This repository contains the schemas and rdf graphs developed for the CIB 2024 paper "Adaptable Model Predictive Controller Design for Demand Side Management using Semantic Web Technologies".
Contains the proposed schemas for, MPC (mpcSCHEMA.ttl), Building Load Forecasting Algorithm (forecastmodelSCHEMA.ttl), Electric Vehicle Schedule Algorithm (evscheduleSCHEMA.ttl), and Smart Building Algorithm Schema (sbaSCHEMA.ttl).
Contains the instantiated artifact graphs of the MPC, building load forecasting algorithm, and EV schedule algorithm.
Contains the SHACL shape graphs generated using the artifact graphs.
Contains the semantic graphs of a building for testing the proposed validation. TimeseriesID values are intentionally removed.
demo.ipynb notebook demonstrates the usage of artifact graphs for generating shape graphs and validating with a different building graph.