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File metadata and controls

280 lines (155 loc) · 9.93 KB


  1. Initialize a Git Repository:

    • git init: Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory.
  2. Clone a Repository:

    • git clone [repository_url]: Creates a copy of a remote Git repository on your local machine.
  3. Status and Information:

    • git status: Shows the status of your working directory and staged changes.
    • git log: Displays the commit history.
    • git branch: Lists all branches in the repository.
    • git remote -v: Lists remote repositories associated with your local repository.
  4. Adding and Committing Changes:

    • git add [file(s)]: Adds changes to the staging area in preparation for a commit.
    • git commit -m "Commit message": Commits staged changes with a descriptive message.
  5. Branching and Merging:

    • git branch [branch_name]: Creates a new branch.
    • git checkout [branch_name]: Switches to an existing branch.
    • git merge [branch_name]: Merges changes from one branch into the current branch.
    • git branch -d [branch_name]: Deletes a branch.
  6. Remote Repositories:

    • git remote add [name] [repository_url]: Adds a remote repository with a custom name.
    • git push [remote_name] [branch_name]: Pushes local commits to a remote repository.
    • git pull [remote_name] [branch_name]: Fetches and merges changes from a remote repository.
  7. Undoing Changes:

    • git reset [file]: Unstages changes for a specific file.
    • git reset --hard [commit_id]: Resets the working directory and staging area to a specific commit.
  8. Working with Tags:

    • git tag [tag_name]: Creates a lightweight tag at the current commit.
    • git tag -a [tag_name] -m "Tag message": Creates an annotated tag with a message.
    • git push --tags: Pushes tags to a remote repository.
  9. Git Help:

    • git --help: Displays the built-in Git documentation.
    • git [command] --help: Shows help for a specific Git command (e.g., git commit --help).
  10. Configuration:

    • git config --global "Your Name": Sets your Git username globally.
    • git config --global "[email protected]": Sets your Git email globally.

These are some of the most common Git commands to get you started. Remember to replace [repository_url], [branch_name], [file], [commit_id], and [tag_name] with the appropriate values for your specific use case.

Assignment Title: Git Version Control Basics

Objective: Gain practical experience with Git version control by completing the following tasks.


Task 1: Setup and Configuration

  1. Install Git on your computer if it's not already installed. You can download Git from

  2. Open a terminal or command prompt and configure your Git username and email globally using the following commands (replace "Your Name" and "[email protected]" with your actual name and email):

    git config --global "Your Name"
    git config --global [email protected]
  3. Use the git config --list command to verify your Git configuration. Take a screenshot of the terminal showing the configuration and submit it.

Task 2: Creating a Repository

  1. Create a new directory on your computer called "GitAssignment."

  2. Navigate to the "GitAssignment" directory using the terminal.

  3. Initialize a Git repository in this directory using the git init command.

  4. Create a new text file named "" in this directory.

  5. Add some text content (e.g., a brief description of your assignment) to the "" file.

  6. Use git status to check the status of your repository. Take a screenshot of the terminal showing the status and submit it.

Task 3: Committing Changes

  1. Add the "" file to the staging area using the git add command.

  2. Commit the changes to the repository with a meaningful commit message using the git commit command.

  3. Use git log to view the commit history. Take a screenshot of the terminal displaying the commit history and submit it.

Task 4: Creating and Switching Branches

  1. Create a new branch named "feature-branch" using the git branch command.

  2. Switch to the "feature-branch" using the git checkout or git switch command.

  3. Add a new file named "feature.txt" to this branch.

  4. Commit the "feature.txt" file to the "feature-branch."

  5. Use git log --oneline --graph --all to visualize the branch history. Take a screenshot of the terminal showing the branch history and submit it.

Task 5: Merging Branches

  1. Switch back to the main branch (usually called "main" or "master") using git checkout or git switch.

  2. Merge the changes from the "feature-branch" into the main branch using the git merge command.

  3. Resolve any merge conflicts if they occur.

  4. Commit the merge.

  5. Use git log --oneline --graph --all again to visualize the updated branch history. Take a screenshot of the terminal showing the updated branch history and submit it.

