All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- state bucket (commit by @kpblmMik)6c7b5dc
- build app (commit by @kpblmMik)2e87391
- mystery change (commit by @kpblmMik)
- add mocked firebase-admin in auth-unittest (commit by @Onben)37f518c
- test the pipeline auth-unittest (commit by @Onben)03f47c2
- test the pipline build-deploy-and-sync-s3 (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- added tf state bucket (commit by @kpblmMik)c7527a0
- added tf state bucket (commit by @kpblmMik)1aed6a0
- adjusted home page to easy swithc between video variants (commit by @kpblmMik)
- adjusted destroy job configuration (commit by @kpblmMik)64c3468
- adjusted destroy job configuration (commit by @kpblmMik)ceaddb3
- adjusted destroy job configuration (commit by @kpblmMik)73757ce
- adjusted destroy job configuration (commit by @kpblmMik)663310c
- adjusted destroy job configuration (commit by @kpblmMik)168ec73
- adjusted destroy job configuration (commit by @kpblmMik)4c0b35d
- logging GoogleAuth (commit by @Mone19)45bc750
- logging GoogleAuth (commit by @Mone19)
- replaced video on homepage (commit by @kpblmMik)182a809
- state bucket (commit by @kpblmMik)a43d876
- state bucket (commit by @kpblmMik)705b9b0
- chaged video on homepage (commit by @kpblmMik)b0acaa9
- chaged video on homepage (commit by @kpblmMik)7bd4403
- added state bucket for helm chart release (commit by @kpblmMik)
- Release new version of BlogDashboard-chart (commit by @Sadek-Murad)dfec1cb
- Release new version of BlogDashboard-chart (commit by @Sadek-Murad)d77cb36
- added tf state bucket (commit by @kpblmMik)b4a11fe
- has been modified (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- text revised (commit by @Mone19)82dd44f
- build frontend with last changes (commit by @kpblmMik)
- test the chart.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)bd3bc9d
- change the targetCPUUtilizationPercentage to 20 (commit by @Sadek-Murad)0865b6e
- changed animation on home page (commit by @kpblmMik)61a39be
- check if bucket exists (commit by @kpblmMik)fa87dd0
- replace homepage video (commit by @kpblmMik)1441b8a
- replace homepage video (commit by @kpblmMik)d064ec0
- replace homepage video (commit by @kpblmMik)5949497
- replace homepage video (commit by @kpblmMik)312a19f
- replace homepage video (commit by @kpblmMik)5e537db
- replace homepage video (commit by @kpblmMik)29dc798
- test the release chart (commit by @Sadek-Murad)ce2b20d
- test the release chart (commit by @Sadek-Murad)7598901
- test the release chart (commit by @Sadek-Murad)c5d6860
- test the release chart (commit by @Sadek-Murad)4d3c3de
- test the chart release.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- new chart release has been added (commit by @Sadek-Murad)1e92a98
- new chart release has been added (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- hpa.yaml has been added (commit by @Sadek-Murad)58afe8b
- hpa.yaml has been added (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- corrected trivy scan step to build and push pipeline (commit by @kpblmMik)1e07ce9
- corrected trivy scan step to build and push pipeline (commit by @kpblmMik)88d98a1
- corrected trivy scan step to build and push pipeline (commit by @kpblmMik)
- test the s3 pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- the orgin has been changend (commit by @Sadek-Murad)92f98be
- combined build and test pipelines (commit by @kpblmMik)
- favicon create and test (commit by @Mone19)a202555
- correct some issues and try to ignore coverage files in sonar (commit by @Onben)76e8ed9
- correct some issues in comment and post tests (commit by @Onben)bcaa2f4
- remove unused import (commit by @Onben)809f4ca
- remove unused import (commit by @Onben)
- the orgin has been changend (commit by @Sadek-Murad)0fda047
- changed cors origin to (commit by @kpblmMik)
- Initial commit on gh-pages branch (commit by @Sadek-Murad)f3164b5
- release-chart has been created (commit by @Sadek-Murad)fc39fdc
- prometheus-stack-grafana has been added (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- all Post (commit by @Mone19)39836dc
- in Home only 6 Cards (commit by @Mone19)59b28a2
