The Frikbot was developed by Ryan Smith aka "FrikaC".
It may be the last major bot development project for Quake.
The goal of the project, as started by Ryan, is to provide a bot toolkit to allow quake mod developers to easily add bots to mods.
This is a different goal from Omicron that aimed to provide an optimal opponent and from Frogbot that sought near perfect client emulation.
FrikBot fills a niche in the grand scheme of things, not as being the best bot to play, but as a toolkit for other coders to make use of in their own work. Because of this, my bot gets a lot of attention by two separate groups: people who love to play old, dead mods where the addition of bots would have made a world of difference, and secondly by authors making totally new mods. My fans usually come from one group or the other.
-- (archived December 11 2000)
Given the goal of the bot, it was used widely and incorporated into a vast number of mods by both Ryan himself and via an active Frikbot community.
Ryan worked in game development on Prey 2 and other games at Human Head Studios.
I've had the pleasure of writing a large portion of the AI systems for Prey 2 and other titles at Human Head Studios.
-- (archived April 10 2017)
The first version of the Frikbot was v0.01.
It was probably released publicly and distributed with the filename
No public record of this release exists, so we cannot be sure it was made public or remained private.
We can strongly suspect the existence of this release given the sequential nature of subsequent releases and from the changelog in the readme file of later releases.
The next version of the Frikbot was v0.02.
It was probably released publicly and distributed with the filename
We know about this release given the changelog included later release that lists the changes in this version of the prior v0.01 version.
Changes since v0.01
* Bot's Water Jumping now works.
* Bug where any weapon fired using self.v_angle would fire at the wrong pitch
* Error in the comment telling you how to install fixed
* General improvements in the comment.
A copy of this release has not been located and we cannot be entirely sure it was released publicly.
The next version of the Frikbot was v0.03.
It was probably released publicly and distributed with the filename
We know about this release given the changelog included later release that lists the changes in this version of the prior v0.02 version.
Changes since v0.02
* Bot's Water Jumping really works now!
* Improved roaming
* Different chat messages and bot names
* Improved comments throughout the code
* KickABot(); implemented to remove bots from the server
* Numerous bug fixes
A copy of this release has not been located and we cannot be entirely sure it was released publicly.
The next version of the Frikbot was 0.04 released publicly as
The release, and many subsequent releases can be found in modern mirrors of, such as on Quaddicted and Dukeworld.
The release contains two files, a readme file (readme.txt) and a PAK file (pak0.pak).
595262 23 May 1999 pak0.pak
4268 23 May 1999 readme.txt
The PAK file contains sounds, compiled game code (progs.dat), and source code for the bot (src/bot.qc, src/bot_move.qc, src/bot_rank.qc).
It is surprising that the source code was released in this way. The user would have to know that the source is in the PAK and use a specialty program to unpack the files before use.
The readme file lists the release date as May 23 1999. This matches the timestamps of files in the zip file.
Title : FrikBot
Filename :
Version : 0.04
Date : 5-23-99
Author : Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.txt
The readme gives credit to Roscoe Sincero aka "legion" for his bot movement code, Alan Kivlin aka "Virtuoso" for his bot rankings code, and Coffee for his Tutor bot for inspiration.
The Frikbot was probably developed from scratch with inspiration from other bots at the time.
This release and all subsequent releases were not uploaded to They were released from the authors homepage for the project at
This website was not captured by, so we don't know how the bot was announced or about prior releases and related files that may have been released on the site.
The bot is described in the readme as "active like a player" as much as possible. This is achieved by implementing the bot by calling the same QuakeC functions used to control the player.
This bot takes a unique approach. Unlike all other bots I've seen, FrikBot actually pretends to be a player. When he fires his weapon, it's the same function that the player uses. It is all done through his button flags. In other words, the bot fakes all client functions, he looks like a Quake client not only to the people in the game, but also to the Quake C. So why did I make him fake client behavior? Well with him using all the player code, he automatically works with hundreds of mods with a few short lines of code added or changed. This bot will play by the game rules of nearly every mod out there. (though he doesn't always know the rules however)
-- readme.txt
The readme list a changelog for this release compared to the prior v0.0e version, listing a number of bug fixes.
