diff --git a/examples/XBT_transect.jl b/examples/XBT_transect.jl
index b7e3058..239ca6a 100644
--- a/examples/XBT_transect.jl
+++ b/examples/XBT_transect.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
-# v0.20.3
+# v0.20.4
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
diff --git a/src/OceanRobots.jl b/src/OceanRobots.jl
index 446d025..1a3493b 100644
--- a/src/OceanRobots.jl
+++ b/src/OceanRobots.jl
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Base: read
export GDP, GDP_CloudDrift, NOAA, GliderFiles, ArgoFiles, OceanSites, OceanOPS, CCHDO, XBT
diff --git a/src/files.jl b/src/files.jl
index c936193..b43e9b9 100644
--- a/src/files.jl
+++ b/src/files.jl
@@ -860,13 +860,13 @@ function index()
#main table
oceansites_index=DataFrame(CSV.File(fil; header=false, skipto=9, silencewarnings=true))
#treat lines which seem mis-formatted
- aa=findall((ismissing).(oceansites_index.Column17))
- oceansites_index=oceansites_index[aa,:]
+ # aa=findall((ismissing).(oceansites_index.Column17))
+ # oceansites_index=oceansites_index[aa,:]
- test=sum([sum((!ismissing).(oceansites_index[:,i])) for i in 17:22])
- test>0 ? error("unclear lines remain") : oceansites_index=oceansites_index[!,1:16]
+# test=sum([sum((!ismissing).(oceansites_index[:,i])) for i in 17:22])
+# test>0 ? error("unclear lines remain") : oceansites_index=oceansites_index[!,1:16]
#column names
@@ -1065,324 +1065,3 @@ end
-module XBT
-using TableScraper, HTTP, Downloads, CodecZlib, Dates, Glob, DataFrames, CSV, Dataverse
-import OceanRobots: XBTtransect
-import Base: read
-"""# XBT transect
-For more information, [see this page](https://www-hrx.ucsd.edu/index.html).
-_Data were made available by the Scripps High Resolution XBT program (www-hrx.ucsd.edu)_
- list_transects(; group="SIO")
-known groups : AOML, SIO
-using OceanRobots
-function list_transects(group="SIO")
- if group=="AOML"
- list_of_transects_AOML
- elseif group=="SIO"
- list_of_transects_SIO
- else
- @warn "unknown group"
- []
- end
- "PX05", "PX06", "PX30", "PX34", "PX37", "PX37-South", "PX38", "PX40",
- "PX06-Loop", "PX08", "PX10", "PX25", "PX44", "PX50", "PX81",
- "AX22", "IX15", "IX28"]
-list_of_transects=list_of_transects_SIO #alias, deprecated
- "AX01","AX02","AX04","AX07","AX08","AX10","AX18","AX20","AX25","AX32","AX90","AX97",
- "AXCOAST","AXWBTS","MX01","MX02","MX04"]
-### SIO transects
-dep = -(5:10:895) # Depth (m), same for all profiles
-function get_url_to_download(url1)
- r = HTTP.get(url1)
- h = String(r.body)
- tmp=split(split(h,"../www-hrx/")[2],".gz")[1]
- "https://www-hrx.ucsd.edu/www-hrx/"*tmp*".gz"
-function download_file_if_needed(url2)
- path1=joinpath(tempdir(),basename(url2))
- isfile(path1) ? nothing : Downloads.download(url2,path1)
- path2=path1[1:end-3]*".txt"
- open(GzipDecompressorStream, path1) do stream
- write(path2,stream)
- end
- path2
-function read_SIO_XBT(path2)
- txt=readlines(path2)
- nlines=parse(Int,txt[1])
- T_all=zeros(nlines,length(dep))
- meta_all=Array{Any}(undef,nlines,4)
- for li in 1:nlines
- i=2+(li-1)*9
- lat=parse(Float64,txt[i][1:11])
- lon=parse(Float64,txt[i][12:19])
- lon+=(lon>180 ? -360 : 0)
- day=parse(Float64,txt[i][19:21])
- mon=parse(Float64,txt[i][23:24])
- year=parse(Float64,txt[i][26:27])
- hour=parse(Float64,txt[i][29:30])
- min=parse(Float64,txt[i][32:33])
- sec=parse(Float64,txt[i][35:36])
- profile_number=parse(Float64,txt[i][38:40])
- year=year+(year > 50 ? 1900 : 2000)
- date=DateTime(year,mon,day,hour,min,sec)
- meta_all[li,:]=[lon lat date profile_number]
- T=[]
- for ii in 1:8
- push!(T,1/1000*parse.(Int,split(txt[i+ii]))...)
