- Release version of VISA 3.X: tag alignment of visa-api-server, visa-web, visa-accounts and visa-jupyter-proxy
- Update github pipeline
- Update to dual license
- Add config for visa-print server
- Fix logging on websocket proxy when not found
- Generalise the proxy to allow multiple services to be proxied. All require authentication/authorisation, jupyter service performs additional metrics on the api server. Path rewrites possible.
- Catch exceptions correctly when closing notebooks.
- Update to node 20 and update all packages.
- Update docker node runtime to version 14
- Fix npm start script
- VISA platform open sourced and moved to GitHub
- Add bottleneck before local-storage calls to ensure only one concurrent access at a time
- Checking if there are cookies sent in the request
- Fix websocket connections for terminals: don't assume all WSs are notebooks (URL regex) and check that InstanceNotebookSession is not null
- Modify api-server jupyter endpoints
- Cleanup session data on startup
- Call visa-api endpoint on notebook session open and close (statistical purposes)
- Add local storage for notebook sessions
- Add socket listener to monitor notebook session open and close actions
- Add syslog and manage logging timezones
- Use node http-proxy to forward requests
- Decode request url to obtain instance Id
- Use VISA API to authenticate/authorise user and obtain instance data
- Call instance/keepalive on VISA API to ensure instance isn't expired early
- Obtain IP address from instance data and forward Jupyter request to notebook server running on the instance