Changes since v0.03
* Bot targeting moved to a priority system
* Bots now fight in a variety of fight styles (circle strafe, hold distance)
* Bots have a delayed sight time
* Bug involving clients being added/removed after a bot has spawned fixed
* Bots select weapons via impulses, chance of discharge in water lowered
* Copyright permissions, new readme format.
-- readme.txt
It is clear from this point that the bot was intended to be used by other mod authors to add bots to their programs.
The source code for the bot provides comments with upgrade instructions for mod developers.
To upgrade a mod using FrikBot 0.01, 0.02 or 0.03, simply replace all bot*.qc files with the ones provided and recompile
-- pak0.pak/src/bot.qc
The next version of the bot was 0.05 released publicly as
This release included the PAK file (pak0.pak) and readme file (readme.txt) as with the prior release, although the compiled game code (progs.dat) and source code (.qc) are included in the base directory in this release.
23342 9 Jun 1999 bot.qc
4953 8 Jun 1999 readme.txt
512960 8 Jun 1999 progs.dat
10574 8 Jun 1999 bot_rank.qc
82485 7 Jun 1999 bot_move.qc
2432 23 May 1999 pak0.pak
9140 6 Jul 1997 KC18DOC.TXT
The PAK file in this case only contains the two sound files.
The readme for the release lists the release date June 07 1999. The latest file timestamp in the release is June 09, which is taken as the release date.
Title : FrikBot
Filename :
Version : 0.05
Date : 6-7-99
Author : Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.txt
This release introduces the KasCam chase camera for the bot developed by Karel Suhajda aka "Kashua", and includes the readme file for the mod (KC18DOC.TXT).
The changelog lists a number of bug fixes.
Changes since v0.04
* Implementation of fisible(); a minor improvement over the id standard visible code.
* A bug where in very open levels, the bots would not switch targets upon death, fixed
* Impulse comands moved to a function inside bot.qc, to aid in future updates/changes
* Waypointing disabled in single player
* Bots use client connect again!
* Bots know how to play teamplay deathmatch. Set teamplay to nozero and enjoy!
* KasCam included in progs.dat
-- readme.txt
The author's homepage is now hosted as a subside on a popular gaming server.
Department 187 at
-- readme.txt
The site was not captured by, other than a message six months later indicating that the site had closed down.
Department 187 has closed it's doors.
-- (archived January 18 2000)
Sometime between mid 1999 and 2000 Ryan began contributing news directly to the news website, including releases of his own bot.
The next version of the Frikbot was 0.06 released as
The release contained the same general assortment of files as the prior release, including source code, readme, compiled game code and PAK file.
518268 26 Jun 1999 progs.dat
28385 26 Jun 1999 bot.qc
82709 26 Jun 1999 bot_move.qc
5305 26 Jun 1999 readme.txt
11422 26 Jun 1999 bot_rank.qc
2432 23 May 1999 pak0.pak
The readme file lists the release date as June 26 1999, matching the timestamps of files in the zip.
Title : FrikBot
Filename :
Version : 0.06
Date : 6-26-99
Author : Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.txt
The readme provides a list of changes from the previous version.
Changes sinve v0.05
* Bot colors show in GL Quake!! Woohoo!!
* Implementation of fov(). Bots now have a limited field of view.
* Bots also have damn good hearing :)
* Bot angles correspond to their view.
* FL_ONGROUND hacks allow better compatibility with some mods.
* Bots have a new fightstyle.
* In teamplay, bots will choose the enemy team with the fewest players when using impulse 101
* Misc. bug fixes and movement hacks.
-- readme.txt
The next version of the bot was v0.07 released publicly as
The release contained the same assortment of files as the previous release.
517864 28 Jul 1999 progs.dat
7133 28 Jul 1999 readme.txt
38680 28 Jul 1999 bot.qc
1693 28 Jul 1999 upgrade.txt
54654 27 Jul 1999 bot_move.qc
11593 18 Jul 1999 bot_rank.qc
2432 23 May 1999 pak0.pak
The readme lists the release date as July 28 1999. The latest file timestamp in the zip is one day later on July 28 1999, which is taken as a the release date.