- only see 8 Cards (commit by @Mone19)bcf35f0
- responsive (commit by @Mone19)bdd23b2
- comments deleted (commit by @Mone19)28f2b03
- changed cors origin to (commit by @kpblmMik)
- add the unittest for microservice auth (commit by @Onben)088449e
- test if the tets is passed after push (commit by @Onben)604c4af
- add unittest for ms user (commit by @Onben)ea67dfe
- add unittests for post and comment (commit by @Onben)f615186
- add more tests for user microservice (commit by @Onben)4c73b77
- add tests to post and comment tests (commit by @Onben)d3bc3b8
- add pipeline for unit tests (commit by @Onben)fbebbf9
- add pipeline for unit tests (commit by @Onben)615450b
- add pipeline for unit tests (commit by @Onben)f6320a9
- add pipeline for unit tests (commit by @Onben)1c840ef
- add pipeline for unit tests (commit by @Onben)307ecf3
- add pipeline for unit tests (commit by @Onben)269387c
- add pipeline for unit tests (commit by @Onben)aa41b03
- update pipeline for unit tests (commit by @Onben)f97a204
- update pipeline for unit tests (commit by @Onben)02e1595
- see if conflicts exitst between main and unittest (commit by @Onben)b261246
- update unit tests (commit by @Onben)db968d0
- update unit tests (commit by @Onben)2ed0dae
- add coverage to pipelines for unit tests (commit by @Onben)0cfa0ae
- update pipelines for unit tests (commit by @Onben)b68de22
- update pipelines for unit tests (commit by @Onben)40e870a
- update pipelines for unit tests (commit by @Onben)31e5f37
- update pipelines for unit tests (commit by @Onben)5961bdc
- update pipelines for unit tests (commit by @Onben)b0615a3
- update pipelines for unit tests (commit by @Onben)d464292
- update pipelines for unit tests (commit by @Onben)0acefe0
- update package.json (commit by @Onben)132694a
- update package-lock.json (commit by @Onben)b7e4ee6
- test the chart-release.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)c033ed6
- test the chart-release.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)59ef7e6
- test the chart-release.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)ccf0d4e
- test the chart-release.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)f63e2b9
- test the chart-release.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)b4e091e
- test the chart-release.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)29e65d1
- test the chart-release.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)3a6d586
- test the pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)50bee7d
- test the pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)7b6a8f9
- test the pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)13d878f
- test the pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)df666fd
- test the pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)9b6ef0f
- test the pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)30e2b46
- test the pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)0f8496a
- test the pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)acc753b
- test the pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)31deb05
- test the pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)7c7e1c8
- test the chart yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)ff96ba6
- test the chart yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)32c2137
- test the chart yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)d0e783a
- test the chart yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)8654a62
- release-chart has been created (commit by @Sadek-Murad)a62dda2
- test the chart.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)965a933
- test the chart.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)2f3b17f
- test the chart.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)deb1dc2
- test the chart.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)97fe659
- test the chart.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)0d8aaeb
- test the chart.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)556898a
- test the chart.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)8aa423b
- test the chart.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)c0847b0
