TA follow-up
- accepted SoW approach - assuming goodFaith on workLoad planning (in early stages)
- Sponsored?
- determine what the sponsorship level can be based on the $25,000 annualy as an HST limit & likely CAD/USD
- TA needs to review his situation and decide
- determine what the sponsorship level can be based on the $25,000 annualy as an HST limit & likely CAD/USD
- Sponsored?
- payment mthods are still a concern
- accepted SoW approach - assuming goodFaith on workLoad planning (in early stages)
also Mario. Matt, Eric, depending on the fees
- explore:
- BankOfTheWest with Eric
- Keep locally as an alternative
- discuss this with the new RbcFg team as a separate Buisiness entity, keeping the option of the FoTrust available-
- goodManners demands a prior talk with Dan
- I can talk about the next details of my plans
- this might collect some appeal
- I can talk about the next details of my plans
- goodManners demands a prior talk with Dan
- discuss this with the new RbcFg team as a separate Buisiness entity, keeping the option of the FoTrust available-
- explore:
RootStart for a shared PR
- this should likely be a file
TA & OnTheList activities may gain some focus
- continue to emphasize the role of the Subject in Privacy ConText(s)
investigate the many colored lines
- plan an EdDf expansion assuming BoastTools
encourage Aas( 䖼ℑ=⺞ )
- consider relative value
- 5 : 1 is very poor
- refine this into a TwTable using 䖼
- consider the Security of MwsTw
- this could be an alternate task for TA
- alternatively perhaps a EdD via SergeJ
- this could be an alternate task for TA
- consider the Security of MwsTw
- refine this into a TwTable using 䖼
- 5 : 1 is very poor
- consider relative value
review AP for contact DaniS
- then contact Serge
TA & OnTheList activities must gain more focus
- 0119: dupElim needs
- SqLite < loadYourOwn M subset
- anticipate more Alias fields
- explain the Mosaic Tiles = 1 FSA and its 8 adjacent neighbours
- feed into AskS for textExpansion
- this could include aditional background like the WP: FSA page
- feed into AskS for textExpansion
- explain the Mosaic Tiles = 1 FSA and its 8 adjacent neighbours
- anticipate more Alias fields
- SqLite < loadYourOwn M subset
- note my tendency to use CoPilot inceases with its emerging capabilities.
- try applying this to Python first
- 0110: ( TA )SoW preparation really needs attention
- can this serve as a test on the DaniS relationship ?
- 0119: dupElim needs
provide more guidance to ToA
- via GitHub ?
- desktop syncs may need to be a preRequisite activity
- via GitHub ?
reviewed prior to 25-01-02.
- emails for Time - Priorities for 2024.qu.1.key(s) points
work on Ideas (for DaniPlus) that recognize the Revision opportunities inherent in OnTheList
- technical viability ,then economic viability
- consider the WiifMe needs of all participants
- with what limits?
- clarify the obligations for seedCapital
- equaly pay or equal work - is a fundamental principle
- for both parties
- seed capital is debt at commercial rates, that needs to be re-paid
- equaly pay or equal work - is a fundamental principle
- consider the WiifMe needs of all participants
- annotate the meeting
- technical viability ,then economic viability
consider a content migration plan that reduces the size of these pages.
- it should include local storage.
- perhaps starting with just a notepad editor
- it should include local storage.
It may be easiest to host a centralQuickLinks as a Gist.
- first try to scavenge the older ones
- if this fails a remote site will serve instead
- first try to scavenge the older ones
DefinitiveData-DeltaAlerts may morph into a DataAlerts.ca peer of D...f... !
7 X 3 = 21
- may need to be greaterThan
- which seems to work
- testing 25 = 1 + 8 X 3
- still apparently a valid assumption - but continuing to test the Hypothesis
- testing 25 = 1 + 8 X 3
- which seems to work
- may need to be greaterThan
PrTn should happen at 30 which is also needed as another test
- this 30th edit should trigger the PR - Testing
Obviously the next two 2025 sections will diverge as the year progresses and the intermediate months are inserted.
Items in this area are either explicitly scheduled or "as needed" for overflow from "later" areas.
- 2025 EaOn early - "DfHiatus" results
- OnTheList becomes the point of focal
- EaCa early
- try a nested Folder as shown in https://github.com/Gk0Wk/TiddlySeq/tree/master/src/drawio
This block is part of a countDown sequence ending at 2025-01.
- 2025 will be "pushedDown" into a separate file.
- it will be interesting to see how this is solved when 2012-01 is finally saturated.
- ideas:
- ...Tn ( Tt @ scale + 1 )
- zoomOut ( to the next larger ecclosing RTimePeriod
- Topic PreFix & Precision SufFix
- Category clusters ( Fraktur )
- snakeCase biDirectional conversions
- ideas:
- document the workDone to establish the viability of each of these
- include the simplifications needed to bridge the knowledgeGaps between techTypes (Hw) and userTypes (Lz)
- distinguish ViabilityTest efforts and UAT efforts
- include the simplifications needed to bridge the knowledgeGaps between techTypes (Hw) and userTypes (Lz)
- it will be interesting to see how this is solved when 2012-01 is finally saturated.
- ...
- AsksH: was done for a sevenPenies diagram
- extended this to the 19 level of course
the 10th commit should be with a PR
- one goal is to have an automated merge of a quickLinks file
- select an appropriate name for such a page (QlShared)
- implement this
- select an appropriate name for such a page (QlShared)
- ideally:
- this will be a common component in several (pages) contexts
- reduce maintenance effort
- provide insights into the relativeStrength coloring
- one goal is to have an automated merge of a quickLinks file
implement this as a countDown
- at leaast until my PR use is more effective-
- enlist BotsH for ease and consistency
test the theory that 3X color margings are needed to affect shading
7 X 3 = 21
- may need to be greaterThan
- which seems to work
- testing 25 = 1 + 8 X 3
- still apparently a valid assumption - but continuing to test the Hypothesis
- testing 25 = 1 + 8 X 3
- which seems to work
- may need to be greaterThan
.co: this really focuses much attention on the major item in a month
- .re: try Tags as a WayTo focus across months.
