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File metadata and controls

141 lines (96 loc) · 10.9 KB


:class: note

If you need/want other ways to deploy the project, please let us know [here](!
No matter how you deploy the project, we currently expect you to have a reverse proxy in front of it to manage TLS termination.

Easiest way

Currently, the easiest way to run the project is to use docker and docker compose. To do so, clone the project and run:

docker compose -f production.yml up -d

This will:

  1. Build the most up-to-date image and start it. The data will be in the production_postgres_data volume.
  2. The service will be exposed on port 8000.
  3. It will also spin a cron container running feed updates and various cleanup every hour.

You can also add this line to the host cron tab to automatically back up the database (backups will be placed in the production_postgres_data_backups volume):

0 1 * * * cd LEGADILO && docker compose -f production.yml exec postgres /usr/local/bin/backup

You can then use the /usr/local/bin/restore script to restore them.

Docker image

We also provide built docker image (it should be updated at each merge on main). You can get the latest version with:

docker pull

You can also get a tagged version like this:

docker pull  # Example tag

The tags are creating following the calendar version pattern: the two first digits are for the year, the second one are for the month and the lasts are incremented at each build. You can find the list of available tags in GitHub.

You will have to set up the CRON manually.


You will need to configure these commands on the CRON of the host to update the feeds at regular intervals and run various cleanups:

0 * * * * cd LEGADILO && docker compose -f production.yml exec django python update_feeds |& systemd-cat -t legadilo
0 0 * * 1 cd LEGADILO && docker compose -f production.yml exec django clearsessions |& systemd-cat -t legadilo
0 0 * * 1 cd LEGADILO && docker compose -f production.yml exec django clean_data |& systemd-cat -t legadilo
:class: note

While you probably want `update_feeds` each hour to update hourly feeds, cleanups don’t need to be run that often.
Since you have access to a proper crontab on the host, scheduling each command individually will give you more granular control about what you are doing.

But if you want to make it easier for you (and be future proof regarding other commands), you may schedule the `cron` command instead. 

Configuration options

You can configure the project thanks to environment variables. If you use docker compose, they will be read from devops/envs/production/django (Django only configuration) and devops/envs/production/postgres (for the database container setup as well as to allow Django to connect to the database).

You can also allow Django to read a .env file by setting DJANGO_READ_DOT_ENV_FILE to True.

:class: warning

You must supply them yourselves and must not commit them to avoid leaking secrets!

If you use something else, provide them the way you like.

:class: note

If you want more details on those, open `` and look for them. You will see a link to the Django documentation just above their definition.

For the postgresql container

These variables are required for the container to start and create the proper database with the correct user and password.

POSTGRES_HOST Host of the database. Use postgres for docker compose use.
POSTGRES_PORT Port of the database. Use 5432 for docker compose use.
POSTGRES_DB Name of the database. Use legadilo for docker compose use.
POSTGRES_USER User to use to connect to the database. Use django for docker compose use.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Password of the user to connect to the database. Use a safe password!

Required env variables

Variable name Description
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY This is used to provide cryptographic signing, should be set to a unique, unpredictable value.
DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS The domain on which the app is hosted and from which traffic is allowed.
DJANGO_DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL Email used as from unless otherwise specified.
ADMIN_URL To change the default admin URL in production for security reason. Will default to /admin/ in dev.
ACCOUNT_ALLOW_REGISTRATION Whether to enable account registration on the instance or not. If disabled, you will have to create the user in the Django admin or with the CLI.
:class: note

If you use the env files, the `postgres` file will be loaded first. In it, you already define the database connection settings. You can reuse them like this:
:class: note

You can create cryptahpicaly sure secrets in Python with `python3 -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe(60))"`

Other variables

Variable name Default value Description
DJANGO_SERVER_EMAIL DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL The email address that error messages come from.
DJANGO_EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX [Legadilo] Each email will be prefixed by this.
EMAIL_HOST mailpit On which host to connect to send an email. Leave the default to not send in production
EMAIL_PORT 1025 On which port to connect to send an email.
EMAIL_HOST_USER Empty string Username to use for the SMTP server defined in EMAIL_HOST
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Empty string The password associated with the above username
EMAIL_TIMEOUT 30 Max time to wait for when trying to send an email before failing.
EMAIL_USE_TLS False Whether to use TLS to send email with SMTP
SENTRY_DSN None To enable error monitoring with Sentry (leave empty to leave it deactivated).
LEGADILO_ARTICLE_FETCH_TIMEOUT 50 The fetch timeout when fetching articles in seconds.
LEGADILO_RSS_FETCH_TIMEOUT 300 The fetch timeout when fetching feeds in seconds.
LEGADILO_CONTACT_EMAIL None The contact email to display to authenticated user.
LEGADILO_CUSTOM_SCRIPT None To inject an extra script (typically a visitor tracker) to the site. Must a JSON mapping of attribute to value like this: {"src": ""}.
Nonce and defer will be added automatically.