null), i = a("wave"), [, s] = t0(i), l = i0(o, Z(i, s), n); - if (q.useEffect(() => { - const d = o.current; - if (!d || d.nodeType !== 1 || r) - return; - const f = (v) => { - !Ys(v.target) || // No need wave - !d.getAttribute || d.getAttribute("disabled") || d.disabled || d.className.includes("disabled") || d.className.includes("-leave") || l(v); - }; - return d.addEventListener("click", f, !0), () => { - d.removeEventListener("click", f, !0); - }; - }, [r]), !/* @__PURE__ */ q.isValidElement(t)) - return t ?? null; - const c = dn(t) ? Pr(t.ref, o) : o; - return Vo(t, { - ref: c - }); -}; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Xd.displayName = "Wave"); -const Aa = (e) => { - const t = q.useContext(zn); - return q.useMemo(() => e ? typeof e == "string" ? e ?? t : e instanceof Function ? e(t) : t : t, [e, t]); -}, Yd = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(null), Zd = (e, t) => { - const r = u.useContext(Yd), n = u.useMemo(() => { - if (!r) - return ""; - const { - compactDirection: a, - isFirstItem: o, - isLastItem: i - } = r, s = a === "vertical" ? "-vertical-" : "-"; - return Z(`${e}-compact${s}item`, { - [`${e}-compact${s}first-item`]: o, - [`${e}-compact${s}last-item`]: i, - [`${e}-compact${s}item-rtl`]: t === "rtl" - }); - }, [e, t, r]); - return { - compactSize: r == null ? void 0 : r.compactSize, - compactDirection: r == null ? void 0 : r.compactDirection, - compactItemClassnames: n - }; -}, s0 = (e) => { - let { - children: t - } = e; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Yd.Provider, { - value: null - }, t); -}; -var l0 = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const Qd = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(void 0), c0 = (e) => { - const { - getPrefixCls: t, - direction: r - } = u.useContext(ft), { - prefixCls: n, - size: a, - className: o - } = e, i = l0(e, ["prefixCls", "size", "className"]), s = t("btn-group", n), [, , l] = Rr(); - let c = ""; - switch (a) { - case "large": - c = "lg"; - break; - case "small": - c = "sm"; - break; - } - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const f = Ft("Button.Group"); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && f(!a || ["large", "small", "middle"].includes(a), "usage", "Invalid prop `size`."); - } - const d = Z(s, { - [`${s}-${c}`]: c, - [`${s}-rtl`]: r === "rtl" - }, o, l); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Qd.Provider, { - value: a - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", Object.assign({}, i, { - className: d - }))); -}, lc = /^[\u4e00-\u9fa5]{2}$/, cs = lc.test.bind(lc); -function cc(e) { - return typeof e == "string"; -} -function eo(e) { - return e === "text" || e === "link"; -} -function u0(e, t) { - if (e == null) - return; - const r = t ? " " : ""; - return typeof e != "string" && typeof e != "number" && cc(e.type) && cs(e.props.children) ? Vo(e, { - children: e.props.children.split("").join(r) - }) : cc(e) ? cs(e) ? /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("span", null, e.split("").join(r)) : /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("span", null, e) : Kd(e) ? /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("span", null, e) : e; -} -function d0(e, t) { - let r = !1; - const n = []; - return q.Children.forEach(e, (a) => { - const o = typeof a, i = o === "string" || o === "number"; - if (r && i) { - const s = n.length - 1, l = n[s]; - n[s] = `${l}${a}`; - } else - n.push(a); - r = i; - }), q.Children.map(n, (a) => u0(a, t)); -} -const Jd = /* @__PURE__ */ Vr((e, t) => { - const { - className: r, - style: n, - children: a, - prefixCls: o - } = e, i = Z(`${o}-icon`, r); - return /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("span", { - ref: t, - className: i, - style: n - }, a); -}), uc = /* @__PURE__ */ Vr((e, t) => { - const { - prefixCls: r, - className: n, - style: a, - iconClassName: o - } = e, i = Z(`${r}-loading-icon`, n); - return /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(Jd, { - prefixCls: r, - className: i, - style: a, - ref: t - }, /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(qs, { - className: o - })); -}), mi = () => ({ - width: 0, - opacity: 0, - transform: "scale(0)" -}), pi = (e) => ({ - width: e.scrollWidth, - opacity: 1, - transform: "scale(1)" -}), f0 = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - loading: r, - existIcon: n, - className: a, - style: o - } = e, i = !!r; - return n ? /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(uc, { - prefixCls: t, - className: a, - style: o - }) : /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(fn, { - visible: i, - // We do not really use this motionName - motionName: `${t}-loading-icon-motion`, - motionLeave: i, - removeOnLeave: !0, - onAppearStart: mi, - onAppearActive: pi, - onEnterStart: mi, - onEnterActive: pi, - onLeaveStart: pi, - onLeaveActive: mi - }, (s, l) => { - let { - className: c, - style: d - } = s; - return /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(uc, { - prefixCls: t, - className: a, - style: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, o), d), - ref: l, - iconClassName: c - }); - }); -}, dc = (e, t) => ({ - // Border - [`> span, > ${e}`]: { - "&:not(:last-child)": { - [`&, & > ${e}`]: { - "&:not(:disabled)": { - borderInlineEndColor: t - } - } - }, - "&:not(:first-child)": { - [`&, & > ${e}`]: { - "&:not(:disabled)": { - borderInlineStartColor: t - } - } - } - } -}), v0 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - fontSize: r, - lineWidth: n, - groupBorderColor: a, - colorErrorHover: o - } = e; - return { - [`${t}-group`]: [ - { - position: "relative", - display: "inline-flex", - // Border - [`> span, > ${t}`]: { - "&:not(:last-child)": { - [`&, & > ${t}`]: { - borderStartEndRadius: 0, - borderEndEndRadius: 0 - } - }, - "&:not(:first-child)": { - marginInlineStart: e.calc(n).mul(-1).equal(), - [`&, & > ${t}`]: { - borderStartStartRadius: 0, - borderEndStartRadius: 0 - } - } - }, - [t]: { - position: "relative", - zIndex: 1, - "&:hover, &:focus, &:active": { - zIndex: 2 - }, - "&[disabled]": { - zIndex: 0 - } - }, - [`${t}-icon-only`]: { - fontSize: r - } - }, - // Border Color - dc(`${t}-primary`, a), - dc(`${t}-danger`, o) - ] - }; -}, ef = (e) => { - const { - paddingInline: t, - onlyIconSize: r, - paddingBlock: n - } = e; - return Zt(e, { - buttonPaddingHorizontal: t, - buttonPaddingVertical: n, - buttonIconOnlyFontSize: r - }); -}, tf = (e) => { - var t, r, n, a, o, i; - const s = (t = e.contentFontSize) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : e.fontSize, l = (r = e.contentFontSizeSM) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : e.fontSize, c = (n = e.contentFontSizeLG) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : e.fontSizeLG, d = (a = e.contentLineHeight) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : mo(s), f = (o = e.contentLineHeightSM) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : mo(l), v = (i = e.contentLineHeightLG) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : mo(c); - return { - fontWeight: 400, - defaultShadow: `0 ${e.controlOutlineWidth}px 0 ${e.controlTmpOutline}`, - primaryShadow: `0 ${e.controlOutlineWidth}px 0 ${e.controlOutline}`, - dangerShadow: `0 ${e.controlOutlineWidth}px 0 ${e.colorErrorOutline}`, - primaryColor: e.colorTextLightSolid, - dangerColor: e.colorTextLightSolid, - borderColorDisabled: e.colorBorder, - defaultGhostColor: e.colorBgContainer, - ghostBg: "transparent", - defaultGhostBorderColor: e.colorBgContainer, - paddingInline: e.paddingContentHorizontal - e.lineWidth, - paddingInlineLG: e.paddingContentHorizontal - e.lineWidth, - paddingInlineSM: 8 - e.lineWidth, - onlyIconSize: e.fontSizeLG, - onlyIconSizeSM: e.fontSizeLG - 2, - onlyIconSizeLG: e.fontSizeLG + 2, - groupBorderColor: e.colorPrimaryHover, - linkHoverBg: "transparent", - textHoverBg: e.colorBgTextHover, - defaultColor: e.colorText, - defaultBg: e.colorBgContainer, - defaultBorderColor: e.colorBorder, - defaultBorderColorDisabled: e.colorBorder, - defaultHoverBg: e.colorBgContainer, - defaultHoverColor: e.colorPrimaryHover, - defaultHoverBorderColor: e.colorPrimaryHover, - defaultActiveBg: e.colorBgContainer, - defaultActiveColor: e.colorPrimaryActive, - defaultActiveBorderColor: e.colorPrimaryActive, - contentFontSize: s, - contentFontSizeSM: l, - contentFontSizeLG: c, - contentLineHeight: d, - contentLineHeightSM: f, - contentLineHeightLG: v, - paddingBlock: Math.max((e.controlHeight - s * d) / 2 - e.lineWidth, 0), - paddingBlockSM: Math.max((e.controlHeightSM - l * f) / 2 - e.lineWidth, 0), - paddingBlockLG: Math.max((e.controlHeightLG - c * v) / 2 - e.lineWidth, 0) - }; -}, g0 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - iconCls: r, - fontWeight: n - } = e; - return { - [t]: { - outline: "none", - position: "relative", - display: "inline-flex", - gap: e.marginXS, - alignItems: "center", - justifyContent: "center", - fontWeight: n, - whiteSpace: "nowrap", - textAlign: "center", - backgroundImage: "none", - background: "transparent", - border: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} transparent`, - cursor: "pointer", - transition: `all ${e.motionDurationMid} ${e.motionEaseInOut}`, - userSelect: "none", - touchAction: "manipulation", - color: e.colorText, - "&:disabled > *": { - pointerEvents: "none" - }, - "> span": { - display: "inline-block" - }, - [`${t}-icon`]: { - lineHeight: 1 - }, - "> a": { - color: "currentColor" - }, - "&:not(:disabled)": Object.assign({}, Ws(e)), - [`&${t}-two-chinese-chars::first-letter`]: { - letterSpacing: "0.34em" - }, - [`&${t}-two-chinese-chars > *:not(${r})`]: { - marginInlineEnd: "-0.34em", - letterSpacing: "0.34em" - }, - // iconPosition="end" - "&-icon-end": { - flexDirection: "row-reverse" - } - } - }; -}, zr = (e, t, r) => ({ - [`&:not(:disabled):not(${e}-disabled)`]: { - "&:hover": t, - "&:active": r - } -}), m0 = (e) => ({ - minWidth: e.controlHeight, - paddingInlineStart: 0, - paddingInlineEnd: 0, - borderRadius: "50%" -}), p0 = (e) => ({ - borderRadius: e.controlHeight, - paddingInlineStart: e.calc(e.controlHeight).div(2).equal(), - paddingInlineEnd: e.calc(e.controlHeight).div(2).equal() -}), h0 = (e) => ({ - cursor: "not-allowed", - borderColor: e.borderColorDisabled, - color: e.colorTextDisabled, - background: e.colorBgContainerDisabled, - boxShadow: "none" -}), Ra = (e, t, r, n, a, o, i, s) => ({ - [`&${e}-background-ghost`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({ - color: r || void 0, - background: t, - borderColor: n || void 0, - boxShadow: "none" - }, zr(e, Object.assign({ - background: t - }, i), Object.assign({ - background: t - }, s))), { - "&:disabled": { - cursor: "not-allowed", - color: a || void 0, - borderColor: o || void 0 - } - }) -}), Zs = (e) => ({ - [`&:disabled, &${e.componentCls}-disabled`]: Object.assign({}, h0(e)) -}), rf = (e) => Object.assign({}, Zs(e)), Oo = (e) => ({ - [`&:disabled, &${e.componentCls}-disabled`]: { - cursor: "not-allowed", - color: e.colorTextDisabled - } -}), nf = (e) => Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, rf(e)), { - background: e.defaultBg, - borderColor: e.defaultBorderColor, - color: e.defaultColor, - boxShadow: e.defaultShadow -}), zr(e.componentCls, { - color: e.defaultHoverColor, - borderColor: e.defaultHoverBorderColor, - background: e.defaultHoverBg -}, { - color: e.defaultActiveColor, - borderColor: e.defaultActiveBorderColor, - background: e.defaultActiveBg -})), Ra(e.componentCls, e.ghostBg, e.defaultGhostColor, e.defaultGhostBorderColor, e.colorTextDisabled, e.colorBorder)), { - [`&${e.componentCls}-dangerous`]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ - color: e.colorError, - borderColor: e.colorError - }, zr(e.componentCls, { - color: e.colorErrorHover, - borderColor: e.colorErrorBorderHover - }, { - color: e.colorErrorActive, - borderColor: e.colorErrorActive - })), Ra(e.componentCls, e.ghostBg, e.colorError, e.colorError, e.colorTextDisabled, e.colorBorder)), Zs(e)) -}), b0 = (e) => Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, rf(e)), { - color: e.primaryColor, - background: e.colorPrimary, - boxShadow: e.primaryShadow -}), zr(e.componentCls, { - color: e.colorTextLightSolid, - background: e.colorPrimaryHover -}, { - color: e.colorTextLightSolid, - background: e.colorPrimaryActive -})), Ra(e.componentCls, e.ghostBg, e.colorPrimary, e.colorPrimary, e.colorTextDisabled, e.colorBorder, { - color: e.colorPrimaryHover, - borderColor: e.colorPrimaryHover -}, { - color: e.colorPrimaryActive, - borderColor: e.colorPrimaryActive -})), { - [`&${e.componentCls}-dangerous`]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ - background: e.colorError, - boxShadow: e.dangerShadow, - color: e.dangerColor - }, zr(e.componentCls, { - background: e.colorErrorHover - }, { - background: e.colorErrorActive - })), Ra(e.componentCls, e.ghostBg, e.colorError, e.colorError, e.colorTextDisabled, e.colorBorder, { - color: e.colorErrorHover, - borderColor: e.colorErrorHover - }, { - color: e.colorErrorActive, - borderColor: e.colorErrorActive - })), Zs(e)) -}), y0 = (e) => Object.assign(Object.assign({}, nf(e)), { - borderStyle: "dashed" -}), S0 = (e) => Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ - color: e.colorLink -}, zr(e.componentCls, { - color: e.colorLinkHover, - background: e.linkHoverBg -}, { - color: e.colorLinkActive -})), Oo(e)), { - [`&${e.componentCls}-dangerous`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({ - color: e.colorError - }, zr(e.componentCls, { - color: e.colorErrorHover - }, { - color: e.colorErrorActive - })), Oo(e)) -}), C0 = (e) => Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, zr(e.componentCls, { - color: e.colorText, - background: e.textHoverBg -}, { - color: e.colorText, - background: e.colorBgTextActive -})), Oo(e)), { - [`&${e.componentCls}-dangerous`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({ - color: e.colorError - }, Oo(e)), zr(e.componentCls, { - color: e.colorErrorHover, - background: e.colorErrorBg - }, { - color: e.colorErrorHover, - background: e.colorErrorBgActive - })) -}), E0 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t - } = e; - return { - [`${t}-default`]: nf(e), - [`${t}-primary`]: b0(e), - [`${t}-dashed`]: y0(e), - [`${t}-link`]: S0(e), - [`${t}-text`]: C0(e), - [`${t}-ghost`]: Ra(e.componentCls, e.ghostBg, e.colorBgContainer, e.colorBgContainer, e.colorTextDisabled, e.colorBorder) - }; -}, Qs = function(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : ""; - const { - componentCls: r, - controlHeight: n, - fontSize: a, - lineHeight: o, - borderRadius: i, - buttonPaddingHorizontal: s, - iconCls: l, - buttonPaddingVertical: c - } = e, d = `${r}-icon-only`; - return [ - { - [`${t}`]: { - fontSize: a, - lineHeight: o, - height: n, - padding: `${ee(c)} ${ee(s)}`, - borderRadius: i, - [`&${d}`]: { - width: n, - paddingInline: 0, - // make `btn-icon-only` not too narrow - [`&${r}-compact-item`]: { - flex: "none" - }, - [`&${r}-round`]: { - width: "auto" - }, - [l]: { - fontSize: e.buttonIconOnlyFontSize - } - }, - // Loading - [`&${r}-loading`]: { - opacity: e.opacityLoading, - cursor: "default" - }, - [`${r}-loading-icon`]: { - transition: `width ${e.motionDurationSlow} ${e.motionEaseInOut}, opacity ${e.motionDurationSlow} ${e.motionEaseInOut}` - } - } - }, - // Shape - patch prefixCls again to override solid border radius style - { - [`${r}${r}-circle${t}`]: m0(e) - }, - { - [`${r}${r}-round${t}`]: p0(e) - } - ]; -}, x0 = (e) => { - const t = Zt(e, { - fontSize: e.contentFontSize, - lineHeight: e.contentLineHeight - }); - return Qs(t, e.componentCls); -}, w0 = (e) => { - const t = Zt(e, { - controlHeight: e.controlHeightSM, - fontSize: e.contentFontSizeSM, - lineHeight: e.contentLineHeightSM, - padding: e.paddingXS, - buttonPaddingHorizontal: e.paddingInlineSM, - buttonPaddingVertical: e.paddingBlockSM, - borderRadius: e.borderRadiusSM, - buttonIconOnlyFontSize: e.onlyIconSizeSM - }); - return Qs(t, `${e.componentCls}-sm`); -}, $0 = (e) => { - const t = Zt(e, { - controlHeight: e.controlHeightLG, - fontSize: e.contentFontSizeLG, - lineHeight: e.contentLineHeightLG, - buttonPaddingHorizontal: e.paddingInlineLG, - buttonPaddingVertical: e.paddingBlockLG, - borderRadius: e.borderRadiusLG, - buttonIconOnlyFontSize: e.onlyIconSizeLG - }); - return Qs(t, `${e.componentCls}-lg`); -}, O0 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t - } = e; - return { - [t]: { - [`&${t}-block`]: { - width: "100%" - } - } - }; -}, R0 = en("Button", (e) => { - const t = ef(e); - return [ - // Shared - g0(t), - // Size - x0(t), - w0(t), - $0(t), - // Block - O0(t), - // Group (type, ghost, danger, loading) - E0(t), - // Button Group - v0(t) - ]; -}, tf, { - unitless: { - fontWeight: !0, - contentLineHeight: !0, - contentLineHeightSM: !0, - contentLineHeightLG: !0 - } -}); -function P0(e, t, r) { - const { - focusElCls: n, - focus: a, - borderElCls: o - } = r, i = o ? "> *" : "", s = ["hover", a ? "focus" : null, "active"].filter(Boolean).map((l) => `&:${l} ${i}`).join(","); - return { - [`&-item:not(${t}-last-item)`]: { - marginInlineEnd: e.calc(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal() - }, - "&-item": Object.assign(Object.assign({ - [s]: { - zIndex: 2 - } - }, n ? { - [`&${n}`]: { - zIndex: 2 - } - } : {}), { - [`&[disabled] ${i}`]: { - zIndex: 0 - } - }) - }; -} -function _0(e, t, r) { - const { - borderElCls: n - } = r, a = n ? `> ${n}` : ""; - return { - [`&-item:not(${t}-first-item):not(${t}-last-item) ${a}`]: { - borderRadius: 0 - }, - [`&-item:not(${t}-last-item)${t}-first-item`]: { - [`& ${a}, &${e}-sm ${a}, &${e}-lg ${a}`]: { - borderStartEndRadius: 0, - borderEndEndRadius: 0 - } - }, - [`&-item:not(${t}-first-item)${t}-last-item`]: { - [`& ${a}, &${e}-sm ${a}, &${e}-lg ${a}`]: { - borderStartStartRadius: 0, - borderEndStartRadius: 0 - } - } - }; -} -function af(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : { - focus: !0 - }; - const { - componentCls: r - } = e, n = `${r}-compact`; - return { - [n]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, P0(e, n, t)), _0(r, n, t)) - }; -} -function T0(e, t) { - return { - // border collapse - [`&-item:not(${t}-last-item)`]: { - marginBottom: e.calc(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal() - }, - "&-item": { - "&:hover,&:focus,&:active": { - zIndex: 2 - }, - "&[disabled]": { - zIndex: 0 - } - } - }; -} -function N0(e, t) { - return { - [`&-item:not(${t}-first-item):not(${t}-last-item)`]: { - borderRadius: 0 - }, - [`&-item${t}-first-item:not(${t}-last-item)`]: { - [`&, &${e}-sm, &${e}-lg`]: { - borderEndEndRadius: 0, - borderEndStartRadius: 0 - } - }, - [`&-item${t}-last-item:not(${t}-first-item)`]: { - [`&, &${e}-sm, &${e}-lg`]: { - borderStartStartRadius: 0, - borderStartEndRadius: 0 - } - } - }; -} -function I0(e) { - const t = `${e.componentCls}-compact-vertical`; - return { - [t]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, T0(e, t)), N0(e.componentCls, t)) - }; -} -const M0 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - calc: r - } = e; - return { - [t]: { - // Special styles for Primary Button - [`&-compact-item${t}-primary`]: { - [`&:not([disabled]) + ${t}-compact-item${t}-primary:not([disabled])`]: { - position: "relative", - "&:before": { - position: "absolute", - top: r(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal(), - insetInlineStart: r(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal(), - display: "inline-block", - width: e.lineWidth, - height: `calc(100% + ${ee(e.lineWidth)} * 2)`, - backgroundColor: e.colorPrimaryHover, - content: '""' - } - } - }, - // Special styles for Primary Button - "&-compact-vertical-item": { - [`&${t}-primary`]: { - [`&:not([disabled]) + ${t}-compact-vertical-item${t}-primary:not([disabled])`]: { - position: "relative", - "&:before": { - position: "absolute", - top: r(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal(), - insetInlineStart: r(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal(), - display: "inline-block", - width: `calc(100% + ${ee(e.lineWidth)} * 2)`, - height: e.lineWidth, - backgroundColor: e.colorPrimaryHover, - content: '""' - } - } - } - } - } - }; -}, A0 = Vp(["Button", "compact"], (e) => { - const t = ef(e); - return [ - // Space Compact - af(t), - I0(t), - M0(t) - ]; -}, tf); -var j0 = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -function F0(e) { - if (typeof e == "object" && e) { - let t = e == null ? void 0 : e.delay; - return t = !Number.isNaN(t) && typeof t == "number" ? t : 0, { - loading: t <= 0, - delay: t - }; - } - return { - loading: !!e, - delay: 0 - }; -} -const L0 = /* @__PURE__ */ q.forwardRef((e, t) => { - var r, n, a; - const { - loading: o = !1, - prefixCls: i, - type: s, - danger: l = !1, - shape: c = "default", - size: d, - styles: f, - disabled: v, - className: m, - rootClassName: b, - children: p, - icon: g, - iconPosition: S = "start", - ghost: h = !1, - block: y = !1, - // React does not recognize the `htmlType` prop on a DOM element. Here we pick it out of `rest`. - htmlType: E = "button", - classNames: C, - style: O = {}, - autoInsertSpace: R - } = e, w = j0(e, ["loading", "prefixCls", "type", "danger", "shape", "size", "styles", "disabled", "className", "rootClassName", "children", "icon", "iconPosition", "ghost", "block", "htmlType", "classNames", "style", "autoInsertSpace"]), $ = s || "default", { - getPrefixCls: A, - direction: F, - button: M - } = Ht(ft), I = (r = R ?? (M == null ? void 0 : M.autoInsertSpace)) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : !0, T = A("btn", i), [k, N, x] = R0(T), _ = Ht(Dn), z = v ?? _, L = Ht(Qd), B = Yr(() => F0(o), [o]), [X, W] = bt(B.loading), [G, Q] = bt(!1), J = Pr(t, /* @__PURE__ */ xv()), ne = Ev.count(p) === 1 && !g && !eo($); - yt(() => { - let ge = null; - B.delay > 0 ? ge = setTimeout(() => { - ge = null, W(!0); - }, B.delay) : W(B.loading); - function Pe() { - ge && (clearTimeout(ge), ge = null); - } - return Pe; - }, [B]), yt(() => { - if (!J || !J.current || !I) - return; - const ge = J.current.textContent; - ne && cs(ge) ? G || Q(!0) : G && Q(!1); - }, [J]); - const se = (ge) => { - const { - onClick: Pe - } = e; - if (X || z) { - ge.preventDefault(); - return; - } - Pe == null || Pe(ge); - }; - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const ge = Ft("Button"); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && ge(!(typeof g == "string" && g.length > 2), "breaking", `\`icon\` is using ReactNode instead of string naming in v4. Please check \`${g}\` at https://ant.design/components/icon`), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && ge(!(h && eo($)), "usage", "`link` or `text` button can't be a `ghost` button."); - } - const { - compactSize: xe, - compactItemClassnames: de - } = Zd(T, F), ue = { - large: "lg", - small: "sm", - middle: void 0 - }, Ce = Aa((ge) => { - var Pe, ve; - return (ve = (Pe = d ?? xe) !== null && Pe !== void 0 ? Pe : L) !== null && ve !== void 0 ? ve : ge; - }), V = Ce && ue[Ce] || "", le = X ? "loading" : g, fe = Cr(w, ["navigate"]), Re = Z(T, N, x, { - [`${T}-${c}`]: c !== "default" && c, - [`${T}-${$}`]: $, - [`${T}-${V}`]: V, - [`${T}-icon-only`]: !p && p !== 0 && !!le, - [`${T}-background-ghost`]: h && !eo($), - [`${T}-loading`]: X, - [`${T}-two-chinese-chars`]: G && I && !X, - [`${T}-block`]: y, - [`${T}-dangerous`]: l, - [`${T}-rtl`]: F === "rtl", - [`${T}-icon-end`]: S === "end" - }, de, m, b, M == null ? void 0 : M.className), me = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, M == null ? void 0 : M.style), O), ae = Z(C == null ? void 0 : C.icon, (n = M == null ? void 0 : M.classNames) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.icon), te = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (f == null ? void 0 : f.icon) || {}), ((a = M == null ? void 0 : M.styles) === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.icon) || {}), re = g && !X ? /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(Jd, { - prefixCls: T, - className: ae, - style: te - }, g) : /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(f0, { - existIcon: !!g, - prefixCls: T, - loading: X - }), be = p || p === 0 ? d0(p, ne && I) : null; - if (fe.href !== void 0) - return k(/* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("a", Object.assign({}, fe, { - className: Z(Re, { - [`${T}-disabled`]: z - }), - href: z ? void 0 : fe.href, - style: me, - onClick: se, - ref: J, - tabIndex: z ? -1 : 0 - }), re, be)); - let ye = /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("button", Object.assign({}, w, { - type: E, - className: Re, - style: me, - onClick: se, - disabled: z, - ref: J - }), re, be, !!de && /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(A0, { - key: "compact", - prefixCls: T - })); - return eo($) || (ye = /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(Xd, { - component: "Button", - disabled: X - }, ye)), k(ye); -}), ko = L0; -ko.Group = c0; -ko.__ANT_BUTTON = !0; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (ko.displayName = "Button"); -var of = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(null), fc = []; -function D0(e, t) { - var r = u.useState(function() { - if (!Xt()) - return null; - var b = document.createElement("div"); - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && t && b.setAttribute("data-debug", t), b; - }), n = K(r, 1), a = n[0], o = u.useRef(!1), i = u.useContext(of), s = u.useState(fc), l = K(s, 2), c = l[0], d = l[1], f = i || (o.current ? void 0 : function(b) { - d(function(p) { - var g = [b].concat(he(p)); - return g; - }); - }); - function v() { - a.parentElement || document.body.appendChild(a), o.current = !0; - } - function m() { - var b; - (b = a.parentElement) === null || b === void 0 || b.removeChild(a), o.current = !1; - } - return Ct(function() { - return e ? i ? i(v) : v() : m(), m; - }, [e]), Ct(function() { - c.length && (c.forEach(function(b) { - return b(); - }), d(fc)); - }, [c]), [a, f]; -} -function z0(e) { - var t = "rc-scrollbar-measure-".concat(Math.random().toString(36).substring(7)), r = document.createElement("div"); - r.id = t; - var n = r.style; - n.position = "absolute", n.left = "0", n.top = "0", n.width = "100px", n.height = "100px", n.overflow = "scroll"; - var a, o; - if (e) { - var i = getComputedStyle(e); - n.scrollbarColor = i.scrollbarColor, n.scrollbarWidth = i.scrollbarWidth; - var s = getComputedStyle(e, "::-webkit-scrollbar"), l = parseInt(s.width, 10), c = parseInt(s.height, 10); - try { - var d = l ? "width: ".concat(s.width, ";") : "", f = c ? "height: ".concat(s.height, ";") : ""; - Lr(` -#`.concat(t, `::-webkit-scrollbar { -`).concat(d, ` -`).concat(f, ` -}`), t); - } catch (b) { - console.error(b), a = l, o = c; - } - } - document.body.appendChild(r); - var v = e && a && !isNaN(a) ? a : r.offsetWidth - r.clientWidth, m = e && o && !isNaN(o) ? o : r.offsetHeight - r.clientHeight; - return document.body.removeChild(r), Sa(t), { - width: v, - height: m - }; -} -function V0(e) { - return typeof document > "u" || !e || !(e instanceof Element) ? { - width: 0, - height: 0 - } : z0(e); -} -function B0() { - return document.body.scrollHeight > (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && window.innerWidth > document.body.offsetWidth; -} -var k0 = "rc-util-locker-".concat(Date.now()), vc = 0; -function H0(e) { - var t = !!e, r = u.useState(function() { - return vc += 1, "".concat(k0, "_").concat(vc); - }), n = K(r, 1), a = n[0]; - Ct(function() { - if (t) { - var o = V0(document.body).width, i = B0(); - Lr(` -html body { - overflow-y: hidden; - `.concat(i ? "width: calc(100% - ".concat(o, "px);") : "", ` -}`), a); - } else - Sa(a); - return function() { - Sa(a); - }; - }, [t, a]); -} -var W0 = !1; -function K0(e) { - return W0; -} -var gc = function(t) { - return t === !1 ? !1 : !Xt() || !t ? null : typeof t == "string" ? document.querySelector(t) : typeof t == "function" ? t() : t; -}, Js = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.open, n = e.autoLock, a = e.getContainer, o = e.debug, i = e.autoDestroy, s = i === void 0 ? !0 : i, l = e.children, c = u.useState(r), d = K(c, 2), f = d[0], v = d[1], m = f || r; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && tt(Xt() || !r, "Portal only work in client side. Please call 'useEffect' to show Portal instead default render in SSR."), u.useEffect(function() { - (s || r) && v(r); - }, [r, s]); - var b = u.useState(function() { - return gc(a); - }), p = K(b, 2), g = p[0], S = p[1]; - u.useEffect(function() { - var M = gc(a); - S(M ?? null); - }); - var h = D0(m && !g, o), y = K(h, 2), E = y[0], C = y[1], O = g ?? E; - H0(n && r && Xt() && (O === E || O === document.body)); - var R = null; - if (l && dn(l) && t) { - var w = l; - R = w.ref; - } - var $ = Na(R, t); - if (!m || !Xt() || g === void 0) - return null; - var A = O === !1 || K0(), F = l; - return t && (F = /* @__PURE__ */ u.cloneElement(l, { - ref: $ - })), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(of.Provider, { - value: C - }, A ? F : /* @__PURE__ */ Ov(F, O)); -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Js.displayName = "Portal"); -function U0() { - var e = D({}, u); - return e.useId; -} -var mc = 0, pc = U0(); -const G0 = pc ? ( - // Use React `useId` - function(t) { - var r = pc(); - return t || (process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" ? "test-id" : r); - } -) : ( - // Use compatible of `useId` - function(t) { - var r = u.useState("ssr-id"), n = K(r, 2), a = n[0], o = n[1]; - return u.useEffect(function() { - var i = mc; - mc += 1, o("rc_unique_".concat(i)); - }, []), t || (process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" ? "test-id" : a); - } -); -var ln = "RC_FORM_INTERNAL_HOOKS", lt = function() { - tt(!1, "Can not find FormContext. Please make sure you wrap Field under Form."); -}, Vn = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext({ - getFieldValue: lt, - getFieldsValue: lt, - getFieldError: lt, - getFieldWarning: lt, - getFieldsError: lt, - isFieldsTouched: lt, - isFieldTouched: lt, - isFieldValidating: lt, - isFieldsValidating: lt, - resetFields: lt, - setFields: lt, - setFieldValue: lt, - setFieldsValue: lt, - validateFields: lt, - submit: lt, - getInternalHooks: function() { - return lt(), { - dispatch: lt, - initEntityValue: lt, - registerField: lt, - useSubscribe: lt, - setInitialValues: lt, - destroyForm: lt, - setCallbacks: lt, - registerWatch: lt, - getFields: lt, - setValidateMessages: lt, - setPreserve: lt, - getInitialValue: lt - }; - } -}), Ro = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(null); -function us(e) { - return e == null ? [] : Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]; -} -function q0(e) { - return e && !!e._init; -} -function ds() { - return { - default: "Validation error on field %s", - required: "%s is required", - enum: "%s must be one of %s", - whitespace: "%s cannot be empty", - date: { - format: "%s date %s is invalid for format %s", - parse: "%s date could not be parsed, %s is invalid ", - invalid: "%s date %s is invalid" - }, - types: { - string: "%s is not a %s", - method: "%s is not a %s (function)", - array: "%s is not an %s", - object: "%s is not an %s", - number: "%s is not a %s", - date: "%s is not a %s", - boolean: "%s is not a %s", - integer: "%s is not an %s", - float: "%s is not a %s", - regexp: "%s is not a valid %s", - email: "%s is not a valid %s", - url: "%s is not a valid %s", - hex: "%s is not a valid %s" - }, - string: { - len: "%s must be exactly %s characters", - min: "%s must be at least %s characters", - max: "%s cannot be longer than %s characters", - range: "%s must be between %s and %s characters" - }, - number: { - len: "%s must equal %s", - min: "%s cannot be less than %s", - max: "%s cannot be greater than %s", - range: "%s must be between %s and %s" - }, - array: { - len: "%s must be exactly %s in length", - min: "%s cannot be less than %s in length", - max: "%s cannot be greater than %s in length", - range: "%s must be between %s and %s in length" - }, - pattern: { - mismatch: "%s value %s does not match pattern %s" - }, - clone: function() { - var t = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this)); - return t.clone = this.clone, t; - } - }; -} -var fs = ds(); -function X0(e) { - try { - return Function.toString.call(e).indexOf("[native code]") !== -1; - } catch { - return typeof e == "function"; - } -} -function Y0(e, t, r) { - if (Ms()) return Reflect.construct.apply(null, arguments); - var n = [null]; - n.push.apply(n, t); - var a = new (e.bind.apply(e, n))(); - return r && ha(a, r.prototype), a; -} -function vs(e) { - var t = typeof Map == "function" ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() : void 0; - return vs = function(n) { - if (n === null || !X0(n)) return n; - if (typeof n != "function") throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); - if (t !== void 0) { - if (t.has(n)) return t.get(n); - t.set(n, a); - } - function a() { - return Y0(n, arguments, ba(this).constructor); - } - return a.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype, { - constructor: { - value: a, - enumerable: !1, - writable: !0, - configurable: !0 - } - }), ha(a, n); - }, vs(e); -} -var Z0 = /%[sdj%]/g, sf = function() { -}; -typeof process < "u" && process.env && process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && typeof window < "u" && typeof document < "u" && (sf = function(t, r) { - typeof console < "u" && console.warn && typeof ASYNC_VALIDATOR_NO_WARNING > "u" && r.every(function(n) { - return typeof n == "string"; - }) && console.warn(t, r); -}); -function gs(e) { - if (!e || !e.length) return null; - var t = {}; - return e.forEach(function(r) { - var n = r.field; - t[n] = t[n] || [], t[n].push(r); - }), t; -} -function rr(e) { - for (var t = arguments.length, r = new Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), n = 1; n < t; n++) - r[n - 1] = arguments[n]; - var a = 0, o = r.length; - if (typeof e == "function") - return e.apply(null, r); - if (typeof e == "string") { - var i = e.replace(Z0, function(s) { - if (s === "%%") - return "%"; - if (a >= o) - return s; - switch (s) { - case "%s": - return String(r[a++]); - case "%d": - return Number(r[a++]); - case "%j": - try { - return JSON.stringify(r[a++]); - } catch { - return "[Circular]"; - } - break; - default: - return s; - } - }); - return i; - } - return e; -} -function Q0(e) { - return e === "string" || e === "url" || e === "hex" || e === "email" || e === "date" || e === "pattern"; -} -function It(e, t) { - return !!(e == null || t === "array" && Array.isArray(e) && !e.length || Q0(t) && typeof e == "string" && !e); -} -function J0(e, t, r) { - var n = [], a = 0, o = e.length; - function i(s) { - n.push.apply(n, he(s || [])), a++, a === o && r(n); - } - e.forEach(function(s) { - t(s, i); - }); -} -function hc(e, t, r) { - var n = 0, a = e.length; - function o(i) { - if (i && i.length) { - r(i); - return; - } - var s = n; - n = n + 1, s < a ? t(e[s], o) : r([]); - } - o([]); -} -function eb(e) { - var t = []; - return Object.keys(e).forEach(function(r) { - t.push.apply(t, he(e[r] || [])); - }), t; -} -var bc = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) { - Qr(r, e); - var t = Jr(r); - function r(n, a) { - var o; - return Lt(this, r), o = t.call(this, "Async Validation Error"), j(Ue(o), "errors", void 0), j(Ue(o), "fields", void 0), o.errors = n, o.fields = a, o; - } - return Dt(r); -}(/* @__PURE__ */ vs(Error)); -function tb(e, t, r, n, a) { - if (t.first) { - var o = new Promise(function(v, m) { - var b = function(S) { - return n(S), S.length ? m(new bc(S, gs(S))) : v(a); - }, p = eb(e); - hc(p, r, b); - }); - return o.catch(function(v) { - return v; - }), o; - } - var i = t.firstFields === !0 ? Object.keys(e) : t.firstFields || [], s = Object.keys(e), l = s.length, c = 0, d = [], f = new Promise(function(v, m) { - var b = function(g) { - if (d.push.apply(d, g), c++, c === l) - return n(d), d.length ? m(new bc(d, gs(d))) : v(a); - }; - s.length || (n(d), v(a)), s.forEach(function(p) { - var g = e[p]; - i.indexOf(p) !== -1 ? hc(g, r, b) : J0(g, r, b); - }); - }); - return f.catch(function(v) { - return v; - }), f; -} -function rb(e) { - return !!(e && e.message !== void 0); -} -function nb(e, t) { - for (var r = e, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { - if (r == null) - return r; - r = r[t[n]]; - } - return r; -} -function yc(e, t) { - return function(r) { - var n; - return e.fullFields ? n = nb(t, e.fullFields) : n = t[r.field || e.fullField], rb(r) ? (r.field = r.field || e.fullField, r.fieldValue = n, r) : { - message: typeof r == "function" ? r() : r, - fieldValue: n, - field: r.field || e.fullField - }; - }; -} -function Sc(e, t) { - if (t) { - for (var r in t) - if (t.hasOwnProperty(r)) { - var n = t[r]; - Ae(n) === "object" && Ae(e[r]) === "object" ? e[r] = D(D({}, e[r]), n) : e[r] = n; - } - } - return e; -} -var bn = "enum", ab = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - t[bn] = Array.isArray(t[bn]) ? t[bn] : [], t[bn].indexOf(r) === -1 && a.push(rr(o.messages[bn], t.fullField, t[bn].join(", "))); -}, ob = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - if (t.pattern) { - if (t.pattern instanceof RegExp) - t.pattern.lastIndex = 0, t.pattern.test(r) || a.push(rr(o.messages.pattern.mismatch, t.fullField, r, t.pattern)); - else if (typeof t.pattern == "string") { - var i = new RegExp(t.pattern); - i.test(r) || a.push(rr(o.messages.pattern.mismatch, t.fullField, r, t.pattern)); - } - } -}, ib = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = typeof t.len == "number", s = typeof t.min == "number", l = typeof t.max == "number", c = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, d = r, f = null, v = typeof r == "number", m = typeof r == "string", b = Array.isArray(r); - if (v ? f = "number" : m ? f = "string" : b && (f = "array"), !f) - return !1; - b && (d = r.length), m && (d = r.replace(c, "_").length), i ? d !== t.len && a.push(rr(o.messages[f].len, t.fullField, t.len)) : s && !l && d < t.min ? a.push(rr(o.messages[f].min, t.fullField, t.min)) : l && !s && d > t.max ? a.push(rr(o.messages[f].max, t.fullField, t.max)) : s && l && (d < t.min || d > t.max) && a.push(rr(o.messages[f].range, t.fullField, t.min, t.max)); -}, lf = function(t, r, n, a, o, i) { - t.required && (!n.hasOwnProperty(t.field) || It(r, i || t.type)) && a.push(rr(o.messages.required, t.fullField)); -}, to; -const sb = function() { - if (to) - return to; - var e = "[a-fA-F\\d:]", t = function(O) { - return O && O.includeBoundaries ? "(?:(?<=\\s|^)(?=".concat(e, ")|(?<=").concat(e, ")(?=\\s|$))") : ""; - }, r = "(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)(?:\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]\\d|\\d)){3}", n = "[a-fA-F\\d]{1,4}", a = [ - "(?:".concat(n, ":){7}(?:").concat(n, "|:)"), - // 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:: 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8 - "(?:".concat(n, ":){6}(?:").concat(r, "|:").concat(n, "|:)"), - // 1:2:3:4:5:6:: 1:2:3:4:5:6::8 1:2:3:4:5:6::8 1:2:3:4:5:6:: - "(?:".concat(n, ":){5}(?::").concat(r, "|(?::").concat(n, "){1,2}|:)"), - // 1:2:3:4:5:: 1:2:3:4:5::7:8 1:2:3:4:5::8 1:2:3:4:5:: - "(?:".concat(n, ":){4}(?:(?::").concat(n, "){0,1}:").concat(r, "|(?::").concat(n, "){1,3}|:)"), - // 1:2:3:4:: 1:2:3:4::6:7:8 1:2:3:4::8 1:2:3:4:: - "(?:".concat(n, ":){3}(?:(?::").concat(n, "){0,2}:").concat(r, "|(?::").concat(n, "){1,4}|:)"), - // 1:2:3:: 1:2:3::5:6:7:8 1:2:3::8 1:2:3:: - "(?:".concat(n, ":){2}(?:(?::").concat(n, "){0,3}:").concat(r, "|(?::").concat(n, "){1,5}|:)"), - // 1:2:: 1:2::4:5:6:7:8 1:2::8 1:2:: - "(?:".concat(n, ":){1}(?:(?::").concat(n, "){0,4}:").concat(r, "|(?::").concat(n, "){1,6}|:)"), - // 1:: 1::3:4:5:6:7:8 1::8 1:: - "(?::(?:(?::".concat(n, "){0,5}:").concat(r, "|(?::").concat(n, "){1,7}|:))") - // ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8 ::2:3:4:5:6:7:8 ::8 :: - ], o = "(?:%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,})?", i = "(?:".concat(a.join("|"), ")").concat(o), s = new RegExp("(?:^".concat(r, "$)|(?:^").concat(i, "$)")), l = new RegExp("^".concat(r, "$")), c = new RegExp("^".concat(i, "$")), d = function(O) { - return O && O.exact ? s : new RegExp("(?:".concat(t(O)).concat(r).concat(t(O), ")|(?:").concat(t(O)).concat(i).concat(t(O), ")"), "g"); - }; - d.v4 = function(C) { - return C && C.exact ? l : new RegExp("".concat(t(C)).concat(r).concat(t(C)), "g"); - }, d.v6 = function(C) { - return C && C.exact ? c : new RegExp("".concat(t(C)).concat(i).concat(t(C)), "g"); - }; - var f = "(?:(?:[a-z]+:)?//)", v = "(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?", m = d.v4().source, b = d.v6().source, p = "(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9][-_]*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)", g = "(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*", S = "(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,}))", h = "(?::\\d{2,5})?", y = '(?:[/?#][^\\s"]*)?', E = "(?:".concat(f, "|www\\.)").concat(v, "(?:localhost|").concat(m, "|").concat(b, "|").concat(p).concat(g).concat(S, ")").concat(h).concat(y); - return to = new RegExp("(?:^".concat(E, "$)"), "i"), to; -}; -var Cc = { - // http://emailregex.com/ - email: /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]+\.)+[a-zA-Z\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF]{2,}))$/, - // url: new RegExp( - // '^(?!mailto:)(?:(?:http|https|ftp)://|//)(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?(?:(?:(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\\.(?:[0-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-*)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,})))|localhost)(?::\\d{2,5})?(?:(/|\\?|#)[^\\s]*)?$', - // 'i', - // ), - hex: /^#?([a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3})$/i -}, la = { - integer: function(t) { - return la.number(t) && parseInt(t, 10) === t; - }, - float: function(t) { - return la.number(t) && !la.integer(t); - }, - array: function(t) { - return Array.isArray(t); - }, - regexp: function(t) { - if (t instanceof RegExp) - return !0; - try { - return !!new RegExp(t); - } catch { - return !1; - } - }, - date: function(t) { - return typeof t.getTime == "function" && typeof t.getMonth == "function" && typeof t.getYear == "function" && !isNaN(t.getTime()); - }, - number: function(t) { - return isNaN(t) ? !1 : typeof t == "number"; - }, - object: function(t) { - return Ae(t) === "object" && !la.array(t); - }, - method: function(t) { - return typeof t == "function"; - }, - email: function(t) { - return typeof t == "string" && t.length <= 320 && !!t.match(Cc.email); - }, - url: function(t) { - return typeof t == "string" && t.length <= 2048 && !!t.match(sb()); - }, - hex: function(t) { - return typeof t == "string" && !!t.match(Cc.hex); - } -}, lb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - if (t.required && r === void 0) { - lf(t, r, n, a, o); - return; - } - var i = ["integer", "float", "array", "regexp", "object", "method", "email", "number", "date", "url", "hex"], s = t.type; - i.indexOf(s) > -1 ? la[s](r) || a.push(rr(o.messages.types[s], t.fullField, t.type)) : s && Ae(r) !== t.type && a.push(rr(o.messages.types[s], t.fullField, t.type)); -}, cb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - (/^\s+$/.test(r) || r === "") && a.push(rr(o.messages.whitespace, t.fullField)); -}; -const Xe = { - required: lf, - whitespace: cb, - type: lb, - range: ib, - enum: ab, - pattern: ob -}; -var ub = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (It(r) && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o); - } - n(i); -}, db = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (r == null && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o, "array"), r != null && (Xe.type(t, r, a, i, o), Xe.range(t, r, a, i, o)); - } - n(i); -}, fb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (It(r) && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o), r !== void 0 && Xe.type(t, r, a, i, o); - } - n(i); -}, vb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (It(r, "date") && !t.required) - return n(); - if (Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o), !It(r, "date")) { - var l; - r instanceof Date ? l = r : l = new Date(r), Xe.type(t, l, a, i, o), l && Xe.range(t, l.getTime(), a, i, o); - } - } - n(i); -}, gb = "enum", mb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (It(r) && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o), r !== void 0 && Xe[gb](t, r, a, i, o); - } - n(i); -}, pb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (It(r) && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o), r !== void 0 && (Xe.type(t, r, a, i, o), Xe.range(t, r, a, i, o)); - } - n(i); -}, hb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (It(r) && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o), r !== void 0 && (Xe.type(t, r, a, i, o), Xe.range(t, r, a, i, o)); - } - n(i); -}, bb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (It(r) && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o), r !== void 0 && Xe.type(t, r, a, i, o); - } - n(i); -}, yb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (r === "" && (r = void 0), It(r) && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o), r !== void 0 && (Xe.type(t, r, a, i, o), Xe.range(t, r, a, i, o)); - } - n(i); -}, Sb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (It(r) && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o), r !== void 0 && Xe.type(t, r, a, i, o); - } - n(i); -}, Cb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (It(r, "string") && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o), It(r, "string") || Xe.pattern(t, r, a, i, o); - } - n(i); -}, Eb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (It(r) && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o), It(r) || Xe.type(t, r, a, i, o); - } - n(i); -}, xb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = Array.isArray(r) ? "array" : Ae(r); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o, s), n(i); -}, wb = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = [], s = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (s) { - if (It(r, "string") && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, i, o, "string"), It(r, "string") || (Xe.type(t, r, a, i, o), Xe.range(t, r, a, i, o), Xe.pattern(t, r, a, i, o), t.whitespace === !0 && Xe.whitespace(t, r, a, i, o)); - } - n(i); -}, hi = function(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = t.type, s = [], l = t.required || !t.required && a.hasOwnProperty(t.field); - if (l) { - if (It(r, i) && !t.required) - return n(); - Xe.required(t, r, a, s, o, i), It(r, i) || Xe.type(t, r, a, s, o); - } - n(s); -}; -const ga = { - string: wb, - method: bb, - number: yb, - boolean: fb, - regexp: Eb, - integer: hb, - float: pb, - array: db, - object: Sb, - enum: mb, - pattern: Cb, - date: vb, - url: hi, - hex: hi, - email: hi, - required: xb, - any: ub -}; -var ja = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - function e(t) { - Lt(this, e), j(this, "rules", null), j(this, "_messages", fs), this.define(t); - } - return Dt(e, [{ - key: "define", - value: function(r) { - var n = this; - if (!r) - throw new Error("Cannot configure a schema with no rules"); - if (Ae(r) !== "object" || Array.isArray(r)) - throw new Error("Rules must be an object"); - this.rules = {}, Object.keys(r).forEach(function(a) { - var o = r[a]; - n.rules[a] = Array.isArray(o) ? o : [o]; - }); - } - }, { - key: "messages", - value: function(r) { - return r && (this._messages = Sc(ds(), r)), this._messages; - } - }, { - key: "validate", - value: function(r) { - var n = this, a = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : {}, o = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : function() { - }, i = r, s = a, l = o; - if (typeof s == "function" && (l = s, s = {}), !this.rules || Object.keys(this.rules).length === 0) - return l && l(null, i), Promise.resolve(i); - function c(b) { - var p = [], g = {}; - function S(y) { - if (Array.isArray(y)) { - var E; - p = (E = p).concat.apply(E, he(y)); - } else - p.push(y); - } - for (var h = 0; h < b.length; h++) - S(b[h]); - p.length ? (g = gs(p), l(p, g)) : l(null, i); - } - if (s.messages) { - var d = this.messages(); - d === fs && (d = ds()), Sc(d, s.messages), s.messages = d; - } else - s.messages = this.messages(); - var f = {}, v = s.keys || Object.keys(this.rules); - v.forEach(function(b) { - var p = n.rules[b], g = i[b]; - p.forEach(function(S) { - var h = S; - typeof h.transform == "function" && (i === r && (i = D({}, i)), g = i[b] = h.transform(g), g != null && (h.type = h.type || (Array.isArray(g) ? "array" : Ae(g)))), typeof h == "function" ? h = { - validator: h - } : h = D({}, h), h.validator = n.getValidationMethod(h), h.validator && (h.field = b, h.fullField = h.fullField || b, h.type = n.getType(h), f[b] = f[b] || [], f[b].push({ - rule: h, - value: g, - source: i, - field: b - })); - }); - }); - var m = {}; - return tb(f, s, function(b, p) { - var g = b.rule, S = (g.type === "object" || g.type === "array") && (Ae(g.fields) === "object" || Ae(g.defaultField) === "object"); - S = S && (g.required || !g.required && b.value), g.field = b.field; - function h(R, w) { - return D(D({}, w), {}, { - fullField: "".concat(g.fullField, ".").concat(R), - fullFields: g.fullFields ? [].concat(he(g.fullFields), [R]) : [R] - }); - } - function y() { - var R = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : [], w = Array.isArray(R) ? R : [R]; - !s.suppressWarning && w.length && e.warning("async-validator:", w), w.length && g.message !== void 0 && (w = [].concat(g.message)); - var $ = w.map(yc(g, i)); - if (s.first && $.length) - return m[g.field] = 1, p($); - if (!S) - p($); - else { - if (g.required && !b.value) - return g.message !== void 0 ? $ = [].concat(g.message).map(yc(g, i)) : s.error && ($ = [s.error(g, rr(s.messages.required, g.field))]), p($); - var A = {}; - g.defaultField && Object.keys(b.value).map(function(I) { - A[I] = g.defaultField; - }), A = D(D({}, A), b.rule.fields); - var F = {}; - Object.keys(A).forEach(function(I) { - var T = A[I], k = Array.isArray(T) ? T : [T]; - F[I] = k.map(h.bind(null, I)); - }); - var M = new e(F); - M.messages(s.messages), b.rule.options && (b.rule.options.messages = s.messages, b.rule.options.error = s.error), M.validate(b.value, b.rule.options || s, function(I) { - var T = []; - $ && $.length && T.push.apply(T, he($)), I && I.length && T.push.apply(T, he(I)), p(T.length ? T : null); - }); - } - } - var E; - if (g.asyncValidator) - E = g.asyncValidator(g, b.value, y, b.source, s); - else if (g.validator) { - try { - E = g.validator(g, b.value, y, b.source, s); - } catch (R) { - var C, O; - (C = (O = console).error) === null || C === void 0 || C.call(O, R), s.suppressValidatorError || setTimeout(function() { - throw R; - }, 0), y(R.message); - } - E === !0 ? y() : E === !1 ? y(typeof g.message == "function" ? g.message(g.fullField || g.field) : g.message || "".concat(g.fullField || g.field, " fails")) : E instanceof Array ? y(E) : E instanceof Error && y(E.message); - } - E && E.then && E.then(function() { - return y(); - }, function(R) { - return y(R); - }); - }, function(b) { - c(b); - }, i); - } - }, { - key: "getType", - value: function(r) { - if (r.type === void 0 && r.pattern instanceof RegExp && (r.type = "pattern"), typeof r.validator != "function" && r.type && !ga.hasOwnProperty(r.type)) - throw new Error(rr("Unknown rule type %s", r.type)); - return r.type || "string"; - } - }, { - key: "getValidationMethod", - value: function(r) { - if (typeof r.validator == "function") - return r.validator; - var n = Object.keys(r), a = n.indexOf("message"); - return a !