Title : FrikBot
Filename :
Version : 0.07
Date : 7-28-99
Author : Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.txt
The bot may be seeing wider adoption and in turn Ryan is probably receiving may comments and suggest.
The credits section of the readme lists thanks to many handles, most of which have developed their own bots or soon will.
All the people who helped me test this bot and made suggestions!
Especially: Wazat, Ze0, Kupop, MaNiAc, Kryten, and Asdf
-- readme.txt
The changelog for this release is more substantial than previous releases.
Changes since v0.06
* Bots viewing angle performed more realistically
* Code restructuring, please pay attention to the upgrade.txt and the new instructions in the comment.
* Finally corrected some troubles with the norse movement, including water jumping and gobs of wasted code.
* Integrated botcam. Use impulse 103 to activate.
* Corrected a bug in the installtion comment
* Bots are thrown around by explosions, I can't believe I missed this before :(
* Bots will switch weapons less often to make some mods less confusing
* Bots will switch to a "close range weapon" sometimes rather than backing off in fightstyles 1 & 3
* New bot roaming method called "Hook Navigation", bugs are still being ironed out on this new roaming concept.
* fisible() improved to work properly with SOLID_BSP objects
* Bots will attack secret doors, & buttons . Helps immensly in some levels.
* Implementation of "scratch1" to adjust bot framerates
* Bots will automatically stagger their think times against other bots so they all don't execute their think at the same time, causing a major slowdown.
* Implementation of check_forward() to improve (ahem) standard roaming.
* Special guest appearance of "JamesBond" as a bot name, in honor of the version number (0.07)
* Misc. other bug fixes
-- readme.txt
The readme lists a detailed changelog available as a finger from, although sadly the archive of the .plan files have not been saved.
A detailed buglist can be obtained by fingering [email protected]
-- readme.txt
The next version of the bot was v0.08 released as
This version of the bot was announced on, highlighting the bot as easy to integrate into other Quake mods.
News Update Sunday, September 19
New FrikBot - update by Kryten
A new version of the FrikBot, for classic Quake, has been released today. FrikBot is a unique bot designed to plug-in to other mods. By changing a few lines in the code, the bot can play the mod in a matter of minutes. Useful to Quake C coders, the bot has a number of dedicated supporters that have placed the bot in a wide range of mods, including Future Versus Fantasy and other Q1 greats
-- (archived December 11 2000)
The release has a different assortment of files. In this case, the QuakeC source has increased from 3 files in the previous release to 6 files in this release. The release also includes the compiled game code, a readme and an upgrade readme file (upgrade.txt).
The PAK file containing sound files has been removed.
1233 19 Sep 1999 upgrade.txt
14445 19 Sep 1999 bot.qc
7943 19 Sep 1999 readme.txt
15614 19 Sep 1999 bot_phys.qc
16215 19 Sep 1999 bot_ai.qc
473708 19 Sep 1999 progs.dat
4891 18 Sep 1999 bot_move.qc
8639 17 Sep 1999 bot_rank.qc
8239 16 Sep 1999 bot_way.qc
The readme lists the release date as September 19 1999, matching the dates of most files in the zip file.
Title : FrikBot
Filename :
Version : 0.08
Date : 9-19-99
Author : Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.txt
The remade lists the changes in this version.
Notable is the removal of the Norse movement code from Roscoe, likely allowing the sound files to be removed.
Changes since v0.07
* Removal of Norse movement. Gone. Started work on new movement AI from scratch.
* scratch1 is no longer valid. Don't use it.
* Implementation of ported Quake physics (don't ask, don't tell is all I will say)
* Bots are now MOVETYPE_WALK. They said it couldn't be done, hah!
* Massive code restructuring, moved code into many files instead of cramming it into three. This was done to really help more with development than anything else.
* Various bug fixes. I can't even remember half of them.
* This is a major rewrite of most of the bot.
-- readme.txt
Prior to the next version a beta test was released as
This release was not made public, but was distributed to a select number of beta testers.