- There is a type of TransClusion via PRs
- check the wikiPages
- There is a type of TransClusion via PRs
- .re: try Tags as a WayTo focus across months.
PrTn happened at 30 which - needed as another test
- this 30th edit shoud trigger the PR.
- DONE - & appears successfully so.
- re-test of the shading should happen @ 37
- this bump was the result of needed to fix errors in subordinate files
- confirmation expected, so review is POSITIVE
- final confirmation - did not seem conclusive, at +. but was at >.
- confirmation expected, so review is POSITIVE
- this bump was the result of needed to fix errors in subordinate files
- re-test of the shading should happen @ 37
- DONE - & appears successfully so.
- this 30th edit shoud trigger the PR.
- refine the DiigoH Outliner methods
- Can these be used to craft ConText statements in a manner similar to DebateGraph?
- it should be efficient to drive this with Calendar objects that provide 'imminent' warnings
- Can these be used to craft ConText statements in a manner similar to DebateGraph?
- test the adequacy of print capabilities for that site.
- confirm the schedule for a live demo with LzH
standardized navigation (regardless of currentDevise) still needs improvement.
try TwMws since it has the best dataCapture methodology
- add a link ( after confirming OAuth is in effect )
- validate this before resuming the SoW discussion
- add a link ( after confirming OAuth is in effect )
consider the use of colorNotes to improve device independance
- this needs prior testing due to the weak documentation
StaticHTML is also a contender (especially for testing with LzH )
- try crafting a simple page for Lz
- add a link to the TiddlyHost source - since it is a benign link
- a Calendar entry could also work
- this is active for transfering SymbolsH easilt.
- try crafting a simple page for Lz
minimize the interference of this most recent spate of Notes with the needed focus om OnTheList
- This can be done by re-positioning text Blocks and using bookmarks effectively.
- prettyfy this
- consider promoting https://www.cos.io/
- ...
- prettyfy this
should this be presenred as an initial example of what will be dome?
- it might help to talk about the role of the Subject and the possible ways this "common" electoral tokenm could be used.
- this would also help the Governance committee set initial expectations
- it might help to talk about the role of the Subject and the possible ways this "common" electoral tokenm could be used.
develop a comprehensive scenario for this that addresses:
- Agent of Subject - Privacy
- What's it worth? - MPAC
this should also evolve into MailFail
if AnthropicBot can tweet - try a directedTweet
- this could streamline LzH
- review JrH emails
- TomaA might be streamlined via PRs
- ?? perhaps a ScavengeExtension /?
- craft a ScavengeExtension hyperLink to test
- caution re: microManagement
- craft a ScavengeExtension hyperLink to test
- ?? perhaps a ScavengeExtension /?
- TomaA might be streamlined via PRs
Demonstrate to Consumers, the ReverseBuy.offer and PrivacyAssured ConCept(s)
start with MyData (prepare to frontRun MetaData)
- Wealth ( Real estate < GIS < Latitude Longitude )
- ...
- Health > AhH
- Wealth ( Real estate < GIS < Latitude Longitude )
Build to MyInfo ( "Information is Data in a ConText" :HwW )
- Alert(s) pipeline(s) will be needed
- compelling usefulness is essential, but so is playing to the vested interests of current repos
- a userProvided keySegment might work
- compelling usefulness is essential, but so is playing to the vested interests of current repos
- position myData to frontRun MetaData
- Alert(s) pipeline(s) will be needed
Sequent seemed to "get" the spread to other Data via GisData
GIS - Jeremy - teach a candidate rather than do.
- 0918: suggested Lz have TA teach her how to teach Sonny
try to apply 7pennies as Company Roles
gsd knew NIST but believes it is a Distant ConcernTn
- perhaps CaDfQss instead?
determine if my 'anthropic' Bot can Tweet
- provide the relative advantages of various communication Channels
- acknowledge the precedent insights of TheResearchBoard
- it will be interesting to Ask: Progect OutComes based on the InfoContext available Now
- InfoNow should emerge and AskMethods should improve
- DoNot: Build TheOs - instead Use the OS whenever possible
- Windows vs. Nix
- Browsers are OsPlus - BillGates
- Windows vs. Nix
- DoNot: Build TheOs - instead Use the OS whenever possible
- InfoNow should emerge and AskMethods should improve
- it will be interesting to Ask: Progect OutComes based on the InfoContext available Now
- acknowledge the precedent insights of TheResearchBoard
- provide the relative advantages of various communication Channels
- ...
-08-15: GoTeam reply to Aj CC Lz
- accepted shared folder from Bdc
- start adding additional data
- see re-deploy comment in other file @ ...
- this reiterates the need to improve Git skills
- re-test the Bots
- this reiterates the need to improve Git skills
- accepted shared folder from Bdc
-08-12: talk to Gjw re card use by Barb
- test older system acces to QuickBooks
- discuss HlhAid
- Lz re PDF status
- admonished for noReports
- provoked some activity with:
- Es/moreBugsFDorJrHlh, and a bit of a ReView of Jr/Toma
- provoked some activity with:
- admonished for noReports
- Barb re funds - in Progress
- try adding this to a project, ideally with MileStones
- Lz re PDF status
-08-19: ...
"ask": Sales vs. Marketing ? -
-0829: ...
use TelegraphChars as Dates -
09-09: ...
-09-19: extend AiBot.Functions
-09-29: Tmo checkpoint(s) ...
- how to make updates reach this level
- consider the need to refine the use of date in this section
-08-09: Tfo checkpoint(s) ...