Submission 1:

  1. Create a zip file containing all the screenshots and any additional files used for the assignment.

  2. Write a brief summary of your experience with Git, mentioning any challenges you faced and how you overcame them.

  3. Submit the zip file and summary

Assignment Title: Git Collaboration and Workflow

Objective: Gain hands-on experience with Git collaboration workflows by completing the following tasks.


Task 1: Forking and Cloning

  1. Visit a public GitHub repository of your choice (e.g., an open-source project).

  2. Fork the repository to create your own copy on GitHub.

  3. Clone your forked repository to your local machine using the git clone command.

  4. Verify that the clone was successful by navigating to the cloned repository directory in your terminal.

Task 2: Branching and Collaboration

  1. Create a new branch in your local repository. Name it "feature-implementation."

  2. Add a new file named "feature.txt" to this branch and write some content in it.

  3. Commit the "feature.txt" file to the branch with a meaningful commit message.

  4. Push this branch to your forked repository on GitHub using the git push command.

  5. Create a Pull Request (PR) from your "feature-implementation" branch to the original repository's main branch (or an appropriate branch) on GitHub.

  6. Add a description to your PR explaining the changes.

Task 3: Review and Merge

  1. Ask a friend or classmate to review your Pull Request. If you don't have someone to review it, you can use a secondary GitHub account to simulate a review.

  2. Have the reviewer comment on your PR, suggesting improvements or acknowledging its quality.

  3. Make any necessary updates to your branch based on the reviewer's feedback.

  4. Commit these updates and push them to your branch on GitHub.

  5. Request another review from the same person or a different individual.

  6. After receiving approval (or simulating it), merge the Pull Request on GitHub.

Task 4: Fetch and Sync

  1. In your local repository, switch back to the main branch.

  2. Use the git fetch command to check for updates from the original repository.

  3. Create a new branch named "sync-branch" from the main branch.

  4. Merge the latest changes from the original repository's main branch into your "sync-branch."

  5. Commit the merge, and push the "sync-branch" to your forked repository on GitHub.

Submission 2:

  1. Provide the URL to your forked repository on GitHub.

  2. Include the link to the Pull Request you created in Task 2.

  3. Describe the feedback you received from the reviewer(s) in Task 3 and how you addressed it.

  4. Summarize the steps you took to sync your repository with the original repository in Task 4.

Assignment Title: Git Remote and Collaboration

Objective: Gain practical experience with remote repositories and collaboration using Git.


Task 1: Forking a Repository

  1. Choose a public GitHub repository | Assignment directory:

  2. Fork the selected repository to create your own copy on GitHub.

  3. Provide the URL to your forked repository on GitHub.

Task 2: Clone and Set Up

  1. Clone your forked repository to your local machine using the git clone command.

  2. Configure your local repository to track the original repository as a remote:

    git remote add upstream [original_repository_url]

    Replace [original_repository_url] with the URL of the original repository.

Task 3: Fetching Updates

  1. In your local repository, fetch the latest changes from the original repository using:

    git fetch upstream
  2. Create a new branch in your local repository named "update-branch":

    git checkout -b update-branch
  3. Merge the changes from the original repository's main branch into your "update-branch":

    git merge upstream/main

Task 4: Collaborative Work

  1. Make a meaningful code contribution or improvement to the project (e.g., fix a bug, add a feature).

  2. Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message.

  3. Push your "update-branch" to your forked repository on GitHub:

    git push origin update-branch
  4. Create a Pull Request (PR) from your "update-branch" to the original repository's main branch on GitHub.

  5. Provide the URL to your PR on GitHub.

Task 5: Review and Merge

  1. Review at least one open Pull Request in the original repository (submitted by another contributor). Leave a constructive comment or review.

  2. If your PR receives comments or review feedback, make necessary updates and respond to comments.

  3. After receiving approval or addressing feedback, have your PR merged into the original repository.

Submission 3:

  1. Provide the URL to your forked repository on GitHub.

  2. Include the URL to your Pull Request in Task 4.

  3. Describe the changes you made in your code contribution (Task 4) and your experience with the review process (Task 5).