This application allows you to use new commands related to TheHive/Cortex. Every command requires an "Instance ID" parameter which is used to specify which instance needs to be used by the script.
- Commands
- TheHive
- Cortex
This command is used to get cases from TheHive (
One row will result in executing the script one time. So if you specify 5 rows, the script will be executed 5 times and all results will be appended. If not set, no filter will be applied.
- (Optional) keyword: Filter on a specific keyword (Default: *)
- (Optional) status: Filter on a specific status (separated by ";") (Default: *)
- (Optional) severity: Filter on a specific severity (separated by ";") (Default: *)
- (Optional) tags: Filter on a specific tags (separated by ";") (Default: *)
- (Optional) title: Filter on a specific title (Default: *)
- (Optional) assignee: Filter on a specific assignee (separated by ";") (Default: *)
- (Optional) date: Filter on a specific date using the format "$date1$ TO
$date2$ " (Default: *) - (Optional) max_cases: The maximum number of cases to return (Default: 100 or your own default)
- (Optional) sort_cases: The way how your cases are sorted (Default: "-startDate" or your own default)
Note: These parameters are the expected fields name.
This command append new fields per row to previous results. Every new field will start with "thehive_*". As an exemple, you can recover:
- thehive_case_caseId
- thehive_case_createdAt
- thehive_case_createdBy
- thehive_case_customFields
- thehive_case_description
- thehive_case_endDate
- thehive_case_flag
- thehive_case_id
- thehive_case_impactStatus
- thehive_case_metrics
- thehive_case_observables
- thehive_case_owner
- thehive_case_pap
- thehive_case_resolutionStatus
- thehive_case_severity
- thehive_case_startDate
- thehive_case_status
- thehive_case_summary
- thehive_case_tags
- thehive_case_tasks
| makeresults count=1
| thehivecases $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover any case
| makeresults count=1
| eval keyword = ""
| thehivecases $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover any case concerning the keyword ""
| makeresults count=1
| eval status = "Open"
| thehivecases $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover any "Open" case
| makeresults count=1
| eval status = "Open;Resolved"
| thehivecases $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover any "Open" or "Resolved" case
This command is used to get a specific case from TheHive (
| makeresults
| eval case_number = "$case_number$"
| thehivegetcase $$INSTANCE_ID$$
- case_number: Case number to recover (with or without the "#")
This command append new fields per row to previous results. Every new field will start with "thehive_*". As an exemple, you can recover:
- thehive_case_caseId
- thehive_case_createdAt
- thehive_case_createdBy
- thehive_case_customFields
- thehive_case_description
- thehive_case_endDate
- thehive_case_flag
- thehive_case_id
- thehive_case_impactStatus
- thehive_case_metrics
- thehive_case_observables
- thehive_case_owner
- thehive_case_pap
- thehive_case_resolutionStatus
- thehive_case_severity
- thehive_case_startDate
- thehive_case_status
- thehive_case_summary
- thehive_case_tags
- thehive_case_tasks
| makeresults
| eval case_number = "#63"
| thehivegetcase $$INSTANCE_ID$$
This command is used to get alerts from a specific case from TheHive (
| makeresults
| eval case_number = "$case_number$"
| thehivegetalertsfromcase $$INSTANCE_ID$$
- case_number: Case number to recover (with or without the "#")
This command append new fields per row to previous results. Every new field will start with "thehive_*". As an exemple, you can recover:
- thehive_alert_artifacts
- thehive_alert_case
- thehive_alert_caseTemplate
- thehive_alert_createdAt
- thehive_alert_createdBy
- thehive_alert_customFields
- thehive_alert_date
- thehive_alert_description
- thehive_alert_externalLink
- thehive_alert_follow
- thehive_alert_id
- thehive_alert_pap
- thehive_alert_severity
- thehive_alert_similarCases
- thehive_alert_source
- thehive_alert_sourceRef
- thehive_alert_status
- thehive_alert_tags
- thehive_alert_title
- thehive_alert_tlp
- thehive_alert_type
- thehive_alert_updatedAt
- thehive_alert_updatedBy
| makeresults
| eval case_number = "#63"
| thehivegetalertsfromcase $$INSTANCE_ID$$
This command is used to get alerts from TheHive (
| makeresults
| eval type = "$filter_type$", severity = "$filter_severity$", tags = "$filter_tags$", title = "$filter_title$", read = "$filter_read$", source = "$filter_source$", date = "$filter_date_d1$ TO $filter_date_d2$", max_alerts="$max_alerts$", sort_alerts="$sort_alerts$"
| thehivealerts $$INSTANCE_ID$$
One row will result in executing the script one time. So if you specify 5 rows, the script will be executed 5 times and all results will be appended. If not set, no filter will be applied.
