Packages viewer & Mirrors status used by KaOS
Required : Go ≥ 1.19, sqlite3
go build -o pmanager pmanager.go
Configuration is set at first launch of pmanager. It is located at /etc/pmanager/pmanager.conf.
Configuration variables :
- main section :
- debug : (0|1) → Displays more output informations on debug and display not minified json
- viewurl : URL of the frontend package viewer
- repourl : Main repository
- giturl : base URL of the git repository
- logfile : file descriptor where to store the log (can be a file path, stdout (for standard output) or stderr (for standard error))
- database section :
- uri : file path of the sqlite file
- repository section :
- basedir : local folder where the packages repositories are stored
- include : subfolders to include from analysis on update repositories databases action
- exclude : subfolders to exclude from analysis on update repositories databases action
- extension : suffix of the files where are stored packages informations of a repository
- api section :
- port : port where the webserver api is launched
- pagination : default number of results to return at a request
- smtp section :
- host : smtp server
- port : port of the smtp (usually 587 or 465)
- use_encryption : (1|0) if 1, send email through STARTTLS
- user : smtp user
- password : smtp password
- send_to : email address where the flag notifications are sent
- send_from : email address used for the field “From:” of the notification emails
- mirror section :
- main_mirror : base URL of the main mirror
- mirrorlist : file where the list of the mirrors are set (can be a remote url or a locale file path)
- pacmanconf : pacman configuration file (used to get the repos list – can be a remote url or a locale file path)
- update-repos : update the packages repositories database
- update-mirrors : update the mirrors status database
- update-all : update repos & mirrors
- serve : launch the webserver API (needed for the frontend)
- flag : launch an interactive prompt to manage the flagged packages
- test-mail : used to check the email configuration
All commands can be launched with the following options :
- --debug : force the debug mode whatever the configuration
- --no-debug : remove the debug mode whatever the configuration
- --log : override the log destination with the given file descriptor