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executable file
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Computer Architecture


  1. BiliBili Videos


  1. Understand how a computing platform (processor + memory + interconnect) works
  2. Understand how decisions made in hardware affect the software/programmer as well as hardware designer
  3. Think critically (in solving problems)
  4. Think broadly across the levels of transformation
  5. Understand how to analyze and make tradeoffs in design

Introduce and Basic

  1. The Power of Abstraction
    • Levels of transformation create abstractions
    • Abstraction improves productivity
  2. Crossing the Abstraction Layers
    • Understand how a lower(processor) level works and how decisions made in it affect the higher level.
    • Breaking the abstraction layers and knowing what is underneath enables you to solve problems
    • Able to be comfortable in making design and optimization decisions that cross the boundaries of different layers and system components
    • Cooperation between multiple components and layers can enable more effective solutions and systems
  3. Examples
    • Unexpected Slowdowns in Multi-Core: “Memory performance attacks
    • DRAM Refresh
    • Row Hammer

Fundamental Concepts and ISA

  1. Computer Architecture
    1. Problem
    2. Algorithm
    3. Program/Language
    4. Runtime System(VM, OS, MM)
    5. ISA (Architecture)
    6. Microarchitecture
    7. Logic
    8. Circuits
    9. Electrons
  2. What is A Computer?
    1. Computation
    2. Communication
    3. Storage (memory)
  3. The Von Neumann Model
    An instruction is fetched and executed in control flow order
    1. Stored program
      • Instructions stored in a linear memory array
      • Memory is unified between instructions and data
    2. Sequential instruction processing
      • One instruction processed (fetched, executed, and completed) at a time
      • Program counter (instruction pointer) identifies the current instr
      • Program counter is advanced sequentially (except for control transfer instructions)
  4. ISA-level Tradeoff: Instruction Pointer
    • Yes: Control-driven, sequential execution
      1. An instruction is executed when the IP points to it
      2. IP automatically changes sequentially (except for control flow instructions)
    • No: Data-driven, parallel execution
      1. An instruction is executed when all its operand values are available (data flow)
  5. ISA vs. Microarchitecture
    1. ISA
      • Agreed upon interface between software and hardware
      • What the software writer needs to know to write and debug system/user programs
    2. Microarchitecture(uarch)
      • Specific implementation of an ISA
      • Not visible to the software
    3. Microprocessor
      • ISA, uarch, circuits
      • Architecture = ISA + microarchitecture

ISA Tradeoffs

ISA = Instruction + Data types + Registers + Memory

  1. Instruction
    • opcode: what the instruction does
    • operands: who it is to do it to
  2. Data types
    • Low-level: Integer, floating point, character, binary, decimal
    • High-level: Doubly linked list, queue, string, bit vector, stack
  3. Registers
    • Why?: A recently produced/accessed value is likely to be used more than once
    • How many and size of each register?
  4. Memory organization
    • Address space: How many uniquely identifiable locations in memory
    • Addressability: How much data does each uniquely identifiable location store
      1. How do you add 2 32-bit numbers with only byte addressability?
      2. Big endian vs. little endian

Instruction Tradeoff

  1. The number of operands an instruction operates on
    1. 0-address: stack machine (op, push A, pop A)
    2. 1-address: accumulator machine (op ACC, ld A, st A)
    3. 2-address: 2-operand machine (op S,D; one is both source and dest)
    4. 3-address: 3-operand machine (op S1,S2,D; source and dest separate)
  2. Addressing modes: how to obtain the operands
    1. Absolute: value as address. LW rt, 10000
    2. Register Indirect: GPR[rbase] as address. LW rt, (rbase)
    3. Memory Indirect: M[GPR[rbase]] as address. LW rt ((rbase))
    4. More modes
      • Better support programming constructs
      • Harder to design
      • Too many choice for the compiler
  3. Instruction length
    1. Fixed length: same length of all instructions
      • Easier to decode in hardware and concurrently
      • Wasted bites
      • Harder to extend
    2. Variable length: different length of instructions determined by opcode
      • Compact encoding
      • Harder to decode concurrently
  4. Uniform Decode
    1. Uniform decode: same bits in instructions have the same meaning
      • Opcode and operand are always in the same location
      • Easier to decode, simpler hardware
      • Enable parallelism
      • Restrict format and wastes space
    2. Non-uniform decode
      • More compact and powerful format
      • More complex decode logic

Data Type Tradeoffs

  1. Data types coupled tightly to the semantic level, or complexity of instructions
    1. CISC: Closer to high-level language -> Small semantic gap
    2. RISC: Closer to hardware control signals -> Large semantic gap

Resister Tradeoffs

  1. Numbers of Registers
    • Affects
      • Number of bits for encoding resister address
      • Number of values kept
      • Size, access time, power consumption(uarch)
    • Large number of registers:
      • Better allocation
      • Larger instruction size
      • Larger register file size


  1. RISC
    • Simple instructions
    • Fixed length
    • Uniform decode
    • Few addressing mode
  2. CISC
    • Complex instructions
    • Variable length
    • Non-uniform decode
    • Many addressing modes


  1. Program Counter(PC): memory address of current instruction
  2. Memory: 32-bit address(4GB)
  3. General Purpose Register File(GPRF): r0 ... r31


  1. Big Endian: pointer -> byte0(MSB) - byte3(LSB)
  2. Little Endian: pointer -> byte0(LSB) - byte3(MSB)

Instruction Formats

  1. 3 formats
    1. R-type: 3 register operands
    2. I-type: 2 register operands and 16-bit immediate
    3. J-type: 26-bit immediate operand
  2. Decoding
    1. 4 bytes per instruction
    2. 4-byte aligned


  1. register-register signed addition
    1. ADD rd_reg rs_reg rt_reg
    2. R-type: [0, rs, rt, rd, 0, ADD]
    3. Semantics
      • GPR[rd] <- GPR[rs] + GPR[rt]
      • PC <- PC + 4
  2. regi-immediate signed additions
    1. ADDI rt_reg rs_reg immediate_16
    2. I-type: [ADDI, rs, rt, immediate]
    3. Semantics
      • GPR[rt] <- GPR[rs] + signed-extend(immediate)
      • PC <- PC + 4
  3. load 4-byte word
    1. LW rt_reg offset_16 (base_reg)
    2. I-type: [LW, base, rt, offset]
    3. Semantics
      • address <- signed-extend(offset) + GPR[base]
      • GPR[rt] <- MEMORY[address]
      • PC <- PC + 4
  4. store 4-byte word
    1. SW rt_reg offset_16 (base_reg)
    2. I-type: [SW, base, rt, offset]
    3. Semantics
      • address <- signed-extend(offset) + GPR[base]
      • MEMORY[address] <- GPR[rt]
      • PC <- PC + 4
  5. branch if equal
    1. BEQ rs_reg rt_reg immediate_16
    2. I-type: [BEQ, rs, rt, immediate]
    3. Semantics
      • target = PC + signed-extend(immediate) * 4
      • if GPR[rs] == GPR[rt], then PC <- target
      • else PC <- PC + 4
  6. jump
    1. J immediate_26
    2. J-type: [J, immediate]
    3. Semantics
      • target = PC[31:28]*2^28 | zero-extend(immediate) * 4
      • PC <- target

Caller and Callee Saved Registers

  1. Callee-Saved Registers
    • Caller: The values of these registers should not change when you return to me
    • Callee: I promise to save the old values to memory first and restore them before I return to you
  2. Caller-Saved Registers
    • Caller: I already saved the values from these registers
    • Callee: Don’t count on them staying the same values after I am done

Microarchitecture Basic

  1. Process Instructions: AS -> AS'
    • AS: Architectural state before processing
    • process instruction
    • AS': Architectural state after processing
  2. ISA specifies abstractly what AS' should be, given an instruction as AS
  3. Microarchitecture implements how AS is transformed to AS’
  4. Single-Cycle Machine
    • Each instruction takes a single clock cycle
    • CPI(cycles per instruction) is 1
    • the slowest instruction determines cycle time
    • Clock cycle time = long
  5. Instruction Processing phases
    • Fetch
    • Decode
    • Evaluate Address
    • Fetch Operands
    • Execute
    • Store Result
  6. An instruction processing engine consists by:
    • Datapath: hardware elements that deal with and transform data signal
    • Control logic: hardware elements that determine control signals
  7. Control signals controls two things:
    • How the datapath should process the data
    • How to generate the control signal for the next clock cycle
  8. Design Principles
    • Critical path: decrease the maximum logic delay
    • Common case: spend time and resources on where it matters most
    • Balanced: balance all components
    • Keep it simple
  9. Multi-Cycle Machine
    • Each instruction takes as many clock cycles as it needs to take
    • CPI = different for each instruction
    • Clock cycle time = short
  10. Microprogrammed Control Structure
    • Microinstruction: control signals
    • Control store: store all microinstructions
    • Microsequencer: determines the address of next microinstruction
  11. Advantages of Microprogrammed Control
    • a simple design to do powerful computation by sequencer
    • enables easy extensibility of the ISA
    • enables update of machine behavior


