#include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh"
G4SubtractionSolid* Tsubtraction = new G4SubtractionSolid("PipeWall-Strips",solidPWall,solidStrips,rotz0,G4ThreeVector());
// 圆柱形准直器
double I_R1=90.0*mm;//,I_R2=100.0*mm;
//double O_R1=97.1*mm,O_R2=107.1*mm;
double O_R1=140.0*mm;//,O_R2=135.4*mm;
double C_z =150.0*mm;
pSPhi= 0.*degree;
pDPhi= 360.*degree;
G4Tubs* solidCol =
new G4Tubs("Collimator", I_R1, O_R1,C_z,pSPhi,pDPhi); //its size
// void in collimator
pSPhi = 0.;
pDPhi = 2.0*pi/(90.0*pi);
G4Tubs* solidVoidC = new G4Tubs("VCollimator",I_R1-0.1*mm, O_R1+0.1*mm,C_z+0.1*mm,pSPhi,pDPhi);
// G4SubtractionSolid* subtraction[94];
G4SubtractionSolid* subtraction[141];
for(int i=1;i<=141;i++){
G4RotationMatrix* rotz= new G4RotationMatrix;
new G4SubtractionSolid("Collimator-Void", solidCol, solidVoidC,rotz,G4ThreeVector(0.0*mm,0.0*mm,10.0*mm));
new G4SubtractionSolid("Collimator-Void", subtraction[i-2], solidVoidC,rotz,G4ThreeVector(0.0*mm,0.0*mm,10.0*mm));
G4LogicalVolume* logicCol =
new G4LogicalVolume(subtraction[140], //its solid
col_mat, //its material
"Collimator"); //its name
G4PVPlacement* physCol =
new G4PVPlacement(0, //no rotation
G4ThreeVector(0.*mm,0.*mm,160.0*mm),//65.0*mm), //at (0,0,0)
logicCol, //its logical volume
"Collimator", //its name
logicWorld, //its mother volume
false, //no boolean operation
0, //copy number
checkOverlaps); //overlaps checking
![](./images/Screenshot from 2020-03-06 11-37-25.png)
// AssembleNBD World
G4double sizeXY = 100.77*mm+2.*mm;
G4double sizeZ = 100.14*mm;
G4Box* solidAssembleNBD =
new G4Box("AssembleNBD", 0.5*sizeXY, 0.5*sizeXY, 0.5*sizeZ); //its size
logicAssembleNBD =
new G4LogicalVolume(solidAssembleNBD, //its solid
world_mat, //its material
"AssembleNBD"); //its name
//test for one NBD
physAssembleNBD =
new G4PVPlacement(0, //no rotation
G4ThreeVector(0.0*cm,0.0*cm,-85.007*cm), //at (0,0,0)
logicAssembleNBD, //its logical volume
"physAssembleNBD", //its name
expHall_logV, //its mother volume
false, //no boolean operation
0, //copy number
checkOverlaps); //overlaps checking
// EJ200 scintillator
// ------------- Volumes --------------
// 10X10X50 mm3 EJ-200/BC408
// spacing is 65 um between two EJ-200 with reflector
// EJ200 reflector box
// 100.770X100.770X50.070 mm3
// 10X10+0.07*11; 50 + 0.07
G4double ej200_x=10*mm, ej200_y=10*mm, ej200_z=50*mm; //full size of ej200
G4double rowNb_ej200=10, colNb_ej200=10; // 10X10 ej200
G4double gap=0.070*mm; // gap between two ej200
G4double EJ200_Box_x = ej200_x*rowNb_ej200/2+gap*(rowNb_ej200+1)/2;
G4double EJ200_Box_y = ej200_y*colNb_ej200/2+gap*(colNb_ej200+1)/2;
G4double EJ200_Box_z = (ej200_z+gap)/2;
// mother volume of 10 X 10 EJ200
G4double Assemble_x = EJ200_Box_x;
G4double Assemble_y = EJ200_Box_y;