- end
- T[T.<0.0].=NaN
- T_all[li,:].=T
- end
- T_all,meta_all
-# lines(T,dep)
- list_of_cruises(transect)
-function list_of_cruises(transect="PX05")
- PX=transect[3:end]
- PX=( transect=="PX06-South" ? "37s" : PX )
- PX=( transect=="PX06-Loop" ? "06" : PX )
- pp="p"
- pp=( transect[1]=='I' ? "i" : pp )
- pp=( transect[1]=='A' ? "a" : pp )
- url0="https://www-hrx.ucsd.edu/$(pp)x$(PX).html"
- url_base=url0[1:end-5]*"/$(pp)$(PX)"
- x=scrape_tables(url0)
- y=x[4].rows
- months=Int[]; years=Int[]; cruises=String[]
- for row in 3:length(y)
- z=y[row]
- a=findall( (z.!==" \n ").&&(z.!==" ") )
- if length(a)>1
- push!(months,Int.(a[2:end].-1)...)
- push!(years,parse(Int,z[1])*ones(length(a)-1)...)
- push!(cruises,z[a[2:end]]...)
- end
- end
- DataFrame("cruise" => cruises, "year" => years, "month" => months, "url" => .*(.*(url_base,cruises),".html"))
- read(x::XBTtransect;transect="PX05",cr=1,cruise="")
-using OceanRobots
-function read(x::XBTtransect;source="SIO",transect="PX05",cr=1,cruise="")
- if source=="SIO"
- cruises=list_of_cruises(transect)
- CR=(isempty(cruise) ? cr : findall(cruises.cruise.=="0910")[1])
- url1=cruises.url[CR]
- url2=get_url_to_download(url1)
- path2=download_file_if_needed(url2)
- T_all,meta_all=read_SIO_XBT(path2)
- XBTtransect(source,transect,[T_all,meta_all,cruises.cruise[CR]],path2)
- elseif source=="AOML"
- list1=XBT.list_files_on_server(transect)
-# list2=XBT.get_url_to_transect(transect)
- CR=(isempty(cruise) ? cr : findall(list1.==cruise)[1])
- files=XBT.download_file_if_needed_AOML(transect,list1[CR])
- path=dirname(files[1])
- (data,meta)=read_NOAA_XBT(path)
- XBTtransect(source,string(transect),[data,meta,list1[CR]],path)
- else
- @warn "unknown source"
- end
-### AOML transects
- read_NOAA_XBT(path)
-using OceanRobots
-List of variables:
-- "te" is for in situ temperature
-- "th" is for potential temperature
-- “sa” for salinity (climatology from WOA)
-- “ht” for dynamic height reference to sea surface
-- “de” for depth
-- “ox” for oxygen
-- “Cast” for oxygen
-function read_NOAA_XBT(path; silencewarnings=true)
- list=glob("*.???",path)
- data=DataFrame()
- meta=DataFrame()
- for ii in 1:length(list)
- fil=list[ii]
- tmp1=CSV.read(fil,DataFrame,header=1,limit=1,delim=' ',ignorerepeated=true, silencewarnings=silencewarnings)
- #
- tmp2=tmp1[1,5]
- t=(if size(tmp1,2)==7
- tmp2*"200"*string(tmp1[1,6])
- else
- tmp2a=tmp2[end-1:end]
- tmp2b=parse(Int,tmp2a)
- tmp2[1:end-2]*(tmp2b<50 ? "19"*tmp2a : "20"*tmp2a)
- end)
- d=Date(t,"mm/dd/yyyy")
- h=div(tmp1[1,end],100)
- m=rem(tmp1[1,end],100)
- t=DateTime(d,Time(h,m,0))