A copy of this release was donated to the Quake Bot Archive.
It contained the compiled game code only.
This single file was had the timestamp of November 12 1999, two months after the previous release and months before the next release. It is likely that there were many beta releases of the 0.09 version of the bot during this time.
487808 12 Nov 1999 progs.dat
The next public version of the Frikbot was 0.09 released as
This release was announced on by Ryan himself. At this point, he was a contributor to the news on this site.
February 22, 2000 - Post by Frika-C
17:16 | FrikBot 0.09 FULL is out!! Weird, huh?!
Wow it's been quite a while since I released an update to the FrikBot, too long some might say. Well here it is, likely to be the final edition of FrikBot, Frikbot 0.09! For those of you who don't already know, the FrikBot is a bot designed for QuakeC mod authors, or fans of old mods, that can be easily incorporated into just about any project with only a handful of lines of code that need to be added or changed. FrikBot will turn 1 year old in under a month, and it sure has come a long way in this last year. Anyway, enough talk, go download the spanky new FrikBot on the FrikBot page.
-- (archived Feruary 26 2000)
This release was also announced on inside3d on the same day.
News Update Tuesday, February 22
Frikbot 0.09 - update by Kryten
FrikBot version 0.09 has just been released. The FrikBot is a QuakeC bot designed for mod authors or fans of older, no longer maintained Q1 modifications. It can easily be incorporated into just about any mod and you can have it up and playing in a few minutes. To demonstrate it's ability, there are a number of examples of the bot in such classics as Painkeep and Deathmatch Essentials on the homepage. The new version includes: new waypointing, more robust pathing, merged QuakeWorld and normal Quake code, and a truck load of bug fixes.
-- (archived December 11 2000)
The release contained 7 source code files, a readme and upgrade instructions, as well as compiled game code for quake (progs.dat) and compiled game code for quake world (qwprogs.dat).
287048 22 Feb 2000 qwprogs.dat
503400 22 Feb 2000 progs.dat
24738 22 Feb 2000 bot_ai.qc
23025 22 Feb 2000 bot_qw.qc
19880 22 Feb 2000 bot_misc.qc
14822 22 Feb 2000 bot_way.qc
15089 22 Feb 2000 bot_phys.qc
5399 22 Feb 2000 bot_move.qc
2038 22 Feb 2000 upgrade.txt
24542 22 Feb 2000 bot.qc
13088 22 Feb 2000 readme.txt
The readme lists the release date as February 22 2000, matching the timestamps of files in the zip and news announcements.
Title : FrikBot
Filename :
Version : 0.09
Date : 2-22-2000
Author : Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.txt
The readme contains an apology for the delay in the release, which was about 5 months since the 0.08 release.
He comments that this will probably be the last release of the bot.
It has been many months since the last version of the FrikBot. I apologize for letting 0.09 just sit around for so long, but Real Life (tm) syndrome, and many other projects garnered for my attention. This will probably be the last edition of FrikBot as a QC bot. With the engine code out, I've already been porting my code to become a plug-in engine bot. As an engine bot, you'll be able to use the bot with any mod automatically. Currently this project is codenamed "FrikBot 2000". Do not ask too much about this as of yet. I am still not certain if I even have the time to devote to it.
The readme contains a changelog for this version. Major changes include support for bot skill levels and quakeworld support.
Changes since v0.08
* Skill settings. 0 = Easy, 1 = Normal, 2 = Hard, 3 = Nightmare
* COOP is back! Bots play coop very poorly.
* Better all around navigation
* New chat code, might be replaced. Too bulky and buggy
* Loads of new AI code
* New teamplay AI (it isn't much, really)
* Merged QW and NQ versions of the bot. Now everyone can't complain that I don't update the QW version enough :)
* Rankings problems corrected. Quake will not crash after players enter/leave. Players joinging a game in progress will be able to see the bot's scoreboard.
* Minor changes and bug fixes throughout
-- readme.txt
The next version of the bot was v0.09b released as
This has a slightly different filename naming convention from previous releases, e.g. "frikbtxx". The "b" suffix suggests a minor bug fix release and that 0.10 may be reserved for something larger.