G4double Assemble_z = EJ200_Box_z;
G4Box* Assemble_solidV = new G4Box("Assemble_solidV",
Assemble_x, Assemble_y, Assemble_z);
Assemble_logV = new G4LogicalVolume(Assemble_solidV, ESR, "Assemble_logV",0,0,0);
G4double Assemble_px = 0; // put it at (0,0, EJ200_Box_z)
G4double Assemble_py = 0;
G4double Assemble_pz = EJ200_Box_z;
Assemble_physV = new G4PVPlacement(0,
G4ThreeVector(Assemble_px, Assemble_py, Assemble_pz),
// each EJ-200
G4double EJ200_x = ej200_x/2; // half size
G4double EJ200_y = ej200_y/2;
G4double EJ200_z = ej200_z/2;
G4Box* EJ200_solidV = new G4Box("EJ200_solidV", EJ200_x, EJ200_y, EJ200_z);
EJ200_logV = new G4LogicalVolume(EJ200_solidV, EJ200, "EJ200_logV",0,0,0);
// create Assembly of EJ200 array Box
G4AssemblyVolume* assemblyEJ200 = new G4AssemblyVolume();
// Rotation and translation of the logical volume
G4RotationMatrix rotationMatrixEJ200;
G4ThreeVector positionEJ200(0., 0., 0.);
G4Transform3D transform3DEJ200;
// Fill the assembly by EJ200
G4int max_x = rowNb_ej200;
G4int max_y = colNb_ej200;
for(G4int x_row_num = 0; x_row_num < max_x; x_row_num++ ){
for(G4int y_col_num = 0; y_col_num < max_y; y_col_num++ ){
positionEJ200.setX( -EJ200_Box_x + (x_row_num+1)*gap + (2*x_row_num+1)*EJ200_x );
positionEJ200.setY( -EJ200_Box_y + (y_col_num+1)*gap + (2*y_col_num+1)*EJ200_y );
positionEJ200.setZ( 0.0*mm );
transform3DEJ200 = G4Transform3D(rotationMatrixEJ200, positionEJ200);
assemblyEJ200->AddPlacedVolume(EJ200_logV, transform3DEJ200);
// Place the Assembly
positionEJ200.setX(0.0 ); positionEJ200.setY(0.0 ); positionEJ200.setZ(-0.5*gap);
transform3DEJ200 = G4Transform3D(rotationMatrixEJ200, positionEJ200);
assemblyEJ200->MakeImprint(Assemble_logV, transform3DEJ200);
![](./images/Screenshot from 2020-03-06 15-21-17.png)
#include "G4PVParameterised.hh" //得包含G4PVParameterised头文件
// Light Guide top mother volume
// The defination of light guide
// define mother volume of light guide
// half size of volume
G4double LightGuide_x = ej200_x*rowNb_ej200/2+gap*(rowNb_ej200+1)/2;
G4double LightGuide_y = ej200_y*colNb_ej200/2+gap*(colNb_ej200+1)/2;
G4double LightGuide_z = 3*mm/2;
gap = 0.07*mm; // gap between the boxes which is used to put
// the reflector
G4Box* LightGuide_top_motherV = new G4Box("LightGuide_top_motherV",
LightGuide_x, LightGuide_y, LightGuide_z);
LightGuide_top_mother_logV = new G4LogicalVolume(LightGuide_top_motherV,
ESR, // ESR reflector
"LightGuide_top_mother_logV", 0, 0, 0);
LightGuide_top_mother_physV = new G4PVPlacement(0,
G4ThreeVector(0, 0, (grease_pz-grease_z)-LightGuide_z),
// Light Guide top
// top part of light guide
// it consists of 5X5 boxes with same height
// TopX => x of each box in the top part,
// TopY => y of each box in the top part,
// TopHeight => height of each box, they are same.