- #
- append!(meta,DataFrame("lon"=>tmp1.long,"lat"=>tmp1.lat,"time"=>t,"cast"=>tmp1.Cast))
- d=CSV.read(fil,DataFrame,header=11,skipto=13,delim=' ',ignorerepeated=true, silencewarnings=silencewarnings)
- d.lon.=meta.lon[end]
- d.lat.=meta.lat[end]
- d.time.=meta.time[end]
- d.cast.=meta.cast[end]
- append!(data,d)
- end
- (data,meta)
-function get_url_to_transect(transect="AX08")
- ax=name_on_API(transect)
- url1="https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/hdenxbt/ax_home.php?ax="*string(ax)
- r = HTTP.get(url1)
- h = String(r.body)
- txt0="
- h1=split(split(h,txt0)[2],txt1)[1]
- h2=split(h1,"value=")[2:end]
- [split(split(i,">")[2]," \n")[1] for i in h2]
-function list_files_on_server(transect="AX08")
- ax=name_on_server(transect)
- url1="https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/hdenxbt/"*ax*"/"
- r = HTTP.get(url1)
- h = String(r.body)
- #in the html look for "ax*_qc.tgz" etc:
- txt0="Parent Directory\n"
- txt1=""
- h1=split(split(h,txt0)[2],txt1)[1]
- txt2="
")[1] for i in h2]
- h3[findall(occursin.("_qc.tgz",h3).||occursin.("_qc_2.tgz",h3).||occursin.("_qc_3.tgz",h3))]
-function name_on_server(transect)
- ax=if transect=="AXCOAST"
- "axcs"
- elseif transect=="AXWBTS"
- "axwbts"
- elseif transect[1:2]=="MX"
- "mx"*string(parse(Int,transect[3:end]))
- else
- "ax"*string(parse(Int,transect[3:end]))
- end
-function name_on_API(transect)
- ax=if transect=="AXCOAST"
- "cs"
- elseif transect=="AXWBTS"
- "wbts"
- elseif transect[1:2]=="MX"
- "1"*transect[3:end]
- else
- transect[3:end]
- end
- XBT.download_file_if_needed_AOML(transect="AX08",file="ax80102_qc.tgz")
-using OceanRobots
-function download_file_if_needed_AOML(transect="AX08",file="ax80102_qc.tgz")
- ax=name_on_server(transect)
- url1="https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/hdenxbt/"*ax*"/"*file
- path1=joinpath(tempdir(),file)
- isfile(path1) ? nothing : Downloads.download(url1,path1)
- tmp_path=Dataverse.untargz(path1)
- p=[tmp_path]
- f=glob("*.???",p[1])
- while(isempty(f))
- p.=joinpath(p[1],readdir(p[1])[1])
- f=glob("*.???",p[1])
- end
- glob("*.???",p[1])
diff --git a/src/files_XBT.jl b/src/files_XBT.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b35fa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/files_XBT.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+module XBT
+using TableScraper, HTTP, Downloads, CodecZlib, Dates, Glob, DataFrames, CSV, Dataverse
+import OceanRobots: XBTtransect, query
+import Base: read
+"""# XBT transect
+For more information, [see this page](https://www-hrx.ucsd.edu/index.html).
