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LearningRateFinder not working with CLI optimizers #16787

rusmux opened this issue Feb 16, 2023 · 2 comments

LearningRateFinder not working with CLI optimizers #16787

rusmux opened this issue Feb 16, 2023 · 2 comments
bug Something isn't working tuner


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rusmux commented Feb 16, 2023

Bug description

LearningRateFinder does not update the optimizer if it is defined from the CLI or yaml config file.

For example, I define in train.yaml:

  class_path: torch.optim.AdamW
    lr: 1.5e-3

And I set the callback:


At the start, It finds the best learning rate:

Screenshot 82

But after that, it still uses the learning rate I provided:

Screenshot 83

I also tried to do it manually like that:

Screenshot 84

But I had the same result.

How to reproduce the bug

Define an optimizer in a yaml config file. Add the `LearningRateFinder` callback.

Error messages and logs

# Error messages and logs here please


Current environment
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	- version:           #152-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 23 20:19:22 UTC 2022

More info

I think, the problem is specific in how and when optimizers and schedulers are instantiated. Because I run the above code, but only for batch size, and it worked as expected:

Screenshot 85

It used the found batch size in training.

For now, as I understand, the way to use LearningRateFinder is to manually define configure_optimizers() in LightningModule. But this way I can't change the optimizer from the yaml config file.

@rusmux rusmux added bug Something isn't working needs triage Waiting to be triaged by maintainers labels Feb 16, 2023
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weicao1990 commented Mar 8, 2023

hi, I also faced such issue. My solution is to add before_fit function to your customized CLI class.

def before_fit(self):
    tuner = Tuner(self.trainer)
    tuner.lr_find(self.model, datamodule=self.datamodule)

In this way, pl will execute configure_optimizers after obtaining the optimal LR. Otherwise if we use LRFinder callback, configure_optimizers will not be executed after finding the optimal LR.

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stale bot commented Apr 13, 2023

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it hasn't had any recent activity. This issue will be closed in 7 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions - the Lightning Team!

@stale stale bot added the won't fix This will not be worked on label Apr 13, 2023
@awaelchli awaelchli added tuner and removed won't fix This will not be worked on needs triage Waiting to be triaged by maintainers labels Nov 25, 2023
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bug Something isn't working tuner
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