- test the chart.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)925621a
- test unit tests pipeline in main (commit by @Onben)1e1f429
- test unit tests pipeline in main (commit by @Onben)efa6191
- test the backend domain (commit by @Sadek-Murad)011904f
- test the backend domain (commit by @Sadek-Murad)a29ebb5
- test the build-deploy-and-sync-s3.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)0e12632
- test the build-deploy-and-sync-s3.yaml (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- added (commit by @kpblmMik)c99930d
- gh-pages branch has been created (commit by @Sadek-Murad)045cf5c
- Add CI/CD workflow for Docker build, push and Helm chart release (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- terraform has been updated (commit by @Sadek-Murad)109ca61
- commits (commit by @Mone19)e038f63
- has been updated (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- test the s3 pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)467f20f
- test the s3 pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)413c5ba
- test the s3 pipline (commit by @Sadek-Murad)a5315fa
- test the s3 pipline on the merge branch before merge on main (commit by @Sadek-Murad)858cace
- test the s3 pipline on main (commit by @Sadek-Murad)86b9dcb
- test the argro localy (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- added eks cluster pipeline and terraform files (commit by @kpblmMik)5496f5b
- post-deplyment.yaml has been added (commit by @Sadek-Murad)2daf1d1
- post-deplyment.yaml has been added (commit by @Sadek-Murad)98eb322
- post-deplyment.yaml has been added (commit by @Sadek-Murad)963acbb
- user-deplyment.yaml has been added (commit by @Sadek-Murad)46d39db
- added cors in each microservice (commit by @kpblmMik)
- added wait condition in (commit by @kpblmMik)279abbd
- terraform.ymal has been changend (commit by @Sadek-Murad)19ff264
- corrected argocd patch and login (commit by @kpblmMik)1d75a87
- corrected argocd patch and login (commit by @kpblmMik)1a90bba
- edited user template in helm chart (commit by @kpblmMik)804a8a0
- adjust values.yml and auth yaml files in helm chart (commit by @Onben)1f8efa6
- edited ingress.tpl (commit by @kpblmMik)21e4db3
- resolved conflict in user (commit by @kpblmMik)cafe87b
- path corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)4d71cab
- correct syntax error in value.yaml (commit by @Onben)1510f12
- correct some syntax errors in auth.deployment.yml (commit by @Onben)bbc3bdd
- adjust auth in values.yaml (commit by @Onben)3b492fa
- user-yaml has been changend (commit by @Sadek-Murad)e30b787
- user-yaml has been changend (commit by @Sadek-Murad)941d5d2
- user-yaml has been changend (commit by @Sadek-Murad)463c0f4
- k8s-yaml has been changend (commit by @Sadek-Murad)c9836ff
- helm.yaml has updated (commit by @Sadek-Murad)d89a08a
- helm.yaml has updated (commit by @Sadek-Murad)2a6aae6
- secre.yamh has been added (commit by @Sadek-Murad)b3bad2d
- vite.config corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)
- pipline build-deploy-and-sync-s3.yaml test (commit by @Sadek-Murad)7fc90d3
- added base api variable in frontend (commit by @kpblmMik)f7a7315
- added base api variable in frontend (commit by @kpblmMik)ce0672f
- added base api variable in frontend (commit by @kpblmMik)a36a739
- added base api variable in frontend (commit by @kpblmMik)9f8cfa1
- k8s pods test (commit by @Sadek-Murad)f92fd42
- k8s pods test (commit by @Sadek-Murad)66c8f44
- s3 pipline test (commit by @Sadek-Murad)5ea86c0
- s3 mit eks verbinden (commit by @kpblmMik)246f187
- s3 mit eks verbinden (commit by @kpblmMik)
- solve merge conflicts in pull in main (commit by @Onben)9b7e42e
- solve merge conflicts (commit by @Onben)3c2135b
- adjusted build-and-push-images.yaml for 3 microservices (commit by @kpblmMik)3d016b1
- Corrected build-and-push-images.yaml (commit by @kpblmMik)
- s3 sync pipeline (commit by @kpblmMik)61a10c4
- added region secret (commit by @kpblmMik)669f0c9
- corrected feature name in pipeline (commit by @kpblmMik)bc51029
- added variable in pipeline (commit by @kpblmMik)60391af
- added terraform to pipeline (commit by @kpblmMik)4c70c0a