== -1 && n.splice(a, 1), n.length === 1 && n[0] === "required" ? ga.required : ga[this.getType(r)] || void 0; - } - }]), e; -}(); -j(ja, "register", function(t, r) { - if (typeof r != "function") - throw new Error("Cannot register a validator by type, validator is not a function"); - ga[t] = r; -}); -j(ja, "warning", sf); -j(ja, "messages", fs); -j(ja, "validators", ga); -var Jt = "'${name}' is not a valid ${type}", cf = { - default: "Validation error on field '${name}'", - required: "'${name}' is required", - enum: "'${name}' must be one of [${enum}]", - whitespace: "'${name}' cannot be empty", - date: { - format: "'${name}' is invalid for format date", - parse: "'${name}' could not be parsed as date", - invalid: "'${name}' is invalid date" - }, - types: { - string: Jt, - method: Jt, - array: Jt, - object: Jt, - number: Jt, - date: Jt, - boolean: Jt, - integer: Jt, - float: Jt, - regexp: Jt, - email: Jt, - url: Jt, - hex: Jt - }, - string: { - len: "'${name}' must be exactly ${len} characters", - min: "'${name}' must be at least ${min} characters", - max: "'${name}' cannot be longer than ${max} characters", - range: "'${name}' must be between ${min} and ${max} characters" - }, - number: { - len: "'${name}' must equal ${len}", - min: "'${name}' cannot be less than ${min}", - max: "'${name}' cannot be greater than ${max}", - range: "'${name}' must be between ${min} and ${max}" - }, - array: { - len: "'${name}' must be exactly ${len} in length", - min: "'${name}' cannot be less than ${min} in length", - max: "'${name}' cannot be greater than ${max} in length", - range: "'${name}' must be between ${min} and ${max} in length" - }, - pattern: { - mismatch: "'${name}' does not match pattern ${pattern}" - } -}, Ec = ja; -function $b(e, t) { - return e.replace(/\$\{\w+\}/g, function(r) { - var n = r.slice(2, -1); - return t[n]; - }); -} -var xc = "CODE_LOGIC_ERROR"; -function ms(e, t, r, n, a) { - return ps.apply(this, arguments); -} -function ps() { - return ps = vn(/* @__PURE__ */ Yt().mark(function e(t, r, n, a, o) { - var i, s, l, c, d, f, v, m, b; - return Yt().wrap(function(g) { - for (; ; ) switch (g.prev = g.next) { - case 0: - return i = D({}, n), delete i.ruleIndex, Ec.warning = function() { - }, i.validator && (s = i.validator, i.validator = function() { - try { - return s.apply(void 0, arguments); - } catch (S) { - return console.error(S), Promise.reject(xc); - } - }), l = null, i && i.type === "array" && i.defaultField && (l = i.defaultField, delete i.defaultField), c = new Ec(j({}, t, [i])), d = Pn(cf, a.validateMessages), c.messages(d), f = [], g.prev = 10, g.next = 13, Promise.resolve(c.validate(j({}, t, r), D({}, a))); - case 13: - g.next = 18; - break; - case 15: - g.prev = 15, g.t0 = g.catch(10), g.t0.errors && (f = g.t0.errors.map(function(S, h) { - var y = S.message, E = y === xc ? d.default : y; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.isValidElement(E) ? ( - // Wrap ReactNode with `key` - /* @__PURE__ */ u.cloneElement(E, { - key: "error_".concat(h) - }) - ) : E; - })); - case 18: - if (!(!f.length && l)) { - g.next = 23; - break; - } - return g.next = 21, Promise.all(r.map(function(S, h) { - return ms("".concat(t, ".").concat(h), S, l, a, o); - })); - case 21: - return v = g.sent, g.abrupt("return", v.reduce(function(S, h) { - return [].concat(he(S), he(h)); - }, [])); - case 23: - return m = D(D({}, n), {}, { - name: t, - enum: (n.enum || []).join(", ") - }, o), b = f.map(function(S) { - return typeof S == "string" ? $b(S, m) : S; - }), g.abrupt("return", b); - case 26: - case "end": - return g.stop(); - } - }, e, null, [[10, 15]]); - })), ps.apply(this, arguments); -} -function Ob(e, t, r, n, a, o) { - var i = e.join("."), s = r.map(function(d, f) { - var v = d.validator, m = D(D({}, d), {}, { - ruleIndex: f - }); - return v && (m.validator = function(b, p, g) { - var S = !1, h = function() { - for (var C = arguments.length, O = new Array(C), R = 0; R < C; R++) - O[R] = arguments[R]; - Promise.resolve().then(function() { - tt(!S, "Your validator function has already return a promise. `callback` will be ignored."), S || g.apply(void 0, O); - }); - }, y = v(b, p, h); - S = y && typeof y.then == "function" && typeof y.catch == "function", tt(S, "`callback` is deprecated. Please return a promise instead."), S && y.then(function() { - g(); - }).catch(function(E) { - g(E || " "); - }); - }), m; - }).sort(function(d, f) { - var v = d.warningOnly, m = d.ruleIndex, b = f.warningOnly, p = f.ruleIndex; - return !!v == !!b ? m - p : v ? 1 : -1; - }), l; - if (a === !0) - l = new Promise(/* @__PURE__ */ function() { - var d = vn(/* @__PURE__ */ Yt().mark(function f(v, m) { - var b, p, g; - return Yt().wrap(function(h) { - for (; ; ) switch (h.prev = h.next) { - case 0: - b = 0; - case 1: - if (!(b < s.length)) { - h.next = 12; - break; - } - return p = s[b], h.next = 5, ms(i, t, p, n, o); - case 5: - if (g = h.sent, !g.length) { - h.next = 9; - break; - } - return m([{ - errors: g, - rule: p - }]), h.abrupt("return"); - case 9: - b += 1, h.next = 1; - break; - case 12: - v([]); - case 13: - case "end": - return h.stop(); - } - }, f); - })); - return function(f, v) { - return d.apply(this, arguments); - }; - }()); - else { - var c = s.map(function(d) { - return ms(i, t, d, n, o).then(function(f) { - return { - errors: f, - rule: d - }; - }); - }); - l = (a ? Pb(c) : Rb(c)).then(function(d) { - return Promise.reject(d); - }); - } - return l.catch(function(d) { - return d; - }), l; -} -function Rb(e) { - return hs.apply(this, arguments); -} -function hs() { - return hs = vn(/* @__PURE__ */ Yt().mark(function e(t) { - return Yt().wrap(function(n) { - for (; ; ) switch (n.prev = n.next) { - case 0: - return n.abrupt("return", Promise.all(t).then(function(a) { - var o, i = (o = []).concat.apply(o, he(a)); - return i; - })); - case 1: - case "end": - return n.stop(); - } - }, e); - })), hs.apply(this, arguments); -} -function Pb(e) { - return bs.apply(this, arguments); -} -function bs() { - return bs = vn(/* @__PURE__ */ Yt().mark(function e(t) { - var r; - return Yt().wrap(function(a) { - for (; ; ) switch (a.prev = a.next) { - case 0: - return r = 0, a.abrupt("return", new Promise(function(o) { - t.forEach(function(i) { - i.then(function(s) { - s.errors.length && o([s]), r += 1, r === t.length && o([]); - }); - }); - })); - case 2: - case "end": - return a.stop(); - } - }, e); - })), bs.apply(this, arguments); -} -function Ot(e) { - return us(e); -} -function wc(e, t) { - var r = {}; - return t.forEach(function(n) { - var a = Or(e, n); - r = mr(r, n, a); - }), r; -} -function Nn(e, t) { - var r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : !1; - return e && e.some(function(n) { - return uf(t, n, r); - }); -} -function uf(e, t) { - var r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : !1; - return !e || !t || !r && e.length !== t.length ? !1 : t.every(function(n, a) { - return e[a] === n; - }); -} -function _b(e, t) { - if (e === t) - return !0; - if (!e && t || e && !t || !e || !t || Ae(e) !== "object" || Ae(t) !== "object") - return !1; - var r = Object.keys(e), n = Object.keys(t), a = new Set([].concat(r, n)); - return he(a).every(function(o) { - var i = e[o], s = t[o]; - return typeof i == "function" && typeof s == "function" ? !0 : i === s; - }); -} -function Tb(e) { - var t = arguments.length <= 1 ? void 0 : arguments[1]; - return t && t.target && Ae(t.target) === "object" && e in t.target ? t.target[e] : t; -} -function $c(e, t, r) { - var n = e.length; - if (t < 0 || t >= n || r < 0 || r >= n) - return e; - var a = e[t], o = t - r; - return o > 0 ? [].concat(he(e.slice(0, r)), [a], he(e.slice(r, t)), he(e.slice(t + 1, n))) : o < 0 ? [].concat(he(e.slice(0, t)), he(e.slice(t + 1, r + 1)), [a], he(e.slice(r + 1, n))) : e; -} -var Nb = ["name"], or = []; -function Oc(e, t, r, n, a, o) { - return typeof e == "function" ? e(t, r, "source" in o ? { - source: o.source - } : {}) : n !== a; -} -var el = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) { - Qr(r, e); - var t = Jr(r); - function r(n) { - var a; - if (Lt(this, r), a = t.call(this, n), j(Ue(a), "state", { - resetCount: 0 - }), j(Ue(a), "cancelRegisterFunc", null), j(Ue(a), "mounted", !1), j(Ue(a), "touched", !1), j(Ue(a), "dirty", !1), j(Ue(a), "validatePromise", void 0), j(Ue(a), "prevValidating", void 0), j(Ue(a), "errors", or), j(Ue(a), "warnings", or), j(Ue(a), "cancelRegister", function() { - var l = a.props, c = l.preserve, d = l.isListField, f = l.name; - a.cancelRegisterFunc && a.cancelRegisterFunc(d, c, Ot(f)), a.cancelRegisterFunc = null; - }), j(Ue(a), "getNamePath", function() { - var l = a.props, c = l.name, d = l.fieldContext, f = d.prefixName, v = f === void 0 ? [] : f; - return c !== void 0 ? [].concat(he(v), he(c)) : []; - }), j(Ue(a), "getRules", function() { - var l = a.props, c = l.rules, d = c === void 0 ? [] : c, f = l.fieldContext; - return d.map(function(v) { - return typeof v == "function" ? v(f) : v; - }); - }), j(Ue(a), "refresh", function() { - a.mounted && a.setState(function(l) { - var c = l.resetCount; - return { - resetCount: c + 1 - }; - }); - }), j(Ue(a), "metaCache", null), j(Ue(a), "triggerMetaEvent", function(l) { - var c = a.props.onMetaChange; - if (c) { - var d = D(D({}, a.getMeta()), {}, { - destroy: l - }); - Ca(a.metaCache, d) || c(d), a.metaCache = d; - } else - a.metaCache = null; - }), j(Ue(a), "onStoreChange", function(l, c, d) { - var f = a.props, v = f.shouldUpdate, m = f.dependencies, b = m === void 0 ? [] : m, p = f.onReset, g = d.store, S = a.getNamePath(), h = a.getValue(l), y = a.getValue(g), E = c && Nn(c, S); - switch (d.type === "valueUpdate" && d.source === "external" && !Ca(h, y) && (a.touched = !0, a.dirty = !0, a.validatePromise = null, a.errors = or, a.warnings = or, a.triggerMetaEvent()), d.type) { - case "reset": - if (!c || E) { - a.touched = !1, a.dirty = !1, a.validatePromise = void 0, a.errors = or, a.warnings = or, a.triggerMetaEvent(), p == null || p(), a.refresh(); - return; - } - break; - case "remove": { - if (v) { - a.reRender(); - return; - } - break; - } - case "setField": { - var C = d.data; - if (E) { - "touched" in C && (a.touched = C.touched), "validating" in C && !("originRCField" in C) && (a.validatePromise = C.validating ? Promise.resolve([]) : null), "errors" in C && (a.errors = C.errors || or), "warnings" in C && (a.warnings = C.warnings || or), a.dirty = !0, a.triggerMetaEvent(), a.reRender(); - return; - } else if ("value" in C && Nn(c, S, !0)) { - a.reRender(); - return; - } - if (v && !S.length && Oc(v, l, g, h, y, d)) { - a.reRender(); - return; - } - break; - } - case "dependenciesUpdate": { - var O = b.map(Ot); - if (O.some(function(R) { - return Nn(d.relatedFields, R); - })) { - a.reRender(); - return; - } - break; - } - default: - if (E || (!b.length || S.length || v) && Oc(v, l, g, h, y, d)) { - a.reRender(); - return; - } - break; - } - v === !0 && a.reRender(); - }), j(Ue(a), "validateRules", function(l) { - var c = a.getNamePath(), d = a.getValue(), f = l || {}, v = f.triggerName, m = f.validateOnly, b = m === void 0 ? !1 : m, p = Promise.resolve().then(/* @__PURE__ */ vn(/* @__PURE__ */ Yt().mark(function g() { - var S, h, y, E, C, O, R; - return Yt().wrap(function($) { - for (; ; ) switch ($.prev = $.next) { - case 0: - if (a.mounted) { - $.next = 2; - break; - } - return $.abrupt("return", []); - case 2: - if (S = a.props, h = S.validateFirst, y = h === void 0 ? !1 : h, E = S.messageVariables, C = S.validateDebounce, O = a.getRules(), v && (O = O.filter(function(A) { - return A; - }).filter(function(A) { - var F = A.validateTrigger; - if (!F) - return !0; - var M = us(F); - return M.includes(v); - })), !(C && v)) { - $.next = 10; - break; - } - return $.next = 8, new Promise(function(A) { - setTimeout(A, C); - }); - case 8: - if (a.validatePromise === p) { - $.next = 10; - break; - } - return $.abrupt("return", []); - case 10: - return R = Ob(c, d, O, l, y, E), R.catch(function(A) { - return A; - }).then(function() { - var A = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : or; - if (a.validatePromise === p) { - var F; - a.validatePromise = null; - var M = [], I = []; - (F = A.forEach) === null || F === void 0 || F.call(A, function(T) { - var k = T.rule.warningOnly, N = T.errors, x = N === void 0 ? or : N; - k ? I.push.apply(I, he(x)) : M.push.apply(M, he(x)); - }), a.errors = M, a.warnings = I, a.triggerMetaEvent(), a.reRender(); - } - }), $.abrupt("return", R); - case 13: - case "end": - return $.stop(); - } - }, g); - }))); - return b || (a.validatePromise = p, a.dirty = !0, a.errors = or, a.warnings = or, a.triggerMetaEvent(), a.reRender()), p; - }), j(Ue(a), "isFieldValidating", function() { - return !!a.validatePromise; - }), j(Ue(a), "isFieldTouched", function() { - return a.touched; - }), j(Ue(a), "isFieldDirty", function() { - if (a.dirty || a.props.initialValue !== void 0) - return !0; - var l = a.props.fieldContext, c = l.getInternalHooks(ln), d = c.getInitialValue; - return d(a.getNamePath()) !== void 0; - }), j(Ue(a), "getErrors", function() { - return a.errors; - }), j(Ue(a), "getWarnings", function() { - return a.warnings; - }), j(Ue(a), "isListField", function() { - return a.props.isListField; - }), j(Ue(a), "isList", function() { - return a.props.isList; - }), j(Ue(a), "isPreserve", function() { - return a.props.preserve; - }), j(Ue(a), "getMeta", function() { - a.prevValidating = a.isFieldValidating(); - var l = { - touched: a.isFieldTouched(), - validating: a.prevValidating, - errors: a.errors, - warnings: a.warnings, - name: a.getNamePath(), - validated: a.validatePromise === null - }; - return l; - }), j(Ue(a), "getOnlyChild", function(l) { - if (typeof l == "function") { - var c = a.getMeta(); - return D(D({}, a.getOnlyChild(l(a.getControlled(), c, a.props.fieldContext))), {}, { - isFunction: !0 - }); - } - var d = Zr(l); - return d.length !== 1 || !/* @__PURE__ */ u.isValidElement(d[0]) ? { - child: d, - isFunction: !1 - } : { - child: d[0], - isFunction: !1 - }; - }), j(Ue(a), "getValue", function(l) { - var c = a.props.fieldContext.getFieldsValue, d = a.getNamePath(); - return Or(l || c(!0), d); - }), j(Ue(a), "getControlled", function() { - var l = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}, c = a.props, d = c.name, f = c.trigger, v = c.validateTrigger, m = c.getValueFromEvent, b = c.normalize, p = c.valuePropName, g = c.getValueProps, S = c.fieldContext, h = v !== void 0 ? v : S.validateTrigger, y = a.getNamePath(), E = S.getInternalHooks, C = S.getFieldsValue, O = E(ln), R = O.dispatch, w = a.getValue(), $ = g || function(T) { - return j({}, p, T); - }, A = l[f], F = d !== void 0 ? $(w) : {}; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && F && Object.keys(F).forEach(function(T) { - tt(typeof F[T] != "function", "It's not recommended to generate dynamic function prop by `getValueProps`. Please pass it to child component directly (prop: ".concat(T, ")")); - }); - var M = D(D({}, l), F); - M[f] = function() { - a.touched = !0, a.dirty = !0, a.triggerMetaEvent(); - for (var T, k = arguments.length, N = new Array(k), x = 0; x < k; x++) - N[x] = arguments[x]; - m ? T = m.apply(void 0, N) : T = Tb.apply(void 0, [p].concat(N)), b && (T = b(T, w, C(!0))), R({ - type: "updateValue", - namePath: y, - value: T - }), A && A.apply(void 0, N); - }; - var I = us(h || []); - return I.forEach(function(T) { - var k = M[T]; - M[T] = function() { - k && k.apply(void 0, arguments); - var N = a.props.rules; - N && N.length && R({ - type: "validateField", - namePath: y, - triggerName: T - }); - }; - }), M; - }), n.fieldContext) { - var o = n.fieldContext.getInternalHooks, i = o(ln), s = i.initEntityValue; - s(Ue(a)); - } - return a; - } - return Dt(r, [{ - key: "componentDidMount", - value: function() { - var a = this.props, o = a.shouldUpdate, i = a.fieldContext; - if (this.mounted = !0, i) { - var s = i.getInternalHooks, l = s(ln), c = l.registerField; - this.cancelRegisterFunc = c(this); - } - o === !0 && this.reRender(); - } - }, { - key: "componentWillUnmount", - value: function() { - this.cancelRegister(), this.triggerMetaEvent(!0), this.mounted = !1; - } - }, { - key: "reRender", - value: function() { - this.mounted && this.forceUpdate(); - } - }, { - key: "render", - value: function() { - var a = this.state.resetCount, o = this.props.children, i = this.getOnlyChild(o), s = i.child, l = i.isFunction, c; - return l ? c = s : /* @__PURE__ */ u.isValidElement(s) ? c = /* @__PURE__ */ u.cloneElement(s, this.getControlled(s.props)) : (tt(!s, "`children` of Field is not validate ReactElement."), c = s), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(u.Fragment, { - key: a - }, c); - } - }]), r; -}(u.Component); -j(el, "contextType", Vn); -j(el, "defaultProps", { - trigger: "onChange", - valuePropName: "value" -}); -function df(e) { - var t = e.name, r = Ye(e, Nb), n = u.useContext(Vn), a = u.useContext(Ro), o = t !== void 0 ? Ot(t) : void 0, i = "keep"; - return r.isListField || (i = "_".concat((o || []).join("_"))), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && r.preserve === !1 && r.isListField && o.length <= 1 && tt(!1, "`preserve` should not apply on Form.List fields."), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(el, _e({ - key: i, - name: o, - isListField: !!a - }, r, { - fieldContext: n - })); -} -function Ib(e) { - var t = e.name, r = e.initialValue, n = e.children, a = e.rules, o = e.validateTrigger, i = e.isListField, s = u.useContext(Vn), l = u.useContext(Ro), c = u.useRef({ - keys: [], - id: 0 - }), d = c.current, f = u.useMemo(function() { - var p = Ot(s.prefixName) || []; - return [].concat(he(p), he(Ot(t))); - }, [s.prefixName, t]), v = u.useMemo(function() { - return D(D({}, s), {}, { - prefixName: f - }); - }, [s, f]), m = u.useMemo(function() { - return { - getKey: function(g) { - var S = f.length, h = g[S]; - return [d.keys[h], g.slice(S + 1)]; - } - }; - }, [f]); - if (typeof n != "function") - return tt(!1, "Form.List only accepts function as children."), null; - var b = function(g, S, h) { - var y = h.source; - return y === "internal" ? !1 : g !== S; - }; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ro.Provider, { - value: m - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Vn.Provider, { - value: v - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(df, { - name: [], - shouldUpdate: b, - rules: a, - validateTrigger: o, - initialValue: r, - isList: !0, - isListField: i ?? !!l - }, function(p, g) { - var S = p.value, h = S === void 0 ? [] : S, y = p.onChange, E = s.getFieldValue, C = function() { - var $ = E(f || []); - return $ || []; - }, O = { - add: function($, A) { - var F = C(); - A >= 0 && A <= F.length ? (d.keys = [].concat(he(d.keys.slice(0, A)), [d.id], he(d.keys.slice(A))), y([].concat(he(F.slice(0, A)), [$], he(F.slice(A))))) : (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (A < 0 || A > F.length) && tt(!1, "The second parameter of the add function should be a valid positive number."), d.keys = [].concat(he(d.keys), [d.id]), y([].concat(he(F), [$]))), d.id += 1; - }, - remove: function($) { - var A = C(), F = new Set(Array.isArray($) ? $ : [$]); - F.size <= 0 || (d.keys = d.keys.filter(function(M, I) { - return !F.has(I); - }), y(A.filter(function(M, I) { - return !F.has(I); - }))); - }, - move: function($, A) { - if ($ !== A) { - var F = C(); - $ < 0 || $ >= F.length || A < 0 || A >= F.length || (d.keys = $c(d.keys, $, A), y($c(F, $, A))); - } - } - }, R = h || []; - return Array.isArray(R) || (R = [], process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && tt(!1, "Current value of '".concat(f.join(" > "), "' is not an array type."))), n(R.map(function(w, $) { - var A = d.keys[$]; - return A === void 0 && (d.keys[$] = d.id, A = d.keys[$], d.id += 1), { - name: $, - key: A, - isListField: !0 - }; - }), O, g); - }))); -} -function Mb(e) { - var t = !1, r = e.length, n = []; - return e.length ? new Promise(function(a, o) { - e.forEach(function(i, s) { - i.catch(function(l) { - return t = !0, l; - }).then(function(l) { - r -= 1, n[s] = l, !(r > 0) && (t && o(n), a(n)); - }); - }); - }) : Promise.resolve([]); -} -var ff = "__@field_split__"; -function bi(e) { - return e.map(function(t) { - return "".concat(Ae(t), ":").concat(t); - }).join(ff); -} -var yn = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { - function e() { - Lt(this, e), j(this, "kvs", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); - } - return Dt(e, [{ - key: "set", - value: function(r, n) { - this.kvs.set(bi(r), n); - } - }, { - key: "get", - value: function(r) { - return this.kvs.get(bi(r)); - } - }, { - key: "update", - value: function(r, n) { - var a = this.get(r), o = n(a); - o ? this.set(r, o) : this.delete(r); - } - }, { - key: "delete", - value: function(r) { - this.kvs.delete(bi(r)); - } - // Since we only use this in test, let simply realize this - }, { - key: "map", - value: function(r) { - return he(this.kvs.entries()).map(function(n) { - var a = K(n, 2), o = a[0], i = a[1], s = o.split(ff); - return r({ - key: s.map(function(l) { - var c = l.match(/^([^:]*):(.*)$/), d = K(c, 3), f = d[1], v = d[2]; - return f === "number" ? Number(v) : v; - }), - value: i - }); - }); - } - }, { - key: "toJSON", - value: function() { - var r = {}; - return this.map(function(n) { - var a = n.key, o = n.value; - return r[a.join(".")] = o, null; - }), r; - } - }]), e; -}(), Ab = ["name"], jb = /* @__PURE__ */ Dt(function e(t) { - var r = this; - Lt(this, e), j(this, "formHooked", !1), j(this, "forceRootUpdate", void 0), j(this, "subscribable", !0), j(this, "store", {}), j(this, "fieldEntities", []), j(this, "initialValues", {}), j(this, "callbacks", {}), j(this, "validateMessages", null), j(this, "preserve", null), j(this, "lastValidatePromise", null), j(this, "getForm", function() { - return { - getFieldValue: r.getFieldValue, - getFieldsValue: r.getFieldsValue, - getFieldError: r.getFieldError, - getFieldWarning: r.getFieldWarning, - getFieldsError: r.getFieldsError, - isFieldsTouched: r.isFieldsTouched, - isFieldTouched: r.isFieldTouched, - isFieldValidating: r.isFieldValidating, - isFieldsValidating: r.isFieldsValidating, - resetFields: r.resetFields, - setFields: r.setFields, - setFieldValue: r.setFieldValue, - setFieldsValue: r.setFieldsValue, - validateFields: r.validateFields, - submit: r.submit, - _init: !0, - getInternalHooks: r.getInternalHooks - }; - }), j(this, "getInternalHooks", function(n) { - return n === ln ? (r.formHooked = !0, { - dispatch: r.dispatch, - initEntityValue: r.initEntityValue, - registerField: r.registerField, - useSubscribe: r.useSubscribe, - setInitialValues: r.setInitialValues, - destroyForm: r.destroyForm, - setCallbacks: r.setCallbacks, - setValidateMessages: r.setValidateMessages, - getFields: r.getFields, - setPreserve: r.setPreserve, - getInitialValue: r.getInitialValue, - registerWatch: r.registerWatch - }) : (tt(!1, "`getInternalHooks` is internal usage. Should not call directly."), null); - }), j(this, "useSubscribe", function(n) { - r.subscribable = n; - }), j(this, "prevWithoutPreserves", null), j(this, "setInitialValues", function(n, a) { - if (r.initialValues = n || {}, a) { - var o, i = Pn(n, r.store); - (o = r.prevWithoutPreserves) === null || o === void 0 || o.map(function(s) { - var l = s.key; - i = mr(i, l, Or(n, l)); - }), r.prevWithoutPreserves = null, r.updateStore(i); - } - }), j(this, "destroyForm", function(n) { - if (n) - r.updateStore({}); - else { - var a = new yn(); - r.getFieldEntities(!0).forEach(function(o) { - r.isMergedPreserve(o.isPreserve()) || a.set(o.getNamePath(), !0); - }), r.prevWithoutPreserves = a; - } - }), j(this, "getInitialValue", function(n) { - var a = Or(r.initialValues, n); - return n.length ? Pn(a) : a; - }), j(this, "setCallbacks", function(n) { - r.callbacks = n; - }), j(this, "setValidateMessages", function(n) { - r.validateMessages = n; - }), j(this, "setPreserve", function(n) { - r.preserve = n; - }), j(this, "watchList", []), j(this, "registerWatch", function(n) { - return r.watchList.push(n), function() { - r.watchList = r.watchList.filter(function(a) { - return a !== n; - }); - }; - }), j(this, "notifyWatch", function() { - var n = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : []; - if (r.watchList.length) { - var a = r.getFieldsValue(), o = r.getFieldsValue(!0); - r.watchList.forEach(function(i) { - i(a, o, n); - }); - } - }), j(this, "timeoutId", null), j(this, "warningUnhooked", function() { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && !r.timeoutId && typeof window < "u" && (r.timeoutId = setTimeout(function() { - r.timeoutId = null, r.formHooked || tt(!1, "Instance created by `useForm` is not connected to any Form element. Forget to pass `form` prop?"); - })); - }), j(this, "updateStore", function(n) { - r.store = n; - }), j(this, "getFieldEntities", function() { - var n = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : !1; - return n ? r.fieldEntities.filter(function(a) { - return a.getNamePath().length; - }) : r.fieldEntities; - }), j(this, "getFieldsMap", function() { - var n = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : !1, a = new yn(); - return r.getFieldEntities(n).forEach(function(o) { - var i = o.getNamePath(); - a.set(i, o); - }), a; - }), j(this, "getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList", function(n) { - if (!n) - return r.getFieldEntities(!0); - var a = r.getFieldsMap(!0); - return n.map(function(o) { - var i = Ot(o); - return a.get(i) || { - INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH: Ot(o) - }; - }); - }), j(this, "getFieldsValue", function(n, a) { - r.warningUnhooked(); - var o, i, s; - if (n === !0 || Array.isArray(n) ? (o = n, i = a) : n && Ae(n) === "object" && (s = n.strict, i = n.filter), o === !0 && !i) - return r.store; - var l = r.getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList(Array.isArray(o) ? o : null), c = []; - return l.forEach(function(d) { - var f, v, m = "INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH" in d ? d.INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH : d.getNamePath(); - if (s) { - var b, p; - if ((b = (p = d).isList) !== null && b !== void 0 && b.call(p)) - return; - } else if (!o && (f = (v = d).isListField) !== null && f !== void 0 && f.call(v)) - return; - if (!i) - c.push(m); - else { - var g = "getMeta" in d ? d.getMeta() : null; - i(g) && c.push(m); - } - }), wc(r.store, c.map(Ot)); - }), j(this, "getFieldValue", function(n) { - r.warningUnhooked(); - var a = Ot(n); - return Or(r.store, a); - }), j(this, "getFieldsError", function(n) { - r.warningUnhooked(); - var a = r.getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList(n); - return a.map(function(o, i) { - return o && !("INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH" in o) ? { - name: o.getNamePath(), - errors: o.getErrors(), - warnings: o.getWarnings() - } : { - name: Ot(n[i]), - errors: [], - warnings: [] - }; - }); - }), j(this, "getFieldError", function(n) { - r.warningUnhooked(); - var a = Ot(n), o = r.getFieldsError([a])[0]; - return o.errors; - }), j(this, "getFieldWarning", function(n) { - r.warningUnhooked(); - var a = Ot(n), o = r.getFieldsError([a])[0]; - return o.warnings; - }), j(this, "isFieldsTouched", function() { - r.warningUnhooked(); - for (var n = arguments.length, a = new Array(n), o = 0; o < n; o++) - a[o] = arguments[o]; - var i = a[0], s = a[1], l, c = !1; - a.length === 0 ? l = null : a.length === 1 ? Array.isArray(i) ? (l = i.map(Ot), c = !1) : (l = null, c = i) : (l = i.map(Ot), c = s); - var d = r.getFieldEntities(!0), f = function(g) { - return g.isFieldTouched(); - }; - if (!l) - return c ? d.every(function(p) { - return f(p) || p.isList(); - }) : d.some(f); - var v = new yn(); - l.forEach(function(p) { - v.set(p, []); - }), d.forEach(function(p) { - var g = p.getNamePath(); - l.forEach(function(S) { - S.every(function(h, y) { - return g[y] === h; - }) && v.update(S, function(h) { - return [].concat(he(h), [p]); - }); - }); - }); - var m = function(g) { - return g.some(f); - }, b = v.map(function(p) { - var g = p.value; - return g; - }); - return c ? b.every(m) : b.some(m); - }), j(this, "isFieldTouched", function(n) { - return r.warningUnhooked(), r.isFieldsTouched([n]); - }), j(this, "isFieldsValidating", function(n) { - r.warningUnhooked(); - var a = r.getFieldEntities(); - if (!n) - return a.some(function(i) { - return i.isFieldValidating(); - }); - var o = n.map(Ot); - return a.some(function(i) { - var s = i.getNamePath(); - return Nn(o, s) && i.isFieldValidating(); - }); - }), j(this, "isFieldValidating", function(n) { - return r.warningUnhooked(), r.isFieldsValidating([n]); - }), j(this, "resetWithFieldInitialValue", function() { - var n = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : {}, a = new yn(), o = r.getFieldEntities(!0); - o.forEach(function(l) { - var c = l.props.initialValue, d = l.getNamePath(); - if (c !== void 0) { - var f = a.get(d) || /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - f.add({ - entity: l, - value: c - }), a.set(d, f); - } - }); - var i = function(c) { - c.forEach(function(d) { - var f = d.props.initialValue; - if (f !== void 0) { - var v = d.getNamePath(), m = r.getInitialValue(v); - if (m !== void 0) - tt(!1, "Form already set 'initialValues' with path '".concat(v.join("."), "'. Field can not overwrite it.")); - else { - var b = a.get(v); - if (b && b.size > 1) - tt(!1, "Multiple Field with path '".concat(v.join("."), "' set 'initialValue'. Can not decide which one to pick.")); - else if (b) { - var p = r.getFieldValue(v), g = d.isListField(); - !g && (!n.skipExist || p === void 0) && r.updateStore(mr(r.store, v, he(b)[0].value)); - } - } - } - }); - }, s; - n.entities ? s = n.entities : n.namePathList ? (s = [], n.namePathList.forEach(function(l) { - var c = a.get(l); - if (c) { - var d; - (d = s).push.apply(d, he(he(c).map(function(f) { - return f.entity; - }))); - } - })) : s = o, i(s); - }), j(this, "resetFields", function(n) { - r.warningUnhooked(); - var a = r.store; - if (!n) { - r.updateStore(Pn(r.initialValues)), r.resetWithFieldInitialValue(), r.notifyObservers(a, null, { - type: "reset" - }), r.notifyWatch(); - return; - } - var o = n.map(Ot); - o.forEach(function(i) { - var s = r.getInitialValue(i); - r.updateStore(mr(r.store, i, s)); - }), r.resetWithFieldInitialValue({ - namePathList: o - }), r.notifyObservers(a, o, { - type: "reset" - }), r.notifyWatch(o); - }), j(this, "setFields", function(n) { - r.warningUnhooked(); - var a = r.store, o = []; - n.forEach(function(i) { - var s = i.name, l = Ye(i, Ab), c = Ot(s); - o.push(c), "value" in l && r.updateStore(mr(r.store, c, l.value)), r.notifyObservers(a, [c], { - type: "setField", - data: i - }); - }), r.notifyWatch(o); - }), j(this, "getFields", function() { - var n = r.getFieldEntities(!0), a = n.map(function(o) { - var i = o.getNamePath(), s = o.getMeta(), l = D(D({}, s), {}, { - name: i, - value: r.getFieldValue(i) - }); - return Object.defineProperty(l, "originRCField", { - value: !0 - }), l; - }); - return a; - }), j(this, "initEntityValue", function(n) { - var a = n.props.initialValue; - if (a !== void 0) { - var o = n.getNamePath(), i = Or(r.store, o); - i === void 0 && r.updateStore(mr(r.store, o, a)); - } - }), j(this, "isMergedPreserve", function(n) { - var a = n !== void 0 ? n : r.preserve; - return a ?? !0; - }), j(this, "registerField", function(n) { - r.fieldEntities.push(n); - var a = n.getNamePath(); - if (r.notifyWatch([a]), n.props.initialValue !== void 0) { - var o = r.store; - r.resetWithFieldInitialValue({ - entities: [n], - skipExist: !0 - }), r.notifyObservers(o, [n.getNamePath()], { - type: "valueUpdate", - source: "internal" - }); - } - return function(i, s) { - var l = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : []; - if (r.fieldEntities = r.fieldEntities.filter(function(f) { - return f !== n; - }), !r.isMergedPreserve(s) && (!i || l.length > 1)) { - var c = i ? void 0 : r.getInitialValue(a); - if (a.length && r.getFieldValue(a) !== c && r.fieldEntities.every(function(f) { - return ( - // Only reset when no namePath exist - !uf(f.getNamePath(), a) - ); - })) { - var d = r.store; - r.updateStore(mr(d, a, c, !0)), r.notifyObservers(d, [a], { - type: "remove" - }), r.triggerDependenciesUpdate(d, a); - } - } - r.notifyWatch([a]); - }; - }), j(this, "dispatch", function(n) { - switch (n.type) { - case "updateValue": { - var a = n.namePath, o = n.value; - r.updateValue(a, o); - break; - } - case "validateField": { - var i = n.namePath, s = n.triggerName; - r.validateFields([i], { - triggerName: s - }); - break; - } - } - }), j(this, "notifyObservers", function(n, a, o) { - if (r.subscribable) { - var i = D(D({}, o), {}, { - store: r.getFieldsValue(!0) - }); - r.getFieldEntities().forEach(function(s) { - var l = s.onStoreChange; - l(n, a, i); - }); - } else - r.forceRootUpdate(); - }), j(this, "triggerDependenciesUpdate", function(n, a) { - var o = r.getDependencyChildrenFields(a); - return o.length && r.validateFields(o), r.notifyObservers(n, o, { - type: "dependenciesUpdate", - relatedFields: [a].concat(he(o)) - }), o; - }), j(this, "updateValue", function(n, a) { - var o = Ot(n), i = r.store; - r.updateStore(mr(r.store, o, a)), r.notifyObservers(i, [o], { - type: "valueUpdate", - source: "internal" - }), r.notifyWatch([o]); - var s = r.triggerDependenciesUpdate(i, o), l = r.callbacks.onValuesChange; - if (l) { - var c = wc(r.store, [o]); - l(c, r.getFieldsValue()); - } - r.triggerOnFieldsChange([o].concat(he(s))); - }), j(this, "setFieldsValue", function(n) { - r.warningUnhooked(); - var a = r.store; - if (n) { - var o = Pn(r.store, n); - r.updateStore(o); - } - r.notifyObservers(a, null, { - type: "valueUpdate", - source: "external" - }), r.notifyWatch(); - }), j(this, "setFieldValue", function(n, a) { - r.setFields([{ - name: n, - value: a - }]); - }), j(this, "getDependencyChildrenFields", function(n) { - var a = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), o = [], i = new yn(); - r.getFieldEntities().forEach(function(l) { - var c = l.props.dependencies; - (c || []).forEach(function(d) { - var f = Ot(d); - i.update(f, function() { - var v = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - return v.add(l), v; - }); - }); - }); - var s = function l(c) { - var d = i.get(c) || /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - d.forEach(function(f) { - if (!a.has(f)) { - a.add(f); - var v = f.getNamePath(); - f.isFieldDirty() && v.length && (o.push(v), l(v)); - } - }); - }; - return s(n), o; - }), j(this, "triggerOnFieldsChange", function(n, a) { - var o = r.callbacks.onFieldsChange; - if (o) { - var i = r.getFields(); - if (a) { - var s = new yn(); - a.forEach(function(c) { - var d = c.name, f = c.errors; - s.set(d, f); - }), i.forEach(function(c) { - c.errors = s.get(c.name) || c.errors; - }); - } - var l = i.filter(function(c) { - var d = c.name; - return Nn(n, d); - }); - l.length && o(l, i); - } - }), j(this, "validateFields", function(n, a) { - r.warningUnhooked(); - var o, i; - Array.isArray(n) || typeof n == "string" || typeof a == "string" ? (o = n, i = a) : i = n; - var s = !!o, l = s ? o.map(Ot) : [], c = [], d = String(Date.now()), f = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), v = i || {}, m = v.recursive, b = v.dirty; - r.getFieldEntities(!0).forEach(function(h) { - if (s || l.push(h.getNamePath()), !(!h.props.rules || !h.props.rules.length) && !(b && !h.isFieldDirty())) { - var y = h.getNamePath(); - if (f.add(y.join(d)), !s || Nn(l, y, m)) { - var E = h.validateRules(D({ - validateMessages: D(D({}, cf), r.validateMessages) - }, i)); - c.push(E.then(function() { - return { - name: y, - errors: [], - warnings: [] - }; - }).catch(function(C) { - var O, R = [], w = []; - return (O = C.forEach) === null || O === void 0 || O.call(C, function($) { - var A = $.rule.warningOnly, F = $.errors; - A ? w.push.apply(w, he(F)) : R.push.apply(R, he(F)); - }), R.length ? Promise.reject({ - name: y, - errors: R, - warnings: w - }) : { - name: y, - errors: R, - warnings: w - }; - })); - } - } - }); - var p = Mb(c); - r.lastValidatePromise = p, p.catch(function(h) { - return h; - }).then(function(h) { - var y = h.map(function(E) { - var C = E.name; - return C; - }); - r.notifyObservers(r.store, y, { - type: "validateFinish" - }), r.triggerOnFieldsChange(y, h); - }); - var g = p.then(function() { - return r.lastValidatePromise === p ? Promise.resolve(r.getFieldsValue(l)) : Promise.reject([]); - }).catch(function(h) { - var y = h.filter(function(E) { - return E && E.errors.length; - }); - return Promise.reject({ - values: r.getFieldsValue(l), - errorFields: y, - outOfDate: r.lastValidatePromise !== p - }); - }); - g.catch(function(h) { - return h; - }); - var S = l.filter(function(h) { - return f.has(h.join(d)); - }); - return r.triggerOnFieldsChange(S), g; - }), j(this, "submit", function() { - r.warningUnhooked(), r.validateFields().then(function(n) { - var a = r.callbacks.onFinish; - if (a) - try { - a(n); - } catch (o) { - console.error(o); - } - }).catch(function(n) { - var a = r.callbacks.onFinishFailed; - a && a(n); - }); - }), this.forceRootUpdate = t; -}); -function vf(e) { - var t = u.useRef(), r = u.useState({}), n = K(r, 2), a = n[1]; - if (!t.current) - if (e) - t.current = e; - else { - var o = function() { - a({}); - }, i = new jb(o); - t.current = i.getForm(); - } - return [t.current]; -} -var ys = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext({ - triggerFormChange: function() { - }, - triggerFormFinish: function() { - }, - registerForm: function() { - }, - unregisterForm: function() { - } -}), Fb = function(t) { - var r = t.validateMessages, n = t.onFormChange, a = t.onFormFinish, o = t.children, i = u.useContext(ys), s = u.useRef({}); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ys.Provider, { - value: D(D({}, i), {}, { - validateMessages: D(D({}, i.validateMessages), r), - // ========================================================= - // = Global Form Control = - // ========================================================= - triggerFormChange: function(c, d) { - n && n(c, { - changedFields: d, - forms: s.current - }), i.triggerFormChange(c, d); - }, - triggerFormFinish: function(c, d) { - a && a(c, { - values: d, - forms: s.current - }), i.triggerFormFinish(c, d); - }, - registerForm: function(c, d) { - c && (s.current = D(D({}, s.current), {}, j({}, c, d))), i.registerForm(c, d); - }, - unregisterForm: function(c) { - var d = D({}, s.current); - delete d[c], s.current = d, i.unregisterForm(c); - } - }) - }, o); -}, Lb = ["name", "initialValues", "fields", "form", "preserve", "children", "component", "validateMessages", "validateTrigger", "onValuesChange", "onFieldsChange", "onFinish", "onFinishFailed", "clearOnDestroy"], Db = function(t, r) { - var n = t.name, a = t.initialValues, o = t.fields, i = t.form, s = t.preserve, l = t.children, c = t.component, d = c === void 0 ? "form" : c, f = t.validateMessages, v = t.validateTrigger, m = v === void 0 ? "onChange" : v, b = t.onValuesChange, p = t.onFieldsChange, g = t.onFinish, S = t.onFinishFailed, h = t.clearOnDestroy, y = Ye(t, Lb), E = u.useRef(null), C = u.useContext(ys), O = vf(i), R = K(O, 1), w = R[0], $ = w.getInternalHooks(ln), A = $.useSubscribe, F = $.setInitialValues, M = $.setCallbacks, I = $.setValidateMessages, T = $.setPreserve, k = $.destroyForm; - u.useImperativeHandle(r, function() { - return D(D({}, w), {}, { - nativeElement: E.current - }); - }), u.useEffect(function() { - return C.registerForm(n, w), function() { - C.unregisterForm(n); - }; - }, [C, w, n]), I(D(D({}, C.validateMessages), f)), M({ - onValuesChange: b, - onFieldsChange: function(G) { - if (C.triggerFormChange(n, G), p) { - for (var Q = arguments.length, Y = new Array(Q > 1 ? Q - 1 : 0), J = 1; J < Q; J++) - Y[J - 1] = arguments[J]; - p.apply(void 0, [G].concat(Y)); - } - }, - onFinish: function(G) { - C.triggerFormFinish(n, G), g && g(G); - }, - onFinishFailed: S - }), T(s); - var N = u.useRef(null); - F(a, !N.current), N.current || (N.current = !0), u.useEffect( - function() { - return function() { - return k(h); - }; - }, - // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps - [] - ); - var x, _ = typeof l == "function"; - if (_) { - var z = w.getFieldsValue(!0); - x = l(z, w); - } else - x = l; - A(!_); - var L = u.useRef(); - u.useEffect(function() { - _b(L.current || [], o || []) || w.setFields(o || []), L.current = o; - }, [o, w]); - var B = u.useMemo(function() { - return D(D({}, w), {}, { - validateTrigger: m - }); - }, [w, m]), X = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ro.Provider, { - value: null - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Vn.Provider, { - value: B - }, x)); - return d === !1 ? X : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(d, _e({}, y, { - ref: E, - onSubmit: function(G) { - G.preventDefault(), G.stopPropagation(), w.submit(); - }, - onReset: function(G) { - var Q; - G.preventDefault(), w.resetFields(), (Q = y.onReset) === null || Q === void 0 || Q.call(y, G); - } - }), X); -}; -function Rc(e) { - try { - return JSON.stringify(e); - } catch { - return Math.random(); - } -} -var zb = process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" ? function(e) { - var t = e.join("__RC_FIELD_FORM_SPLIT__"), r = Be(t); - tt(r.current === t, "`useWatch` is not support dynamic `namePath`. Please provide static instead."); -} : function() { -}; -function Vb() { - for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), r = 0; r < e; r++) - t[r] = arguments[r]; - var n = t[0], a = t[1], o = a === void 0 ? {} : a, i = q0(o) ? { - form: o - } : o, s = i.form, l = bt(), c = K(l, 2), d = c[0], f = c[1], v = Yr(function() { - return Rc(d); - }, [d]), m = Be(v); - m.current = v; - var b = Ht(Vn), p = s || b, g = p && p._init; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && tt(t.length === 2 ? s ? g : !0 : g, "useWatch requires a form instance since it can not auto detect from context."); - var S = Ot(n), h = Be(S); - return h.current = S, zb(S), yt( - function() { - if (g) { - var y = p.getFieldsValue, E = p.getInternalHooks, C = E(ln), O = C.registerWatch, R = function(F, M) { - var I = i.preserve ? M : F; - return typeof n == "function" ? n(I) : Or(I, h.current); - }, w = O(function(A, F) { - var M = R(A, F), I = Rc(M); - m.current !== I && (m.current = I, f(M)); - }), $ = R(y(), y(!0)); - return d !== $ && f($), w; - } - }, - // We do not need re-register since namePath content is the same - // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps - [g] - ), d; -} -var Bb = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(Db), Fa = Bb; -Fa.FormProvider = Fb; -Fa.Field = df; -Fa.List = Ib; -Fa.useForm = vf; -Fa.useWatch = Vb; -const Pa = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext({}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Pa.displayName = "FormItemInputContext"); -const kb = (e) => { - let { - children: t, - status: r, - override: n - } = e; - const a = Ht(Pa), o = Yr(() => { - const i = Object.assign({}, a); - return n && delete i.isFormItemInput, r && (delete i.status, delete i.hasFeedback, delete i.feedbackIcon), i; - }, [r, n, a]); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Pa.Provider, { - value: o - }, t); -}, Hb = /* @__PURE__ */ kn(void 0), Ss = (e) => { - const { - space: t, - form: r, - children: n - } = e; - if (n == null) - return null; - let a = n; - return r && (a = /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(kb, { - override: !0, - status: !0 - }, a)), t && (a = /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(s0, null, a)), a; -}; -var gf = function(t) { - if (Xt() && window.document.documentElement) { - var r = Array.isArray(t) ? t : [t], n = window.document.documentElement; - return r.some(function(a) { - return a in n.style; - }); - } - return !1; -}, Wb = function(t, r) { - if (!gf(t)) - return !1; - var n = document.createElement("div"), a = n.style[t]; - return n.style[t] = r, n.style[t] !== a; -}; -function Pc(e, t) { - return !Array.isArray(e) && t !== void 0 ? Wb(e, t) : gf(e); -} -const Ho = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - className: r, - style: n, - size: a, - shape: o - } = e, i = Z({ - [`${t}-lg`]: a === "large", - [`${t}-sm`]: a === "small" - }), s = Z({ - [`${t}-circle`]: o === "circle", - [`${t}-square`]: o === "square", - [`${t}-round`]: o === "round" - }), l = u.useMemo(() => typeof a == "number" ? { - width: a, - height: a, - lineHeight: `${a}px` - } : {}, [a]); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", { - className: Z(t, i, s, r), - style: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, l), n) - }); -}, Kb = new Rt("ant-skeleton-loading", { - "0%": { - backgroundPosition: "100% 50%" - }, - "100%": { - backgroundPosition: "0 50%" - } -}), Wo = (e) => ({ - height: e, - lineHeight: ee(e) -}), In = (e) => Object.assign({ - width: e -}, Wo(e)), Ub = (e) => ({ - background: e.skeletonLoadingBackground, - backgroundSize: "400% 100%", - animationName: Kb, - animationDuration: e.skeletonLoadingMotionDuration, - animationTimingFunction: "ease", - animationIterationCount: "infinite" -}), yi = (e, t) => Object.assign({ - width: t(e).mul(5).equal(), - minWidth: t(e).mul(5).equal() -}, Wo(e)), Gb = (e) => { - const { - skeletonAvatarCls: t, - gradientFromColor: r, - controlHeight: n, - controlHeightLG: a, - controlHeightSM: o - } = e; - return { - [`${t}`]: Object.assign({ - display: "inline-block", - verticalAlign: "top", - background: r - }, In(n)), - [`${t}${t}-circle`]: { - borderRadius: "50%" - }, - [`${t}${t}-lg`]: Object.assign({}, In(a)), - [`${t}${t}-sm`]: Object.assign({}, In(o)) - }; -}, qb = (e) => { - const { - controlHeight: t, - borderRadiusSM: r, - skeletonInputCls: n, - controlHeightLG: a, - controlHeightSM: o, - gradientFromColor: i, - calc: s - } = e; - return { - [`${n}`]: Object.assign({ - display: "inline-block", - verticalAlign: "top", - background: i, - borderRadius: r - }, yi(t, s)), - [`${n}-lg`]: Object.assign({}, yi(a, s)), - [`${n}-sm`]: Object.assign({}, yi(o, s)) - }; -}, _c = (e) => Object.assign({ - width: e -}, Wo(e)), Xb = (e) => { - const { - skeletonImageCls: t, - imageSizeBase: r, - gradientFromColor: n, - borderRadiusSM: a, - calc: o - } = e; - return { - [`${t}`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({ - display: "flex", - alignItems: "center", - justifyContent: "center", - verticalAlign: "top", - background: n, - borderRadius: a - }, _c(o(r).mul(2).equal())), { - [`${t}-path`]: { - fill: "#bfbfbf" - }, - [`${t}-svg`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, _c(r)), { - maxWidth: o(r).mul(4).equal(), - maxHeight: o(r).mul(4).equal() - }), - [`${t}-svg${t}-svg-circle`]: { - borderRadius: "50%" - } - }), - [`${t}${t}-circle`]: { - borderRadius: "50%" - } - }; -}, Si = (e, t, r) => { - const { - skeletonButtonCls: n - } = e; - return { - [`${r}${n}-circle`]: { - width: t, - minWidth: t, - borderRadius: "50%" - }, - [`${r}${n}-round`]: { - borderRadius: t - } - }; -}, Ci = (e, t) => Object.assign({ - width: t(e).mul(2).equal(), - minWidth: t(e).mul(2).equal() -}, Wo(e)), Yb = (e) => { - const { - borderRadiusSM: t, - skeletonButtonCls: r, - controlHeight: n, - controlHeightLG: a, - controlHeightSM: o, - gradientFromColor: i, - calc: s - } = e; - return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ - [`${r}`]: Object.assign({ - display: "inline-block", - verticalAlign: "top", - background: i, - borderRadius: t, - width: s(n).mul(2).equal(), - minWidth: s(n).mul(2).equal() - }, Ci(n, s)) - }, Si(e, n, r)), { - [`${r}-lg`]: Object.assign({}, Ci(a, s)) - }), Si(e, a, `${r}-lg`)), { - [`${r}-sm`]: Object.assign({}, Ci(o, s)) - }), Si(e, o, `${r}-sm`)); -}, Zb = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - skeletonAvatarCls: r, - skeletonTitleCls: n, - skeletonParagraphCls: a, - skeletonButtonCls: o, - skeletonInputCls: i, - skeletonImageCls: s, - controlHeight: l, - controlHeightLG: c, - controlHeightSM: d, - gradientFromColor: f, - padding: v, - marginSM: m, - borderRadius: b, - titleHeight: p, - blockRadius: g, - paragraphLiHeight: S, - controlHeightXS: h, - paragraphMarginTop: y - } = e; - return { - [`${t}`]: { - display: "table", - width: "100%", - [`${t}-header`]: { - display: "table-cell", - paddingInlineEnd: v, - verticalAlign: "top", - // Avatar - [`${r}`]: Object.assign({ - display: "inline-block", - verticalAlign: "top", - background: f - }, In(l)), - [`${r}-circle`]: { - borderRadius: "50%" - }, - [`${r}-lg`]: Object.assign({}, In(c)), - [`${r}-sm`]: Object.assign({}, In(d)) - }, - [`${t}-content`]: { - display: "table-cell", - width: "100%", - verticalAlign: "top", - // Title - [`${n}`]: { - width: "100%", - height: p, - background: f, - borderRadius: g, - [`+ ${a}`]: { - marginBlockStart: d - } - }, - // paragraph - [`${a}`]: { - padding: 0, - "> li": { - width: "100%", - height: S, - listStyle: "none", - background: f, - borderRadius: g, - "+ li": { - marginBlockStart: h - } - } - }, - [`${a}> li:last-child:not(:first-child):not(:nth-child(2))`]: { - width: "61%" - } - }, - [`&-round ${t}-content`]: { - [`${n}, ${a} > li`]: { - borderRadius: b - } - } - }, - [`${t}-with-avatar ${t}-content`]: { - // Title - [`${n}`]: { - marginBlockStart: m, - [`+ ${a}`]: { - marginBlockStart: y - } - } - }, - // Skeleton element - [`${t}${t}-element`]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ - display: "inline-block", - width: "auto" - }, Yb(e)), Gb(e)), qb(e)), Xb(e)), - // Skeleton Block Button, Input - [`${t}${t}-block`]: { - width: "100%", - [`${o}`]: { - width: "100%" - }, - [`${i}`]: { - width: "100%" - } - }, - // With active animation - [`${t}${t}-active`]: { - [` - ${n}, - ${a} > li, - ${r}, - ${o}, - ${i}, - ${s} - `]: Object.assign({}, Ub(e)) - } - }; -}, Qb = (e) => { - const { - colorFillContent: t, - colorFill: r - } = e, n = t, a = r; - return { - color: n, - colorGradientEnd: a, - gradientFromColor: n, - gradientToColor: a, - titleHeight: e.controlHeight / 2, - blockRadius: e.borderRadiusSM, - paragraphMarginTop: e.marginLG + e.marginXXS, - paragraphLiHeight: e.controlHeight / 2 - }; -}, Gn = en("Skeleton", (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - calc: r - } = e, n = Zt(e, { - skeletonAvatarCls: `${t}-avatar`, - skeletonTitleCls: `${t}-title`, - skeletonParagraphCls: `${t}-paragraph`, - skeletonButtonCls: `${t}-button`, - skeletonInputCls: `${t}-input`, - skeletonImageCls: `${t}-image`, - imageSizeBase: r(e.controlHeight).mul(1.5).equal(), - borderRadius: 100, - // Large number to make capsule shape - skeletonLoadingBackground: `linear-gradient(90deg, ${e.gradientFromColor} 25%, ${e.gradientToColor} 37%, ${e.gradientFromColor} 63%)`, - skeletonLoadingMotionDuration: "1.4s" - }); - return [Zb(n)]; -}, Qb, { - deprecatedTokens: [["color", "gradientFromColor"], ["colorGradientEnd", "gradientToColor"]] -}), Jb = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - className: r, - rootClassName: n, - active: a, - shape: o = "circle", - size: i = "default" - } = e, { - getPrefixCls: s - } = u.useContext(ft), l = s("skeleton", t), [c, d, f] = Gn(l), v = Cr(e, ["prefixCls", "className"]), m = Z(l, `${l}-element`, { - [`${l}-active`]: a - }, r, n, d, f); - return c(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: m - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ho, Object.assign({ - prefixCls: `${l}-avatar`, - shape: o, - size: i - }, v)))); -}, ey = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - className: r, - rootClassName: n, - active: a, - block: o = !1, - size: i = "default" - } = e, { - getPrefixCls: s - } = u.useContext(ft), l = s("skeleton", t), [c, d, f] = Gn(l), v = Cr(e, ["prefixCls"]), m = Z(l, `${l}-element`, { - [`${l}-active`]: a, - [`${l}-block`]: o - }, r, n, d, f); - return c(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: m - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ho, Object.assign({ - prefixCls: `${l}-button`, - size: i - }, v)))); -}, ty = "M365.714286 329.142857q0 45.714286-32.036571 77.677714t-77.677714 32.036571-77.677714-32.036571-32.036571-77.677714 32.036571-77.677714 77.677714-32.036571 77.677714 32.036571 32.036571 77.677714zM950.857143 548.571429l0 256-804.571429 0 0-109.714286 182.857143-182.857143 91.428571 91.428571 292.571429-292.571429zM1005.714286 146.285714l-914.285714 0q-7.460571 0-12.873143 5.412571t-5.412571 12.873143l0 694.857143q0 7.460571 5.412571 12.873143t12.873143 5.412571l914.285714 0q7.460571 0 12.873143-5.412571t5.412571-12.873143l0-694.857143q0-7.460571-5.412571-12.873143t-12.873143-5.412571zM1097.142857 164.571429l0 694.857143q0 37.741714-26.843429 64.585143t-64.585143 26.843429l-914.285714 0q-37.741714 0-64.585143-26.843429t-26.843429-64.585143l0-694.857143q0-37.741714 26.843429-64.585143t64.585143-26.843429l914.285714 0q37.741714 0 64.585143 26.843429t26.843429 64.585143z", ry = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - className: r, - rootClassName: n, - style: a, - active: o - } = e, { - getPrefixCls: i - } = u.useContext(ft), s = i("skeleton", t), [l, c, d] = Gn(s), f = Z(s, `${s}-element`, { - [`${s}-active`]: o - }, r, n, c, d); - return l(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: f - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: Z(`${s}-image`, r), - style: a - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("svg", { - viewBox: "0 0 1098 1024", - xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", - className: `${s}-image-svg` - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("title", null, "Image placeholder"), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("path", { - d: ty, - className: `${s}-image-path` - }))))); -}, ny = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - className: r, - rootClassName: n, - active: a, - block: o, - size: i = "default" - } = e, { - getPrefixCls: s - } = u.useContext(ft), l = s("skeleton", t), [c, d, f] = Gn(l), v = Cr(e, ["prefixCls"]), m = Z(l, `${l}-element`, { - [`${l}-active`]: a, - [`${l}-block`]: o - }, r, n, d, f); - return c(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: m - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ho, Object.assign({ - prefixCls: `${l}-input`, - size: i - }, v)))); -}; -var ay = { icon: { tag: "svg", attrs: { viewBox: "64 64 896 896", focusable: "false" }, children: [{ tag: "path", attrs: { d: "M888 792H200V168c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-56c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v688c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h752c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-56c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zM288 604a64 64 0 10128 0 64 64 0 10-128 0zm118-224a48 48 0 1096 0 48 48 0 10-96 0zm158 228a96 96 0 10192 0 96 96 0 10-192 0zm148-314a56 56 0 10112 0 56 56 0 10-112 0z" } }] }, name: "dot-chart", theme: "outlined" }, oy = function(t, r) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nr, _e({}, t, { - ref: r, - icon: ay - })); -}, mf = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(oy); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (mf.displayName = "DotChartOutlined"); -const iy = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - className: r, - rootClassName: n, - style: a, - active: o, - children: i - } = e, { - getPrefixCls: s - } = u.useContext(ft), l = s("skeleton", t), [c, d, f] = Gn(l), v = Z(l, `${l}-element`, { - [`${l}-active`]: o - }, d, r, n, f), m = i ?? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(mf, null); - return c(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: v - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: Z(`${l}-image`, r), - style: a - }, m))); -}, sy = (e, t) => { - const { - width: r, - rows: n = 2 - } = t; - if (Array.isArray(r)) - return r[e]; - if (n - 1 === e) - return r; -}, ly = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - className: r, - style: n, - rows: a - } = e, o = he(Array(a)).map((i, s) => ( - // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-array-index-key - /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("li", { - key: s, - style: { - width: sy(s, e) - } - }) - )); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("ul", { - className: Z(t, r), - style: n - }, o); -}, cy = (e) => { - let { - prefixCls: t, - className: r, - width: n, - style: a - } = e; - return ( - // biome-ignore lint/a11y/useHeadingContent: HOC here - /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("h3", { - className: Z(t, r), - style: Object.assign({ - width: n - }, a) - }) - ); -}; -function Ei(e) { - return e && typeof e == "object" ? e : {}; -} -function uy(e, t) { - return e && !t ? { - size: "large", - shape: "square" - } : { - size: "large", - shape: "circle" - }; -} -function dy(e, t) { - return !e && t ? { - width: "38%" - } : e && t ? { - width: "50%" - } : {}; -} -function fy(e, t) { - const r = {}; - return (!e || !t) && (r.width = "61%"), !e && t ? r.rows = 3 : r.rows = 2, r; -} -const gn = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - loading: r, - className: n, - rootClassName: a, - style: o, - children: i, - avatar: s = !1, - title: l = !0, - paragraph: c = !0, - active: d, - round: f - } = e, { - getPrefixCls: v, - direction: m, - skeleton: b - } = u.useContext(ft), p = v("skeleton", t), [g, S, h] = Gn(p); - if (r || !("loading" in e)) { - const y = !!s, E = !!l, C = !!c; - let O; - if (y) { - const $ = Object.assign(Object.assign({ - prefixCls: `${p}-avatar` - }, uy(E, C)), Ei(s)); - O = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: `${p}-header` - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ho, Object.assign({}, $))); - } - let R; - if (E || C) { - let $; - if (E) { - const F = Object.assign(Object.assign({ - prefixCls: `${p}-title` - }, dy(y, C)), Ei(l)); - $ = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(cy, Object.assign({}, F)); - } - let A; - if (C) { - const F = Object.assign(Object.assign({ - prefixCls: `${p}-paragraph` - }, fy(y, E)), Ei(c)); - A = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ly, Object.assign({}, F)); - } - R = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: `${p}-content` - }, $, A); - } - const w = Z(p, { - [`${p}-with-avatar`]: y, - [`${p}-active`]: d, - [`${p}-rtl`]: m === "rtl", - [`${p}-round`]: f - }, b == null ? void 0 : b.className, n, a, S, h); - return g(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: w, - style: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, b == null ? void 0 : b.style), o) - }, O, R)); - } - return i ?? null; -}; -gn.Button = ey; -gn.Avatar = Jb; -gn.Input = ny; -gn.Image = ry; -gn.Node = iy; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (gn.displayName = "Skeleton"); -const vy = (e) => ({ - animationDuration: e, - animationFillMode: "both" -}), gy = (e) => ({ - animationDuration: e, - animationFillMode: "both" -}), pf = function(e, t, r, n) { - const o = (arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== void 0 ? arguments[4] : !1) ? "&" : ""; - return { - [` - ${o}${e}-enter, - ${o}${e}-appear - `]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, vy(n)), { - animationPlayState: "paused" - }), - [`${o}${e}-leave`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, gy(n)), { - animationPlayState: "paused" - }), - [` - ${o}${e}-enter${e}-enter-active, - ${o}${e}-appear${e}-appear-active - `]: { - animationName: t, - animationPlayState: "running" - }, - [`${o}${e}-leave${e}-leave-active`]: { - animationName: r, - animationPlayState: "running", - pointerEvents: "none" - } - }; -}, my = new Rt("antSlideUpIn", { - "0%": { - transform: "scaleY(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "0% 0%", - opacity: 0 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scaleY(1)", - transformOrigin: "0% 0%", - opacity: 1 - } -}), py = new Rt("antSlideUpOut", { - "0%": { - transform: "scaleY(1)", - transformOrigin: "0% 0%", - opacity: 1 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scaleY(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "0% 0%", - opacity: 0 - } -}), hy = new Rt("antSlideDownIn", { - "0%": { - transform: "scaleY(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "100% 100%", - opacity: 0 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scaleY(1)", - transformOrigin: "100% 100%", - opacity: 1 - } -}), by = new Rt("antSlideDownOut", { - "0%": { - transform: "scaleY(1)", - transformOrigin: "100% 100%", - opacity: 1 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scaleY(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "100% 100%", - opacity: 0 - } -}), yy = new Rt("antSlideLeftIn", { - "0%": { - transform: "scaleX(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "0% 0%", - opacity: 0 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scaleX(1)", - transformOrigin: "0% 0%", - opacity: 1 - } -}), Sy = new Rt("antSlideLeftOut", { - "0%": { - transform: "scaleX(1)", - transformOrigin: "0% 0%", - opacity: 1 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scaleX(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "0% 0%", - opacity: 0 - } -}), Cy = new Rt("antSlideRightIn", { - "0%": { - transform: "scaleX(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "100% 0%", - opacity: 0 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scaleX(1)", - transformOrigin: "100% 0%", - opacity: 1 - } -}), Ey = new Rt("antSlideRightOut", { - "0%": { - transform: "scaleX(1)", - transformOrigin: "100% 0%", - opacity: 1 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scaleX(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "100% 0%", - opacity: 0 - } -}), xy = { - "slide-up": { - inKeyframes: my, - outKeyframes: py - }, - "slide-down": { - inKeyframes: hy, - outKeyframes: by - }, - "slide-left": { - inKeyframes: yy, - outKeyframes: Sy - }, - "slide-right": { - inKeyframes: Cy, - outKeyframes: Ey - } -}, Tc = (e, t) => { - const { - antCls: r - } = e, n = `${r}-${t}`, { - inKeyframes: a, - outKeyframes: o - } = xy[t]; - return [pf(n, a, o, e.motionDurationMid), { - [` - ${n}-enter, - ${n}-appear - `]: { - transform: "scale(0)", - transformOrigin: "0% 0%", - opacity: 0, - animationTimingFunction: e.motionEaseOutQuint, - "&-prepare": { - transform: "scale(1)" - } - }, - [`${n}-leave`]: { - animationTimingFunction: e.motionEaseInQuint - } - }]; -}, wy = new Rt("antZoomIn", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(0.2)", - opacity: 0 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(1)", - opacity: 1 - } -}), $y = new Rt("antZoomOut", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(1)" - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(0.2)", - opacity: 0 - } -}), Nc = new Rt("antZoomBigIn", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(0.8)", - opacity: 0 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(1)", - opacity: 1 - } -}), Ic = new Rt("antZoomBigOut", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(1)" - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(0.8)", - opacity: 0 - } -}), Oy = new Rt("antZoomUpIn", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "50% 0%", - opacity: 0 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(1)", - transformOrigin: "50% 0%" - } -}), Ry = new Rt("antZoomUpOut", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(1)", - transformOrigin: "50% 0%" - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "50% 0%", - opacity: 0 - } -}), Py = new Rt("antZoomLeftIn", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "0% 50%", - opacity: 0 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(1)", - transformOrigin: "0% 50%" - } -}), _y = new Rt("antZoomLeftOut", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(1)", - transformOrigin: "0% 50%" - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "0% 50%", - opacity: 0 - } -}), Ty = new Rt("antZoomRightIn", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "100% 50%", - opacity: 0 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(1)", - transformOrigin: "100% 50%" - } -}), Ny = new Rt("antZoomRightOut", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(1)", - transformOrigin: "100% 50%" - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "100% 50%", - opacity: 0 - } -}), Iy = new Rt("antZoomDownIn", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "50% 100%", - opacity: 0 - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(1)", - transformOrigin: "50% 100%" - } -}), My = new Rt("antZoomDownOut", { - "0%": { - transform: "scale(1)", - transformOrigin: "50% 100%" - }, - "100%": { - transform: "scale(0.8)", - transformOrigin: "50% 100%", - opacity: 0 - } -}), Ay = { - zoom: { - inKeyframes: wy, - outKeyframes: $y - }, - "zoom-big": { - inKeyframes: Nc, - outKeyframes: Ic - }, - "zoom-big-fast": { - inKeyframes: Nc, - outKeyframes: Ic - }, - "zoom-left": { - inKeyframes: Py, - outKeyframes: _y - }, - "zoom-right": { - inKeyframes: Ty, - outKeyframes: Ny - }, - "zoom-up": { - inKeyframes: Oy, - outKeyframes: Ry - }, - "zoom-down": { - inKeyframes: Iy, - outKeyframes: My - } -}, jy = (e, t) => { - const { - antCls: r - } = e, n = `${r}-${t}`, { - inKeyframes: a, - outKeyframes: o - } = Ay[t]; - return [pf(n, a, o, e.motionDurationFast), { - [` - ${n}-enter, - ${n}-appear - `]: { - transform: "scale(0)", - opacity: 0, - animationTimingFunction: e.motionEaseOutCirc, - "&-prepare": { - transform: "none" - } - }, - [`${n}-leave`]: { - animationTimingFunction: e.motionEaseInOutCirc - } - }]; -}, hf = function() { - if (typeof navigator > "u" || typeof window > "u") - return !1; - var e = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera; - return /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino|android|ipad|playbook|silk/i.test(e) || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf-5|g-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd-(m|p|t)|hei-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs-c|ht(c(-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt-g|qa-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|-[2-7]|i-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h-|oo|p-)|sdk\/|se(c(-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh-|shar|sie(-|m)|sk-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h-|v-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl-|tdg-|tel(i|m)|tim-|t-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m-|m3|m5)|tx-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas-|your|zeto|zte-/i.test(e == null ? void 0 : e.substr(0, 4)); -}; -var Fy = ["prefixCls", "invalidate", "item", "renderItem", "responsive", "responsiveDisabled", "registerSize", "itemKey", "className", "style", "children", "display", "order", "component"], Sn = void 0; -function Ly(e, t) { - var r = e.prefixCls, n = e.invalidate, a = e.item, o = e.renderItem, i = e.responsive, s = e.responsiveDisabled, l = e.registerSize, c = e.itemKey, d = e.className, f = e.style, v = e.children, m = e.display, b = e.order, p = e.component, g = p === void 0 ? "div" : p, S = Ye(e, Fy), h = i && !m; - function y(w) { - l(c, w); - } - u.useEffect(function() { - return function() { - y(null); - }; - }, []); - var E = o && a !== Sn ? o(a) : v, C; - n || (C = { - opacity: h ? 0 : 1, - height: h ? 0 : Sn, - overflowY: h ? "hidden" : Sn, - order: i ? b : Sn, - pointerEvents: h ? "none" : Sn, - position: h ? "absolute" : Sn - }); - var O = {}; - h && (O["aria-hidden"] = !0); - var R = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(g, _e({ - className: Z(!n && r, d), - style: D(D({}, C), f) - }, O, S, { - ref: t - }), E); - return i && (R = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(hr, { - onResize: function($) { - var A = $.offsetWidth; - y(A); - }, - disabled: s - }, R)), R; -} -var ma = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(Ly); -ma.displayName = "Item"; -function Dy(e) { - if (typeof MessageChannel > "u") - Nt(e); - else { - var t = new MessageChannel(); - t.port1.onmessage = function() { - return e(); - }, t.port2.postMessage(void 0); - } -} -function zy() { - var e = u.useRef(null), t = function(n) { - e.current || (e.current = [], Dy(function() { - Rv(function() { - e.current.forEach(function(a) { - a(); - }), e.current = null; - }); - })), e.current.push(n); - }; - return t; -} -function aa(e, t) { - var r = u.useState(t), n = K(r, 2), a = n[0], o = n[1], i = kt(function(s) { - e(function() { - o(s); - }); - }); - return [a, i]; -} -var Po = /* @__PURE__ */ q.createContext(null), Vy = ["component"], By = ["className"], ky = ["className"], Hy = function(t, r) { - var n = u.useContext(Po); - if (!n) { - var a = t.component, o = a === void 0 ? "div" : a, i = Ye(t, Vy); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(o, _e({}, i, { - ref: r - })); - } - var s = n.className, l = Ye(n, By), c = t.className, d = Ye(t, ky); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Po.Provider, { - value: null - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ma, _e({ - ref: r, - className: Z(s, c) - }, l, d))); -}, bf = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(Hy); -bf.displayName = "RawItem"; -var Wy = ["prefixCls", "data", "renderItem", "renderRawItem", "itemKey", "itemWidth", "ssr", "style", "className", "maxCount", "renderRest", "renderRawRest", "suffix", "component", "itemComponent", "onVisibleChange"], yf = "responsive", Sf = "invalidate"; -function Ky(e) { - return "+ ".concat(e.length, " ..."); -} -function Uy(e, t) { - var r = e.prefixCls, n = r === void 0 ? "rc-overflow" : r, a = e.data, o = a === void 0 ? [] : a, i = e.renderItem, s = e.renderRawItem, l = e.itemKey, c = e.itemWidth, d = c === void 0 ? 10 : c, f = e.ssr, v = e.style, m = e.className, b = e.maxCount, p = e.renderRest, g = e.renderRawRest, S = e.suffix, h = e.component, y = h === void 0 ? "div" : h, E = e.itemComponent, C = e.onVisibleChange, O = Ye(e, Wy), R = f === "full", w = zy(), $ = aa(w, null), A = K($, 2), F = A[0], M = A[1], I = F || 0, T = aa(w, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), k = K(T, 2), N = k[0], x = k[1], _ = aa(w, 0), z = K(_, 2), L = z[0], B = z[1], X = aa(w, 0), W = K(X, 2), G = W[0], Q = W[1], Y = aa(w, 0), J = K(Y, 2), ne = J[0], se = J[1], xe = bt(null), de = K(xe, 2), ue = de[0], Ce = de[1], V = bt(null), le = K(V, 2), fe = le[0], Re = le[1], me = u.useMemo(function() { - return fe === null && R ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : fe || 0; - }, [fe, F]), ae = bt(!1), te = K(ae, 2), re = te[0], be = te[1], ye = "".concat(n, "-item"), ge = Math.max(L, G), Pe = b === yf, ve = o.length && Pe, vt = b === Sf, it = ve || typeof b == "number" && o.length > b, $e = Yr(function() { - var Te = o; - return ve ? F === null && R ? Te = o : Te = o.slice(0, Math.min(o.length, I / d)) : typeof b == "number" && (Te = o.slice(0, b)), Te; - }, [o, d, F, b, ve]), we = Yr(function() { - return ve ? o.slice(me + 1) : o.slice($e.length); - }, [o, $e, ve, me]), je = Gr(function(Te, pe) { - var Ge; - return typeof l == "function" ? l(Te) : (Ge = l && (Te == null ? void 0 : Te[l])) !== null && Ge !== void 0 ? Ge : pe; - }, [l]), ze = Gr(i || function(Te) { - return Te; - }, [i]); - function gt(Te, pe, Ge) { - fe === Te && (pe === void 0 || pe === ue) || (Re(Te), Ge || (be(Te < o.length - 1), C == null || C(Te)), pe !== void 0 && Ce(pe)); - } - function mt(Te, pe) { - M(pe.clientWidth); - } - function wt(Te, pe) { - x(function(Ge) { - var pt = new Map(Ge); - return pe === null ? pt.delete(Te) : pt.set(Te, pe), pt; - }); - } - function et(Te, pe) { - Q(pe), B(G); - } - function Le(Te, pe) { - se(pe); - } - function ie(Te) { - return N.get(je($e[Te], Te)); - } - Ct(function() { - if (I && typeof ge == "number" && $e) { - var Te = ne, pe = $e.length, Ge = pe - 1; - if (!pe) { - gt(0, null); - return; - } - for (var pt = 0; pt < pe; pt += 1) { - var We = ie(pt); - if (R && (We = We || 0), We === void 0) { - gt(pt - 1, void 0, !0); - break; - } - if (Te += We, // Only one means `totalWidth` is the final width - Ge === 0 && Te <= I || // Last two width will be the final width - pt === Ge - 1 && Te + ie(Ge) <= I) { - gt(Ge, null); - break; - } else if (Te + ge > I) { - gt(pt - 1, Te - We - ne + G); - break; - } - } - S && ie(0) + ne > I && Ce(null); - } - }, [I, N, G, ne, je, $e]); - var Ee = re && !!we.length, qe = {}; - ue !== null && ve && (qe = { - position: "absolute", - left: ue, - top: 0 - }); - var Qe = { - prefixCls: ye, - responsive: ve, - component: E, - invalidate: vt - }, St = s ? function(Te, pe) { - var Ge = je(Te, pe); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Po.Provider, { - key: Ge, - value: D(D({}, Qe), {}, { - order: pe, - item: Te, - itemKey: Ge, - registerSize: wt, - display: pe <= me - }) - }, s(Te, pe)); - } : function(Te, pe) { - var Ge = je(Te, pe); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ma, _e({}, Qe, { - order: pe, - key: Ge, - item: Te, - renderItem: ze, - itemKey: Ge, - registerSize: wt, - display: pe <= me - })); - }, ot, He = { - order: Ee ? me : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, - className: "".concat(ye, "-rest"), - registerSize: et, - display: Ee - }; - if (g) - g && (ot = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Po.Provider, { - value: D(D({}, Qe), He) - }, g(we))); - else { - var ke = p || Ky; - ot = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ma, _e({}, Qe, He), typeof ke == "function" ? ke(we) : ke); - } - var De = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(y, _e({ - className: Z(!vt && n, m), - style: v, - ref: t - }, O), $e.map(St), it ? ot : null, S && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ma, _e({}, Qe, { - responsive: Pe, - responsiveDisabled: !ve, - order: me, - className: "".concat(ye, "-suffix"), - registerSize: Le, - display: !0, - style: qe - }), S)); - return Pe && (De = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(hr, { - onResize: mt, - disabled: !ve - }, De)), De; -} -var Dr = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(Uy); -Dr.displayName = "Overflow"; -Dr.Item = bf; -Dr.RESPONSIVE = yf; -Dr.INVALIDATE = Sf; -function Gy(e) { - var t = e.prefixCls, r = e.align, n = e.arrow, a = e.arrowPos, o = n || {}, i = o.className, s = o.content, l = a.x, c = l === void 0 ? 0 : l, d = a.y, f = d === void 0 ? 0 : d, v = u.useRef(); - if (!r || !r.points) - return null; - var m = { - position: "absolute" - }; - if (r.autoArrow !== !1) { - var b = r.points[0], p = r.points[1], g = b[0], S = b[1], h = p[0], y = p[1]; - g === h || !["t", "b"].includes(g) ? m.top = f : g === "t" ? m.top = 0 : m.bottom = 0, S === y || !["l", "r"].includes(S) ? m.left = c : S === "l" ? m.left = 0 : m.right = 0; - } - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - ref: v, - className: Z("".concat(t, "-arrow"), i), - style: m - }, s); -} -function qy(e) { - var t = e.prefixCls, r = e.open, n = e.zIndex, a = e.mask, o = e.motion; - return a ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(fn, _e({}, o, { - motionAppear: !0, - visible: r, - removeOnLeave: !0 - }), function(i) { - var s = i.className; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - style: { - zIndex: n - }, - className: Z("".concat(t, "-mask"), s) - }); - }) : null; -} -var Cf = /* @__PURE__ */ u.memo(function(e) { - var t = e.children; - return t; -}, function(e, t) { - return t.cache; -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Cf.displayName = "PopupContent"); -var Ef = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.popup, n = e.className, a = e.prefixCls, o = e.style, i = e.target, s = e.onVisibleChanged, l = e.open, c = e.keepDom, d = e.fresh, f = e.onClick, v = e.mask, m = e.arrow, b = e.arrowPos, p = e.align, g = e.motion, S = e.maskMotion, h = e.forceRender, y = e.getPopupContainer, E = e.autoDestroy, C = e.portal, O = e.zIndex, R = e.onMouseEnter, w = e.onMouseLeave, $ = e.onPointerEnter, A = e.ready, F = e.offsetX, M = e.offsetY, I = e.offsetR, T = e.offsetB, k = e.onAlign, N = e.onPrepare, x = e.stretch, _ = e.targetWidth, z = e.targetHeight, L = typeof r == "function" ? r() : r, B = l || c, X = (y == null ? void 0 : y.length) > 0, W = u.useState(!y || !X), G = K(W, 2), Q = G[0], Y = G[1]; - if (Ct(function() { - !Q && X && i && Y(!0); - }, [Q, X, i]), !Q) - return null; - var J = "auto", ne = { - left: "-1000vw", - top: "-1000vh", - right: J, - bottom: J - }; - if (A || !l) { - var se, xe = p.points, de = p.dynamicInset || ((se = p._experimental) === null || se === void 0 ? void 0 : se.dynamicInset), ue = de && xe[0][1] === "r", Ce = de && xe[0][0] === "b"; - ue ? (ne.right = I, ne.left = J) : (ne.left = F, ne.right = J), Ce ? (ne.bottom = T, ne.top = J) : (ne.top = M, ne.bottom = J); - } - var V = {}; - return x && (x.includes("height") && z ? V.height = z : x.includes("minHeight") && z && (V.minHeight = z), x.includes("width") && _ ? V.width = _ : x.includes("minWidth") && _ && (V.minWidth = _)), l || (V.pointerEvents = "none"), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(C, { - open: h || B, - getContainer: y && function() { - return y(i); - }, - autoDestroy: E - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(qy, { - prefixCls: a, - open: l, - zIndex: O, - mask: v, - motion: S - }), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(hr, { - onResize: k, - disabled: !l - }, function(le) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(fn, _e({ - motionAppear: !0, - motionEnter: !0, - motionLeave: !0, - removeOnLeave: !1, - forceRender: h, - leavedClassName: "".concat(a, "-hidden") - }, g, { - onAppearPrepare: N, - onEnterPrepare: N, - visible: l, - onVisibleChanged: function(Re) { - var me; - g == null || (me = g.onVisibleChanged) === null || me === void 0 || me.call(g, Re), s(Re); - } - }), function(fe, Re) { - var me = fe.className, ae = fe.style, te = Z(a, me, n); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - ref: Pr(le, t, Re), - className: te, - style: D(D(D(D({ - "--arrow-x": "".concat(b.x || 0, "px"), - "--arrow-y": "".concat(b.y || 0, "px") - }, ne), V), ae), {}, { - boxSizing: "border-box", - zIndex: O - }, o), - onMouseEnter: R, - onMouseLeave: w, - onPointerEnter: $, - onClick: f - }, m && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Gy, { - prefixCls: a, - arrow: m, - arrowPos: b, - align: p - }), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Cf, { - cache: !l && !d - }, L)); - }); - })); -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Ef.displayName = "Popup"); -var xf = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.children, n = e.getTriggerDOMNode, a = dn(r), o = u.useCallback(function(s) { - Is(t, n ? n(s) : s); - }, [n]), i = Na(o, r.ref); - return a ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.cloneElement(r, { - ref: i - }) : r; -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (xf.displayName = "TriggerWrapper"); -var Mc = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(null); -function Ac(e) { - return e ? Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e] : []; -} -function Xy(e, t, r, n) { - return u.useMemo(function() { - var a = Ac(r ?? t), o = Ac(n ?? t), i = new Set(a), s = new Set(o); - return e && (i.has("hover") && (i.delete("hover"), i.add("click")), s.has("hover") && (s.delete("hover"), s.add("click"))), [i, s]; - }, [e, t, r, n]); -} -function Yy() { - var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : [], t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : [], r = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0; - return r ? e[0] === t[0] : e[0] === t[0] && e[1] === t[1]; -} -function Zy(e, t, r, n) { - for (var a = r.points, o = Object.keys(e), i = 0; i < o.length; i += 1) { - var s, l = o[i]; - if (Yy((s = e[l]) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.points, a, n)) - return "".concat(t, "-placement-").concat(l); - } - return ""; -} -function jc(e, t, r, n) { - return t || (r ? { - motionName: "".concat(e, "-").concat(r) - } : n ? { - motionName: n - } : null); -} -function La(e) { - return e.ownerDocument.defaultView; -} -function Cs(e) { - for (var t = [], r = e == null ? void 0 : e.parentElement, n = ["hidden", "scroll", "clip", "auto"]; r; ) { - var a = La(r).getComputedStyle(r), o = a.overflowX, i = a.overflowY, s = a.overflow; - [o, i, s].some(function(l) { - return n.includes(l); - }) && t.push(r), r = r.parentElement; - } - return t; -} -function _a(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 1; - return Number.isNaN(e) ? t : e; -} -function oa(e) { - return _a(parseFloat(e), 0); -} -function Fc(e, t) { - var r = D({}, e); - return (t || []).forEach(function(n) { - if (!(n instanceof HTMLBodyElement || n instanceof HTMLHtmlElement)) { - var a = La(n).getComputedStyle(n), o = a.overflow, i = a.overflowClipMargin, s = a.borderTopWidth, l = a.borderBottomWidth, c = a.borderLeftWidth, d = a.borderRightWidth, f = n.getBoundingClientRect(), v = n.offsetHeight, m = n.clientHeight, b = n.offsetWidth, p = n.clientWidth, g = oa(s), S = oa(l), h = oa(c), y = oa(d), E = _a(Math.round(f.width / b * 1e3) / 1e3), C = _a(Math.round(f.height / v * 1e3) / 1e3), O = (b - p - h - y) * E, R = (v - m - g - S) * C, w = g * C, $ = S * C, A = h * E, F = y * E, M = 0, I = 0; - if (o === "clip") { - var T = oa(i); - M = T * E, I = T * C; - } - var k = f.x + A - M, N = f.y + w - I, x = k + f.width + 2 * M - A - F - O, _ = N + f.height + 2 * I - w - $ - R; - r.left = Math.max(r.left, k), r.top = Math.max(r.top, N), r.right = Math.min(r.right, x), r.bottom = Math.min(r.bottom, _); - } - }), r; -} -function Lc(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 0, r = "".concat(t), n = r.match(/^(.*)\%$/); - return n ? e * (parseFloat(n[1]) / 100) : parseFloat(r); -} -function Dc(e, t) { - var r = t || [], n = K(r, 2), a = n[0], o = n[1]; - return [Lc(e.width, a), Lc(e.height, o)]; -} -function zc() { - var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : ""; - return [e[0], e[1]]; -} -function Cn(e, t) { - var r = t[0], n = t[1], a, o; - return r === "t" ? o = e.y : r === "b" ? o = e.y + e.height : o = e.y + e.height / 2, n === "l" ? a = e.x : n === "r" ? a = e.x + e.width : a = e.x + e.width / 2, { - x: a, - y: o - }; -} -function Kr(e, t) { - var r = { - t: "b", - b: "t", - l: "r", - r: "l" - }; - return e.map(function(n, a) { - return a === t ? r[n] || "c" : n; - }).join(""); -} -function Qy(e, t, r, n, a, o, i) { - var s = u.useState({ - ready: !1, - offsetX: 0, - offsetY: 0, - offsetR: 0, - offsetB: 0, - arrowX: 0, - arrowY: 0, - scaleX: 1, - scaleY: 1, - align: a[n] || {} - }), l = K(s, 2), c = l[0], d = l[1], f = u.useRef(0), v = u.useMemo(function() { - return t ? Cs(t) : []; - }, [t]), m = u.useRef({}), b = function() { - m.current = {}; - }; - e || b(); - var p = kt(function() { - if (t && r && e) { - let Gt = function(qt, vr) { - var Wr = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : te, pn = L.x + qt, Jn = L.y + vr, ea = pn + se, Ba = Jn + ne, Zo = Math.max(pn, Wr.left), Qo = Math.max(Jn, Wr.top), Jo = Math.min(ea, Wr.right), ei = Math.min(Ba, Wr.bottom); - return Math.max(0, (Jo - Zo) * (ei - Qo)); - }, rn = function() { - P = L.y + ke, H = P + ne, U = L.x + He, oe = U + se; - }; - var h, y, E = t, C = E.ownerDocument, O = La(E), R = O.getComputedStyle(E), w = R.width, $ = R.height, A = R.position, F = E.style.left, M = E.style.top, I = E.style.right, T = E.style.bottom, k = E.style.overflow, N = D(D({}, a[n]), o), x = C.createElement("div"); - (h = E.parentElement) === null || h === void 0 || h.appendChild(x), x.style.left = "".concat(E.offsetLeft, "px"), x.style.top = "".concat(E.offsetTop, "px"), x.style.position = A, x.style.height = "".concat(E.offsetHeight, "px"), x.style.width = "".concat(E.offsetWidth, "px"), E.style.left = "0", E.style.top = "0", E.style.right = "auto", E.style.bottom = "auto", E.style.overflow = "hidden"; - var _; - if (Array.isArray(r)) - _ = { - x: r[0], - y: r[1], - width: 0, - height: 0 - }; - else { - var z = r.getBoundingClientRect(); - _ = { - x: z.x, - y: z.y, - width: z.width, - height: z.height - }; - } - var L = E.getBoundingClientRect(), B = C.documentElement, X = B.clientWidth, W = B.clientHeight, G = B.scrollWidth, Q = B.scrollHeight, Y = B.scrollTop, J = B.scrollLeft, ne = L.height, se = L.width, xe = _.height, de = _.width, ue = { - left: 0, - top: 0, - right: X, - bottom: W - }, Ce = { - left: -J, - top: -Y, - right: G - J, - bottom: Q - Y - }, V = N.htmlRegion, le = "visible", fe = "visibleFirst"; - V !== "scroll" && V !== fe && (V = le); - var Re = V === fe, me = Fc(Ce, v), ae = Fc(ue, v), te = V === le ? ae : me, re = Re ? ae : te; - E.style.left = "auto", E.style.top = "auto", E.style.right = "0", E.style.bottom = "0"; - var be = E.getBoundingClientRect(); - E.style.left = F, E.style.top = M, E.style.right = I, E.style.bottom = T, E.style.overflow = k, (y = E.parentElement) === null || y === void 0 || y.removeChild(x); - var ye = _a(Math.round(se / parseFloat(w) * 1e3) / 1e3), ge = _a(Math.round(ne / parseFloat($) * 1e3) / 1e3); - if (ye === 0 || ge === 0 || pa(r) && !Ys(r)) - return; - var Pe = N.offset, ve = N.targetOffset, vt = Dc(L, Pe), it = K(vt, 2), $e = it[0], we = it[1], je = Dc(_, ve), ze = K(je, 2), gt = ze[0], mt = ze[1]; - _.x -= gt, _.y -= mt; - var wt = N.points || [], et = K(wt, 2), Le = et[0], ie = et[1], Ee = zc(ie), qe = zc(Le), Qe = Cn(_, Ee), St = Cn(L, qe), ot = D({}, N), He = Qe.x - St.x + $e, ke = Qe.y - St.y + we, De = Gt(He, ke), Te = Gt(He, ke, ae), pe = Cn(_, ["t", "l"]), Ge = Cn(L, ["t", "l"]), pt = Cn(_, ["b", "r"]), We = Cn(L, ["b", "r"]), Ke = N.overflow || {}, rt = Ke.adjustX, ht = Ke.adjustY, _t = Ke.shiftX, zt = Ke.shiftY, Wt = function(vr) { - return typeof vr == "boolean" ? vr : vr >= 0; - }, P, H, U, oe; - rn(); - var Ne = Wt(ht), Oe = qe[0] === Ee[0]; - if (Ne && qe[0] === "t" && (H > re.bottom || m.current.bt)) { - var Ie = ke; - Oe ? Ie -= ne - xe : Ie = pe.y - We.y - we; - var Me = Gt(He, Ie), ct = Gt(He, Ie, ae); - // Of course use larger one - Me > De || Me === De && (!Re || // Choose recommend one - ct >= Te) ? (m.current.bt = !0, ke = Ie, we = -we, ot.points = [Kr(qe, 0), Kr(Ee, 0)]) : m.current.bt = !1; - } - if (Ne && qe[0] === "b" && (P < re.top || m.current.tb)) { - var Ze = ke; - Oe ? Ze += ne - xe : Ze = pt.y - Ge.y - we; - var Ve = Gt(He, Ze), $t = Gt(He, Ze, ae); - // Of course use larger one - Ve > De || Ve === De && (!Re || // Choose recommend one - $t >= Te) ? (m.current.tb = !0, ke = Ze, we = -we, ot.points = [Kr(qe, 0), Kr(Ee, 0)]) : m.current.tb = !1; - } - var Kt = Wt(rt), Vt = qe[1] === Ee[1]; - if (Kt && qe[1] === "l" && (oe > re.right || m.current.rl)) { - var ut = He; - Vt ? ut -= se - de : ut = pe.x - We.x - $e; - var Er = Gt(ut, ke), Br = Gt(ut, ke, ae); - // Of course use larger one - Er > De || Er === De && (!Re || // Choose recommend one - Br >= Te) ? (m.current.rl = !0, He = ut, $e = -$e, ot.points = [Kr(qe, 1), Kr(Ee, 1)]) : m.current.rl = !1; - } - if (Kt && qe[1] === "r" && (U < re.left || m.current.lr)) { - var Ut = He; - Vt ? Ut += se - de : Ut = pt.x - Ge.x - $e; - var kr = Gt(Ut, ke), qn = Gt(Ut, ke, ae); - // Of course use larger one - kr > De || kr === De && (!Re || // Choose recommend one - qn >= Te) ? (m.current.lr = !0, He = Ut, $e = -$e, ot.points = [Kr(qe, 1), Kr(Ee, 1)]) : m.current.lr = !1; - } - rn(); - var ar = _t === !0 ? 0 : _t; - typeof ar == "number" && (U < ae.left && (He -= U - ae.left - $e, _.x + de < ae.left + ar && (He += _.x - ae.left + de - ar)), oe > ae.right && (He -= oe - ae.right - $e, _.x > ae.right - ar && (He += _.x - ae.right + ar))); - var dr = zt === !0 ? 0 : zt; - typeof dr == "number" && (P < ae.top && (ke -= P - ae.top - we, _.y + xe < ae.top + dr && (ke += _.y - ae.top + xe - dr)), H > ae.bottom && (ke -= H - ae.bottom - we, _.y > ae.bottom - dr && (ke += _.y - ae.bottom + dr))); - var Hr = L.x + He, _r = Hr + se, xr = L.y + ke, Tr = xr + ne, tn = _.x, Nr = tn + de, fr = _.y, Xn = fr + xe, Yn = Math.max(Hr, tn), Zn = Math.min(_r, Nr), mn = (Yn + Zn) / 2, dt = mn - Hr, Je = Math.max(xr, fr), st = Math.min(Tr, Xn), Mt = (Je + st) / 2, At = Mt - xr; - i == null || i(t, ot); - var wr = be.right - L.x - (He + L.width), $r = be.bottom - L.y - (ke + L.height); - ye === 1 && (He = Math.round(He), wr = Math.round(wr)), ge === 1 && (ke = Math.round(ke), $r = Math.round($r)); - var Qn = { - ready: !0, - offsetX: He / ye, - offsetY: ke / ge, - offsetR: wr / ye, - offsetB: $r / ge, - arrowX: dt / ye, - arrowY: At / ge, - scaleX: ye, - scaleY: ge, - align: ot - }; - d(Qn); - } - }), g = function() { - f.current += 1; - var y = f.current; - Promise.resolve().then(function() { - f.current === y && p(); - }); - }, S = function() { - d(function(y) { - return D(D({}, y), {}, { - ready: !1 - }); - }); - }; - return Ct(S, [n]), Ct(function() { - e || S(); - }, [e]), [c.ready, c.offsetX, c.offsetY, c.offsetR, c.offsetB, c.arrowX, c.arrowY, c.scaleX, c.scaleY, c.align, g]; -} -function Jy(e, t, r, n, a) { - Ct(function() { - if (e && t && r) { - let f = function() { - n(), a(); - }; - var o = t, i = r, s = Cs(o), l = Cs(i), c = La(i), d = new Set([c].concat(he(s), he(l))); - return d.forEach(function(v) { - v.addEventListener("scroll", f, { - passive: !0 - }); - }), c.addEventListener("resize", f, { - passive: !0 - }), n(), function() { - d.forEach(function(v) { - v.removeEventListener("scroll", f), c.removeEventListener("resize", f); - }); - }; - } - }, [e, t, r]); -} -function eS(e, t, r, n, a, o, i, s) { - var l = u.useRef(e); - l.current = e, u.useEffect(function() { - if (t && n && (!a || o)) { - var c = function(S) { - var h = S.target; - l.current && !i(h) && s(!1); - }, d = La(n); - d.addEventListener("mousedown", c, !0), d.addEventListener("contextmenu", c, !0); - var f = wo(r); - if (f && (f.addEventListener("mousedown", c, !0), f.addEventListener("contextmenu", c, !0)), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - var v, m, b = r == null || (v = r.getRootNode) === null || v === void 0 ? void 0 : v.call(r), p = (m = n.getRootNode) === null || m === void 0 ? void 0 : m.call(n); - Mn(b === p, "trigger element and popup element should in same shadow root."); - } - return function() { - d.removeEventListener("mousedown", c, !0), d.removeEventListener("contextmenu", c, !0), f && (f.removeEventListener("mousedown", c, !0), f.removeEventListener("contextmenu", c, !0)); - }; - } - }, [t, r, n, a, o]); -} -var tS = ["prefixCls", "children", "action", "showAction", "hideAction", "popupVisible", "defaultPopupVisible", "onPopupVisibleChange", "afterPopupVisibleChange", "mouseEnterDelay", "mouseLeaveDelay", "focusDelay", "blurDelay", "mask", "maskClosable", "getPopupContainer", "forceRender", "autoDestroy", "destroyPopupOnHide", "popup", "popupClassName", "popupStyle", "popupPlacement", "builtinPlacements", "popupAlign", "zIndex", "stretch", "getPopupClassNameFromAlign", "fresh", "alignPoint", "onPopupClick", "onPopupAlign", "arrow", "popupMotion", "maskMotion", "popupTransitionName", "popupAnimation", "maskTransitionName", "maskAnimation", "className", "getTriggerDOMNode"]; -function rS() { - var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : Js, t = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(r, n) { - var a = r.prefixCls, o = a === void 0 ? "rc-trigger-popup" : a, i = r.children, s = r.action, l = s === void 0 ? "hover" : s, c = r.showAction, d = r.hideAction, f = r.popupVisible, v = r.defaultPopupVisible, m = r.onPopupVisibleChange, b = r.afterPopupVisibleChange, p = r.mouseEnterDelay, g = r.mouseLeaveDelay, S = g === void 0 ? 0.1 : g, h = r.focusDelay, y = r.blurDelay, E = r.mask, C = r.maskClosable, O = C === void 0 ? !0 : C, R = r.getPopupContainer, w = r.forceRender, $ = r.autoDestroy, A = r.destroyPopupOnHide, F = r.popup, M = r.popupClassName, I = r.popupStyle, T = r.popupPlacement, k = r.builtinPlacements, N = k === void 0 ? {} : k, x = r.popupAlign, _ = r.zIndex, z = r.stretch, L = r.getPopupClassNameFromAlign, B = r.fresh, X = r.alignPoint, W = r.onPopupClick, G = r.onPopupAlign, Q = r.arrow, Y = r.popupMotion, J = r.maskMotion, ne = r.popupTransitionName, se = r.popupAnimation, xe = r.maskTransitionName, de = r.maskAnimation, ue = r.className, Ce = r.getTriggerDOMNode, V = Ye(r, tS), le = $ || A || !1, fe = u.useState(!1), Re = K(fe, 2), me = Re[0], ae = Re[1]; - Ct(function() { - ae(hf()); - }, []); - var te = u.useRef({}), re = u.useContext(Mc), be = u.useMemo(function() { - return { - registerSubPopup: function(Fe, Et) { - te.current[Fe] = Et, re == null || re.registerSubPopup(Fe, Et); - } - }; - }, [re]), ye = G0(), ge = u.useState(null), Pe = K(ge, 2), ve = Pe[0], vt = Pe[1], it = u.useRef(null), $e = kt(function(Se) { - it.current = Se, pa(Se) && ve !== Se && vt(Se), re == null || re.registerSubPopup(ye, Se); - }), we = u.useState(null), je = K(we, 2), ze = je[0], gt = je[1], mt = u.useRef(null), wt = kt(function(Se) { - pa(Se) && ze !== Se && (gt(Se), mt.current = Se); - }), et = u.Children.only(i), Le = (et == null ? void 0 : et.props) || {}, ie = {}, Ee = kt(function(Se) { - var Fe, Et, Tt = ze; - return (Tt == null ? void 0 : Tt.contains(Se)) || ((Fe = wo(Tt)) === null || Fe === void 0 ? void 0 : Fe.host) === Se || Se === Tt || (ve == null ? void 0 : ve.contains(Se)) || ((Et = wo(ve)) === null || Et === void 0 ? void 0 : Et.host) === Se || Se === ve || Object.values(te.current).some(function(xt) { - return (xt == null ? void 0 : xt.contains(Se)) || Se === xt; - }); - }), qe = jc(o, Y, se, ne), Qe = jc(o, J, de, xe), St = u.useState(v || !1), ot = K(St, 2), He = ot[0], ke = ot[1], De = f ?? He, Te = kt(function(Se) { - f === void 0 && ke(Se); - }); - Ct(function() { - ke(f || !1); - }, [f]); - var pe = u.useRef(De); - pe.current = De; - var Ge = u.useRef([]); - Ge.current = []; - var pt = kt(function(Se) { - var Fe; - Te(Se), ((Fe = Ge.current[Ge.current.length - 1]) !== null && Fe !== void 0 ? Fe : De) !== Se && (Ge.current.push(Se), m == null || m(Se)); - }), We = u.useRef(), Ke = function() { - clearTimeout(We.current); - }, rt = function(Fe) { - var Et = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : 0; - Ke(), Et === 0 ? pt(Fe) : We.current = setTimeout(function() { - pt(Fe); - }, Et * 1e3); - }; - u.useEffect(function() { - return Ke; - }, []); - var ht = u.useState(!1), _t = K(ht, 2), zt = _t[0], Wt = _t[1]; - Ct(function(Se) { - (!Se || De) && Wt(!0); - }, [De]); - var P = u.useState(null), H = K(P, 2), U = H[0], oe = H[1], Ne = u.useState([0, 0]), Oe = K(Ne, 2), Ie = Oe[0], Me = Oe[1], ct = function(Fe) { - Me([Fe.clientX, Fe.clientY]); - }, Ze = Qy(De, ve, X ? Ie : ze, T, N, x, G), Ve = K(Ze, 11), $t = Ve[0], Kt = Ve[1], Vt = Ve[2], ut = Ve[3], Er = Ve[4], Br = Ve[5], Ut = Ve[6], kr = Ve[7], qn = Ve[8], ar = Ve[9], dr = Ve[10], Hr = Xy(me, l, c, d), _r = K(Hr, 2), xr = _r[0], Tr = _r[1], tn = xr.has("click"), Nr = Tr.has("click") || Tr.has("contextMenu"), fr = kt(function() { - zt || dr(); - }), Xn = function() { - pe.current && X && Nr && rt(!1); - }; - Jy(De, ze, ve, fr, Xn), Ct(function() { - fr(); - }, [Ie, T]), Ct(function() { - De && !(N != null && N[T]) && fr(); - }, [JSON.stringify(x)]); - var Yn = u.useMemo(function() { - var Se = Zy(N, o, ar, X); - return Z(Se, L == null ? void 0 : L(ar)); - }, [ar, L, N, o, X]); - u.useImperativeHandle(n, function() { - return { - nativeElement: mt.current, - popupElement: it.current, - forceAlign: fr - }; - }); - var Zn = u.useState(0), mn = K(Zn, 2), dt = mn[0], Je = mn[1], st = u.useState(0), Mt = K(st, 2), At = Mt[0], wr = Mt[1], $r = function() { - if (z && ze) { - var Fe = ze.getBoundingClientRect(); - Je(Fe.width), wr(Fe.height); - } - }, Qn = function() { - $r(), fr(); - }, Gt = function(Fe) { - Wt(!1), dr(), b == null || b(Fe); - }, rn = function() { - return new Promise(function(Fe) { - $r(), oe(function() { - return Fe; - }); - }); - }; - Ct(function() { - U && (dr(), U(), oe(null)); - }, [U]); - function qt(Se, Fe, Et, Tt) { - ie[Se] = function(xt) { - var ka; - Tt == null || Tt(xt), rt(Fe, Et); - for (var ti = arguments.length, fl = new Array(ti > 1 ? ti - 1 : 0), Ha = 1; Ha < ti; Ha++) - fl[Ha - 1] = arguments[Ha]; - (ka = Le[Se]) === null || ka === void 0 || ka.call.apply(ka, [Le, xt].concat(fl)); - }; - } - (tn || Nr) && (ie.onClick = function(Se) { - var Fe; - pe.current && Nr ? rt(!1) : !pe.current && tn && (ct(Se), rt(!0)); - for (var Et = arguments.length, Tt = new Array(Et > 1 ? Et - 1 : 0), xt = 1; xt < Et; xt++) - Tt[xt - 1] = arguments[xt]; - (Fe = Le.onClick) === null || Fe === void 0 || Fe.call.apply(Fe, [Le, Se].concat(Tt)); - }), eS(De, Nr, ze, ve, E, O, Ee, rt); - var vr = xr.has("hover"), Wr = Tr.has("hover"), pn, Jn; - vr && (qt("onMouseEnter", !0, p, function(Se) { - ct(Se); - }), qt("onPointerEnter", !0, p, function(Se) { - ct(Se); - }), pn = function(Fe) { - (De || zt) && ve !== null && ve !== void 0 && ve.contains(Fe.target) && rt(!0, p); - }, X && (ie.onMouseMove = function(Se) { - var Fe; - (Fe = Le.onMouseMove) === null || Fe === void 0 || Fe.call(Le, Se); - })), Wr && (qt("onMouseLeave", !1, S), qt("onPointerLeave", !1, S), Jn = function() { - rt(!1, S); - }), xr.has("focus") && qt("onFocus", !0, h), Tr.has("focus") && qt("onBlur", !1, y), xr.has("contextMenu") && (ie.onContextMenu = function(Se) { - var Fe; - pe.current && Tr.has("contextMenu") ? rt(!1) : (ct(Se), rt(!0)), Se.preventDefault(); - for (var Et = arguments.length, Tt = new Array(Et > 1 ? Et - 1 : 0), xt = 1; xt < Et; xt++) - Tt[xt - 1] = arguments[xt]; - (Fe = Le.onContextMenu) === null || Fe === void 0 || Fe.call.apply(Fe, [Le, Se].concat(Tt)); - }), ue && (ie.className = Z(Le.className, ue)); - var ea = D(D({}, Le), ie), Ba = {}, Zo = ["onContextMenu", "onClick", "onMouseDown", "onTouchStart", "onMouseEnter", "onMouseLeave", "onFocus", "onBlur"]; - Zo.forEach(function(Se) { - V[Se] && (Ba[Se] = function() { - for (var Fe, Et = arguments.length, Tt = new Array(Et), xt = 0; xt < Et; xt++) - Tt[xt] = arguments[xt]; - (Fe = ea[Se]) === null || Fe === void 0 || Fe.call.apply(Fe, [ea].concat(Tt)), V[Se].apply(V, Tt); - }); - }); - var Qo = /* @__PURE__ */ u.cloneElement(et, D(D({}, ea), Ba)), Jo = { - x: Br, - y: Ut - }, ei = Q ? D({}, Q !== !0 ? Q : {}) : null; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(u.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(hr, { - disabled: !De, - ref: wt, - onResize: Qn - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(xf, { - getTriggerDOMNode: Ce - }, Qo)), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Mc.Provider, { - value: be - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ef, { - portal: e, - ref: $e, - prefixCls: o, - popup: F, - className: Z(M, Yn), - style: I, - target: ze, - onMouseEnter: pn, - onMouseLeave: Jn, - onPointerEnter: pn, - zIndex: _, - open: De, - keepDom: zt, - fresh: B, - onClick: W, - mask: E, - motion: qe, - maskMotion: Qe, - onVisibleChanged: Gt, - onPrepare: rn, - forceRender: w, - autoDestroy: le, - getPopupContainer: R, - align: ar, - arrow: ei, - arrowPos: Jo, - ready: $t, - offsetX: Kt, - offsetY: Vt, - offsetR: ut, - offsetB: Er, - onAlign: fr, - stretch: z, - targetWidth: dt / kr, - targetHeight: At / qn - }))); - }); - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (t.displayName = "Trigger"), t; -} -const tl = rS(Js); -function Es(e, t, r) { - return Z({ - [`${e}-status-success`]: t === "success", - [`${e}-status-warning`]: t === "warning", - [`${e}-status-error`]: t === "error", - [`${e}-status-validating`]: t === "validating", - [`${e}-has-feedback`]: r - }); -} -const wf = (e, t) => t || e, $f = function(e, t) { - let r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : void 0; - var n, a; - const { - variant: o, - [e]: i - } = Ht(ft), s = Ht(Hb), l = i == null ? void 0 : i.variant; - let c; - typeof t < "u" ? c = t : r === !1 ? c = "borderless" : c = (a = (n = s ?? l) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : o) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : "outlined"; - const d = yp.includes(c); - return [c, d]; -}; -var nS = { icon: { tag: "svg", attrs: { viewBox: "64 64 896 896", focusable: "false" }, children: [{ tag: "path", attrs: { d: "M912 190h-69.9c-9.8 0-19.1 4.5-25.1 12.2L404.7 724.5 207 474a32 32 0 00-25.1-12.2H112c-6.7 0-10.4 7.7-6.3 12.9l273.9 347c12.8 16.2 37.4 16.2 50.3 0l488.4-618.9c4.1-5.1.4-12.8-6.3-12.8z" } }] }, name: "check", theme: "outlined" }, aS = function(t, r) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nr, _e({}, t, { - ref: r, - icon: nS - })); -}, Of = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(aS); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Of.displayName = "CheckOutlined"); -function Rf(e) { - var t = e.children, r = e.prefixCls, n = e.id, a = e.overlayInnerStyle, o = e.className, i = e.style; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: Z("".concat(r, "-content"), o), - style: i - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: "".concat(r, "-inner"), - id: n, - role: "tooltip", - style: a - }, typeof t == "function" ? t() : t)); -} -var En = { - shiftX: 64, - adjustY: 1 -}, xn = { - adjustX: 1, - shiftY: !0 -}, ir = [0, 0], oS = { - left: { - points: ["cr", "cl"], - overflow: xn, - offset: [-4, 0], - targetOffset: ir - }, - right: { - points: ["cl", "cr"], - overflow: xn, - offset: [4, 0], - targetOffset: ir - }, - top: { - points: ["bc", "tc"], - overflow: En, - offset: [0, -4], - targetOffset: ir - }, - bottom: { - points: ["tc", "bc"], - overflow: En, - offset: [0, 4], - targetOffset: ir - }, - topLeft: { - points: ["bl", "tl"], - overflow: En, - offset: [0, -4], - targetOffset: ir - }, - leftTop: { - points: ["tr", "tl"], - overflow: xn, - offset: [-4, 0], - targetOffset: ir - }, - topRight: { - points: ["br", "tr"], - overflow: En, - offset: [0, -4], - targetOffset: ir - }, - rightTop: { - points: ["tl", "tr"], - overflow: xn, - offset: [4, 0], - targetOffset: ir - }, - bottomRight: { - points: ["tr", "br"], - overflow: En, - offset: [0, 4], - targetOffset: ir - }, - rightBottom: { - points: ["bl", "br"], - overflow: xn, - offset: [4, 0], - targetOffset: ir - }, - bottomLeft: { - points: ["tl", "bl"], - overflow: En, - offset: [0, 4], - targetOffset: ir - }, - leftBottom: { - points: ["br", "bl"], - overflow: xn, - offset: [-4, 0], - targetOffset: ir - } -}, iS = ["overlayClassName", "trigger", "mouseEnterDelay", "mouseLeaveDelay", "overlayStyle", "prefixCls", "children", "onVisibleChange", "afterVisibleChange", "transitionName", "animation", "motion", "placement", "align", "destroyTooltipOnHide", "defaultVisible", "getTooltipContainer", "overlayInnerStyle", "arrowContent", "overlay", "id", "showArrow"], sS = function(t, r) { - var n = t.overlayClassName, a = t.trigger, o = a === void 0 ? ["hover"] : a, i = t.mouseEnterDelay, s = i === void 0 ? 0 : i, l = t.mouseLeaveDelay, c = l === void 0 ? 