+_Data were made available by the Scripps High Resolution XBT program (www-hrx.ucsd.edu)_
+ list_transects(; group="SIO")
+known groups : AOML, SIO
+using OceanRobots
+function list_transects(group="SIO")
+ if group=="AOML"
+ list_of_transects_AOML
+ elseif group=="SIO"
+ list_of_transects_SIO
+ else
+ @warn "unknown group"
+ []
+ end
+ "PX05", "PX06", "PX30", "PX34", "PX37", "PX37-South", "PX38", "PX40",
+ "PX06-Loop", "PX08", "PX10", "PX25", "PX44", "PX50", "PX81",
+ "AX22", "IX15", "IX28"]
+list_of_transects=list_of_transects_SIO #alias, deprecated
+ "AX01","AX02","AX04","AX07","AX08","AX10","AX18","AX20","AX25","AX32","AX90","AX97",
+ "AXCOAST","AXWBTS","MX01","MX02","MX04"]
+### SIO transects
+dep = -(5:10:895) # Depth (m), same for all profiles
+function get_url_to_download(url1)
+ r = HTTP.get(url1)
+ h = String(r.body)
+ tmp=split(split(h,"../www-hrx/")[2],".gz")[1]
+ "https://www-hrx.ucsd.edu/www-hrx/"*tmp*".gz"
+function download_file_if_needed(url2)
+ path1=joinpath(tempdir(),basename(url2))
+ isfile(path1) ? nothing : Downloads.download(url2,path1)
+ path2=path1[1:end-3]*".txt"
+ open(GzipDecompressorStream, path1) do stream
+ write(path2,stream)
+ end
+ path2
+function read_SIO_XBT(path2)
+ txt=readlines(path2)
+ nlines=parse(Int,txt[1])
+ T_all=zeros(nlines,length(dep))
+ meta_all=Array{Any}(undef,nlines,4)
+ for li in 1:nlines
+ i=2+(li-1)*9
+ lat=parse(Float64,txt[i][1:11])
+ lon=parse(Float64,txt[i][12:19])
+ lon+=(lon>180 ? -360 : 0)
+ day=parse(Float64,txt[i][19:21])
+ mon=parse(Float64,txt[i][23:24])
+ year=parse(Float64,txt[i][26:27])
+ hour=parse(Float64,txt[i][29:30])
+ min=parse(Float64,txt[i][32:33])
+ sec=parse(Float64,txt[i][35:36])
+ profile_number=parse(Float64,txt[i][38:40])
+ year=year+(year > 50 ? 1900 : 2000)
+ date=DateTime(year,mon,day,hour,min,sec)
+ meta_all[li,:]=[lon lat date profile_number]
+ T=[]
+ for ii in 1:8
+ push!(T,1/1000*parse.(Int,split(txt[i+ii]))...)
+ end
+ T[T.<0.0].=NaN
+ T_all[li,:].=T
+ end
+ T_all,meta_all
+# lines(T,dep)
+ list_of_cruises(transect)
+function list_of_cruises(transect="PX05")
+ PX=transect[3:end]
+ PX=( transect=="PX06-South" ? "37s" : PX )
+ PX=( transect=="PX06-Loop" ? "06" : PX )
+ pp="p"
+ pp=( transect[1]=='I' ? "i" : pp )
+ pp=( transect[1]=='A' ? "a" : pp )
+ url0="https://www-hrx.ucsd.edu/$(pp)x$(PX).html"
+ url_base=url0[1:end-5]*"/$(pp)$(PX)"
+ x=scrape_tables(url0)
+ y=x[4].rows
+ months=Int[]; years=Int[]; cruises=String[]
+ for row in 3:length(y)
+ z=y[row]
+ a=findall( (z.!==" \n ").&&(z.!==" ") )
+ if length(a)>1
+ push!(months,Int.(a[2:end].-1)...)
+ push!(years,parse(Int,z[1])*ones(length(a)-1)...)
+ push!(cruises,z[a[2:end]]...)
+ end
+ end
+ DataFrame("cruise" => cruises, "year" => years, "month" => months, "url" => .*(.*(url_base,cruises),".html"))
+ read(x::XBTtransect;transect="PX05",cr=1,cruise="")
+using OceanRobots
+function read(x::XBTtransect;source="SIO",transect="PX05",cr=1,cruise="")
+ if source=="SIO"
+ cruises=list_of_cruises(transect)
+ CR=(isempty(cruise) ? cr : findall(cruises.cruise.=="0910")[1])
+ url1=cruises.url[CR]
+ url2=get_url_to_download(url1)
+ path2=download_file_if_needed(url2)
+ T_all,meta_all=read_SIO_XBT(path2)
+ XBTtransect(source,transect,[T_all,meta_all,cruises.cruise[CR]],path2)
+ elseif source=="AOML"
+ list1=XBT.list_files_on_server(transect)
+# list2=XBT.get_url_to_transect(transect)