- (Optional) type: Filter on a specific type (Default: *)
- (Optional) severity: Filter on a specific severity (separated by ";") (Default: *)
- (Optional) tags: Filter on a specific tags (separated by ";") (Default: *)
- (Optional) title: Filter on a specific title (Default: *)
- (Optional) read: Filter on a specific read status (Default: *)
- (Optional) source: Filter on a specific source (Default: *)
- (Optional) date: Filter on a specific date using the format "$date1$ TO
$date2$ " (Default: *) - (Optional) max_alerts: The maximum number of alerts to return (Default: 100 or your own default)
- (Optional) sort_alerts: The way how your alerts are sorted (Default: "-date" or your own default)
Note: These parameters are the expected fields name.
This command append new fields per row to previous results. Every new field will start with "thehive_*". As an exemple, you can recover:
- thehive_alert_artifacts
- thehive_alert_case
- thehive_alert_caseTemplate
- thehive_alert_createdAt
- thehive_alert_createdBy
- thehive_alert_customFields
- thehive_alert_date
- thehive_alert_description
- thehive_alert_externalLink
- thehive_alert_follow
- thehive_alert_id
- thehive_alert_pap
- thehive_alert_severity
- thehive_alert_similarCases
- thehive_alert_source
- thehive_alert_sourceRef
- thehive_alert_status
- thehive_alert_tags
- thehive_alert_title
- thehive_alert_tlp
- thehive_alert_type
- thehive_alert_updatedAt
- thehive_alert_updatedBy
| makeresults count=1
| thehivealerts $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover any alert
| makeresults count=1
| eval source = "splunk"
| thehivealerts $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover any alert concerning with the source set to "splunk"
| makeresults count=1
| eval read = "1"
| thehivealerts $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover any already read alert
| makeresults count=1
| eval tags = "t1;t2"
| thehivealerts $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover any alert with "t1" or "t2" tag
This command is used to get one specific alert from TheHive (
| makeresults
| eval alert_id = "$alert_id$"
| thehivealerts $$INSTANCE_ID$$
- alert_id: Alert ID to recover (with or without the "~")
This command append new fields per row to previous results. Every new field will start with "thehive_*". As an exemple, you can recover:
- thehive_alert_artifacts
- thehive_alert_case
- thehive_alert_caseTemplate
- thehive_alert_createdAt
- thehive_alert_createdBy
- thehive_alert_customFields
- thehive_alert_date
- thehive_alert_description
- thehive_alert_externalLink
- thehive_alert_follow
- thehive_alert_id
- thehive_alert_pap
- thehive_alert_severity
- thehive_alert_similarCases
- thehive_alert_source
- thehive_alert_sourceRef
- thehive_alert_status
- thehive_alert_tags
- thehive_alert_title
- thehive_alert_tlp
- thehive_alert_type
- thehive_alert_updatedAt
- thehive_alert_updatedBy
| makeresults
| eval alert_id = "~573685784"
| thehivegetalert $$INSTANCE_ID$$
This command is used to get statistics from TheHive generally used in dashboards (
| makeresults
| eval model="$model$", field="$field$"(, _createdAt = "$date$") (, _updatedAt = "$date$") (, filtered_field = "$filtered_field$", filtered_condition = "$filtered_condition$", filtered_values = "$filtered_values$")
| thehivegetstats $$INSTANCE_ID$$
One row will result in executing the script one time. So if you specify 5 rows, the script will be executed 5 times and all results will be appended. If not set, no filter will be applied.
Those parameters are based on what can be set on TheHive dashboards:
- model: Indicates which "Entity" shall be used
- field: Indicates which "Category Field" shall be used
- (Optional) _createdAt: Indicates which period of time shall be considered to filter on the created date (which is the "Period Field" on TheHive)
- (Optional) _updatedAt: Indicates which period of time shall be considered to filter on the updated date (which is the "Period Field" on TheHive)
- (Optional) filtered_field: Indicates the field to filter on
- (Optional) filtered_condition: Indicates the condition to filter on
- (Optional) filtered_values: Indicates the values to filter on
Note: Only one filter is allowed for the Splunk command
Note: These parameters are the expected fields name.