0.1 : l, d = t.overlayStyle, f = t.prefixCls, v = f === void 0 ? "rc-tooltip" : f, m = t.children, b = t.onVisibleChange, p = t.afterVisibleChange, g = t.transitionName, S = t.animation, h = t.motion, y = t.placement, E = y === void 0 ? "right" : y, C = t.align, O = C === void 0 ? {} : C, R = t.destroyTooltipOnHide, w = R === void 0 ? !1 : R, $ = t.defaultVisible, A = t.getTooltipContainer, F = t.overlayInnerStyle; - t.arrowContent; - var M = t.overlay, I = t.id, T = t.showArrow, k = T === void 0 ? !0 : T, N = Ye(t, iS), x = Be(null); - No(r, function() { - return x.current; - }); - var _ = D({}, N); - "visible" in t && (_.popupVisible = t.visible); - var z = function() { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Rf, { - key: "content", - prefixCls: v, - id: I, - overlayInnerStyle: F - }, M); - }; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(tl, _e({ - popupClassName: n, - prefixCls: v, - popup: z, - action: o, - builtinPlacements: oS, - popupPlacement: E, - ref: x, - popupAlign: O, - getPopupContainer: A, - onPopupVisibleChange: b, - afterPopupVisibleChange: p, - popupTransitionName: g, - popupAnimation: S, - popupMotion: h, - defaultPopupVisible: $, - autoDestroy: w, - mouseLeaveDelay: c, - popupStyle: d, - mouseEnterDelay: s, - arrow: k - }, _), m); -}; -const lS = /* @__PURE__ */ Vr(sS); -function cS(e) { - const { - sizePopupArrow: t, - borderRadiusXS: r, - borderRadiusOuter: n - } = e, a = t / 2, o = 0, i = a, s = n * 1 / Math.sqrt(2), l = a - n * (1 - 1 / Math.sqrt(2)), c = a - r * (1 / Math.sqrt(2)), d = n * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1) + r * (1 / Math.sqrt(2)), f = 2 * a - c, v = d, m = 2 * a - s, b = l, p = 2 * a - o, g = i, S = a * Math.sqrt(2) + n * (Math.sqrt(2) - 2), h = n * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1), y = `polygon(${h}px 100%, 50% ${h}px, ${2 * a - h}px 100%, ${h}px 100%)`, E = `path('M ${o} ${i} A ${n} ${n} 0 0 0 ${s} ${l} L ${c} ${d} A ${r} ${r} 0 0 1 ${f} ${v} L ${m} ${b} A ${n} ${n} 0 0 0 ${p} ${g} Z')`; - return { - arrowShadowWidth: S, - arrowPath: E, - arrowPolygon: y - }; -} -const uS = (e, t, r) => { - const { - sizePopupArrow: n, - arrowPolygon: a, - arrowPath: o, - arrowShadowWidth: i, - borderRadiusXS: s, - calc: l - } = e; - return { - pointerEvents: "none", - width: n, - height: n, - overflow: "hidden", - "&::before": { - position: "absolute", - bottom: 0, - insetInlineStart: 0, - width: n, - height: l(n).div(2).equal(), - background: t, - clipPath: { - _multi_value_: !0, - value: [a, o] - }, - content: '""' - }, - "&::after": { - content: '""', - position: "absolute", - width: i, - height: i, - bottom: 0, - insetInline: 0, - margin: "auto", - borderRadius: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: `0 0 ${ee(s)} 0` - }, - transform: "translateY(50%) rotate(-135deg)", - boxShadow: r, - zIndex: 0, - background: "transparent" - } - }; -}, Pf = 8; -function _f(e) { - const { - contentRadius: t, - limitVerticalRadius: r - } = e, n = t > 12 ? t + 2 : 12; - return { - arrowOffsetHorizontal: n, - arrowOffsetVertical: r ? Pf : n - }; -} -function ro(e, t) { - return e ? t : {}; -} -function dS(e, t, r) { - const { - componentCls: n, - boxShadowPopoverArrow: a, - arrowOffsetVertical: o, - arrowOffsetHorizontal: i - } = e, { - arrowDistance: s = 0, - arrowPlacement: l = { - left: !0, - right: !0, - top: !0, - bottom: !0 - } - } = {}; - return { - [n]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ - // ============================ Basic ============================ - [`${n}-arrow`]: [Object.assign(Object.assign({ - position: "absolute", - zIndex: 1, - display: "block" - }, uS(e, t, a)), { - "&:before": { - background: t - } - })] - }, ro(!!l.top, { - [[`&-placement-top > ${n}-arrow`, `&-placement-topLeft > ${n}-arrow`, `&-placement-topRight > ${n}-arrow`].join(",")]: { - bottom: s, - transform: "translateY(100%) rotate(180deg)" - }, - [`&-placement-top > ${n}-arrow`]: { - left: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: "50%" - }, - transform: "translateX(-50%) translateY(100%) rotate(180deg)" - }, - [`&-placement-topLeft > ${n}-arrow`]: { - left: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: i - } - }, - [`&-placement-topRight > ${n}-arrow`]: { - right: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: i - } - } - })), ro(!!l.bottom, { - [[`&-placement-bottom > ${n}-arrow`, `&-placement-bottomLeft > ${n}-arrow`, `&-placement-bottomRight > ${n}-arrow`].join(",")]: { - top: s, - transform: "translateY(-100%)" - }, - [`&-placement-bottom > ${n}-arrow`]: { - left: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: "50%" - }, - transform: "translateX(-50%) translateY(-100%)" - }, - [`&-placement-bottomLeft > ${n}-arrow`]: { - left: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: i - } - }, - [`&-placement-bottomRight > ${n}-arrow`]: { - right: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: i - } - } - })), ro(!!l.left, { - [[`&-placement-left > ${n}-arrow`, `&-placement-leftTop > ${n}-arrow`, `&-placement-leftBottom > ${n}-arrow`].join(",")]: { - right: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: s - }, - transform: "translateX(100%) rotate(90deg)" - }, - [`&-placement-left > ${n}-arrow`]: { - top: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: "50%" - }, - transform: "translateY(-50%) translateX(100%) rotate(90deg)" - }, - [`&-placement-leftTop > ${n}-arrow`]: { - top: o - }, - [`&-placement-leftBottom > ${n}-arrow`]: { - bottom: o - } - })), ro(!!l.right, { - [[`&-placement-right > ${n}-arrow`, `&-placement-rightTop > ${n}-arrow`, `&-placement-rightBottom > ${n}-arrow`].join(",")]: { - left: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: s - }, - transform: "translateX(-100%) rotate(-90deg)" - }, - [`&-placement-right > ${n}-arrow`]: { - top: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: "50%" - }, - transform: "translateY(-50%) translateX(-100%) rotate(-90deg)" - }, - [`&-placement-rightTop > ${n}-arrow`]: { - top: o - }, - [`&-placement-rightBottom > ${n}-arrow`]: { - bottom: o - } - })) - }; -} -function fS(e, t, r, n) { - if (n === !1) - return { - adjustX: !1, - adjustY: !1 - }; - const a = n && typeof n == "object" ? n : {}, o = {}; - switch (e) { - case "top": - case "bottom": - o.shiftX = t.arrowOffsetHorizontal * 2 + r, o.shiftY = !0, o.adjustY = !0; - break; - case "left": - case "right": - o.shiftY = t.arrowOffsetVertical * 2 + r, o.shiftX = !0, o.adjustX = !0; - break; - } - const i = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, o), a); - return i.shiftX || (i.adjustX = !0), i.shiftY || (i.adjustY = !0), i; -} -const Vc = { - left: { - points: ["cr", "cl"] - }, - right: { - points: ["cl", "cr"] - }, - top: { - points: ["bc", "tc"] - }, - bottom: { - points: ["tc", "bc"] - }, - topLeft: { - points: ["bl", "tl"] - }, - leftTop: { - points: ["tr", "tl"] - }, - topRight: { - points: ["br", "tr"] - }, - rightTop: { - points: ["tl", "tr"] - }, - bottomRight: { - points: ["tr", "br"] - }, - rightBottom: { - points: ["bl", "br"] - }, - bottomLeft: { - points: ["tl", "bl"] - }, - leftBottom: { - points: ["br", "bl"] - } -}, vS = { - topLeft: { - points: ["bl", "tc"] - }, - leftTop: { - points: ["tr", "cl"] - }, - topRight: { - points: ["br", "tc"] - }, - rightTop: { - points: ["tl", "cr"] - }, - bottomRight: { - points: ["tr", "bc"] - }, - rightBottom: { - points: ["bl", "cr"] - }, - bottomLeft: { - points: ["tl", "bc"] - }, - leftBottom: { - points: ["br", "cl"] - } -}, gS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["topLeft", "topRight", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "leftTop", "leftBottom", "rightTop", "rightBottom"]); -function mS(e) { - const { - arrowWidth: t, - autoAdjustOverflow: r, - arrowPointAtCenter: n, - offset: a, - borderRadius: o, - visibleFirst: i - } = e, s = t / 2, l = {}; - return Object.keys(Vc).forEach((c) => { - const d = n && vS[c] || Vc[c], f = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, d), { - offset: [0, 0], - dynamicInset: !0 - }); - switch (l[c] = f, gS.has(c) && (f.autoArrow = !1), c) { - case "top": - case "topLeft": - case "topRight": - f.offset[1] = -s - a; - break; - case "bottom": - case "bottomLeft": - case "bottomRight": - f.offset[1] = s + a; - break; - case "left": - case "leftTop": - case "leftBottom": - f.offset[0] = -s - a; - break; - case "right": - case "rightTop": - case "rightBottom": - f.offset[0] = s + a; - break; - } - const v = _f({ - contentRadius: o, - limitVerticalRadius: !0 - }); - if (n) - switch (c) { - case "topLeft": - case "bottomLeft": - f.offset[0] = -v.arrowOffsetHorizontal - s; - break; - case "topRight": - case "bottomRight": - f.offset[0] = v.arrowOffsetHorizontal + s; - break; - case "leftTop": - case "rightTop": - f.offset[1] = -v.arrowOffsetHorizontal - s; - break; - case "leftBottom": - case "rightBottom": - f.offset[1] = v.arrowOffsetHorizontal + s; - break; - } - f.overflow = fS(c, v, t, r), i && (f.htmlRegion = "visibleFirst"); - }), l; -} -const pS = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - // ant-tooltip - tooltipMaxWidth: r, - tooltipColor: n, - tooltipBg: a, - tooltipBorderRadius: o, - zIndexPopup: i, - controlHeight: s, - boxShadowSecondary: l, - paddingSM: c, - paddingXS: d - } = e; - return [ - { - [t]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Wn(e)), { - position: "absolute", - zIndex: i, - display: "block", - width: "max-content", - maxWidth: r, - visibility: "visible", - transformOrigin: "var(--arrow-x, 50%) var(--arrow-y, 50%)", - "&-hidden": { - display: "none" - }, - "--antd-arrow-background-color": a, - // Wrapper for the tooltip content - [`${t}-inner`]: { - minWidth: "1em", - minHeight: s, - padding: `${ee(e.calc(c).div(2).equal())} ${ee(d)}`, - color: n, - textAlign: "start", - textDecoration: "none", - wordWrap: "break-word", - backgroundColor: a, - borderRadius: o, - boxShadow: l, - boxSizing: "border-box" - }, - // Limit left and right placement radius - [["&-placement-left", "&-placement-leftTop", "&-placement-leftBottom", "&-placement-right", "&-placement-rightTop", "&-placement-rightBottom"].join(",")]: { - [`${t}-inner`]: { - borderRadius: e.min(o, Pf) - } - }, - [`${t}-content`]: { - position: "relative" - } - }), kp(e, (f, v) => { - let { - darkColor: m - } = v; - return { - [`&${t}-${f}`]: { - [`${t}-inner`]: { - backgroundColor: m - }, - [`${t}-arrow`]: { - "--antd-arrow-background-color": m - } - } - }; - })), { - // RTL - "&-rtl": { - direction: "rtl" - } - }) - }, - // Arrow Style - dS(e, "var(--antd-arrow-background-color)"), - // Pure Render - { - [`${t}-pure`]: { - position: "relative", - maxWidth: "none", - margin: e.sizePopupArrow - } - } - ]; -}, hS = (e) => Object.assign(Object.assign({ - zIndexPopup: e.zIndexPopupBase + 70 -}, _f({ - contentRadius: e.borderRadius, - limitVerticalRadius: !0 -})), cS(Zt(e, { - borderRadiusOuter: Math.min(e.borderRadiusOuter, 4) -}))), Tf = function(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !0; - return en("Tooltip", (n) => { - const { - borderRadius: a, - colorTextLightSolid: o, - colorBgSpotlight: i - } = n, s = Zt(n, { - // default variables - tooltipMaxWidth: 250, - tooltipColor: o, - tooltipBorderRadius: a, - tooltipBg: i - }); - return [pS(s), jy(n, "zoom-big-fast")]; - }, hS, { - resetStyle: !1, - // Popover use Tooltip as internal component. We do not need to handle this. - injectStyle: t - })(e); -}, bS = xo.map((e) => `${e}-inverse`); -function yS(e) { - return (arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !0) ? [].concat(he(bS), he(xo)).includes(e) : xo.includes(e); -} -function Nf(e, t) { - const r = yS(t), n = Z({ - [`${e}-${t}`]: t && r - }), a = {}, o = {}; - return t && !r && (a.background = t, o["--antd-arrow-background-color"] = t), { - className: n, - overlayStyle: a, - arrowStyle: o - }; -} -const SS = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - className: r, - placement: n = "top", - title: a, - color: o, - overlayInnerStyle: i - } = e, { - getPrefixCls: s - } = u.useContext(ft), l = s("tooltip", t), [c, d, f] = Tf(l), v = Nf(l, o), m = v.arrowStyle, b = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, i), v.overlayStyle), p = Z(d, f, l, `${l}-pure`, `${l}-placement-${n}`, r, v.className); - return c(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: p, - style: m - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: `${l}-arrow` - }), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Rf, Object.assign({}, e, { - className: d, - prefixCls: l, - overlayInnerStyle: b - }), a))); -}; -var CS = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const ES = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef((e, t) => { - var r, n; - const { - prefixCls: a, - openClassName: o, - getTooltipContainer: i, - overlayClassName: s, - color: l, - overlayInnerStyle: c, - children: d, - afterOpenChange: f, - afterVisibleChange: v, - destroyTooltipOnHide: m, - arrow: b = !0, - title: p, - overlay: g, - builtinPlacements: S, - arrowPointAtCenter: h = !1, - autoAdjustOverflow: y = !0 - } = e, E = !!b, [, C] = Rr(), { - getPopupContainer: O, - getPrefixCls: R, - direction: w - } = u.useContext(ft), $ = Ft("Tooltip"), A = u.useRef(null), F = () => { - var ye; - (ye = A.current) === null || ye === void 0 || ye.forceAlign(); - }; - u.useImperativeHandle(t, () => { - var ye; - return { - forceAlign: F, - forcePopupAlign: () => { - $.deprecated(!1, "forcePopupAlign", "forceAlign"), F(); - }, - nativeElement: (ye = A.current) === null || ye === void 0 ? void 0 : ye.nativeElement - }; - }), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && ([["visible", "open"], ["defaultVisible", "defaultOpen"], ["onVisibleChange", "onOpenChange"], ["afterVisibleChange", "afterOpenChange"], ["arrowPointAtCenter", "arrow={{ pointAtCenter: true }}"]].forEach((ye) => { - let [ge, Pe] = ye; - $.deprecated(!(ge in e), ge, Pe); - }), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && $(!m || typeof m == "boolean", "usage", "`destroyTooltipOnHide` no need config `keepParent` anymore. Please use `boolean` value directly."), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && $(!b || typeof b == "boolean" || !("arrowPointAtCenter" in b), "deprecated", "`arrowPointAtCenter` in `arrow` is deprecated. Please use `pointAtCenter` instead.")); - const [M, I] = cr(!1, { - value: (r = e.open) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : e.visible, - defaultValue: (n = e.defaultOpen) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : e.defaultVisible - }), T = !p && !g && p !== 0, k = (ye) => { - var ge, Pe; - I(T ? !1 : ye), T || ((ge = e.onOpenChange) === null || ge === void 0 || ge.call(e, ye), (Pe = e.onVisibleChange) === null || Pe === void 0 || Pe.call(e, ye)); - }, N = u.useMemo(() => { - var ye, ge; - let Pe = h; - return typeof b == "object" && (Pe = (ge = (ye = b.pointAtCenter) !== null && ye !== void 0 ? ye : b.arrowPointAtCenter) !== null && ge !== void 0 ? ge : h), S || mS({ - arrowPointAtCenter: Pe, - autoAdjustOverflow: y, - arrowWidth: E ? C.sizePopupArrow : 0, - borderRadius: C.borderRadius, - offset: C.marginXXS, - visibleFirst: !0 - }); - }, [h, b, S, C]), x = u.useMemo(() => p === 0 ? p : g || p || "", [g, p]), _ = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ss, { - space: !0 - }, typeof x == "function" ? x() : x), { - getPopupContainer: z, - placement: L = "top", - mouseEnterDelay: B = 0.1, - mouseLeaveDelay: X = 0.1, - overlayStyle: W, - rootClassName: G - } = e, Q = CS(e, ["getPopupContainer", "placement", "mouseEnterDelay", "mouseLeaveDelay", "overlayStyle", "rootClassName"]), Y = R("tooltip", a), J = R(), ne = e["data-popover-inject"]; - let se = M; - !("open" in e) && !("visible" in e) && T && (se = !1); - const xe = /* @__PURE__ */ u.isValidElement(d) && !Kd(d) ? d : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", null, d), de = xe.props, ue = !de.className || typeof de.className == "string" ? Z(de.className, o || `${Y}-open`) : de.className, [Ce, V, le] = Tf(Y, !ne), fe = Nf(Y, l), Re = fe.arrowStyle, me = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, c), fe.overlayStyle), ae = Z(s, { - [`${Y}-rtl`]: w === "rtl" - }, fe.className, G, V, le), [te, re] = Hh("Tooltip", Q.zIndex), be = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(lS, Object.assign({}, Q, { - zIndex: te, - showArrow: E, - placement: L, - mouseEnterDelay: B, - mouseLeaveDelay: X, - prefixCls: Y, - overlayClassName: ae, - overlayStyle: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Re), W), - getTooltipContainer: z || i || O, - ref: A, - builtinPlacements: N, - overlay: _, - visible: se, - onVisibleChange: k, - afterVisibleChange: f ?? v, - overlayInnerStyle: me, - arrowContent: /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", { - className: `${Y}-arrow-content` - }), - motion: { - motionName: Gd(J, "zoom-big-fast", e.transitionName), - motionDeadline: 1e3 - }, - destroyTooltipOnHide: !!m - }), se ? Vo(xe, { - className: ue - }) : xe); - return Ce(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Xs.Provider, { - value: re - }, be)); -}), Da = ES; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Da.displayName = "Tooltip"); -Da._InternalPanelDoNotUseOrYouWillBeFired = SS; -var xS = ce.ESC, wS = ce.TAB; -function $S(e) { - var t = e.visible, r = e.triggerRef, n = e.onVisibleChange, a = e.autoFocus, o = e.overlayRef, i = u.useRef(!1), s = function() { - if (t) { - var f, v; - (f = r.current) === null || f === void 0 || (v = f.focus) === null || v === void 0 || v.call(f), n == null || n(!1); - } - }, l = function() { - var f; - return (f = o.current) !== null && f !== void 0 && f.focus ? (o.current.focus(), i.current = !0, !0) : !1; - }, c = function(f) { - switch (f.keyCode) { - case xS: - s(); - break; - case wS: { - var v = !1; - i.current || (v = l()), v ? f.preventDefault() : s(); - break; - } - } - }; - u.useEffect(function() { - return t ? (window.addEventListener("keydown", c), a && Nt(l, 3), function() { - window.removeEventListener("keydown", c), i.current = !1; - }) : function() { - i.current = !1; - }; - }, [t]); -} -var OS = /* @__PURE__ */ Vr(function(e, t) { - var r = e.overlay, n = e.arrow, a = e.prefixCls, o = Yr(function() { - var s; - return typeof r == "function" ? s = r() : s = r, s; - }, [r]), i = Pr(t, o == null ? void 0 : o.ref); - return /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(q.Fragment, null, n && /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("div", { - className: "".concat(a, "-arrow") - }), /* @__PURE__ */ q.cloneElement(o, { - ref: dn(o) ? i : void 0 - })); -}), wn = { - adjustX: 1, - adjustY: 1 -}, $n = [0, 0], RS = { - topLeft: { - points: ["bl", "tl"], - overflow: wn, - offset: [0, -4], - targetOffset: $n - }, - top: { - points: ["bc", "tc"], - overflow: wn, - offset: [0, -4], - targetOffset: $n - }, - topRight: { - points: ["br", "tr"], - overflow: wn, - offset: [0, -4], - targetOffset: $n - }, - bottomLeft: { - points: ["tl", "bl"], - overflow: wn, - offset: [0, 4], - targetOffset: $n - }, - bottom: { - points: ["tc", "bc"], - overflow: wn, - offset: [0, 4], - targetOffset: $n - }, - bottomRight: { - points: ["tr", "br"], - overflow: wn, - offset: [0, 4], - targetOffset: $n - } -}, PS = ["arrow", "prefixCls", "transitionName", "animation", "align", "placement", "placements", "getPopupContainer", "showAction", "hideAction", "overlayClassName", "overlayStyle", "visible", "trigger", "autoFocus", "overlay", "children", "onVisibleChange"]; -function _S(e, t) { - var r, n = e.arrow, a = n === void 0 ? !1 : n, o = e.prefixCls, i = o === void 0 ? "rc-dropdown" : o, s = e.transitionName, l = e.animation, c = e.align, d = e.placement, f = d === void 0 ? "bottomLeft" : d, v = e.placements, m = v === void 0 ? RS : v, b = e.getPopupContainer, p = e.showAction, g = e.hideAction, S = e.overlayClassName, h = e.overlayStyle, y = e.visible, E = e.trigger, C = E === void 0 ? ["hover"] : E, O = e.autoFocus, R = e.overlay, w = e.children, $ = e.onVisibleChange, A = Ye(e, PS), F = q.useState(), M = K(F, 2), I = M[0], T = M[1], k = "visible" in e ? y : I, N = q.useRef(null), x = q.useRef(null), _ = q.useRef(null); - q.useImperativeHandle(t, function() { - return N.current; - }); - var z = function(ne) { - T(ne), $ == null || $(ne); - }; - $S({ - visible: k, - triggerRef: _, - onVisibleChange: z, - autoFocus: O, - overlayRef: x - }); - var L = function(ne) { - var se = e.onOverlayClick; - T(!1), se && se(ne); - }, B = function() { - return /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(OS, { - ref: x, - overlay: R, - prefixCls: i, - arrow: a - }); - }, X = function() { - return typeof R == "function" ? B : B(); - }, W = function() { - var ne = e.minOverlayWidthMatchTrigger, se = e.alignPoint; - return "minOverlayWidthMatchTrigger" in e ? ne : !se; - }, G = function() { - var ne = e.openClassName; - return ne !== void 0 ? ne : "".concat(i, "-open"); - }, Q = /* @__PURE__ */ q.cloneElement(w, { - className: Z((r = w.props) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.className, k && G()), - ref: dn(w) ? Pr(_, w.ref) : void 0 - }), Y = g; - return !Y && C.indexOf("contextMenu") !== -1 && (Y = ["click"]), /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(tl, _e({ - builtinPlacements: m - }, A, { - prefixCls: i, - ref: N, - popupClassName: Z(S, j({}, "".concat(i, "-show-arrow"), a)), - popupStyle: h, - action: C, - showAction: p, - hideAction: Y, - popupPlacement: f, - popupAlign: c, - popupTransitionName: s, - popupAnimation: l, - popupVisible: k, - stretch: W() ? "minWidth" : "", - popup: X(), - onPopupVisibleChange: z, - onPopupClick: L, - getPopupContainer: b - }), Q); -} -const TS = /* @__PURE__ */ q.forwardRef(_S); -var If = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(null); -function Mf(e, t) { - return e === void 0 ? null : "".concat(e, "-").concat(t); -} -function Af(e) { - var t = u.useContext(If); - return Mf(t, e); -} -var NS = ["children", "locked"], Sr = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(null); -function IS(e, t) { - var r = D({}, e); - return Object.keys(t).forEach(function(n) { - var a = t[n]; - a !== void 0 && (r[n] = a); - }), r; -} -function Ta(e) { - var t = e.children, r = e.locked, n = Ye(e, NS), a = u.useContext(Sr), o = Io(function() { - return IS(a, n); - }, [a, n], function(i, s) { - return !r && (i[0] !== s[0] || !Ca(i[1], s[1], !0)); - }); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Sr.Provider, { - value: o - }, t); -} -var MS = [], jf = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(null); -function Ko() { - return u.useContext(jf); -} -var Ff = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(MS); -function za(e) { - var t = u.useContext(Ff); - return u.useMemo(function() { - return e !== void 0 ? [].concat(he(t), [e]) : t; - }, [t, e]); -} -var Lf = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext(null), rl = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createContext({}); -function Bc(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !1; - if (Ys(e)) { - var r = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(), n = ( - // Focusable element - ["input", "select", "textarea", "button"].includes(r) || // Editable element - e.isContentEditable || // Anchor with href element - r === "a" && !!e.getAttribute("href") - ), a = e.getAttribute("tabindex"), o = Number(a), i = null; - return a && !Number.isNaN(o) ? i = o : n && i === null && (i = 0), n && e.disabled && (i = null), i !== null && (i >= 0 || t && i < 0); - } - return !1; -} -function AS(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !1, r = he(e.querySelectorAll("*")).filter(function(n) { - return Bc(n, t); - }); - return Bc(e, t) && r.unshift(e), r; -} -var xs = ce.LEFT, ws = ce.RIGHT, $s = ce.UP, po = ce.DOWN, ho = ce.ENTER, Df = ce.ESC, ia = ce.HOME, sa = ce.END, kc = [$s, po, xs, ws]; -function jS(e, t, r, n) { - var a, o, i, s, l = "prev", c = "next", d = "children", f = "parent"; - if (e === "inline" && n === ho) - return { - inlineTrigger: !0 - }; - var v = (a = {}, j(a, $s, l), j(a, po, c), a), m = (o = {}, j(o, xs, r ? c : l), j(o, ws, r ? l : c), j(o, po, d), j(o, ho, d), o), b = (i = {}, j(i, $s, l), j(i, po, c), j(i, ho, d), j(i, Df, f), j(i, xs, r ? d : f), j(i, ws, r ? f : d), i), p = { - inline: v, - horizontal: m, - vertical: b, - inlineSub: v, - horizontalSub: b, - verticalSub: b - }, g = (s = p["".concat(e).concat(t ? "" : "Sub")]) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s[n]; - switch (g) { - case l: - return { - offset: -1, - sibling: !0 - }; - case c: - return { - offset: 1, - sibling: !0 - }; - case f: - return { - offset: -1, - sibling: !1 - }; - case d: - return { - offset: 1, - sibling: !1 - }; - default: - return null; - } -} -function FS(e) { - for (var t = e; t; ) { - if (t.getAttribute("data-menu-list")) - return t; - t = t.parentElement; - } - return null; -} -function LS(e, t) { - for (var r = e || document.activeElement; r; ) { - if (t.has(r)) - return r; - r = r.parentElement; - } - return null; -} -function nl(e, t) { - var r = AS(e, !0); - return r.filter(function(n) { - return t.has(n); - }); -} -function Hc(e, t, r) { - var n = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : 1; - if (!e) - return null; - var a = nl(e, t), o = a.length, i = a.findIndex(function(s) { - return r === s; - }); - return n < 0 ? i === -1 ? i = o - 1 : i -= 1 : n > 0 && (i += 1), i = (i + o) % o, a[i]; -} -var Os = function(t, r) { - var n = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), a = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), o = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - return t.forEach(function(i) { - var s = document.querySelector("[data-menu-id='".concat(Mf(r, i), "']")); - s && (n.add(s), o.set(s, i), a.set(i, s)); - }), { - elements: n, - key2element: a, - element2key: o - }; -}; -function DS(e, t, r, n, a, o, i, s, l, c) { - var d = u.useRef(), f = u.useRef(); - f.current = t; - var v = function() { - Nt.cancel(d.current); - }; - return u.useEffect(function() { - return function() { - v(); - }; - }, []), function(m) { - var b = m.which; - if ([].concat(kc, [ho, Df, ia, sa]).includes(b)) { - var p = o(), g = Os(p, n), S = g, h = S.elements, y = S.key2element, E = S.element2key, C = y.get(t), O = LS(C, h), R = E.get(O), w = jS(e, i(R, !0).length === 1, r, b); - if (!w && b !== ia && b !== sa) - return; - (kc.includes(b) || [ia, sa].includes(b)) && m.preventDefault(); - var $ = function(x) { - if (x) { - var _ = x, z = x.querySelector("a"); - z != null && z.getAttribute("href") && (_ = z); - var L = E.get(x); - s(L), v(), d.current = Nt(function() { - f.current === L && _.focus(); - }); - } - }; - if ([ia, sa].includes(b) || w.sibling || !O) { - var A; - !O || e === "inline" ? A = a.current : A = FS(O); - var F, M = nl(A, h); - b === ia ? F = M[0] : b === sa ? F = M[M.length - 1] : F = Hc(A, h, O, w.offset), $(F); - } else if (w.inlineTrigger) - l(R); - else if (w.offset > 0) - l(R, !0), v(), d.current = Nt(function() { - g = Os(p, n); - var N = O.getAttribute("aria-controls"), x = document.getElementById(N), _ = Hc(x, g.elements); - $(_); - }, 5); - else if (w.offset < 0) { - var I = i(R, !0), T = I[I.length - 2], k = y.get(T); - l(T, !1), $(k); - } - } - c == null || c(m); - }; -} -function zS(e) { - Promise.resolve().then(e); -} -var al = "__RC_UTIL_PATH_SPLIT__", Wc = function(t) { - return t.join(al); -}, VS = function(t) { - return t.split(al); -}, Rs = "rc-menu-more"; -function BS() { - var e = u.useState({}), t = K(e, 2), r = t[1], n = Be(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), a = Be(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), o = u.useState([]), i = K(o, 2), s = i[0], l = i[1], c = Be(0), d = Be(!1), f = function() { - d.current || r({}); - }, v = Gr(function(y, E) { - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && tt(!n.current.has(y), "Duplicated key '".concat(y, "' used in Menu by path [").concat(E.join(" > "), "]")); - var C = Wc(E); - a.current.set(C, y), n.current.set(y, C), c.current += 1; - var O = c.current; - zS(function() { - O === c.current && f(); - }); - }, []), m = Gr(function(y, E) { - var C = Wc(E); - a.current.delete(C), n.current.delete(y); - }, []), b = Gr(function(y) { - l(y); - }, []), p = Gr(function(y, E) { - var C = n.current.get(y) || "", O = VS(C); - return E && s.includes(O[0]) && O.unshift(Rs), O; - }, [s]), g = Gr(function(y, E) { - return y.filter(function(C) { - return C !== void 0; - }).some(function(C) { - var O = p(C, !0); - return O.includes(E); - }); - }, [p]), S = function() { - var E = he(n.current.keys()); - return s.length && E.push(Rs), E; - }, h = Gr(function(y) { - var E = "".concat(n.current.get(y)).concat(al), C = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - return he(a.current.keys()).forEach(function(O) { - O.startsWith(E) && C.add(a.current.get(O)); - }), C; - }, []); - return u.useEffect(function() { - return function() { - d.current = !0; - }; - }, []), { - // Register - registerPath: v, - unregisterPath: m, - refreshOverflowKeys: b, - // Util - isSubPathKey: g, - getKeyPath: p, - getKeys: S, - getSubPathKeys: h - }; -} -function ca(e) { - var t = u.useRef(e); - t.current = e; - var r = u.useCallback(function() { - for (var n, a = arguments.length, o = new Array(a), i = 0; i < a; i++) - o[i] = arguments[i]; - return (n = t.current) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.call.apply(n, [t].concat(o)); - }, []); - return e ? r : void 0; -} -var kS = Math.random().toFixed(5).toString().slice(2), Kc = 0; -function HS(e) { - var t = cr(e, { - value: e - }), r = K(t, 2), n = r[0], a = r[1]; - return u.useEffect(function() { - Kc += 1; - var o = process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" ? "test" : "".concat(kS, "-").concat(Kc); - a("rc-menu-uuid-".concat(o)); - }, []), n; -} -function zf(e, t, r, n) { - var a = u.useContext(Sr), o = a.activeKey, i = a.onActive, s = a.onInactive, l = { - active: o === e - }; - return t || (l.onMouseEnter = function(c) { - r == null || r({ - key: e, - domEvent: c - }), i(e); - }, l.onMouseLeave = function(c) { - n == null || n({ - key: e, - domEvent: c - }), s(e); - }), l; -} -function Vf(e) { - var t = u.useContext(Sr), r = t.mode, n = t.rtl, a = t.inlineIndent; - if (r !== "inline") - return null; - var o = e; - return n ? { - paddingRight: o * a - } : { - paddingLeft: o * a - }; -} -function Bf(e) { - var t = e.icon, r = e.props, n = e.children, a; - return t === null || t === !1 ? null : (typeof t == "function" ? a = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(t, D({}, r)) : typeof t != "boolean" && (a = t), a || n || null); -} -var WS = ["item"]; -function _o(e) { - var t = e.item, r = Ye(e, WS); - return Object.defineProperty(r, "item", { - get: function() { - return tt(!1, "`info.item` is deprecated since we will move to function component that not provides React Node instance in future."), t; - } - }), r; -} -var KS = ["title", "attribute", "elementRef"], US = ["style", "className", "eventKey", "warnKey", "disabled", "itemIcon", "children", "role", "onMouseEnter", "onMouseLeave", "onClick", "onKeyDown", "onFocus"], GS = ["active"], qS = /* @__PURE__ */ function(e) { - Qr(r, e); - var t = Jr(r); - function r() { - return Lt(this, r), t.apply(this, arguments); - } - return Dt(r, [{ - key: "render", - value: function() { - var a = this.props, o = a.title, i = a.attribute, s = a.elementRef, l = Ye(a, KS), c = Cr(l, ["eventKey", "popupClassName", "popupOffset", "onTitleClick"]); - return tt(!i, "`attribute` of Menu.Item is deprecated. Please pass attribute directly."), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Dr.Item, _e({}, i, { - title: typeof o == "string" ? o : void 0 - }, c, { - ref: s - })); - } - }]), r; -}(u.Component), XS = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r, n = e.style, a = e.className, o = e.eventKey, i = e.warnKey, s = e.disabled, l = e.itemIcon, c = e.children, d = e.role, f = e.onMouseEnter, v = e.onMouseLeave, m = e.onClick, b = e.onKeyDown, p = e.onFocus, g = Ye(e, US), S = Af(o), h = u.useContext(Sr), y = h.prefixCls, E = h.onItemClick, C = h.disabled, O = h.overflowDisabled, R = h.itemIcon, w = h.selectedKeys, $ = h.onActive, A = u.useContext(rl), F = A._internalRenderMenuItem, M = "".concat(y, "-item"), I = u.useRef(), T = u.useRef(), k = C || s, N = Na(t, T), x = za(o); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && i && tt(!1, "MenuItem should not leave undefined `key`."); - var _ = function(de) { - return { - key: o, - // Note: For legacy code is reversed which not like other antd component - keyPath: he(x).reverse(), - item: I.current, - domEvent: de - }; - }, z = l || R, L = zf(o, k, f, v), B = L.active, X = Ye(L, GS), W = w.includes(o), G = Vf(x.length), Q = function(de) { - if (!k) { - var ue = _(de); - m == null || m(_o(ue)), E(ue); - } - }, Y = function(de) { - if (b == null || b(de), de.which === ce.ENTER) { - var ue = _(de); - m == null || m(_o(ue)), E(ue); - } - }, J = function(de) { - $(o), p == null || p(de); - }, ne = {}; - e.role === "option" && (ne["aria-selected"] = W); - var se = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(qS, _e({ - ref: I, - elementRef: N, - role: d === null ? "none" : d || "menuitem", - tabIndex: s ? null : -1, - "data-menu-id": O && S ? null : S - }, g, X, ne, { - component: "li", - "aria-disabled": s, - style: D(D({}, G), n), - className: Z(M, (r = {}, j(r, "".concat(M, "-active"), B), j(r, "".concat(M, "-selected"), W), j(r, "".concat(M, "-disabled"), k), r), a), - onClick: Q, - onKeyDown: Y, - onFocus: J - }), c, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Bf, { - props: D(D({}, e), {}, { - isSelected: W - }), - icon: z - })); - return F && (se = F(se, e, { - selected: W - })), se; -}); -function YS(e, t) { - var r = e.eventKey, n = Ko(), a = za(r); - return u.useEffect(function() { - if (n) - return n.registerPath(r, a), function() { - n.unregisterPath(r, a); - }; - }, [a]), n ? null : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(XS, _e({}, e, { - ref: t - })); -} -const Uo = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(YS); -var ZS = ["className", "children"], QS = function(t, r) { - var n = t.className, a = t.children, o = Ye(t, ZS), i = u.useContext(Sr), s = i.prefixCls, l = i.mode, c = i.rtl; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("ul", _e({ - className: Z(s, c && "".concat(s, "-rtl"), "".concat(s, "-sub"), "".concat(s, "-").concat(l === "inline" ? "inline" : "vertical"), n), - role: "menu" - }, o, { - "data-menu-list": !0, - ref: r - }), a); -}, ol = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(QS); -ol.displayName = "SubMenuList"; -function il(e, t) { - return Zr(e).map(function(r, n) { - if (/* @__PURE__ */ u.isValidElement(r)) { - var a, o, i = r.key, s = (a = (o = r.props) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.eventKey) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : i, l = s == null; - l && (s = "tmp_key-".concat([].concat(he(t), [n]).join("-"))); - var c = { - key: s, - eventKey: s - }; - return process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && l && (c.warnKey = !0), /* @__PURE__ */ u.cloneElement(r, c); - } - return r; - }); -} -var Bt = { - adjustX: 1, - adjustY: 1 -}, JS = { - topLeft: { - points: ["bl", "tl"], - overflow: Bt - }, - topRight: { - points: ["br", "tr"], - overflow: Bt - }, - bottomLeft: { - points: ["tl", "bl"], - overflow: Bt - }, - bottomRight: { - points: ["tr", "br"], - overflow: Bt - }, - leftTop: { - points: ["tr", "tl"], - overflow: Bt - }, - leftBottom: { - points: ["br", "bl"], - overflow: Bt - }, - rightTop: { - points: ["tl", "tr"], - overflow: Bt - }, - rightBottom: { - points: ["bl", "br"], - overflow: Bt - } -}, eC = { - topLeft: { - points: ["bl", "tl"], - overflow: Bt - }, - topRight: { - points: ["br", "tr"], - overflow: Bt - }, - bottomLeft: { - points: ["tl", "bl"], - overflow: Bt - }, - bottomRight: { - points: ["tr", "br"], - overflow: Bt - }, - rightTop: { - points: ["tr", "tl"], - overflow: Bt - }, - rightBottom: { - points: ["br", "bl"], - overflow: Bt - }, - leftTop: { - points: ["tl", "tr"], - overflow: Bt - }, - leftBottom: { - points: ["bl", "br"], - overflow: Bt - } -}; -function kf(e, t, r) { - if (t) - return t; - if (r) - return r[e] || r.other; -} -var tC = { - horizontal: "bottomLeft", - vertical: "rightTop", - "vertical-left": "rightTop", - "vertical-right": "leftTop" -}; -function rC(e) { - var t = e.prefixCls, r = e.visible, n = e.children, a = e.popup, o = e.popupStyle, i = e.popupClassName, s = e.popupOffset, l = e.disabled, c = e.mode, d = e.onVisibleChange, f = u.useContext(Sr), v = f.getPopupContainer, m = f.rtl, b = f.subMenuOpenDelay, p = f.subMenuCloseDelay, g = f.builtinPlacements, S = f.triggerSubMenuAction, h = f.forceSubMenuRender, y = f.rootClassName, E = f.motion, C = f.defaultMotions, O = u.useState(!1), R = K(O, 2), w = R[0], $ = R[1], A = D(m ? D({}, eC) : D({}, JS), g), F = tC[c], M = kf(c, E, C), I = u.useRef(M); - c !== "inline" && (I.current = M); - var T = D(D({}, I.current), {}, { - leavedClassName: "".concat(t, "-hidden"), - removeOnLeave: !1, - motionAppear: !0 - }), k = u.useRef(); - return u.useEffect(function() { - return k.current = Nt(function() { - $(r); - }), function() { - Nt.cancel(k.current); - }; - }, [r]), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(tl, { - prefixCls: t, - popupClassName: Z("".concat(t, "-popup"), j({}, "".concat(t, "-rtl"), m), i, y), - stretch: c === "horizontal" ? "minWidth" : null, - getPopupContainer: v, - builtinPlacements: A, - popupPlacement: F, - popupVisible: w, - popup: a, - popupStyle: o, - popupAlign: s && { - offset: s - }, - action: l ? [] : [S], - mouseEnterDelay: b, - mouseLeaveDelay: p, - onPopupVisibleChange: d, - forceRender: h, - popupMotion: T, - fresh: !0 - }, n); -} -function nC(e) { - var t = e.id, r = e.open, n = e.keyPath, a = e.children, o = "inline", i = u.useContext(Sr), s = i.prefixCls, l = i.forceSubMenuRender, c = i.motion, d = i.defaultMotions, f = i.mode, v = u.useRef(!1); - v.current = f === o; - var m = u.useState(!v.current), b = K(m, 2), p = b[0], g = b[1], S = v.current ? r : !1; - u.useEffect(function() { - v.current && g(!1); - }, [f]); - var h = D({}, kf(o, c, d)); - n.length > 1 && (h.motionAppear = !1); - var y = h.onVisibleChanged; - return h.onVisibleChanged = function(E) { - return !v.current && !E && g(!0), y == null ? void 0 : y(E); - }, p ? null : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ta, { - mode: o, - locked: !v.current - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(fn, _e({ - visible: S - }, h, { - forceRender: l, - removeOnLeave: !1, - leavedClassName: "".concat(s, "-hidden") - }), function(E) { - var C = E.className, O = E.style; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ol, { - id: t, - className: C, - style: O - }, a); - })); -} -var aC = ["style", "className", "title", "eventKey", "warnKey", "disabled", "internalPopupClose", "children", "itemIcon", "expandIcon", "popupClassName", "popupOffset", "popupStyle", "onClick", "onMouseEnter", "onMouseLeave", "onTitleClick", "onTitleMouseEnter", "onTitleMouseLeave"], oC = ["active"], iC = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r, n = e.style, a = e.className, o = e.title, i = e.eventKey, s = e.warnKey, l = e.disabled, c = e.internalPopupClose, d = e.children, f = e.itemIcon, v = e.expandIcon, m = e.popupClassName, b = e.popupOffset, p = e.popupStyle, g = e.onClick, S = e.onMouseEnter, h = e.onMouseLeave, y = e.onTitleClick, E = e.onTitleMouseEnter, C = e.onTitleMouseLeave, O = Ye(e, aC), R = Af(i), w = u.useContext(Sr), $ = w.prefixCls, A = w.mode, F = w.openKeys, M = w.disabled, I = w.overflowDisabled, T = w.activeKey, k = w.selectedKeys, N = w.itemIcon, x = w.expandIcon, _ = w.onItemClick, z = w.onOpenChange, L = w.onActive, B = u.useContext(rl), X = B._internalRenderSubMenuItem, W = u.useContext(Lf), G = W.isSubPathKey, Q = za(), Y = "".concat($, "-submenu"), J = M || l, ne = u.useRef(), se = u.useRef(); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && s && tt(!1, "SubMenu should not leave undefined `key`."); - var xe = f ?? N, de = v ?? x, ue = F.includes(i), Ce = !I && ue, V = G(k, i), le = zf(i, J, E, C), fe = le.active, Re = Ye(le, oC), me = u.useState(!1), ae = K(me, 2), te = ae[0], re = ae[1], be = function(Le) { - J || re(Le); - }, ye = function(Le) { - be(!0), S == null || S({ - key: i, - domEvent: Le - }); - }, ge = function(Le) { - be(!1), h == null || h({ - key: i, - domEvent: Le - }); - }, Pe = u.useMemo(function() { - return fe || (A !== "inline" ? te || G([T], i) : !1); - }, [A, fe, T, te, i, G]), ve = Vf(Q.length), vt = function(Le) { - J || (y == null || y({ - key: i, - domEvent: Le - }), A === "inline" && z(i, !ue)); - }, it = ca(function(et) { - g == null || g(_o(et)), _(et); - }), $e = function(Le) { - A !== "inline" && z(i, Le); - }, we = function() { - L(i); - }, je = R && "".concat(R, "-popup"), ze = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", _e({ - role: "menuitem", - style: ve, - className: "".concat(Y, "-title"), - tabIndex: J ? null : -1, - ref: ne, - title: typeof o == "string" ? o : null, - "data-menu-id": I && R ? null : R, - "aria-expanded": Ce, - "aria-haspopup": !0, - "aria-controls": je, - "aria-disabled": J, - onClick: vt, - onFocus: we - }, Re), o, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Bf, { - icon: A !== "horizontal" ? de : void 0, - props: D(D({}, e), {}, { - isOpen: Ce, - // [Legacy] Not sure why need this mark - isSubMenu: !0 - }) - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("i", { - className: "".concat(Y, "-arrow") - }))), gt = u.useRef(A); - if (A !== "inline" && Q.length > 1 ? gt.current = "vertical" : gt.current = A, !I) { - var mt = gt.current; - ze = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(rC, { - mode: mt, - prefixCls: Y, - visible: !c && Ce && A !== "inline", - popupClassName: m, - popupOffset: b, - popupStyle: p, - popup: /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement( - Ta, - { - mode: mt === "horizontal" ? "vertical" : mt - }, - /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ol, { - id: je, - ref: se - }, d) - ), - disabled: J, - onVisibleChange: $e - }, ze); - } - var wt = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Dr.Item, _e({ - ref: t, - role: "none" - }, O, { - component: "li", - style: n, - className: Z(Y, "".concat(Y, "-").concat(A), a, (r = {}, j(r, "".concat(Y, "-open"), Ce), j(r, "".concat(Y, "-active"), Pe), j(r, "".concat(Y, "-selected"), V), j(r, "".concat(Y, "-disabled"), J), r)), - onMouseEnter: ye, - onMouseLeave: ge - }), ze, !I && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nC, { - id: je, - open: Ce, - keyPath: Q - }, d)); - return X && (wt = X(wt, e, { - selected: V, - active: Pe, - open: Ce, - disabled: J - })), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ta, { - onItemClick: it, - mode: A === "horizontal" ? "vertical" : A, - itemIcon: xe, - expandIcon: de - }, wt); -}), Go = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.eventKey, n = e.children, a = za(r), o = il(n, a), i = Ko(); - u.useEffect(function() { - if (i) - return i.registerPath(r, a), function() { - i.unregisterPath(r, a); - }; - }, [a]); - var s; - return i ? s = o : s = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(iC, _e({ - ref: t - }, e), o), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ff.Provider, { - value: a - }, s); -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Go.displayName = "SubMenu"); -function Hf(e) { - var t = e.className, r = e.style, n = u.useContext(Sr), a = n.prefixCls, o = Ko(); - return o ? null : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("li", { - role: "separator", - className: Z("".concat(a, "-item-divider"), t), - style: r - }); -} -var sC = ["className", "title", "eventKey", "children"], lC = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.className, n = e.title; - e.eventKey; - var a = e.children, o = Ye(e, sC), i = u.useContext(Sr), s = i.prefixCls, l = "".concat(s, "-item-group"); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("li", _e({ - ref: t, - role: "presentation" - }, o, { - onClick: function(d) { - return d.stopPropagation(); - }, - className: Z(l, r) - }), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - role: "presentation", - className: "".concat(l, "-title"), - title: typeof n == "string" ? n : void 0 - }, n), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("ul", { - role: "group", - className: "".concat(l, "-list") - }, a)); -}), sl = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.eventKey, n = e.children, a = za(r), o = il(n, a), i = Ko(); - return i ? o : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(lC, _e({ - ref: t - }, Cr(e, ["warnKey"])), o); -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (sl.displayName = "MenuItemGroup"); -var cC = ["label", "children", "key", "type"]; -function Ps(e, t) { - var r = t.item, n = t.group, a = t.submenu, o = t.divider; - return (e || []).map(function(i, s) { - if (i && Ae(i) === "object") { - var l = i, c = l.label, d = l.children, f = l.key, v = l.type, m = Ye(l, cC), b = f ?? "tmp-".concat(s); - return d || v === "group" ? v === "group" ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(n, _e({ - key: b - }, m, { - title: c - }), Ps(d, t)) : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(a, _e({ - key: b - }, m, { - title: c - }), Ps(d, t)) : v === "divider" ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(o, _e({ - key: b - }, m)) : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(r, _e({ - key: b - }, m), c); - } - return null; - }).filter(function(i) { - return i; - }); -} -function Uc(e, t, r, n) { - var a = e, o = D({ - divider: Hf, - item: Uo, - group: sl, - submenu: Go - }, n); - return t && (a = Ps(t, o)), il(a, r); -} -var uC = ["prefixCls", "rootClassName", "style", "className", "tabIndex", "items", "children", "direction", "id", "mode", "inlineCollapsed", "disabled", "disabledOverflow", "subMenuOpenDelay", "subMenuCloseDelay", "forceSubMenuRender", "defaultOpenKeys", "openKeys", "activeKey", "defaultActiveFirst", "selectable", "multiple", "defaultSelectedKeys", "selectedKeys", "onSelect", "onDeselect", "inlineIndent", "motion", "defaultMotions", "triggerSubMenuAction", "builtinPlacements", "itemIcon", "expandIcon", "overflowedIndicator", "overflowedIndicatorPopupClassName", "getPopupContainer", "onClick", "onOpenChange", "onKeyDown", "openAnimation", "openTransitionName", "_internalRenderMenuItem", "_internalRenderSubMenuItem", "_internalComponents"], nn = [], dC = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r, n, a = e, o = a.prefixCls, i = o === void 0 ? "rc-menu" : o, s = a.rootClassName, l = a.style, c = a.className, d = a.tabIndex, f = d === void 0 ? 0 : d, v = a.items, m = a.children, b = a.direction, p = a.id, g = a.mode, S = g === void 0 ? "vertical" : g, h = a.inlineCollapsed, y = a.disabled, E = a.disabledOverflow, C = a.subMenuOpenDelay, O = C === void 0 ? 0.1 : C, R = a.subMenuCloseDelay, w = R === void 0 ? 0.1 : R, $ = a.forceSubMenuRender, A = a.defaultOpenKeys, F = a.openKeys, M = a.activeKey, I = a.defaultActiveFirst, T = a.selectable, k = T === void 0 ? !0 : T, N = a.multiple, x = N === void 0 ? !1 : N, _ = a.defaultSelectedKeys, z = a.selectedKeys, L = a.onSelect, B = a.onDeselect, X = a.inlineIndent, W = X === void 0 ? 24 : X, G = a.motion, Q = a.defaultMotions, Y = a.triggerSubMenuAction, J = Y === void 0 ? "hover" : Y, ne = a.builtinPlacements, se = a.itemIcon, xe = a.expandIcon, de = a.overflowedIndicator, ue = de === void 0 ? "..." : de, Ce = a.overflowedIndicatorPopupClassName, V = a.getPopupContainer, le = a.onClick, fe = a.onOpenChange, Re = a.onKeyDown, me = a.openAnimation, ae = a.openTransitionName, te = a._internalRenderMenuItem, re = a._internalRenderSubMenuItem, be = a._internalComponents, ye = Ye(a, uC), ge = u.useMemo(function() { - return [Uc(m, v, nn, be), Uc(m, v, nn, {})]; - }, [m, v, be]), Pe = K(ge, 2), ve = Pe[0], vt = Pe[1], it = u.useState(!1), $e = K(it, 2), we = $e[0], je = $e[1], ze = u.useRef(), gt = HS(p), mt = b === "rtl"; - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && tt(!me && !ae, "`openAnimation` and `openTransitionName` is removed. Please use `motion` or `defaultMotion` instead."); - var wt = cr(A, { - value: F, - postState: function(Je) { - return Je || nn; - } - }), et = K(wt, 2), Le = et[0], ie = et[1], Ee = function(Je) { - var st = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !1; - function Mt() { - ie(Je), fe == null || fe(Je); - } - st ? Pv(Mt) : Mt(); - }, qe = u.useState(Le), Qe = K(qe, 2), St = Qe[0], ot = Qe[1], He = u.useRef(!1), ke = u.useMemo(function() { - return (S === "inline" || S === "vertical") && h ? ["vertical", h] : [S, !1]; - }, [S, h]), De = K(ke, 2), Te = De[0], pe = De[1], Ge = Te === "inline", pt = u.useState(Te), We = K(pt, 2), Ke = We[0], rt = We[1], ht = u.useState(pe), _t = K(ht, 2), zt = _t[0], Wt = _t[1]; - u.useEffect(function() { - rt(Te), Wt(pe), He.current && (Ge ? ie(St) : Ee(nn)); - }, [Te, pe]); - var P = u.useState(0), H = K(P, 2), U = H[0], oe = H[1], Ne = U >= ve.length - 1 || Ke !== "horizontal" || E; - u.useEffect(function() { - Ge && ot(Le); - }, [Le]), u.useEffect(function() { - return He.current = !0, function() { - He.current = !1; - }; - }, []); - var Oe = BS(), Ie = Oe.registerPath, Me = Oe.unregisterPath, ct = Oe.refreshOverflowKeys, Ze = Oe.isSubPathKey, Ve = Oe.getKeyPath, $t = Oe.getKeys, Kt = Oe.getSubPathKeys, Vt = u.useMemo(function() { - return { - registerPath: Ie, - unregisterPath: Me - }; - }, [Ie, Me]), ut = u.useMemo(function() { - return { - isSubPathKey: Ze - }; - }, [Ze]); - u.useEffect(function() { - ct(Ne ? nn : ve.slice(U + 1).map(function(dt) { - return dt.key; - })); - }, [U, Ne]); - var Er = cr(M || I && ((r = ve[0]) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.key), { - value: M - }), Br = K(Er, 2), Ut = Br[0], kr = Br[1], qn = ca(function(dt) { - kr(dt); - }), ar = ca(function() { - kr(void 0); - }); - No(t, function() { - return { - list: ze.current, - focus: function(Je) { - var st, Mt = $t(), At = Os(Mt, gt), wr = At.elements, $r = At.key2element, Qn = At.element2key, Gt = nl(ze.current, wr), rn = Ut ?? (Gt[0] ? Qn.get(Gt[0]) : (st = ve.find(function(Wr) { - return !Wr.props.disabled; - })) === null || st === void 0 ? void 0 : st.key), qt = $r.get(rn); - if (rn && qt) { - var vr; - qt == null || (vr = qt.focus) === null || vr === void 0 || vr.call(qt, Je); - } - } - }; - }); - var dr = cr(_ || [], { - value: z, - // Legacy convert key to array - postState: function(Je) { - return Array.isArray(Je) ? Je : Je == null ? nn : [Je]; - } - }), Hr = K(dr, 2), _r = Hr[0], xr = Hr[1], Tr = function(Je) { - if (k) { - var st = Je.key, Mt = _r.includes(st), At; - x ? Mt ? At = _r.filter(function($r) { - return $r !== st; - }) : At = [].concat(he(_r), [st]) : At = [st], xr(At); - var wr = D(D({}, Je), {}, { - selectedKeys: At - }); - Mt ? B == null || B(wr) : L == null || L(wr); - } - !x && Le.length && Ke !== "inline" && Ee(nn); - }, tn = ca(function(dt) { - le == null || le(_o(dt)), Tr(dt); - }), Nr = ca(function(dt, Je) { - var st = Le.filter(function(At) { - return At !== dt; - }); - if (Je) - st.push(dt); - else if (Ke !== "inline") { - var Mt = Kt(dt); - st = st.filter(function(At) { - return !Mt.has(At); - }); - } - Ca(Le, st, !0) || Ee(st, !0); - }), fr = function(Je, st) { - var Mt = st ?? !Le.includes(Je); - Nr(Je, Mt); - }, Xn = DS(Ke, Ut, mt, gt, ze, $t, Ve, kr, fr, Re); - u.useEffect(function() { - je(!0); - }, []); - var Yn = u.useMemo(function() { - return { - _internalRenderMenuItem: te, - _internalRenderSubMenuItem: re - }; - }, [te, re]), Zn = Ke !== "horizontal" || E ? ve : ( - // Need wrap for overflow dropdown that do not response for open - ve.map(function(dt, Je) { - return ( - // Always wrap provider to avoid sub node re-mount - /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ta, { - key: dt.key, - overflowDisabled: Je > U - }, dt) - ); - }) - ), mn = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Dr, _e({ - id: p, - ref: ze, - prefixCls: "".concat(i, "-overflow"), - component: "ul", - itemComponent: Uo, - className: Z(i, "".concat(i, "-root"), "".concat(i, "-").concat(Ke), c, (n = {}, j(n, "".concat(i, "-inline-collapsed"), zt), j(n, "".concat(i, "-rtl"), mt), n), s), - dir: b, - style: l, - role: "menu", - tabIndex: f, - data: Zn, - renderRawItem: function(Je) { - return Je; - }, - renderRawRest: function(Je) { - var st = Je.length, Mt = st ? ve.slice(-st) : null; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Go, { - eventKey: Rs, - title: ue, - disabled: Ne, - internalPopupClose: st === 0, - popupClassName: Ce - }, Mt); - }, - maxCount: Ke !