+ CR=(isempty(cruise) ? cr : findall(list1.==cruise)[1])
+ files=XBT.download_file_if_needed_AOML(transect,list1[CR])
+ if !isempty(files)
+ path=dirname(files[1])
+ (data,meta)=read_NOAA_XBT(path)
+ XBTtransect(source,string(transect),[data,meta,list1[CR]],path)
+ else
+ XBTtransect()
+ end
+ else
+ @warn "unknown source"
+ end
+### AOML transects
+ read_NOAA_XBT(path)
+using OceanRobots
+List of variables:
+- "te" is for in situ temperature
+- "th" is for potential temperature
+- “sa” for salinity (climatology from WOA)
+- “ht” for dynamic height reference to sea surface
+- “de” for depth
+- “ox” for oxygen
+- “Cast” for oxygen
+function read_NOAA_XBT(path; silencewarnings=true)
+ list=glob("*.???",path)
+ data=DataFrame()
+ meta=DataFrame()
+ for ii in 1:length(list)
+ fil=list[ii]
+ tmp1=CSV.read(fil,DataFrame,header=1,limit=1,delim=' ',ignorerepeated=true, silencewarnings=silencewarnings)
+ #
+ tmp2=tmp1[1,5]
+ t=(if size(tmp1,2)==7
+ tmp2*"200"*string(tmp1[1,6])
+ else
+ tmp2a=tmp2[end-1:end]
+ tmp2b=parse(Int,tmp2a)
+ tmp2[1:end-2]*(tmp2b<50 ? "19"*tmp2a : "20"*tmp2a)
+ end)
+ d=Date(t,"mm/dd/yyyy")
+ h=div(tmp1[1,end],100)
+ m=rem(tmp1[1,end],100)
+ t=DateTime(d,Time(h,m,0))
+ #
+ append!(meta,DataFrame("lon"=>tmp1.long,"lat"=>tmp1.lat,"time"=>t,"cast"=>tmp1.Cast))
+ d=CSV.read(fil,DataFrame,header=11,skipto=13,delim=' ',ignorerepeated=true, silencewarnings=silencewarnings)
+ d.lon.=meta.lon[end]
+ d.lat.=meta.lat[end]
+ d.time.=meta.time[end]
+ d.cast.=meta.cast[end]
+ append!(data,d)
+ end
+ (data,meta)
+function get_url_to_transect(transect="AX08")
+ ax=name_on_API(transect)
+ url1="https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/hdenxbt/ax_home.php?ax="*string(ax)
+ r = HTTP.get(url1)
+ h = String(r.body)
+ txt0="
+ h1=split(split(h,txt0)[2],txt1)[1]
+ h2=split(h1,"value=")[2:end]
+ [split(split(i,">")[2]," \n")[1] for i in h2]
+function list_files_on_server(transect="AX08")
+ ax=name_on_server(transect)
+ url1="https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/hdenxbt/"*ax*"/"
+ r = HTTP.get(url1)
+ h = String(r.body)
+ #in the html look for "ax*_qc.tgz" etc:
+ txt0="Parent Directory
+ txt1=""
+ h1=split(split(h,txt0)[2],txt1)[1]
+ txt2="")[1] for i in h2]
+ h3[findall(occursin.("_qc.tgz",h3).||occursin.("_qc_2.tgz",h3).||occursin.("_qc_3.tgz",h3))]
+function name_on_server(transect)
+ ax=if transect=="AXCOAST"
+ "axcs"
+ elseif transect=="AXWBTS"
+ "axwbts"
+ elseif transect[1:2]=="MX"
+ "mx"*string(parse(Int,transect[3:end]))
+ else
+ "ax"*string(parse(Int,transect[3:end]))
+ end
+function name_on_API(transect)
+ ax=if transect=="AXCOAST"
+ "cs"
+ elseif transect=="AXWBTS"
+ "wbts"
+ elseif transect[1:2]=="MX"
+ "1"*transect[3:end]
+ else
+ transect[3:end]
+ end
+ XBT.download_file_if_needed_AOML(transect="AX08",file="ax80102_qc.tgz")
+using OceanRobots
+function download_file_if_needed_AOML(transect="AX08",file="ax80102_qc.tgz")
+ ax=name_on_server(transect)
+ url1="https://www.aoml.noaa.gov/phod/hdenxbt/"*ax*"/"*file
+ path1=joinpath(tempdir(),file)
+ isfile(path1) ? nothing : Downloads.download(url1,path1)
+ tmp_path=Dataverse.untargz(path1)
+ p=[tmp_path]
+ if !isempty(readdir(p[1]))
+ f=glob("*.???",p[1])
+ while(isempty(f))
+ p.=joinpath(p[1],readdir(p[1])[1])
+ f=glob("*.???",p[1])
+ end
+ end
+ glob("*.???",p[1])
+ download_all_AOML(;path="XBT_AOML",quick_test=false)
+Download XBT data files from AOML site.
