By design it extensible and new features can be added easily
Restriction features are not bundled into main code and can be extended separately. Available as API for doing checks from other plugin parts
Trigger events are splitted to separate classes and can do:
Label: added, removed, exists
PR states: closed, opened, commit changed
Comment triggering
UI/configuration changes:
No tones of checkboxes
Trigger section contains only configuration related to triggering
All messages configurable
Publishers are in post-build actions:
slitted to separate publishers to have ability choose required order
Set build status. Job can configured to not set PR statuses
Add labels
Remove labels
Close PR
Post comment with TokenMacro and Groovy Templates from email-ext-plugin support
Trigger check modes:
Cron checks with persistence
Hooks with persistence
Hooks with persistance and periodic cron check (to avoid lost events)
(TBD) Light hooks triggering without persisting state (penalty: lost events)
Built sources variants:
Build only merged state. Note: merged to target branch only in moment when PR was built.
Build only 'head' state. This is what is really contains in PR without merge to target branch.
Conditional build with
. When PR is mergeable it contains 'merge' word and 'head' when not.
Persisted state is stored near build configuration in
file to exclude useless saves with jobConfigHistory-plugin -
All input variables starts from
Refspec for git-plugin is not hardcoded, branch specifier can be constructed using input variables
Configuration and code tried to be workflow friendly
Supports workflow-plugin
Integrates with block-queued-job-plugin. Allows create gatekeeping.
Integrated with github-plugin optimized/reused code for:
searching projects
using one hook url
almost one Global Configuration
reused credentials lookup
Integrates with job-dsl-plugin example of Pull Request triggering configuration and Branch triggering configuration