Milestone reached: Successfully grabbing data off of the CAN bus and transmitting it
Created a CAN ISR that updates testStats every time CAN data becomes available
Fixed a bug where sending no data would result in sending invalid json (just the "}" character in the HTTP body)
Made testStats volatile-qualified
Refactored TelemetryData to wrap the entire array of data
It would be nice to ensure that the getDouble(), getBool(), and getUInt() methods of TelemetryData don't return data if it is not present. But I don't know the best way to implement this without the ability to use exceptions.
I don't completely understand why the member funcitons of TelemetryData have to be volatile-qualified, and why, when giving a function a volatile-qualified parameter, it becomes a reference.
First time reliably(ish) sending more data.
Refactored the structs used to represent the data we're sending
Check that the modem is associated with the network before sending data
Improve the read() function and refactor the rxBuffer
There's nothing protecting requestBuffer (for our http request) from overflowing. As you extend the program, make sure REQUEST_BUFFER_SIZE is big enough in Telemetry_Transmitter.ino.
If you're not getting a response try getting a better signal (e.g. going outside)
Sometimes the XBee fills up the Arduino's serial buffer faster than we read it, and bytes are lost. In the future, we will need to speed up the reading, possibly by removing some debug statements. For now, this isn't mission critical.
First time successfully posting from Arduino.
Create the initial XBee library:
- Shutting down gracefully (important)
- Sending, receiving, verifying packets in general using API mode
- Sending TCP packets
Sent some test data to the Google Cloud server
Create MonitoredSerial class to help debug communication between Arduino and XBee