Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) needed to introduce new website as option to garbage collection. Mainly there has Admin, Captain (Manager), Volunteers, Staff. Public members can log into this site and they can see articles in the website posted by admin and garbage collection spots. If anyone likes to join with us they can Sign Up freely and after they add into our site as volunteer and Out of these, one is selected as captain by admin. Members of the CMCSCS get an account after register in our site and they can change their own profile picture and account password, If forgot password then he/she can reset the password using email but they should remember their username. After click on forget password will appear form to fill after filling that form we send link to their email and they can visit to that link and will appear new window and they create new password. Volunteer can report about thrown away garbage and can select level of garbage and set that location and also they can take pictures and upload as well as they can explain the impact of throwing garbage. Manager can check about that incident and he/she need to verify it after verify it garbage trucks can collect them. If anyone cleaned that place before us volunteer can delete or update him/her post before approving post by captain because staff can only clean that place after approving it by captain. Captains have to check volunteers post are they true or not after checking he/she can approved it. If volunteer put Level of garbage wrongly by mistaking, captain can change that garbage level and verify it. If some volunteer post wrong information, captain can delete it. Staff can collect garbage, after report accepting by captain. Garbage collection staff can identify garbage collection spots approved by captain on a map and they also can see articles posted by admin. After cleaning that place staff can mark it as completed and also they can upload a picture after cleaning that place. There should be an Administrator and he/she can create accounts for the captain, volunteer and for the garbage collecting staff. Admin can post articles about garbage and he/she can add garbage collection spots and garbage location on the map. Admin has dashboard and from that admin can see pending cleaning places and orders to have approve and total cleaned points have they done and number of members. Admin can change job type of the members. As an example admin can appoint volunteer as captain (can change job role). Anyone can send messages such as complains or new ideas to improve our site, to the admin via blog and admin can read that all and if need to reply to someone admin can do it. Admin has power to block an account and remove member and if some volunteer post wrong information admin can take an action against to that member. In the below mention access level in the system
- Administrator
- Captain
- Volunteer
- Staff
- Public
We used Laravel 5.7 version PHP framework, it created by Taylor Otwell. Laravel is simple framework to learn and use and also easily we could to access MVC architecture.Laravel’s Eloquent Query Builder used to interact with database which is built on Bootstrap 4 using jQuery and CK Editor
MySQL used for the database system and in additionally we used two themes such as
Admin-LTE: used to create admin dashboard and it get from the Github.
Fantom Blog Theame: used to create blog
- Clone:
Note : Replace Google Map Api Key
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\1.jpg)
This is the first view of the web site. If anyone log into the site they can see this page at the beginning. Some articles about garbage throwing including in there, anyone can see those articles.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\1.1.jpg)
This page include contact details and on this page has Send Message button if anyone needs to put a complaint or new ideas he/she can send message clicking on that button.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\1.2.jpg)
This page shows garbage collection spots. Those locations add by admin. Public people can put garbage in this area and then garbage trucks collect them.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\2.jpg)
If anyone needs to join with us as a volunteer he/she can sign up filling this form. This form required some details such as name, e-mail address etc.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\3.jpg)
This is the login page. Members can log into the system using their username and password if he/she already registered member. If any member forgets him/ her password he/ she can reset the password clicking on Forgot Password.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\19.jpg)
This is the main dashboard of Admin. Admin can see list of pending to clean, number of members, numbers of points already cleaned, number of volunteers to have approve, latest registered member list, list of posted articles.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\20.jpg)
Using this UI Admin can change job type of members, can block members profile, can view members profile and can delete member profile.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\21.jpg)
Using above UI Admin can add users to the system and can categories them as volunteer, captain or staff. But admin cannot add another admin because the system has only one admin.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\22.jpg)
Amin can post articles about recycling garbage and that articles shows on the above page in descending g order. Admin can delete or update that posted articles as well.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\23.jpg)
Using the above UI admin can post articles after filling required details. In here we have used text editor.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\24.jpg)
On the above UI shows e-mail service. We try to make email service among the members. This is already work email service among the admins. In this case we have to develop this is in the future.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\26.jpg)
In every site has contact page, we also have contact page in the above UI shows it. Anyone can send messages to us and admin can read that messages using this UI.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\4.1.jpg)
If volunteer needs to edit him/her profile him/her can use this page and change profile picture, password etc. But volunteer cannot change him/her job title.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\5.jpg)
Volunteer can report about thrown away garbage using this page and he/she can upload picture and also location on this page after can submit it.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\7.1.jpg)
Volunteer can report incidents about throwing away garbage and volunteer can add garbage volume and can add pictures and especially need to submit location also.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\7.jpg)
Volunteer can check all locations submitted by him/ herself on the map using this page. Volunteer can remove it if him/ her needs.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\10.jpg)
If volunteer delete a location then appear message and ask “are you sure the delete this location” and we confirmed volunteer need to delete it surely
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\16.jpg)
This is captain view. In there is shows pending list to have approved by captain. On the map there have some markers with different colors and from that markers shows level of garbage. Red color shows in that place have lot of garbage and green color shows medium, and yellow color shows low garbage level.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\17.jpg)
This is profile of a user. User log in to the system will appear this UI. If user needs to edit him/ her profile then user can change it on this page.
![](/KavinduTheekshana/RubbishProject/raw/master/public\Screen Shot\18.jpg)
Staff member can see garbage locations on this page and remove garbage from that place. After removing that garbage member can mark job status as completed. After mark it as completed then all the job status of members displays updated as completed.
Feel free to contact me via Linkedin