This command append new fields per row to previous results. Every new field will start with "thehive_*". As an exemple, you can recover:
- <field> (the name of the field you selected with the list of values (one per raw))
- count
| makeresults
| eval model="Case", field="assignee", _createdAt = "* TO *"
| thehivegetstats $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover statistics for all cases on the field assignee (no filter)
| makeresults
| eval model="Case", field="assignee", _createdAt = "* TO *" , filtered_field = "tlp", filtered_condition = "any", filtered_values = "1;2"
| thehivegetstats $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover statistics for all cases on the field assignee by filtering on the cases having a TLP set to GREEN or AMBER
| makeresults
| eval model="Observable", field="tlp"
| thehivegetstats $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover statistics for all observables on the field tlp
| makeresults
| eval model="Procedure", field="tactic", _createdAt = "1672527600000 TO 1704150000000"
| thehivegetstats $$INSTANCE_ID$$
# This will recover statistics for all TTPs on the field tactic that were identified in 2023
This command is used to get jobs from Cortex (
| makeresults
| eval data = "$filter_data$", datatypes = "$filter_datatypes$", analyzers = "$filter_analyzers$", max_jobs="$max_jobs$", sort_jobs="$sort_jobs$"
| cortexjobs
One row will result in executing the script one time. So if you specify 5 rows, the script will be executed 5 times and all results will be appended. If not set, no filter will be applied on the jobs history.
- (Optional) data: Specify an exact match string for the data (Default: *)
- (Optional) datatypes: A list of data types to search for separated by a semicolon (Default: *)
- (Optional) analyzers: A list of analyzers name to search for separated by a semicolon (Default: *)
- (Optional) max_jobs: The maximum number of jobs to return (Default: 100 or your own default)
- (Optional) sort_jobs: The way how your jobs are sorted (Default: "-createdAt" or your own default)
Note: These parameters are the expected fields name.
This command append new fields per row to previous results. Every new field will start with "cortex_*". As an exemple, you can recover:
- cortex_job_analyzerDefinitionId
- cortex_job_analyzerId
- cortex_job_analyzerName
- cortex_job_cacheTag
- cortex_job_createdAt
- cortex_job_createdBy
- cortex_job_data
- cortex_job_dataType
- cortex_job_date
- cortex_job_id
- cortex_job_message
- cortex_job_organization
- cortex_job_pap
- cortex_job_parameters
- cortex_job_status
- cortex_job_tlp
- cortex_job_type
- cortex_job_workerDefinitionId
- cortex_job_workerId
- cortex_job_workerName
| makeresults count=1
| cortexjobs
| makeresults count=1
| eval data = ""
| cortexjobs
| makeresults count=1
| eval datatypes = "ip"
| cortexjobs
| makeresults count=1
| eval datatypes = "ip;domain"
| cortexjobs
| makeresults count=1
| eval analyzers = "Abuse_Finder_3_0 ;GoogleDNS_resolve_1_0_0"
| cortexjobs
This command is used to run new jobs to Cortex (
| makeresults
| eval data = "$data$", dataType = "$dataType$", tlp = "$tlp$", pap = "$pap$", analyzers = "$analyzers$"
| cortexjobs
One row will result in executing the script one time. So if you specify 5 rows, the script will be executed 5 times and all results will be appended.
- (Mandatory) data: Specify the data to analyze (separated by ";" for the same datatype)
- (Mandatory) dataType: Specify the datatype to analyze
- (Optional) analyzers: A list of analyzers name to search for separated by a semicolon (Default: *)
- (Optional) tlp: TLP to use for analysis (0=WHITE,1=GREEN,2=AMBER,3=RED) (Default: 2)
- (Optional) pap: PAP to use for analysis (0=WHITE,1=GREEN,2=AMBER,3=RED) (Default: 2)
Note: These parameters are the expected fields name.
This command append new fields per row to previous results. Every new field will start with "cortex_*". As an exemple, you can recover:
- cortex_job_analyzerDefinitionId
- cortex_job_analyzerId
- cortex_job_analyzerName
- cortex_job_cacheTag
- cortex_job_createdAt
- cortex_job_createdBy
- cortex_job_data
- cortex_job_dataType
- cortex_job_date
- cortex_job_id
- cortex_job_message
- cortex_job_organization
- cortex_job_pap
- cortex_job_parameters
- cortex_job_status
- cortex_job_tlp
- cortex_job_type
- cortex_job_workerDefinitionId
- cortex_job_workerId
- cortex_job_workerName
| makeresults
| eval data = "", dataType = "ip"
| cortexrun
| makeresults
| eval data = ";", dataType = "ip", analyzers = "GoogleDNS_resolve_1_0_0;Abuse_Finder_3_0"
| cortexrun
| makeresults
| eval data = ";", dataType = "ip", tlp = "GREEN", pap = "WHITE", analyzers = "GoogleDNS_resolve_1_0_0 ;Abuse_Finder_3_0"
| cortexrun