- Tqu(arter) focus as well as Tye
- discuss localNewsNeeds with Kyle
- Post & Blog & Vlog & Text infrastructure
- review Medium post(s)
- Python system seems to be an important intermediate Productivity Improvement step
- re-installed to fix a careless typo
- this will likly lead to a full .nix install in order to get the integration benefits of/for LLama
- set up Printing across H's systems
- re-installed to fix a careless typo
- ConSider: BotH uses in this context.
- Python system seems to be an important intermediate Productivity Improvement step
- Ailinks - direct & via DiigoH
- test this further
- particularly w.r.t. PDFs
- test this further
- How to use Chat(s) for my RePo(s)
- discuss localNewsNeeds with Kyle
- 07-29: Refine the Gist(s)
- howTo enable
- consider HTMX use
- also Chat use
- start a NewPr at the end of this month
- try to restructure it for a more intense focus on GoalsH
- ReView .git(s)
- consider moreSubFiles
- AiHwQuery
- ...
- AiHwQuery
- -21: intensity restored
- consider moreSubFiles
- check ...4o for local Git clarifications, rather than just using GitHub help
- WayLe= L(eft) e(ternal) - may be an effective way to de-bug Instructions
- it should be possible to Do:( copyPaste text from here Then:have 4o refine it And: email the result )Do:
- YAML should help
- CamelCase links will also help
- 4o should be able to expand CamelCase in several ways
- CamelCase links will also help
- YAML should help
- it should be possible to Do:( copyPaste text from here Then:have 4o refine it And: email the result )Do:
- WayLe= L(eft) e(ternal) - may be an effective way to de-bug Instructions
- Tqu(arter) focus as well as Tye
-08-01: startup
-0806 "BotHww.UniCode" use(s)
2024:05-27: internal Navigation improvements based on H1 - H6 use
2024-05-24: 🔢 - others selections seem to result from the :... like: 💯 ...
- confirm this is an adequate reponse for Dpl
- strength the VV focus
- Gary sees this as a way of getting me involved in GroupTerryP
- This group seems to have too many interested parties
- If you want to go quickly - go alone. If far, go together"
- his assumption seems to be that I will get a Ministerial meeting to try for Centre of Excellence funding
- try crafting a separate PreponderanceOf Evidence page
- this could appear within two repos, perhaps using git commands
- ideally, one should be private
- this could appear within two repos, perhaps using git commands
- try crafting a separate PreponderanceOf Evidence page
- This group seems to have too many interested parties
- confirm this is an adequate reponse for Dpl
Add to preponderanceOfEvidence with a verifiedON YYMMDD value.
- supoport any ontario property owner ( span regions )
- we will forward - for you - to other Ontario Owners or your choice of Agents.
- list lilely restrictions that may be imposed
- max 100 ...
- list lilely restrictions that may be imposed
- we will forward - for you - to other Ontario Owners or your choice of Agents.
- supoport any ontario property owner ( span regions )
gist clean-up & consolidation
- may provide an accessible HTML LandingPage
- test this
- standardize SymbolsH
- ideally via a methodology
- 🈵 - could this be a clipboard effect?
- try searching for these symbols
- ideally via a methodology
- test via DiggoH
- may provide an accessible HTML LandingPage
more integration of CPT seems beneficial to my workflows
- updates to my Gists were effective
DiigoH & ./Wiki's neeeds further integration
- consider: DebateGraph DropBox DynaList
review wikis
- degrade the prior month's notes
- start making TnWork relationship notes
explore and encourage the EricS efforts
- 2024-06-22: Review planned Tasks to refresh the current considerations
- craft an undated list of these
- make it a ranked list
- shift focus to DIG for Data Quality, but edit each at least once to maintain momentum
- make it a ranked list
- craft an undated list of these
- 2024-06-14: retain the view that Alerts are better value but at a higher (maintenance) Price
- 2024-06-07: started linking to other APP repos.
- 2024-06-04: spent the last few days establishing a workFlowPath with two entry Nodes:
- TiddlyWiki / a MwsTw prototype
- gKeep with Shared, collaborative Notes.
- this could be a hybrid ( man/machine )procedure
Toma's Data Fix(es) are promising.
- encourage them, but
- lead towards more immediate uses, perhaps chaining
- By(s). > Boards > ( Eon & MPAC )
- OnTheList uses
- Using JkLaLi
- ( GaryP ) > TerryP
- Fraud ( Colin ; DrK ) > Bureaux
- lead towards more immediate uses, perhaps chaining
- encourage them, but
ReFocus: OnTheList - to meet the integrate DfVv & AdManCa wish of Dpl
- 0429: Marketing Plan review - tomorrow
- d eferred pending Contract considerations
- 0426: keyboard upgrade - Logitech
- stalled whilst searching for documentation
- review of YouTube worked. - progress made but more study needed
- stalled whilst searching for documentation
- 0425: Realtor ; Penney , Lz
- 0424: consider WikiPedia fundraising response - ...
- 0423: plan for improved Asset Management
- 0422: Renters approval
- 0421: Gjw post-operation visit
- 0420: Lz personal delay
- 0408: Sonny status: Paid & active
- -16: Lz to pay and & - also to review missing YYZ slices
- -04: LzH discussion
- 0405: Toma initial Role clarification?
- -19: gather feedback
- 0403:
- bundle some changes into another PR.
- ...
- bundle some changes into another PR.
0323: general updates to plans
- these should be expressed as a PR
- increase the Demo emphasis.
- focus on the Sales opinions after an initial PreView
- prepare a script that the Devs can use for the PreView
- this should make use of the off shore Latitude * Longitude data capture
- push this at Jkw & Kfw
- have them prepare a demo for Sales / Penny & Hlh
- push this at Jkw & Kfw
- this should make use of the off shore Latitude * Longitude data capture
- prepare a script that the Devs can use for the PreView
- focus on the Sales opinions after an initial PreView
- prototype a ChatDd to assess the capabilities of small , local solutions.
