Referred to as "Mac Quake" or "MacQuake".
I believe there were unofficial ports (based on Linux src leak) then an official port by Westlake Interactive.
- 1997 Feb 16 Unofficial MacQuake Port
- 1997 Aug 28, MacQuake Retail CD?
- 1997 Aug 29 (demo)
- quakedemo.sit
- quake-demo.hqx
- macquake.sit.hqx
- ...
- 1997 Aug 30 (v1.08.2)
- Quake-RAVE-1.08.2.sit
- Quake-3Dfx-1.08.2.sit
- Quake-1.08.2.sit
- Quake RAVE 1.08.2 Updater.bin
- Quake 3Dfx 1.08.2 Updater.bin
- Quake 1.08.2 Updater.bin
- 1997 Sep 17 (v1.08.3)
- Quake RAVE 1.08.3 Updater.sit
- Quake 3Dfx1.08.3 Updater.sit
- Quake 1.08.3 Updater.sit
- 1997 Dec 05 (v1.08.4)
- Quake RAVE 1.08.4 Updater.sit
- Quake RAVE 1.08.4 Updater.bin
- Quake 3Dfx 1.08.4 Updater.sit
- Quake 3Dfx 1.08.4 Updater.bin
- Quake 1.08.4 Updater.sit
- Quake 1.08.4 Updater.bin
- 1998 Mar 04 (v1.08.5)
- Quake-1.08.5-Update.sit
- Quake1085.sit
- 1998 Apr 09 (v1.09)
- Quake109ReadMe.hqx
- Quake109.sit.hqx
- Quake3Dfx109.sit.hqx
- QuakeRAVE109.sit.hqx
- Quake109_U_readme.txt
- Quake109_U.sea.hqx
- Quake3Dfx109_U.sea.hqx
- QuakeRave109_U.sea.hqx
MacSoft version????
Quake (Feb.7)
Westlake Interactive is working with MacSoft to provide a bug fix update of Quake Mac. We're currently working on several bugs, including networking issues, sound and CD audio problems on G3's and other Macs, and input sprocket issues, to name a few. Keep checking back for updates on the patch!
Perhaps at least versions, e.g. alpha 1 and alpha 2.
Perhaps distributed as PPC_Quake_a2.bin
or MacQuake.sit.bin
or MacQuake a2 Installer.1.bin
, etc.
February 16th, 1997
Big update, apparently a MacQuake alpha is floating around the net. No, I do not have it, nor do I want it, and no I will not send it to you. I would advise against downloading it for many reasons, the first and foremost in my mind is that you damage Lion, second, many warez files contain viruses, and thirdly alphas can seriously screw your comp up.
Now, knowing that people will be screaming to know if it plays well, I've posted two anonymous letters concerning the alpha. Enjoy, and don't warez.
I just "aquired" a copy of MacQuake PPC Alpha Version 2, and I have to tell you that it run's _well_ on my 6100/60! (It's comparable to when I play Quake on my 486/66 PC Card.)
Since this is still a very early version (It has _no_ Mac interface, no sound, etc...) I can only expect that performance will improve by the time it's ready to ship!
I'd just like to tell fellow Mac users, this game is going to be worth the wait! The PowerPC hardware was designed for games like Quake ;)
Second letter....
The current version Macquake alpha 2 does not posess networking, mac ui or sound, but the game play is there. The current version I have played indicates it was created on February 12th, 197 and contains the basic first episode of the shareware version. All monsters and weapons appear to be in place. I played through four levels and was quite impressed with how far it has come. The controls still lack mouse support and you cannot use the keypad for movement. Also none of the F-keys work yet either.
February 17, 1997
There is a pirated version of a MacQuake alpha floating about, according to MacQuake News. If my sources are correct, there were concerns that this alpha would be leaked (it was being demonstrated at some trade show), so it's fairly crippled. Thanks Jason Keeley.
February 18th, 1997
ROTFL! It seems that the MacQuake alpha that's been leaked is not Lion's code at all, though it still remains a *possiblity*. The alpha is more than likely a quick and dirty port from stolen quake source code that was taken from
Lion is looking for a copy of the alpha so that they can verify whether or not the code is theirs. If you would like to give me some info so I don't have to scrounge around for it, I would appreciate it.
February 25th, 1997
I received this letter a few mintues ago, which seems to be confirmation of the "non-Lion" alpha. I have forwarded this to Lion, but since they have not substantiated it yet, right now it's heresay. I will post Lion's official response as soon as it arrives.
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 15:57:59 -0700
From: `Burn
Reply-to: `Burn
Organization: E-Mail Anonymous
X-Sender: Anonymous Mail Script
To: Jason Carter
Subject: MacQuake "alpha" leak.
For one, this is an anonymous email script, so don't write back asking questions.
Myself and a friend did the port, which actually was quite easy (Carmack codes pretty portably already). We are now working on the sound code, which will be done soon. We hope to make a better port than Lion. ;) Yes, we ported the stolen source from Anyways, thought you could use a little more information on the "alpha" leak. Our code is in no way affiliated with Lion's, except for the fact that it's based on the original id source. I might email you in the future with updates. Any questions? Put 'em on the page.
Hasta la pasta,
February 26th, 1997
'Burn responds to yesterday's letter:
I would like to note that this is a "for fun" project, to see what can be done, etc. We did not intend to release it, in fact we just just gave it to a few friends to check out... and well, you know how things go, especially when people are spooging over a game like Quake. We are not trying to undermine or in anyway hurt Lion's business, we were just trying to get Quake to run on a Mac, for our and our friends' enjoyment.
To Lion: we'd be happy to send you what we've done, and what we are working on now, etc.
- MacQuake a2 Installer.2.bin (0/6) 6.7 Richter Scale PT 2 of 2
17 Feb 1997
Mac Quake Alpha Location
Garret Huntress
1 Mar 1997
For the past week, I have been searching for MacQuake Alpha. The
closest that I have come is an outdated link: PPC_Quake_a2.bin. If you do
know a location where it is available, please e-mail me. I don't care if
it doesn't have the interface features or it can't quit, who would want to
quit it anyway.
There was an unofficial port of Quake 1 to Mac OS long before the official retail version. Any of you heard about this? Supposedly someone had stolen the DOS source code from the servers of the company CrackDotCom, and ported it to Mac. This was how everyone on Mac played Quake 1 at first. It was distributed very heavily over the server/client BBS-style software "Hotline". This version of Quake 1 was usually referred to as "HackQuake". I can probably dig up a copy of the application. It's a pretty rough port. Very laggy and has some occasional crashes. The particle effects from grenades & rockets caused substantial lag. Still, when this was the only way to play Quake, it was good enough for the time being. Especially since it was playable over the net, and against DOS/Win players as well of course.
[email protected]
18 June 1997
There's a hackQuake FAQ on my page for those of you who can't figure that shit out...
Retail CD or just a demo CD?
Thursday, August 28, 1997
MacQuake Out?
I've heard from several people that the full MacQuake is now available in stores (CompUSA is the one specifically mentioned, a few times). Remember to check for the availability of two or three button mice while you're there.
Released as:
- quakedemo.sit
- quake-demo.hqx
- macquake.sit.hqx
Friday, August 29, 1997
MacQuake Demo
The playable demo of MacQuake (7.2 MB) has been released. Thanks Louis A. Koplin who pointed the way to it on GameCenter.
Saturday, August 30, 1997
MacQuake Demo
It took forever to download, but I finally got the playable MacQuake demo (7.2 MB) and posted it for download.
Released as macquake.sit.hqx
Quake Demo (Mac)
Author: id Software
id Software brings you the original Quake (Mac Shareware). The game that started mass online multiplayer movement and never looked back. In the shareware version you can play through the entire 1st episode.
For more information please refer to documentation that comes with this package.
Filename: macquake.sit.hqx
Size: 9.83 MB
Post Date: Aug 31, 1997 1:53pm PDT
Last Updated: Sep 23, 2010 6:52pm PDT
Downloads: 6,757
Released as:
- Quake-RAVE-1.08.2.sit
- Quake-3Dfx-1.08.2.sit
- Quake-1.08.2.sit
Also, the update patches released as:
- Quake RAVE 1.08.2 Updater.bin
- Quake 3Dfx 1.08.2 Updater.bin
- Quake 1.08.2 Updater.bin
Saturday, August 30, 1997
MacQuake Updates
MacQuake Updates
There is already an update available for the retail MacQuake to address several bugs. Here they are (thanks Lowkey for the news and Mac Gamer's Ledge for the files):
Quake RAVE 1.08.2 updater (871 KB)
Quake 3Dfx 1.08.2 updater (690 KB)
Quake non-3D 1.08.2 updater (548 KB)
And, also:
We don't know if there was a release or just an update.
Perhaps released on September 17 1997.
The update patches released as:
- Quake RAVE 1.08.3 Updater.sit
- Quake 3Dfx1.08.3 Updater.sit
- Quake 1.08.3 Updater.sit
Archive content:
Quake-1.08.3-Updater.sit: StuffIt 5
Flags File size Ratio Mode Date Time Name
===== ========== ===== ==== ========== ===== ====
0. -R--- 54884 9.5% Arse 1997-09-17 13:48 Quake 1.08.3 Updater
1. ----- 277792 7.0% Arse 1997-09-17 13:48 Quake 1.08.3 Updater
(Flags: D=Directory, R=Resource fork, L=Link, E=Encrypted, @=Extended attributes)
(Mode: Arse=Arsenic)
We don't know if there was a release or just an update.
Perhaps released on December 05 1997.
The update patches released as:
- Quake RAVE 1.08.4 Updater.sit
- Quake RAVE 1.08.4 Updater.bin
- Quake 3Dfx 1.08.4 Updater.sit
- Quake 3Dfx 1.08.4 Updater.bin
- Quake 1.08.4 Updater.sit
- Quake 1.08.4 Updater.bin
Archive content:
Quake 1.08.4 Updater.sit
Flags File size Ratio Mode Date Time Name
===== ========== ===== ==== ========== ===== ====
0. -R--- 54884 9.5% Arse 1997-12-05 18:49 Quake 1.08.4 Updater
1. ----- 267510 0.0% None 1997-12-05 18:49 Quake 1.08.4 Updater
(Flags: D=Directory, R=Resource fork, L=Link, E=Encrypted, @=Extended attributes)
(Mode: Arse=Arsenic)
Perhaps released on March 04 1998.
Perhaps released as:
- Quake-1.08.5-Update.sit
- Quake1085.sit
Quake (Feb. 26)
The 1.08.5 patch for Mac Quake we have been busily working on is nearly complete! We have 30 new fixes/additions to the game, and its looking very nice. We hope to release the new version early next week.
Quake (Mar. 4)
The 1.08.5 patch for Mac Quake is here! Over 30 bugs have been fixed and features have been added. There are updates for the normal Quake, Quake 3Dfx, and Quake RAVE. Note this update only works on the full retail version of Mac Quake.
Click here to download the updater (~500k)
Thursday, March 5, 1998
New MacQuake
A MacQuake version 1.08.5 patch (470 KB) has been released on the Westlake Interactive Quake page. The new release fixes over 30 bugs and adds some features for the normal version of Quake, as well as the 3Dfx and RAVE versions. This update only works on the full retail version of MacQuake version 1.08.4. Thanks fissure_king.
Released on April 09 1998.
Released as:
- Quake109.sit.hqx
- Quake109ReadMe.hqx
- Quake3Dfx109.sit.hqx
- QuakeRAVE109.sit.hqx
Updates released as:
- QuakeRave109_U.sea.hqx
- Quake109_U_readme.txt.sit
- Quake RAVE 1.09.sea.sit
- Quake 3Dfx 1.09.sea.sit
- Quake 1.09.sea.sit
Quake (April 3)
The GLQuake .97 patch is nearly finished, we're just doing some extra testing to make sure it all works. Nearly all the .97 changes from the PC are in, and several minor bug fixes to both normal Quake Mac and GLQuake Mac are also in the new 1.09 update. Keep checking back for updates!
Quake (April 9)
The 1.09 update for Quake Mac is out. This version has the GLQuake .97 code as well as a few other bug fixes. Go to the download page to get the latest updater (this one should work with all versions of Quake including 1.08.5).
Quake 1.09 Update
The 1.09patch for Mac Quake is here! Many new bugs have been fixed and the GLQuake code has been updated to .97. There are updates for the normal Quake, Quake 3Dfx, and Quake RAVE.
*** Note i f you have trouble with weird textures in 3Dfx or RAVE, throw away the contents of the "glquake" folder inside the "id1" folder.***
Quake 1.09 Update Readme
Quake 1.09 Update
Quake 1.09 3Dfx Update
Quake 1.09 RAVE Update
Current Quake Technical issues, April 9, 1997.
If you have trouble with weird colors or incorrect textures in 1.09, throw away all the files inside the "glquake" folder in the "id1" folder to fix the problem.
Quake Technical issues, December 5, 1997.
If you get a message regarding the "gfx.wad," move the "Quake" folder to your desktop and attempt to run the program with the folder in that location. This has worked for some users. Our programmers are working to remedy this problem.
Modem and Serial play have been fixed in version 1.08.4
Patch for Full Version (Upgrades to 1.09)
Quake109_U_readme.txt (9 k)
Quake109_U.sea.hqx (466 k)
Patch for Full Version - 3Dfx (Upgrades to 1.09)
(Quake3Dfx109_U.sea.hqx462 k)
Patch for Full Version - Rave (Upgrades to 1.09)
QuakeRave109_U.sea.hqx (500 k)
Correct drivers for ATI video cards
Please do not redistribute
QuakeATI Drivers.hqx(550 k)
Updater Links: