Install Docker
Pull the required containers as discussed in App Builder (lite container is sufficient for a C build):
docker pull ghcr.io/ledgerhq/ledger-app-builder/ledger-app-builder-lite:latest
Based on Dev Portal
Create container with the image
docker run --rm -ti -v "$(realpath .):/app" --user $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) ghcr.io/ledgerhq/ledger-app-builder/ledger-app-builder-lite:latest
Run make commands
make clean
make all
More make commands are listed in [README.md](../README.md#Make Commands)
Just set BOLOS_SDK
before running make
Don't forget to run make clean
when switching the SDK.
If you choose to use CLion as IDE, you can setup the Docker as toolchain
- Go to Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Toolchains
- Add new Toolchain by clicking + sign (or Alt+Insert)
- Choose Docker, and set
as image - Make sure you set Docker as default toolchain by clicking
button, if there are no other toolchains set, skip this step - Save the changes, reload makefile. After project loads make commands will be listed on up right corner, near the build (hammer) icon