== "horizontal" || E ? Dr.INVALIDATE : Dr.RESPONSIVE, - ssr: "full", - "data-menu-list": !0, - onVisibleChange: function(Je) { - oe(Je); - }, - onKeyDown: Xn - }, ye)); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(rl.Provider, { - value: Yn - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(If.Provider, { - value: gt - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ta, { - prefixCls: i, - rootClassName: s, - mode: Ke, - openKeys: Le, - rtl: mt, - disabled: y, - motion: we ? G : null, - defaultMotions: we ? Q : null, - activeKey: Ut, - onActive: qn, - onInactive: ar, - selectedKeys: _r, - inlineIndent: W, - subMenuOpenDelay: O, - subMenuCloseDelay: w, - forceSubMenuRender: $, - builtinPlacements: ne, - triggerSubMenuAction: J, - getPopupContainer: V, - itemIcon: se, - expandIcon: xe, - onItemClick: tn, - onOpenChange: Nr - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Lf.Provider, { - value: ut - }, mn), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - style: { - display: "none" - }, - "aria-hidden": !0 - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(jf.Provider, { - value: Vt - }, vt))))); -}), Va = dC; -Va.Item = Uo; -Va.SubMenu = Go; -Va.ItemGroup = sl; -Va.Divider = Hf; -var fC = { icon: { tag: "svg", attrs: { viewBox: "64 64 896 896", focusable: "false" }, children: [{ tag: "path", attrs: { d: "M176 511a56 56 0 10112 0 56 56 0 10-112 0zm280 0a56 56 0 10112 0 56 56 0 10-112 0zm280 0a56 56 0 10112 0 56 56 0 10-112 0z" } }] }, name: "ellipsis", theme: "outlined" }, vC = function(t, r) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nr, _e({}, t, { - ref: r, - icon: fC - })); -}, Wf = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(vC); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Wf.displayName = "EllipsisOutlined"); -function gC(e) { - return Zt(e, { - inputAffixPadding: e.paddingXXS - }); -} -const mC = (e) => { - const { - controlHeight: t, - fontSize: r, - lineHeight: n, - lineWidth: a, - controlHeightSM: o, - controlHeightLG: i, - fontSizeLG: s, - lineHeightLG: l, - paddingSM: c, - controlPaddingHorizontalSM: d, - controlPaddingHorizontal: f, - colorFillAlter: v, - colorPrimaryHover: m, - colorPrimary: b, - controlOutlineWidth: p, - controlOutline: g, - colorErrorOutline: S, - colorWarningOutline: h, - colorBgContainer: y - } = e; - return { - paddingBlock: Math.max(Math.round((t - r * n) / 2 * 10) / 10 - a, 0), - paddingBlockSM: Math.max(Math.round((o - r * n) / 2 * 10) / 10 - a, 0), - paddingBlockLG: Math.ceil((i - s * l) / 2 * 10) / 10 - a, - paddingInline: c - a, - paddingInlineSM: d - a, - paddingInlineLG: f - a, - addonBg: v, - activeBorderColor: b, - hoverBorderColor: m, - activeShadow: `0 0 0 ${p}px ${g}`, - errorActiveShadow: `0 0 0 ${p}px ${S}`, - warningActiveShadow: `0 0 0 ${p}px ${h}`, - hoverBg: y, - activeBg: y, - inputFontSize: r, - inputFontSizeLG: s, - inputFontSizeSM: r - }; -}, pC = (e) => ({ - borderColor: e.hoverBorderColor, - backgroundColor: e.hoverBg -}), ll = (e) => ({ - color: e.colorTextDisabled, - backgroundColor: e.colorBgContainerDisabled, - borderColor: e.colorBorder, - boxShadow: "none", - cursor: "not-allowed", - opacity: 1, - "input[disabled], textarea[disabled]": { - cursor: "not-allowed" - }, - "&:hover:not([disabled])": Object.assign({}, pC(Zt(e, { - hoverBorderColor: e.colorBorder, - hoverBg: e.colorBgContainerDisabled - }))) -}), Kf = (e, t) => ({ - background: e.colorBgContainer, - borderWidth: e.lineWidth, - borderStyle: e.lineType, - borderColor: t.borderColor, - "&:hover": { - borderColor: t.hoverBorderColor, - backgroundColor: e.hoverBg - }, - "&:focus, &:focus-within": { - borderColor: t.activeBorderColor, - boxShadow: t.activeShadow, - outline: 0, - backgroundColor: e.activeBg - } -}), Gc = (e, t) => ({ - [`&${e.componentCls}-status-${t.status}:not(${e.componentCls}-disabled)`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Kf(e, t)), { - [`${e.componentCls}-prefix, ${e.componentCls}-suffix`]: { - color: t.affixColor - } - }), - [`&${e.componentCls}-status-${t.status}${e.componentCls}-disabled`]: { - borderColor: t.borderColor - } -}), hC = (e, t) => ({ - "&-outlined": Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Kf(e, { - borderColor: e.colorBorder, - hoverBorderColor: e.hoverBorderColor, - activeBorderColor: e.activeBorderColor, - activeShadow: e.activeShadow - })), { - [`&${e.componentCls}-disabled, &[disabled]`]: Object.assign({}, ll(e)) - }), Gc(e, { - status: "error", - borderColor: e.colorError, - hoverBorderColor: e.colorErrorBorderHover, - activeBorderColor: e.colorError, - activeShadow: e.errorActiveShadow, - affixColor: e.colorError - })), Gc(e, { - status: "warning", - borderColor: e.colorWarning, - hoverBorderColor: e.colorWarningBorderHover, - activeBorderColor: e.colorWarning, - activeShadow: e.warningActiveShadow, - affixColor: e.colorWarning - })), t) -}), qc = (e, t) => ({ - [`&${e.componentCls}-group-wrapper-status-${t.status}`]: { - [`${e.componentCls}-group-addon`]: { - borderColor: t.addonBorderColor, - color: t.addonColor - } - } -}), bC = (e) => ({ - "&-outlined": Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ - [`${e.componentCls}-group`]: { - "&-addon": { - background: e.addonBg, - border: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorder}` - }, - "&-addon:first-child": { - borderInlineEnd: 0 - }, - "&-addon:last-child": { - borderInlineStart: 0 - } - } - }, qc(e, { - status: "error", - addonBorderColor: e.colorError, - addonColor: e.colorErrorText - })), qc(e, { - status: "warning", - addonBorderColor: e.colorWarning, - addonColor: e.colorWarningText - })), { - [`&${e.componentCls}-group-wrapper-disabled`]: { - [`${e.componentCls}-group-addon`]: Object.assign({}, ll(e)) - } - }) -}), yC = (e, t) => { - const { - componentCls: r - } = e; - return { - "&-borderless": Object.assign({ - background: "transparent", - border: "none", - "&:focus, &:focus-within": { - outline: "none" - }, - // >>>>> Disabled - [`&${r}-disabled, &[disabled]`]: { - color: e.colorTextDisabled - }, - // >>>>> Status - [`&${r}-status-error`]: { - "&, & input, & textarea": { - color: e.colorError - } - }, - [`&${r}-status-warning`]: { - "&, & input, & textarea": { - color: e.colorWarning - } - } - }, t) - }; -}, Uf = (e, t) => ({ - background: t.bg, - borderWidth: e.lineWidth, - borderStyle: e.lineType, - borderColor: "transparent", - "input&, & input, textarea&, & textarea": { - color: t == null ? void 0 : t.inputColor - }, - "&:hover": { - background: t.hoverBg - }, - "&:focus, &:focus-within": { - outline: 0, - borderColor: t.activeBorderColor, - backgroundColor: e.activeBg - } -}), Xc = (e, t) => ({ - [`&${e.componentCls}-status-${t.status}:not(${e.componentCls}-disabled)`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Uf(e, t)), { - [`${e.componentCls}-prefix, ${e.componentCls}-suffix`]: { - color: t.affixColor - } - }) -}), SC = (e, t) => ({ - "&-filled": Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Uf(e, { - bg: e.colorFillTertiary, - hoverBg: e.colorFillSecondary, - activeBorderColor: e.colorPrimary - })), { - [`&${e.componentCls}-disabled, &[disabled]`]: Object.assign({}, ll(e)) - }), Xc(e, { - status: "error", - bg: e.colorErrorBg, - hoverBg: e.colorErrorBgHover, - activeBorderColor: e.colorError, - inputColor: e.colorErrorText, - affixColor: e.colorError - })), Xc(e, { - status: "warning", - bg: e.colorWarningBg, - hoverBg: e.colorWarningBgHover, - activeBorderColor: e.colorWarning, - inputColor: e.colorWarningText, - affixColor: e.colorWarning - })), t) -}), Yc = (e, t) => ({ - [`&${e.componentCls}-group-wrapper-status-${t.status}`]: { - [`${e.componentCls}-group-addon`]: { - background: t.addonBg, - color: t.addonColor - } - } -}), CC = (e) => ({ - "&-filled": Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ - [`${e.componentCls}-group`]: { - "&-addon": { - background: e.colorFillTertiary - }, - [`${e.componentCls}-filled:not(:focus):not(:focus-within)`]: { - "&:not(:first-child)": { - borderInlineStart: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorSplit}` - }, - "&:not(:last-child)": { - borderInlineEnd: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorSplit}` - } - } - } - }, Yc(e, { - status: "error", - addonBg: e.colorErrorBg, - addonColor: e.colorErrorText - })), Yc(e, { - status: "warning", - addonBg: e.colorWarningBg, - addonColor: e.colorWarningText - })), { - [`&${e.componentCls}-group-wrapper-disabled`]: { - [`${e.componentCls}-group`]: { - "&-addon": { - background: e.colorFillTertiary, - color: e.colorTextDisabled - }, - "&-addon:first-child": { - borderInlineStart: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorder}`, - borderTop: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorder}`, - borderBottom: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorder}` - }, - "&-addon:last-child": { - borderInlineEnd: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorder}`, - borderTop: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorder}`, - borderBottom: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorder}` - } - } - } - }) -}), EC = (e) => ({ - // Firefox - "&::-moz-placeholder": { - opacity: 1 - }, - "&::placeholder": { - color: e, - userSelect: "none" - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/pull/32639 - }, - "&:placeholder-shown": { - textOverflow: "ellipsis" - } -}), Gf = (e) => { - const { - paddingBlockLG: t, - lineHeightLG: r, - borderRadiusLG: n, - paddingInlineLG: a - } = e; - return { - padding: `${ee(t)} ${ee(a)}`, - fontSize: e.inputFontSizeLG, - lineHeight: r, - borderRadius: n - }; -}, qf = (e) => ({ - padding: `${ee(e.paddingBlockSM)} ${ee(e.paddingInlineSM)}`, - fontSize: e.inputFontSizeSM, - borderRadius: e.borderRadiusSM -}), Xf = (e) => Object.assign(Object.assign({ - position: "relative", - display: "inline-block", - width: "100%", - minWidth: 0, - padding: `${ee(e.paddingBlock)} ${ee(e.paddingInline)}`, - color: e.colorText, - fontSize: e.inputFontSize, - lineHeight: e.lineHeight, - borderRadius: e.borderRadius, - transition: `all ${e.motionDurationMid}` -}, EC(e.colorTextPlaceholder)), { - // Reset height for `textarea`s - "textarea&": { - maxWidth: "100%", - // prevent textarea resize from coming out of its container - height: "auto", - minHeight: e.controlHeight, - lineHeight: e.lineHeight, - verticalAlign: "bottom", - transition: `all ${e.motionDurationSlow}, height 0s`, - resize: "vertical" - }, - // Size - "&-lg": Object.assign({}, Gf(e)), - "&-sm": Object.assign({}, qf(e)), - // RTL - "&-rtl, &-textarea-rtl": { - direction: "rtl" - } -}), xC = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - antCls: r - } = e; - return { - position: "relative", - display: "table", - width: "100%", - borderCollapse: "separate", - borderSpacing: 0, - // Undo padding and float of grid classes - "&[class*='col-']": { - paddingInlineEnd: e.paddingXS, - "&:last-child": { - paddingInlineEnd: 0 - } - }, - // Sizing options - [`&-lg ${t}, &-lg > ${t}-group-addon`]: Object.assign({}, Gf(e)), - [`&-sm ${t}, &-sm > ${t}-group-addon`]: Object.assign({}, qf(e)), - // Fix https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/5754 - [`&-lg ${r}-select-single ${r}-select-selector`]: { - height: e.controlHeightLG - }, - [`&-sm ${r}-select-single ${r}-select-selector`]: { - height: e.controlHeightSM - }, - [`> ${t}`]: { - display: "table-cell", - "&:not(:first-child):not(:last-child)": { - borderRadius: 0 - } - }, - [`${t}-group`]: { - "&-addon, &-wrap": { - display: "table-cell", - width: 1, - whiteSpace: "nowrap", - verticalAlign: "middle", - "&:not(:first-child):not(:last-child)": { - borderRadius: 0 - } - }, - "&-wrap > *": { - display: "block !important" - }, - "&-addon": { - position: "relative", - padding: `0 ${ee(e.paddingInline)}`, - color: e.colorText, - fontWeight: "normal", - fontSize: e.inputFontSize, - textAlign: "center", - borderRadius: e.borderRadius, - transition: `all ${e.motionDurationSlow}`, - lineHeight: 1, - // Reset Select's style in addon - [`${r}-select`]: { - margin: `${ee(e.calc(e.paddingBlock).add(1).mul(-1).equal())} ${ee(e.calc(e.paddingInline).mul(-1).equal())}`, - [`&${r}-select-single:not(${r}-select-customize-input):not(${r}-pagination-size-changer)`]: { - [`${r}-select-selector`]: { - backgroundColor: "inherit", - border: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} transparent`, - boxShadow: "none" - } - }, - "&-open, &-focused": { - [`${r}-select-selector`]: { - color: e.colorPrimary - } - } - }, - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/31333 - [`${r}-cascader-picker`]: { - margin: `-9px ${ee(e.calc(e.paddingInline).mul(-1).equal())}`, - backgroundColor: "transparent", - [`${r}-cascader-input`]: { - textAlign: "start", - border: 0, - boxShadow: "none" - } - } - } - }, - [`${t}`]: { - width: "100%", - marginBottom: 0, - textAlign: "inherit", - "&:focus": { - zIndex: 1, - // Fix https://gw.alipayobjects.com/zos/rmsportal/DHNpoqfMXSfrSnlZvhsJ.png - borderInlineEndWidth: 1 - }, - "&:hover": { - zIndex: 1, - borderInlineEndWidth: 1, - [`${t}-search-with-button &`]: { - zIndex: 0 - } - } - }, - // Reset rounded corners - [`> ${t}:first-child, ${t}-group-addon:first-child`]: { - borderStartEndRadius: 0, - borderEndEndRadius: 0, - // Reset Select's style in addon - [`${r}-select ${r}-select-selector`]: { - borderStartEndRadius: 0, - borderEndEndRadius: 0 - } - }, - [`> ${t}-affix-wrapper`]: { - [`&:not(:first-child) ${t}`]: { - borderStartStartRadius: 0, - borderEndStartRadius: 0 - }, - [`&:not(:last-child) ${t}`]: { - borderStartEndRadius: 0, - borderEndEndRadius: 0 - } - }, - [`> ${t}:last-child, ${t}-group-addon:last-child`]: { - borderStartStartRadius: 0, - borderEndStartRadius: 0, - // Reset Select's style in addon - [`${r}-select ${r}-select-selector`]: { - borderStartStartRadius: 0, - borderEndStartRadius: 0 - } - }, - [`${t}-affix-wrapper`]: { - "&:not(:last-child)": { - borderStartEndRadius: 0, - borderEndEndRadius: 0, - [`${t}-search &`]: { - borderStartStartRadius: e.borderRadius, - borderEndStartRadius: e.borderRadius - } - }, - [`&:not(:first-child), ${t}-search &:not(:first-child)`]: { - borderStartStartRadius: 0, - borderEndStartRadius: 0 - } - }, - [`&${t}-group-compact`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({ - display: "block" - }, Ia()), { - [`${t}-group-addon, ${t}-group-wrap, > ${t}`]: { - "&:not(:first-child):not(:last-child)": { - borderInlineEndWidth: e.lineWidth, - "&:hover, &:focus": { - zIndex: 1 - } - } - }, - "& > *": { - display: "inline-flex", - float: "none", - verticalAlign: "top", - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design-pro/issues/139 - borderRadius: 0 - }, - [` - & > ${t}-affix-wrapper, - & > ${t}-number-affix-wrapper, - & > ${r}-picker-range - `]: { - display: "inline-flex" - }, - "& > *:not(:last-child)": { - marginInlineEnd: e.calc(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal(), - borderInlineEndWidth: e.lineWidth - }, - // Undo float for .ant-input-group .ant-input - [`${t}`]: { - float: "none" - }, - // reset border for Select, DatePicker, AutoComplete, Cascader, Mention, TimePicker, Input - [`& > ${r}-select > ${r}-select-selector, - & > ${r}-select-auto-complete ${t}, - & > ${r}-cascader-picker ${t}, - & > ${t}-group-wrapper ${t}`]: { - borderInlineEndWidth: e.lineWidth, - borderRadius: 0, - "&:hover, &:focus": { - zIndex: 1 - } - }, - [`& > ${r}-select-focused`]: { - zIndex: 1 - }, - // update z-index for arrow icon - [`& > ${r}-select > ${r}-select-arrow`]: { - zIndex: 1 - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/20371 - }, - [`& > *:first-child, - & > ${r}-select:first-child > ${r}-select-selector, - & > ${r}-select-auto-complete:first-child ${t}, - & > ${r}-cascader-picker:first-child ${t}`]: { - borderStartStartRadius: e.borderRadius, - borderEndStartRadius: e.borderRadius - }, - [`& > *:last-child, - & > ${r}-select:last-child > ${r}-select-selector, - & > ${r}-cascader-picker:last-child ${t}, - & > ${r}-cascader-picker-focused:last-child ${t}`]: { - borderInlineEndWidth: e.lineWidth, - borderStartEndRadius: e.borderRadius, - borderEndEndRadius: e.borderRadius - }, - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/12493 - [`& > ${r}-select-auto-complete ${t}`]: { - verticalAlign: "top" - }, - [`${t}-group-wrapper + ${t}-group-wrapper`]: { - marginInlineStart: e.calc(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal(), - [`${t}-affix-wrapper`]: { - borderRadius: 0 - } - }, - [`${t}-group-wrapper:not(:last-child)`]: { - [`&${t}-search > ${t}-group`]: { - [`& > ${t}-group-addon > ${t}-search-button`]: { - borderRadius: 0 - }, - [`& > ${t}`]: { - borderStartStartRadius: e.borderRadius, - borderStartEndRadius: 0, - borderEndEndRadius: 0, - borderEndStartRadius: e.borderRadius - } - } - } - }) - }; -}, wC = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - controlHeightSM: r, - lineWidth: n, - calc: a - } = e, i = a(r).sub(a(n).mul(2)).sub(16).div(2).equal(); - return { - [t]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Wn(e)), Xf(e)), hC(e)), SC(e)), yC(e)), { - '&[type="color"]': { - height: e.controlHeight, - [`&${t}-lg`]: { - height: e.controlHeightLG - }, - [`&${t}-sm`]: { - height: r, - paddingTop: i, - paddingBottom: i - } - }, - '&[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, &[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration': { - "-webkit-appearance": "none" - } - }) - }; -}, $C = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t - } = e; - return { - // ========================= Input ========================= - [`${t}-clear-icon`]: { - margin: 0, - color: e.colorTextQuaternary, - fontSize: e.fontSizeIcon, - verticalAlign: -1, - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/pull/18151 - // https://codesandbox.io/s/wizardly-sun-u10br - cursor: "pointer", - transition: `color ${e.motionDurationSlow}`, - "&:hover": { - color: e.colorTextTertiary - }, - "&:active": { - color: e.colorText - }, - "&-hidden": { - visibility: "hidden" - }, - "&-has-suffix": { - margin: `0 ${ee(e.inputAffixPadding)}` - } - } - }; -}, OC = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - inputAffixPadding: r, - colorTextDescription: n, - motionDurationSlow: a, - colorIcon: o, - colorIconHover: i, - iconCls: s - } = e; - return { - [`${t}-affix-wrapper`]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Xf(e)), { - display: "inline-flex", - [`&:not(${t}-disabled):hover`]: { - zIndex: 1, - [`${t}-search-with-button &`]: { - zIndex: 0 - } - }, - "&-focused, &:focus": { - zIndex: 1 - }, - [`> input${t}`]: { - padding: 0 - }, - [`> input${t}, > textarea${t}`]: { - fontSize: "inherit", - border: "none", - borderRadius: 0, - outline: "none", - background: "transparent", - color: "inherit", - "&::-ms-reveal": { - display: "none" - }, - "&:focus": { - boxShadow: "none !important" - } - }, - "&::before": { - display: "inline-block", - width: 0, - visibility: "hidden", - content: '"\\a0"' - }, - [`${t}`]: { - "&-prefix, &-suffix": { - display: "flex", - flex: "none", - alignItems: "center", - "> *:not(:last-child)": { - marginInlineEnd: e.paddingXS - } - }, - "&-show-count-suffix": { - color: n - }, - "&-show-count-has-suffix": { - marginInlineEnd: e.paddingXXS - }, - "&-prefix": { - marginInlineEnd: r - }, - "&-suffix": { - marginInlineStart: r - } - } - }), $C(e)), { - // password - [`${s}${t}-password-icon`]: { - color: o, - cursor: "pointer", - transition: `all ${a}`, - "&:hover": { - color: i - } - } - }) - }; -}, RC = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - borderRadiusLG: r, - borderRadiusSM: n - } = e; - return { - [`${t}-group`]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Wn(e)), xC(e)), { - "&-rtl": { - direction: "rtl" - }, - "&-wrapper": Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ - display: "inline-block", - width: "100%", - textAlign: "start", - verticalAlign: "top", - "&-rtl": { - direction: "rtl" - }, - // Size - "&-lg": { - [`${t}-group-addon`]: { - borderRadius: r, - fontSize: e.inputFontSizeLG - } - }, - "&-sm": { - [`${t}-group-addon`]: { - borderRadius: n - } - } - }, bC(e)), CC(e)), { - // '&-disabled': { - // [`${componentCls}-group-addon`]: { - // ...genDisabledStyle(token), - // }, - // }, - // Fix the issue of using icons in Space Compact mode - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/42122 - [`&:not(${t}-compact-first-item):not(${t}-compact-last-item)${t}-compact-item`]: { - [`${t}, ${t}-group-addon`]: { - borderRadius: 0 - } - }, - [`&:not(${t}-compact-last-item)${t}-compact-first-item`]: { - [`${t}, ${t}-group-addon`]: { - borderStartEndRadius: 0, - borderEndEndRadius: 0 - } - }, - [`&:not(${t}-compact-first-item)${t}-compact-last-item`]: { - [`${t}, ${t}-group-addon`]: { - borderStartStartRadius: 0, - borderEndStartRadius: 0 - } - }, - // Fix the issue of input use show-count param in space compact mode - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/46872 - [`&:not(${t}-compact-last-item)${t}-compact-item`]: { - [`${t}-affix-wrapper`]: { - borderStartEndRadius: 0, - borderEndEndRadius: 0 - } - } - }) - }) - }; -}, PC = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - antCls: r - } = e, n = `${t}-search`; - return { - [n]: { - [`${t}`]: { - "&:hover, &:focus": { - borderColor: e.colorPrimaryHover, - [`+ ${t}-group-addon ${n}-button:not(${r}-btn-primary)`]: { - borderInlineStartColor: e.colorPrimaryHover - } - } - }, - [`${t}-affix-wrapper`]: { - borderRadius: 0 - }, - // fix slight height diff in Firefox: - // https://ant.design/components/auto-complete-cn/#components-auto-complete-demo-certain-category - [`${t}-lg`]: { - lineHeight: e.calc(e.lineHeightLG).sub(2e-4).equal() - }, - [`> ${t}-group`]: { - [`> ${t}-group-addon:last-child`]: { - insetInlineStart: -1, - padding: 0, - border: 0, - [`${n}-button`]: { - // Fix https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/47150 - marginInlineEnd: -1, - paddingTop: 0, - paddingBottom: 0, - borderStartStartRadius: 0, - borderStartEndRadius: e.borderRadius, - borderEndEndRadius: e.borderRadius, - borderEndStartRadius: 0, - boxShadow: "none" - }, - [`${n}-button:not(${r}-btn-primary)`]: { - color: e.colorTextDescription, - "&:hover": { - color: e.colorPrimaryHover - }, - "&:active": { - color: e.colorPrimaryActive - }, - [`&${r}-btn-loading::before`]: { - insetInlineStart: 0, - insetInlineEnd: 0, - insetBlockStart: 0, - insetBlockEnd: 0 - } - } - } - }, - [`${n}-button`]: { - height: e.controlHeight, - "&:hover, &:focus": { - zIndex: 1 - } - }, - [`&-large ${n}-button`]: { - height: e.controlHeightLG - }, - [`&-small ${n}-button`]: { - height: e.controlHeightSM - }, - "&-rtl": { - direction: "rtl" - }, - // ===================== Compact Item Customized Styles ===================== - [`&${t}-compact-item`]: { - [`&:not(${t}-compact-last-item)`]: { - [`${t}-group-addon`]: { - [`${t}-search-button`]: { - marginInlineEnd: e.calc(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal(), - borderRadius: 0 - } - } - }, - [`&:not(${t}-compact-first-item)`]: { - [`${t},${t}-affix-wrapper`]: { - borderRadius: 0 - } - }, - [`> ${t}-group-addon ${t}-search-button, - > ${t}, - ${t}-affix-wrapper`]: { - "&:hover, &:focus, &:active": { - zIndex: 2 - } - }, - [`> ${t}-affix-wrapper-focused`]: { - zIndex: 2 - } - } - } - }; -}, _C = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - paddingLG: r - } = e, n = `${t}-textarea`; - return { - [n]: { - position: "relative", - "&-show-count": { - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/33049 - [`> ${t}`]: { - height: "100%" - }, - [`${t}-data-count`]: { - position: "absolute", - bottom: e.calc(e.fontSize).mul(e.lineHeight).mul(-1).equal(), - insetInlineEnd: 0, - color: e.colorTextDescription, - whiteSpace: "nowrap", - pointerEvents: "none" - } - }, - [` - &-allow-clear > ${t}, - &-affix-wrapper${n}-has-feedback ${t} - `]: { - paddingInlineEnd: r - }, - [`&-affix-wrapper${t}-affix-wrapper`]: { - padding: 0, - [`> textarea${t}`]: { - fontSize: "inherit", - border: "none", - outline: "none", - background: "transparent", - "&:focus": { - boxShadow: "none !important" - } - }, - [`${t}-suffix`]: { - margin: 0, - "> *:not(:last-child)": { - marginInline: 0 - }, - // Clear Icon - [`${t}-clear-icon`]: { - position: "absolute", - insetInlineEnd: e.paddingXS, - insetBlockStart: e.paddingXS - }, - // Feedback Icon - [`${n}-suffix`]: { - position: "absolute", - top: 0, - insetInlineEnd: e.paddingInline, - bottom: 0, - zIndex: 1, - display: "inline-flex", - alignItems: "center", - margin: "auto", - pointerEvents: "none" - } - } - } - } - }; -}, TC = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t - } = e; - return { - [`${t}-out-of-range`]: { - [`&, & input, & textarea, ${t}-show-count-suffix, ${t}-data-count`]: { - color: e.colorError - } - } - }; -}, Yf = en("Input", (e) => { - const t = Zt(e, gC(e)); - return [ - wC(t), - _C(t), - OC(t), - RC(t), - PC(t), - TC(t), - // ===================================================== - // == Space Compact == - // ===================================================== - af(t) - ]; -}, mC, { - resetFont: !1 -}); -var NC = { icon: { tag: "svg", attrs: { viewBox: "64 64 896 896", focusable: "false" }, children: [{ tag: "path", attrs: { d: "M482 152h60q8 0 8 8v704q0 8-8 8h-60q-8 0-8-8V160q0-8 8-8z" } }, { tag: "path", attrs: { d: "M192 474h672q8 0 8 8v60q0 8-8 8H160q-8 0-8-8v-60q0-8 8-8z" } }] }, name: "plus", theme: "outlined" }, IC = function(t, r) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nr, _e({}, t, { - ref: r, - icon: NC - })); -}, Zf = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(IC); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Zf.displayName = "PlusOutlined"); -const qo = /* @__PURE__ */ kn(null); -var MC = function(t) { - var r = t.activeTabOffset, n = t.horizontal, a = t.rtl, o = t.indicator, i = o === void 0 ? {} : o, s = i.size, l = i.align, c = l === void 0 ? "center" : l, d = bt(), f = K(d, 2), v = f[0], m = f[1], b = Be(), p = q.useCallback(function(S) { - return typeof s == "function" ? s(S) : typeof s == "number" ? s : S; - }, [s]); - function g() { - Nt.cancel(b.current); - } - return yt(function() { - var S = {}; - if (r) - if (n) { - S.width = p(r.width); - var h = a ? "right" : "left"; - c === "start" && (S[h] = r[h]), c === "center" && (S[h] = r[h] + r.width / 2, S.transform = a ? "translateX(50%)" : "translateX(-50%)"), c === "end" && (S[h] = r[h] + r.width, S.transform = "translateX(-100%)"); - } else - S.height = p(r.height), c === "start" && (S.top = r.top), c === "center" && (S.top = r.top + r.height / 2, S.transform = "translateY(-50%)"), c === "end" && (S.top = r.top + r.height, S.transform = "translateY(-100%)"); - return g(), b.current = Nt(function() { - m(S); - }), g; - }, [r, n, a, c, p]), { - style: v - }; -}, Zc = { - width: 0, - height: 0, - left: 0, - top: 0 -}; -function AC(e, t, r) { - return Yr(function() { - for (var n, a = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), o = t.get((n = e[0]) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.key) || Zc, i = o.left + o.width, s = 0; s < e.length; s += 1) { - var l = e[s].key, c = t.get(l); - if (!c) { - var d; - c = t.get((d = e[s - 1]) === null || d === void 0 ? void 0 : d.key) || Zc; - } - var f = a.get(l) || D({}, c); - f.right = i - f.left - f.width, a.set(l, f); - } - return a; - }, [e.map(function(n) { - return n.key; - }).join("_"), t, r]); -} -function Qc(e, t) { - var r = u.useRef(e), n = u.useState({}), a = K(n, 2), o = a[1]; - function i(s) { - var l = typeof s == "function" ? s(r.current) : s; - l !== r.current && t(l, r.current), r.current = l, o({}); - } - return [r.current, i]; -} -var jC = 0.1, Jc = 0.01, bo = 20, eu = Math.pow(0.995, bo); -function FC(e, t) { - var r = bt(), n = K(r, 2), a = n[0], o = n[1], i = bt(0), s = K(i, 2), l = s[0], c = s[1], d = bt(0), f = K(d, 2), v = f[0], m = f[1], b = bt(), p = K(b, 2), g = p[0], S = p[1], h = Be(); - function y($) { - var A = $.touches[0], F = A.screenX, M = A.screenY; - o({ - x: F, - y: M - }), window.clearInterval(h.current); - } - function E($) { - if (a) { - $.preventDefault(); - var A = $.touches[0], F = A.screenX, M = A.screenY; - o({ - x: F, - y: M - }); - var I = F - a.x, T = M - a.y; - t(I, T); - var k = Date.now(); - c(k), m(k - l), S({ - x: I, - y: T - }); - } - } - function C() { - if (a && (o(null), S(null), g)) { - var $ = g.x / v, A = g.y / v, F = Math.abs($), M = Math.abs(A); - if (Math.max(F, M) < jC) return; - var I = $, T = A; - h.current = window.setInterval(function() { - if (Math.abs(I) < Jc && Math.abs(T) < Jc) { - window.clearInterval(h.current); - return; - } - I *= eu, T *= eu, t(I * bo, T * bo); - }, bo); - } - } - var O = Be(); - function R($) { - var A = $.deltaX, F = $.deltaY, M = 0, I = Math.abs(A), T = Math.abs(F); - I === T ? M = O.current === "x" ? A : F : I > T ? (M = A, O.current = "x") : (M = F, O.current = "y"), t(-M, -M) && $.preventDefault(); - } - var w = Be(null); - w.current = { - onTouchStart: y, - onTouchMove: E, - onTouchEnd: C, - onWheel: R - }, u.useEffect(function() { - function $(I) { - w.current.onTouchStart(I); - } - function A(I) { - w.current.onTouchMove(I); - } - function F(I) { - w.current.onTouchEnd(I); - } - function M(I) { - w.current.onWheel(I); - } - return document.addEventListener("touchmove", A, { - passive: !1 - }), document.addEventListener("touchend", F, { - passive: !0 - }), e.current.addEventListener("touchstart", $, { - passive: !0 - }), e.current.addEventListener("wheel", M, { - passive: !1 - }), function() { - document.removeEventListener("touchmove", A), document.removeEventListener("touchend", F); - }; - }, []); -} -function Qf(e) { - var t = bt(0), r = K(t, 2), n = r[0], a = r[1], o = Be(0), i = Be(); - return i.current = e, ki(function() { - var s; - (s = i.current) === null || s === void 0 || s.call(i); - }, [n]), function() { - o.current === n && (o.current += 1, a(o.current)); - }; -} -function LC(e) { - var t = Be([]), r = bt({}), n = K(r, 2), a = n[1], o = Be(typeof e == "function" ? e() : e), i = Qf(function() { - var l = o.current; - t.current.forEach(function(c) { - l = c(l); - }), t.current = [], o.current = l, a({}); - }); - function s(l) { - t.current.push(l), i(); - } - return [o.current, s]; -} -var tu = { - width: 0, - height: 0, - left: 0, - top: 0, - right: 0 -}; -function DC(e, t, r, n, a, o, i) { - var s = i.tabs, l = i.tabPosition, c = i.rtl, d, f, v; - return ["top", "bottom"].includes(l) ? (d = "width", f = c ? "right" : "left", v = Math.abs(r)) : (d = "height", f = "top", v = -r), Yr(function() { - if (!s.length) - return [0, 0]; - for (var m = s.length, b = m, p = 0; p < m; p += 1) { - var g = e.get(s[p].key) || tu; - if (g[f] + g[d] > v + t) { - b = p - 1; - break; - } - } - for (var S = 0, h = m - 1; h >= 0; h -= 1) { - var y = e.get(s[h].key) || tu; - if (y[f] < v) { - S = h + 1; - break; - } - } - return S >= b ? [0, 0] : [S, b]; - }, [e, t, n, a, o, v, l, s.map(function(m) { - return m.key; - }).join("_"), c]); -} -function ru(e) { - var t; - return e instanceof Map ? (t = {}, e.forEach(function(r, n) { - t[n] = r; - })) : t = e, JSON.stringify(t); -} -var zC = "TABS_DQ"; -function Jf(e) { - return String(e).replace(/"/g, zC); -} -function ev(e, t, r, n) { - return ( - // Only editable tabs can be removed - !(!r || // Tabs cannot be removed when disabled - n || // closable is false - e === !1 || // If closable is undefined, the remove button should be hidden when closeIcon is null or false - e === void 0 && (t === !1 || t === null)) - ); -} -var tv = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.prefixCls, n = e.editable, a = e.locale, o = e.style; - return !n || n.showAdd === !1 ? null : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("button", { - ref: t, - type: "button", - className: "".concat(r, "-nav-add"), - style: o, - "aria-label": (a == null ? void 0 : a.addAriaLabel) || "Add tab", - onClick: function(s) { - n.onEdit("add", { - event: s - }); - } - }, n.addIcon || "+"); -}), _s = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.position, n = e.prefixCls, a = e.extra; - if (!a) - return null; - var o, i = {}; - return Ae(a) === "object" && !/* @__PURE__ */ u.isValidElement(a) ? i = a : i.right = a, r === "right" && (o = i.right), r === "left" && (o = i.left), o ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: "".concat(n, "-extra-content"), - ref: t - }, o) : null; -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (_s.displayName = "ExtraContent"); -var VC = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.prefixCls, n = e.id, a = e.tabs, o = e.locale, i = e.mobile, s = e.more, l = s === void 0 ? {} : s, c = e.style, d = e.className, f = e.editable, v = e.tabBarGutter, m = e.rtl, b = e.removeAriaLabel, p = e.onTabClick, g = e.getPopupContainer, S = e.popupClassName, h = bt(!1), y = K(h, 2), E = y[0], C = y[1], O = bt(null), R = K(O, 2), w = R[0], $ = R[1], A = l.icon, F = A === void 0 ? "More" : A, M = "".concat(n, "-more-popup"), I = "".concat(r, "-dropdown"), T = w !== null ? "".concat(M, "-").concat(w) : null, k = o == null ? void 0 : o.dropdownAriaLabel; - function N(W, G) { - W.preventDefault(), W.stopPropagation(), f.onEdit("remove", { - key: G, - event: W - }); - } - var x = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Va, { - onClick: function(G) { - var Q = G.key, Y = G.domEvent; - p(Q, Y), C(!1); - }, - prefixCls: "".concat(I, "-menu"), - id: M, - tabIndex: -1, - role: "listbox", - "aria-activedescendant": T, - selectedKeys: [w], - "aria-label": k !== void 0 ? k : "expanded dropdown" - }, a.map(function(W) { - var G = W.closable, Q = W.disabled, Y = W.closeIcon, J = W.key, ne = W.label, se = ev(G, Y, f, Q); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Uo, { - key: J, - id: "".concat(M, "-").concat(J), - role: "option", - "aria-controls": n && "".concat(n, "-panel-").concat(J), - disabled: Q - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", null, ne), se && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("button", { - type: "button", - "aria-label": b || "remove", - tabIndex: 0, - className: "".concat(I, "-menu-item-remove"), - onClick: function(de) { - de.stopPropagation(), N(de, J); - } - }, Y || f.removeIcon || "×")); - })); - function _(W) { - for (var G = a.filter(function(se) { - return !se.disabled; - }), Q = G.findIndex(function(se) { - return se.key === w; - }) || 0, Y = G.length, J = 0; J < Y; J += 1) { - Q = (Q + W + Y) % Y; - var ne = G[Q]; - if (!ne.disabled) { - $(ne.key); - return; - } - } - } - function z(W) { - var G = W.which; - if (!E) { - [ce.DOWN, ce.SPACE, ce.ENTER].includes(G) && (C(!0), W.preventDefault()); - return; - } - switch (G) { - case ce.UP: - _(-1), W.preventDefault(); - break; - case ce.DOWN: - _(1), W.preventDefault(); - break; - case ce.ESC: - C(!1); - break; - case ce.SPACE: - case ce.ENTER: - w !== null && p(w, W); - break; - } - } - yt(function() { - var W = document.getElementById(T); - W && W.scrollIntoView && W.scrollIntoView(!1); - }, [w]), yt(function() { - E || $(null); - }, [E]); - var L = j({}, m ? "marginRight" : "marginLeft", v); - a.length || (L.visibility = "hidden", L.order = 1); - var B = Z(j({}, "".concat(I, "-rtl"), m)), X = i ? null : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(TS, _e({ - prefixCls: I, - overlay: x, - visible: a.length ? E : !1, - onVisibleChange: C, - overlayClassName: Z(B, S), - mouseEnterDelay: 0.1, - mouseLeaveDelay: 0.1, - getPopupContainer: g - }, l), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("button", { - type: "button", - className: "".concat(r, "-nav-more"), - style: L, - tabIndex: -1, - "aria-hidden": "true", - "aria-haspopup": "listbox", - "aria-controls": M, - id: "".concat(n, "-more"), - "aria-expanded": E, - onKeyDown: z - }, F)); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: Z("".concat(r, "-nav-operations"), d), - style: c, - ref: t - }, X, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(tv, { - prefixCls: r, - locale: o, - editable: f - })); -}); -const BC = /* @__PURE__ */ u.memo(VC, function(e, t) { - return ( - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/32544 - // We'd better remove syntactic sugar in `rc-menu` since this has perf issue - t.tabMoving - ); -}); -var kC = function(t) { - var r = t.prefixCls, n = t.id, a = t.active, o = t.tab, i = o.key, s = o.label, l = o.disabled, c = o.closeIcon, d = o.icon, f = t.closable, v = t.renderWrapper, m = t.removeAriaLabel, b = t.editable, p = t.onClick, g = t.onFocus, S = t.style, h = "".concat(r, "-tab"), y = ev(f, c, b, l); - function E(w) { - l || p(w); - } - function C(w) { - w.preventDefault(), w.stopPropagation(), b.onEdit("remove", { - key: i, - event: w - }); - } - var O = u.useMemo(function() { - return d && typeof s == "string" ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", null, s) : s; - }, [s, d]), R = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - key: i, - "data-node-key": Jf(i), - className: Z(h, j(j(j({}, "".concat(h, "-with-remove"), y), "".concat(h, "-active"), a), "".concat(h, "-disabled"), l)), - style: S, - onClick: E - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - role: "tab", - "aria-selected": a, - id: n && "".concat(n, "-tab-").concat(i), - className: "".concat(h, "-btn"), - "aria-controls": n && "".concat(n, "-panel-").concat(i), - "aria-disabled": l, - tabIndex: l ? null : 0, - onClick: function($) { - $.stopPropagation(), E($); - }, - onKeyDown: function($) { - [ce.SPACE, ce.ENTER].includes($.which) && ($.preventDefault(), E($)); - }, - onFocus: g - }, d && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", { - className: "".concat(h, "-icon") - }, d), s && O), y && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("button", { - type: "button", - "aria-label": m || "remove", - tabIndex: 0, - className: "".concat(h, "-remove"), - onClick: function($) { - $.stopPropagation(), C($); - } - }, c || b.removeIcon || "×")); - return v ? v(R) : R; -}, HC = function(t, r) { - var n = t.offsetWidth, a = t.offsetHeight, o = t.offsetTop, i = t.offsetLeft, s = t.getBoundingClientRect(), l = s.width, c = s.height, d = s.x, f = s.y; - return Math.abs(l - n) < 1 ? [l, c, d - r.x, f - r.y] : [n, a, i, o]; -}, On = function(t) { - var r = t.current || {}, n = r.offsetWidth, a = n === void 0 ? 0 : n, o = r.offsetHeight, i = o === void 0 ? 0 : o; - if (t.current) { - var s = t.current.getBoundingClientRect(), l = s.width, c = s.height; - if (Math.abs(l - a) < 1) - return [l, c]; - } - return [a, i]; -}, no = function(t, r) { - return t[r ? 0 : 1]; -}, nu = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.className, n = e.style, a = e.id, o = e.animated, i = e.activeKey, s = e.rtl, l = e.extra, c = e.editable, d = e.locale, f = e.tabPosition, v = e.tabBarGutter, m = e.children, b = e.onTabClick, p = e.onTabScroll, g = e.indicator, S = u.useContext(qo), h = S.prefixCls, y = S.tabs, E = Be(null), C = Be(null), O = Be(null), R = Be(null), w = Be(null), $ = Be(null), A = Be(null), F = f === "top" || f === "bottom", M = Qc(0, function(H, U) { - F && p && p({ - direction: H > U ? "left" : "right" - }); - }), I = K(M, 2), T = I[0], k = I[1], N = Qc(0, function(H, U) { - !F && p && p({ - direction: H > U ? "top" : "bottom" - }); - }), x = K(N, 2), _ = x[0], z = x[1], L = bt([0, 0]), B = K(L, 2), X = B[0], W = B[1], G = bt([0, 0]), Q = K(G, 2), Y = Q[0], J = Q[1], ne = bt([0, 0]), se = K(ne, 2), xe = se[0], de = se[1], ue = bt([0, 0]), Ce = K(ue, 2), V = Ce[0], le = Ce[1], fe = LC(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), Re = K(fe, 2), me = Re[0], ae = Re[1], te = AC(y, me, Y[0]), re = no(X, F), be = no(Y, F), ye = no(xe, F), ge = no(V, F), Pe = re < be + ye, ve = Pe ? re - ge : re - ye, vt = "".concat(h, "-nav-operations-hidden"), it = 0, $e = 0; - F && s ? (it = 0, $e = Math.max(0, be - ve)) : (it = Math.min(0, ve - be), $e = 0); - function we(H) { - return H < it ? it : H > $e ? $e : H; - } - var je = Be(null), ze = bt(), gt = K(ze, 2), mt = gt[0], wt = gt[1]; - function et() { - wt(Date.now()); - } - function Le() { - je.current && clearTimeout(je.current); - } - FC(R, function(H, U) { - function oe(Ne, Oe) { - Ne(function(Ie) { - var Me = we(Ie + Oe); - return Me; - }); - } - return Pe ? (F ? oe(k, H) : oe(z, U), Le(), et(), !0) : !1; - }), yt(function() { - return Le(), mt && (je.current = setTimeout(function() { - wt(0); - }, 100)), Le; - }, [mt]); - var ie = DC( - te, - // Container - ve, - // Transform - F ? T : _, - // Tabs - be, - // Add - ye, - // Operation - ge, - D(D({}, e), {}, { - tabs: y - }) - ), Ee = K(ie, 2), qe = Ee[0], Qe = Ee[1], St = kt(function() { - var H = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : i, U = te.get(H) || { - width: 0, - height: 0, - left: 0, - right: 0, - top: 0 - }; - if (F) { - var oe = T; - s ? U.right < T ? oe = U.right : U.right + U.width > T + ve && (oe = U.right + U.width - ve) : U.left < -T ? oe = -U.left : U.left + U.width > -T + ve && (oe = -(U.left + U.width - ve)), z(0), k(we(oe)); - } else { - var Ne = _; - U.top < -_ ? Ne = -U.top : U.top + U.height > -_ + ve && (Ne = -(U.top + U.height - ve)), k(0), z(we(Ne)); - } - }), ot = {}; - f === "top" || f === "bottom" ? ot[s ? "marginRight" : "marginLeft"] = v : ot.marginTop = v; - var He = y.map(function(H, U) { - var oe = H.key; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(kC, { - id: a, - prefixCls: h, - key: oe, - tab: H, - style: U === 0 ? void 0 : ot, - closable: H.closable, - editable: c, - active: oe === i, - renderWrapper: m, - removeAriaLabel: d == null ? void 0 : d.removeAriaLabel, - onClick: function(Oe) { - b(oe, Oe); - }, - onFocus: function() { - St(oe), et(), R.current && (s || (R.current.scrollLeft = 0), R.current.scrollTop = 0); - } - }); - }), ke = function() { - return ae(function() { - var U, oe = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), Ne = (U = w.current) === null || U === void 0 ? void 0 : U.getBoundingClientRect(); - return y.forEach(function(Oe) { - var Ie, Me = Oe.key, ct = (Ie = w.current) === null || Ie === void 0 ? void 0 : Ie.querySelector('[data-node-key="'.concat(Jf(Me), '"]')); - if (ct) { - var Ze = HC(ct, Ne), Ve = K(Ze, 4), $t = Ve[0], Kt = Ve[1], Vt = Ve[2], ut = Ve[3]; - oe.set(Me, { - width: $t, - height: Kt, - left: Vt, - top: ut - }); - } - }), oe; - }); - }; - yt(function() { - ke(); - }, [y.map(function(H) { - return H.key; - }).join("_")]); - var De = Qf(function() { - var H = On(E), U = On(C), oe = On(O); - W([H[0] - U[0] - oe[0], H[1] - U[1] - oe[1]]); - var Ne = On(A); - de(Ne); - var Oe = On($); - le(Oe); - var Ie = On(w); - J([Ie[0] - Ne[0], Ie[1] - Ne[1]]), ke(); - }), Te = y.slice(0, qe), pe = y.slice(Qe + 1), Ge = [].concat(he(Te), he(pe)), pt = te.get(i), We = MC({ - activeTabOffset: pt, - horizontal: F, - indicator: g, - rtl: s - }), Ke = We.style; - yt(function() { - St(); - }, [i, it, $e, ru(pt), ru(te), F]), yt(function() { - De(); - }, [s]); - var rt = !!Ge.length, ht = "".concat(h, "-nav-wrap"), _t, zt, Wt, P; - return F ? s ? (zt = T > 0, _t = T !== $e) : (_t = T < 0, zt = T !== it) : (Wt = _ < 0, P = _ !== it), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(hr, { - onResize: De - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - ref: Na(t, E), - role: "tablist", - className: Z("".concat(h, "-nav"), r), - style: n, - onKeyDown: function() { - et(); - } - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(_s, { - ref: C, - position: "left", - extra: l, - prefixCls: h - }), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(hr, { - onResize: De - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: Z(ht, j(j(j(j({}, "".concat(ht, "-ping-left"), _t), "".concat(ht, "-ping-right"), zt), "".concat(ht, "-ping-top"), Wt), "".concat(ht, "-ping-bottom"), P)), - ref: R - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(hr, { - onResize: De - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - ref: w, - className: "".concat(h, "-nav-list"), - style: { - transform: "translate(".concat(T, "px, ").concat(_, "px)"), - transition: mt ? "none" : void 0 - } - }, He, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(tv, { - ref: A, - prefixCls: h, - locale: d, - editable: c, - style: D(D({}, He.length === 0 ? void 0 : ot), {}, { - visibility: rt ? "hidden" : null - }) - }), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: Z("".concat(h, "-ink-bar"), j({}, "".concat(h, "-ink-bar-animated"), o.inkBar)), - style: Ke - }))))), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(BC, _e({}, e, { - removeAriaLabel: d == null ? void 0 : d.removeAriaLabel, - ref: $, - prefixCls: h, - tabs: Ge, - className: !rt && vt, - tabMoving: !!mt - })), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(_s, { - ref: O, - position: "right", - extra: l, - prefixCls: h - }))); -}), cl = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.prefixCls, n = e.className, a = e.style, o = e.id, i = e.active, s = e.tabKey, l = e.children; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - id: o && "".concat(o, "-panel-").concat(s), - role: "tabpanel", - tabIndex: i ? 0 : -1, - "aria-labelledby": o && "".concat(o, "-tab-").concat(s), - "aria-hidden": !i, - style: a, - className: Z(r, i && "".concat(r, "-active"), n), - ref: t - }, l); -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (cl.displayName = "TabPane"); -var WC = ["renderTabBar"], KC = ["label", "key"], rv = function(t) { - var r = t.renderTabBar, n = Ye(t, WC), a = u.useContext(qo), o = a.tabs; - if (r) { - var i = D(D({}, n), {}, { - // Legacy support. We do not use this actually - panes: o.map(function(s) { - var l = s.label, c = s.key, d = Ye(s, KC); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(cl, _e({ - tab: l, - key: c, - tabKey: c - }, d)); - }) - }); - return r(i, nu); - } - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nu, n); -}; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (rv.displayName = "TabNavListWrapper"); -var UC = ["key", "forceRender", "style", "className", "destroyInactiveTabPane"], GC = function(t) { - var r = t.id, n = t.activeKey, a = t.animated, o = t.tabPosition, i = t.destroyInactiveTabPane, s = u.useContext(qo), l = s.prefixCls, c = s.tabs, d = a.tabPane, f = "".concat(l, "-tabpane"); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: Z("".concat(l, "-content-holder")) - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: Z("".concat(l, "-content"), "".concat(l, "-content-").concat(o), j({}, "".concat(l, "-content-animated"), d)) - }, c.map(function(v) { - var m = v.key, b = v.forceRender, p = v.style, g = v.className, S = v.destroyInactiveTabPane, h = Ye(v, UC), y = m === n; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(fn, _e({ - key: m, - visible: y, - forceRender: b, - removeOnLeave: !!(i || S), - leavedClassName: "".concat(f, "-hidden") - }, a.tabPaneMotion), function(E, C) { - var O = E.style, R = E.className; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(cl, _e({}, h, { - prefixCls: f, - id: r, - tabKey: m, - animated: d, - active: y, - style: D(D({}, p), O), - className: Z(g, R), - ref: C - })); - }); - }))); -}; -function qC() { - var e = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== void 0 ? arguments[0] : { - inkBar: !0, - tabPane: !1 - }, t; - return e === !1 ? t = { - inkBar: !1, - tabPane: !1 - } : e === !0 ? t = { - inkBar: !0, - tabPane: !1 - } : t = D({ - inkBar: !0 - }, Ae(e) === "object" ? e : {}), t.tabPaneMotion && t.tabPane === void 0 && (t.tabPane = !0), !t.tabPaneMotion && t.tabPane && (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && tt(!1, "`animated.tabPane` is true but `animated.tabPaneMotion` is not provided. Motion will not work."), t.tabPane = !1), t; -} -var XC = ["id", "prefixCls", "className", "items", "direction", "activeKey", "defaultActiveKey", "editable", "animated", "tabPosition", "tabBarGutter", "tabBarStyle", "tabBarExtraContent", "locale", "more", "destroyInactiveTabPane", "renderTabBar", "onChange", "onTabClick", "onTabScroll", "getPopupContainer", "popupClassName", "indicator"], au = 0, nv = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e.id, n = e.prefixCls, a = n === void 0 ? "rc-tabs" : n, o = e.className, i = e.items, s = e.direction, l = e.activeKey, c = e.defaultActiveKey, d = e.editable, f = e.animated, v = e.tabPosition, m = v === void 0 ? "top" : v, b = e.tabBarGutter, p = e.tabBarStyle, g = e.tabBarExtraContent, S = e.locale, h = e.more, y = e.destroyInactiveTabPane, E = e.renderTabBar, C = e.onChange, O = e.onTabClick, R = e.onTabScroll, w = e.getPopupContainer, $ = e.popupClassName, A = e.indicator, F = Ye(e, XC), M = u.useMemo(function() { - return (i || []).filter(function(V) { - return V && Ae(V) === "object" && "key" in V; - }); - }, [i]), I = s === "rtl", T = qC(f), k = bt(!1), N = K(k, 2), x = N[0], _ = N[1]; - yt(function() { - _(hf()); - }, []); - var z = cr(function() { - var V; - return (V = M[0]) === null || V === void 0 ? void 0 : V.key; - }, { - value: l, - defaultValue: c - }), L = K(z, 2), B = L[0], X = L[1], W = bt(function() { - return M.findIndex(function(V) { - return V.key === B; - }); - }), G = K(W, 2), Q = G[0], Y = G[1]; - yt(function() { - var V = M.findIndex(function(fe) { - return fe.key === B; - }); - if (V === -1) { - var le; - V = Math.max(0, Math.min(Q, M.length - 1)), X((le = M[V]) === null || le === void 0 ? void 0 : le.key); - } - Y(V); - }, [M.map(function(V) { - return V.key; - }).join("_"), B, Q]); - var J = cr(null, { - value: r - }), ne = K(J, 2), se = ne[0], xe = ne[1]; - yt(function() { - r || (xe("rc-tabs-".concat(process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" ? "test" : au)), au += 1); - }, []); - function de(V, le) { - O == null || O(V, le); - var fe = V !== B; - X(V), fe && (C == null || C(V)); - } - var ue = { - id: se, - activeKey: B, - animated: T, - tabPosition: m, - rtl: I, - mobile: x - }, Ce = D(D({}, ue), {}, { - editable: d, - locale: S, - more: h, - tabBarGutter: b, - onTabClick: de, - onTabScroll: R, - extra: g, - style: p, - panes: null, - getPopupContainer: w, - popupClassName: $, - indicator: A - }); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(qo.Provider, { - value: { - tabs: M, - prefixCls: a - } - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", _e({ - ref: t, - id: r, - className: Z(a, "".concat(a, "-").concat(m), j(j(j({}, "".concat(a, "-mobile"), x), "".concat(a, "-editable"), d), "".concat(a, "-rtl"), I), o) - }, F), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(rv, _e({}, Ce, { - renderTabBar: E - })), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(GC, _e({ - destroyInactiveTabPane: y - }, ue, { - animated: T - })))); -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (nv.displayName = "Tabs"); -const YC = { - motionAppear: !1, - motionEnter: !0, - motionLeave: !0 -}; -function ZC(e) { - let t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : { - inkBar: !0, - tabPane: !1 - }, r; - return t === !1 ? r = { - inkBar: !1, - tabPane: !1 - } : t === !0 ? r = { - inkBar: !0, - tabPane: !0 - } : r = Object.assign({ - inkBar: !0 - }, typeof t == "object" ? t : {}), r.tabPane && (r.tabPaneMotion = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, YC), { - motionName: Gd(e, "switch") - })), r; -} -var QC = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -function JC(e) { - return e.filter((t) => t); -} -function e1(e, t) { - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && Ft("Tabs").deprecated(!t, "Tabs.TabPane", "items"), e) - return e; - const r = Zr(t).map((n) => { - if (/* @__PURE__ */ u.isValidElement(n)) { - const { - key: a, - props: o - } = n, i = o || {}, { - tab: s - } = i, l = QC(i, ["tab"]); - return Object.assign(Object.assign({ - key: String(a) - }, l), { - label: s - }); - } - return null; - }); - return JC(r); -} -const t1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - motionDurationSlow: r - } = e; - return [ - { - [t]: { - [`${t}-switch`]: { - "&-appear, &-enter": { - transition: "none", - "&-start": { - opacity: 0 - }, - "&-active": { - opacity: 1, - transition: `opacity ${r}` - } - }, - "&-leave": { - position: "absolute", - transition: "none", - inset: 0, - "&-start": { - opacity: 1 - }, - "&-active": { - opacity: 0, - transition: `opacity ${r}` - } - } - } - } - }, - // Follow code may reuse in other components - [Tc(e, "slide-up"), Tc(e, "slide-down")] - ]; -}, r1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - tabsCardPadding: r, - cardBg: n, - cardGutter: a, - colorBorderSecondary: o, - itemSelectedColor: i - } = e; - return { - [`${t}-card`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab`]: { - margin: 0, - padding: r, - background: n, - border: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${o}`, - transition: `all ${e.motionDurationSlow} ${e.motionEaseInOut}` - }, - [`${t}-tab-active`]: { - color: i, - background: e.colorBgContainer - }, - [`${t}-ink-bar`]: { - visibility: "hidden" - } - }, - // ========================== Top & Bottom ========================== - [`&${t}-top, &${t}-bottom`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab + ${t}-tab`]: { - marginLeft: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: ee(a) - } - } - } - }, - [`&${t}-top`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab`]: { - borderRadius: `${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} 0 0` - }, - [`${t}-tab-active`]: { - borderBottomColor: e.colorBgContainer - } - } - }, - [`&${t}-bottom`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab`]: { - borderRadius: `0 0 ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)}` - }, - [`${t}-tab-active`]: { - borderTopColor: e.colorBgContainer - } - } - }, - // ========================== Left & Right ========================== - [`&${t}-left, &${t}-right`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab + ${t}-tab`]: { - marginTop: ee(a) - } - } - }, - [`&${t}-left`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab`]: { - borderRadius: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: `${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} 0 0 ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)}` - } - }, - [`${t}-tab-active`]: { - borderRightColor: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: e.colorBgContainer - } - } - } - }, - [`&${t}-right`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab`]: { - borderRadius: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: `0 ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} 0` - } - }, - [`${t}-tab-active`]: { - borderLeftColor: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: e.colorBgContainer - } - } - } - } - } - }; -}, n1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - itemHoverColor: r, - dropdownEdgeChildVerticalPadding: n - } = e; - return { - [`${t}-dropdown`]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Wn(e)), { - position: "absolute", - top: -9999, - left: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: -9999 - }, - zIndex: e.zIndexPopup, - display: "block", - "&-hidden": { - display: "none" - }, - [`${t}-dropdown-menu`]: { - maxHeight: e.tabsDropdownHeight, - margin: 0, - padding: `${ee(n)} 0`, - overflowX: "hidden", - overflowY: "auto", - textAlign: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: "left" - }, - listStyleType: "none", - backgroundColor: e.colorBgContainer, - backgroundClip: "padding-box", - borderRadius: e.borderRadiusLG, - outline: "none", - boxShadow: e.boxShadowSecondary, - "&-item": Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Hs), { - display: "flex", - alignItems: "center", - minWidth: e.tabsDropdownWidth, - margin: 0, - padding: `${ee(e.paddingXXS)} ${ee(e.paddingSM)}`, - color: e.colorText, - fontWeight: "normal", - fontSize: e.fontSize, - lineHeight: e.lineHeight, - cursor: "pointer", - transition: `all ${e.motionDurationSlow}`, - "> span": { - flex: 1, - whiteSpace: "nowrap" - }, - "&-remove": { - flex: "none", - marginLeft: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: e.marginSM - }, - color: e.colorTextDescription, - fontSize: e.fontSizeSM, - background: "transparent", - border: 0, - cursor: "pointer", - "&:hover": { - color: r - } - }, - "&:hover": { - background: e.controlItemBgHover - }, - "&-disabled": { - "&, &:hover": { - color: e.colorTextDisabled, - background: "transparent", - cursor: "not-allowed" - } - } - }) - } - }) - }; -}, a1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - margin: r, - colorBorderSecondary: n, - horizontalMargin: a, - verticalItemPadding: o, - verticalItemMargin: i, - calc: s - } = e; - return { - // ========================== Top & Bottom ========================== - [`${t}-top, ${t}-bottom`]: { - flexDirection: "column", - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - margin: a, - "&::before": { - position: "absolute", - right: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - }, - left: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - }, - borderBottom: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${n}`, - content: "''" - }, - [`${t}-ink-bar`]: { - height: e.lineWidthBold, - "&-animated": { - transition: `width ${e.motionDurationSlow}, left ${e.motionDurationSlow}, - right ${e.motionDurationSlow}` - } - }, - [`${t}-nav-wrap`]: { - "&::before, &::after": { - top: 0, - bottom: 0, - width: e.controlHeight - }, - "&::before": { - left: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - }, - boxShadow: e.boxShadowTabsOverflowLeft - }, - "&::after": { - right: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - }, - boxShadow: e.boxShadowTabsOverflowRight - }, - [`&${t}-nav-wrap-ping-left::before`]: { - opacity: 1 - }, - [`&${t}-nav-wrap-ping-right::after`]: { - opacity: 1 - } - } - } - }, - [`${t}-top`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, - > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - "&::before": { - bottom: 0 - }, - [`${t}-ink-bar`]: { - bottom: 0 - } - } - }, - [`${t}-bottom`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - order: 1, - marginTop: r, - marginBottom: 0, - "&::before": { - top: 0 - }, - [`${t}-ink-bar`]: { - top: 0 - } - }, - [`> ${t}-content-holder, > div > ${t}-content-holder`]: { - order: 0 - } - }, - // ========================== Left & Right ========================== - [`${t}-left, ${t}-right`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - flexDirection: "column", - minWidth: s(e.controlHeight).mul(1.25).equal(), - // >>>>>>>>>>> Tab - [`${t}-tab`]: { - padding: o, - textAlign: "center" - }, - [`${t}-tab + ${t}-tab`]: { - margin: i - }, - // >>>>>>>>>>> Nav - [`${t}-nav-wrap`]: { - flexDirection: "column", - "&::before, &::after": { - right: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - }, - left: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - }, - height: e.controlHeight - }, - "&::before": { - top: 0, - boxShadow: e.boxShadowTabsOverflowTop - }, - "&::after": { - bottom: 0, - boxShadow: e.boxShadowTabsOverflowBottom - }, - [`&${t}-nav-wrap-ping-top::before`]: { - opacity: 1 - }, - [`&${t}-nav-wrap-ping-bottom::after`]: { - opacity: 1 - } - }, - // >>>>>>>>>>> Ink Bar - [`${t}-ink-bar`]: { - width: e.lineWidthBold, - "&-animated": { - transition: `height ${e.motionDurationSlow}, top ${e.motionDurationSlow}` - } - }, - [`${t}-nav-list, ${t}-nav-operations`]: { - flex: "1 0 auto", - // fix safari scroll problem - flexDirection: "column" - } - } - }, - [`${t}-left`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-ink-bar`]: { - right: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - } - } - }, - [`> ${t}-content-holder, > div > ${t}-content-holder`]: { - marginLeft: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: ee(s(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal()) - }, - borderLeft: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorder}` - }, - [`> ${t}-content > ${t}-tabpane`]: { - paddingLeft: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: e.paddingLG - } - } - } - }, - [`${t}-right`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - order: 1, - [`${t}-ink-bar`]: { - left: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - } - } - }, - [`> ${t}-content-holder, > div > ${t}-content-holder`]: { - order: 0, - marginRight: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: s(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal() - }, - borderRight: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorder}` - }, - [`> ${t}-content > ${t}-tabpane`]: { - paddingRight: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: e.paddingLG - } - } - } - } - }; -}, o1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - cardPaddingSM: r, - cardPaddingLG: n, - horizontalItemPaddingSM: a, - horizontalItemPaddingLG: o - } = e; - return { - [t]: { - "&-small": { - [`> ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab`]: { - padding: a, - fontSize: e.titleFontSizeSM - } - } - }, - "&-large": { - [`> ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab`]: { - padding: o, - fontSize: e.titleFontSizeLG - } - } - } - }, - [`${t}-card`]: { - [`&${t}-small`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab`]: { - padding: r - } - }, - [`&${t}-bottom`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav ${t}-tab`]: { - borderRadius: `0 0 ${ee(e.borderRadius)} ${ee(e.borderRadius)}` - } - }, - [`&${t}-top`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav ${t}-tab`]: { - borderRadius: `${ee(e.borderRadius)} ${ee(e.borderRadius)} 0 0` - } - }, - [`&${t}-right`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav ${t}-tab`]: { - borderRadius: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: `0 ${ee(e.borderRadius)} ${ee(e.borderRadius)} 0` - } - } - }, - [`&${t}-left`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav ${t}-tab`]: { - borderRadius: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: `${ee(e.borderRadius)} 0 0 ${ee(e.borderRadius)}` - } - } - } - }, - [`&${t}-large`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab`]: { - padding: n - } - } - } - } - }; -}, i1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - itemActiveColor: r, - itemHoverColor: n, - iconCls: a, - tabsHorizontalItemMargin: o, - horizontalItemPadding: i, - itemSelectedColor: s, - itemColor: l - } = e, c = `${t}-tab`; - return { - [c]: { - position: "relative", - WebkitTouchCallout: "none", - WebkitTapHighlightColor: "transparent", - display: "inline-flex", - alignItems: "center", - padding: i, - fontSize: e.titleFontSize, - background: "transparent", - border: 0, - outline: "none", - cursor: "pointer", - color: l, - "&-btn, &-remove": Object.assign({ - "&:focus:not(:focus-visible), &:active": { - color: r - } - }, Ws(e)), - "&-btn": { - outline: "none", - transition: `all ${e.motionDurationSlow}`, - [`${c}-icon:not(:last-child)`]: { - marginInlineEnd: e.marginSM - } - }, - "&-remove": { - flex: "none", - marginRight: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: e.calc(e.marginXXS).mul(-1).equal() - }, - marginLeft: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: e.marginXS - }, - color: e.colorTextDescription, - fontSize: e.fontSizeSM, - background: "transparent", - border: "none", - outline: "none", - cursor: "pointer", - transition: `all ${e.motionDurationSlow}`, - "&:hover": { - color: e.colorTextHeading - } - }, - "&:hover": { - color: n - }, - [`&${c}-active ${c}-btn`]: { - color: s, - textShadow: e.tabsActiveTextShadow - }, - [`&${c}-disabled`]: { - color: e.colorTextDisabled, - cursor: "not-allowed" - }, - [`&${c}-disabled ${c}-btn, &${c}-disabled ${t}-remove`]: { - "&:focus, &:active": { - color: e.colorTextDisabled - } - }, - [`& ${c}-remove ${a}`]: { - margin: 0 - }, - [`${a}:not(:last-child)`]: { - marginRight: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: e.marginSM - } - } - }, - [`${c} + ${c}`]: { - margin: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: o - } - } - }; -}, s1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - tabsHorizontalItemMarginRTL: r, - iconCls: n, - cardGutter: a, - calc: o - } = e; - return { - [`${t}-rtl`]: { - direction: "rtl", - [`${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab`]: { - margin: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: r - }, - [`${t}-tab:last-of-type`]: { - marginLeft: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - } - }, - [n]: { - marginRight: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - }, - marginLeft: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: ee(e.marginSM) - } - }, - [`${t}-tab-remove`]: { - marginRight: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: ee(e.marginXS) - }, - marginLeft: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: ee(o(e.marginXXS).mul(-1).equal()) - }, - [n]: { - margin: 0 - } - } - } - }, - [`&${t}-left`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav`]: { - order: 1 - }, - [`> ${t}-content-holder`]: { - order: 0 - } - }, - [`&${t}-right`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav`]: { - order: 0 - }, - [`> ${t}-content-holder`]: { - order: 1 - } - }, - // ====================== Card ====================== - [`&${t}-card${t}-top, &${t}-card${t}-bottom`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-tab + ${t}-tab`]: { - marginRight: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: a - }, - marginLeft: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - } - } - } - } - }, - [`${t}-dropdown-rtl`]: { - direction: "rtl" - }, - [`${t}-menu-item`]: { - [`${t}-dropdown-rtl`]: { - textAlign: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: "right" - } - } - } - }; -}, l1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - tabsCardPadding: r, - cardHeight: n, - cardGutter: a, - itemHoverColor: o, - itemActiveColor: i, - colorBorderSecondary: s - } = e; - return { - [t]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Wn(e)), { - display: "flex", - // ========================== Navigation ========================== - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - position: "relative", - display: "flex", - flex: "none", - alignItems: "center", - [`${t}-nav-wrap`]: { - position: "relative", - display: "flex", - flex: "auto", - alignSelf: "stretch", - overflow: "hidden", - whiteSpace: "nowrap", - transform: "translate(0)", - // Fix chrome render bug - // >>>>> Ping shadow - "&::before, &::after": { - position: "absolute", - zIndex: 1, - opacity: 0, - transition: `opacity ${e.motionDurationSlow}`, - content: "''", - pointerEvents: "none" - } - }, - [`${t}-nav-list`]: { - position: "relative", - display: "flex", - transition: `opacity ${e.motionDurationSlow}` - }, - // >>>>>>>> Operations - [`${t}-nav-operations`]: { - display: "flex", - alignSelf: "stretch" - }, - [`${t}-nav-operations-hidden`]: { - position: "absolute", - visibility: "hidden", - pointerEvents: "none" - }, - [`${t}-nav-more`]: { - position: "relative", - padding: r, - background: "transparent", - border: 0, - color: e.colorText, - "&::after": { - position: "absolute", - right: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - }, - bottom: 0, - left: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: 0 - }, - height: e.calc(e.controlHeightLG).div(8).equal(), - transform: "translateY(100%)", - content: "''" - } - }, - [`${t}-nav-add`]: Object.assign({ - minWidth: n, - minHeight: n, - marginLeft: { - _skip_check_: !0, - value: a - }, - padding: `0 ${ee(e.paddingXS)}`, - background: "transparent", - border: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${s}`, - borderRadius: `${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} 0 0`, - outline: "none", - cursor: "pointer", - color: e.colorText, - transition: `all ${e.motionDurationSlow} ${e.motionEaseInOut}`, - "&:hover": { - color: o - }, - "&:active, &:focus:not(:focus-visible)": { - color: i - } - }, Ws(e)) - }, - [`${t}-extra-content`]: { - flex: "none" - }, - // ============================ InkBar ============================ - [`${t}-ink-bar`]: { - position: "absolute", - background: e.inkBarColor, - pointerEvents: "none" - } - }), i1(e)), { - // =========================== TabPanes =========================== - [`${t}-content`]: { - position: "relative", - width: "100%" - }, - [`${t}-content-holder`]: { - flex: "auto", - minWidth: 0, - minHeight: 0 - }, - [`${t}-tabpane`]: { - outline: "none", - "&-hidden": { - display: "none" - } - } - }), - [`${t}-centered`]: { - [`> ${t}-nav, > div > ${t}-nav`]: { - [`${t}-nav-wrap`]: { - [`&:not([class*='${t}-nav-wrap-ping'])`]: { - justifyContent: "center" - } - } - } - } - }; -}, c1 = (e) => { - const t = e.controlHeightLG; - return { - zIndexPopup: e.zIndexPopupBase + 50, - cardBg: e.colorFillAlter, - cardHeight: t, - // Initialize with empty string, because cardPadding will be calculated with cardHeight by default. - cardPadding: `${(t - Math.round(e.fontSize * e.lineHeight)) / 2 - e.lineWidth}px ${e.padding}px`, - cardPaddingSM: `${e.paddingXXS * 1.5}px ${e.padding}px`, - cardPaddingLG: `${e.paddingXS}px ${e.padding}px ${e.paddingXXS * 1.5}px`, - titleFontSize: e.fontSize, - titleFontSizeLG: e.fontSizeLG, - titleFontSizeSM: e.fontSize, - inkBarColor: e.colorPrimary, - horizontalMargin: `0 0 ${e.margin}px 0`, - horizontalItemGutter: 32, - // Fixed Value - // Initialize with empty string, because horizontalItemMargin will be calculated with horizontalItemGutter by default. - horizontalItemMargin: "", - horizontalItemMarginRTL: "", - horizontalItemPadding: `${e.paddingSM}px 0`, - horizontalItemPaddingSM: `${e.paddingXS}px 0`, - horizontalItemPaddingLG: `${e.padding}px 0`, - verticalItemPadding: `${e.paddingXS}px ${e.paddingLG}px`, - verticalItemMargin: `${e.margin}px 0 0 0`, - itemColor: e.colorText, - itemSelectedColor: e.colorPrimary, - itemHoverColor: e.colorPrimaryHover, - itemActiveColor: e.colorPrimaryActive, - cardGutter: e.marginXXS / 2 - }; -}, u1 = en("Tabs", (e) => { - const t = Zt(e, { - // `cardPadding` is empty by default, so we could calculate with dynamic `cardHeight` - tabsCardPadding: e.cardPadding, - dropdownEdgeChildVerticalPadding: e.paddingXXS, - tabsActiveTextShadow: "0 0 0.25px currentcolor", - tabsDropdownHeight: 200, - tabsDropdownWidth: 120, - tabsHorizontalItemMargin: `0 0 0 ${ee(e.horizontalItemGutter)}`, - tabsHorizontalItemMarginRTL: `0 0 0 ${ee(e.horizontalItemGutter)}` - }); - return [o1(t), s1(t), a1(t), n1(t), r1(t), l1(t), t1(t)]; -}, c1), av = () => null; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (av.displayName = "DeprecatedTabPane"); -var d1 = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const ul = (e) => { - var t, r, n, a, o, i, s, l, c, d, f; - const { - type: v, - className: m, - rootClassName: b, - size: p, - onEdit: g, - hideAdd: S, - centered: h, - addIcon: y, - removeIcon: E, - moreIcon: C, - more: O, - popupClassName: R, - children: w, - items: $, - animated: A, - style: F, - indicatorSize: M, - indicator: I - } = e, T = d1(e, ["type", "className", "rootClassName", "size", "onEdit", "hideAdd", "centered", "addIcon", "removeIcon", "moreIcon", "more", "popupClassName", "children", "items", "animated", "style", "indicatorSize", "indicator"]), { - prefixCls: k - } = T, { - direction: N, - tabs: x, - getPrefixCls: _, - getPopupContainer: z - } = u.useContext(ft), L = _("tabs", k), B = Gs(L), [X, W, G] = u1(L, B); - let Q; - v === "editable-card" && (Q = { - onEdit: (ue, Ce) => { - let { - key: V, - event: le - } = Ce; - g == null || g(ue === "add" ? le : V, ue); - }, - removeIcon: (t = E ?? (x == null ? void 0 : x.removeIcon)) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Wd, null), - addIcon: (y ?? (x == null ? void 0 : x.addIcon)) || /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Zf, null), - showAdd: S !== !0 - }); - const Y = _(); - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const ue = Ft("Tabs"); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && ue(!("onPrevClick" in e) && !("onNextClick" in e), "breaking", "`onPrevClick` and `onNextClick` has been removed. Please use `onTabScroll` instead."), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && ue(!(M || x != null && x.indicatorSize), "deprecated", "`indicatorSize` has been deprecated. Please use `indicator={{ size: ... }}` instead."); - } - const J = Aa(p), ne = e1($, w), se = ZC(L, A), xe = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, x == null ? void 0 : x.style), F), de = { - align: (r = I == null ? void 0 : I.align) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : (n = x == null ? void 0 : x.indicator) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.align, - size: (s = (o = (a = I == null ? void 0 : I.size) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : M) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : (i = x == null ? void 0 : x.indicator) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.size) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : x == null ? void 0 : x.indicatorSize - }; - return X(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nv, Object.assign({ - direction: N, - getPopupContainer: z - }, T, { - items: ne, - className: Z({ - [`${L}-${J}`]: J, - [`${L}-card`]: ["card", "editable-card"].includes(v), - [`${L}-editable-card`]: v === "editable-card", - [`${L}-centered`]: h - }, x == null ? void 0 : x.className, m, b, W, G, B), - popupClassName: Z(R, W, G, B), - style: xe, - editable: Q, - more: Object.assign({ - icon: (f = (d = (c = (l = x == null ? void 0 : x.more) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.icon) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : x == null ? void 0 : x.moreIcon) !== null && d !== void 0 ? d : C) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Wf, null), - transitionName: `${Y}-slide-up` - }, O), - prefixCls: L, - animated: se, - indicator: de - }))); -}; -ul.TabPane = av; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (ul.displayName = "Tabs"); -var f1 = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const ov = (e) => { - var { - prefixCls: t, - className: r, - hoverable: n = !0 - } = e, a = f1(e, ["prefixCls", "className", "hoverable"]); - const { - getPrefixCls: o - } = u.useContext(ft), i = o("card", t), s = Z(`${i}-grid`, r, { - [`${i}-grid-hoverable`]: n - }); - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", Object.assign({}, a, { - className: s - })); -}, v1 = (e) => { - const { - antCls: t, - componentCls: r, - headerHeight: n, - cardPaddingBase: a, - tabsMarginBottom: o - } = e; - return Object.assign(Object.assign({ - display: "flex", - justifyContent: "center", - flexDirection: "column", - minHeight: n, - marginBottom: -1, - padding: `0 ${ee(a)}`, - color: e.colorTextHeading, - fontWeight: e.fontWeightStrong, - fontSize: e.headerFontSize, - background: e.headerBg, - borderBottom: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorderSecondary}`, - borderRadius: `${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} 0 0` - }, Ia()), { - "&-wrapper": { - width: "100%", - display: "flex", - alignItems: "center" - }, - "&-title": Object.assign(Object.assign({ - display: "inline-block", - flex: 1 - }, Hs), { - [` - > ${r}-typography, - > ${r}-typography-edit-content - `]: { - insetInlineStart: 0, - marginTop: 0, - marginBottom: 0 - } - }), - [`${t}-tabs-top`]: { - clear: "both", - marginBottom: o, - color: e.colorText, - fontWeight: "normal", - fontSize: e.fontSize, - "&-bar": { - borderBottom: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorderSecondary}` - } - } - }); -}, g1 = (e) => { - const { - cardPaddingBase: t, - colorBorderSecondary: r, - cardShadow: n, - lineWidth: a - } = e; - return { - width: "33.33%", - padding: t, - border: 0, - borderRadius: 0, - boxShadow: ` - ${ee(a)} 0 0 0 ${r}, - 0 ${ee(a)} 0 0 ${r}, - ${ee(a)} ${ee(a)} 0 0 ${r}, - ${ee(a)} 0 0 0 ${r} inset, - 0 ${ee(a)} 0 0 ${r} inset; - `, - transition: `all ${e.motionDurationMid}`, - "&-hoverable:hover": { - position: "relative", - zIndex: 1, - boxShadow: n - } - }; -}, m1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - iconCls: r, - actionsLiMargin: n, - cardActionsIconSize: a, - colorBorderSecondary: o, - actionsBg: i - } = e; - return Object.assign(Object.assign({ - margin: 0, - padding: 0, - listStyle: "none", - background: i, - borderTop: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${o}`, - display: "flex", - borderRadius: `0 0 ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)}` - }, Ia()), { - "& > li": { - margin: n, - color: e.colorTextDescription, - textAlign: "center", - "> span": { - position: "relative", - display: "block", - minWidth: e.calc(e.cardActionsIconSize).mul(2).equal(), - fontSize: e.fontSize, - lineHeight: e.lineHeight, - cursor: "pointer", - "&:hover": { - color: e.colorPrimary, - transition: `color ${e.motionDurationMid}` - }, - [`a:not(${t}-btn), > ${r}`]: { - display: "inline-block", - width: "100%", - color: e.colorTextDescription, - lineHeight: ee(e.fontHeight), - transition: `color ${e.motionDurationMid}`, - "&:hover": { - color: e.colorPrimary - } - }, - [`> ${r}`]: { - fontSize: a, - lineHeight: ee(e.calc(a).mul(e.lineHeight).equal()) - } - }, - "&:not(:last-child)": { - borderInlineEnd: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${o}` - } - } - }); -}, p1 = (e) => Object.assign(Object.assign({ - margin: `${ee(e.calc(e.marginXXS).mul(-1).equal())} 0`, - display: "flex" -}, Ia()), { - "&-avatar": { - paddingInlineEnd: e.padding - }, - "&-detail": { - overflow: "hidden", - flex: 1, - "> div:not(:last-child)": { - marginBottom: e.marginXS - } - }, - "&-title": Object.assign({ - color: e.colorTextHeading, - fontWeight: e.fontWeightStrong, - fontSize: e.fontSizeLG - }, Hs), - "&-description": { - color: e.colorTextDescription - } -}), h1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - cardPaddingBase: r, - colorFillAlter: n - } = e; - return { - [`${t}-head`]: { - padding: `0 ${ee(r)}`, - background: n, - "&-title": { - fontSize: e.fontSize - } - }, - [`${t}-body`]: { - padding: `${ee(e.padding)} ${ee(r)}` - } - }; -}, b1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t - } = e; - return { - overflow: "hidden", - [`${t}-body`]: { - userSelect: "none" - } - }; -}, y1 = (e) => { - const { - antCls: t, - componentCls: r, - cardShadow: n, - cardHeadPadding: a, - colorBorderSecondary: o, - boxShadowTertiary: i, - cardPaddingBase: s, - extraColor: l - } = e; - return { - [r]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Wn(e)), { - position: "relative", - background: e.colorBgContainer, - borderRadius: e.borderRadiusLG, - [`&:not(${r}-bordered)`]: { - boxShadow: i - }, - [`${r}-head`]: v1(e), - [`${r}-extra`]: { - // https://stackoverflow.com/a/22429853/3040605 - marginInlineStart: "auto", - color: l, - fontWeight: "normal", - fontSize: e.fontSize - }, - [`${r}-body`]: Object.assign({ - padding: s, - borderRadius: `0 0 ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)}` - }, Ia()), - [`${r}-grid`]: g1(e), - [`${r}-cover`]: { - "> *": { - display: "block", - width: "100%" - }, - [`img, img + ${t}-image-mask`]: { - borderRadius: `${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} 0 0` - } - }, - [`${r}-actions`]: m1(e), - [`${r}-meta`]: p1(e) - }), - [`${r}-bordered`]: { - border: `${ee(e.lineWidth)} ${e.lineType} ${o}`, - [`${r}-cover`]: { - marginTop: -1, - marginInlineStart: -1, - marginInlineEnd: -1 - } - }, - [`${r}-hoverable`]: { - cursor: "pointer", - transition: `box-shadow ${e.motionDurationMid}, border-color ${e.motionDurationMid}`, - "&:hover": { - borderColor: "transparent", - boxShadow: n - } - }, - [`${r}-contain-grid`]: { - borderRadius: `${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} ${ee(e.borderRadiusLG)} 0 0 `, - [`${r}-body`]: { - display: "flex", - flexWrap: "wrap" - }, - [`&:not(${r}-loading) ${r}-body`]: { - marginBlockStart: e.calc(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal(), - marginInlineStart: e.calc(e.lineWidth).mul(-1).equal(), - padding: 0 - } - }, - [`${r}-contain-tabs`]: { - [`> div${r}-head`]: { - minHeight: 0, - [`${r}-head-title, ${r}-extra`]: { - paddingTop: a - } - } - }, - [`${r}-type-inner`]: h1(e), - [`${r}-loading`]: b1(e), - [`${r}-rtl`]: { - direction: "rtl" - } - }; -}, S1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - cardPaddingSM: r, - headerHeightSM: n, - headerFontSizeSM: a - } = e; - return { - [`${t}-small`]: { - [`> ${t}-head`]: { - minHeight: n, - padding: `0 ${ee(r)}`, - fontSize: a, - [`> ${t}-head-wrapper`]: { - [`> ${t}-extra`]: { - fontSize: e.fontSize - } - } - }, - [`> ${t}-body`]: { - padding: r - } - }, - [`${t}-small${t}-contain-tabs`]: { - [`> ${t}-head`]: { - [`${t}-head-title, ${t}-extra`]: { - paddingTop: 0, - display: "flex", - alignItems: "center" - } - } - } - }; -}, C1 = (e) => ({ - headerBg: "transparent", - headerFontSize: e.fontSizeLG, - headerFontSizeSM: e.fontSize, - headerHeight: e.fontSizeLG * e.lineHeightLG + e.padding * 2, - headerHeightSM: e.fontSize * e.lineHeight + e.paddingXS * 2, - actionsBg: e.colorBgContainer, - actionsLiMargin: `${e.paddingSM}px 0`, - tabsMarginBottom: -e.padding - e.lineWidth, - extraColor: e.colorText -}), E1 = en("Card", (e) => { - const t = Zt(e, { - cardShadow: e.boxShadowCard, - cardHeadPadding: e.padding, - cardPaddingBase: e.paddingLG, - cardActionsIconSize: e.fontSize, - cardPaddingSM: 12 - // Fixed padding. - }); - return [ - // Style - y1(t), - // Size - S1(t) - ]; -}, C1); -var ou = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const x1 = (e) => { - const { - actionClasses: t, - actions: r = [], - actionStyle: n - } = e; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("ul", { - className: t, - style: n - }, r.map((a, o) => { - const i = `action-${o}`; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("li", { - style: { - width: `${100 / r.length}%` - }, - key: i - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", null, a)); - })); -}, w1 = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef((e, t) => { - const { - prefixCls: r, - className: n, - rootClassName: a, - style: o, - extra: i, - headStyle: s = {}, - bodyStyle: l = {}, - title: c, - loading: d, - bordered: f = !0, - size: v, - type: m, - cover: b, - actions: p, - tabList: g, - children: S, - activeTabKey: h, - defaultActiveTabKey: y, - tabBarExtraContent: E, - hoverable: C, - tabProps: O = {}, - classNames: R, - styles: w - } = e, $ = ou(e, ["prefixCls", "className", "rootClassName", "style", "extra", "headStyle", "bodyStyle", "title", "loading", "bordered", "size", "type", "cover", "actions", "tabList", "children", "activeTabKey", "defaultActiveTabKey", "tabBarExtraContent", "hoverable", "tabProps", "classNames", "styles"]), { - getPrefixCls: A, - direction: F, - card: M - } = u.useContext(ft); - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const me = Ft("Card"); - [["headStyle", "styles.header"], ["bodyStyle", "styles.body"]].forEach((ae) => { - let [te, re] = ae; - me.deprecated(!(te in e), te, re); - }); - } - const I = (me) => { - var ae; - (ae = e.onTabChange) === null || ae === void 0 || ae.call(e, me); - }, T = (me) => { - var ae; - return Z((ae = M == null ? void 0 : M.classNames) === null || ae === void 0 ? void 0 : ae[me], R == null ? void 0 : R[me]); - }, k = (me) => { - var ae; - return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, (ae = M == null ? void 0 : M.styles) === null || ae === void 0 ? void 0 : ae[me]), w == null ? void 0 : w[me]); - }, N = u.useMemo(() => { - let me = !1; - return u.Children.forEach(S, (ae) => { - (ae == null ? void 0 : ae.type) === ov && (me = !0); - }), me; - }, [S]), x = A("card", r), [_, z, L] = E1(x), B = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(gn, { - loading: !0, - active: !0, - paragraph: { - rows: 4 - }, - title: !1 - }, S), X = h !== void 0, W = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, O), { - [X ? "activeKey" : "defaultActiveKey"]: X ? h : y, - tabBarExtraContent: E - }); - let G; - const Q = Aa(v), Y = !Q || Q === "default" ? "large" : Q, J = g ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(ul, Object.assign({ - size: Y - }, W, { - className: `${x}-head-tabs`, - onChange: I, - items: g.map((me) => { - var { - tab: ae - } = me, te = ou(me, ["tab"]); - return Object.assign({ - label: ae - }, te); - }) - })) : null; - if (c || i || J) { - const me = Z(`${x}-head`, T("header")), ae = Z(`${x}-head-title`, T("title")), te = Z(`${x}-extra`, T("extra")), re = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, s), k("header")); - G = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: me, - style: re - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: `${x}-head-wrapper` - }, c && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: ae, - style: k("title") - }, c), i && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: te, - style: k("extra") - }, i)), J); - } - const ne = Z(`${x}-cover`, T("cover")), se = b ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: ne, - style: k("cover") - }, b) : null, xe = Z(`${x}-body`, T("body")), de = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, l), k("body")), ue = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: xe, - style: de - }, d ? B : S), Ce = Z(`${x}-actions`, T("actions")), V = p != null && p.length ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(x1, { - actionClasses: Ce, - actionStyle: k("actions"), - actions: p - }) : null, le = Cr($, ["onTabChange"]), fe = Z(x, M == null ? void 0 : M.className, { - [`${x}-loading`]: d, - [`${x}-bordered`]: f, - [`${x}-hoverable`]: C, - [`${x}-contain-grid`]: N, - [`${x}-contain-tabs`]: g == null ? void 0 : g.length, - [`${x}-${Q}`]: Q, - [`${x}-type-${m}`]: !!m, - [`${x}-rtl`]: F === "rtl" - }, n, a, z, L), Re = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, M == null ? void 0 : M.style), o); - return _(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", Object.assign({ - ref: t - }, le, { - className: fe, - style: Re - }), G, se, ue, V)); -}); -var $1 = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const O1 = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - className: r, - avatar: n, - title: a, - description: o - } = e, i = $1(e, ["prefixCls", "className", "avatar", "title", "description"]), { - getPrefixCls: s - } = u.useContext(ft), l = s("card", t), c = Z(`${l}-meta`, r), d = n ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: `${l}-meta-avatar` - }, n) : null, f = a ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: `${l}-meta-title` - }, a) : null, v = o ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: `${l}-meta-description` - }, o) : null, m = f || v ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: `${l}-meta-detail` - }, f, v) : null; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", Object.assign({}, i, { - className: c - }), d, m); -}, Xo = w1; -Xo.Grid = ov; -Xo.Meta = O1; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (Xo.displayName = "Card"); -function R1(e) { - return !!(e.addonBefore || e.addonAfter); -} -function P1(e) { - return !!(e.prefix || e.suffix || e.allowClear); -} -function iu(e, t, r) { - var n = t.cloneNode(!0), a = Object.create(e, { - target: { - value: n - }, - currentTarget: { - value: n - } - }); - return n.value = r, typeof t.selectionStart == "number" && typeof t.selectionEnd == "number" && (n.selectionStart = t.selectionStart, n.selectionEnd = t.selectionEnd), n.setSelectionRange = function() { - t.setSelectionRange.apply(t, arguments); - }, a; -} -function To(e, t, r, n) { - if (r) { - var a = t; - if (t.type === "click") { - a = iu(t, e, ""), r(a); - return; - } - if (e.type !== "file" && n !== void 0) { - a = iu(t, e, n), r(a); - return; - } - r(a); - } -} -function _1(e, t) { - if (e) { - e.focus(t); - var r = t || {}, n = r.cursor; - if (n) { - var a = e.value.length; - switch (n) { - case "start": - e.setSelectionRange(0, 0); - break; - case "end": - e.setSelectionRange(a, a); - break; - default: - e.setSelectionRange(0, a); - } - } - } -} -var iv = /* @__PURE__ */ q.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r, n, a = e.inputElement, o = e.children, i = e.prefixCls, s = e.prefix, l = e.suffix, c = e.addonBefore, d = e.addonAfter, f = e.className, v = e.style, m = e.disabled, b = e.readOnly, p = e.focused, g = e.triggerFocus, S = e.allowClear, h = e.value, y = e.handleReset, E = e.hidden, C = e.classes, O = e.classNames, R = e.dataAttrs, w = e.styles, $ = e.components, A = o ?? a, F = ($ == null ? void 0 : $.affixWrapper) || "span", M = ($ == null ? void 0 : $.groupWrapper) || "span", I = ($ == null ? void 0 : $.wrapper) || "span", T = ($ == null ? void 0 : $.groupAddon) || "span", k = Be(null), N = function(le) { - var fe; - (fe = k.current) !== null && fe !== void 0 && fe.contains(le.target) && (g == null || g()); - }, x = P1(e), _ = /* @__PURE__ */ wv(A, { - value: h, - className: Z(A.props.className, !x && (O == null ? void 0 : O.variant)) || null - }), z = Be(null); - if (q.useImperativeHandle(t, function() { - return { - nativeElement: z.current || k.current - }; - }), x) { - var L, B = null; - if (S) { - var X, W = !m && !b && h, G = "".concat(i, "-clear-icon"), Q = Ae(S) === "object" && S !== null && S !== void 0 && S.clearIcon ? S.clearIcon : "✖"; - B = /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("span", { - onClick: y, - onMouseDown: function(le) { - return le.preventDefault(); - }, - className: Z(G, (X = {}, j(X, "".concat(G, "-hidden"), !W), j(X, "".concat(G, "-has-suffix"), !!l), X)), - role: "button", - tabIndex: -1 - }, Q); - } - var Y = "".concat(i, "-affix-wrapper"), J = Z(Y, (L = {}, j(L, "".concat(i, "-disabled"), m), j(L, "".concat(Y, "-disabled"), m), j(L, "".concat(Y, "-focused"), p), j(L, "".concat(Y, "-readonly"), b), j(L, "".concat(Y, "-input-with-clear-btn"), l && S && h), L), C == null ? void 0 : C.affixWrapper, O == null ? void 0 : O.affixWrapper, O == null ? void 0 : O.variant), ne = (l || S) && /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("span", { - className: Z("".concat(i, "-suffix"), O == null ? void 0 : O.suffix), - style: w == null ? void 0 : w.suffix - }, B, l); - _ = /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(F, _e({ - className: J, - style: w == null ? void 0 : w.affixWrapper, - onClick: N - }, R == null ? void 0 : R.affixWrapper, { - ref: k - }), s && /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("span", { - className: Z("".concat(i, "-prefix"), O == null ? void 0 : O.prefix), - style: w == null ? void 0 : w.prefix - }, s), _, ne); - } - if (R1(e)) { - var se = "".concat(i, "-group"), xe = "".concat(se, "-addon"), de = "".concat(se, "-wrapper"), ue = Z("".concat(i, "-wrapper"), se, C == null ? void 0 : C.wrapper, O == null ? void 0 : O.wrapper), Ce = Z(de, j({}, "".concat(de, "-disabled"), m), C == null ? void 0 : C.group, O == null ? void 0 : O.groupWrapper); - _ = /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(M, { - className: Ce, - ref: z - }, /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(I, { - className: ue - }, c && /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(T, { - className: xe - }, c), _, d && /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(T, { - className: xe - }, d))); - } - return /* @__PURE__ */ q.cloneElement(_, { - className: Z((r = _.props) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.className, f) || null, - style: D(D({}, (n = _.props) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.style), v), - hidden: E - }); -}), T1 = ["show"]; -function sv(e, t) { - return u.useMemo(function() { - var r = {}; - t && (r.show = Ae(t) === "object" && t.formatter ? t.formatter : !!t), r = D(D({}, r), e); - var n = r, a = n.show, o = Ye(n, T1); - return D(D({}, o), {}, { - show: !!a, - showFormatter: typeof a == "function" ? a : void 0, - strategy: o.strategy || function(i) { - return i.length; - } - }); - }, [e, t]); -} -var N1 = ["autoComplete", "onChange", "onFocus", "onBlur", "onPressEnter", "onKeyDown", "prefixCls", "disabled", "htmlSize", "className", "maxLength", "suffix", "showCount", "count", "type", "classes", "classNames", "styles", "onCompositionStart", "onCompositionEnd"], I1 = /* @__PURE__ */ Vr(function(e, t) { - var r = e.autoComplete, n = e.onChange, a = e.onFocus, o = e.onBlur, i = e.onPressEnter, s = e.onKeyDown, l = e.prefixCls, c = l === void 0 ? "rc-input" : l, d = e.disabled, f = e.htmlSize, v = e.className, m = e.maxLength, b = e.suffix, p = e.showCount, g = e.count, S = e.type, h = S === void 0 ? "text" : S, y = e.classes, E = e.classNames, C = e.styles, O = e.onCompositionStart, R = e.onCompositionEnd, w = Ye(e, N1), $ = bt(!1), A = K($, 2), F = A[0], M = A[1], I = Be(!1), T = Be(null), k = Be(null), N = function(re) { - T.current && _1(T.current, re); - }, x = cr(e.defaultValue, { - value: e.value - }), _ = K(x, 2), z = _[0], L = _[1], B = z == null ? "" : String(z), X = bt(null), W = K(X, 2), G = W[0], Q = W[1], Y = sv(g, p), J = Y.max || m, ne = Y.strategy(B), se = !!J && ne > J; - No(t, function() { - var te; - return { - focus: N, - blur: function() { - var be; - (be = T.current) === null || be === void 0 || be.blur(); - }, - setSelectionRange: function(be, ye, ge) { - var Pe; - (Pe = T.current) === null || Pe === void 0 || Pe.setSelectionRange(be, ye, ge); - }, - select: function() { - var be; - (be = T.current) === null || be === void 0 || be.select(); - }, - input: T.current, - nativeElement: ((te = k.current) === null || te === void 0 ? void 0 : te.nativeElement) || T.current - }; - }), yt(function() { - M(function(te) { - return te && d ? !1 : te; - }); - }, [d]); - var xe = function(re, be, ye) { - var ge = be; - if (!I.current && Y.exceedFormatter && Y.max && Y.strategy(be) > Y.max) { - if (ge = Y.exceedFormatter(be, { - max: Y.max - }), be !== ge) { - var Pe, ve; - Q([((Pe = T.current) === null || Pe === void 0 ? void 0 : Pe.selectionStart) || 0, ((ve = T.current) === null || ve === void 0 ? void 0 : ve.selectionEnd) || 0]); - } - } else if (ye.source === "compositionEnd") - return; - L(ge), T.current && To(T.current, re, n, ge); - }; - yt(function() { - if (G) { - var te; - (te = T.current) === null || te === void 0 || te.setSelectionRange.apply(te, he(G)); - } - }, [G]); - var de = function(re) { - xe(re, re.target.value, { - source: "change" - }); - }, ue = function(re) { - I.current = !1, xe(re, re.currentTarget.value, { - source: "compositionEnd" - }), R == null || R(re); - }, Ce = function(re) { - i && re.key === "Enter" && i(re), s == null || s(re); - }, V = function(re) { - M(!0), a == null || a(re); - }, le = function(re) { - M(!1), o == null || o(re); - }, fe = function(re) { - L(""), N(), T.current && To(T.current, re, n); - }, Re = se && "".concat(c, "-out-of-range"), me = function() { - var re = Cr(e, [ - "prefixCls", - "onPressEnter", - "addonBefore", - "addonAfter", - "prefix", - "suffix", - "allowClear", - // Input elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled, - // specify either the value prop, or the defaultValue prop, but not both. - "defaultValue", - "showCount", - "count", - "classes", - "htmlSize", - "styles", - "classNames" - ]); - return /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("input", _e({ - autoComplete: r - }, re, { - onChange: de, - onFocus: V, - onBlur: le, - onKeyDown: Ce, - className: Z(c, j({}, "".concat(c, "-disabled"), d), E == null ? void 0 : E.input), - style: C == null ? void 0 : C.input, - ref: T, - size: f, - type: h, - onCompositionStart: function(ye) { - I.current = !0, O == null || O(ye); - }, - onCompositionEnd: ue - })); - }, ae = function() { - var re = Number(J) > 0; - if (b || Y.show) { - var be = Y.showFormatter ? Y.showFormatter({ - value: B, - count: ne, - maxLength: J - }) : "".concat(ne).concat(re ? " / ".concat(J) : ""); - return /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(q.Fragment, null, Y.show && /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("span", { - className: Z("".concat(c, "-show-count-suffix"), j({}, "".concat(c, "-show-count-has-suffix"), !!b), E == null ? void 0 : E.count), - style: D({}, C == null ? void 0 : C.count) - }, be), b); - } - return null; - }; - return /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(iv, _e({}, w, { - prefixCls: c, - className: Z(v, Re), - handleReset: fe, - value: B, - focused: F, - triggerFocus: N, - suffix: ae(), - disabled: d, - classes: y, - classNames: E, - styles: C - }), me()); -}); -const lv = (e) => { - let t; - return typeof e == "object" && (e != null && e.clearIcon) ? t = e : e && (t = { - clearIcon: /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(Hd, null) - }), t; -}; -function M1(e, t) { - const r = Be([]), n = () => { - r.current.push(setTimeout(() => { - var a, o, i, s; - !((a = e.current) === null || a === void 0) && a.input && ((o = e.current) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.input.getAttribute("type")) === "password" && (!((i = e.current) === null || i === void 0) && i.input.hasAttribute("value")) && ((s = e.current) === null || s === void 0 || s.input.removeAttribute("value")); - })); - }; - return yt(() => (n(), () => r.current.forEach((a) => { - a && clearTimeout(a); - })), []), n; -} -function A1(e) { - return !!(e.prefix || e.suffix || e.allowClear || e.showCount); -} -var j1 = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -function F1(e, t) { - if (!e) - return; - e.focus(t); - const { - cursor: r - } = t || {}; - if (r) { - const n = e.value.length; - switch (r) { - case "start": - e.setSelectionRange(0, 0); - break; - case "end": - e.setSelectionRange(n, n); - break; - default: - e.setSelectionRange(0, n); - } - } -} -const L1 = /* @__PURE__ */ Vr((e, t) => { - var r; - const { - prefixCls: n, - bordered: a = !0, - status: o, - size: i, - disabled: s, - onBlur: l, - onFocus: c, - suffix: d, - allowClear: f, - addonAfter: v, - addonBefore: m, - className: b, - style: p, - styles: g, - rootClassName: S, - onChange: h, - classNames: y, - variant: E - } = e, C = j1(e, ["prefixCls", "bordered", "status", "size", "disabled", "onBlur", "onFocus", "suffix", "allowClear", "addonAfter", "addonBefore", "className", "style", "styles", "rootClassName", "onChange", "classNames", "variant"]); - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const { - deprecated: V - } = Ft("Input"); - V(!("bordered" in e), "bordered", "variant"); - } - const { - getPrefixCls: O, - direction: R, - input: w - } = q.useContext(ft), $ = O("input", n), A = Be(null), F = Gs($), [M, I, T] = Yf($, F), { - compactSize: k, - compactItemClassnames: N - } = Zd($, R), x = Aa((V) => { - var le; - return (le = i ?? k) !== null && le !== void 0 ? le : V; - }), _ = q.useContext(Dn), z = s ?? _, { - status: L, - hasFeedback: B, - feedbackIcon: X - } = Ht(Pa), W = wf(L, o), G = A1(e) || !!B, Q = Be(G); - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const V = Ft("Input"); - yt(() => { - var le; - G && !Q.current && process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && V(document.activeElement === ((le = A.current) === null || le === void 0 ? void 0 : le.input), "usage", "When Input is focused, dynamic add or remove prefix / suffix will make it lose focus caused by dom structure change. Read more: https://ant.design/components/input/#FAQ"), Q.current = G; - }, [G]); - } - const Y = M1(A), J = (V) => { - Y(), l == null || l(V); - }, ne = (V) => { - Y(), c == null || c(V); - }, se = (V) => { - Y(), h == null || h(V); - }, xe = (B || d) && /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(q.Fragment, null, d, B && X), de = lv(f ?? (w == null ? void 0 : w.allowClear)), [ue, Ce] = $f("input", E, a); - return M(/* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(I1, Object.assign({ - ref: Pr(t, A), - prefixCls: $, - autoComplete: w == null ? void 0 : w.autoComplete - }, C, { - disabled: z, - onBlur: J, - onFocus: ne, - style: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, w == null ? void 0 : w.style), p), - styles: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, w == null ? void 0 : w.styles), g), - suffix: xe, - allowClear: de, - className: Z(b, S, T, F, N, w == null ? void 0 : w.className), - onChange: se, - addonBefore: m && /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(Ss, { - form: !0, - space: !0 - }, m), - addonAfter: v && /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(Ss, { - form: !0, - space: !0 - }, v), - classNames: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, y), w == null ? void 0 : w.classNames), { - input: Z({ - [`${$}-sm`]: x === "small", - [`${$}-lg`]: x === "large", - [`${$}-rtl`]: R === "rtl" - }, y == null ? void 0 : y.input, (r = w == null ? void 0 : w.classNames) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.input, I), - variant: Z({ - [`${$}-${ue}`]: Ce - }, Es($, W)), - affixWrapper: Z({ - [`${$}-affix-wrapper-sm`]: x === "small", - [`${$}-affix-wrapper-lg`]: x === "large", - [`${$}-affix-wrapper-rtl`]: R === "rtl" - }, I), - wrapper: Z({ - [`${$}-group-rtl`]: R === "rtl" - }, I), - groupWrapper: Z({ - [`${$}-group-wrapper-sm`]: x === "small", - [`${$}-group-wrapper-lg`]: x === "large", - [`${$}-group-wrapper-rtl`]: R === "rtl", - [`${$}-group-wrapper-${ue}`]: Ce - }, Es(`${$}-group-wrapper`, W, B), I) - }) - }))); -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (L1.displayName = "Input"); -var D1 = ` - min-height:0 !important; - max-height:none !important; - height:0 !important; - visibility:hidden !important; - overflow:hidden !important; - position:absolute !important; - z-index:-1000 !important; - top:0 !important; - right:0 !important; - pointer-events: none !important; -`, z1 = ["letter-spacing", "line-height", "padding-top", "padding-bottom", "font-family", "font-weight", "font-size", "font-variant", "text-rendering", "text-transform", "width", "text-indent", "padding-left", "padding-right", "border-width", "box-sizing", "word-break", "white-space"], xi = {}, sr; -function V1(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !1, r = e.getAttribute("id") || e.getAttribute("data-reactid") || e.getAttribute("name"); - if (t && xi[r]) - return xi[r]; - var n = window.getComputedStyle(e), a = n.getPropertyValue("box-sizing") || n.getPropertyValue("-moz-box-sizing") || n.getPropertyValue("-webkit-box-sizing"), o = parseFloat(n.getPropertyValue("padding-bottom")) + parseFloat(n.getPropertyValue("padding-top")), i = parseFloat(n.getPropertyValue("border-bottom-width")) + parseFloat(n.getPropertyValue("border-top-width")), s = z1.map(function(c) { - return "".concat(c, ":").concat(n.getPropertyValue(c)); - }).join(";"), l = { - sizingStyle: s, - paddingSize: o, - borderSize: i, - boxSizing: a - }; - return t && r && (xi[r] = l), l; -} -function B1(e) { - var t = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== void 0 ? arguments[1] : !1, r = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : null, n = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : null; - sr || (sr = document.createElement("textarea"), sr.setAttribute("tab-index", "-1"), sr.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), document.body.appendChild(sr)), e.getAttribute("wrap") ? sr.setAttribute("wrap", e.getAttribute("wrap")) : sr.removeAttribute("wrap"); - var a = V1(e, t), o = a.paddingSize, i = a.borderSize, s = a.boxSizing, l = a.sizingStyle; - sr.setAttribute("style", "".concat(l, ";").concat(D1)), sr.value = e.value || e.placeholder || ""; - var c = void 0, d = void 0, f, v = sr.scrollHeight; - if (s === "border-box" ? v += i : s === "content-box" && (v -= o), r !== null || n !== null) { - sr.value = " "; - var m = sr.scrollHeight - o; - r !== null && (c = m * r, s === "border-box" && (c = c + o + i), v = Math.max(c, v)), n !== null && (d = m * n, s === "border-box" && (d = d + o + i), f = v > d ? "" : "hidden", v = Math.min(d, v)); - } - var b = { - height: v, - overflowY: f, - resize: "none" - }; - return c && (b.minHeight = c), d && (b.maxHeight = d), b; -} -var k1 = ["prefixCls", "onPressEnter", "defaultValue", "value", "autoSize", "onResize", "className", "style", "disabled", "onChange", "onInternalAutoSize"], wi = 0, $i = 1, Oi = 2, H1 = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r = e, n = r.prefixCls; - r.onPressEnter; - var a = r.defaultValue, o = r.value, i = r.autoSize, s = r.onResize, l = r.className, c = r.style, d = r.disabled, f = r.onChange, v = r.onInternalAutoSize, m = Ye(r, k1), b = cr(a, { - value: o, - postState: function(Q) { - return Q ?? ""; - } - }), p = K(b, 2), g = p[0], S = p[1], h = function(Q) { - S(Q.target.value), f == null || f(Q); - }, y = u.useRef(); - u.useImperativeHandle(t, function() { - return { - textArea: y.current - }; - }); - var E = u.useMemo(function() { - return i && Ae(i) === "object" ? [i.minRows, i.maxRows] : []; - }, [i]), C = K(E, 2), O = C[0], R = C[1], w = !!i, $ = function() { - try { - if (document.activeElement === y.current) { - var Q = y.current, Y = Q.selectionStart, J = Q.selectionEnd, ne = Q.scrollTop; - y.current.setSelectionRange(Y, J), y.current.scrollTop = ne; - } - } catch { - } - }, A = u.useState(Oi), F = K(A, 2), M = F[0], I = F[1], T = u.useState(), k = K(T, 2), N = k[0], x = k[1], _ = function() { - I(wi), process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" && (v == null || v()); - }; - Ct(function() { - w && _(); - }, [o, O, R, w]), Ct(function() { - if (M === wi) - I($i); - else if (M === $i) { - var G = B1(y.current, !1, O, R); - I(Oi), x(G); - } else - $(); - }, [M]); - var z = u.useRef(), L = function() { - Nt.cancel(z.current); - }, B = function(Q) { - M === Oi && (s == null || s(Q), i && (L(), z.current = Nt(function() { - _(); - }))); - }; - u.useEffect(function() { - return L; - }, []); - var X = w ? N : null, W = D(D({}, c), X); - return (M === wi || M === $i) && (W.overflowY = "hidden", W.overflowX = "hidden"), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(hr, { - onResize: B, - disabled: !(i || s) - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("textarea", _e({}, m, { - ref: y, - style: W, - className: Z(n, l, j({}, "".concat(n, "-disabled"), d)), - disabled: d, - value: g, - onChange: h - }))); -}), W1 = ["defaultValue", "value", "onFocus", "onBlur", "onChange", "allowClear", "maxLength", "onCompositionStart", "onCompositionEnd", "suffix", "prefixCls", "showCount", "count", "className", "style", "disabled", "hidden", "classNames", "styles", "onResize", "readOnly"], K1 = /* @__PURE__ */ q.forwardRef(function(e, t) { - var r, n = e.defaultValue, a = e.value, o = e.onFocus, i = e.onBlur, s = e.onChange, l = e.allowClear, c = e.maxLength, d = e.onCompositionStart, f = e.onCompositionEnd, v = e.suffix, m = e.prefixCls, b = m === void 0 ? "rc-textarea" : m, p = e.showCount, g = e.count, S = e.className, h = e.style, y = e.disabled, E = e.hidden, C = e.classNames, O = e.styles, R = e.onResize, w = e.readOnly, $ = Ye(e, W1), A = cr(n, { - value: a, - defaultValue: n - }), F = K(A, 2), M = F[0], I = F[1], T = M == null ? "" : String(M), k = q.useState(!1), N = K(k, 2), x = N[0], _ = N[1], z = q.useRef(!1), L = q.useState(null), B = K(L, 2), X = B[0], W = B[1], G = Be(null), Q = Be(null), Y = function() { - var we; - return (we = Q.current) === null || we === void 0 ? void 0 : we.textArea; - }, J = function() { - Y().focus(); - }; - No(t, function() { - var $e; - return { - resizableTextArea: Q.current, - focus: J, - blur: function() { - Y().blur(); - }, - nativeElement: (($e = G.current) === null || $e === void 0 ? void 0 : $e.nativeElement) || Y() - }; - }), yt(function() { - _(function($e) { - return !y && $e; - }); - }, [y]); - var ne = q.useState(null), se = K(ne, 2), xe = se[0], de = se[1]; - q.useEffect(function() { - if (xe) { - var $e; - ($e = Y()).setSelectionRange.apply($e, he(xe)); - } - }, [xe]); - var ue = sv(g, p), Ce = (r = ue.max) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : c, V = Number(Ce) > 0, le = ue.strategy(T), fe = !!Ce && le > Ce, Re = function(we, je) { - var ze = je; - !z.current && ue.exceedFormatter && ue.max && ue.strategy(je) > ue.max && (ze = ue.exceedFormatter(je, { - max: ue.max - }), je !== ze && de([Y().selectionStart || 0, Y().selectionEnd || 0])), I(ze), To(we.currentTarget, we, s, ze); - }, me = function(we) { - z.current = !0, d == null || d(we); - }, ae = function(we) { - z.current = !1, Re(we, we.currentTarget.value), f == null || f(we); - }, te = function(we) { - Re(we, we.target.value); - }, re = function(we) { - var je = $.onPressEnter, ze = $.onKeyDown; - we.key === "Enter" && je && je(we), ze == null || ze(we); - }, be = function(we) { - _(!0), o == null || o(we); - }, ye = function(we) { - _(!1), i == null || i(we); - }, ge = function(we) { - I(""), J(), To(Y(), we, s); - }, Pe = v, ve; - ue.show && (ue.showFormatter ? ve = ue.showFormatter({ - value: T, - count: le, - maxLength: Ce - }) : ve = "".concat(le).concat(V ? " / ".concat(Ce) : ""), Pe = /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(q.Fragment, null, Pe, /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement("span", { - className: Z("".concat(b, "-data-count"), C == null ? void 0 : C.count), - style: O == null ? void 0 : O.count - }, ve))); - var vt = function(we) { - var je; - R == null || R(we), (je = Y()) !== null && je !== void 0 && je.style.height && W(!0); - }, it = !$.autoSize && !p && !l; - return /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(iv, { - ref: G, - value: T, - allowClear: l, - handleReset: ge, - suffix: Pe, - prefixCls: b, - classNames: D(D({}, C), {}, { - affixWrapper: Z(C == null ? void 0 : C.affixWrapper, j(j({}, "".concat(b, "-show-count"), p), "".concat(b, "-textarea-allow-clear"), l)) - }), - disabled: y, - focused: x, - className: Z(S, fe && "".concat(b, "-out-of-range")), - style: D(D({}, h), X && !it ? { - height: "auto" - } : {}), - dataAttrs: { - affixWrapper: { - "data-count": typeof ve == "string" ? ve : void 0 - } - }, - hidden: E, - readOnly: w - }, /* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(H1, _e({}, $, { - maxLength: c, - onKeyDown: re, - onChange: te, - onFocus: be, - onBlur: ye, - onCompositionStart: me, - onCompositionEnd: ae, - className: Z(C == null ? void 0 : C.textarea), - style: D(D({}, O == null ? void 0 : O.textarea), {}, { - resize: h == null ? void 0 : h.resize - }), - disabled: y, - prefixCls: b, - onResize: vt, - ref: Q, - readOnly: w - }))); -}), U1 = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const cv = /* @__PURE__ */ Vr((e, t) => { - var r, n; - const { - prefixCls: a, - bordered: o = !0, - size: i, - disabled: s, - status: l, - allowClear: c, - classNames: d, - rootClassName: f, - className: v, - style: m, - styles: b, - variant: p - } = e, g = U1(e, ["prefixCls", "bordered", "size", "disabled", "status", "allowClear", "classNames", "rootClassName", "className", "style", "styles", "variant"]); - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const { - deprecated: L - } = Ft("TextArea"); - L(!("bordered" in e), "bordered", "variant"); - } - const { - getPrefixCls: S, - direction: h, - textArea: y - } = u.useContext(ft), E = Aa(i), C = u.useContext(Dn), O = s ?? C, { - status: R, - hasFeedback: w, - feedbackIcon: $ - } = u.useContext(Pa), A = wf(R, l), F = u.useRef(null); - u.useImperativeHandle(t, () => { - var L; - return { - resizableTextArea: (L = F.current) === null || L === void 0 ? void 0 : L.resizableTextArea, - focus: (B) => { - var X, W; - F1((W = (X = F.current) === null || X === void 0 ? void 0 : X.resizableTextArea) === null || W === void 0 ? void 0 : W.textArea, B); - }, - blur: () => { - var B; - return (B = F.current) === null || B === void 0 ? void 0 : B.blur(); - } - }; - }); - const M = S("input", a), I = Gs(M), [T, k, N] = Yf(M, I), [x, _] = $f("textArea", p, o), z = lv(c ?? (y == null ? void 0 : y.allowClear)); - return T(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(K1, Object.assign({ - autoComplete: y == null ? void 0 : y.autoComplete - }, g, { - style: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, y == null ? void 0 : y.style), m), - styles: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, y == null ? void 0 : y.styles), b), - disabled: O, - allowClear: z, - className: Z(N, I, v, f, y == null ? void 0 : y.className), - classNames: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, d), y == null ? void 0 : y.classNames), { - textarea: Z({ - [`${M}-sm`]: E === "small", - [`${M}-lg`]: E === "large" - }, k, d == null ? void 0 : d.textarea, (r = y == null ? void 0 : y.classNames) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.textarea), - variant: Z({ - [`${M}-${x}`]: _ - }, Es(M, A)), - affixWrapper: Z(`${M}-textarea-affix-wrapper`, { - [`${M}-affix-wrapper-rtl`]: h === "rtl", - [`${M}-affix-wrapper-sm`]: E === "small", - [`${M}-affix-wrapper-lg`]: E === "large", - [`${M}-textarea-show-count`]: e.showCount || ((n = e.count) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.show) - }, k) - }), - prefixCls: M, - suffix: w && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", { - className: `${M}-textarea-suffix` - }, $), - ref: F - }))); -}); -function su(e) { - return ["small", "middle", "large"].includes(e); -} -const uv = ["wrap", "nowrap", "wrap-reverse"], dv = ["flex-start", "flex-end", "start", "end", "center", "space-between", "space-around", "space-evenly", "stretch", "normal", "left", "right"], fv = ["center", "start", "end", "flex-start", "flex-end", "self-start", "self-end", "baseline", "normal", "stretch"], G1 = (e, t) => { - const r = t.wrap === !0 ? "wrap" : t.wrap; - return { - [`${e}-wrap-${r}`]: r && uv.includes(r) - }; -}, q1 = (e, t) => { - const r = {}; - return fv.forEach((n) => { - r[`${e}-align-${n}`] = t.align === n; - }), r[`${e}-align-stretch`] = !t.align && !!t.vertical, r; -}, X1 = (e, t) => { - const r = {}; - return dv.forEach((n) => { - r[`${e}-justify-${n}`] = t.justify === n; - }), r; -}; -function Y1(e, t) { - return Z(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, G1(e, t)), q1(e, t)), X1(e, t))); -} -const Z1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t - } = e; - return { - [t]: { - display: "flex", - "&-vertical": { - flexDirection: "column" - }, - "&-rtl": { - direction: "rtl" - }, - "&:empty": { - display: "none" - } - } - }; -}, Q1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t - } = e; - return { - [t]: { - "&-gap-small": { - gap: e.flexGapSM - }, - "&-gap-middle": { - gap: e.flexGap - }, - "&-gap-large": { - gap: e.flexGapLG - } - } - }; -}, J1 = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t - } = e, r = {}; - return uv.forEach((n) => { - r[`${t}-wrap-${n}`] = { - flexWrap: n - }; - }), r; -}, eE = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t - } = e, r = {}; - return fv.forEach((n) => { - r[`${t}-align-${n}`] = { - alignItems: n - }; - }), r; -}, tE = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t - } = e, r = {}; - return dv.forEach((n) => { - r[`${t}-justify-${n}`] = { - justifyContent: n - }; - }), r; -}, rE = () => ({}), nE = en("Flex", (e) => { - const { - paddingXS: t, - padding: r, - paddingLG: n - } = e, a = Zt(e, { - flexGapSM: t, - flexGap: r, - flexGapLG: n - }); - return [Z1(a), Q1(a), J1(a), eE(a), tE(a)]; -}, rE, { - // Flex component don't apply extra font style - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/46403 - resetStyle: !1 -}); -var aE = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const ua = /* @__PURE__ */ q.forwardRef((e, t) => { - const { - prefixCls: r, - rootClassName: n, - className: a, - style: o, - flex: i, - gap: s, - children: l, - vertical: c = !1, - component: d = "div" - } = e, f = aE(e, ["prefixCls", "rootClassName", "className", "style", "flex", "gap", "children", "vertical", "component"]), { - flex: v, - direction: m, - getPrefixCls: b - } = q.useContext(ft), p = b("flex", r), [g, S, h] = nE(p), y = c ?? (v == null ? void 0 : v.vertical), E = Z(a, n, v == null ? void 0 : v.className, p, S, h, Y1(p, e), { - [`${p}-rtl`]: m === "rtl", - [`${p}-gap-${s}`]: su(s), - [`${p}-vertical`]: y - }), C = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, v == null ? void 0 : v.style), o); - return i && (C.flex = i), s && !su(s) && (C.gap = s), g(/* @__PURE__ */ q.createElement(d, Object.assign({ - ref: t, - className: E, - style: C - }, Cr(f, ["justify", "wrap", "align"])), l)); -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (ua.displayName = "Flex"); -var oE = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const iE = { - border: 0, - background: "transparent", - padding: 0, - lineHeight: "inherit", - display: "inline-flex" -}, Ts = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef((e, t) => { - const r = (d) => { - const { - keyCode: f - } = d; - f === ce.ENTER && d.preventDefault(); - }, n = (d) => { - const { - keyCode: f - } = d, { - onClick: v - } = e; - f === ce.ENTER && v && v(); - }, { - style: a, - noStyle: o, - disabled: i, - tabIndex: s = 0 - } = e, l = oE(e, ["style", "noStyle", "disabled", "tabIndex"]); - let c = {}; - return o || (c = Object.assign({}, iE)), i && (c.pointerEvents = "none"), c = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, c), a), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", Object.assign({ - role: "button", - tabIndex: s, - ref: t - }, l, { - onKeyDown: r, - onKeyUp: n, - style: c - })); -}); -var sE = { icon: { tag: "svg", attrs: { viewBox: "64 64 896 896", focusable: "false" }, children: [{ tag: "path", attrs: { d: "M257.7 752c2 0 4-.2 6-.5L431.9 722c2-.4 3.9-1.3 5.3-2.8l423.9-423.9a9.96 9.96 0 000-14.1L694.9 114.9c-1.9-1.9-4.4-2.9-7.1-2.9s-5.2 1-7.1 2.9L256.8 538.8c-1.5 1.5-2.4 3.3-2.8 5.3l-29.5 168.2a33.5 33.5 0 009.4 29.8c6.6 6.4 14.9 9.9 23.8 9.9zm67.4-174.4L687.8 215l73.3 73.3-362.7 362.6-88.9 15.7 15.6-89zM880 836H144c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v36c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h784c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-36c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32z" } }] }, name: "edit", theme: "outlined" }, lE = function(t, r) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nr, _e({}, t, { - ref: r, - icon: sE - })); -}, vv = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(lE); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (vv.displayName = "EditOutlined"); -var cE = { icon: { tag: "svg", attrs: { viewBox: "64 64 896 896", focusable: "false" }, children: [{ tag: "path", attrs: { d: "M864 170h-60c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v518H310v-73c0-6.7-7.8-10.5-13-6.3l-141.9 112a8 8 0 000 12.6l141.9 112c5.3 4.2 13 .4 13-6.3v-75h498c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V178c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8z" } }] }, name: "enter", theme: "outlined" }, uE = function(t, r) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nr, _e({}, t, { - ref: r, - icon: cE - })); -}, gv = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(uE); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (gv.displayName = "EnterOutlined"); -const dE = (e, t, r, n) => { - const { - titleMarginBottom: a, - fontWeightStrong: o - } = n; - return { - marginBottom: a, - color: r, - fontWeight: o, - fontSize: e, - lineHeight: t - }; -}, fE = (e) => { - const t = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], r = {}; - return t.forEach((n) => { - r[` - h${n}&, - div&-h${n}, - div&-h${n} > textarea, - h${n} - `] = dE(e[`fontSizeHeading${n}`], e[`lineHeightHeading${n}`], e.colorTextHeading, e); - }), r; -}, vE = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t - } = e; - return { - "a&, a": Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Cd(e)), { - textDecoration: e.linkDecoration, - "&:active, &:hover": { - textDecoration: e.linkHoverDecoration - }, - [`&[disabled], &${t}-disabled`]: { - color: e.colorTextDisabled, - cursor: "not-allowed", - "&:active, &:hover": { - color: e.colorTextDisabled - }, - "&:active": { - pointerEvents: "none" - } - } - }) - }; -}, gE = (e) => ({ - code: { - margin: "0 0.2em", - paddingInline: "0.4em", - paddingBlock: "0.2em 0.1em", - fontSize: "85%", - fontFamily: e.fontFamilyCode, - background: "rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.1)", - border: "1px solid rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2)", - borderRadius: 3 - }, - kbd: { - margin: "0 0.2em", - paddingInline: "0.4em", - paddingBlock: "0.15em 0.1em", - fontSize: "90%", - fontFamily: e.fontFamilyCode, - background: "rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.06)", - border: "1px solid rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2)", - borderBottomWidth: 2, - borderRadius: 3 - }, - mark: { - padding: 0, - // FIXME hardcode in v4 - backgroundColor: Zi[2] - }, - "u, ins": { - textDecoration: "underline", - textDecorationSkipInk: "auto" - }, - "s, del": { - textDecoration: "line-through" - }, - strong: { - fontWeight: 600 - }, - // list - "ul, ol": { - marginInline: 0, - marginBlock: "0 1em", - padding: 0, - li: { - marginInline: "20px 0", - marginBlock: 0, - paddingInline: "4px 0", - paddingBlock: 0 - } - }, - ul: { - listStyleType: "circle", - ul: { - listStyleType: "disc" - } - }, - ol: { - listStyleType: "decimal" - }, - // pre & block - "pre, blockquote": { - margin: "1em 0" - }, - pre: { - padding: "0.4em 0.6em", - whiteSpace: "pre-wrap", - wordWrap: "break-word", - background: "rgba(150, 150, 150, 0.1)", - border: "1px solid rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2)", - borderRadius: 3, - fontFamily: e.fontFamilyCode, - // Compatible for marked - code: { - display: "inline", - margin: 0, - padding: 0, - fontSize: "inherit", - fontFamily: "inherit", - background: "transparent", - border: 0 - } - }, - blockquote: { - paddingInline: "0.6em 0", - paddingBlock: 0, - borderInlineStart: "4px solid rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2)", - opacity: 0.85 - } -}), mE = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - paddingSM: r - } = e, n = r; - return { - "&-edit-content": { - position: "relative", - "div&": { - insetInlineStart: e.calc(e.paddingSM).mul(-1).equal(), - marginTop: e.calc(n).mul(-1).equal(), - marginBottom: `calc(1em - ${ee(n)})` - }, - [`${t}-edit-content-confirm`]: { - position: "absolute", - insetInlineEnd: e.calc(e.marginXS).add(2).equal(), - insetBlockEnd: e.marginXS, - color: e.colorTextDescription, - // default style - fontWeight: "normal", - fontSize: e.fontSize, - fontStyle: "normal", - pointerEvents: "none" - }, - textarea: { - margin: "0!important", - // Fix Editable Textarea flash in Firefox - MozTransition: "none", - height: "1em" - } - } - }; -}, pE = (e) => ({ - [`${e.componentCls}-copy-success`]: { - "\n &,\n &:hover,\n &:focus": { - color: e.colorSuccess - } - }, - [`${e.componentCls}-copy-icon-only`]: { - marginInlineStart: 0 - } -}), hE = () => ({ - "\n a&-ellipsis,\n span&-ellipsis\n ": { - display: "inline-block", - maxWidth: "100%" - }, - "&-ellipsis-single-line": { - whiteSpace: "nowrap", - overflow: "hidden", - textOverflow: "ellipsis", - // https://blog.csdn.net/iefreer/article/details/50421025 - "a&, span&": { - verticalAlign: "bottom" - }, - "> code": { - paddingBlock: 0, - maxWidth: "calc(100% - 1.2em)", - display: "inline-block", - overflow: "hidden", - textOverflow: "ellipsis", - verticalAlign: "bottom", - // https://github.com/ant-design/ant-design/issues/45953 - boxSizing: "content-box" - } - }, - "&-ellipsis-multiple-line": { - display: "-webkit-box", - overflow: "hidden", - WebkitLineClamp: 3, - WebkitBoxOrient: "vertical" - } -}), bE = (e) => { - const { - componentCls: t, - titleMarginTop: r - } = e; - return { - [t]: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({ - color: e.colorText, - wordBreak: "break-word", - lineHeight: e.lineHeight, - [`&${t}-secondary`]: { - color: e.colorTextDescription - }, - [`&${t}-success`]: { - color: e.colorSuccess - }, - [`&${t}-warning`]: { - color: e.colorWarning - }, - [`&${t}-danger`]: { - color: e.colorError, - "a&:active, a&:focus": { - color: e.colorErrorActive - }, - "a&:hover": { - color: e.colorErrorHover - } - }, - [`&${t}-disabled`]: { - color: e.colorTextDisabled, - cursor: "not-allowed", - userSelect: "none" - }, - "\n div&,\n p\n ": { - marginBottom: "1em" - } - }, fE(e)), { - [` - & + h1${t}, - & + h2${t}, - & + h3${t}, - & + h4${t}, - & + h5${t} - `]: { - marginTop: r - }, - "\n div,\n ul,\n li,\n p,\n h1,\n h2,\n h3,\n h4,\n h5": { - "\n + h1,\n + h2,\n + h3,\n + h4,\n + h5\n ": { - marginTop: r - } - } - }), gE(e)), vE(e)), { - // Operation - [` - ${t}-expand, - ${t}-collapse, - ${t}-edit, - ${t}-copy - `]: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, Cd(e)), { - marginInlineStart: e.marginXXS - }) - }), mE(e)), pE(e)), hE()), { - "&-rtl": { - direction: "rtl" - } - }) - }; -}, yE = () => ({ - titleMarginTop: "1.2em", - titleMarginBottom: "0.5em" -}), mv = en("Typography", (e) => [bE(e)], yE), SE = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - "aria-label": r, - className: n, - style: a, - direction: o, - maxLength: i, - autoSize: s = !0, - value: l, - onSave: c, - onCancel: d, - onEnd: f, - component: v, - enterIcon: m = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(gv, null) - } = e, b = u.useRef(null), p = u.useRef(!1), g = u.useRef(), [S, h] = u.useState(l); - u.useEffect(() => { - h(l); - }, [l]), u.useEffect(() => { - var k; - if (!((k = b.current) === null || k === void 0) && k.resizableTextArea) { - const { - textArea: N - } = b.current.resizableTextArea; - N.focus(); - const { - length: x - } = N.value; - N.setSelectionRange(x, x); - } - }, []); - const y = (k) => { - let { - target: N - } = k; - h(N.value.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "")); - }, E = () => { - p.current = !0; - }, C = () => { - p.current = !1; - }, O = (k) => { - let { - keyCode: N - } = k; - p.current || (g.current = N); - }, R = () => { - c(S.trim()); - }, w = (k) => { - let { - keyCode: N, - ctrlKey: x, - altKey: _, - metaKey: z, - shiftKey: L - } = k; - g.current === N && !p.current && !x && !_ && !z && !L && (N === ce.ENTER ? (R(), f == null || f()) : N === ce.ESC && d()); - }, $ = () => { - R(); - }, A = v ? `${t}-${v}` : "", [F, M, I] = mv(t), T = Z(t, `${t}-edit-content`, { - [`${t}-rtl`]: o === "rtl" - }, n, A, M, I); - return F(/* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { - className: T, - style: a - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(cv, { - ref: b, - maxLength: i, - value: S, - onChange: y, - onKeyDown: O, - onKeyUp: w, - onCompositionStart: E, - onCompositionEnd: C, - onBlur: $, - "aria-label": r, - rows: 1, - autoSize: s - }), m !== null ? Vo(m, { - className: `${t}-edit-content-confirm` - }) : null)); -}; -var CE = function() { - var e = document.getSelection(); - if (!e.rangeCount) - return function() { - }; - for (var t = document.activeElement, r = [], n = 0; n < e.rangeCount; n++) - r.push(e.getRangeAt(n)); - switch (t.tagName.toUpperCase()) { - case "INPUT": - case "TEXTAREA": - t.blur(); - break; - default: - t = null; - break; - } - return e.removeAllRanges(), function() { - e.type === "Caret" && e.removeAllRanges(), e.rangeCount || r.forEach(function(a) { - e.addRange(a); - }), t && t.focus(); - }; -}, EE = CE, lu = { - "text/plain": "Text", - "text/html": "Url", - default: "Text" -}, xE = "Copy to clipboard: #{key}, Enter"; -function wE(e) { - var t = (/mac os x/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? "⌘" : "Ctrl") + "+C"; - return e.replace(/#{\s*key\s*}/g, t); -} -function $E(e, t) { - var r, n, a, o, i, s, l = !1; - t || (t = {}), r = t.debug || !1; - try { - a = EE(), o = document.createRange(), i = document.getSelection(), s = document.createElement("span"), s.textContent = e, s.ariaHidden = "true", s.style.all = "unset", s.style.position = "fixed", s.style.top = 0, s.style.clip = "rect(0, 0, 0, 0)", s.style.whiteSpace = "pre", s.style.webkitUserSelect = "text", s.style.MozUserSelect = "text", s.style.msUserSelect = "text", s.style.userSelect = "text", s.addEventListener("copy", function(d) { - if (d.stopPropagation(), t.format) - if (d.preventDefault(), typeof d.clipboardData > "u") { - r && console.warn("unable to use e.clipboardData"), r && console.warn("trying IE specific stuff"), window.clipboardData.clearData(); - var f = lu[t.format] || lu.default; - window.clipboardData.setData(f, e); - } else - d.clipboardData.clearData(), d.clipboardData.setData(t.format, e); - t.onCopy && (d.preventDefault(), t.onCopy(d.clipboardData)); - }), document.body.appendChild(s), o.selectNodeContents(s), i.addRange(o); - var c = document.execCommand("copy"); - if (!c) - throw new Error("copy command was unsuccessful"); - l = !0; - } catch (d) { - r && console.error("unable to copy using execCommand: ", d), r && console.warn("trying IE specific stuff"); - try { - window.clipboardData.setData(t.format || "text", e), t.onCopy && t.onCopy(window.clipboardData), l = !0; - } catch (f) { - r && console.error("unable to copy using clipboardData: ", f), r && console.error("falling back to prompt"), n = wE("message" in t ? t.message : xE), window.prompt(n, e); - } - } finally { - i && (typeof i.removeRange == "function" ? i.removeRange(o) : i.removeAllRanges()), s && document.body.removeChild(s), a(); - } - return l; -} -var OE = $E; -const RE = /* @__PURE__ */ vu(OE); -var PE = function(e, t, r, n) { - function a(o) { - return o instanceof r ? o : new r(function(i) { - i(o); - }); - } - return new (r || (r = Promise))(function(o, i) { - function s(d) { - try { - c(n.next(d)); - } catch (f) { - i(f); - } - } - function l(d) { - try { - c(n.throw(d)); - } catch (f) { - i(f); - } - } - function c(d) { - d.done ? o(d.value) : a(d.value).then(s, l); - } - c((n = n.apply(e, t || [])).next()); - }); -}; -const _E = (e) => { - let { - copyConfig: t, - children: r - } = e; - const [n, a] = u.useState(!1), [o, i] = u.useState(!1), s = u.useRef(null), l = () => { - s.current && clearTimeout(s.current); - }, c = {}; - t.format && (c.format = t.format), u.useEffect(() => l, []); - const d = kt((f) => PE(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () { - var v; - f == null || f.preventDefault(), f == null || f.stopPropagation(), i(!0); - try { - const m = typeof t.text == "function" ? yield t.text() : t.text; - RE(m || String(r) || "", c), i(!1), a(!0), l(), s.current = setTimeout(() => { - a(!1); - }, 3e3), (v = t.onCopy) === null || v === void 0 || v.call(t, f); - } catch (m) { - throw i(!1), m; - } - })); - return { - copied: n, - copyLoading: o, - onClick: d - }; -}; -function Ri(e, t) { - return u.useMemo(() => { - const r = !!e; - return [r, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), r && typeof e == "object" ? e : null)]; - }, [e]); -} -const TE = (e) => { - const t = Be(); - return yt(() => { - t.current = e; - }), t.current; -}, NE = (e, t) => { - const r = u.useRef(!1); - u.useEffect(() => { - r.current ? e() : r.current = !0; - }, t); -}; -var IE = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const dl = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef((e, t) => { - const { - prefixCls: r, - component: n = "article", - className: a, - rootClassName: o, - setContentRef: i, - children: s, - direction: l, - style: c - } = e, d = IE(e, ["prefixCls", "component", "className", "rootClassName", "setContentRef", "children", "direction", "style"]), { - getPrefixCls: f, - direction: v, - typography: m - } = u.useContext(ft), b = l ?? v; - let p = t; - i && (p = Pr(t, i)), process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && Ft("Typography").deprecated(!i, "setContentRef", "ref"); - const g = f("typography", r), [S, h, y] = mv(g), E = Z(g, m == null ? void 0 : m.className, { - [`${g}-rtl`]: b === "rtl" - }, a, o, h, y), C = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, m == null ? void 0 : m.style), c); - return S( - // @ts-expect-error: Expression produces a union type that is too complex to represent. - /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(n, Object.assign({ - className: E, - style: C, - ref: p - }, d), s) - ); -}); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (dl.displayName = "Typography"); -var ME = { icon: { tag: "svg", attrs: { viewBox: "64 64 896 896", focusable: "false" }, children: [{ tag: "path", attrs: { d: "M832 64H296c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v56c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h496v688c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h56c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V96c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32zM704 192H192c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v530.7c0 8.5 3.4 16.6 9.4 22.6l173.3 173.3c2.2 2.2 4.7 4 7.4 5.5v1.9h4.2c3.5 1.3 7.2 2 11 2H704c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V224c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32zM350 856.2L263.9 770H350v86.2zM664 888H414V746c0-22.1-17.9-40-40-40H232V264h432v624z" } }] }, name: "copy", theme: "outlined" }, AE = function(t, r) { - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(nr, _e({}, t, { - ref: r, - icon: ME - })); -}, pv = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(AE); -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (pv.displayName = "CopyOutlined"); -function cu(e) { - return e === !1 ? [!1, !1] : Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]; -} -function ao(e, t, r) { - return e === !0 || e === void 0 ? t : e || r && t; -} -const jE = (e) => { - const { - prefixCls: t, - copied: r, - locale: n, - iconOnly: a, - tooltips: o, - icon: i, - loading: s, - tabIndex: l, - onCopy: c - } = e, d = cu(o), f = cu(i), { - copied: v, - copy: m - } = n ?? {}, b = r ? ao(d[1], v) : ao(d[0], m), g = typeof b == "string" ? b : r ? v : m; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Da, { - key: "copy", - title: b - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ts, { - className: Z(`${t}-copy`, { - [`${t}-copy-success`]: r, - [`${t}-copy-icon-only`]: a - }), - onClick: c, - "aria-label": g, - tabIndex: l - }, r ? ao(f[1], /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Of, null), !0) : ao(f[0], s ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(qs, null) : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(pv, null), !0))); -}, oo = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef((e, t) => { - let { - style: r, - children: n - } = e; - const a = u.useRef(null); - return u.useImperativeHandle(t, () => ({ - isExceed: () => { - const o = a.current; - return o.scrollHeight > o.clientHeight; - }, - getHeight: () => a.current.clientHeight - })), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", { - "aria-hidden": !0, - ref: a, - style: Object.assign({ - position: "fixed", - display: "block", - left: 0, - top: 0, - pointerEvents: "none", - backgroundColor: "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.65)" - }, r) - }, n); -}); -function hv(e) { - const t = typeof e; - return t === "string" || t === "number"; -} -function FE(e) { - let t = 0; - return e.forEach((r) => { - hv(r) ? t += String(r).length : t += 1; - }), t; -} -function uu(e, t) { - let r = 0; - const n = []; - for (let a = 0; a < e.length; a += 1) { - if (r === t) - return n; - const o = e[a], s = hv(o) ? String(o).length : 1, l = r + s; - if (l > t) { - const c = t - r; - return n.push(String(o).slice(0, c)), n; - } - n.push(o), r = l; - } - return e; -} -const Pi = 0, _i = 1, Ti = 2, Ni = 3, du = 4, io = { - display: "-webkit-box", - overflow: "hidden", - WebkitBoxOrient: "vertical" -}; -function LE(e) { - const { - enableMeasure: t, - width: r, - text: n, - children: a, - rows: o, - expanded: i, - miscDeps: s, - onEllipsis: l - } = e, c = u.useMemo(() => Zr(n), [n]), d = u.useMemo(() => FE(c), [n]), f = u.useMemo(() => a(c, !1), [n]), [v, m] = u.useState(null), b = u.useRef(null), p = u.useRef(null), g = u.useRef(null), S = u.useRef(null), h = u.useRef(null), [y, E] = u.useState(!1), [C, O] = u.useState(Pi), [R, w] = u.useState(0), [$, A] = u.useState(null); - Ct(() => { - O(t && r && d ? _i : Pi); - }, [r, n, o, t, c]), Ct(() => { - var T, k, N, x; - if (C === _i) { - O(Ti); - const _ = p.current && getComputedStyle(p.current).whiteSpace; - A(_); - } else if (C === Ti) { - const _ = !!(!((T = g.current) === null || T === void 0) && T.isExceed()); - O(_ ? Ni : du), m(_ ? [0, d] : null), E(_); - const z = ((k = g.current) === null || k === void 0 ? void 0 : k.getHeight()) || 0, L = o === 1 ? 0 : ((N = S.current) === null || N === void 0 ? void 0 : N.getHeight()) || 0, B = ((x = h.current) === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.getHeight()) || 0, X = L + B, W = Math.max(z, X); - w(W + 1), l(_); - } - }, [C]); - const F = v ? Math.ceil((v[0] + v[1]) / 2) : 0; - Ct(() => { - var T; - const [k, N] = v || [0, 0]; - if (k !== N) { - const _ = (((T = b.current) === null || T === void 0 ? void 0 : T.getHeight()) || 0) > R; - let z = F; - N - k === 1 && (z = _ ? k : N), m(_ ? [k, z] : [z, N]); - } - }, [v, F]); - const M = u.useMemo(() => { - if (C !== Ni || !v || v[0] !== v[1]) { - const T = a(c, !1); - return C !== du && C !== Pi ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", { - style: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, io), { - WebkitLineClamp: o - }) - }, T) : T; - } - return a(i ? c : uu(c, v[0]), y); - }, [i, C, v, c].concat(he(s))), I = { - width: r, - margin: 0, - padding: 0, - whiteSpace: $ === "nowrap" ? "normal" : "inherit" - }; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(u.Fragment, null, M, C === Ti && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(u.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(oo, { - style: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, I), io), { - WebkitLineClamp: o - }), - ref: g - }, f), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(oo, { - style: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, I), io), { - WebkitLineClamp: o - 1 - }), - ref: S - }, f), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(oo, { - style: Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, I), io), { - WebkitLineClamp: 1 - }), - ref: h - }, a([], !0))), C === Ni && v && v[0] !== v[1] && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(oo, { - style: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, I), { - top: 400 - }), - ref: b - }, a(uu(c, F), !0)), C === _i && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", { - style: { - whiteSpace: "inherit" - }, - ref: p - })); -} -const bv = (e) => { - let { - enableEllipsis: t, - isEllipsis: r, - children: n, - tooltipProps: a - } = e; - return !(a != null && a.title) || !t ? n : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Da, Object.assign({ - open: r ? void 0 : !1 - }, a), n); -}; -process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && (bv.displayName = "EllipsisTooltip"); -var DE = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -function zE(e, t) { - let { - mark: r, - code: n, - underline: a, - delete: o, - strong: i, - keyboard: s, - italic: l - } = e, c = t; - function d(f, v) { - v && (c = /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(f, {}, c)); - } - return d("strong", i), d("u", a), d("del", o), d("code", n), d("mark", r), d("kbd", s), d("i", l), c; -} -const VE = "...", Yo = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef((e, t) => { - var r, n, a; - const { - prefixCls: o, - className: i, - style: s, - type: l, - disabled: c, - children: d, - ellipsis: f, - editable: v, - copyable: m, - component: b, - title: p - } = e, g = DE(e, ["prefixCls", "className", "style", "type", "disabled", "children", "ellipsis", "editable", "copyable", "component", "title"]), { - getPrefixCls: S, - direction: h - } = u.useContext(ft), [y] = Um("Text"), E = u.useRef(null), C = u.useRef(null), O = S("typography", o), R = Cr(g, ["mark", "code", "delete", "underline", "strong", "keyboard", "italic"]), [w, $] = Ri(v), [A, F] = cr(!1, { - value: $.editing - }), { - triggerType: M = ["icon"] - } = $, I = (ie) => { - var Ee; - ie && ((Ee = $.onStart) === null || Ee === void 0 || Ee.call($)), F(ie); - }, T = TE(A); - NE(() => { - var ie; - !A && T && ((ie = C.current) === null || ie === void 0 || ie.focus()); - }, [A]); - const k = (ie) => { - ie == null || ie.preventDefault(), I(!0); - }, N = (ie) => { - var Ee; - (Ee = $.onChange) === null || Ee === void 0 || Ee.call($, ie), I(!1); - }, x = () => { - var ie; - (ie = $.onCancel) === null || ie === void 0 || ie.call($), I(!1); - }, [_, z] = Ri(m), { - copied: L, - copyLoading: B, - onClick: X - } = _E({ - copyConfig: z, - children: d - }), [W, G] = u.useState(!1), [Q, Y] = u.useState(!1), [J, ne] = u.useState(!1), [se, xe] = u.useState(!1), [de, ue] = u.useState(!0), [Ce, V] = Ri(f, { - expandable: !1, - symbol: (ie) => ie ? y == null ? void 0 : y.collapse : y == null ? void 0 : y.expand - }), [le, fe] = cr(V.defaultExpanded || !1, { - value: V.expanded - }), Re = Ce && (!le || V.expandable === "collapsible"), { - rows: me = 1 - } = V, ae = u.useMemo(() => ( - // Disable ellipsis - Re && // Provide suffix - (V.suffix !== void 0 || V.onEllipsis || // Can't use css ellipsis since we need to provide the place for button - V.expandable || w || _) - ), [Re, V, w, _]); - Ct(() => { - Ce && !ae && (G(Pc("webkitLineClamp")), Y(Pc("textOverflow"))); - }, [ae, Ce]); - const [te, re] = u.useState(Re), be = u.useMemo(() => ae ? !1 : me === 1 ? Q : W, [ae, Q, W]); - Ct(() => { - re(be && Re); - }, [be, Re]); - const ye = Re && (te ? se : J), ge = Re && me === 1 && te, Pe = Re && me > 1 && te, ve = (ie, Ee) => { - var qe; - fe(Ee.expanded), (qe = V.onExpand) === null || qe === void 0 || qe.call(V, ie, Ee); - }, [vt, it] = u.useState(0), $e = (ie) => { - let { - offsetWidth: Ee - } = ie; - it(Ee); - }, we = (ie) => { - var Ee; - ne(ie), J !== ie && ((Ee = V.onEllipsis) === null || Ee === void 0 || Ee.call(V, ie)); - }; - u.useEffect(() => { - const ie = E.current; - if (Ce && te && ie) { - const Ee = Pe ? ie.offsetHeight < ie.scrollHeight : ie.offsetWidth < ie.scrollWidth; - se !== Ee && xe(Ee); - } - }, [Ce, te, d, Pe, de, vt]), u.useEffect(() => { - const ie = E.current; - if (typeof IntersectionObserver > "u" || !ie || !te || !Re) - return; - const Ee = new IntersectionObserver(() => { - ue(!!ie.offsetParent); - }); - return Ee.observe(ie), () => { - Ee.disconnect(); - }; - }, [te, Re]); - let je = {}; - V.tooltip === !0 ? je = { - title: (r = $.text) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : d - } : /* @__PURE__ */ u.isValidElement(V.tooltip) ? je = { - title: V.tooltip - } : typeof V.tooltip == "object" ? je = Object.assign({ - title: (n = $.text) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : d - }, V.tooltip) : je = { - title: V.tooltip - }; - const ze = u.useMemo(() => { - const ie = (Ee) => ["string", "number"].includes(typeof Ee); - if (!(!Ce || te)) { - if (ie($.text)) - return $.text; - if (ie(d)) - return d; - if (ie(p)) - return p; - if (ie(je.title)) - return je.title; - } - }, [Ce, te, p, je.title, ye]); - if (A) - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(SE, { - value: (a = $.text) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : typeof d == "string" ? d : "", - onSave: N, - onCancel: x, - onEnd: $.onEnd, - prefixCls: O, - className: i, - style: s, - direction: h, - component: b, - maxLength: $.maxLength, - autoSize: $.autoSize, - enterIcon: $.enterIcon - }); - const gt = () => { - const { - expandable: ie, - symbol: Ee - } = V; - return !ie || le && ie !== "collapsible" ? null : /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ts, { - key: "expand", - className: `${O}-${le ? "collapse" : "expand"}`, - onClick: (qe) => ve(qe, { - expanded: !le - }), - "aria-label": le ? y.collapse : y == null ? void 0 : y.expand - }, typeof Ee == "function" ? Ee(le) : Ee); - }, mt = () => { - if (!w) - return; - const { - icon: ie, - tooltip: Ee, - tabIndex: qe - } = $, Qe = Zr(Ee)[0] || (y == null ? void 0 : y.edit), St = typeof Qe == "string" ? Qe : ""; - return M.includes("icon") ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Da, { - key: "edit", - title: Ee === !1 ? "" : Qe - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Ts, { - ref: C, - className: `${O}-edit`, - onClick: k, - "aria-label": St, - tabIndex: qe - }, ie || /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(vv, { - role: "button" - }))) : null; - }, wt = () => _ ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(jE, Object.assign({ - key: "copy" - }, z, { - prefixCls: O, - copied: L, - locale: y, - onCopy: X, - loading: B, - iconOnly: d == null - })) : null, et = (ie) => [ - // (renderExpanded || ellipsisConfig.collapsible) && renderExpand(), - ie && gt(), - mt(), - wt() - ], Le = (ie) => [ie && !le && /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", { - "aria-hidden": !0, - key: "ellipsis" - }, VE), V.suffix, et(ie)]; - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(hr, { - onResize: $e, - disabled: !Re - }, (ie) => /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(bv, { - tooltipProps: je, - enableEllipsis: Re, - isEllipsis: ye - }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(dl, Object.assign({ - className: Z({ - [`${O}-${l}`]: l, - [`${O}-disabled`]: c, - [`${O}-ellipsis`]: Ce, - [`${O}-ellipsis-single-line`]: ge, - [`${O}-ellipsis-multiple-line`]: Pe - }, i), - prefixCls: o, - style: Object.assign(Object.assign({}, s), { - WebkitLineClamp: Pe ? me : void 0 - }), - component: b, - ref: Pr(ie, E, t), - direction: h, - onClick: M.includes("text") ? k : void 0, - "aria-label": ze == null ? void 0 : ze.toString(), - title: p - }, R), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(LE, { - enableMeasure: Re && !te, - text: d, - rows: me, - width: vt, - onEllipsis: we, - expanded: le, - miscDeps: [L, le, B, w, _] - }, (Ee, qe) => zE(e, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(u.Fragment, null, Ee.length > 0 && qe && !le && ze ? /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("span", { - key: "show-content", - "aria-hidden": !0 - }, Ee) : Ee, Le(qe))))))); -}); -var BE = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const kE = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef((e, t) => { - var { - ellipsis: r, - rel: n - } = e, a = BE(e, ["ellipsis", "rel"]); - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const i = Ft("Typography.Link"); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && i(typeof r != "object", "usage", "`ellipsis` only supports boolean value."); - } - const o = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, a), { - rel: n === void 0 && a.target === "_blank" ? "noopener noreferrer" : n - }); - return delete o.navigate, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Yo, Object.assign({}, o, { - ref: t, - ellipsis: !!r, - component: "a" - })); -}), HE = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef((e, t) => /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Yo, Object.assign({ - ref: t -}, e, { - component: "div" -}))); -var WE = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const KE = (e, t) => { - var { - ellipsis: r - } = e, n = WE(e, ["ellipsis"]); - const a = u.useMemo(() => r && typeof r == "object" ? Cr(r, ["expandable", "rows"]) : r, [r]); - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const o = Ft("Typography.Text"); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && o(typeof r != "object" || !r || !("expandable" in r) && !("rows" in r), "usage", "`ellipsis` do not support `expandable` or `rows` props."); - } - return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Yo, Object.assign({ - ref: t - }, n, { - ellipsis: a, - component: "span" - })); -}, UE = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef(KE); -var GE = function(e, t) { - var r = {}; - for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.indexOf(n) < 0 && (r[n] = e[n]); - if (e != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, n = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); a < n.length; a++) - t.indexOf(n[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n[a]) && (r[n[a]] = e[n[a]]); - return r; -}; -const fu = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], qE = /* @__PURE__ */ u.forwardRef((e, t) => { - const { - level: r = 1 - } = e, n = GE(e, ["level"]); - let a; - if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") { - const o = Ft("Typography.Title"); - process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" && o(fu.includes(r), "usage", "Title only accept `1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5` as `level` value. And `5` need 4.6.0+ version."); - } - return fu.includes(r) ? a = `h${r}` : a = "h1", /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(Yo, Object.assign({ - ref: t - }, n, { - component: a - })); -}), Bn = dl; -Bn.Text = UE; -Bn.Link = kE; -Bn.Title = qE; -Bn.Paragraph = HE; -const QE = ({ - inputRef: e, - placeholder: t = "Ask me anything about your product data", - userQuery: r, - setUserQuery: n, - handleSendMessage: a, - isFollowupDisabled: o = !1 -}) => { - const i = r.trim().length === 0 || o, s = (l) => { - l.key === "Enter" && !l.shiftKey && (l.stopPropagation(), l.preventDefault(), i || a()); - }; - return /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsxs( - ua, - { - vertical: !0, - style: { - position: "absolute", - bottom: 0, - left: 0, - right: 0, - marginLeft: "auto", - marginRight: "auto", - width: "60vw" - }, - children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsx( - "div", - { - style: { - backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(180deg, transparent 23%, var(--background) 97%)", - height: "6vh" - } - } - ), - /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsx( - Xo, - { - size: "small", - bordered: !0, - style: { - width: "100%", - borderBottomLeftRadius: 0, - borderBottomRightRadius: 0 - }, - styles: { - body: { - padding: 16 - } - }, - children: /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsxs(ua, { vertical: !0, gap: 16, children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsxs(ua, { align: "flex-start", gap: 12, children: [ - /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsx( - cv, - { - ref: e, - value: r, - onChange: (l) => n(l.target.value), - autoSize: { minRows: 1, maxRows: 8 }, - size: "large", - variant: "borderless", - placeholder: t, - onKeyDown: s - } - ), - /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsx( - ko, - { - disabled: i, - size: "large", - type: "primary", - shape: "circle", - onClick: a, - icon: /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsx(hu, { weight: "bold" }) - } - ) - ] }), - /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsx(ua, { align: "flex-end", justify: "flex-end", children: /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsxs( - Bn.Text, - { - type: "secondary", - style: { - fontWeight: 500, - fontSize: "0.75rem", - visibility: r.trim().length > 0 ? "visible" : "hidden" - }, - children: [ - "Use", - " ", - /* @__PURE__ */ lr.jsx( - Bn.Text, - { - type: "secondary", - style: { - backgroundColor: "var(--background)", - fontWeight: 500, - fontSize: "0.75rem", - padding: "3px 6px", - borderRadius: 4 - }, - children: "shift + enter" - } - ), - " ", - "for new line" - ] - } - ) }) - ] }) - } - ) - ] - } - ); -}; -export { - ZE as Button, - QE as ChatInput -}; diff --git a/package-dist/ui-gallery.umd.js b/package-dist/ui-gallery.umd.js deleted file mode 100644 index 156b179..0000000 --- a/package-dist/ui-gallery.umd.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,232 +0,0 @@ -(function(Or,x){typeof exports=="object"&&typeof module<"u"?x(exports,require("react"),require("react-dom")):typeof define=="function"&&define.amd?define(["exports","react","react-dom"],x):(Or=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:Or||self,x(Or["ui-gallery"]={},Or.React,Or.ReactDOM))})(this,function(Or,x,cn){"use strict";var ol=document.createElement("style");ol.textContent=`.storybook-button{font-family:Nunito Sans,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:700;border:0;border-radius:3em;cursor:pointer;display:inline-block;line-height:1}.storybook-button--primary{color:#fff;background-color:#1ea7fd}.storybook-button--secondary{color:#333;background-color:transparent;box-shadow:#00000026 0 0 0 1px inset}.storybook-button--small{font-size:12px;padding:10px 16px}.storybook-button--medium{font-size:14px;padding:11px 20px}.storybook-button--large{font-size:16px;padding:12px 24px} -`,document.head.appendChild(ol);function il(e){const t=Object.create(null,{[Symbol.toStringTag]:{value:"Module"}});if(e){for(const r in e)if(r!=="default"){const n=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,r);Object.defineProperty(t,r,n.get?n:{enumerable:!0,get:()=>e[r]})}}return t.default=e,Object.freeze(t)}const u=il(x),vv=il(cn);function sl(e){return e&&e.__esModule&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,"default")?e.default:e}var Wo={exports:{}},kn={};/** - * @license React - * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */var ll;function gv(){if(ll)return kn;ll=1;var e=x,t=Symbol.for("react.element"),r=Symbol.for("react.fragment"),n=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,a=e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner,o={key:!0,ref:!0,__self:!0,__source:!0};function i(s,l,c){var d,f={},v=null,m=null;c!==void 0&&(v=""+c),l.key!==void 0&&(v=""+l.key),l.ref!==void 0&&(m=l.ref);for(d in l)n.call(l,d)&&!o.hasOwnProperty(d)&&(f[d]=l[d]);if(s&&s.defaultProps)for(d in l=s.defaultProps,l)f[d]===void 0&&(f[d]=l[d]);return{$$typeof:t,type:s,key:v,ref:m,props:f,_owner:a.current}}return kn.Fragment=r,kn.jsx=i,kn.jsxs=i,kn}var Hn={};/** - * @license React - * react-jsx-runtime.development.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - */var cl;function mv(){return cl||(cl=1,process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&function(){var e=x,t=Symbol.for("react.element"),r=Symbol.for("react.portal"),n=Symbol.for("react.fragment"),a=Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"),o=Symbol.for("react.profiler"),i=Symbol.for("react.provider"),s=Symbol.for("react.context"),l=Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"),c=Symbol.for("react.suspense"),d=Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"),f=Symbol.for("react.memo"),v=Symbol.for("react.lazy"),m=Symbol.for("react.offscreen"),b=Symbol.iterator,p="@@iterator";function g(P){if(P===null||typeof P!="object")return null;var W=b&&P[b]||P[p];return typeof W=="function"?W:null}var S=e.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;function h(P){{for(var W=arguments.length,G=new Array(W>1?W-1:0),oe=1;oe=1&&Ve>=0&&Me[Ye]!==lt[Ve];)Ve--;for(;Ye>=1&&Ve>=0;Ye--,Ve--)if(Me[Ye]!==lt[Ve]){if(Ye!==1||Ve!==1)do if(Ye--,Ve--,Ve<0||Me[Ye]!==lt[Ve]){var wt=` -`+Me[Ye].replace(" at new "," at ");return P.displayName&&wt.includes("")&&(wt=wt.replace("",P.displayName)),typeof P=="function"&&xe.set(P,wt),wt}while(Ye>=1&&Ve>=0);break}}}finally{se=!1,Y.current=Re,Q(),Error.prepareStackTrace=Ne}var Wt=P?P.displayName||P.name:"",zt=Wt?ne(Wt):"";return typeof P=="function"&&xe.set(P,zt),zt}function Ce(P,W,G){return ue(P,!1)}function B(P){var W=P.prototype;return!!(W&&W.isReactComponent)}function le(P,W,G){if(P==null)return"";if(typeof P=="function")return ue(P,B(P));if(typeof P=="string")return ne(P);switch(P){case c:return ne("Suspense");case d:return ne("SuspenseList")}if(typeof P=="object")switch(P.$$typeof){case l:return Ce(P.render);case f:return le(P.type,W,G);case v:{var oe=P,Ne=oe._payload,Re=oe._init;try{return le(Re(Ne),W,G)}catch{}}}return""}var fe=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,$e={},pe=S.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;function ae(P){if(P){var W=P._owner,G=le(P.type,P._source,W?W.type:null);pe.setExtraStackFrame(G)}else pe.setExtraStackFrame(null)}function te(P,W,G,oe,Ne){{var Re=Function.call.bind(fe);for(var Ie in P)if(Re(P,Ie)){var Me=void 0;try{if(typeof P[Ie]!="function"){var lt=Error((oe||"React class")+": "+G+" type `"+Ie+"` is invalid; it must be a function, usually from the `prop-types` package, but received `"+typeof P[Ie]+"`.This often happens because of typos such as `PropTypes.function` instead of `PropTypes.func`.");throw lt.name="Invariant Violation",lt}Me=P[Ie](W,Ie,oe,G,null,"SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED")}catch(Ye){Me=Ye}Me&&!(Me instanceof Error)&&(ae(Ne),h("%s: type specification of %s `%s` is invalid; the type checker function must return `null` or an `Error` but returned a %s. You may have forgotten to pass an argument to the type checker creator (arrayOf, instanceOf, objectOf, oneOf, oneOfType, and shape all require an argument).",oe||"React class",G,Ie,typeof Me),ae(null)),Me instanceof Error&&!(Me.message in $e)&&($e[Me.message]=!0,ae(Ne),h("Failed %s type: %s",G,Me.message),ae(null))}}}var re=Array.isArray;function be(P){return re(P)}function ye(P){{var W=typeof Symbol=="function"&&Symbol.toStringTag,G=W&&P[Symbol.toStringTag]||P.constructor.name||"Object";return G}}function ge(P){try{return _e(P),!1}catch{return!0}}function _e(P){return""+P}function ve(P){if(ge(P))return h("The provided key is an unsupported type %s. This value must be coerced to a string before before using it here.",ye(P)),_e(P)}var ft=S.ReactCurrentOwner,it={key:!0,ref:!0,__self:!0,__source:!0},Oe,we,je;je={};function ze(P){if(fe.call(P,"ref")){var W=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(P,"ref").get;if(W&&W.isReactWarning)return!1}return P.ref!==void 0}function vt(P){if(fe.call(P,"key")){var W=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(P,"key").get;if(W&&W.isReactWarning)return!1}return P.key!==void 0}function gt(P,W){if(typeof P.ref=="string"&&ft.current&&W&&ft.current.stateNode!==W){var G=M(ft.current.type);je[G]||(h('Component "%s" contains the string ref "%s". Support for string refs will be removed in a future major release. This case cannot be automatically converted to an arrow function. We ask you to manually fix this case by using useRef() or createRef() instead. Learn more about using refs safely here: https://reactjs.org/link/strict-mode-string-ref',M(ft.current.type),P.ref),je[G]=!0)}}function xt(P,W){{var G=function(){Oe||(Oe=!0,h("%s: `key` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)",W))};G.isReactWarning=!0,Object.defineProperty(P,"key",{get:G,configurable:!0})}}function et(P,W){{var G=function(){we||(we=!0,h("%s: `ref` is not a prop. Trying to access it will result in `undefined` being returned. If you need to access the same value within the child component, you should pass it as a different prop. (https://reactjs.org/link/special-props)",W))};G.isReactWarning=!0,Object.defineProperty(P,"ref",{get:G,configurable:!0})}}var Le=function(P,W,G,oe,Ne,Re,Ie){var Me={$$typeof:t,type:P,key:W,ref:G,props:Ie,_owner:Re};return Me._store={},Object.defineProperty(Me._store,"validated",{configurable:!1,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,value:!1}),Object.defineProperty(Me,"_self",{configurable:!1,enumerable:!1,writable:!1,value:oe}),Object.defineProperty(Me,"_source",{configurable:!1,enumerable:!1,writable:!1,value:Ne}),Object.freeze&&(Object.freeze(Me.props),Object.freeze(Me)),Me};function ie(P,W,G,oe,Ne){{var Re,Ie={},Me=null,lt=null;G!==void 0&&(ve(G),Me=""+G),vt(W)&&(ve(W.key),Me=""+W.key),ze(W)&&(lt=W.ref,gt(W,Ne));for(Re in W)fe.call(W,Re)&&!it.hasOwnProperty(Re)&&(Ie[Re]=W[Re]);if(P&&P.defaultProps){var Ye=P.defaultProps;for(Re in Ye)Ie[Re]===void 0&&(Ie[Re]=Ye[Re])}if(Me||lt){var Ve=typeof P=="function"?P.displayName||P.name||"Unknown":P;Me&&xt(Ie,Ve),lt&&et(Ie,Ve)}return Le(P,Me,lt,Ne,oe,ft.current,Ie)}}var Ee=S.ReactCurrentOwner,Ge=S.ReactDebugCurrentFrame;function Ze(P){if(P){var W=P._owner,G=le(P.type,P._source,W?W.type:null);Ge.setExtraStackFrame(G)}else Ge.setExtraStackFrame(null)}var bt;bt=!1;function at(P){return typeof P=="object"&&P!==null&&P.$$typeof===t}function He(){{if(Ee.current){var P=M(Ee.current.type);if(P)return` - -Check the render method of \``+P+"`."}return""}}function Be(P){return""}var De={};function Te(P){{var W=He();if(!W){var G=typeof P=="string"?P:P.displayName||P.name;G&&(W=` - -Check the top-level render call using <`+G+">.")}return W}}function he(P,W){{if(!P._store||P._store.validated||P.key!=null)return;P._store.validated=!0;var G=Te(W);if(De[G])return;De[G]=!0;var oe="";P&&P._owner&&P._owner!==Ee.current&&(oe=" It was passed a child from "+M(P._owner.type)+"."),Ze(P),h('Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop.%s%s See https://reactjs.org/link/warning-keys for more information.',G,oe),Ze(null)}}function Ue(P,W){{if(typeof P!="object")return;if(be(P))for(var G=0;G",Me=" Did you accidentally export a JSX literal instead of a component?"):Ye=typeof P,h("React.jsx: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: %s.%s",Ye,Me)}var Ve=ie(P,W,G,Ne,Re);if(Ve==null)return Ve;if(Ie){var wt=W.children;if(wt!==void 0)if(oe)if(be(wt)){for(var Wt=0;Wt0?"{key: someKey, "+ut.join(": ..., ")+": ...}":"{key: someKey}";if(!Ke[zt+Cr]){var Kr=ut.length>0?"{"+ut.join(": ..., ")+": ...}":"{}";h(`A props object containing a "key" prop is being spread into JSX: - let props = %s; - <%s {...props} /> -React keys must be passed directly to JSX without using spread: - let props = %s; - <%s key={someKey} {...props} />`,Cr,zt,Kr,zt),Ke[zt+Cr]=!0}}return P===n?We(Ve):mt(Ve),Ve}}function pt(P,W,G){return nt(P,W,G,!0)}function _t(P,W,G){return nt(P,W,G,!1)}var Dt=_t,Ht=pt;Hn.Fragment=n,Hn.jsx=Dt,Hn.jsxs=Ht}()),Hn}process.env.NODE_ENV==="production"?Wo.exports=gv():Wo.exports=mv();var er=Wo.exports;const pv=({primary:e=!1,size:t="medium",backgroundColor:r,label:n,...a})=>{const o=e?"storybook-button--primary":"storybook-button--secondary";return er.jsx("button",{type:"button",className:["storybook-button",`storybook-button--${t}`,o].join(" "),style:{backgroundColor:r},...a,children:n})},hv=new 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Jv(t,r,this);Nl.set(this,n)}return e}();["observe","unobserve","disconnect"].forEach(function(e){Il.prototype[e]=function(){var t;return(t=Nl.get(this))[e].apply(t,arguments)}});var eg=function(){return typeof Da.ResizeObserver<"u"?Da.ResizeObserver:Il}(),Rr=new Map;function Ml(e){e.forEach(function(t){var r,n=t.target;(r=Rr.get(n))===null||r===void 0||r.forEach(function(a){return a(n)})})}var Al=new eg(Ml);process.env.NODE_ENV,process.env.NODE_ENV;function tg(e,t){Rr.has(e)||(Rr.set(e,new Set),Al.observe(e)),Rr.get(e).add(t)}function rg(e,t){Rr.has(e)&&(Rr.get(e).delete(t),Rr.get(e).size||(Al.unobserve(e),Rr.delete(e)))}function Nt(e,t){if(!(e instanceof t))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}function jl(e,t){for(var r=0;r1?un(!1,"Find more than one child node with `children` in ResizeObserver. Please use ResizeObserver.Collection instead."):n.length===0&&un(!1,"`children` of ResizeObserver is empty. Nothing is in observe.")),n.map(function(a,o){var i=(a==null?void 0:a.key)||"".concat(ig,"-").concat(o);return u.createElement(Fl,Pe({},e,{key:i,ref:o===0?t:void 0}),a)})}var sr=u.forwardRef(sg);process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&(sr.displayName="ResizeObserver"),sr.Collection=Fv;function lr(e,t){var r=Object.assign({},e);return Array.isArray(t)&&t.forEach(function(n){delete r[n]}),r}function Qo(e,t){(t==null||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var r=0,n=Array(t);r1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:1;Vl+=1;var n=Vl;function a(o){if(o===0)Bl(n),t();else{var i=Dl(function(){a(o-1)});Ba.set(n,i)}}return a(r),n};Rt.cancel=function(e){var t=Ba.get(e);return Bl(e),zl(t)},process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&(Rt.ids=function(){return Ba});function kl(e){if(Array.isArray(e))return e}function ug(e,t){var r=e==null?null:typeof Symbol<"u"&&e[Symbol.iterator]||e["@@iterator"];if(r!=null){var n,a,o,i,s=[],l=!0,c=!1;try{if(o=(r=r.call(e)).next,t===0){if(Object(r)!==r)return;l=!1}else for(;!(l=(n=o.call(r)).done)&&(s.push(n.value),s.length!==t);l=!0);}catch(d){c=!0,a=d}finally{try{if(!l&&r.return!=null&&(i=r.return(),Object(i)!==i))return}finally{if(c)throw a}}return s}}function Hl(){throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance. -In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`)}function K(e,t){return kl(e)||ug(e,t)||Jo(e,t)||Hl()}function Xn(e){for(var t=0,r,n=0,a=e.length;a>=4;++n,a-=4)r=e.charCodeAt(n)&255|(e.charCodeAt(++n)&255)<<8|(e.charCodeAt(++n)&255)<<16|(e.charCodeAt(++n)&255)<<24,r=(r&65535)*1540483477+((r>>>16)*59797<<16),r^=r>>>24,t=(r&65535)*1540483477+((r>>>16)*59797<<16)^(t&65535)*1540483477+((t>>>16)*59797<<16);switch(a){case 3:t^=(e.charCodeAt(n+2)&255)<<16;case 2:t^=(e.charCodeAt(n+1)&255)<<8;case 1:t^=e.charCodeAt(n)&255,t=(t&65535)*1540483477+((t>>>16)*59797<<16)}return t^=t>>>13,t=(t&65535)*1540483477+((t>>>16)*59797<<16),((t^t>>>15)>>>0).toString(36)}function Vt(){return!!(typeof 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r||(Object.keys(e).forEach(function(n){var a=e[n];r+=n,a instanceof Ql?r+=a.id:a&&Ae(a)==="object"?r+=Qn(a,t):r+=a}),t&&(r=Xn(r)),Jl.set(e,r)),r}function ec(e,t){return Xn("".concat(t,"_").concat(Qn(e,!0)))}var li=Vt();function ee(e){return typeof e=="number"?"".concat(e,"px"):e}function Wa(e,t,r){var n=arguments.length>3&&arguments[3]!