  1. Idea: Increases instruction processing throughput
    • Divide the instruction processing cycle into distinct“stages” of processing
    • Ensure there are enough hardware resources to process one instruction in each stage
    • Process a different instruction in each stage
  2. Four independent ADDs
    • Multi-cycle: 4 cycles per instruction
    • Pipelined: 4 cycles per 4 instructions
  3. Ideal Pipeline and Not Ideal
    • Repetition of identical operations
      • actually, different instructions don't need the same stages
      • external fragmentation (some pipe stages idle for some instructions)
    • Repetition of independent operations
      • actually, different pipeline stages don't have the same latency
      • internal fragmentation (some stages are too fast but all take the same clock cycle time)
    • Uniformly partitionable suboperations
      • actually, instructions are not independent of each other
      • pipeline stalls (pipeline is not always moving)
  4. Pipeline Stalls and solutions
    • Resource contention
      • duplicate the resource or increase its throughput
      • stall one of the contending stages
    • Dependences
      • Data Dependences
        • Flow Dependence: read after write
          • Detect and wait unit value is available.
          • Predict the value, execute speculatively, and verify
          • Detect and forward data to dependent instruction.
          • Detect and eliminate the dependence at software level
        • Output Dependence: write after write
        • Anti dependence: write after read
      • Control Dependences: know the address of the next instruction
        • Stall until the next fetch address get known
        • Branch prediction: guess the next fetch address
        • Predicted execution: exec all branches with condition, some will become no-ops
        • Fine-grained Multi-threading: all instructions in pipeline come from different threads
    • Long-latency operations
  5. Dependence Detection
    • Scoreboard
      • Add a valid bit for each register
      • An instruction that is writing to it resets the bit
      • An instruction in Decode stage checks if all its registers are valid
    • Combinational dependence check logic
      • if the instruction in later stages is supposed to write any source register of the decoded instructions

Branch Prediction

  1. Predicates 3 things at fetch stage:
    • Whether the fetched instruction is a branch
    • Branch direction
    • Branch target address (if taken)
  2. Branch Target Buffer (BTB) caches target addresses
    • Provides target address computed last time
    • If BTB provides a address, it must be a branch
  3. Branch direction?
    • Static
      • Always not-taken: no BTB, no direction prediction, low accuracy
      • Always taken: no direction prediction, better accuracy (loops are usually taken)
      • Loop taken, others not-taken
      • Profile-based: compiler determines and provide meta-data
      • Program-based: analysis program heuristic
    • Dynamic: based on run-time information
      • Last time predictor: good for big loop, predictor changes too quickly
      • Two-bit Counter predictor: strongly taken, weakly taken, strongly !taken, weakly !taken

Pipelining and Precise Exceptions

  1. Multi-Cycle Execution
    • Not all instructions take the same execution time
    • Instructions can take different number of cycles in EXECUTE stage
    • Wrong arch. state when an exception occur
  2. The Architectural state should be consistent when the exception/interrupt is ready to handled
    • All previous instructions should be completely retired
    • No later instruction should be retired
    • Retire = commit = finish exec and update arch. state
  3. Why Precise Exceptions?
    • Semantics
    • Aids software debugging
    • Easy recovery from exceptions and easily restartable processes
  4. Solutions
    • Reorder buffer (ROB): execution in order -> write to ROB out of order -> write back in order
      • Mapping the register to a ROB entry if an in-flight instruction writing exists
      • Register renaming eliminates anti- and output- dependencies
    • History Buffer (HB): update register file normally but undo updates when an exception occurs
    • FF + ROB: keep two register files
      • Arch reg file: updated in order with ROB
      • Future reg file: updated asap
  5. A branch misprediction resembles an "exception"