There is no evidence that there was a v0.09a release.
The release was announced by Ryan on
May 17, 2000, 03:02 | Frika-C
I've put up a new FrikBot 0.09b, a FrikBot Waypoint Studio, an update to FrikQCC 2.2 and a DOS version of FrikQCC to boot. Also check out a new mod listed on the "3rd party mods". That is all.
-- (archived May 20 2000)
The release was also announced on inside3d.
News Update Wednesday, May 17
FrikBot - update by Kryten
Frika C released an update to his Quake-C plugin bot, the FrikBot, yesterday. The update corrects several bugs reported to, and discovered by the author. In addition he also released FrikBot Waypoint Studio, an editor for the waypoints on the bot. If that weren't enough, he also released an upgrade to his FrikQCC, version 2.2. You can find all this on the FrikBot page.
-- (archived December 11 2000)
285212 17 May 2000 qwprogs.dat
395796 16 May 2000 progs.dat
13229 16 May 2000 readme.txt
24291 15 May 2000 bot.qc
15357 14 May 2000 bot_phys.qc
22955 14 May 2000 bot_qw.qc
14234 14 May 2000 bot_way.qc
23289 14 May 2000 bot_ai.qc
19611 31 Mar 2000 bot_misc.qc
5764 14 Mar 2000 bot_move.qc
2038 22 Feb 2000 upgrade.txt
The readme lists the release date as May 16 2000.
The oldest file timestamp in the zip is May 17, matching the news announcements for the release and is taken as the release date.
Title : FrikBot
Filename :
Version : 0.09b
Date : 5-16-2000
Author : Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.txt
The changelog does not give any specifics other than suggesting it is a bug fix release.
Changes since v0.09
* Bug fixes, most submitted by observant users of the bot. Thanks everyone!
-- readme.txt
The next release of the bot was to be v0.10, called FrikbotX or FBX for short.
This release (nicknamed FrikBotX or simply FBX) represents several months of slow off and on work and is the 10th (or 12th - I'm not sure) and final release of the bot. FrikBot X, much like the infamous Frogbot relies heavily on hand-built waypoints for excellence in combat. It can however run without them, and it will attempt to create it's own waypoints as it plays. This is not recommended however.
Pre-release demo files were released as and
A copy of was acquired.
It contained a demo file (fbxdem.dem) and a readme file (fbxdemo.txt).
667 25 May 2001 fbxdemo.txt
2011996 25 May 2001 fbxdem.dem
The timestamps of the files in the zip was May 25 2001, taken as the release date of the demos.
The readme comments that the demo shows the behavior of the updated version of the bot.
Alright, I guess I should give a little more taste of what is in store for you at QuakeExpo. This is me and my crappy game playing skills against a skill 2 FrikBot X.
-- fbxdemo.txt
The next version of the the bot, dubbed FBX was v0.10.0 released as
It was released as part of the Quake Expo 2001 and announced on the expo news page.
FrikBotX has been released!
News posted by Akuma at Fri Jul 27, 2001 08:32:50
It's been a painfully long time in coming, but FrikBotX has finally been released over at FrikaC's booth!
Need convincing that it's all that? Well, the other beta testers and I are pretty unanimous in saying that it's quite possibly the best bot. Ever. As realistic as the Omicron bot, if not more so, and it's a plugin bot (as always)! So, it's still easy to implement into your own mods, either if you're upgrading from an older version or using it as new.
Enough babbling, GET IT!!
-- (archived February 06 2002)
A new webpage was created as a subsite on for the Frikbot, which hosted this new version.
The new homepage provided a description of the bot as the 10th version and that all source code for the bot has been released into the public domain for general use.
FrikBot X represents the 10th installment of this bot. With this possibly final version, FrikBot has been redesigned to be appealing to mod makers and casual players alike. Comprehensive documentation is included with the bot, covering all aspects of it's operation. Full source to the bot has also been included and is released into the public domain, which means the bot can be used for whatever project license and royalty free.
