Working modulo
$q = 11$ , how many spurious hits does the Rabin-Karp matcher encounter in the text$T = 3141592653589793$ when looking for the pattern$P = 26$ ?
How would you extend the Rabin-Karp method to the problem of searching a text string for an occurrence of any one of a given set of
$k$ patterns? Start by assuming that all$k$ patterns have the same length. Then generalize your solution to allow the patterns to have different lengths.
Show how to extend the Rabin-Karp method to handle the problem of looking for a given
$m \times m$ pattern in an$n \times n$ array of characters. (The pattern may be shifted vertically and horizontally, but it may not be rotated.)
Calculate the hashes in each column just like the Rabin-Karp in one-dimension, then treat the hashes in each row as the characters and hashing again.
Alice has a copy of a long
$n$ -bit file$A = \langle a_{n-1}, a_{n-2}, \dots, a_0 \rangle$ , and Bob similarly has an$n$ -bit file$B = \langle b_{n-1}, b_{n-2}, \dots, b_0 \rangle$ . Alice and Bob wish to know if their files are identical. To avoid transmitting all of$A$ or$B$ , they use the following fast probabilistic check. Together, they select a prime$q > 1000n$ and randomly select an integer$x$ from$\{ 0, 1, \dots, q - 1 \}$ . Then, Alice evaluates
$\displaystyle A(x) = \left ( \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_i x^i \right ) ~\text{mod}~ q$
and Bob similarly evaluates
$B(x)$ . Prove that if$A \ne B$ , there is at most one chance in$1000$ that$A(x) = B(x)$ , whereas if the two files are the same,$A(x)$ is necessarily the same as$B(x)$ . (Hint: See Exercise 31.4-4.)