- ensure access to a simple editor for local *.html pages, when working on Android.
- do this before the next trip
- review the Chat infrastructure across all systems
0315: 0313: 0311:
- test tablet access
- ( reduce the Security concerns )
- seems adequate for now, combined with 2FA
- this is valid at least for the larger tablet.
- the small can be reviewed using desktop techs to prepare account creds.
- Postman is needed to use the API.
- Dpl offered assistance
- els said that he knew this was now a priority
- Dpl offered assistance
- added CsC & GsC - ( Curb side & Geo spatial )
- test tablet access
0310: CurbSide Features demo or Fuctions demo ??
- Features should focus on myFirstAvm > build to buyTheMPAC version for Trust.
- measure the discrepancies that arise as specs are tailor to mySpecific needs
- consider the functionsl cspsbilitiesd of the TidTools imageCapture tool
- this may be an effective way of crafting relativeStrength pl;ots that support myHomeValues
- consider the functionsl cspsbilitiesd of the TidTools imageCapture tool
- measure the discrepancies that arise as specs are tailor to mySpecific needs
- 0305: - Demo plans refined ( ls.SeqU NounB TerryP vusoft )
- 0302:
- Demos need definition
- March is now TtTmo ( rather that being TnTmo- 0401 )
- this type of timePeriod metamorphisis happens for all recocognized timePeriods
- Features should focus on myFirstAvm > build to buyTheMPAC version for Trust.
LzH discussion re a YyzTmoList pull
- this "makes sense" as a set of 9 monthly Yyz updates
- Distrinbution rights are much less of a concern given :the Price must be the Price if Associates are to thrive.
include references from Pulse items to secondary progress goals
2024 Budget approvals
- Review post the -05- contract(s)
link to the Git (reference sheet) "CheatSheet"
started RmT2024q1
- 0325: wikiPedia spat re userPages needs resolution - 0331: Oops: too late.
- 0330: permanent edit Ban by pirranah in spite of reassurances & goodFaith progress
- monitor for mitigation, in spite of low probability
- prepare a reasoned public retort - twitter is a valid media to use
- suggest - just a caution - as a learning experience - since bullying comes natuarally to many
- prepare a reasoned public retort - twitter is a valid media to use
- monitor for mitigation, in spite of low probability
- 0330: permanent edit Ban by pirranah in spite of reassurances & goodFaith progress
( roadMaps... )DashboardsH - need extension to be metaDash.H...
- ...
( roadMaps... )DashboardsH - need extension to be metaDash.H...
- re-work these on the assumption that Df will start assuming the production developmentment work under "relationship" building.
- this is a Jr goal that is not yet confirmed
- Dpl seems supportive - to be confirmed in the post Metting debrief of -02-19.
- ensure that Dpl get the same "do what you desire" respect given Jr
- Dpl seems supportive - to be confirmed in the post Metting debrief of -02-19.
- this is a Jr goal that is not yet confirmed
- ...
- -08: reviews with DPL
- UPlanet > GeoSpatial( Volcanos ) > StatsCan
- sketch the emerging processors hierarchy
- Azure > CSI/Df/repo(s) > NodeJs > ( TiddlyWiki < sqLite ) > CurbSide
- consider:
- new Els tool with its image support
- screenGrabs
- drawIO or ...
- new Els tool with its image support
- consider:
- Azure > CSI/Df/repo(s) > NodeJs > ( TiddlyWiki < sqLite ) > CurbSide
- test links to LinkedIn messages
- -10: reviews with Ls and aJo
- -08: reviews with DPL
- re-work these on the assumption that Df will start assuming the production developmentment work under "relationship" building.
They may not be needed given GitHub's RoadMap support and Links to external repos
- DebateGraph for issue resolution
- Diigo Outliner and bestInClass bookmarking
- TiddlyHost for external WorkFlow Interfaces and Integration
... some Private links are likely to be needed as formative (more detailed) plans emerge
- this should hide tentative ideas that cause confusion
- key-able characters should become the first interface to high InformationDensity UniCode Symbols and Words
- this can be achieved through nested DataDictionaries
- Dpl's Glossary goal may benefitt from the Emerging environment
- document the participant's WiifmIdeas
- start with a set of RoadmapTiles
- there is likely a need for RmT2023/ -01- naming
- start with a set of RoadmapTiles
- document the participant's WiifmIdeas
- Dpl's Glossary goal may benefitt from the Emerging environment
- this can be achieved through nested DataDictionaries
- key-able characters should become the first interface to high InformationDensity UniCode Symbols and Words
- this should hide tentative ideas that cause confusion
review LinkedIn assignment notes for ..kesh scope
- verify the dupElimSheet
- repeat monetary cautions
( can exotic chars help? e.g. 辰 - - ...
- apparently only if combined with another char since Chinese is quite common.
- try the gothicZ prefered as as a Z(ero non-word noun like 辰� - FAIL
- us eht eLativ Z like: 辰Z - nope, so 辰Z0 - decide when to:
- start removing material to .../2024
- one goal should be to reduce page scrolling
- start working on a 'local' platform and trusting sync
- apparently only if combined with another char since Chinese is quite common.
- try the gothicZ prefered as as a Z(ero non-word noun like 辰� - FAIL
- link to twAzure as an umbrella for DefData
- this covers a NodeJs parasol that
- hosts WorkBooks as Json data objects.
- this covers a NodeJs parasol that
- push the use of SqLite to hold GeoSpatial data
- initially this might make use got WoirkBooks as Json
- review the version of the SqLite/Dd that was delivered with a couple of hours today
- investigate the flask/python libraries
- Review "closingWords"
- Issues ...
- link to twAzure as an umbrella for DefData
- Fri: Conference material ; Sat: add more links ; Sun: ; Mon: ... ; Tue: noSurprises GsdReview ; Wed: statement!
