bug fix - inject and resolve across multiple containers now works correctly
improvement - functions that can't be resolved in static or scoped lifecycles immediately will be once all dependencies become available
feature - add a way to register function as value without a wrapper
NPM modules
don't auto-backfill dependencies from NPM anymore, it's kinda gross
provide ability to grab an "ambient" module from the require cache
#10 - Calls to previously resolved scope/key pairs return promises for consistency
#7 - Add better error reporting - include all unresolvable keys
#6 - Export canResolve to allow consumers to check in advance
Backfill dependencies from NPM modules when available
Add support for bulk registration
Fix bug where things like sinon.stub cause dependency check to throw an exception
When a function's dependencies cannot be resolved, return the function rather than throw an exception
You can’t perform that action at this time.