- corrected tf (commit by @kpblmMik)e7d23cf
- corrected tf (commit by @kpblmMik)e6000e7
- corrected tf (commit by @kpblmMik)c529fec
- corrected tf (commit by @kpblmMik)615e3e8
- corrected tf (commit by @kpblmMik)3f2eb55
- corrected tf (commit by @kpblmMik)ab164fb
- corrected tf (commit by @kpblmMik)0d4f4a5
- corrected tf (commit by @kpblmMik)541b403
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)5c3a5b0
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)da05f4e
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)d7b4ec3
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)a359e06
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)a68340d
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)8a10eb1
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)0e9f9f3
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)efd2d34
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)7a24461
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)4ccb7e3
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)73cf126
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)43f903b
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)7bb0ed7
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)59b46ec
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)1f893df
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)17e70d4
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)e905602
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)0ddf4da
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)2b2bca5
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)61fb491
- tf corrected (commit by @kpblmMik)393f0b3
- added destroy.yaml (commit by @kpblmMik)37017ee
- added destroy.yaml (commit by @kpblmMik)ca2c035
- adjusted pipeline for manual destroy job (commit by @kpblmMik)8d51227
- added check if bucket exists job and conditions (commit by @kpblmMik)cea7c24
- added check if bucket exists job and conditions (commit by @kpblmMik)a2715dc
- adjusted pipeline for manual destroy job (commit by @kpblmMik)3db4754
- adjusted pipeline for manual destroy job (commit by @kpblmMik)b544137
- added eks-cluster.yaml and (commit by @kpblmMik)de067a3
- added eks-cluster.yaml (commit by @kpblmMik)2a4c89f
- chmod (commit by @kpblmMik)fae75b0
- build-deploy-and-sync-s3 has been added (commit by @Mone19)
- new link to Profilepicture (commit by @Mone19)9a6887e
- new link to Blogpicture (commit by @Mone19)6036f8e
- delete unused images (commit by @Mone19)cfe5382
- new link to Userpicture (commit by @Mone19)5e1d03b
- new link to blogpicture (commit by @Mone19)be42846
- build-deploy-and-sync-s3.yaml has been updated (commit by @Sadek-Murad)
- add microservice comment (89b68b7)
- add microservice post (65073c5)
- changelog has been added (79e5b83)
- changelog has been added (c81b1bf)
- changelog has been updated (2f88893)
- changelog has been updated (81ae70d)
- changelog has been updated (f856232)
- changelog has been updated (00f4b2e)
- changelog has been updated (ec71682)
- changelog has been updated (95ece19)
- husky has been added (7a3f98d)
- husky has been added (1fd9f31)
- husky has been added (87a67c5)
- husky has been added (04969cd)
- husky has been added (91146db)
- husky has been added (4108dd6)
- husky has been added (1547692)
- mircoserivce has been added (9a3c740)
- test readme (18cd157)
- .env has added to the commen and post (11204d3)
- Anpassung der Fehlermeldungen (ecb2902)
- corrected empty comment.route.js and index.js in comment (fe44508)
- corrected index.js (998c252)
- Fehlerbezeichnung angepasst backend (486df3f)
- Fehlermeldungen angepasst (8b8c7ab)
- Fehlermeldungen angepasst backend (ec2c3c7)
- Fehlermeldungen erweitert und verbessert (6f9b6c2)
- Kommentarseite wurde Verlinkung zum Beitrag hinzugefügt (1cf3ddb)
- Route erweitert (d5e5360)
- routes comment has been added in the frontend (7f9c171)
- routes has modifed (efe14e4)
- Schema angepasst (133d47d)
- SignUp registrierung Routen aktualisiert (5429ef5) [v1.0.1]: [v1.1.0]: [v1.1.1]: [v1.2.0]: [v1.2.9]: [v1.2.10]: [v1.2.11]: [v1.2.12]: [v1.2.13]: [v1.2.14]: [v1.2.15]: [v1.2.16]: [v1.2.17]: [v1.2.18]: [v1.3.0]: [v1.3.1]: [v1.3.2]: [v1.3.3]: