The off-line minimum problem asks us to maintain a dynamic set
$T$ of elements from the domain$\{1, 2, \dots, n\}$ under the operations INSERT and EXTRACT-MIN. We are given a sequence$S$ of$n$ INSERT and$m$ EXTRACT-MIN calls, where each key in$\{1, 2, \dots, n\}$ is inserted exactly once. We wish to determine which key is returned by each EXTRACT-MIN call. Specifically, we wish to fill in an array$extracted[1 \dots m]$ , where for$i = 1, 2, \dots, m$ ,$extracted[i]$ is the key returned by the $i$th EXTRACT-MIN call. The problem is "off-line" in the sense that we are allowed to process the entire sequence$S$ before determining any of the returned keys.
a. In the following instance of the off-line minimum problem, each operation INSERT$(i)$ is represented by the value of
$i$ and each EXTRACT-MIN is represented by the letter E:
4, 8, E, 3, E, 9, 2, 6, E, E, E, 1, 7, E, 5.
Fill in the correct values in the extracted array.
4, 3, 2, 6, 8, 1.
To develop an algorithm for this problem, we break the sequence
$S$ into homogeneous subsequences. That is, we represent$S$ by
$I_1, E, I_2, E, I_3, \dots, I_m, E, I_{m+1}$
where each
$E$ represents a single EXTRACT-MIN call and each$\text{I}_j$ represents a (possibly empty) sequence of INSERT calls. For each subsequence$\text{I}_j$ , we initially place the keys inserted by these operations into a set$K_j$ , which is empty if$\text{I}_j$ is empty. We then do the following:
OFF-LINE-MINIMUM(m, n) 1 for i = 1 to n 2 determine j such that i \in K_j 3 if j \ne m + 1 4 extracted[j] = i 5 let l be the smallest value greater than j for which set K_l exists 6 K_l = K_j \cup K_l , destroying K_j 7 return extracted
> __*b*__. Argue that the array extracted returned by OFF-LINE-MINIMUM is correct.
> __*c*__. Describe how to implement OFF-LINE-MINIMUM efficiently with a disjoint-set data structure. Give a tight bound on the worst-case running time of your implementation.
class DisjointSetForest:
def __init__(self, n):
self.p = list(range(n))
def union(self, x, y):, self.find_set(y))
def link(self, x, y):
self.p[x] = y
def find_set(self, x):
if x != self.p[x]:
self.p[x] = self.find_set(self.p[x])
return self.p[x]
def off_line_minimum(q, n):
pos = [-1] * (n + 1)
m = 0
for v in q:
if v == 'E':
m += 1
pos[v] = im = m
ds = DisjointSetForest(m + 1)
extracted = [None] * m
for i in xrange(1, n + 1):
j = ds.find_set(pos[i])
if j < m:
extracted[j] = i, j + 1)
return extracted
In the depth-determination problem, we maintain a forest
$\mathcal{F} = \{T_i\}$ of rooted trees under three operations:
MAKE-TREE$(v)$ creates a tree whose only node is
$v$ .
FIND-DEPTH$(v)$ returns the depth of node
$v$ within its tree.
GRAFT$(r, v)$ makes node
$r$ , which is assumed to be the root of a tree, become the child of node$v$ , which is assumed to be in a different tree than$r$ but may or may not itself be a root.
a. Suppose that we use a tree representation similar to a disjoint-set forest:
$v.p$ is the parent of node$v$ , except that$v.p = v$ if$v$ is a root. Suppose further that we implement GRAFT$(r, v)$ by setting$r.p = v$ and FIND-DEPTH$(v)$ by following the find path up to the root, returning a count of all nodes other than$v$ encountered. Show that the worst-case running time of a sequence of$m$ MAKE-TREE, FIND-DEPTH, and GRAFT operations is$\Theta(m^2)$ .
By using the union-by-rank and path-compression heuristics, we can reduce the worst-case running time. We use the disjoint-set forest
$\mathcal{S} = \{S_i\}$ , where each set$S_i$ (which is itself a tree) corresponds to a tree$T_i$ in the forest$\mathcal{F}$ . The tree structure within a set$S_i$ , however, does not necessarily correspond to that of$T_i$ . In fact, the implementation of$S_i$ does not record the exact parent-child relationships but nevertheless allows us to determine any node's depth in$T_i$ .
The key idea is to maintain in each node
$v$ a "pseudodistance"$v.d$ , which is defined so that the sum of the pseudodistances along the simple path from$v$ to the root of its set$S_i$ equals the depth of$v$ in$T_i$ . That is, if the simple path from$v$ to its root in$S_i$ is$v_0, v_1, \dots, v_k$ , where$v_0 = v$ and$v_k$ is$S_i$ 's root, then the depth of$v$ in$T_i$ is$\sum_{j=0}^k v_j.d$ .
b. Give an implementation of MAKE-TREE.
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self):
self.d = 0
self.p = self
self.rank = 0
c. Show how to modify FIND-SET to implement FIND-DEPTH. Your implementation should perform path compression, and its running time should be linear in the length of the find path. Make sure that your implementation updates pseudodistances correctly.
def find_depth(v):
if v == v.p:
return (v.d, v)
(pd, p) = find_depth(v.p)
d = v.d + pd
v.d = d - p.d
v.p = p
return (d, p)
d. Show how to implement GRAFT$(r, v)$, which combines the sets containing
$r$ and$v$ , by modifying the UNION and LINK procedures. Make sure that your implementation updates pseudodistances correctly. Note that the root of a set$S_i$ is not necessarily the root of the corresponding tree$T_i$ .
def graft(r, v):
(vd, vp) = find_depth(v)
if r.rank <= vp.rank:
r.d = vd + 1
r.p = vp
if r.rank == vp.rank:
vp.rank += 1
r.d = vd + 1
vp.d = vp.d - r.d
vp.p = r
e. Give a tight bound on the worst-case running time of a sequence of
$m$ MAKE-TREE, FIND-DEPTH, and GRAFT operations,$n$ of which are MAKE-TREE operations.
The least common ancestor of two nodes
$u$ and$v$ in a rooted tree$T$ is the node$w$ that is an ancestor of both$u$ and$v$ and that has the greatest depth in$T$ . In the off-line least-common-ancestors problem, we are given a rooted tree$T$ and an arbitrary set$P = {\{u, v}\}$ of unordered pairs of nodes in$T$ , and we wish to determine the least common ancestor of each pair in$P$ .
To solve the off-line least-common-ancestors problem, the following procedure performs a tree walk of
$T$ with the initial call LCA$(T.root)$. We assume that each node is colored WHITE prior to the walk.
LCA(u) 1 MAKE-SET(u) 2 FIND-SET(u).ancestor = u 3 for each child v of u in T 4 LCA(v) 5 UNION(u, v) 6 FIND-SET(u).ancestor = u 7 u.color = BLACK 8 for each node v such that {u, v} \in P 9 if v.color == BLACK 10 print "The least common ancestor of" u "and" v "is" FIND-SET(v).ancestor
> __*a*__. Argue that line 10 executes exactly once for each pair $\\{u, v\\} \in P$.
Each node is visited exactly once, if $u$ is visited before $v$, then $v$ is WHITE, line 10 will not be executed.
> __*b*__. Argue that at the time of the call LCA$(u)$, the number of sets in the disjoint-set data structure equals the depth of $u$ in $T$.
LCA(v) increase the number of sets by 1, UNION(u, v) decrease the number of sets by 1.
> __*c*__. Prove that LCA correctly prints the least common ancestor of $u$ and $v$ for each pair $\\{u, v\\} \in P$.
The visited nodes always point to the current chain of search path.
> __*d*__. Analyze the running time of LCA, assuming that we use the implementation of the disjoint-set data structure in Section 21.3.
$O(n^2 \alpha(n))$