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183 lines (134 loc) · 5.63 KB

File metadata and controls

183 lines (134 loc) · 5.63 KB

Justin Drinkall Jacob Good Nick Quigley Group 4 Read-Me File

// For Grading Purposes

The grader will be given a .jar file to run. The grader will need to run this .jar file and create a new user for each type of user explained down below.

This .jar file will contain instances of users/items and transaction histories that are already in marketplace.

** Example **

In order to search through transaction histories of the marketplace: Run .jar file Click Create New User button, fill out information and select "Administrator" as account type Click Register! then ok Click log in as administrator Type in Correct username/password and press enter Click Transaction Viewer Tab See all the marvelous transactions

// Main screen

Four buttons: 3 different user types (Seller, Customer, Administrator) Or Create New user By pressing any of these buttons you will be directed to a new screen

At any time you want to leave the GDQ marketplace, simply press the X in the top right
corner of the panel


// Seller View

Seller Login screen contains: Text boxes to input username/password Enter button to login Return button which will take you back to main screen

Typing a username that is not in the system will prompt a dialogue box saying that user does not exist

Typing a correct username but a wrong password will result in a wrong password dialogue box

Upon entering a correct username/password Directed to an account overview where you will find 3 buttons to change username/email/password 5 Labels displaying user information Overview and Post New Item Tab

Selecting the post new item tab next to the overview tab will allow you to see 
	Text fields for creating a new item which include 
		Item name
		Item description
	** Selecting Create listing will result in a dialogue box prompting user to input
	fields ** 
	*** All postings are final, they can only be changed if the vendor contacts an 
	administrator ***


// Customer View

Customer Login Screen Contains: Text boxes to input username/password Enter button to login Return button which will take you back to main screen

Typing a username that is not in the system will prompt a dialogue box saying that user does not exist

Typing a correct username but a wrong password will result in a wrong password dialogue box

Upon entering a correct username/password Directed to an account overview where you will find 3 buttons to change username/email/password 5 Labels displaying user information Overview and Inventory tab

Selecting the inventory tab next to the overview tab will allow you to see Items available that are in the marketplace for purchase Item name Price Quantity

	** Administrators have the ability to change an items characteristics at any 
	time **
	Search Bar for easier navigation (Can be sorted by category, name, id number)
	Purchase button allows the user to select Quantity desired
	Following a purchase a dialogue box will appear notifying the user of the shipping
	status of their item - GDQ is famous for their 5 second shipping times !
	** After making a purchase it is imperative that the user presses the refresh 
	button to see the updated marketplace **


// Administrator View

Administrator Login Screen Contains: Text boxes to input username/password Enter button to login Return button which will take you back to main screen

Typing a username that is not in the system will prompt a dialogue box saying that user does not exist

Typing a correct username but a wrong password will result in a wrong password dialogue box

Upon entering a correct username/password Directed to an account overview where you will find 3 buttons to change username/email/password 4 Labels displaying user information Overview, Inventory, User View, Transaction Viewer Tab

Selecting the inventory tab next to the overview tab will allow you to see Items available that are in the marketplace for purchase Item name Price Quantity

	** Administrators have the ability to change an items characteristics at any 
	time **
	Search Bar for easier navigation (Can be sorted by category, name, id number)
	Purchase button allows the user to select Quantity desired
	** After making a change to the item in the marketplace it is imperative to 
	refresh the page to see the change **	

Selecting the user view tab will display All the users in the marketplace (Customers, Administrators, Vendors) Buttons for changing user information and/or deleting a user

	** After making a change to the users in the marketplace it is imperative to 
	refresh the page to see the change **

Selecting the transaction view tab will display All transactions that have occurred in the marketplace Each transaction contains : Item ID Seller ID Buyer ID Transaction ID Item Quantity Shipping Status


// Create User View

Create New User Login button contains: Fields for registration: Username Password Email Type (Seller, Buyer, Administrator) Starting Balance

Upon successful registration a dialogue box will appear telling the user their account
was successfully created

This new user will be able to login to the appropriate account type chosen in the 