- try to avoid wrapping
- Fri: Conference material ; Sat: add more links ; Sun: ; Mon: ... ; Tue: noSurprises GsdReview ; Wed: statement!
review payment methods - on the basis of the most recent Invoice
- note the different presentations by BMO for Personal and Business accounts
select the initial MicroContent for Jr from the new DataDictionary
confirmed Xmmx can act as a dataDictionary in theCloud
- ...
it may be best to wait until -11- to further investigate "order"
this is because it will be too time consuming to close the existing gap
- a gradual migration is strongly preferred.
... autoOutdent is not yet understoog
further autoOutdent
limit reached.
- ...
- consider open source Alerts - in conjunction with myEsdb
- consider the CivicAtlas implications
- ideally it will be possible to achieve "twoBirds"
- involve/contemplate Jurgen too
- consider the CivicAtlas implications
the Tasks file served as an adequate Print test
- craft a prettyLink to it trom from here
- 7.1 DefDataTasks.md
- find a working example
- 7.1 DefDataTasks.md
- craft a prettyLink to it trom from here
"expectations to satisfy for dependents" ranks higher than my "new Initiatives"
- consider Trusted Commitments
- it may be easier to jumpTo rather than integrateFrom
- consider Trusted Commitments
check the portal after adding a link here
- review the server offer
- do this as quickly as possible to gain architectural insights
- produce a merged document from working with JrH
- Integrate the JrHw chat notes re Architecture
- focus on BottomUp collaborative primitives
- review applications TopDown with Eric
- then: consider the relative merits of yet another TiddlyHost wiki
- Time and Budget
- do this as quickly as possible to gain architectural insights
- review the server offer
try making this block of text into a separate file
- (auto)merge when possible
- review the Git commands
- (auto)merge when possible
Spacing continues to be annoying.
- posting will likely be interrupted
- Spacing continues to be annoying.
review LinkedIn assignment notes for ..kesh scope
- StringsServer development
- 250 for ... ; 350 for ... ; 550 for ...
- next interval to be set post the 1st
- 250 for ... ; 350 for ... ; 550 for ...
- verify the dupElimSheet
- repeat monetary cautions
- this work helped manage the acquisition process
- repeat monetary cautions
- StringsServer development
review LinkedIn assignment notes for ..kesh scope
- verify the dupElimSheet
- repeat monetary cautions
- consider the retainer request
- repeat monetary cautions
- verify the dupElimSheet
can StringsH.DDs be used to invoke API's
- try GeoSpatial access via Co-Op AND 'kesh
it may be best to wait until -11- to further investigate "order"
- this is because it will be too time consuming to close the existing gap
- some indicators are worth checking, in the mean time
- this is because it will be too time consuming to close the existing gap
DataFlow architecture thoughts need more attention given the Client/Server dichotomies evident in the JrEsHw chat
- ...
respond to Sonny re hire
- perhaps by a trusted associate - if that enhances their value to ...Df
- discussed by LzH
- sent resume to Lz
- discussed by LzH
- perhaps by a trusted associate - if that enhances their value to ...Df
consider the possible interactions of CivicAtlasDf
- JrH discussions are cautionary
- DLDfT chat ...
- retrieval of CurbSide issue was caused by Case sensitivity on TT.folders.
- check -e's eMail
- retrieval of CurbSide issue was caused by Case sensitivity on TT.folders.
- preliminary GeoSpatial assessments
- ...
- there is an aparent difference between this *.MD and another file's editMechanism.
- use "hr" markup until the apparent vagaries of spacing are better understood
- this Sections will likely evolve into Files
- explore how files can then be attached to PRs (which should be easy, if only via Commwnts)
- this Sections will likely evolve into Files
This area will be used to rough-out longer term plans.
- more substantive GitHub work may evolve from using the desktop version(s)
- Waterloo trip Agenda
CivicAtlas waterloo visit ?
make the SoW.HowTo available throughout DataFix, after a GsdT review
- run this by DevDf first, perhaps as a basis for a Job Description for a Co-Op with Derrick.
- Devs should share "onBoarding" tasks
- this ( incumbent/proponent ) Training needs to happen at all three of the levels
- Devs should share "onBoarding" tasks
- run this by DevDf first, perhaps as a basis for a Job Description for a Co-Op with Derrick.
Define and Conduct some Code Reviews
- evaluate CivicAtlas
- gain access to operational code that we can try building an application in
- consider the API issues
- interface to GeoSpatial
- offer a demo
- gain access to operational code that we can try building an application in
- progress impeded: health ; NDA processing ; ...
AssertiveWIFM additions for RichardC
- pursue this in spite of travel slippage
- distribute as intended, regardless of travel
- pursue this in spite of travel slippage
focus the dataEntry efforts on producing a spreadsheet result that can be post-processed to clean up the now know deficiencies
- give Sonny directiojn in this regard - if only since his associates are the rootCause
- ...
review https://tids-to-table.tiddlyhost.com/
- remove this block to ...wip...
Suggest our "limited preferred scope" (Movers Maintenance) to Richard.
- incorporate whatever presentation / leave/Behind material that can be crafted
- review draft #1
- is this summarized as effectively as possible
- send V1.0.2 to Richard
- ask about Ernest
- proposal writing - idf a contractor - perhaps unsolicited
- confirm Gsd agrees since he may leak to smartmatic
- proposal writing - idf a contractor - perhaps unsolicited
- is this summarized as effectively as possible
- distribute this to at least Andrea and perhaps Ls, but not necessarily Lz at this time
- review draft #1
- incorporate whatever presentation / leave/Behind material that can be crafted
start documenting Docker considerations
- link this to CoOp recruitment
- build Staff Expertise retention > Ownership paths
- link this to CoOp recruitment
try building as much as possible in XememexH - but "spit-balls" belong in XmmXH (public/private)
test a port of this material into:
- GitHub wikis (WikiPedia syntax)
- TwH repositories
review and extend the creation of Issues
- Define and Conduct some Code Reviews
- ...
- level-up Data-Integrity
- Define and Conduct some Code Reviews
Architectural issues need consideration as part of a 20th anniversary splash in 2024-09
- consider:
- https://docs.github.com/en/packages/working-with-a-github-packages-registry/working-with-the-container-registry
- XmmxH & CurbSide
- data portability as well as code portability
- server-side server-less confirgurations
- automation for ease of configuration
- focus on GeoSpatial applications
- LaLoAl in particular
- Pob + TiB
- LaLoAl in particular
- consider:
remove Deferred content to a trailing SymbolsH page that can be reached via quickLinks
- an alternatative could be to refert to just Numeric titles
start to identify more Issues only as the emerge.
- this needs to be added to the formal EdD notes to reinforce Methodology
- Confirm links to headings in deeper files in this (and other) repos. Then remove.
- improve use of Breadth
review and extend the creation of Issues
- ...
a leading .../.mo(nth) heading should be useful
- this could expand to include all of the timePeriods
- try -08-
- this could expand to include all of the timePeriods
confirmed 6 heading levels ####### level 7 is a FAIL
find the assigned SymbolsH instances
- (Queue) .ye.mo.da .ye.qu
- ...
- (Queue) .ye.mo.da .ye.qu
expand the existing explanations of Significance-Precision
- then start adding the .mi.ce.de.ye levels and their symbols
- ㋀㋁㋂㋃㋄㋅㋆㋇㋈㋉㋊㋋ extend with the .ye values
Can Notion be more useful with the Marketing team?
- discuss this with LzH
- then direct AJo
- test this technology with LsH too
- discuss this with LzH
review the GitHub/ Packages / Docker material that can be accessed from the main Profile
- csyW activities might be interTwingled
review https://tids-to-table.tiddlyhost.com/
- remove this block to ...wip...
engage more thru GitHub starting with the Real Estate schemas which I want to present as an Address Maintenance component
- the clear intent should be to build towards MyData and use of the emerging government components
consider the extent to which GitHub may be useful in crafting content that is destined for TiddlyHost
- try moving GitHub content into a DiigoH outliner
- this could make it easier to re-arrange to show the relative priorities
- furthermore, TransClusion van be used in TW environments to create more informative sub-contexts
- try moving GitHub content into a DiigoH outliner
relative coloring may appear to cause unexpected changes in the higher levels
- code mirror could be useful
- this may only be effective if non-code shemes cab implemented
- code mirror could be useful
track the evolution of the 4th repo
foreign travel preparations - that are likely to need two weeks late August or early Septemder
try using DiigoH to "outline" the proposed trip
remove content to /2022/...
- FAIL: "not found"
craft a " DeferedForNow / DeferredUntil " page
- inform JrHw re FriDay as an "if possible" time.
- do this via a XmmxH post (even if that is sent via an email)
- strive to refine communications
- discuss Jeremy's preferences: RSS , PmNotes that are triggered via a hared GitHub Comment *
- strive to refine communications
- do this via a XmmxH post (even if that is sent via an email)
- consider Tw & MySql
- a solid AdMan business case is emerging
- Mover Certification + ...
- customized Data Augmentation via GeoSpatial sources
- Identity Device collaboration
- YOTI ElectOnApp augmentation
- this should be refactored to share the common text
- YOTI ElectOnApp augmentation
- Mover Certification + ...
- a solid AdMan business case is emerging
- create a new Folder based solely on the Chat response (as a test of ChatGpt)
- find ChatGpt users on GitHub
- confirm that one of the versions can actively process GitHub activity
- manual maintenance is useful
- find ChatGpt users on GitHub
- http://www.i18nguy.com/index.html
- needs exploration annotations
- extending the strainghtSeven streak / highWater
- 26 /7 was noted and trigged a switch in updates to this secondary Goals file
- edit will continue here to test the relative relationship with the third file
- Craft an improved archive plan
- test the gitHub wikis via RstH
- leap-frog over the shared HelloWorld
- observed that the Updates density is a relative effect
- try to preserve the evidence of this. in spite of the adjustments caused by further Changes
- proceding carefully ...
- note the color differences bewteen April and March
- proceding carefully ...
- try to preserve the evidence of this. in spite of the adjustments caused by further Changes
- Tweaking Data acquisition methodologies:
- starting with the development of a set of illustrative prototypes against Known values (as test cases)
- consider this in a TftDf context
- explore the relative value of Xememex or a DataEntry.Curbside modification.
- ...
- agreed that it is best to re-schedule the Xememex Group presentation until early April.
- individual focused presentations may be helpful
- LsH
- LzH
- review the shared work
- individual focused presentations may be helpful
- ( .tn: record the lowest color breakPoint, .likely > 6 .then. > 12 ... )
- Data provisoning will be delayed by a need to tweak Data acquisition methodologies
- -24: evident Preliminary improvements are sufficent to proceed.
- TechTeams are converging on the use of GeoJson.
- review the goal of extending the use of Open Soource concepts.
- discuss this with DanG.
- Address Accuracy processing will be incorporated to optimize Capture.
- consider expanding Sponsorships
- ...
Can common libraries be considered a type of DefData?
- (ignoring the use of Execute... operators that are common in Interpretors as opposed to compilers)
- Data is generally considered to be "passive" and code is generally an "active" agent.
- IF: "Information is Data in Context", Then: plugins that alter the context are Active.
- edits at either Entry or Load time(s)
- TwCommunity newco with Jr
- discuss how to make this more attractive to other Devs
- remember that Jr sees Devs as "all WikiText (users), but not programmers"
shorten these:
- ...
- Integrity is an effective Topic for Df Audiences.
- Expand the recent problem(s) to assess the extent of reactions
- show how Definitive Data ( DefData ) is a key part of Modernization
- test thia in the new blog
- how can AndreaJo aid in clarifying this?