-- (archived December 14 2001)
The release contained 9 source code files (.qc), compiled game code for quake and quake world, a readme HTML file (readme.html), Windows bat files and a license document (gnu.txt).
23035 27 Jul 2001 bot_qw.qc
28792 27 Jul 2001 bot.qc
331244 27 Jul 2001 qwprogs.dat
613088 27 Jul 2001 progs.dat
44800 27 Jul 2001 readme.html
34526 27 Jul 2001 bot_ed.qc
51 26 Jul 2001 glrun.bat
47 26 Jul 2001 run.bat
14142 26 Jul 2001 bot_misc.qc
23208 26 Jul 2001 bot_ai.qc
8957 26 Jul 2001 bot_fight.qc
19809 26 Jul 2001 bot_way.qc
16967 25 Jul 2001 bot_phys.qc
11313 25 Jul 2001 bot_move.qc
96 14 Nov 2000 progs
14969 21 Dec 1999 gnu.txt
The readme HTML listed the release date as July 27 2001.
This matches the oldest file timestamps in the zip file and the announcement on the Quake Expo 2001 news site.
The release filename was listed as "", consistent with prior release but it was actually released as
Title: FrikBot X
Version: 0.10.0
Date: 7-27-2001
Author: Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.html
The readme states that this truly is the final version of the bot and not to expect anything further.
This is the final version of FrikBot. I mean it this time. Really. Stop looking at me like that. This is it.
-- readme.html
An extras file was also released with the bot as
This release provided waypoint information for the bot on the standard deathmatch maps.
12660 27 Jul 2001 readme.txt
46456 27 Jul 2001 readme.html
108 27 Jul 2001 bot.cfg
193 27 Jul 2001 maps.cfg
57 27 Jul 2001 dpplay.bat
103 27 Jul 2001 mapqc.txt
829 27 Jul 2001 upgrade.txt
3270 26 Jul 2001 map_dm6.qc
7646 25 Jul 2001 map_dm3.qc
2275 19 Jul 2001 map_dm5.qc
2259 19 May 2001 map_dm1.qc
2343 19 May 2001 map_dm4.qc
4183 14 May 2001 map_dm2.qc
9140 6 Jul 1997 KC18DOC.TXT
The next version of the bot was 0.10.1 or FBXa, released as
It was released as a tweaked version of the bot released as the Quake Expo 2001 and included the extra map waypoints that were previously released as separate download.
This is an updated version of FBX (over what was released at qexpo). The built in waypoints have been tweaked some, and a slew of bug fixes appear throughout the code. Unlike the version released at the expo, this version is NOT distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. FBX is now public domain.
-- (archived December 14 2001)
The files in the release includes source code, may waypoints, readme files, bat files and compiled game code.
333680 6 Aug 2001 qwprogs.dat
615748 6 Aug 2001 progs.dat
3429 6 Aug 2001 map_dm6.qc
47383 5 Aug 2001 readme.html
11950 5 Aug 2001 bot_move.qc
4794 5 Aug 2001 map_dm2.qc
2439 5 Aug 2001 map_dm1.qc
2564 5 Aug 2001 map_dm5.qc
14822 5 Aug 2001 bot_misc.qc
20491 1 Aug 2001 bot_way.qc
23707 1 Aug 2001 bot_qw.qc
23842 1 Aug 2001 bot_ai.qc
17649 1 Aug 2001 bot_phys.qc
9639 1 Aug 2001 bot_fight.qc
35208 1 Aug 2001 bot_ed.qc
29610 1 Aug 2001 bot.qc
87 27 Jul 2001 bot.cfg
193 27 Jul 2001 maps.cfg
829 27 Jul 2001 upgrade.txt
51 26 Jul 2001 glrun.bat
47 26 Jul 2001 run.bat
7646 25 Jul 2001 map_dm3.qc
2343 19 May 2001 map_dm4.qc
96 14 Nov 2000 progs
9140 6 Jul 1997 KC18DOC.TXT
The readme HTML file lists the same release date as the previous release, which I believe was mistakenly not updated.
The oldest filenames in the release are dated August 06 2001, which is taken as the release date.
