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Style and Layout

Relearn CSS and layout systematically


  1. CSS Home
  2. CSS Spec 2.2
  3. CSS MDN


What is CSS?

  1. Browser will render HTML with default style to make it readable basically
    • Headings will look larger than regular text
    • Links are colored and underlined to distinguish them from the text
  2. With more specific CSS, the rendered document can be great-looking
    • Appearance: text color and heading size
    • Layout: normal flow, absolute, flexbox
    • Advanced: animation, gradient image
  3. A rule-based language
    [selector] {
        property: value; /* a declaration */

Apply CSS to a document

External stylesheet

Reference an external CSS stylesheet from an HTML <link> element

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My CSS experiment</title>
    <!-- Inside a subdirectory called styles inside the current directory -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/style.css">
    <!-- Inside a subdirectory called general, which is in a subdirectory called styles, inside the current directory -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/general/style.css">
    <!-- Go up one directory level, then inside a subdirectory called styles -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../styles/style.css">
    <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    <p>This is my first CSS example</p>

Internal stylesheet

Place CSS inside a <style> element contained inside the HTML <head>.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My CSS experiment</title>
      h1 {
        color: blue;
        background-color: yellow;
        border: 1px solid black;
    <h1>Hello World!</h1>
    <p>This is my first CSS example</p>

Inline styles

Inline styles are CSS declarations that affect a single HTML element, contained within a style attribute.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My CSS experiment</title>
    <h1 style="color: blue;background-color: yellow;border: 1px solid black;">Hello World!</h1>
    <p style="color:red;">This is my first CSS example</p>


  1. If document includes multiple <style> and <link> elements , they will be applied to the DOM in the order they are included in the document
  2. Exclude !important, inline styles have the highest specificity.

CSS Rules

CSS Selector

(selector, element) -> boolean
Describe the elements that will have the specified style applied to them.

Selector Example Specificity(A,B,C)
Universal * 0
Negation Pseudo-Class :not() 0 for itself, inner selector counts
Type h C
Pseudo-Element p::first-line C
Attribute li[class^="box-"] B
Class .box B
Pseudo-Class p:first-child B
ID #unique A
Combinator Example Specificity(A,B,C)
Descendant article p (0,0,2)
Child #uniq > p (1,0,1)
Adjacent sibling h1 + *[rel=up] (0,1,1)
General sibling .level ~ p:first-child (0,2,1)

The numbers (A,B,C) (in a number system with a large base) gives the specificity

CSS Declarations

  1. A CSS declaration consists of three parts:
    • Property: Human-readable identifiers that indicate the stylistic features
    • Value: Each property is assigned a value. This value indicates how to style the property.
    • Important: an important flag which is initially unset.
  2. !important
    • This is used to make a particular declaration the most specific thing
    • Never use it unless you absolutely have to
    • Override !important
      • Another !important flag with higher specificity.
      • Another !important flag with the same specificity in the later source order
  3. Functions: a type of CSS value
    • calc(): perform calculations when specifying CSS property values
  4. at-rules:
    • @media: a conditional group rule whose condition is a media query

Conflicting Rules

  • Specificity: more specific selectors override the conflicting styles.
    (important, inline, id, attribute, element)
  • Cascade: having same specificity, the later styles replace conflicting styles that appear earlier


A document is laid out by transforming the elements into a set of boxes, whose size, position, and stacking level comes from the values of their CSS properties.

The CSS Box Model

  1. Each box has a content area and optional surrounding padding, border, and margin areas
    • Content box
      • contains text, descendant boxes, replaced element content(image)
      • depend on the element content and/or its containing block size
      • sized using width and height(block box)
    • Padding box: sized using padding
    • Border box: sized using border
    • Margin box
      • sized using margin
      • negative value is valid
    • Scrollbar: inserted between the inner border edge and the outer padding edge
      |                  margin-top                     |
      |    |---------------------------------------|    |
      |    |             border-top                |    |
      |    |    |--------------------------|--|    |    |
      |    |    |       padding-top        |##|    |    |    BL = border-left
      |    |    |    |----------------|    |##|    |    |    BR = border-right
      |    |    |    |                |    |  |    |    |    ML = margin-left
      | ML | BL | PL |  content box   | PR |SW| BR | MR |    MR = margin-right
      |    |    |    |                |    |  |    |    |    PL = padding-left
      |    |    |    |----------------|    |  |    |    |    PR = padding-right
      |    |    |      padding-bottom      |  |    |    |    SC = scroll corner
      |    |    |--------------------------|--|    |    |    SW = scrollbar width
      |    |    |     scrollbar height ####|SC|    |    |
      |    |    |-----------------------------|    |    |
      |    |           border-bottom               |    |
      |    |---------------------------------------|    |
      |                margin-bottom                    |
  2. The containing block
    • A containing block is a rectangle, not a box.
    • The size and position of an element are often impacted by its containing block
      • with: <percentage>; relative to the width of the containing block.
      • height: <percentage>; relative to the height of the containing block.
      • padding: <percentage>; relative to the width of the containing block.
      • margin: <percentage>; relative to the width of the containing block.
      • offset properties of absolutely positioned elements: computed from the containing block.
    • Identifying the containing block
  3. Relevant CSS properties
    • box-sizing: border-box;: The width and height properties include the content, padding, and border
    • background: red;: cover the content, padding, and border areas of a box
    • display: inline-block;: allows to set width and height properties compare to display: inline;

CSS Flow Layout (Normal Flow)

The default way to lay out all elements(boxes) in documents.

  1. There exists two types of boxes
    • Block Boxes: display: block;
      • The box will break onto new line
      • The box will extend in the inline direction to fill the space available in its container
      • new line + fill space = as wide as its container
      • The width and height properties are respected
      • Examples: <div>, <p>
    • Inline Boxes: display: inline;
      • The box will not break onto new line
      • The width and height properties will not apply, only takes up as much width as necessary
      • The rectangular area that contains the boxes that form a line box
        • A line box is always tall enough for all of the boxes it contains. (line-height specify the minimal height)
        • line-height: normal; roughly means 1.2 * font-size
        • The height if a line box is calculated as follows
        • When the height of a box is less than the height of the line box containing it, the vertical alignment of that box is determined by the vertical-align
        • When the total width of the inline boxes on a line is less than the width of the line box containing them, their horizontal distribution within the line box is determined by the text-align
      • Examples: <a>, <span>
  2. A block container box either contains only block boxes or contains only inline boxes
    • <div>Some text<p>More text</p></div> generate an anonymous block box around "Some text"
    • <p>Some <em>emphasized</em> text</p> generate anonymous inline boxes around "some" and "text"
    • when an inline box contains block boxes, split the inline box into anonymous block boxes.(demo)
  3. Any boxes in normal flow will be part of a formatting context, includes
    • Block formatting context(BFC) for block boxes
    • Inline formatting context(IFC) for inline boxes
  4. Block boxes are laid out in a BFC(a new and separate block flow layout), which is created by
    • The root element of the document (<html>)
    • Floats (elements where float isn't none)
    • Absolutely positioned elements
    • Inline-blocks (elements with display: inline-block;).
    • Block elements where overflow has a value other than visible and clip.
    • ...
  5. BFCs cannot interfere with other BFCs
    • Vertical margins between adjacent block boxes collapse in the same BFC
    • A floated box only affect other elements in the same BFC
    • Contains floated boxes (Floated box is taken out of the containing box, but still within the BFC)
  6. Inline boxes are laid out in an IFC, which is created by
    • A block container box that contains no block boxes
    • In blink, it was created by adding anonymous block boxes
  7. Relative positioning(position: relative;)
    • Boxes will be laid out according to the normal flow, and then shifted relative to itself(normal position)
    • Reserve its normal position, so the size and position of other elements remain unchanged
    • The vertical offset from its normal position is specified by top and bottom
    • The horizontal offset from its normal position is specified by left and right

Float and Absolute

  1. Float(float: left;)
    • A floated box is shifted to the left or right until
      • its outer edge touches the containing block edge
      • or the outer edge of another float (can be prohibited by clear)
    • A floated box is not in the normal flow
      • other boxes in flow will be laid out normally as if the floated box did not exist
      • a block box with only floated boxes inside has zero height.(demo)
    • A floated box will create a new BFC for inner boxes
    • A floated box only affect other boxes in the same BFC
    • A BFC box will increase its height to contains participated floated boxes.(demo)
  2. Absolute(position: absolute; | position: fixed;)
    • An absolutely positioned box is explicitly offset with respect to its containing block, which is
      • the padding edge of the nearest positioned ancestor (position value is anything but static)
      • or the initial containing block (<html>)
      • viewport for fixed positioned box
    • An absolutely positioned box is not in the normal flow
    • An absolutely positioned box create a new BFC for inner boxes


  1. A Complete Guide to Flexbox

Layered Presentation

Each box also lie along a "z-axis"

  • each box belongs to one stacking context
  • each box in a given stacking context has an integer stack level and stacked accordingly
  1. A stacking context is formed as following
    • Root element of the document (<html>)
    • Positioned box and z-index value other than auto
    • Element with a opacity value less than 1
    • ...
  2. The stack level of the box is specified by z-index value
    • only applies to positioned boxes(position other than static)
    • positive values: boxes with a larger z-index cover those with a smaller one
    • default auto value: the stack level is 0
    • negative values: stacked behind the boxes with auto value
  3. Layers in each stacking context
    • Root (current stacking context)
      • the background and borders of the element forming the stacking context.
    • Negative Stack Level (most negative first)
      • the child stacking contexts with negative stack levels
    • Blocks in flow
      • the in-flow, non-inline-level, non-positioned descendants.
    • Floats
      • the non-positioned floats (float: left)
    • Inlines in flow
      • the in-flow, inline-level, non-positioned descendants
      • inline tables
      • inline blocks
    • 0 Stack Level
      • the child stacking contexts with stack level 0 (opacity: 0.1;)
      • the positioned descendants with stack level 0 (position: relative;)
    • Positive Stack Level (least positive first) (position: relative; z-index: 10;)
      • the child stacking contexts with positive stack levels