Old classes, components, functions, and other nonsense.
- Mostly DOM-based "AutoP" implementation like WordPress's
but more resilient and with a better test suite. - WordPress menu filter. (article)
- Zend Helper for rendering a MegaMenu with greater control of markup. (article)
- Sendmail Filter for limiting
to a whitelist of addresses on a dev server - Tamper-proof cookie storage (demo, encrypted demo)
- Simpler FirePHP-like logging via Zend Framework. (article)
- UTF8 String class as a proof-of-concept. (article)
- Micro-framework using Zend Framework components. (article)
- Savant3 Template extension with some nice extras.
- Class for debugging strings with detailed HTML output of UTF-8 content. (demo)
- Classes for rendering HTML menus based on active URI
- Class to "Pretty Print" JSON strings
- Classes for displaying output/return values of PHP scripts. Kind of like walking through a script with a debugger. (demo)
- Miniature SimpleTest clone written as an exercise
- Minify
- A few bookmarklets
- Libraries for modifying URLs: querystring and hash
- Canvas-based graphing library (demo)
- Animation library (demos: easing, fake progress bar)
- function to add classNames to tables for more robust CSS styling (demo)