Out-of-Order Execution (Dynamic Instruction Scheduling)

  1. An In-order Pipeline
    • A true data dependency stalls dispatch of younger instructions into execution units
  2. An other solution: out-of-order dispatch
    • Move dependent instructions out of the way of independent ones
    • Dispatch dependent instructions when all source "values" are available (dataflow order)
  3. Enabling OoO Execution
    • Link the consumer of a value to the producer
      • Register renaming: tag each value
    • Buffer instructions until they are ready to exec
      • Reservation stations
    • Keep track of readiness of source values
      • Broadcast the value tag
      • Instruction compare the tags
    • Dispatch the instruction when all source values are ready
  4. OoO Execution with Precise Exceptions
              <-----Tag/Broadcast Bus-----<
             |                            |
          |        | -> E -----------> |       | 
F -> D -> |Schedule| -> E -> E ------> |Reorder| -> W
          |        | -> E -> E -> E -> |       |
  1. An out-of-order machine is a “restricted data flow” machine
    • Dataflow-based execution is only at uarch level.
    • The dataflow graph is limited to the instruction window.(all decoded but not retired instructions)
    • ISA is still based on sequential execution.(instruction is still fetched sequentially)
  2. Memory Dependence Handling
    • Obey store-load dependence when the address is not known until a load/store executes
      • Conservative: Stall the load until all previous stores have clear addresses.
      • Aggressive: Assume the load is independent of stores with unknown addresses
      • Intelligent: Predict if the load is dependent on an unknown-address store


  1. SIMD Processing
    • Single instruction operates on multiple data elements
    LD  VR     <- A[3:0]
    ADD VR     <- VR,1
    MUL VR     <- VR,2
    ST  A[3:0] <- VR
    • Array Processor: Instruction operates on multiple data elements at the same time using different spaces
    LD0   LD1  LD2  LD3
    ADD0  ADD1 ADD2 ADD3
    MUL0  MUL1 MUL2 MUL3
    ST0   ST1  ST2  ST3
    • Vector Processor: Instruction operates on multiple data elements in consecutive time steps using the same space
    LD1  ADD0
    LD2  ADD1 MUL0
    LD3  ADD2 MUL1 ST0
         ADD3 MUL2 ST1
              MUL3 ST2
  2. Vector Processor
    • Pros
      • No dependencies within a vector
      • Each instruction generates a lot of work
      • Highly regular memory access pattern
      • Fewer Branches in instructions
    • Cons
      • Only works for regular parallelism.(Arrays vs Linked list)
      • Memory bandwidth can become a bottleneck


  1. Multithreaded
    • Generates a thread to execute each iteration.
    • Each thread does the same thing but on different data
    • Also called SPMD (single program multiple data)
    • Wrap: A set of threads that execute the same instruction
    • Dynamically merge threads executing the same instruction after branch divergence


  1. VLIW
    • A very long instruction word consists of multiple independent instructions
    • Compiler finds independent instructions and statically packs them into a single VLIW instruction
    • Enable simple hardware but complex software (compiler)
  2. DAE(decouple access/execute)
    • Decouple operand access and execution via two separate streams that communicate with ISA-visible queues

Systolic Arrays

  1. Goal: design an accelerator that has
    • Simple, regular design
    • High concurrency Balanced computation and I/O bandwidth
  2. Idea


  1. Virtual vs. Physical Memory
    • Programmer sees virtual memory
    • The system (software + hardware) maps virtual memory addresses to physical memory
  2. DRAM
    • Dynamic random access memory
    • Capacitor charge state indicates stored value
      • charged or discharged indicates storage of 1 or 0
    • Capacitor leaks through the RC path
      • DRAM cell loses charge over time
      • DRAM cell needs to be refreshed
  3. Memory Hierarchy
    • Have multiple storage levels to ensure the needed data is kept in the faster levels
      • Register File -> L1/L2/L3 Cache -> Main Memory -> Hard Disk
    • Temporal locality
      • Recently accessed data will be accessed again in the near future
    • Spatial locality
      • Nearby data in memory will be accessed in the near future
      • E.g., Sequential instructions, array traversal