- Copy-writing
- team of LS LZ AnJo Kyle
- opinion survey?
- Problems are increasingly apparent as:
- matching algorithms based on Municipal street address
- incomplete coverage becomes more apparent from increased usage
- reported errors (and whole classes of types of errors) are not remedied
- Discuss Data Integration plans & API access possibilities
- perhaps this should have an initial scope of Ontario
- consider this in the context of the TFT potential work
- consider Flickr for global scope.
- use PlusCodes in the current EonRh investigation
- Black/White Hat duesl will persist, especially given the rates of Technological Changes
- Professional BlackHats are patient enough to nurture a seed attack
- Penetration productivity suggests "low-hanging fruit" is more vulnerable
- Discuss TwCommunity newco with Jr
- -10-31: priority review(s)
- review -09- Notes
- Mehregan productivity continues to compel attention
- This is likely to be a protracted adoption since it is still Version 0...
- -09-29: unprecedented DbServerD recovered. Distraction ends.
- -09-25: re-balancing 'Planning' and 'Doing', mindful of GTD
- Considering the (less Pulse) use of GISTS
- Continue to restructure this material into Reports for each group of participants.
- add more Topics
- start to incorporate Anki
- introduce Anki to aid occasional colaborators
- some Teams types may find this useful
- -09-19: review https://docs.github.com/en/pages
- distinguish the uses of GISTS and Repois
- -09-09:
- -09-05: testing the new uses of Slack
- recommend AdManCa hire a couple of interns.
- structure these evaluation jobs for junior or master levels.
- spawn a portion of this README as a separate file in the AdManCa repos ; retrieve and incorporate via a PR.
- confirm or refute: a File is the elemental first-class unit of content for PRs.
- -09-01: one way of determining any file size limits that might apply is to simply start building larger consolidated files that can be accessed via the prioposed IndeX file
- it may also be effective to pull the repo down to a desktop and review the files in that environment
- -08-25: Copyrights & TradeMarks considerations may be needed, in spite of Open Source committments.
- GISTS can be used to reduce Pulse noise caused by frequent updates
- Ideally, Slack will help Focus on the most Urgent collaborative activities
- Summaries will then focus on the most Important
- more MarkUp use will also help this Focus effort
- as might more use of Color
- and inline Links
- There are prequisite activities:
- this may be accelarated by the development of a Slack messages prototype
- -09-05: boot-strapping is underway.
- it may be time to use Commits as Summary points rather than Activity points
- review and revise the methodologies for localHost work
- re-consider GitLab since Slack integration seems to be restricted to Organizations.
started adding Topics to these Notes
-09-03: started creating a Slack channel for the AdManCa Team(s)
- strive to link these as effectively as possible
- Notion may be an easier initiation path for less-technical collaborators
-09-01: ...
- consider building an Index page that links to appropriate sections of other GotHub file like this
- a simpler Git page might be more accessible
- -08-22: a bit of a time crunch has been imposed, so daily Pulse comments may be reduced
- -08-24: still crunched for the rest of this week
- This slight changing in the use of titles seems appealing.
- ( Splash with an image )SwAi? - in order to achieve PoTda ( standardized from PoTd )EdD
- PoTda - P(icture) o(f the) Tda(y)
- this type of pseudoCode is becoming more significant now that TW has:
- SPLIT okperators for improved parsing
- CASCADE logic rules
- The use of Hypothesis as a reminder/workflow systemn seems effective.
- this should still be drived by ( ControlPoint )TwH logic
- Trying to annotate pages that need attention in a manner similar to that used at DebateGraph.
- review DynaList too.
- one possible focus is a melding of AdManCa credibility ; Google's OpenSource PlusCodes, YOTI - Your Own Trusted Identity
- -08-15: Encouraging others to consider my interests in Identity Management products
- Linking more possible collaborators in order to build out an Adress Management network that is interested in the DefData ("Definitieve Data") aspects of DataIntegrity and Election Integrity.
- investigate: PRs as a Transclusion, more deeply since this is an obvious capability that should be in a SVC system
- Considering e-wallet collaborations for Identity apps that need better Address information.
- this may well fit into the proposed Voting Initiatives Laboratory infrastructure
- active discussions and deliberations are underway
The majority of the maintenance having been completed, it is finally time to restucture this material for a diverse set of Audiences. Ideally, the use of a proper SVC will make this easy enough, so that it is possible to harvest some benefits from the infrastructure.
Start by:
- trying to pull a small update into this repo
Demonstrate the value of a modern Canadian Address Management infrastructure that can be use as a definitive reference for all possible Canadian Addresses.
DeltaAlerts are being built as an infrastructure based on https://maps.google.com/pluscodes/
- Investigate the potetial interactions between pulic/private repos via PullRequests ** The end product will be OpenSource, but working teams are likely to need some private Comment areas.
- archiving of older material should be abe to proceed soon.
- 2022-06-10: gradual (post Election) resumption
- 2022-05-07: confirm: switched Master to Main ; Done: -05-01
- found the Default control, but cannot rename to an already existing Name
- perhaps now ?
- 2022-04-07: switch Master to Main
- 2022-03-25: https://github.com/organizations/Data-Integrity-Group/repositories/new
- 2022-03-20: Just a bit of progress tracking to let folks know things are progressing (all be it very slowly).
- 2022-03-05: enhancing pull Requests
- 2022-02-12: engaged in work-break-downs to distribute proposed solutions more widely
- Pob is P(lace) o(f) Birth which is expressed in many ways
- Latitude + Longitude ; PlusCode (publicDomain encoding ) ; IATA code + vector ; Municipal Address ; postal Code ; WhatThreeWords (proprietary) ; ...
- 2021-12-2?: starting work on legal aspects and considerations of Privacy for AddressManagement based on GeoCodes ...
- particularly Open Source PlusCodes
- 2021-12-18: hiHo, hiHo: ... it's back to work I go (if only for the imminent holidays)
- It's more than time to re-focus this repository.
- this is an opportunity to generalize the "5 minute rule"
- TiddlyHost now creates new wikis as V5.2.0
- re-assessing GitHub wikis
- consider the very promising Hypothesis interactions
- CjvCollaboration:
- 2021.05: DefData source(s) focus
- 2021-05-21: AddressAlias(es) table is showing progress in a Google Docs environment.
- 2021-05-19: ...
- 2021.04.01: Address fields review ; NodeJs idea?
- 2021.03.15: startup
- The potential ~rst collaboration on Housing:
- An effective approach to WBS ( WorkBreakdownSystem ) should maximize the value of our indivdual contributions.
- 2021.02.01: Confirmed pre-existing CB code will be useful and is readily availabe.
- 2021.02.03: Received code. Now to try an install.
- PlusCodes can be use to effectively join many independent databases that have geographic component
- start to re-structure these notes so that they are more efficient for each specific Audience
- use Diigo to create tightly focused contexts for this material
- consider extending Joplin > Dropbox (with shared folders)
- PlusCodes are very appealing
- Part of the appeal is that they can be a masterKey to a table of Address Aliases & other tables with an AddressKey
- a rigorous relativeValue to competing solutions is underway
- googleMaps ; TeraNet ; ESRI ; What#Words ; ...
- pricing is obviously set to encourage small, speculative developments
- caching has a different meaning in this Price context
- All is based on ApiKeys.
- The "off-line" and "open source" facets are quite appealing.
- confirm they are part of the standard API response
- alternatively, increase latLon capture automation
- Demos are now being developed
- Several collaborative opportunities are evident in Canada.
- review: https://isomorphic-git.org/
- see https://github.com/HwWobbe/DefinitiveData-DeltaAlerts/blob/master/docs%20folder/Lede.md
- consider hosting an instance of federati on Azure.
- select an enthusiastic partner for the Vision 2030s AdManCa initiatives
- this infrastructure build should strive for OpenSource logic
- investigate ( JSON ) .../blob/...
- re-focused on using TwElsWikis for shared Notes and Messages.
- the merge of CurbSide and TiddlyTables is spurring new NamesRules.
- expand the use of TiddlyTables
- set Report esthetics
- planning to try the Discussions capability
Technology leads Legislation and the already large gaps are more likely to grow than shrink, given current trends. Individual Subjects should, therefore, consider their particular needs and views, as well as how to position themselves within the societies they are part of. This is particulary important given the current trends of moving data into the Cloud. After all, Facebook has clearly demonstrated that its approach to data collection is harmful to its users and that the Subjects who do not protect themselves will inevitably be just "collateral damage" to its business model.
Subjects are becoming intolerant of the need to protect themselves from privacy breaches at sites that collect and, when breached, expose Personal data.
In a programmer's view, DefinitiveData is simply the best available data for a particular algorithm. This "best" judgement is, of course, highly context sensitive, with many diverse opinions and vested interests, including those of many DefDataContexts that need reconciliation in order to optimize the value of required investment(s). Consider, for example, ...
Canadian Cities as the "owners" of Municipal addresses.
Canada Post (since most Canadians, incorrectly, believe Canada Post knows where they live).
Government Institutions at all three levels ( & especially the Voting Authorities )
Canadian Banks and their K.Y.C (Know Your Customer) needs
The National Association of Mail Users ( NAMMU )
Mailers ( and their mail services providers )
Mail Recipients ( likely a bigger market than Mailers, as junkMail grows and Privacy meeds increase > wikiLink )
AdManCa = Ad(dres) Man(agement) Ca(nada) & FirstNations
Standardization will be increasingly important as more Devs engage.
- there is an Organization that sets Real Estate standards.
- link pending
- Address Quality issues are more widely recognized given recent ArtificialIntelligence and BigData hyperbole.
- the American VoteByMail examples and opinions will be informative
- DebateGraph may be an effective tool in the imminent political Debates.
- Privacy issues are likely to demand more attention given the impact of CoVid19 on traditional Voting practices.
- have a secure AWS vault created, that can be assumed via credentials.
- pick a name
- consider possible backdoors.
The growing availability of data actually appears to be creating demands for even more data, almost as if a cyclone of data gathering forces is engaging to feed into the promise of Artificial Intelligence engines. One result of this whirlwind of activity is a dramatic increase in redundant data acquisition and data matching efforts. ...
- A national Productivity issue with Identity implications, introduced at ...
- (https://debategraph.org/Stream.aspx?nid=596285&vt=bubble&dc=focus)
- Enumerate the fields of endeavour which will be increasingly affected by defData ...
- ... e.g. Voting, Banking, ... = Identity protection and management ; MyRep ... R(ights) e(ntitlements) p(iviledges)
- Review "Input Process Output" allocations of 40% 20% 40% respectuvely.
- Expound the need for EnduringLinks to alleviate Matching problems
- Discuss various Use Cases. Eventually these should be posted to LinkedIn.
- GPS = latitude + Longitude, as opposed to (proprietary, per CPC) Postal Code.
- Benefits need to be confirmed
- CPC: URM cost savings
- Discuss the reasons for Changes (Deltas) that should trigger "Alerts".
- This should likely link to DgH to start and then DocsH
- Preparing this file for sharing with CPC & NAMMU members.
- link to gDocs and various documentation files tailored for specified Audiences.
- debateGraph is being evaluated as a way of vizualizing MicroContent & MicroPortals that include links to Resonator.
- incorporate (some Labels) examples
- ...
- test IttyBitty's abilities with more sophisticated CSS and HTML
- Commits registration confirmed.
- now being integrated into workflows
- see tasks:...
- leaning towards (re)introducing Access for use by the less technical folks interested in participating in this project.