==void 0?arguments[3]:{},a=arguments.length>4&&arguments[4]!==void 0?arguments[4]:!1;if(a)return e;var o=z(z({},n),{},F(F({},fn,t),cr,r)),i=Object.keys(o).map(function(s){var l=o[s];return l?"".concat(s,'="').concat(l,'"'):null}).filter(function(s){return s}).join(" ");return"")}var Ka=function(t){var r=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:"";return"--".concat(r?"".concat(r,"-"):"").concat(t).replace(/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g,"$1-$2").replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)/g,"$1-$2").replace(/([a-z])([A-Z0-9])/g,"$1-$2").toLowerCase()},$g=function(t,r,n){return Object.keys(t).length?".".concat(r).concat(n!=null&&n.scope?".".concat(n.scope):"","{").concat(Object.entries(t).map(function(a){var o=K(a,2),i=o[0],s=o[1];return"".concat(i,":").concat(s,";")}).join(""),"}"):""},tc=function(t,r,n){var a={},o={};return Object.entries(t).forEach(function(i){var s,l,c=K(i,2),d=c[0],f=c[1];if(n!=null&&(s=n.preserve)!==null&&s!==void 0&&s[d])o[d]=f;else if((typeof f=="string"||typeof f=="number")&&!(n!=null&&(l=n.ignore)!==null&&l!==void 0&&l[d])){var v,m=Ka(d,n==null?void 0:n.prefix);a[m]=typeof f=="number"&&!(n!=null&&(v=n.unitless)!==null&&v!==void 0&&v[d])?"".concat(f,"px"):String(f),o[d]="var(".concat(m,")")}}),[o,$g(a,r,{scope:n==null?void 0:n.scope})]},rc=process.env.NODE_ENV!=="test"&&Vt()?u.useLayoutEffect:u.useEffect,ht=function(t,r){var n=u.useRef(!0);rc(function(){return t(n.current)},r),rc(function(){return n.current=!1,function(){n.current=!0}},[])},ci=function(t,r){ht(function(n){if(!n)return t()},r)},_g=z({},u),nc=_g.useInsertionEffect,Pg=function(t,r,n){u.useMemo(t,n),ht(function(){return r(!0)},n)},Tg=nc?function(e,t,r){return nc(function(){return e(),t()},r)}:Pg,Ng=z({},u),Ig=Ng.useInsertionEffect,Mg=function(t){var r=[],n=!1;function a(o){if(n){process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&un(!1,"[Ant Design CSS-in-JS] You are registering a cleanup function after unmount, which will not have any effect.");return}r.push(o)}return u.useEffect(function(){return n=!1,function(){n=!0,r.length&&r.forEach(function(o){return o()})}},t),a},Ag=function(){return function(t){t()}},jg=typeof Ig<"u"?Mg:Ag;function Fg(){return!1}var ui=!1;function Lg(){return ui}const Dg=process.env.NODE_ENV==="production"?Fg:Lg;if(process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&typeof module<"u"&&module&&module.hot&&typeof window<"u"){var di=window;if(typeof di.webpackHotUpdate=="function"){var zg=di.webpackHotUpdate;di.webpackHotUpdate=function(){return ui=!0,setTimeout(function(){ui=!1},0),zg.apply(void 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$=tc(y,v.key,{prefix:v.prefix,ignore:v.ignore,unitless:v.unitless,preserve:v.preserve}),_=K($,2);y=_[0],C=_[1]}var O=ec(y,s);y._tokenKey=O,E._tokenKey=ec(E,s);var R=(h=v==null?void 0:v.key)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:O;y._themeKey=R,kg(R);var j="".concat(Bg,"-").concat(Xn(O));return y._hashId=j,[y,j,E,C,(v==null?void 0:v.key)||""]},function(h){Kg(h[0]._themeKey,a)},function(h){var y=K(h,4),E=y[0],C=y[3];if(v&&C){var $=$r(C,Xn("css-variables-".concat(E._themeKey)),{mark:cr,prepend:"queue",attachTo:o,priority:-999});$[Vr]=a,$.setAttribute(fn,E._themeKey)}});return S}var qg=function(t,r,n){var a=K(t,5),o=a[2],i=a[3],s=a[4],l=n||{},c=l.plain;if(!i)return null;var 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115:Za(e,$,$,n&&Ga(dc(e,$,$,0,0,a,s,y,a,E=[],f,C),C),a,C,f,s,n?E:C);break;default:Za(_,$,$,$,[""],C,0,s,C)}}c=d=m=0,p=S=1,y=_="",f=i;break;case 58:f=1+_r(_),m=b;default:if(p<1){if(h==123)--p;else if(h==125&&p++==0&&rm()==125)continue}switch(_+=vi(h),h*p){case 38:S=d>0?1:(_+="\f",-1);break;case 44:s[c++]=(_r(_)-1)*S,S=1;break;case 64:Zr()===45&&(_+=pi(ur())),v=Zr(),d=f=_r(y=_+=lm(Xa())),h++;break;case 45:b===45&&_r(_)==2&&(p=0)}}return o}function dc(e,t,r,n,a,o,i,s,l,c,d,f){for(var v=a-1,m=a===0?o:[""],b=em(m),p=0,g=0,S=0;p0?m[h]+" "+y:Ua(y,/&\f/g,m[h])))&&(l[S++]=E);return gi(e,t,r,a===0?ic:s,l,c,d,f)}function um(e,t,r,n){return gi(e,t,r,oc,vi(tm()),ea(e,2,-2),0,n)}function fc(e,t,r,n,a){return gi(e,t,r,sc,ea(e,0,n),ea(e,n+1,-1),n,a)}function bi(e,t){for(var r="",n=0;n1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:{},n=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 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r?n=e.s-Ac*t:t===Fc?n=e.s+Ac:n=e.s+Wm*t,n>1&&(n=1),r&&t===jc&&n>.1&&(n=.1),n<.06&&(n=.06),Number(n.toFixed(2))}function Vc(e,t,r){var n;return r?n=e.v+Km*t:n=e.v-Um*t,n>1&&(n=1),Number(n.toFixed(2))}function ta(e){for(var t=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:{},r=[],n=bn(e),a=jc;a>0;a-=1){var o=Lc(n),i=ao(bn({h:Dc(o,a,!0),s:zc(o,a,!0),v:Vc(o,a,!0)}));r.push(i)}r.push(ao(n));for(var s=1;s<=Fc;s+=1){var l=Lc(n),c=ao(bn({h:Dc(l,s),s:zc(l,s),v:Vc(l,s)}));r.push(c)}return t.theme==="dark"?Gm.map(function(d){var f=d.index,v=d.opacity,m=ao(qm(bn(t.backgroundColor||"#141414"),bn(r[f]),v*100));return m}):r}var Pi=["#fffbe6","#fff1b8","#ffe58f","#ffd666","#ffc53d","#faad14","#d48806","#ad6800","#874d00","#613400"];Pi.primary=Pi[5];var Ti=["#e6f4ff","#bae0ff","#91caff","#69b1ff","#4096ff","#1677ff","#0958d9","#003eb3","#002c8c","#001d66"];Ti.primary=Ti[5];const 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e)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,n)&&t.indexOf(n)<0&&(r[n]=e[n]);if(e!=null&&typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols=="function")for(var a=0,n=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);a{delete n[v]});const a=Object.assign(Object.assign({},r),n),o=480,i=576,s=768,l=992,c=1200,d=1600;if(a.motion===!1){const v="0s";a.motionDurationFast=v,a.motionDurationMid=v,a.motionDurationSlow=v}return 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e=arguments.length,t=new Array(e),r=0;r{Object.keys(a).forEach(i=>{Object.defineProperty(n,i,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,get:()=>a[i]})})}),Fi=!0,n}const Jc={};function wp(){}const Op=e=>{let t,r=e,n=wp;return Qc&&typeof Proxy<"u"&&(t=new Set,r=new Proxy(e,{get(a,o){return Fi&&t.add(o),a[o]}}),n=(a,o)=>{var i;Jc[a]={global:Array.from(t),component:Object.assign(Object.assign({},(i=Jc[a])===null||i===void 0?void 0:i.component),o)}}),{token:r,keys:t,flush:n}},eu=(e,t)=>{const[r,n]=Sr();return yi({theme:r,token:n,hashId:"",path:["ant-design-icons",e],nonce:()=>t==null?void 0:t.nonce,layer:{name:"antd"}},()=>[{[`.${e}`]:Object.assign(Object.assign({},yp()),{[`.${e} .${e}-icon`]:{display:"block"}})}])},tu=(e,t,r)=>{var n;return typeof r=="function"?r(Bt(t,(n=t[e])!==null&&n!==void 0?n:{})):r??{}},ru=(e,t,r,n)=>{const a=Object.assign({},t[e]);if(n!=null&&n.deprecatedTokens){const{deprecatedTokens:i}=n;i.forEach(s=>{let[l,c]=s;var d;process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&Je(!(a!=null&&a[l]),`Component Token \`${String(l)}\` of ${e} is deprecated. Please use \`${String(c)}\` instead.`),(a!=null&&a[l]||a!=null&&a[c])&&((d=a[c])!==null&&d!==void 0||(a[c]=a==null?void 0:a[l]))})}const o=Object.assign(Object.assign({},r),a);return Object.keys(o).forEach(i=>{o[i]===t[i]&&delete o[i]}),o},nu=(e,t)=>`${[t,e.replace(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z]+)/g,"$1-$2").replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g,"$1-$2")].filter(Boolean).join("-")}`;function Li(e,t,r){let n=arguments.length>3&&arguments[3]!==void 0?arguments[3]:{};const a=Array.isArray(e)?e:[e,e],[o]=a,i=a.join("-");return function(s){let l=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:s;const[c,d,f,v,m]=Sr(),{getPrefixCls:b,iconPrefixCls:p,csp:g}=x.useContext(ct),S=b(),h=m?"css":"js",y=bp(()=>{const O=new Set;return m&&Object.keys(n.unitless||{}).forEach(R=>{O.add(Ka(R,m.prefix)),O.add(Ka(R,nu(o,m.prefix)))}),xg(h,O)},[h,o,m==null?void 0:m.prefix]),{max:E,min:C}=xp(h),$={theme:c,token:v,hashId:f,nonce:()=>g==null?void 0:g.nonce,clientOnly:n.clientOnly,layer:{name:"antd"},order:n.order||-999};return yi(Object.assign(Object.assign({},$),{clientOnly:!1,path:["Shared",S]}),()=>[{"&":Sp(v)}]),eu(p,g),[yi(Object.assign(Object.assign({},$),{path:[i,s,p]}),()=>{if(n.injectStyle===!1)return[];const{token:O,flush:R}=Op(v),j=tu(o,d,r),L=`.${s}`,A=ru(o,d,j,{deprecatedTokens:n.deprecatedTokens});m&&Object.keys(j).forEach(H=>{j[H]=`var(${Ka(H,nu(o,m.prefix))})`});const M=Bt(O,{componentCls:L,prefixCls:s,iconCls:`.${p}`,antCls:`.${S}`,calc:y,max:E,min:C},m?j:A),N=t(M,{hashId:f,prefixCls:s,rootPrefixCls:S,iconPrefixCls:p});return R(o,A),[n.resetStyle===!1?null:Cp(M,s,l,n.resetFont),N]}),f]}}const Rp=(e,t,r,n)=>{const a=Li(e,t,r,Object.assign({resetStyle:!1,order:-998},n)),o=i=>{let{prefixCls:s,rootCls:l=s}=i;return a(s,l),null};return process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&(o.displayName=`SubStyle_${Array.isArray(e)?e.join("."):e}`),o},$p=(e,t,r)=>{const{unitless:n,injectStyle:a=!0,prefixToken:o}=r,i=l=>{let{rootCls:c,cssVar:d}=l;const[,f]=Sr();return Em({path:[e],prefix:d.prefix,key:d==null?void 0:d.key,unitless:n,ignore:qc,token:f,scope:c},()=>{const v=tu(e,f,t),m=ru(e,f,v,{deprecatedTokens:r==null?void 0:r.deprecatedTokens});return Object.keys(v).forEach(b=>{m[o(b)]=m[b],delete m[b]}),m}),null};return l=>{const[,,,,c]=Sr();return[d=>a&&c?x.createElement(x.Fragment,null,x.createElement(i,{rootCls:l,cssVar:c,component:e}),d):d,c==null?void 0:c.key]}},kr=(e,t,r,n)=>{const a=Array.isArray(e)?e[0]:e;function o(f){return`${a}${f.slice(0,1).toUpperCase()}${f.slice(1)}`}const i=(n==null?void 0:n.unitless)||{},s=Object.assign(Object.assign({},Gc),{[o("zIndexPopup")]:!0});Object.keys(i).forEach(f=>{s[o(f)]=i[f]});const l=Object.assign(Object.assign({},n),{unitless:s,prefixToken:o}),c=Li(e,t,r,l),d=$p(a,r,l);return function(f){let v=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:f;const[,m]=c(f,v),[b,p]=d(v);return[b,m,p]}};function _p(e,t){return io.reduce((r,n)=>{const a=e[`${n}1`],o=e[`${n}3`],i=e[`${n}6`],s=e[`${n}7`];return Object.assign(Object.assign({},r),t(n,{lightColor:a,lightBorderColor:o,darkColor:i,textColor:s}))},{})}const Pp=Object.assign({},u),{useId:au}=Pp,Tp=typeof au>"u"?()=>"":au;function Np(e,t,r){var n,a;const o=Mt("ConfigProvider"),i=e||{},s=i.inherit===!1||!t?Object.assign(Object.assign({},Ni),{hashed:(n=t==null?void 0:t.hashed)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:Ni.hashed,cssVar:t==null?void 0:t.cssVar}):t,l=Tp();if(process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"){const c=i.cssVar||s.cssVar,d=!!(typeof i.cssVar=="object"&&(!((a=i.cssVar)===null||a===void 0)&&a.key)||l);process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&o(!c||d,"breaking","Missing key in `cssVar` config. Please upgrade to React 18 or set `cssVar.key` manually in each ConfigProvider inside `cssVar` enabled ConfigProvider.")}return La(()=>{var c,d;if(!e)return t;const f=Object.assign({},s.components);Object.keys(e.components||{}).forEach(b=>{f[b]=Object.assign(Object.assign({},f[b]),e.components[b])});const v=`css-var-${l.replace(/:/g,"")}`,m=((c=i.cssVar)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:s.cssVar)&&Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({prefix:r==null?void 0:r.prefixCls},typeof s.cssVar=="object"?s.cssVar:{}),typeof i.cssVar=="object"?i.cssVar:{}),{key:typeof i.cssVar=="object"&&((d=i.cssVar)===null||d===void 0?void 0:d.key)||v});return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({},s),i),{token:Object.assign(Object.assign({},s.token),i.token),components:f,cssVar:m})},[i,s],(c,d)=>c.some((f,v)=>{const m=d[v];return!Zn(f,m,!0)}))}var Ip=["children"],ou=u.createContext({});function Mp(e){var t=e.children,r=Xe(e,Ip);return u.createElement(ou.Provider,{value:r},t)}var Ap=function(e){Dr(r,e);var t=zr(r);function r(){return Nt(this,r),t.apply(this,arguments)}return It(r,[{key:"render",value:function(){return this.props.children}}]),r}(u.Component);function jp(e){var t=u.useReducer(function(s){return s+1},0),r=K(t,2),n=r[1],a=u.useRef(e),o=Ft(function(){return a.current}),i=Ft(function(s){a.current=typeof s=="function"?s(a.current):s,n()});return[o,i]}var Hr="none",lo="appear",co="enter",uo="leave",iu="none",vr="prepare",En="start",xn="active",Di="end",su="prepared";function lu(e,t){var r={};return r[e.toLowerCase()]=t.toLowerCase(),r["Webkit".concat(e)]="webkit".concat(t),r["Moz".concat(e)]="moz".concat(t),r["ms".concat(e)]="MS".concat(t),r["O".concat(e)]="o".concat(t.toLowerCase()),r}function Fp(e,t){var r={animationend:lu("Animation","AnimationEnd"),transitionend:lu("Transition","TransitionEnd")};return e&&("AnimationEvent"in t||delete r.animationend.animation,"TransitionEvent"in t||delete r.transitionend.transition),r}var Lp=Fp(Vt(),typeof window<"u"?window:{}),cu={};if(Vt()){var Dp=document.createElement("div");cu=Dp.style}var fo={};function uu(e){if(fo[e])return fo[e];var t=Lp[e];if(t)for(var r=Object.keys(t),n=r.length,a=0;a1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:2;t();var o=Rt(function(){a<=1?n({isCanceled:function(){return o!==e.current}}):r(n,a-1)});e.current=o}return u.useEffect(function(){return function(){t()}},[]),[r,t]};var Bp=[vr,En,xn,Di],kp=[vr,su],bu=!1,Hp=!0;function yu(e){return e===xn||e===Di}const Wp=function(e,t,r){var n=aa(iu),a=K(n,2),o=a[0],i=a[1],s=Vp(),l=K(s,2),c=l[0],d=l[1];function f(){i(vr,!0)}var v=t?kp:Bp;return hu(function(){if(o!==iu&&o!==Di){var m=v.indexOf(o),b=v[m+1],p=r(o);p===bu?i(b,!0):b&&c(function(g){function S(){g.isCanceled()||i(b,!0)}p===!0?S():Promise.resolve(p).then(S)})}},[e,o]),u.useEffect(function(){return function(){d()}},[]),[f,o]};function Kp(e,t,r,n){var a=n.motionEnter,o=a===void 0?!0:a,i=n.motionAppear,s=i===void 0?!0:i,l=n.motionLeave,c=l===void 0?!0:l,d=n.motionDeadline,f=n.motionLeaveImmediately,v=n.onAppearPrepare,m=n.onEnterPrepare,b=n.onLeavePrepare,p=n.onAppearStart,g=n.onEnterStart,S=n.onLeaveStart,h=n.onAppearActive,y=n.onEnterActive,E=n.onLeaveActive,C=n.onAppearEnd,$=n.onEnterEnd,_=n.onLeaveEnd,O=n.onVisibleChanged,R=aa(),j=K(R,2),L=j[0],A=j[1],M=jp(Hr),N=K(M,2),H=N[0],I=N[1],w=aa(null),T=K(w,2),V=T[0],D=T[1],k=H(),X=x.useRef(!1),U=x.useRef(null);function q(){return r()}var Q=x.useRef(!1);function Y(){I(Hr),D(null,!0)}var J=Ft(function(te){var re=H();if(re!==Hr){var be=q();if(!(te&&!te.deadline&&te.target!==be)){var ye=Q.current,ge;re===lo&&ye?ge=C==null?void 0:C(be,te):re===co&&ye?ge=$==null?void 0:$(be,te):re===uo&&ye&&(ge=_==null?void 0:_(be,te)),ye&&ge!==!1&&Y()}}}),ne=zp(J),se=K(ne,1),xe=se[0],de=function(re){switch(re){case lo:return F(F(F({},vr,v),En,p),xn,h);case co:return F(F(F({},vr,m),En,g),xn,y);case uo:return F(F(F({},vr,b),En,S),xn,E);default:return{}}},ue=u.useMemo(function(){return de(k)},[k]),Ce=Wp(k,!e,function(te){if(te===vr){var re=ue[vr];return re?re(q()):bu}if(fe in ue){var be;D(((be=ue[fe])===null||be===void 0?void 0:be.call(ue,q(),null))||null)}return fe===xn&&k!==Hr&&(xe(q()),d>0&&(clearTimeout(U.current),U.current=setTimeout(function(){J({deadline:!0})},d))),fe===su&&Y(),Hp}),B=K(Ce,2),le=B[0],fe=B[1],$e=yu(fe);Q.current=$e,hu(function(){A(t);var te=X.current;X.current=!0;var re;!te&&t&&s&&(re=lo),te&&t&&o&&(re=co),(te&&!t&&c||!te&&f&&!t&&c)&&(re=uo);var be=de(re);re&&(e||be[vr])?(I(re),le()):I(Hr)},[t]),x.useEffect(function(){(k===lo&&!s||k===co&&!o||k===uo&&!c)&&I(Hr)},[s,o,c]),x.useEffect(function(){return function(){X.current=!1,clearTimeout(U.current)}},[]);var pe=u.useRef(!1);x.useEffect(function(){L&&(pe.current=!0),L!==void 0&&k===Hr&&((pe.current||L)&&(O==null||O(L)),pe.current=!0)},[L,k]);var ae=V;return ue[vr]&&fe===En&&(ae=z({transition:"none"},ae)),[k,fe,ae,L??t]}function Up(e){var t=e;Ae(e)==="object"&&(t=e.transitionSupport);function r(a,o){return!!(a.motionName&&t&&o!==!1)}var n=u.forwardRef(function(a,o){var i=a.visible,s=i===void 0?!0:i,l=a.removeOnLeave,c=l===void 0?!0:l,d=a.forceRender,f=a.children,v=a.motionName,m=a.leavedClassName,b=a.eventProps,p=u.useContext(ou),g=p.motion,S=r(a,g),h=x.useRef(),y=x.useRef();function E(){try{return h.current instanceof HTMLElement?h.current:Fa(y.current)}catch{return null}}var C=Kp(S,s,E,a),$=K(C,4),_=$[0],O=$[1],R=$[2],j=$[3],L=u.useRef(j);j&&(L.current=!0);var A=u.useCallback(function(V){h.current=V,qo(o,V)},[o]),M,N=z(z({},b),{},{visible:s});if(!f)M=null;else if(_===Hr)j?M=f(z({},N),A):!c&&L.current&&m?M=f(z(z({},N),{},{className:m}),A):d||!c&&!m?M=f(z(z({},N),{},{style:{display:"none"}}),A):M=null;else{var H;O===vr?H="prepare":yu(O)?H="active":O===En&&(H="start");var I=pu(v,"".concat(_,"-").concat(H));M=f(z(z({},N),{},{className:Z(pu(v,_),F(F({},I,I&&H),v,typeof v=="string")),style:R}),A)}if(u.isValidElement(M)&&Xr(M)){var w=M,T=w.ref;T||(M=u.cloneElement(M,{ref:A}))}return u.createElement(Ap,{ref:y},M)});return n.displayName="CSSMotion",n}const en=Up(vu);var zi="add",Vi="keep",Bi="remove",ki="removed";function Gp(e){var t;return e&&Ae(e)==="object"&&"key"in e?t=e:t={key:e},z(z({},t),{},{key:String(t.key)})}function Hi(){var e=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:[];return e.map(Gp)}function qp(){var e=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:[],t=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:[],r=[],n=0,a=t.length,o=Hi(e),i=Hi(t);o.forEach(function(c){for(var d=!1,f=n;f1});return l.forEach(function(c){r=r.filter(function(d){var f=d.key,v=d.status;return f!==c||v!==Bi}),r.forEach(function(d){d.key===c&&(d.status=Vi)})}),r}var Xp=["component","children","onVisibleChanged","onAllRemoved"],Yp=["status"],Zp=["eventProps","visible","children","motionName","motionAppear","motionEnter","motionLeave","motionLeaveImmediately","motionDeadline","removeOnLeave","leavedClassName","onAppearPrepare","onAppearStart","onAppearActive","onAppearEnd","onEnterStart","onEnterActive","onEnterEnd","onLeaveStart","onLeaveActive","onLeaveEnd"];function Qp(e){var t=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:en,r=function(n){Dr(o,n);var a=zr(o);function o(){var i;Nt(this,o);for(var s=arguments.length,l=new Array(s),c=0;c{let{dropdownMatchSelectWidth:t}=e;return Mt("ConfigProvider").deprecated(t===void 0,"dropdownMatchSelectWidth","popupMatchSelectWidth"),null});process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&(Su.displayName="PropWarning");const eh=process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"?Su:()=>null;var th=function(e,t){var r={};for(var n in e)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,n)&&t.indexOf(n)<0&&(r[n]=e[n]);if(e!=null&&typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols=="function")for(var a=0,n=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);at.endsWith("Color"))}const oh=e=>{const{prefixCls:t,iconPrefixCls:r,theme:n,holderRender:a}=e;t!==void 0&&(Eu=t),n&&ah(n)&&(process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&Ja(!1,"ConfigProvider","`config` of css variable theme is not work in v5. Please use new `theme` config instead."),cp(nh(),n))},ih=e=>{const{children:t,csp:r,autoInsertSpaceInButton:n,alert:a,anchor:o,form:i,locale:s,componentSize:l,direction:c,space:d,virtual:f,dropdownMatchSelectWidth:v,popupMatchSelectWidth:m,popupOverflow:b,legacyLocale:p,parentContext:g,iconPrefixCls:S,theme:h,componentDisabled:y,segmented:E,statistic:C,spin:$,calendar:_,carousel:O,cascader:R,collapse:j,typography:L,checkbox:A,descriptions:M,divider:N,drawer:H,skeleton:I,steps:w,image:T,layout:V,list:D,mentions:k,modal:X,progress:U,result:q,slider:Q,breadcrumb:Y,menu:J,pagination:ne,input:se,textArea:xe,empty:de,badge:ue,radio:Ce,rate:B,switch:le,transfer:fe,avatar:$e,message:pe,tag:ae,table:te,card:re,tabs:be,timeline:ye,timePicker:ge,upload:_e,notification:ve,tree:ft,colorPicker:it,datePicker:Oe,rangePicker:we,flex:je,wave:ze,dropdown:vt,warning:gt,tour:xt,floatButtonGroup:et,variant:Le,inputNumber:ie,treeSelect:Ee}=e,Ge=u.useCallback((We,Ke)=>{const{prefixCls:nt}=e;if(Ke)return Ke;const pt=nt||g.getPrefixCls("");return We?`${pt}-${We}`:pt},[g.getPrefixCls,e.prefixCls]),Ze=S||g.iconPrefixCls||Wc,bt=r||g.csp;eu(Ze,bt);const at=Np(h,g.theme,{prefixCls:Ge("")});process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&(Wi=Wi||!!at);const He={csp:bt,autoInsertSpaceInButton:n,alert:a,anchor:o,locale:s||p,direction:c,space:d,virtual:f,popupMatchSelectWidth:m??v,popupOverflow:b,getPrefixCls:Ge,iconPrefixCls:Ze,theme:at,segmented:E,statistic:C,spin:$,calendar:_,carousel:O,cascader:R,collapse:j,typography:L,checkbox:A,descriptions:M,divider:N,drawer:H,skeleton:I,steps:w,image:T,input:se,textArea:xe,layout:V,list:D,mentions:k,modal:X,progress:U,result:q,slider:Q,breadcrumb:Y,menu:J,pagination:ne,empty:de,badge:ue,radio:Ce,rate:B,switch:le,transfer:fe,avatar:$e,message:pe,tag:ae,table:te,card:re,tabs:be,timeline:ye,timePicker:ge,upload:_e,notification:ve,tree:ft,colorPicker:it,datePicker:Oe,rangePicker:we,flex:je,wave:ze,dropdown:vt,warning:gt,tour:xt,floatButtonGroup:et,variant:Le,inputNumber:ie,treeSelect:Ee};process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&Mt("ConfigProvider")(!("autoInsertSpaceInButton"in e),"deprecated","`autoInsertSpaceInButton` is deprecated. Please use `{ button: { autoInsertSpace: boolean }}` instead.");const Be=Object.assign({},g);Object.keys(He).forEach(We=>{He[We]!==void 0&&(Be[We]=He[We])}),rh.forEach(We=>{const Ke=e[We];Ke&&(Be[We]=Ke)}),typeof n<"u"&&(Be.button=Object.assign({autoInsertSpace:n},Be.button));const De=La(()=>Be,Be,(We,Ke)=>{const nt=Object.keys(We),pt=Object.keys(Ke);return nt.length!==pt.length||nt.some(_t=>We[_t]!==Ke[_t])}),Te=u.useMemo(()=>({prefixCls:Ze,csp:bt}),[Ze,bt]);let he=u.createElement(u.Fragment,null,u.createElement(eh,{dropdownMatchSelectWidth:v}),t);const Ue=u.useMemo(()=>{var We,Ke,nt,pt;return pn(((We=hn.Form)===null||We===void 0?void 0:We.defaultValidateMessages)||{},((nt=(Ke=De.locale)===null||Ke===void 0?void 0:Ke.Form)===null||nt===void 0?void 0:nt.defaultValidateMessages)||{},((pt=De.form)===null||pt===void 0?void 0:pt.validateMessages)||{},(i==null?void 0:i.validateMessages)||{})},[De,i==null?void 0:i.validateMessages]);Object.keys(Ue).length>0&&(he=u.createElement(_m.Provider,{value:Ue},he)),s&&(he=u.createElement(Tc,{locale:s,_ANT_MARK__:Pc},he)),(Ze||bt)&&(he=u.createElement(Si.Provider,{value:Te},he)),l&&(he=u.createElement(dp,{size:l},he)),he=u.createElement(Jp,null,he);const mt=u.useMemo(()=>{const We=at||{},{algorithm:Ke,token:nt,components:pt,cssVar:_t}=We,Dt=th(We,["algorithm","token","components","cssVar"]),Ht=Ke&&(!Array.isArray(Ke)||Ke.length>0)?ii(Ke):kc,P={};Object.entries(pt||{}).forEach(G=>{let[oe,Ne]=G;const Re=Object.assign({},Ne);"algorithm"in Re&&(Re.algorithm===!0?Re.theme=Ht:(Array.isArray(Re.algorithm)||typeof Re.algorithm=="function")&&(Re.theme=ii(Re.algorithm)),delete Re.algorithm),P[oe]=Re});const W=Object.assign(Object.assign({},ra),nt);return Object.assign(Object.assign({},Dt),{theme:Ht,token:W,components:P,override:Object.assign({override:W},P),cssVar:_t})},[at]);return h&&(he=u.createElement(Hc.Provider,{value:mt},he)),De.warning&&(he=u.createElement(Oc.Provider,{value:De.warning},he)),y!==void 0&&(he=u.createElement(up,{disabled:y},he)),u.createElement(ct.Provider,{value:De},he)},wn=e=>{const t=u.useContext(ct),r=u.useContext(Ei);return u.createElement(ih,Object.assign({parentContext:t,legacyLocale:r},e))};wn.ConfigContext=ct,wn.SizeContext=Sn,wn.config=oh,wn.useConfig=fp,Object.defineProperty(wn,"SizeContext",{get:()=>(process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&Ja(!1,"ConfigProvider","ConfigProvider.SizeContext is deprecated. 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U}}if(T.method==="next")T.sent=T._sent=T.arg;else if(T.method==="throw"){if(V===v)throw V=p,T.arg;T.dispatchException(T.arg)}else T.method==="return"&&T.abrupt("return",T.arg);V=b;var q=f(I,w,T);if(q.type==="normal"){if(V=T.done?p:m,q.arg===g)continue;return{value:q.arg,done:T.done}}q.type==="throw"&&(V=p,T.method="throw",T.arg=q.arg)}}}function L(I,w){var T=w.method,V=I.iterator[T];if(V===e)return w.delegate=null,T==="throw"&&I.iterator.return&&(w.method="return",w.arg=e,L(I,w),w.method==="throw")||T!=="return"&&(w.method="throw",w.arg=new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '"+T+"' method")),g;var D=f(V,I.iterator,w.arg);if(D.type==="throw")return w.method="throw",w.arg=D.arg,w.delegate=null,g;var k=D.arg;return k?k.done?(w[I.resultName]=k.value,w.next=I.nextLoc,w.method!=="return"&&(w.method="next",w.arg=e),w.delegate=null,g):k:(w.method="throw",w.arg=new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"),w.delegate=null,g)}function A(I){var w={tryLoc:I[0]};1 in I&&(w.catchLoc=I[1]),2 in I&&(w.finallyLoc=I[2],w.afterLoc=I[3]),this.tryEntries.push(w)}function M(I){var w=I.completion||{};w.type="normal",delete w.arg,I.completion=w}function N(I){this.tryEntries=[{tryLoc:"root"}],I.forEach(A,this),this.reset(!0)}function H(I){if(I||I===""){var w=I[i];if(w)return w.call(I);if(typeof I.next=="function")return I;if(!isNaN(I.length)){var T=-1,V=function D(){for(;++T=0;--D){var k=this.tryEntries[D],X=k.completion;if(k.tryLoc==="root")return V("end");if(k.tryLoc<=this.prev){var U=n.call(k,"catchLoc"),q=n.call(k,"finallyLoc");if(U&&q){if(this.prev=0;--V){var D=this.tryEntries[V];if(D.tryLoc<=this.prev&&n.call(D,"finallyLoc")&&this.prev=0;--T){var V=this.tryEntries[T];if(V.finallyLoc===w)return this.complete(V.completion,V.afterLoc),M(V),g}},catch:function(w){for(var T=this.tryEntries.length-1;T>=0;--T){var V=this.tryEntries[T];if(V.tryLoc===w){var D=V.completion;if(D.type==="throw"){var k=D.arg;M(V)}return k}}throw Error("illegal catch attempt")},delegateYield:function(w,T,V){return this.delegate={iterator:H(w),resultName:T,nextLoc:V},this.method==="next"&&(this.arg=e),g}},t}function Mu(e,t,r,n,a,o,i){try{var s=e[o](i),l=s.value}catch(c){return void r(c)}s.done?t(l):Promise.resolve(l).then(n,a)}function rn(e){return function(){var t=this,r=arguments;return new Promise(function(n,a){var o=e.apply(t,r);function i(l){Mu(o,n,a,i,s,"next",l)}function s(l){Mu(o,n,a,i,s,"throw",l)}i(void 0)})}}var sa=z({},vv),_h=sa.version,Ph=sa.render,Th=sa.unmountComponentAtNode,mo;try{var Nh=Number((_h||"").split(".")[0]);Nh>=18&&(mo=sa.createRoot)}catch{}function Au(e){var t=sa.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED;t&&Ae(t)==="object"&&(t.usingClientEntryPoint=e)}var po="__rc_react_root__";function Ih(e,t){Au(!0);var r=t[po]||mo(t);Au(!1),r.render(e),t[po]=r}function Mh(e,t){Ph(e,t)}function Ah(e,t){if(mo){Ih(e,t);return}Mh(e,t)}function jh(e){return Xi.apply(this,arguments)}function Xi(){return Xi=rn(kt().mark(function 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n();qe.required(t,r,a,i,o),$t(r)||qe.type(t,r,a,i,o)}n(i)},ib=function(t,r,n,a,o){var i=[],s=Array.isArray(r)?"array":Ae(r);qe.required(t,r,a,i,o,s),n(i)},sb=function(t,r,n,a,o){var i=[],s=t.required||!t.required&&a.hasOwnProperty(t.field);if(s){if($t(r,"string")&&!t.required)return n();qe.required(t,r,a,i,o,"string"),$t(r,"string")||(qe.type(t,r,a,i,o),qe.range(t,r,a,i,o),qe.pattern(t,r,a,i,o),t.whitespace===!0&&qe.whitespace(t,r,a,i,o))}n(i)},ds=function(t,r,n,a,o){var i=t.type,s=[],l=t.required||!t.required&&a.hasOwnProperty(t.field);if(l){if($t(r,i)&&!t.required)return n();qe.required(t,r,a,s,o,i),$t(r,i)||qe.type(t,r,a,s,o)}n(s)};const da={string:sb,method:tb,number:rb,boolean:X0,regexp:ob,integer:eb,float:J0,array:q0,object:nb,enum:Q0,pattern:ab,date:Y0,url:ds,hex:ds,email:ds,required:ib,any:G0};var fa=function(){function e(t){Nt(this,e),F(this,"rules",null),F(this,"_messages",ls),this.define(t)}return It(e,[{key:"define",value:function(r){var n=this;if(!r)throw new Error("Cannot configure a schema with no rules");if(Ae(r)!=="object"||Array.isArray(r))throw new Error("Rules must be an object");this.rules={},Object.keys(r).forEach(function(a){var o=r[a];n.rules[a]=Array.isArray(o)?o:[o]})}},{key:"messages",value:function(r){return r&&(this._messages=sd(ss(),r)),this._messages}},{key:"validate",value:function(r){var n=this,a=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==void 0?arguments[1]:{},o=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:function(){},i=r,s=a,l=o;if(typeof s=="function"&&(l=s,s={}),!this.rules||Object.keys(this.rules).length===0)return l&&l(null,i),Promise.resolve(i);function c(b){var p=[],g={};function S(y){if(Array.isArray(y)){var E;p=(E=p).concat.apply(E,me(y))}else p.push(y)}for(var h=0;h0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:[],O=Array.isArray(_)?_:[_];!s.suppressWarning&&O.length&&e.warning("async-validator:",O),O.length&&g.message!==void 0&&(O=[].concat(g.message));var R=O.map(id(g,i));if(s.first&&R.length)return m[g.field]=1,p(R);if(!S)p(R);else{if(g.required&&!b.value)return g.message!==void 0?R=[].concat(g.message).map(id(g,i)):s.error&&(R=[s.error(g,Qt(s.messages.required,g.field))]),p(R);var j={};g.defaultField&&Object.keys(b.value).map(function(M){j[M]=g.defaultField}),j=z(z({},j),b.rule.fields);var L={};Object.keys(j).forEach(function(M){var N=j[M],H=Array.isArray(N)?N:[N];L[M]=H.map(h.bind(null,M))});var A=new e(L);A.messages(s.messages),b.rule.options&&(b.rule.options.messages=s.messages,b.rule.options.error=s.error),A.validate(b.value,b.rule.options||s,function(M){var N=[];R&&R.length&&N.push.apply(N,me(R)),M&&M.length&&N.push.apply(N,me(M)),p(N.length?N:null)})}}var E;if(g.asyncValidator)E=g.asyncValidator(g,b.value,y,b.source,s);else if(g.validator){try{E=g.validator(g,b.value,y,b.source,s)}catch(_){var C,$;(C=($=console).error)===null||C===void 0||C.call($,_),s.suppressValidatorError||setTimeout(function(){throw _},0),y(_.message)}E===!0?y():E===!1?y(typeof g.message=="function"?g.message(g.fullField||g.field):g.message||"".concat(g.fullField||g.field," fails")):E instanceof Array?y(E):E instanceof Error&&y(E.message)}E&&E.then&&E.then(function(){return y()},function(_){return y(_)})},function(b){c(b)},i)}},{key:"getType",value:function(r){if(r.type===void 0&&r.pattern instanceof RegExp&&(r.type="pattern"),typeof r.validator!="function"&&r.type&&!da.hasOwnProperty(r.type))throw new Error(Qt("Unknown rule type %s",r.type));return r.type||"string"}},{key:"getValidationMethod",value:function(r){if(typeof r.validator=="function")return r.validator;var n=Object.keys(r),a=n.indexOf("message");return a!==-1&&n.splice(a,1),n.length===1&&n[0]==="required"?da.required:da[this.getType(r)]||void 0}}]),e}();F(fa,"register",function(t,r){if(typeof r!="function")throw new Error("Cannot register a validator by type, validator is not a function");da[t]=r}),F(fa,"warning",nd),F(fa,"messages",ls),F(fa,"validators",da);var Jt="'${name}' is not a valid ${type}",ud={default:"Validation error on field '${name}'",required:"'${name}' is required",enum:"'${name}' must be one of [${enum}]",whitespace:"'${name}' cannot be empty",date:{format:"'${name}' is invalid for format date",parse:"'${name}' could not be parsed as date",invalid:"'${name}' is invalid date"},types:{string:Jt,method:Jt,array:Jt,object:Jt,number:Jt,date:Jt,boolean:Jt,integer:Jt,float:Jt,regexp:Jt,email:Jt,url:Jt,hex:Jt},string:{len:"'${name}' must be exactly ${len} characters",min:"'${name}' must be at least ${min} characters",max:"'${name}' cannot be longer than ${max} characters",range:"'${name}' must be between ${min} and ${max} characters"},number:{len:"'${name}' must equal ${len}",min:"'${name}' cannot be less than ${min}",max:"'${name}' cannot be greater than ${max}",range:"'${name}' must be between ${min} and ${max}"},array:{len:"'${name}' must be exactly ${len} in length",min:"'${name}' cannot be less than ${min} in length",max:"'${name}' cannot be greater than ${max} in length",range:"'${name}' must be between ${min} and ${max} in length"},pattern:{mismatch:"'${name}' does not match pattern ${pattern}"}},dd=fa;function lb(e,t){return e.replace(/\$\{\w+\}/g,function(r){var n=r.slice(2,-1);return t[n]})}var fd="CODE_LOGIC_ERROR";function fs(e,t,r,n,a){return vs.apply(this,arguments)}function vs(){return vs=rn(kt().mark(function e(t,r,n,a,o){var i,s,l,c,d,f,v,m,b;return kt().wrap(function(g){for(;;)switch(g.prev=g.next){case 0:return i=z({},n),delete i.ruleIndex,dd.warning=function(){},i.validator&&(s=i.validator,i.validator=function(){try{return s.apply(void 0,arguments)}catch(S){return console.error(S),Promise.reject(fd)}}),l=null,i&&i.type==="array"&&i.defaultField&&(l=i.defaultField,delete i.defaultField),c=new dd(F({},t,[i])),d=pn(ud,a.validateMessages),c.messages(d),f=[],g.prev=10,g.next=13,Promise.resolve(c.validate(F({},t,r),z({},a)));case 13:g.next=18;break;case 15:g.prev=15,g.t0=g.catch(10),g.t0.errors&&(f=g.t0.errors.map(function(S,h){var y=S.message,E=y===fd?d.default:y;return u.isValidElement(E)?u.cloneElement(E,{key:"error_".concat(h)}):E}));case 18:if(!(!f.length&&l)){g.next=23;break}return g.next=21,Promise.all(r.map(function(S,h){return fs("".concat(t,".").concat(h),S,l,a,o)}));case 21:return v=g.sent,g.abrupt("return",v.reduce(function(S,h){return[].concat(me(S),me(h))},[]));case 23:return m=z(z({},n),{},{name:t,enum:(n.enum||[]).join(", ")},o),b=f.map(function(S){return typeof S=="string"?lb(S,m):S}),g.abrupt("return",b);case 26:case"end":return g.stop()}},e,null,[[10,15]])})),vs.apply(this,arguments)}function cb(e,t,r,n,a,o){var i=e.join("."),s=r.map(function(d,f){var v=d.validator,m=z(z({},d),{},{ruleIndex:f});return v&&(m.validator=function(b,p,g){var S=!1,h=function(){for(var C=arguments.length,$=new Array(C),_=0;_2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:!1;return e&&e.some(function(n){return gd(t,n,r)})}function gd(e,t){var r=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:!1;return!e||!t||!r&&e.length!==t.length?!1:t.every(function(n,a){return e[a]===n})}function fb(e,t){if(e===t)return!0;if(!e&&t||e&&!t||!e||!t||Ae(e)!=="object"||Ae(t)!=="object")return!1;var r=Object.keys(e),n=Object.keys(t),a=new Set([].concat(r,n));return me(a).every(function(o){var i=e[o],s=t[o];return typeof i=="function"&&typeof s=="function"?!0:i===s})}function vb(e){var t=arguments.length<=1?void 0:arguments[1];return t&&t.target&&Ae(t.target)==="object"&&e in t.target?t.target[e]:t}function md(e,t,r){var n=e.length;if(t<0||t>=n||r<0||r>=n)return e;var a=e[t],o=t-r;return o>0?[].concat(me(e.slice(0,r)),[a],me(e.slice(r,t)),me(e.slice(t+1,n))):o<0?[].concat(me(e.slice(0,t)),me(e.slice(t+1,r+1)),[a],me(e.slice(r+1,n))):e}var gb=["name"],nr=[];function pd(e,t,r,n,a,o){return typeof e=="function"?e(t,r,"source"in o?{source:o.source}:{}):n!==a}var ps=function(e){Dr(r,e);var t=zr(r);function r(n){var a;if(Nt(this,r),a=t.call(this,n),F(ke(a),"state",{resetCount:0}),F(ke(a),"cancelRegisterFunc",null),F(ke(a),"mounted",!1),F(ke(a),"touched",!1),F(ke(a),"dirty",!1),F(ke(a),"validatePromise",void 0),F(ke(a),"prevValidating",void 0),F(ke(a),"errors",nr),F(ke(a),"warnings",nr),F(ke(a),"cancelRegister",function(){var l=a.props,c=l.preserve,d=l.isListField,f=l.name;a.cancelRegisterFunc&&a.cancelRegisterFunc(d,c,Et(f)),a.cancelRegisterFunc=null}),F(ke(a),"getNamePath",function(){var l=a.props,c=l.name,d=l.fieldContext,f=d.prefixName,v=f===void 0?[]:f;return c!==void 0?[].concat(me(v),me(c)):[]}),F(ke(a),"getRules",function(){var l=a.props,c=l.rules,d=c===void 0?[]:c,f=l.fieldContext;return d.map(function(v){return typeof v=="function"?v(f):v})}),F(ke(a),"refresh",function(){a.mounted&&a.setState(function(l){var c=l.resetCount;return{resetCount:c+1}})}),F(ke(a),"metaCache",null),F(ke(a),"triggerMetaEvent",function(l){var c=a.props.onMetaChange;if(c){var d=z(z({},a.getMeta()),{},{destroy:l});Zn(a.metaCache,d)||c(d),a.metaCache=d}else a.metaCache=null}),F(ke(a),"onStoreChange",function(l,c,d){var f=a.props,v=f.shouldUpdate,m=f.dependencies,b=m===void 0?[]:m,p=f.onReset,g=d.store,S=a.getNamePath(),h=a.getValue(l),y=a.getValue(g),E=c&&_n(c,S);switch(d.type==="valueUpdate"&&d.source==="external"&&!Zn(h,y)&&(a.touched=!0,a.dirty=!0,a.validatePromise=null,a.errors=nr,a.warnings=nr,a.triggerMetaEvent()),d.type){case"reset":if(!c||E){a.touched=!1,a.dirty=!1,a.validatePromise=void 0,a.errors=nr,a.warnings=nr,a.triggerMetaEvent(),p==null||p(),a.refresh();return}break;case"remove":{if(v){a.reRender();return}break}case"setField":{var C=d.data;if(E){"touched"in C&&(a.touched=C.touched),"validating"in C&&!("originRCField"in C)&&(a.validatePromise=C.validating?Promise.resolve([]):null),"errors"in C&&(a.errors=C.errors||nr),"warnings"in C&&(a.warnings=C.warnings||nr),a.dirty=!0,a.triggerMetaEvent(),a.reRender();return}else if("value"in C&&_n(c,S,!0)){a.reRender();return}if(v&&!S.length&&pd(v,l,g,h,y,d)){a.reRender();return}break}case"dependenciesUpdate":{var $=b.map(Et);if($.some(function(_){return _n(d.relatedFields,_)})){a.reRender();return}break}default:if(E||(!b.length||S.length||v)&&pd(v,l,g,h,y,d)){a.reRender();return}break}v===!0&&a.reRender()}),F(ke(a),"validateRules",function(l){var c=a.getNamePath(),d=a.getValue(),f=l||{},v=f.triggerName,m=f.validateOnly,b=m===void 0?!1:m,p=Promise.resolve().then(rn(kt().mark(function g(){var S,h,y,E,C,$,_;return kt().wrap(function(R){for(;;)switch(R.prev=R.next){case 0:if(a.mounted){R.next=2;break}return R.abrupt("return",[]);case 2:if(S=a.props,h=S.validateFirst,y=h===void 0?!1:h,E=S.messageVariables,C=S.validateDebounce,$=a.getRules(),v&&($=$.filter(function(j){return j}).filter(function(j){var L=j.validateTrigger;if(!L)return!0;var A=is(L);return A.includes(v)})),!(C&&v)){R.next=10;break}return R.next=8,new Promise(function(j){setTimeout(j,C)});case 8:if(a.validatePromise===p){R.next=10;break}return R.abrupt("return",[]);case 10:return _=cb(c,d,$,l,y,E),_.catch(function(j){return j}).then(function(){var j=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:nr;if(a.validatePromise===p){var L;a.validatePromise=null;var A=[],M=[];(L=j.forEach)===null||L===void 0||L.call(j,function(N){var H=N.rule.warningOnly,I=N.errors,w=I===void 0?nr:I;H?M.push.apply(M,me(w)):A.push.apply(A,me(w))}),a.errors=A,a.warnings=M,a.triggerMetaEvent(),a.reRender()}}),R.abrupt("return",_);case 13:case"end":return R.stop()}},g)})));return b||(a.validatePromise=p,a.dirty=!0,a.errors=nr,a.warnings=nr,a.triggerMetaEvent(),a.reRender()),p}),F(ke(a),"isFieldValidating",function(){return!!a.validatePromise}),F(ke(a),"isFieldTouched",function(){return a.touched}),F(ke(a),"isFieldDirty",function(){if(a.dirty||a.props.initialValue!==void 0)return!0;var l=a.props.fieldContext,c=l.getInternalHooks(nn),d=c.getInitialValue;return d(a.getNamePath())!==void 0}),F(ke(a),"getErrors",function(){return a.errors}),F(ke(a),"getWarnings",function(){return a.warnings}),F(ke(a),"isListField",function(){return a.props.isListField}),F(ke(a),"isList",function(){return a.props.isList}),F(ke(a),"isPreserve",function(){return a.props.preserve}),F(ke(a),"getMeta",function(){a.prevValidating=a.isFieldValidating();var l={touched:a.isFieldTouched(),validating:a.prevValidating,errors:a.errors,warnings:a.warnings,name:a.getNamePath(),validated:a.validatePromise===null};return l}),F(ke(a),"getOnlyChild",function(l){if(typeof l=="function"){var c=a.getMeta();return z(z({},a.getOnlyChild(l(a.getControlled(),c,a.props.fieldContext))),{},{isFunction:!0})}var d=Lr(l);return d.length!==1||!u.isValidElement(d[0])?{child:d,isFunction:!1}:{child:d[0],isFunction:!1}}),F(ke(a),"getValue",function(l){var c=a.props.fieldContext.getFieldsValue,d=a.getNamePath();return yr(l||c(!0),d)}),F(ke(a),"getControlled",function(){var l=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:{},c=a.props,d=c.name,f=c.trigger,v=c.validateTrigger,m=c.getValueFromEvent,b=c.normalize,p=c.valuePropName,g=c.getValueProps,S=c.fieldContext,h=v!==void 0?v:S.validateTrigger,y=a.getNamePath(),E=S.getInternalHooks,C=S.getFieldsValue,$=E(nn),_=$.dispatch,O=a.getValue(),R=g||function(N){return F({},p,N)},j=l[f],L=d!==void 0?R(O):{};process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&L&&Object.keys(L).forEach(function(N){Je(typeof L[N]!="function","It's not recommended to generate dynamic function prop by `getValueProps`. Please pass it to child component directly (prop: ".concat(N,")"))});var A=z(z({},l),L);A[f]=function(){a.touched=!0,a.dirty=!0,a.triggerMetaEvent();for(var N,H=arguments.length,I=new Array(H),w=0;w=0&&j<=L.length?(d.keys=[].concat(me(d.keys.slice(0,j)),[d.id],me(d.keys.slice(j))),y([].concat(me(L.slice(0,j)),[R],me(L.slice(j))))):(process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&(j<0||j>L.length)&&Je(!1,"The second parameter of the add function should be a valid positive number."),d.keys=[].concat(me(d.keys),[d.id]),y([].concat(me(L),[R]))),d.id+=1},remove:function(R){var j=C(),L=new Set(Array.isArray(R)?R:[R]);L.size<=0||(d.keys=d.keys.filter(function(A,M){return!L.has(M)}),y(j.filter(function(A,M){return!L.has(M)})))},move:function(R,j){if(R!==j){var L=C();R<0||R>=L.length||j<0||j>=L.length||(d.keys=md(d.keys,R,j),y(md(L,R,j)))}}},_=h||[];return Array.isArray(_)||(_=[],process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&Je(!1,"Current value of '".concat(f.join(" > "),"' is not an array type."))),n(_.map(function(O,R){var j=d.keys[R];return j===void 0&&(d.keys[R]=d.id,j=d.keys[R],d.id+=1),{name:R,key:j,isListField:!0}}),$,g)})))}function pb(e){var t=!1,r=e.length,n=[];return e.length?new Promise(function(a,o){e.forEach(function(i,s){i.catch(function(l){return t=!0,l}).then(function(l){r-=1,n[s]=l,!(r>0)&&(t&&o(n),a(n))})})}):Promise.resolve([])}var bd="__@field_split__";function hs(e){return e.map(function(t){return"".concat(Ae(t),":").concat(t)}).join(bd)}var Pn=function(){function e(){Nt(this,e),F(this,"kvs",new Map)}return It(e,[{key:"set",value:function(r,n){this.kvs.set(hs(r),n)}},{key:"get",value:function(r){return this.kvs.get(hs(r))}},{key:"update",value:function(r,n){var a=this.get(r),o=n(a);o?this.set(r,o):this.delete(r)}},{key:"delete",value:function(r){this.kvs.delete(hs(r))}},{key:"map",value:function(r){return me(this.kvs.entries()).map(function(n){var a=K(n,2),o=a[0],i=a[1],s=o.split(bd);return r({key:s.map(function(l){var c=l.match(/^([^:]*):(.*)$/),d=K(c,3),f=d[1],v=d[2];return f==="number"?Number(v):v}),value:i})})}},{key:"toJSON",value:function(){var r={};return this.map(function(n){var a=n.key,o=n.value;return r[a.join(".")]=o,null}),r}}]),e}(),hb=["name"],bb=It(function e(t){var r=this;Nt(this,e),F(this,"formHooked",!1),F(this,"forceRootUpdate",void 0),F(this,"subscribable",!0),F(this,"store",{}),F(this,"fieldEntities",[]),F(this,"initialValues",{}),F(this,"callbacks",{}),F(this,"validateMessages",null),F(this,"preserve",null),F(this,"lastValidatePromise",null),F(this,"getForm",function(){return{getFieldValue:r.getFieldValue,getFieldsValue:r.getFieldsValue,getFieldError:r.getFieldError,getFieldWarning:r.getFieldWarning,getFieldsError:r.getFieldsError,isFieldsTouched:r.isFieldsTouched,isFieldTouched:r.isFieldTouched,isFieldValidating:r.isFieldValidating,isFieldsValidating:r.isFieldsValidating,resetFields:r.resetFields,setFields:r.setFields,setFieldValue:r.setFieldValue,setFieldsValue:r.setFieldsValue,validateFields:r.validateFields,submit:r.submit,_init:!0,getInternalHooks:r.getInternalHooks}}),F(this,"getInternalHooks",function(n){return n===nn?(r.formHooked=!0,{dispatch:r.dispatch,initEntityValue:r.initEntityValue,registerField:r.registerField,useSubscribe:r.useSubscribe,setInitialValues:r.setInitialValues,destroyForm:r.destroyForm,setCallbacks:r.setCallbacks,setValidateMessages:r.setValidateMessages,getFields:r.getFields,setPreserve:r.setPreserve,getInitialValue:r.getInitialValue,registerWatch:r.registerWatch}):(Je(!1,"`getInternalHooks` is internal usage. Should not call directly."),null)}),F(this,"useSubscribe",function(n){r.subscribable=n}),F(this,"prevWithoutPreserves",null),F(this,"setInitialValues",function(n,a){if(r.initialValues=n||{},a){var o,i=pn(n,r.store);(o=r.prevWithoutPreserves)===null||o===void 0||o.map(function(s){var l=s.key;i=dr(i,l,yr(n,l))}),r.prevWithoutPreserves=null,r.updateStore(i)}}),F(this,"destroyForm",function(n){if(n)r.updateStore({});else{var a=new Pn;r.getFieldEntities(!0).forEach(function(o){r.isMergedPreserve(o.isPreserve())||a.set(o.getNamePath(),!0)}),r.prevWithoutPreserves=a}}),F(this,"getInitialValue",function(n){var a=yr(r.initialValues,n);return n.length?pn(a):a}),F(this,"setCallbacks",function(n){r.callbacks=n}),F(this,"setValidateMessages",function(n){r.validateMessages=n}),F(this,"setPreserve",function(n){r.preserve=n}),F(this,"watchList",[]),F(this,"registerWatch",function(n){return r.watchList.push(n),function(){r.watchList=r.watchList.filter(function(a){return a!==n})}}),F(this,"notifyWatch",function(){var n=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:[];if(r.watchList.length){var a=r.getFieldsValue(),o=r.getFieldsValue(!0);r.watchList.forEach(function(i){i(a,o,n)})}}),F(this,"timeoutId",null),F(this,"warningUnhooked",function(){process.env.NODE_ENV!=="production"&&!r.timeoutId&&typeof window<"u"&&(r.timeoutId=setTimeout(function(){r.timeoutId=null,r.formHooked||Je(!1,"Instance created by `useForm` is not connected to any Form element. Forget to pass `form` prop?")}))}),F(this,"updateStore",function(n){r.store=n}),F(this,"getFieldEntities",function(){var n=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:!1;return n?r.fieldEntities.filter(function(a){return a.getNamePath().length}):r.fieldEntities}),F(this,"getFieldsMap",function(){var n=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:!1,a=new Pn;return r.getFieldEntities(n).forEach(function(o){var i=o.getNamePath();a.set(i,o)}),a}),F(this,"getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList",function(n){if(!n)return r.getFieldEntities(!0);var a=r.getFieldsMap(!0);return n.map(function(o){var i=Et(o);return a.get(i)||{INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH:Et(o)}})}),F(this,"getFieldsValue",function(n,a){r.warningUnhooked();var o,i,s;if(n===!0||Array.isArray(n)?(o=n,i=a):n&&Ae(n)==="object"&&(s=n.strict,i=n.filter),o===!0&&!i)return r.store;var l=r.getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList(Array.isArray(o)?o:null),c=[];return l.forEach(function(d){var f,v,m="INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH"in d?d.INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH:d.getNamePath();if(s){var b,p;if((b=(p=d).isList)!==null&&b!==void 0&&b.call(p))return}else if(!o&&(f=(v=d).isListField)!==null&&f!==void 0&&f.call(v))return;if(!i)c.push(m);else{var g="getMeta"in d?d.getMeta():null;i(g)&&c.push(m)}}),vd(r.store,c.map(Et))}),F(this,"getFieldValue",function(n){r.warningUnhooked();var a=Et(n);return yr(r.store,a)}),F(this,"getFieldsError",function(n){r.warningUnhooked();var a=r.getFieldEntitiesForNamePathList(n);return a.map(function(o,i){return o&&!("INVALIDATE_NAME_PATH"in o)?{name:o.getNamePath(),errors:o.getErrors(),warnings:o.getWarnings()}:{name:Et(n[i]),errors:[],warnings:[]}})}),F(this,"getFieldError",function(n){r.warningUnhooked();var a=Et(n),o=r.getFieldsError([a])[0];return o.errors}),F(this,"getFieldWarning",function(n){r.warningUnhooked();var a=Et(n),o=r.getFieldsError([a])[0];return o.warnings}),F(this,"isFieldsTouched",function(){r.warningUnhooked();for(var n=arguments.length,a=new Array(n),o=0;o0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:{},a=new Pn,o=r.getFieldEntities(!0);o.forEach(function(l){var c=l.props.initialValue,d=l.getNamePath();if(c!==void 0){var f=a.get(d)||new Set;f.add({entity:l,value:c}),a.set(d,f)}});var i=function(c){c.forEach(function(d){var f=d.props.initialValue;if(f!==void 0){var v=d.getNamePath(),m=r.getInitialValue(v);if(m!==void 0)Je(!1,"Form already set 'initialValues' with path '".concat(v.join("."),"'. Field can not overwrite it."));else{var b=a.get(v);if(b&&b.size>1)Je(!1,"Multiple Field with path '".concat(v.join("."),"' set 'initialValue'. Can not decide which one to pick."));else if(b){var p=r.getFieldValue(v),g=d.isListField();!g&&(!n.skipExist||p===void 0)&&r.updateStore(dr(r.store,v,me(b)[0].value))}}}})},s;n.entities?s=n.entities:n.namePathList?(s=[],n.namePathList.forEach(function(l){var c=a.get(l);if(c){var d;(d=s).push.apply(d,me(me(c).map(function(f){return f.entity})))}})):s=o,i(s)}),F(this,"resetFields",function(n){r.warningUnhooked();var a=r.store;if(!n){r.updateStore(pn(r.initialValues)),r.resetWithFieldInitialValue(),r.notifyObservers(a,null,{type:"reset"}),r.notifyWatch();return}var o=n.map(Et);o.forEach(function(i){var s=r.getInitialValue(i);r.updateStore(dr(r.store,i,s))}),r.resetWithFieldInitialValue({namePathList:o}),r.notifyObservers(a,o,{type:"reset"}),r.notifyWatch(o)}),F(this,"setFields",function(n){r.warningUnhooked();var a=r.store,o=[];n.forEach(function(i){var s=i.name,l=Xe(i,hb),c=Et(s);o.push(c),"value"in l&&r.updateStore(dr(r.store,c,l.value)),r.notifyObservers(a,[c],{type:"setField",data:i})}),r.notifyWatch(o)}),F(this,"getFields",function(){var n=r.getFieldEntities(!0),a=n.map(function(o){var i=o.getNamePath(),s=o.getMeta(),l=z(z({},s),{},{name:i,value:r.getFieldValue(i)});return Object.defineProperty(l,"originRCField",{value:!0}),l});return a}),F(this,"initEntityValue",function(n){var a=n.props.initialValue;if(a!==void 0){var o=n.getNamePath(),i=yr(r.store,o);i===void 0&&r.updateStore(dr(r.store,o,a))}}),F(this,"isMergedPreserve",function(n){var a=n!==void 0?n:r.preserve;return a??!0}),F(this,"registerField",function(n){r.fieldEntities.push(n);var a=n.getNamePath();if(r.notifyWatch([a]),n.props.initialValue!==void 0){var o=r.store;r.resetWithFieldInitialValue({entities:[n],skipExist:!0}),r.notifyObservers(o,[n.getNamePath()],{type:"valueUpdate",source:"internal"})}return function(i,s){var l=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 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o.length&&r.validateFields(o),r.notifyObservers(n,o,{type:"dependenciesUpdate",relatedFields:[a].concat(me(o))}),o}),F(this,"updateValue",function(n,a){var o=Et(n),i=r.store;r.updateStore(dr(r.store,o,a)),r.notifyObservers(i,[o],{type:"valueUpdate",source:"internal"}),r.notifyWatch([o]);var s=r.triggerDependenciesUpdate(i,o),l=r.callbacks.onValuesChange;if(l){var c=vd(r.store,[o]);l(c,r.getFieldsValue())}r.triggerOnFieldsChange([o].concat(me(s)))}),F(this,"setFieldsValue",function(n){r.warningUnhooked();var a=r.store;if(n){var o=pn(r.store,n);r.updateStore(o)}r.notifyObservers(a,null,{type:"valueUpdate",source:"external"}),r.notifyWatch()}),F(this,"setFieldValue",function(n,a){r.setFields([{name:n,value:a}])}),F(this,"getDependencyChildrenFields",function(n){var a=new Set,o=[],i=new Pn;r.getFieldEntities().forEach(function(l){var c=l.props.dependencies;(c||[]).forEach(function(d){var f=Et(d);i.update(f,function(){var v=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==void 0?arguments[0]:new Set;return v.add(l),v})})});var s=function l(c){var d=i.get(c)||new Set;d.forEach(function(f){if(!a.has(f)){a.add(f);var v=f.getNamePath();f.isFieldDirty()&&v.length&&(o.push(v),l(v))}})};return s(n),o}),F(this,"triggerOnFieldsChange",function(n,a){var o=r.callbacks.onFieldsChange;if(o){var i=r.getFields();if(a){var s=new Pn;a.forEach(function(c){var d=c.name,f=c.errors;s.set(d,f)}),i.forEach(function(c){c.errors=s.get(c.name)||c.errors})}var l=i.filter(function(c){var d=c.name;return _n(n,d)});l.length&&o(l,i)}}),F(this,"validateFields",function(n,a){r.warningUnhooked();var o,i;Array.isArray(n)||typeof n=="string"||typeof a=="string"?(o=n,i=a):i=n;var s=!!o,l=s?o.map(Et):[],c=[],d=String(Date.now()),f=new Set,v=i||{},m=v.recursive,b=v.dirty;r.getFieldEntities(!0).forEach(function(h){if(s||l.push(h.getNamePath()),!(!h.props.rules||!h.props.rules.length)&&!(b&&!h.isFieldDirty())){var y=h.getNamePath();if(f.add(y.join(d)),!s||_n(l,y,m)){var E=h.validateRules(z({validateMessages:z(z({},ud),r.validateMessages)},i));c.push(E.then(function(){return{name:y,errors:[],warnings:[]}}).catch(function(C){var $,_=[],O=[];return($=C.forEach)===null||$===void 0||$.call(C,function(R){var j=R.rule.warningOnly,L=R.errors;j?O.push.apply(O,me(L)):_.push.apply(_,me(L))}),_.length?Promise.reject({name:y,errors:_,warnings:O}):{name:y,errors:_,warnings:O}}))}}});var p=pb(c);r.lastValidatePromise=p,p.catch(function(h){return h}).then(function(h){var y=h.map(function(E){var C=E.name;return C});r.notifyObservers(r.store,y,{type:"validateFinish"}),r.triggerOnFieldsChange(y,h)});var g=p.then(function(){return r.lastValidatePromise===p?Promise.resolve(r.getFieldsValue(l)):Promise.reject([])}).catch(function(h){var y=h.filter(function(E){return E&&E.errors.length});return Promise.reject({values:r.getFieldsValue(l),errorFields:y,outOfDate:r.lastValidatePromise!==p})});g.catch(function(h){return h});var S=l.filter(function(h){return f.has(h.join(d))});return r.triggerOnFieldsChange(S),g}),F(this,"submit",function(){r.warningUnhooked(),r.validateFields().then(function(n){var a=r.callbacks.onFinish;if(a)try{a(n)}catch(o){console.error(o)}}).catch(function(n){var a=r.callbacks.onFinishFailed;a&&a(n)})}),this.forceRootUpdate=t});function yd(e){var t=u.useRef(),r=u.useState({}),n=K(r,2),a=n[1];if(!t.current)if(e)t.current=e;else{var o=function(){a({})},i=new bb(o);t.current=i.getForm()}return[t.current]}var bs=u.createContext({triggerFormChange:function(){},triggerFormFinish:function(){},registerForm:function(){},unregisterForm:function(){}}),yb=function(t){var r=t.validateMessages,n=t.onFormChange,a=t.onFormFinish,o=t.children,i=u.useContext(bs),s=u.useRef({});return 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