+function download_all_AOML(;path="XBT_AOML",quick_test=false)
+ !ispath(path) ? mkdir(path) : nothing
+ lst_AOML=query(XBTtransect,"AOML")
+ lst_AOML=(quick_test ? lst_AOML[1:2] : nothing)
+ for transect in lst_AOML
+ lst_AOML_files=DataFrame("transect"=>String[],"cruise"=>Int[],"file"=>String[])
+ println(transect)
+ df=XBT.list_files_on_server(transect)
+ for cr in 1:size(df,1)
+ files=XBT.download_file_if_needed_AOML(transect,df[cr])
+ df1=DataFrame("transect"=>fill(transect,length(files)),
+ "cruise"=>fill(cr,length(files)),"file"=>[basename(f) for f in files])
+ append!(lst_AOML_files,df1)
+ path1=joinpath(path,transect*"_"*string(cr))
+ mkdir(path1)
+ [mv(f,joinpath(path1,basename(f))) for f in files]
+ end
+ fil="list_"*transect*".csv"
+ CSV.write(joinpath(path,fil),lst_AOML_files)
+ end
+function scan_XBT_AOML(ii=0,jj=0; path="XBT_AOML")
+ list1=glob("*.csv",path)
+ if ii==0
+ list1
+ else
+ list2=CSV.read(list1[ii],DataFrame) #ii
+ list3=groupby(list2,:cruise)
+ if jj==0
+ list3
+ else
+ list3[jj] #jj
+ end
+ end
+ read_XBT_AOML(subfolder::String; path="XBT_AOML")
+function read_XBT_AOML(subfolder::String; path="XBT_AOML")
+ transect,cruise=split(subfolder,"_")
+ list1=readdir(joinpath(path,subfolder))
+ list=DataFrame("file"=>list1)
+ list.transect.=transect
+ list.cruise.=cruise
+ read_XBT_AOML(list; path=path)
+ read_XBT_AOML(subfolder::String; path="XBT_AOML")
+function read_XBT_AOML(ii=1,jj=1; path="XBT_AOML")
+ list=scan_XBT_AOML(ii,jj)
+ read_XBT_AOML(list; path=path)
+function read_XBT_AOML(list4::AbstractDataFrame; path="XBT_AOML")
+ transect=list4[1,:transect]
+ cruise=list4[1,:cruise]
+ subfolder=transect*"_"*string(cruise)
+ path2=joinpath(path,subfolder)
+ T_all,meta_all=read_NOAA_XBT(path2)
+ XBTtransect("AOML",transect,[T_all,meta_all,subfolder],path2)
+function valid_XBT_AOML(;path="XBT_AOML")
+ list1=scan_XBT_AOML()
+ df=DataFrame()
+ for ii in 1:length(list1)
+ list2=scan_XBT_AOML(ii)
+ for jj in 1:length(list2)
+ list4=scan_XBT_AOML(ii,jj)
+ transect=list4[1,:transect]
+ cruise=list4[1,:cruise]
+ subfolder=transect*"_"*string(cruise)
+ test=try
+ read_XBT_AOML(ii,jj)
+ true
+ catch
+ false
+ end
+ append!(df,DataFrame("transect"=>transect,"cruise"=>cruise,"subfolder"=>subfolder,"test"=>test))
+ end
+ end
+ ok=findall(df.test)
+ no=findall((!).(df.test))
+ println("valid cruises = "*string(length(ok)))
+ println("unreadable cruises = "*string(length(no)))
+ df[ok,:]
diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl
index eac2cc8..9448d19 100644
--- a/test/runtests.jl
+++ b/test/runtests.jl
@@ -134,4 +134,12 @@ using Test
@test isa(fig,Figure)
+ ##
+ path0=tempname()
+ mkdir(path0)
+ XBT.download_all_AOML(path=path0,quick_test=true)
+ @test isfile(joinpath(path0,"list_AX01.csv"))