// here, the value is the full size of box
G4double TopX[5] = {12.3*mm, 22.3*mm, 31.15*mm, 22.3*mm, 12.3*mm};
G4double TopY[5] = {12.3*mm, 22.3*mm, 31.15*mm, 22.3*mm, 12.3*mm};
G4double TopHeight = 3.0*mm;
G4int rowNb = 5;
G4int colNb = 5;
G4double TopGap = gap; // ESR materials
G4double x0, y0; // coordinate of the left bottom corner
x0 = -LightGuide_x;
y0 = -LightGuide_y;
// left bottom conner of X-Y plane (-A, -A)
// this box is a seed of other boxes
G4Box* LightGuide_top_solidV = new G4Box("LightGuide_top_solidV",
TopX[0]/2, TopY[0]/2, TopHeight/2);
LightGuide_top_logV = new G4LogicalVolume(LightGuide_top_solidV,
BC800, // light guide material
"LightGuide_top_logV", 0, 0, 0);
// all the coordinates are relative to the coordinate system of LightGuide_mother_logV
G4double LightGuide_top_px = x0;
G4double LightGuide_top_py = y0;
G4double LightGuide_top_pz = 0*mm;
APNISLGParameterisation *lightGuide_para_top =
new APNISLGParameterisation(
rowNb, colNb, // number of row and column
TopX, TopY,
TopGap, TopHeight,
LightGuide_top_px, LightGuide_top_py, LightGuide_top_pz,
BC800, ESR);
LightGuide_top_physV = new G4PVParameterised("LightGuide_top_physV",
LightGuide_top_logV, LightGuide_top_mother_logV,
kUndefined, rowNb*colNb, lightGuide_para_top);
// Light Guide bottom mother volume
// Bottom part of light guide, half size
G4double LightGuide_z_ = 18*mm/2;
G4Box* LightGuide_bottom_motherV = new G4Box("LightGuide_bottom_motherV",
LightGuide_x, LightGuide_y, LightGuide_z_);
LightGuide_bottom_mother_logV = new G4LogicalVolume(LightGuide_bottom_motherV,
ESR, // ESR reflector
"LightGuide_bottom_mother_logV", 0, 0, 0);
LightGuide_bottom_mother_physV = new G4PVPlacement(0,
G4ThreeVector(0, 0, (grease_pz-grease_z)-LightGuide_z*2-LightGuide_z_),
// Light Guide bottom
G4double BottomX[3] = {12.3*mm, 75.89*mm, 12.3*mm};
G4double BottomY[3] = {12.3*mm, 75.89*mm, 12.3*mm};
G4double BottomHeight = LightGuide_z_*2;
G4int rowNb_ = 3;
G4int colNb_ = 3;
G4double BottomGap = gap; // ESR materials
// left bottom conner of X-Y plane (-A, -A)
// this box is a seed of other boxes
G4Box* LightGuide_bottom_solidV = new G4Box("LightGuide_bottom_solidV",
BottomX[0]/2, BottomY[0]/2, BottomHeight/2);
LightGuide_bottom_logV = new G4LogicalVolume(LightGuide_bottom_solidV,
BC800, // light guide material
"LightGuide_bottom_logV", 0, 0, 0);
// all the coordinates are relative to the coordinate system of LightGuide_mother_logV
G4double LightGuide_bottom_px = x0;
G4double LightGuide_bottom_py = y0;
G4double LightGuide_bottom_pz = 0*mm;
APNISLGParameterisation *lightGuide_para_bottom =
new APNISLGParameterisation(
rowNb_, colNb_, // number of row and column
BottomX, BottomY,
BottomGap, BottomHeight,
LightGuide_bottom_px, LightGuide_bottom_py, LightGuide_bottom_pz,
BC800, ESR);
LightGuide_bottom_physV = new G4PVParameterised("LightGuide_bottom_physV",
LightGuide_bottom_logV, LightGuide_bottom_mother_logV,
kUndefined, rowNb_*colNb_, lightGuide_para_bottom);
![](./images/Screenshot from 2020-03-06 15-00-25.png)