Show that RANDOMIZED-SELECT never makes a recursive call to a 0-length array.
Argue that the indicator random variable
$X_k$ and the value$T(max(k - 1, n - k))$ are independent.
Write an iterative version of RANDOMIZED-SELECT.
def partition(a, p, r):
x = a[r - 1]
i = p - 1
for k in range(p, r - 1):
if a[k] < x:
i += 1
a[i], a[k] = a[k], a[i]
i += 1
a[i], a[r - 1] = a[r - 1], a[i]
return i
def randomized_partition(a, p, r):
x = random.randint(p, r - 1)
a[x], a[r - 1] = a[r - 1], a[x]
return partition(a, p, r)
def randomized_select(a, p, r, i):
while True:
if p + 1 == r:
return a[p]
q = randomized_partition(a, p, r)
k = q - p + 1
if i == k:
return a[q]
if i < k:
r = q
p = q + 1
i -= k
Suppose we use RANDOMIZED-SELECT to select the minimum element of the array
$A = \langle 3; 2; 9; 0; 7; 5; 4; 8; 6; 1 \rangle$ . Describe a sequence of partitions that results in a worst-case performance of RANDOMIZED-SELECT.
Select 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.