- date_time: date and time of the recording session
- subject: name of the subject
- area: area recorded
- experiment: experiment number
- recording: recording number
- sp_samples: array of shape (trials x time) containing the number of spikes at each ms in each trial.
- cluster_id: kilosort cluster ID.
- cluster_ch: electrode channel that recorded the activity of the cluster.
- cluster_group: "good" if it is a neuron or "mua" if it is a multi unit activity.
- cluster_number: number of good or mua.
- cluster_array_pos: position of the cluster in SpikeDate.sp_samples.
- cluster_depth: depth of the cluster.
- block: array of shape (trials) containing: - 1 when is a DMTS trial - 2 when is a saccade task trial
- trial_error: array of shape (trials) containing: - 0 when is a correct trial - n != 0 when is an incorrect trial. Each number correspond to different errors
- code_samples: array of shape (trials, events) containing the timestamp of the events (timestamps correspond to sp_sample index).
- code_numbers: array of shape (trials, events) containing the codes of the events.
- block 1: start_trial -> 9 bar_hold -> 7 fix_spot_on -> 35 fixation -> 8 sample_on -> 23 sample_off -> 24 test_on_1 -> 25 test_off_1 -> 26 test_on_2 -> 27 test_off_2 -> 28 test_on_3 -> 29 test_off_3 -> 30 test_on_4 -> 31 test_off_4 -> 32 test_on_5 -> 33 test_off_5 -> 34 end_trial -> 18 bar_release -> 4 fix_spot_off -> 36 reward -> 96
- block 2 start_trial -> 9 target_on -> 37 target_off -> 38 fix_spot_off -> 36 eye_in_target -> 10 correct_response -> 40 end_trial -> 18
- position: array of shape (trials, 2) containing the position of the stimulus.
- pos_code: array of shape (trials) containing the position code of the stimulus.
- block 1:
- 1: contralateral
- -1: ipsilateral to the recording side
- block 2, codes from 120 to 127 corresponding to the 8 target positions:
- 127: middle right (10,0)
- 126: upper right (7,7)
- 125: upper middle(0,10)
- 124: upper left (-7,7)
- 123: middle left (-10,0)
- 122: bottom left (-7,-7)
- 121: bottom middle (0,-10)
- 120: bottom right (7,-7)
- block 1:
- sample_id: array of shape (trials) containing the sample presented in each trial of block 1: - 0: neutral sample - 11: orientation 1, color 1 - 51: orientation 5, color 1 - 15: orientation 1, color 5 - 55: orientation 5, color 5
- test_stimuli: array of shape (trials,n_test_stimuli) containing the id of the test stimuli. As in sample_id, first number correspond to orientation and second to color.
- test_distractor: array of shape (trials,n_test_stimuli) containing the id of the test distractor. As in sample_id, first number correspond to orientation and second to color.
- block:
- 1: DMTS task
- 2: saccadic task
- iti: duration of the intertrial interval
- position: array of shape (trials, 2) containing the position of the stimulus.
- pos_code: array of shape (trials) containing the position code of the stimulus.
- block 1:
- 1: contralateral
- -1: ipsilateral to the recording side
- block 2, codes from 120 to 127 corresponding to the 8 target positions:
- 127: middle right (10,0)
- 126: upper right (7,7)
- 125: upper middle(0,10)
- 124: upper left (-7,7)
- 123: middle left (-10,0)
- 122: bottom left (-7,-7)
- 121: bottom middle (0,-10)
- 120: bottom right (7,-7)
- block 1:
- reward_plus: amount of extra reward if given
- trial_error:
- 0: correct trial
- 1: no bartouch
- 2: no fixation
- 3: break fixation
- 4: no fixation
- 5: bar release (before test period)
- 6: false alarm (relase during test period)
- 8: missed target
- 10: break fixation during delay presentaton
- delay_time: duration of the delay
- fix_time: duration of the fixation
- fix_window_radius: radius of the fixation window
- idletime3:
- rand_delay_time: range of delay variation
- reward_dur: duration of the reward
- wait_for_fix: max time to fixate before the trial starts
- fix_post_sacc_blank
- max_reaction_time
- stay_time
- fix_fp_t_time
- fix_fp_post_t_time
- fix_fp_pre_t_time
- fix_close
- fix_far
- closeexc
- excentricity
- farexc
- eye_ml: position of the eye recorded with MonkeyLogic
- condition:
- code_numbers: code of the events
- code_times: timestamp of the events
- stim_match
- stim_total
- test_distractor
- test_stimuli
- sample_time
- test_time
- sample_id