FrikBot X
Version: 0.10.1
Date: 7-27-2001
Author: Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.html
Like the FBX release, this release does not include a changelog.
The next version of the Frikbot we will list as v0.10.2, to be sequential from the previous version. It is also known as FBXb and was released as
The release was listed in a new update on the Frikbot homepage on, dated November 22 2004.
November 22, 2004, 3:19 am FBXb Release
A new version of the FrikBot has been released. This is a bugfix update that removes serious problems discovered throughout the bot's last 3 years in the public eye. I can't believe I'm updating it after all this time. The new version can be downloaded from the FBX homepage.
-- (archived December 04 2004)
The release contained the source code in a src/ subdirectory as well as the same assortment of files. The map waypoint files were not included in this release.
96 22 Nov 2004 progs
192 22 Nov 2004 src
271544 22 Nov 2004 qwprogs.dat
513184 21 Nov 2004 progs.dat
48640 21 Feb 2002 readme.html
87 27 Jul 2001 bot.cfg
193 27 Jul 2001 maps.cfg
51 26 Jul 2001 glrun.bat
47 26 Jul 2001 run.bat
9140 6 Jul 1997 KC18DOC.TXT
The readme HTML file does not appear to be updated from the previous release, listing the same filename, version, and release date from three years before.
Title: FrikBot X
Version: 0.10.1
Date: 7-27-2001
Author: Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.html
The next version of the bot we will call 0.10.3 ot be consistent with the prior versions.
It is also called FBXc and was released as
No public announcement of the release can be located, although it may have been released in association with Quake Expo 2006 in some way.
The release contains the same assortment of files as the previous release, with the addition of a complete readme file (readme.txt) in addition to the readme HTML file (readme.html).
334052 19 May 2006 qwprogs.dat
48632 19 May 2006 readme.html
12937 19 May 2006 readme.txt
622116 19 May 2006 progs.dat
192 19 May 2006 src
96 19 May 2006 progs
87 27 Jul 2001 bot.cfg
193 27 Jul 2001 maps.cfg
51 26 Jul 2001 glrun.bat
47 26 Jul 2001 run.bat
9140 6 Jul 1997 KC18DOC.TXT
The readme HTML lists the release date from FBX, the release filename from FBXA and version 0.10.2.
I suspect the version number was updated from the the version number of the FBXb release which had mistakenly ha not been updated. This leads to this version being mistakenly listed as 0.10.2, when it is in fact 0.10.3.
Title: FrikBot X
Version: 0.10.2
Date: 7-27-2001
Author: Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.html
The readme flie lists the correct release filename, the mistaken the version as 10.2 instead of 0.10.3, and a release date of May 19 2006. This release matches the oldest date in the zip and is taken as the release date.
Title : FrikBot X
Filename :
Version : 10.2
Date : 5-19-2006
Author : Ryan "Frika C" Smith
-- readme.txt
The readme contains a changelog and lists the release as updating a modest feature.
Changes since v0.10.2
* Updated bot_ed.qc to use FRIK_FILE extension.
-- readme.txt
- Frikbot v0.01,, ???
- Frikbot v0.02,, ???
- Frikbot v0.03,, ???
- Frikbot v0.04,, May 23 1999
- Frikbot v0.05,, June 09 1999
- Frikbot v0.06,, June 26 1999
- Frikbot v0.07,, July 28 1999
- Frikbot v0.08,, September 19 1999
- Frikbot v0.09 test,, November 12 1999
- Frikbot v0.09,, February 22 2000
- Frikbot v0.09b,, May 17 2000
- FBX demo,, May 25 2001.
- FBX v0.10.0,, July 27 2001
- FBX v0.10.1,, August 06 2001
- FBX v0.10.2,, November 22 2004
- FBX v0.10.3,, May 19 2006
- FBX Dissection (archived February 17 2007)
- Quake Expo 2006, Archived News (archived May 03 2007)
- (archived December 11 2000)
- (archived October 09 2000)
- (archived Feruary 26 2000)
- (archived April 10 2017)
- Ryan Smith, LinkedIn.